View Full Version : What do you hope to see from the Utes against Utah State?

LA Ute
08-26-2013, 11:49 AM
Here's my list:

1. No major special teams screw-ups (meaning mistakes -- blocked punts, muffed punt receptions, etc. -- that cost us a touchdown or gift one to the Aggies).

2. Some evidence that this Ute offensive line can protect Wilson.

3. Some evidence of a killer instinct on the part of both the players and coaches. Show us you know how to win!

4. A serious long-ball threat.

5. A big special teams play on our side.

6. At least one pick by our defensive secondary.

7. Some big holes for our RBs and some violent hitting of those same holes by those same RBs.

8. 2-3 sacks of Chuckie. (This may be asking a lot.)

What do you all want to see?

08-26-2013, 11:54 AM
2. Some evidence that this Ute offensive line can protect Wilson.

Some evidence that Wilson can protect himself by recognizing and punishing blitzes.

08-26-2013, 01:17 PM
a limited number of penalties. I think you’ll undoubtedly have a couple of false starts or personal fouls, but I hope the Utes can limit their total number of penalties to 8 or less.

No more than two turnovers.

At least a couple of three and outs by Utah’s defense

a balanced distribution of throws to the WR’s, TE and RB’s

no Utah fans rushing the field

a blinking U

08-26-2013, 01:42 PM
No stupid personal foul penalties

A shot down field on the first series of the game

Points in the first quarter...I'm tired of the slow starts.

Evidence of the Pac 12 recruiting bump in the form of speed and size.

LA Ute
08-26-2013, 01:54 PM
no Utah fans rushing the field


08-26-2013, 02:04 PM
I wanna see 7 points on the first drive.

08-26-2013, 03:01 PM
no Utah fans rushing the field

Agree. We really need to save this for the Stanford upset. It will be tempting against UCLA if the Bruins are ranked, but it will be much sweeter vs Stanford.

LA Ute
08-26-2013, 03:24 PM
Agree. We really need to save this for the Stanford upset. It will be tempting against UCLA if the Bruins are ranked, but it will be much sweeter vs Stanford.

It would be embarrassing to rush the field after beating USU. I was actually embarrassed for BYU fans when they did it last year.

08-26-2013, 03:44 PM
* No stupid penalties. Those have killed us for the last 4 years. It's something, IMHO, Whit needs to really crack the whip on. Last year against USU, we would make a great play only to have it negated.
* Team effort. The great teams of seasons past have all known and played their part. Last year we often had 10 guys watching the guy with the ball, or on defense, watching someone else try to make the tackle.
* A chip on our shoulders. IMHO, it has seemed to me the last two years that the guys went out on the field expecting to win a lot of these games. When things didn't go our way, they became deflated. I want them to go out there like they have been spat upon and, a la Karate kid, kicks some major ass.

Side note, if we give up a sack and I see any of the O linemen standing ON THEIR FEET with that look of 'what the hell just happened', I think I will go down there and kick them in the balls. I saw that waaaay too often last year. I want my O linemen putting it all out there to give Wilson time. They have to have the attitude that the only way they are going to let anyone past them is if they get the shit kicked out of them first. Balls to the walls boys!

LA Ute
08-26-2013, 04:00 PM
* No stupid penalties. Those have killed us for the last 4 years. It's something, IMHO, Whit needs to really crack the whip on. Last year against USU, we would make a great play only to have it negated.
* Team effort. The great teams of seasons past have all known and played their part. Last year we often had 10 guys watching the guy with the ball, or on defense, watching someone else try to make the tackle.
* A chip on our shoulders. IMHO, it has seemed to me the last two years that the guys went out on the field expecting to win a lot of these games. When things didn't go our way, they became deflated. I want them to go out there like they have been spat upon and, a la Karate kid, kicks some major ass.

Side note, if we give up a sack and I see any of the O linemen standing ON THEIR FEET with that look of 'what the hell just happened', I think I will go down there and kick them in the balls. I saw that waaaay too often last year. I want my O linemen putting it all out there to give Wilson time. They have to have the attitude that the only way they are going to let anyone past them is if they get the shit kicked out of them first. Balls to the walls boys!


08-26-2013, 04:28 PM
5 yards per rush average by our running backs, enhanced by a couple of 20+ yard rushes late in the game.

Very few rushing yards by our QB, including very few negative yards from sacks.

Assigment-sound football on defense, with very few missed tackles because we are using fundamental tackling.

Very few rushing yards by either their running backs or QB. Less than 100 for RB's, less than 30 for Chucky.

I echo the special teams points above. Although I think limiting mistakes is more important than getting a positive big play.

Travis Wilson throwing for over 60%, no more than one INT, and spreading the ball to at least 6 different targets.

I'd like to see a special playmaker emerge on defense. Reilly, Blechen, Orchard, or someone else to step up and become that guy you always keep your eye on like Weddle, Sylvester, or RoJo.

LA Ute
08-26-2013, 04:31 PM
5 yards per rush average by our running backs, enhanced by a couple of 20+ yard rushes late in the game.

Very few rushing yards by our QB, including very few negative yards from sacks.

Assigment-sound football on defense, with very few missed tackles because we are using fundamental tackling.

Very few rushing yards by either their running backs or QB. Less than 100 for RB's, less than 30 for Chucky.

I echo the special teams points above. Although I think limiting mistakes is more important than getting a positive big play.

Travis Wilson throwing for over 60%, no more than one INT, and spreading the ball to at least 6 different targets.

I'd like to see a special playmaker emerge on defense. Reilly, Blechen, Orchard, or someone else to step up and become that guy you always keep your eye on like Weddle, Sylvester, or RoJo.

If most of your wishes come true, and I hope they do, we win by 40 points.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

UteBeliever aka Port
08-26-2013, 04:50 PM
If most of your wishes come true, and I hope they do, we win by 40 points.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

I hope to see an O-line that gives our running backs lanes and Wilson time to throw without getting killed.

I also hope to see Tenny Palepoi pick up where Star left off. I know that is a high expectation, but the buzz around this kid in some circles is pretty loud.

I also hope to see USU test our inexperienced cornerbacks with their inexperienced wide receivers and decide that's not a good idea anymore.

08-26-2013, 06:01 PM
I wanna see 7 points on the first drive.

I dreamt that we converted 2 points following the first drive TD.

08-26-2013, 06:29 PM
It would be embarrassing to rush the field after beating USU. I was actually embarrassed for BYU fans when they did it last year.

I will be at the game. I will not be rushing the field no matter how narrow the victory. It's freaking USU.

08-26-2013, 06:32 PM
I wanna see 7 points on the first drive.

This would be ideal. If not 7 points on the first drive, at least no 3-out. I've had my fill of 3-out. I'd settle for a drive leading to a field goal to start off. Even that would make me happy.

USS Utah
08-26-2013, 06:42 PM
I hope never to see the spread punt formation again.

08-26-2013, 08:59 PM
This would be ideal. If not 7 points on the first drive, at least no 3-out. I've had my fill of 3-out. I'd settle for a drive leading to a field goal to start off. Even that would make me happy.

Yes....if we go 3 and out on our first possession I may just get up and leave right then and there.

08-28-2013, 08:24 PM
A win. I don't care how we get it.

08-29-2013, 07:42 AM
I want to see a chip in the shoulders of our offense and I want to see some big plays on defense.