View Full Version : Caleb Swanigan

Two Utes
09-05-2013, 09:35 AM
According to concerned, the kid went to Clayton Junior High, which is basically about a mile away from Utah's campus. He's a sophomore and is now moving back to Utah. Given his offer list already, I would guess we would be interested in him since he is a five-star recruit.

Anybody know anything about him?

And will he go to East? Not impressed the the high school coach there. He can do better.

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 09:44 AM
According to concerned, the kid went to Clayton Junior High, which is basically about a mile away from Utah's campus. He's a sophomore and is now moving back to Utah. Given his offer list already, I would guess we would be interested in him since he is a five-star recruit.

Anybody know anything about him?

And will he go to East? Not impressed the the high school coach there. He can do better.

I'm sure he is already right in the middle of LK's radar screen. If the Utah program is clearly on the upswing by the time Swanigan is making his decision Utah will have a shot.

09-05-2013, 10:02 AM
According to concerned, the kid went to Clayton Junior High, which is basically about a mile away from Utah's campus. He's a sophomore and is now moving back to Utah. Given his offer list already, I would guess we would be interested in him since he is a five-star recruit.

Anybody know anything about him?

And will he go to East? Not impressed the the high school coach there. He can do better.

Haven't heard where he is going, but this is an interesting development for sure. I remember watching my team go up against his older brother Carl's team in HS. Carl was 6'9. 340. and the thing that was really unfair; he was very athletic. Caleb is 6'8, 275 going into his SOPHOMORE year!

As some folks were saying, Larry K probably met him at the airport on his way home! He will be a fun guy to keep an eye on as the next few years unfold.

09-05-2013, 10:25 AM
I'm sure he is already right in the middle of LK's radar screen. If the Utah program is clearly on the upswing by the time Swanigan is making his decision Utah will have a shot.

He is going to East.

Agree with Two Utes about the East coach, but Parker Van Dyke overcame him. The asst coach, Frazier, basically coaches the team anyway.

09-05-2013, 11:54 AM
Anyone know why he's moving back to SLC? To me, that's the biggest question. Is there something here (family situation, etc.) that led him to come back from Indiana when he had decided to move away before at a time when he presumably could have stayed in Utah in the first place? If there's a significant reason, will that reason go away any time soon, or will it still have some sway in getting him to stick around?

09-05-2013, 12:30 PM
Anyone know why he's moving back to SLC? To me, that's the biggest question. Is there something here (family situation, etc.) that led him to come back from Indiana when he had decided to move away before at a time when he presumably could have stayed in Utah in the first place? If there's a significant reason, will that reason go away any time soon, or will it still have some sway in getting him to stick around?

It may not have been his decision. He's 15.

09-05-2013, 12:34 PM
I just like how Ute coaches are finally mining the rich athletic talents at Clayton Jr. High. Go cougars!

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 12:45 PM
I just like how Ute coaches are finally mining the rich athletic talents at Clayton Jr. High. Go cougars!

At my recent high school reunion (my 40th :rockon:) a few of us who had gone to Clayton realized we still knew all the words to the school song. It's no wonder; Miss Allen made us sing them almost every day.

09-05-2013, 01:01 PM
At my recent high school reunion (my 40th :rockon:) a few of us who had gone to Clayton realized we still knew all the words to the school song. It's no wonder; Miss Allen made us sing them almost every day.

LA, I have no doubt that you were a CCC (Clayton Cougars who Care).

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 01:08 PM
LA, I have no doubt that you were a CCC (Clayton Cougars who Care).

I think that came after my time. Which was pretty long ago. I'll bet you don't even know who Miss Allen was. Or Dean Papadakis.

09-05-2013, 01:14 PM
I think that came after my time. Which was pretty long ago. I'll bet you don't even know who Miss Allen was. Or Dean Papadakis.

I took my kids up to Hillside a couple of years ago and was dismayed to find out they are no longer the Hillside Hornets, the purple and white, but are now the Hillside Huskies, the green and white. Who would destroy that tradition?

I don't even know them anymore and feel no loyalty whatsoever. I sure dont remember the school song. That my kids go to Clayton also has something to do with it I suppose.

09-05-2013, 01:20 PM
I think that came after my time. Which was pretty long ago. I'll bet you don't even know who Miss Allen was. Or Dean Papadakis.

Mr. Papadakis is now the name of a memorial award given to the best male athlete at Clayton. So I know him in spirit. During my time there, Woody Wixom PhD had replaced him in both the gym and student legend. Later in life I discovered that one legend was true: Woody had written a book titled "The Moral Man's Guide to Hustling Women" (since renamed: http://books.google.com/books?id=Pa4IT-0mzZUC&pg=PR3&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false)

09-05-2013, 01:33 PM
At my recent high school reunion (my 40th :rockon:) a few of us who had gone to Clayton realized we still knew all the words to the school song. It's no wonder; Miss Allen made us sing them almost every day.

