View Full Version : Will the Cougars beat themselves again? Or, 4 in a row, Provo! Utah vs. BYU 2013

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LA Ute
09-21-2013, 11:59 PM
Um, I am a Ute fan and all but what was the story on that no-PI call on the final play?

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:01 AM
One takeaway for me is that the Utes are getting better week by week. Am I right? Or just using red lenses?

09-22-2013, 12:02 AM
Um, I am a Ute fan and all but what was the story on that no-PI call on the final play?

if you saw the replay, both players were going after each other rather than trying to catch the ball. The Ute player definitely interfered, but the BYU player grabbed the Ute's jersey and pulled the defender on top of him and made it look worse than it was.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:05 AM
if you saw the replay, both players were going after each other rather than trying to catch the ball. The Ute player definitely interfered, but the BYU player grabbed the Ute's jersey and pulled the defender on top of him and made it look worse than it was.

Thanks, I feel better. I will watch that on the DVR version.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:06 AM
Stay classy Van Noy. #nohandshake

Really? I missed that one. A great player should be a better sport than that.

09-22-2013, 12:08 AM
if you saw the replay, both players were going after each other rather than trying to catch the ball. The Ute player definitely interfered, but the BYU player grabbed the Ute's jersey and pulled the defender on top of him and made it look worse than it was.

The BYU guy was doing what DVC did all last year: try to draw the PI flag rather than catch the ball.

My guess is that was what he was coached to do, and it would be smart if done well. The game can't end on a penalty, and BYU would get to run an untimed play from 15 yards closer. If he catches it, the game is over. Why else would they not throw the Hail Mary to the end zone? (I guess it's possible Taysom can't throw that far, but all the more reason to try to get 15 yards closer to run another play).

09-22-2013, 12:08 AM
Please hire a new DC. Sitake may be a good man, but he's woefully inadequate as DC. Clearly, Whit doesn't agree with my view. hmmmmm..... :)

09-22-2013, 12:08 AM
Defense definitely better this week - what an effort! Offense just good enough but really needed to be better tonight - 1-13 on 3rd down conversions and yet managed to win. Play calling needs to be a little less conservative in my opinion. The Dres drop on third and long when we were backed up was a huge one. Dres was absolutely nails until that play. Tough not having our tight ends for half the third and all of the fourth. That really allowed BYUs linebackers to come at us. Of course, the Y not having Williams was tough for them as well.

Anyway, I digress - yes, we're getting better. We are not getting better at stupid penalties though. When will Kyle fix the personal fouls? Rowe's taunting penalty probably cost us a touchdown tonight and made this a game. Completely unacceptable.

09-22-2013, 12:12 AM
Um, I am a Ute fan and all but what was the story on that no-PI call on the final play?

the pass was out of bounds and not catchable, and was at the 10 yard line not in the end zone on the final play, so no harm no foul.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:14 AM
Defense definitely better this week - what an effort! Offense just good enough but really needed to be better tonight - 1-13 on 3rd down conversions and yet managed to win. Play calling needs to be a little less conservative in my opinion. The Dres drop on third and long when we were backed up was a huge one. Dres was absolutely nails until that play. Tough not having our tight ends for half the third and all of the fourth. That really allowed BYUs linebackers to come at us. Of course, the Y not having Williams was tough for them as well.

Anyway, I digress - yes, we're getting better. We are not getting better at stupid penalties though. When will Kyle fix the personal fouls? Rowe's taunting penalty probably cost us a touchdown tonight and made this a game. Completely unacceptable.

I wonder if Rowe will be doing any running and puking next week in practice? I love the kid but I hope so.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:16 AM
Did Bronco really not shake KW's hand?

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:20 AM
Trevor Reilly on the post-game show right now: "I'm 4 and 0. I get to say that the rest of my life." How great is that?

The guy had 5 sacks, and 8 tackles for loss. What a stud.

Mormon Red Death
09-22-2013, 12:21 AM
How hurt us murphy? They never told us

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

09-22-2013, 12:22 AM
How hurt us murphy? They never told us

Good timing with the bye before UCLA.

Speaking of UCLA, they are due for a letdown game, right?

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:23 AM
Good timing with the bye before UCLA.

Speaking of UCLA, they are due for a letdown game, right?

If I were the Bruins I'd be careful about prepping for the U.

09-22-2013, 12:24 AM
Travis Wilson with a 173.4 QB rating for the game, 172.6 for the season.

I'd say the one area he needs to get better is on converting 3rd downs.

09-22-2013, 12:26 AM
I'd say the one area he needs to get better is on converting 3rd downs.

1 of 14 tonight, right? How do you win with a stat like that?

09-22-2013, 12:26 AM
"Die hard Utah Utes fan" Darren Lucy was seen celebrating the win in Provo with Lennay Kekua!

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:29 AM
One other thing that Kalani and Morgan Scalley might need to work on with the DBs: Intercepting that ball on 4th down made it into a BYU punt, in effect, and hurt our fields position while helping theirs. DBs should be taught never to do that. (Shouldn't they?)

Newbomb Turk
09-22-2013, 12:34 AM
One other thing that Kalani and Morgan Scalley might need to work on with the DBs: Intercepting that ball on 4th down made it into a BYU punt, in effect, and hurt our fields position while helping theirs. DBs should be taught never to do that. (Shouldn't they?)

