View Full Version : Tough Emails to Read

09-08-2013, 06:24 PM
No matter how many years go by, when I get an email from a student telling me that their parent is dying in the hospital, I remember that fear and ache in my heart as I drove home to pull the plug on Papa wuap. Nothing I can say to them will help, so I just try to go out of my way to work with them so that they don't fall too far behind. But, my class meets for 6 hours per week, every week, and I've only had one kid ever do well after something like this. I got an email from a 19 y/o this afternoon telling me that his cancer-stricken mother had a stroke Friday morning, and tests showed that the cancer has spread throughout her body (all from a melanoma). He asked that I please excuse him since he won't have much time left with her and wants to be there.

Poor kid. In the case of my grandfather, he welcomed death, as did we. He was 95, bored, and uncomfortable with no hope of ever feeling better. But, for a teenager to lose their mom......Hay golpes en la vida tan fuertes. Yo no sé.

LA Ute
09-08-2013, 07:21 PM
No matter how many years go by, when I get an email from a student telling me that their parent is dying in the hospital, I remember that fear and ache in my heart as I drove home to pull the plug on Papa wuap. Nothing I can say to them will help, so I just try to go out of my way to work with them so that they don't fall too far behind. But, my class meets for 6 hours per week, every week, and I've only had one kid ever do well after something like this. I got an email from a 19 y/o this afternoon telling me that his cancer-stricken mother had a stroke Friday morning, and tests showed that the cancer has spread throughout her body (all from a melanoma). He asked that I please excuse him since he won't have much time left with her and wants to be there.

Poor kid. In the case of my grandfather, he welcomed death, as did we. He was 95, bored, and uncomfortable with no hope of ever feeling better. But, for a teenager to lose their mom......Hay golpes en la vida tan fuertes. Yo no sé.

Sorry, wuap. Poor kid. The only thing you can for him is what you are doing. I'm sure that if he ever needs a listening ear and heart, yours will be available to him.

09-08-2013, 09:20 PM
Sorry to hear that wuap. I hope that your student cherishes those last few precious moments with their mother.

11-19-2013, 06:19 PM
Just got one from a solid student. She wasn't in class yesterday or today. She was in a car wreck on Saturday, broke her foot and is blind in one eye. Maybe forever. Ugh.