I am nowhere near 40 years beyond high school, but what you describe does not strike me as an impressive feat. I still remember mine:

Oh fairest Union
Beside the mountains so high
We love you Union,
The years are hurrying by,
Our days are sunny when we're near to you,
Our days are cloudy when we're far away
Oh Union, no matter what we may do
We'll still be bobcats through and through,
We love you!
You're the greatest!
You're the finest!
You're the awesomest!
Union Junior High!

(If you have any doubt about whether I had a privileged upbringing the identity of my junior high should clarify that.)

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 01:43 PM
On, Clayton Junior, we sing thy praise
Cougars together, our standards we'll raise
We shall endeavor as the years go by
To uphold the ideals of Clayton Junior High!

09-05-2013, 03:11 PM
I think that came after my time. Which was pretty long ago. I'll bet you don't even know who Miss Allen was. Or Dean Papadakis.

I had Mr. Papadakis for PE for my two years at Clayton. He died during my freshman year at East. Awesome is the only way to descripe Pap.

09-05-2013, 03:17 PM
Dean Pap was just a legend when I was a Clayton Cougar, both in the halls of the school and in my father's memories as I was a second-generation Clayton Cougar.

09-05-2013, 03:25 PM
Dean Pap was just a legend when I was a Clayton Cougar, both in the halls of the school and in my father's memories as I was a second-generation Clayton Cougar.

Scratch was definitely a CCC.

09-05-2013, 03:35 PM
Scratch was definitely a CCC.

Oh I still am. Once a CCC, always a CCC.

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 04:04 PM
I had Mr. Papadakis for PE for my two years at Clayton. He died during my freshman year at East. Awesome is the only way to descripe Pap.

He was known as Mr. P. during my era. Yes, he was awesome. I loved the guy. How did he die?

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 04:04 PM
Dean Pap was just a legend when I was a Clayton Cougar, both in the halls of the school and in my father's memories as I was a second-generation Clayton Cougar.

I am almost afraid to ask, but in what years was your dad at Clayton?

09-05-2013, 04:10 PM
He was known as Mr. P. during my era. Yes, he was awesome. I loved the guy. How did he die?

Mind you, this was nearly 30 years ago. If memory serves, he had a heart attack while doing some gardening around his home.

09-05-2013, 04:11 PM
I am almost afraid to ask, but in what years was your dad at Clayton?

I think it would have been for the '65-'66 and '66-'67 school years.

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 04:24 PM
I think it would have been for the '65-'66 and '66-'67 school years.

That would put him in my brother's era. (Junior high was three years in those old days, BTW.) Maybe you can PM me your dad's name. I'm happy that at least I did not go to school with your dad.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-05-2013, 06:09 PM
I took my kids up to Hillside a couple of years ago and was dismayed to find out they are no longer the Hillside Hornets, the purple and white, but are now the Hillside Huskies, the green and white. Who would destroy that tradition?

I don't even know them anymore and feel no loyalty whatsoever. I sure dont remember the school song. That my kids go to Clayton also has something to do with it I suppose.

Hillside Hornets forever!!! I'm not positive, but it seems they made the Huskies change while my youngest sister was there. So does that mean you're a Ram as well?

09-05-2013, 06:50 PM
Hillside Hornets forever!!! I'm not positive, but it seems they made the Huskies change while my youngest sister was there. So does that mean you're a Ram as well?

oh yes. LA Ute, Two Utes and I are all rams. that song i know by heart. Hail highland high, the school that we will always cheer....

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 07:37 PM
oh yes. LA Ute, Two Utes and I are all rams. that song i know by heart. Hail highland high, the school that we will always cheer....

We could probably sing that one backwards.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-05-2013, 11:09 PM
oh yes. LA Ute, Two Utes and I are all rams. that song i know by heart. Hail highland high, the school that we will always cheer....

I knew about LA, but didn't realize that there were so many. I don't know if they've made their way over here officially, but Jazzy and BoylenOver are Rams as well. I just missed my 20th, so that makes me class of '93. I hate to admit it, but even though I can still know all the words to the ol' fight song, I can't FEEL the ol' fight song.

LA Ute
09-05-2013, 11:13 PM
I knew about LA, but didn't realize that there were so many. I don't know if they've made their way over here officially, but Jazzy and BoylenOver are Rams as well. I just missed my 20th, so that makes me class of '93. I hate to admit it, but even though I can still know all the words to the ol' fight song, I can't FEEL the ol' fight song.

Don't miss your 30th or especially your 40th. They get more fascinating as time passes. Take it from me!