Agree 100%. Hopefully that is an error that will be corrected

09-22-2013, 12:35 AM
I really enjoyed that game. I have nothing against Van Noy, other than his choice of school, but loved the look on his face when he realized he will never beat Utah.

Our maligned LBers came to play today.

We finally have a QB and a legit OC.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4

Jarid in Cedar
09-22-2013, 12:36 AM
They are but, you can focus easier on it when you are working in a deep ball, but a deep in, when are driving in the ball it is tough. If he tries to knock it down, what happens if it pops up and gets caught. I will never fault a guy for making a ball on the ball.

Jarid in Cedar
09-22-2013, 12:38 AM
One other thing that Kalani and Morgan Scalley might need to work on with the DBs: Intercepting that ball on 4th down made it into a BYU punt, in effect, and hurt our fields position while helping theirs. DBs should be taught never to do that. (Shouldn't they?)

They are but, you can focus easier on it when you are working in a deep ball, but a deep in, when are driving in the ball it is tough. If he tries to knock it down, what happens if it pops up and gets caught. I will never fault a guy for making a ball on the ball.

This post was supposed to be attached to LA's question.

09-22-2013, 12:39 AM
One other thing that Kalani and Morgan Scalley might need to work on with the DBs: Intercepting that ball on 4th down made it into a BYU punt, in effect, and hurt our fields position while helping theirs. DBs should be taught never to do that. (Shouldn't they?)

At least we finally got an INT.

09-22-2013, 12:40 AM
One other thing that Kalani and Morgan Scalley might need to work on with the DBs: Intercepting that ball on 4th down made it into a BYU punt, in effect, and hurt our fields position while helping theirs. DBs should be taught never to do that. (Shouldn't they?)

Didn't do any more damage than Rowe's bone-headed personal foul. With the absolute drought of turnovers we've had this season, I was glad to see a TO.

09-22-2013, 12:42 AM
Great win!!! I followed the play by play on my phone at a fundraiser in Cody, WY. I've only seen a few highlights and am looking forward to the replay in HD on BYU TV.

USS Utah
09-22-2013, 12:42 AM
In his post game comments, Bronco said Utah was at least one play better and extended his congratulations to the Utes. Wow, this really is a new Bronco -- though Utah clearly made many more plays.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 12:43 AM
Just watched the replay. The BYU receiver was clearly trying to pull the Ute defender into him to get the call, probably because he knew time was expired and he wanted to extend the game. Guy wasn't even trying to catch the ball. He might even have been coached to do it that way. It was a good no-call.

09-22-2013, 12:43 AM
I'm livid about that unsportsmanlike conduct call on Rowe. He's a 20 year old kid, there is nothing demeaning about what he did. He beat that BYU receiver fair and square and then that damn ref puts BYU right back in the game with a call that has nothing to do with the contest on the field, where absent the call the game was over. The ref is unsportsmanlike. What does he think his role is on the field? I really hate that kind of prudishness and intolerance. I almost want to call the ref a racist. It's one of the worst calls I've ever seen.

Jarid in Cedar
09-22-2013, 12:44 AM
Man, if McGill gets that ball near the goaline right before the half, he walks in the endzone, and would have been a death blow. We still need to get some secondary guys with some ball skills. They are playing good in coverage, but we need that next step to get some short fields and stop teams when they are driving.

09-22-2013, 12:47 AM
Just watched the replay. The BYU receiver was clearly trying to pull the Ute defender into him to get the call, probably because he knew time was expired and he wanted to extend the game. Guy wasn't even trying to catch the ball. He might even have been coached to do it that way. It was a good no-call.

LA, who cares about the last play. Let it go. BYU should not even have been in that situation. BYU lost 20-6 as far as I'm concerned.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 01:06 AM
LA, who cares about the last play. Let it go. BYU should not even have been in that situation. BYU lost 20-6 as far as I'm concerned.

I was just curious after I read that the Bronco said it was PI. You're right. As for the Rowe call, I hate it when refs make picky, potentially outcome-changing calls in crunch time of a close game. The same thing happened last year with the "crowd on the field" call.

Jarid in Cedar
09-22-2013, 01:09 AM
Time for sleep, then rewatch tomorrow to break it down.

09-22-2013, 01:24 AM
I'm livid about that unsportsmanlike conduct call on Rowe. He's a 20 year old kid, there is nothing demeaning about what he did. He beat that BYU receiver fair and square and then that damn ref puts BYU right back in the game with a call that has nothing to do with the contest on the field, where absent the call the game was over. The ref is unsportsmanlike. What does he think his role is on the field? I really hate that kind of prudishness and intolerance. I almost want to call the ref a racist. It's one of the worst calls I've ever seen.

lol @ your race card

he made a great play and then blew it by doing something stupid

As soon as his hands started with that stupid no flag crap I knew he blew it

Anyway, thank God it didn't cost us the game.

Feels great to win another. Not as crazy as last year but still had me totally on edge.

09-22-2013, 01:29 AM
I guess 2 weeks isn't enough time to prepare. Maybe 3 years will be but I doubt it.

