View Full Version : Political discourse, the presidency, and circus clowns

LA Ute
08-18-2013, 08:16 AM
Every modern president has had a mask made of his face. That's not offensive, and anyone who's upset about an Obama mask should get over it. On the other hand, it is offensive, IMO, to show the president of the U.S. in physical peril as a matter of comedy. (This was not a view widely held by GW Bush's detractors during his presidency. I am intentionally understating here.) So I think the rodeo clown act was out of line. It was especially insensitive -- or at least really unfortunate -- to show a black man being chased by a bull in front of a white crowd. But still...I'm not sure all the breast-beating that has gone on since it happened is called for.

I like what Kathleen Parker at the Washington Post said: (http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/kathleen-parker-just-clowning-around-at-the-rodeo/2013/08/16/634b989e-06a7-11e3-a07f-49ddc7417125_story.html?hpid=z2)

And, yes, reaction has been overblown to the point of silliness. But there are lessons, nonetheless. We could stand to tone down our political expression for the sake of all our daughters and sons, who bear witness to these events and must make sense of their world. Perhaps more to the point, we might try to take ourselves more lightly.

Newbomb Turk
08-18-2013, 09:04 AM
I have yet to see any comments from the President about this. I am going to guess he just shrugged it off, but I don't know. I do think that we should not attribute the backlash on this to Obama himself, at least until he makes comment. I'm not saying you were implying that LA. I don't think a big deal should be made of it, but I'm in no position to really judge. Personally, I just write it off as stupid people doing stupid things.

LA Ute
08-18-2013, 09:13 AM
I have yet to see any comments from the President about this. I am going to guess he just shrugged it off, but I don't know. I do think that we should not attribute the backlash on this to Obama himself, at least until he makes comment. I'm not saying you were implying that LA. I don't think a big deal should be made of it, but I'm in no position to really judge. Personally, I just write it off as stupid people doing stupid things.

Obama's handled this perfectly - not dignifying the event by even acknowledging it.

Mormon Red Death
10-12-2013, 07:42 AM
Every time Congress raises the roof on the debt ceiling, I hope afterwards they throw their hands in the air, like they just don't care.

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