Mormon Red Death
09-06-2013, 09:41 AM
Go to hell....highland high

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Mormon Red Death
09-06-2013, 09:42 AM
Btw I still know Olympus' fight song and who could forget the oly honk?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

LA Ute
09-06-2013, 09:58 AM
Btw I still know Olympus' fight song and who could forget the oly honk?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

I remember Olympus -- the school with the little tiny gym.

Two Utes
09-06-2013, 10:49 AM
I remember Olympus -- the school with the little tiny gym.

You hear parents now say that "Olympus is one of the only good schools left." That's code for Olympus is one of the only schools on the east side that is still lily white.

Damage U
09-06-2013, 11:15 AM
Just to throw some fresh genes into this CCC inbred thread, I'll give a shout to my fellow Bingham Middle Prospectors!

LA Ute
09-06-2013, 11:23 AM
Just to throw some fresh genes into this CCC inbred thread, I'll give a shout to my fellow Bingham Middle Prospectors!

Just to add diversity, my own two sons (who lurk and post here) went to Granada Hills Charter High School in L.A. (Two Utes, it's the best-performing high school in L.A. and is 11% Caucasian.)

09-06-2013, 11:38 AM
it's the best-performing high school in L.A.

A certain Majerus quote pertaining to Ma Jian's position in the pantheon of Chinese basketball players leaps to mind.

Just messing with you, LA.

09-06-2013, 11:39 AM
I remember Olympus -- the school with the little tiny gym.
Not so tiny now, after the new renovation.

LA Ute
09-06-2013, 12:03 PM
A certain Majerus quote pertaining to Ma Jian's position in the pantheon of Chinese basketball players leaps to mind.

Just messing with you, LA.

Granada Hills wins third national Academic Decathlon competition (http://articles.latimes.com/2013/apr/27/local/la-me-ln-granada-hills-win-third-national-academic-decathlon-competition-20130427)

We're hoping some of that brilliance from all those kids rubs off on our own.

LA Ute
09-06-2013, 12:30 PM
Not so tiny now, after the new renovation.

Look, we are living in the past here. Don't get in the way! ;)

Jarid in Cedar
09-06-2013, 12:47 PM
I can't believe that you guys are proud to be a Cougar :finger:

09-06-2013, 01:02 PM
I can't believe that you guys are proud to be a Cougar :finger:

Clayton Jr. High is either politically correct or schizophrenic. Its mascot is a cougar and its colors are red and white. I can tell you that most of the faculty have Utes banners and meorabilia in their rooms.

Jarid in Cedar
09-06-2013, 01:04 PM
Clayton Jr. High is either politically correct or schizophrenic. Its mascot is a cougar and its colors are red and white. I can tell you that most of the faculty have Utes banners and meorabilia in their rooms.

As alumni, you all should demand that they change the mascot.

09-06-2013, 05:03 PM
I don't get all this love for the middle/junior high school. Mine was the worst experience of my life. I think I'm normal.

09-06-2013, 05:06 PM
I don't get all this love for the middle/junior high school. Mine was the worst experience of my life. I think I'm normal.

I have affection for jr high now because my kids go/have gone there. I hated jr high as much as anyone when I endured it.

LA Ute
09-06-2013, 05:19 PM
I didn't love jr. high either. I just enjoy laughing at what dorks we all were back then.

09-06-2013, 06:03 PM
I, for one, was always cool and never awkward.

LA Ute
09-06-2013, 06:11 PM
I, for one, was always cool and never awkward.

I offer Exhibit A of a Former Dork in Denial.

"It's men in shorts."

-- Rick Majerus

09-09-2013, 09:04 PM
According to my son, CalebSwanigan's guardian won't let him move to utah. Rumor is he is staying in indiana

09-10-2013, 07:55 AM
According to my son, CalebSwanigan's guardian won't let him move to utah. Rumor is he is staying in indiana

Why would you hijack a perfectly good Jr High recollection thread with pointless drivel about some big time basketball recruit?!

But seriously, it is being reported by the Trib now that Swanigan isn't coming back to Utah after all.

Wah wah wah....

LA Ute
09-10-2013, 10:39 AM
Why would you hijack a perfectly good Jr High recollection thread with pointless drivel about some big time basketball recruit?!

But seriously, it is being reported by the Trib now that Swanigan isn't coming back to Utah after all.

Wah wah wah....

Does anyone know the guardian? Can we exert on him some undue influence of some kind? Maybe he went to Clayton?

Bacana Ute
09-10-2013, 10:56 AM
Does anyone know the guardian? Can we exert on him some undue influence of some kind? Maybe he went to Clayton?
More likely he knows what a joke of a coach Skip Lowe is and didn't want the kid being coached by that atrocity.