09-22-2013, 01:55 AM
I had a great time at the game. Byu fans were great. We had a group of 4 ute fans behind us that wet incredibly annoying. I and a few ute fans had to remind them to be quiet, and Steelblue gave them words too. Other than those young fellas, it was great.

What an exciting game! Huge plays by dres and Poole and major stops by the D. Terrific!

But we are terrible on offense on 3rd downs. Our D is improving on big time plays which is good to see.

Van Noy is for real. I saw him a fee hours before the game and took a picture of him with a buddy. He told me my shirt was ugly.

We beat a team with a very good defense today. I'm proud of this win!

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 06:44 AM
I guess 2 weeks isn't enough time to prepare. Maybe 3 years will be but I doubt it.


Mormon Red Death
09-22-2013, 08:16 AM
"Die hard Utah Utes fan" Darren Lucy was seen celebrating the win in Provo with Lennay Kekua!

That is great

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 08:22 AM
The final play (PI no-call) will be on YouTube soon enough and anyone* will be able to see that the BYU receiver (Matthews?) was pretty much doing the football equivalent of a flop.

*Well, anyone but the most blue-goggled folks.

09-22-2013, 09:06 AM
The football Butterfly Effect.

How important was that missed FG by Sorensen early in the game?

If he made it, they would've lost by 4. Except that BYU would've gone for 2 on the late TD to try and cut the score to 3 points. If they convert, which I give them a decent chance of doing, they are playing for a FG instead of a TD.

BYU's FG play has had huge impact in 3 of our 4 wins.

09-22-2013, 09:43 AM
Helpful BYU fans concerned that the referees are hungry and thirsty after such a hotly contested game, offer them food and drink after the game...


09-22-2013, 09:45 AM
I'm surprised to be saying this...

I'm happy this rivalry is taking a break. I have been looking forward to this game all week and was optimistic that the Utes would win. Now that it's over... I'm glad it is done for awhile.

I enjoy considering perspectives and am always curious how life looks from others points of view... but now I have had enough perspective from BYU fans to last me for a couple more years... at least.

09-22-2013, 09:46 AM
The final play (PI no-call) will be on YouTube soon enough and anyone* will be able to see that the BYU receiver (Matthews?) was pretty much doing the football equivalent of a flop.

*Well, anyone but the most blue-goggled folks.

Blah blah blah. This isn't interesting.

09-22-2013, 09:51 AM
Helpful BYU fans concerned that the referees are hungry and thirsty after such a hotly contested game, offer them food and drink after the game...


LOL. BYU hospitality at it best.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 09:51 AM
Blah blah blah. This isn't interesting.

LOL. My bad. I forgot to check with you before I posted, to make sure my topic is interesting.

09-22-2013, 10:13 AM
I'm surprised to be saying this...

I'm happy this rivalry is taking a break. I have been looking forward to this game all week and was optimistic that the Utes would win. Now that it's over... I'm glad it is done for awhile.

I enjoy considering perspectives and am always curious how life looks from others points of view... but now I have had enough perspective from BYU fans to last me for a couple more years... at least.

Not me. I find the people who take this game so seriously, that it is some sort of validation in their lives, ridiculously humorous in the least, and a fascinating study of bad human behavior at it worst. It is like some sort of Jerry Springer show come to life.

I will miss this game for the next two years.

09-22-2013, 10:25 AM
BYU's not going to stand a chance against real competition until they get a kicker who doesn't miss. That's not the only reason we lost, but it definitely affects how shittily the coaches called that game. Congrats again, y'all. That was a quality win.

09-22-2013, 10:33 AM
Not me. I find the people who take this game so seriously, that it is some sort of validation in their lives, ridiculously humorous in the least, and a fascinating study of bad human behavior at it worst. It is like some sort of Jerry Springer show come to life.

I will miss this game for the next two years.

It does resemble a study of bad human behavior. I've witnessed many rivalries, but none like this one. The religious aspect of this one is unhealthy from my point of view. You are right that it doesn't have to be like this, but too often it is.

Pride is an interesting thing and it can be a great motivator... it also doesn't come as any surprise that it is one of the seven deadly sins.

At this point... I just want to find a way to win in the PAC and make a bowl game this year.

Jeromy in SLC
09-22-2013, 10:43 AM
I am done with this rivalry. Rewatching the game. The play Murphy gets hurt, Daniel Sorenson is twisting his leg as he goes down. Done. Done. Done with that fucking team.

Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk 2

09-22-2013, 10:57 AM
I really enjoyed that game. I have nothing against Van Noy, other than his choice of school, but loved the look on his face when he realized he will never beat Utah.

At least he was able to play in a Super Bowl. No one can take that away from him.

09-22-2013, 11:08 AM
At least he was able to play in a Super Bowl. No one can take that away from him.

To be fair to Van Noy, this game IS the Super Bowl to the majority of the state. He was correct in pointing out that similarity.

I also hold no ill will against him, and wish he wore Utah Red. We need a badass LB like him.

09-22-2013, 11:10 AM
Very, very nicely said. I have similar opinions about our society today. It's quite sad, really.

Not me. I find the people who take this game so seriously, that it is some sort of validation in their lives, ridiculously humorous in the least, and a fascinating study of bad human behavior at it worst. It is like some sort of Jerry Springer show come to life.

I will miss this game for the next two years.

09-22-2013, 11:17 AM
BYU's not going to stand a chance against real competition until they get a kicker who doesn't miss. That's not the only reason we lost, but it definitely affects how shittily the coaches called that game. Congrats again, y'all. That was a quality win.

Thanks, wuap. You're a good man. For your sake, I hope the rest of the season goes better for your team.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 11:18 AM
Today's tie:


09-22-2013, 11:20 AM
I'm livid about that unsportsmanlike conduct call on Rowe. He's a 20 year old kid, there is nothing demeaning about what he did. He beat that BYU receiver fair and square and then that damn ref puts BYU right back in the game with a call that has nothing to do with the contest on the field, where absent the call the game was over. The ref is unsportsmanlike. What does he think his role is on the field? I really hate that kind of prudishness and intolerance. I almost want to call the ref a racist. It's one of the worst calls I've ever seen.

I had hoped your bringing race into this last night was due to a high level of inebriation, but you posted the same drivel on TMBFKACUF this morning. You realize this was a PAC 12 crew? I'll say it again, you are an embarrassment to Ute fans due to this kind of stuff.

09-22-2013, 11:30 AM
Easily the most gratifying win I've "experienced" as part of the rivalry. For reasons entirely my own.

I think I said it here or maybe in another forum. Or maybe I just thought it. But I knew for us to win, we'd have to be superior in the red zone. And a stat from Jay Drew's story backed that up -- we scored 20 of a possible 28 points inside the red zone; BYU scored just 13 of 35.

09-22-2013, 12:42 PM
LOL. BYU hospitality at it best.

If you look closely, you can see that they weren't throwing garbage. They were just throwing missionary pamphlets and proclamations on the family.

USS Utah
09-22-2013, 12:44 PM
Just watched the replay. The BYU receiver was clearly trying to pull the Ute defender into him to get the call, probably because he knew time was expired and he wanted to extend the game. Guy wasn't even trying to catch the ball. He might even have been coached to do it that way. It was a good no-call.


09-22-2013, 12:47 PM
The gif I want is Kelvin York's run and hit.

USS Utah
09-22-2013, 12:47 PM
Here it is:

USS Utah
09-22-2013, 12:49 PM
Couldn't find the GIF:


09-22-2013, 01:39 PM
Here it is:

Let's talk about York for a second. I like Poole and am content with him as a #1 back; but being caught from behind by a BYU safety tells me he could use some help in the backfield.

York had a great series last night, started by the extra-curricular from the Cougars and followed on the next play by the decapitating Elder Hague. Why don't we see more of that? Is it an effort thing? Does he need a chip on his shoulder to play hard? Does he have a case of the fumblies? I don't get it.

USS Utah
09-22-2013, 01:42 PM
Let's talk about York for a second. I like Poole and am content with him as a #1 back; but being caught from behind by a BYU safety tells me he could use some help in the backfield.

York had a great series last night, started by the extra-curricular from the Cougars and followed on the next play by the decapitating Elder Hague. Why don't we see more of that? Is it an effort thing? Does he need a chip on his shoulder to play hard? Does he have a case of the fumblies? I don't get it.

Whit praised Poole for his work ethic. By implication, York's work ethic has not been as good as Poole's.

Damage U
09-22-2013, 02:01 PM

The funny thing about this play is that its one of the better passes by Hill. Hit his reciever right in the numbers!

09-22-2013, 02:58 PM
To be fair to Van Noy, this game IS the Super Bowl to the majority of the state. He was correct in pointing out that similarity.

I also hold no ill will against him, and wish he wore Utah Red. We need a badass LB like him.

I have coveted BYU's linebackers for many years.

That being said, I think Norris and Hale are a step in the right direction.

USS Utah
09-22-2013, 03:04 PM

09-22-2013, 03:30 PM
Here it is:

Thanks. It's gonna be a long before I'm tired of watching that.

09-22-2013, 04:06 PM
The funny thing about this play is that its one of the better passes by Hill. Hit his reciever right in the numbers!

Ha, as long as the receiver is lying on the ground out of bounds.

Diehard Ute
09-22-2013, 04:30 PM
I have coveted BYU's linebackers for many years.

That being said, I think Norris and Hale are a step in the right direction.


And I don't think many people noticed that Hale was injured and did not play against OSU, i think his athleticism could have helped.

Diehard Ute
09-22-2013, 04:34 PM
From the ESPN Pac12 Blog:

"Utah was playing a rivalry game against a team receiving top 25 votes. It was a hard-fought game and a solid victory for the Utes (you’re really going to throw a flag on Eric Rowe? For all the extra shoves and questionably late hits that went on in that game, that’s what gets the flag!?)"

I only saw the first quarter and didn't see Rowe's penalty, but I did see a BYU lineman go after Hale post play for pushing Hill out of bounds early. No call, so I think Gemmel has a point.

09-22-2013, 04:52 PM
To be fair to Van Noy, this game IS the Super Bowl to the majority of the state. He was correct in pointing out that similarity.

I also hold no ill will against him, and wish he wore Utah Red. We need a badass LB like him.

His frustration at coming to BYU at the time of its demise is palpable. When he plays on Monday night in the future I wonder if he will be one of those guys who gives the name of his high school.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 05:31 PM
Random items:

I'm looking forward to Jarid's breakdown after he watches the game again.