09-10-2013, 11:15 AM
More likely he knows what a joke of a coach Skip Lowe is and didn't want the kid being coached by that atrocity.

According to my son, it is a Blind side type situation. He doesnt get along with his relatives in Indiana (not his immediate family, as I understand it), partly because he thinks they want to control his decisions and future, and wanted to return to Utah to live with a family (not his relatives) that he lived with in jr. high, sort of like the family that took in Michael Oher. He cant get permission from his relatives in Indians to return.

but I don't disagree with you about Skip Lowe.

Bacana Ute
09-10-2013, 11:19 AM
I just had to chime in on Skip Lowe, he was the sophomore coach when I was at East, Coach Rupp was still the boys coach at that time. I always though Skip was a joke of a coach and was shocked to hear he was the head coach when I returned home from my mission.

09-10-2013, 12:22 PM
Skip was the assistant coach for my freshman team, and he was a bit of a clown way back then. Who would have thought that East could find a coach inferior to Kerry Rupp.

Two Utes
09-10-2013, 01:05 PM
According to my son, it is a Blind side type situation. He doesnt get along with his relatives in Indiana (not his immediate family, as I understand it), partly because he thinks they want to control his decisions and future, and wanted to return to Utah to live with a family (not his relatives) that he lived with in jr. high, sort of like the family that took in Michael Oher. He cant get permission from his relatives in Indians to return.

but I don't disagree with you about Skip Lowe.

This is funny because when the Orchards took in Nate Fakahafua they took shit from some people. They clothed him, made sure he got educated and even put braces on his teeth. Yet many (in your little community) vilified them. Now I hear Caleb was a Michael Oher like situation with a family in your community (who has a basketball player the same age).

Yes, I am a little annoyed by this.

09-10-2013, 01:29 PM
This is funny because when the Orchards took in Nate Fakahafua they took shit from some people. They clothed him, made sure he got educated and even put braces on his teeth. Yet many (in your little community) vilified them. Now I hear Caleb was a Michael Oher like situation with a family in your community (who has a basketball player the same age).

Yes, I am a little annoyed by this.

It wouldn't be you if you weren't annoyed, Mr. Hothead (you will probably get the reference in a day or two, if not already). I know very little of what you are talking about, but the family apparently took him in a long time ago. If the family has a son the same age, he would have gone to elementary school with my son, I think, and I am unaware of such a person.

LA Ute
09-10-2013, 01:52 PM
This is funny because when the Orchards took in Nate Fakahafua they took shit from some people. They clothed him, made sure he got educated and even put braces on his teeth. Yet many (in your little community) vilified them. Now I hear Caleb was a Michael Oher like situation with a family in your community (who has a basketball player the same age).

Yes, I am a little annoyed by this.

It wouldn't be you if you weren't annoyed, Mr. Hothead (you will probably get the reference in a day or two, if not already). I know very little of what you are talking about, but the family apparently took him in a long time ago. If the family has a son the same age, he would have gone to elementary school with my son, I think, and I am unaware of such a person.

791 Clayton grads would never fight like this.

09-10-2013, 02:02 PM
791 Clayton grads would never fight like this.


Two Utes
09-10-2013, 02:39 PM
It wouldn't be you if you weren't annoyed, Mr. Hothead (you will probably get the reference in a day or two, if not already). I know very little of what you are talking about, but the family apparently took him in a long time ago. If the family has a son the same age, he would have gone to elementary school with my son, I think, and I am unaware of such a person.

Just remind them that no good deed goes unpunished.

09-11-2013, 08:24 AM
According to my son, it is a Blind side type situation. He doesnt get along with his relatives in Indiana (not his immediate family, as I understand it), partly because he thinks they want to control his decisions and future, and wanted to return to Utah to live with a family (not his relatives) that he lived with in jr. high, sort of like the family that took in Michael Oher. He cant get permission from his relatives in Indians to return.

but I don't disagree with you about Skip Lowe.

So where is Swanigan's immediate family?

09-11-2013, 08:25 AM
So where is Swanigan's immediate family?

unclear; I don't think he has lived with them for a long time, but I am speculating.

Two Utes
09-11-2013, 09:59 AM

Irving Washington
09-11-2013, 12:10 PM
Who is Caleb Swanigan?

09-11-2013, 12:21 PM
Who is Caleb Swanigan?

A high profile high school basketball player with ties to SLC.

09-11-2013, 01:33 PM
Who is Caleb Swanigan?

The name of a player that spawned three pages of Clayton Jr. High talk.

At this point all I can hope is that someday he becomes a powerful and productive Runnin' Ute, or that this thread dies sooner than later. (Doh! I just kept it going.)