Did Bronco and Kyle really not shake hands?

Did Van Noy really leave the field without shaking hands?

Is this not an awesome photo?


09-22-2013, 05:50 PM
I had hoped your bringing race into this last night was due to a high level of inebriation, but you posted the same drivel on TMBFKACUF this morning. You realize this was a PAC 12 crew? I'll say it again, you are an embarrassment to Ute fans due to this kind of stuff.

I don't care what you say. The fact you think it should make a whit of difference to me that these were Pac 12 refs shows you really have a lot to learn about racism. The players were talking smack all night; all Rowe did was say something. I say Rowe's race made a difference here. The call was absurd. The Utes had just literally clinched the game, the refs should have given the kid a break for being happy.

Diehard Ute
09-22-2013, 05:53 PM
Random items:

I'm looking forward to Jarid's breakdown after he watches the game again.

Did Bronco and Kyle really not shake hands?

Did Van Noy really leave the field without shaking hands?

Is this not an awesome photo?


They did shake hands, it was very very brief.

As for the photo...guess you have to be part of the club to really find it awesome ;)

09-22-2013, 05:56 PM
I had hoped your bringing race into this last night was due to a high level of inebriation, but you posted the same drivel on TMBFKACUF this morning. You realize this was a PAC 12 crew? I'll say it again, you are an embarrassment to Ute fans due to this kind of stuff.

Here is a New York Times article about a study by two Northwestern University (Chicago) professors that supports what I said.


09-22-2013, 06:10 PM
I had hoped your bringing race into this last night was due to a high level of inebriation,

Also, this sanctimony betrays you as the kind of Ute fan who is an embarrassment to me beause of this kind of stuff, although your personal attack was factaully incorrect.

09-22-2013, 06:12 PM
They did shake hands, it was very very brief.

As for the photo...guess you have to be part of the club to really find it awesome ;)

yeah, I don't get it either. LA, pleas enlighten the uninitiated.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 06:12 PM
As for the photo...guess you have to be part of the club to really find it awesome ;)

Understood. The awesomeness lies in the obvious friendship for KW by one of the highest-ranking leaders of BYU's sponsoring church.* Maybe it's hard to understand without a lifetime of being around people who try to make you feel guilty, second-rate, or a slacker in your faith for not attending BYU and/or not being a BYU fan.

*In this case, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the LDS Church First Presidency and a very beloved person among the LDS faithful.

09-22-2013, 06:16 PM
Maybe it's hard to understand without a lifetime of being around people who try to make you feel guilty, second-rate, or a slacker in your faith for not attending BYU and/or not being a BYU fan.

Be careful. These feelings of insecurity bring out the worst in you ALUFS.

09-22-2013, 06:22 PM

And I don't think many people noticed that Hale was injured and did not play against OSU, i think his athleticism could have helped.

I admit that I didn't know until they said he would return against BYU. His athleticism would've really helped against those Beaver tight ends.

To borrow from Timbuk3: our future so bright, I gotta wear shades.

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 06:30 PM
Be careful. These feelings of insecurity bring out the worst in you ALUFS.

Bad hangover, eh?

LA Ute
09-22-2013, 06:41 PM
What do you all make of the Utes going 1-13 on 3rd downs?

Diehard Ute
09-22-2013, 06:51 PM
I was stuck on a call at Walmart about 90 minutes after the game ended. It was a parade of BYU fans coming in.....guessing they needed ice cream and soda to drown their sorrows.

09-22-2013, 06:57 PM
@BrandonCGurney: Williams discharged from the hospital...severe stinger and a concussion

09-22-2013, 07:00 PM
What do you all make of the Utes going 1-13 on 3rd downs?

We still have a lot of work to do on our running game. We got off schedule and ended up with way too many third-and-long situations. Same with the OSU game.

Diehard Ute
09-22-2013, 07:03 PM
We still have a lot of work to do on our running game. We got off schedule and ended up with way too many third-and-long situations. Same with the OSU game.

I still think our play calling is a bit off at times, and when we do find something that works we seem to go away from it. Maybe the extra couple days off will give the coaches some time to adjust the play set in terms of what to use when.

09-22-2013, 09:18 PM
Also, this sanctimony betrays you as the kind of Ute fan who is an embarrassment to me beause of this kind of stuff, although your personal attack was factaully incorrect.

I don't care if you or anyone else enjoys adult beverages safely in the privacy of your own home or establishment of your choice. So drop the sanctimony bull shit.

i bet there isn't another fan in either fan base that thought about racism when reflecting on that penalty. It sounded so absurd when I read your post last night I immediately thought there had to be alcohol fueling the thought. You have a long history of bashing BYU and the LDS church about past racism. So when you posted it on the BYU message board on the Sunday morning after, I assumed it was a tasteless and embarrassing trolling attempt.

If that 9 month old article is truly what you were thinking about when you made those posts, then I apologize for calling you out. But you may want to be more self-aware of your posts, and provide the additional background so you don't come across as an ass.

LA Ute
09-23-2013, 07:13 AM
Does anyone else now see the BYU game in their rear view mirror and think, "Well, I'm glad that's over and we won. Now it's time to move on to the games that seriously matter?" I do, and I am kind of surprised. The rivalry game is starting to feel different.

09-23-2013, 08:48 AM
Does anyone else now see the BYU game in their rear view mirror and think, "Well, I'm glad that's over and we won. Now it's time to move on to the games that seriously matter?" I do, and I am kind of surprised. The rivalry game is starting to feel different.

I feel exactly the same way. "OK thats over. No more distractions, lets go."

09-23-2013, 09:28 AM
Does anyone else now see the BYU game in their rear view mirror and think, "Well, I'm glad that's over and we won. Now it's time to move on to the games that seriously matter?" I do, and I am kind of surprised. The rivalry game is starting to feel different.

If you are going to keep pursuing the "I don't care about the BYU game" angle, may i suggest you change your signature quote to a non-BYU player?

LA Ute
09-23-2013, 09:31 AM
If you are going to keep pursuing the "I don't care about the BYU game" angle, may i suggest you change your signature quote to a non-BYU player?

Not saying I don't care about the game. I care about it a lot. I just care about it in a different way. (And why would I want to remove that quote? Not yet!)

09-23-2013, 09:35 AM
Not saying I don't care about the game. I care about it a lot. I just care about it in a different way.

Just admit it - you love beating BYU more than any other team on the schedule! That's fine, that's what a rivalry is.

LA Ute
09-23-2013, 09:47 AM
Just admit it - you love beating BYU more than any other team on the schedule! That's fine, that's what a rivalry is.

No admission necessary. I've felt that way for 35 years!

I will elaborate. I did not expect to see the rivalry differently. This time, to my surprise, I saw the game as one I really wanted Utah to win, but also as a chore to get past. I felt relief more than elation. When the BYU game was the final game of the season, always with immediate and final conference standing consequences (and almost always with bowl game selection impact) it was the high point of the season. Do I love beating BYU? Yes, more than anything else in sports. Am I smiling every time I think about having four wins in a row, with a 2-season hiatus? Absolutely. But now we still have eight games ahead of us that will have a lot more to do with recruiting, national reputation and bowl chances than the BYU game did. The rivalry has changed and will never be the same. But beating them is still sweet and always will be.

I think lots of others feel the same way. Concerned seems to.

09-23-2013, 09:47 AM
What do you all make of the Utes going 1-13 on 3rd downs?

clealry Utah was intimidated by the "3rd Down Roar"

:rofl: or :blink:

09-23-2013, 09:57 AM
Just admit it - you love beating BYU more than any other team on the schedule! That's fine, that's what a rivalry is.

I don't enjoy beating the Y so much, but I really enjoy not losing to them. I would enjoy beating UCLA, Stanford, USC, Oregon a lot more than beating the Y. Beating the Y is a huge relief, but not so much a triumph.

LA Ute
09-23-2013, 09:58 AM
In support of my point about the rivalry being different now: Ted Miller from the PAC-12 Blog, where we are power-ranked 9th in the conference (http://espn.go.com/blog/pac12/post/_/id/62169/pac-12-power-rankings-week-4-3):

9. Utah: Ute fans (see ... not "Utes fans") are probably sitting back with a cold drink enjoying their dismissal of BYU. Yes, the gloating will be thick, as it should be after winning your fourth consecutive Holy War in advance of a two-year rivalry hiatus. And 3-1, after all, meets fairly optimistic preseason expectations. But, Utah, you are still 0-1 in Pac-12 play. Enjoy the off week. Then buckle your chin strap tight and prove yourselves in conference play. Up next is UCLA on Oct. 3. Then Stanford.

In times past, after the BYU game we'd all be looking forward to the holidays and bowl season. No longer.

09-23-2013, 10:42 AM
I don't enjoy beating the Y so much, but I really enjoy not losing to them. I would enjoy beating UCLA, Stanford, USC, Oregon a lot more than beating the Y. Beating the Y is a huge relief, but not so much a triumph.

Yep. X2

I realize we were underdogs in this game... but really it feels like we are expected to win this game... especially if we plan to have any chance of earning a bowl in our conference.

09-23-2013, 02:27 PM
No admission necessary. I've felt that way for 35 years!

I will elaborate. I did not expect to see the rivalry differently. This time, to my surprise, I saw the game as one I really wanted Utah to win, but also as a chore to get past. I felt relief more than elation. When the BYU game was the final game of the season, always with immediate and final conference standing consequences (and almost always with bowl game selection impact) it was the high point of the season. Do I love beating BYU? Yes, more than anything else in sports. Am I smiling every time I think about having four wins in a row, with a 2-season hiatus? Absolutely. But now we still have eight games ahead of us that will have a lot more to do with recruiting, national reputation and bowl chances than the BYU game did. The rivalry has changed and will never be the same. But beating them is still sweet and always will be.

I think lots of others feel the same way. Concerned seems to.

My view is that the byu sees the football game vs. Utah as a benchmark or a measuring-stick for the state of their Independence experiment. Being able to beat Utah might suggest that going Independent left them in a better place than hanging on the MWC, or whatever.

On the other hand, the Utes' benchmark is Pac-12 performance, which admittedly hasn't been great so far. Nevertheless, I don't see performance vs. the byu as a useful metric for assessing the program's progress & status.

This is why the game's importance to the respective fanbases felt so uneven to me these past two years. It's nice to win, but ultimately this game tells us very little about how Utah is progressing with respect to its conference opponents. The game vs. UCLA, however, will give us a lot of information.

09-23-2013, 02:44 PM
My view is that the byu sees the football game vs. Utah as a benchmark or a measuring-stick for the state of their Independence experiment. Being able to beat Utah might suggest that going Independent left them in a better place than hanging on the MWC, or whatever.

On the other hand, the Utes' benchmark is Pac-12 performance, which admittedly hasn't been great so far. Nevertheless, I don't see performance vs. the byu as a useful metric for assessing the program's progress & status.

This is why the game's importance to the respective fanbases felt so uneven to me these past two years. It's nice to win, but ultimately this game tells us very little about how Utah is progressing with respect to its conference opponents. The game vs. UCLA, however, will give us a lot of information.

I agree. Of course the only reason they went independent in the first place was on the rebound.

09-23-2013, 02:48 PM
All this talk makes Roscoe.... sad?


LA Ute
09-23-2013, 02:48 PM
I agree. Of course the only reason they went independent in the first place was on the rebound.

I believe this too. How else to explain the speed with which they moved to independence?

09-23-2013, 03:08 PM
Does anyone else now see the BYU game in their rear view mirror and think, "Well, I'm glad that's over and we won. Now it's time to move on to the games that seriously matter?" I do, and I am kind of surprised. The rivalry game is starting to feel different.

I felt this way too, this season. However, I am not sure how much the September date had to do with it. If it was played as the last game of this season, I think I would definitely experience it differently. Think about it, if bowl eligibility were on the line, or if we were out of bowl contention and looking for some consolation prize, the game would be WAY bigger to us. Also, with conference games behind us, I think we would enjoy it more as a sort of cap to the season, or a sort of pre-bowl, bowl game. I wish it was still played at the end of the season, but oh well.

My view is that the byu sees the football game vs. Utah as a benchmark or a measuring-stick for the state of their Independence experiment. Being able to beat Utah might suggest that going Independent left them in a better place than hanging on the MWC, or whatever.

On the other hand, the Utes' benchmark is Pac-12 performance, which admittedly hasn't been great so far. Nevertheless, I don't see performance vs. the byu as a useful metric for assessing the program's progress & status.

This is why the game's importance to the respective fanbases felt so uneven to me these past two years. It's nice to win, but ultimately this game tells us very little about how Utah is progressing with respect to its conference opponents. The game vs. UCLA, however, will give us a lot of information.

I agree that importance that the BYU places on a rivalry game victory now outweighs that of Utah, and it should. With head-to-head recruiting battles, BYU needs to show that it is improving stride-for-stride with Utah.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-23-2013, 03:15 PM
No admission necessary. I've felt that way for 35 years!

I will elaborate. I did not expect to see the rivalry differently. This time, to my surprise, I saw the game as one I really wanted Utah to win, but also as a chore to get past. I felt relief more than elation. When the BYU game was the final game of the season, always with immediate and final conference standing consequences (and almost always with bowl game selection impact) it was the high point of the season. Do I love beating BYU? Yes, more than anything else in sports. Am I smiling every time I think about having four wins in a row, with a 2-season hiatus? Absolutely. But now we still have eight games ahead of us that will have a lot more to do with recruiting, national reputation and bowl chances than the BYU game did. The rivalry has changed and will never be the same. But beating them is still sweet and always will be.

I think lots of others feel the same way. Concerned seems to.

I agree with all of this. This is why I was disappointed in the new scheduling contract with them that included a November game. I hate to legitimize them in the slightest.

I was out of town all weekend and just got around to watching the whole game last night. A couple of thoughts/observations:

1st Quarter
I believe it was our second possession on a 3rd down play. Quick toss from Wilson to Denham as he had just gotten past the LBs. The pass hits Denham in the hand was a bit too high and bit too strong. But man it looked like he was gonzo had he pulled that in. It looks like the safety had committed to another receiver and there was no one between him and the end zone.
The “phantom block” that cost the Cougars Hine’s touchdown, the momentum and the game. I have to admit that I didn’t see any holding on the play, but that flag came flying across the screen and was probably a 20 yard toss. Clearly someone thought that they had seen something blatant. Having said that, Hine clearly steps out of bounds at the 40. The official even signals that he had stepped out. The holding penalty may have been a phantom, but so was the so called 103 yard touchdown.
4th Quarter
Nice to hear that there weren’t any season ending injuries. At the end of Falslev’s long return, it looked like Chappuis got rolled up on pretty good by one of our guys at the end of the play. He seemed to be in a fair amount of pain and favoring his knee.
As cheated as Cougar fans are feeling about Hine’s robbed touchdown, I think Utah has plenty of argument of their own from a Michael Walker strip of Alisa during a tackle. Jason Whittingham recovered the ball on the run and had green real estate all to way to the end zone. It was hard to tell when the play was blown dead, but Alisa had only been wrapped up for half a second before Walker had pulled the ball out.
The last PI non-call. Meh. Clearly they were both grabbing at each other but the pull down was instigated by Matthews.
Kersley. How many times was this douche trying to mix it up with guys? For a second I was sad that we don’t get to deal with this idiot for the next two years, but I got over that feeling really quick.
Trash throwing video. I watched that video this morning only to realize that the dude that’s giving the refs the business as they enter the tunnel was my church young men’s leader from 23 years ago. He played on the ’84 team. I remember that he spoke in church the morning after the ’88 Utah blow out win and took the defeat very well, making several jokes about it. It was obvious that he didn’t take Saturday’s loss nearly as well. I’d be pretty frustrated too, but yelling at old guys is just embarrassing.


09-23-2013, 03:28 PM
Question about the PI getting overturned... (Not sure if this is the right thread)
And it may have been discussed already.

I must have misunderstood the rule there, but I was not sure how that got overturned. The refs called it a PI right? Therefore, if the interference (regardless of whether it was valid or not) happened before the ball was tipped, wouldn't that PI call stand? It seemed that the announcers were as confused as I was, because they were watching for the ball being tipped at the line of scrimmage, and if it was tipped earlier, then it was clearly not PI. On that, I agree, but it seemed to me that the contact that would have been a PI occurred before the ball was tipped.

I am not complaining (Obvious, who cares, we won). But I was curious how that rule played out, because my understanding of the rule was not consistent with the outcome, at all.

09-23-2013, 03:29 PM
Oops. Meant as a reply to the original thread. My bad.

Diehard Ute
09-23-2013, 03:42 PM
Question about the PI getting overturned... (Not sure if this is the right thread)
And it may have been discussed already.

I must have misunderstood the rule there, but I was not sure how that got overturned. The refs called it a PI right? Therefore, if the interference (regardless of whether it was valid or not) happened before the ball was tipped, wouldn't that PI call stand? It seemed that the announcers were as confused as I was, because they were watching for the ball being tipped at the line of scrimmage, and if it was tipped earlier, then it was clearly not PI. On that, I agree, but it seemed to me that the contact that would have been a PI occurred before the ball was tipped.

I am not complaining (Obvious, who cares, we won). But I was curious how that rule played out, because my understanding of the rule was not consistent with the outcome, at all.

The refs blew the call. It shouldn't have been overturned.

But what do you expect from the crew who refers Wisconsin ASU?

09-23-2013, 03:56 PM
I believe this too. How else to explain the speed with which they moved to independence?

It was fast and it was a bizarre, demonstrably self-destructive decision. It was like, "Utah got into the Pac 12 so now we'll blow our brains out." Someday they'll have to go slinking back to the MWC and this will be considered a wrong turn about like the Chinese today regard the Cultural Revolution.

09-23-2013, 03:57 PM
The refs blew the call. It shouldn't have been overturned.

It seems like such an easy call, especially having time to review it. I thought there must have been something I was missing, because it was clearly tipped after there was contact with the receiver. I thought I must have been misunderstanding the rule.

That said, I wonder how they botched such an easy call then. Unless those refs were completely incompetent. I think what must have happened is Bronco challenged the call, arguing that the ball was tipped at the line of scrimmage. The head referee then asked the review booth to confirm whether the ball was tipped, maybe without specifying the important detail of the ball being tipped at the line, or before contact was had with the receiver.

I don't know. That seemed like such a gimme call, at least based on my understanding of the rules. But every now and then, I am educated by weird overturns or something like this. But it sounds like the refs just botched this one. Because I haven't heard or read anything that is consistent with how that call came out.

Could have been big in the end, especially if it forced BYU to burn one of their time-outs.

But again. We won. So I'm glad it doesn't matter, other than me just trying to better understand the rules (So I can yell at the refs with more authority in the future).

09-23-2013, 04:18 PM
It was fast and it was a bizarre, demonstrably self-destructive decision. It was like, "Utah got into the Pac 12 so now we'll blow our brains out." Someday they'll have to go slinking back to the MWC and this will be considered a wrong turn about like the Chinese today regard the Cultural Revolution.

This is awesomely descriptive.

The problem with independence is that it check-marks all the boxes for a fiscally successful season without the fulfilling ups-and-downs of the actual journey.
Revenue-producing home games? check.
TV contract? check.
Likely 6 wins? check.
Bowl game? check.

One of the last holdouts against the corporatized datafication of US culture is sports. Sports are inherently unpredictable and that's why they're so fun.
The byu's administration has managed to eliminate most of the uncertainty & risk from their revenue stream. At the same time, they've eliminated all the anticipation and the hope and the fun of a typical conference season (a farfetched run at the BCS aside).
I'll gladly agree that going independent has allowed the byu to schedule some cool opponents, though.

09-23-2013, 04:28 PM
Congrats, Utes. Boy, I hate losing to you guys.

You have the better coach and I hope you win every single game remaining, win the Pac12, and win a BCS title. It would be great for BYU, as it might actually force some serious introspection about the current state of utter mediocrity we have seemingly accepted.

09-23-2013, 04:29 PM
It was fast and it was a bizarre, demonstrably self-destructive decision. It was like, "Utah got into the Pac 12 so now we'll blow our brains out." Someday they'll have to go slinking back to the MWC and this will be considered a wrong turn about like the Chinese today regard the Cultural Revolution.

This is the best summary of what happened that I've seen. Bravo.

LA Ute
09-23-2013, 05:27 PM
Utah team singing "Utah Man" in the locker room. Notice the head coach enthusiastically joining in.
(https://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=10201519016049244" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0")

Mormon Red Death
09-23-2013, 05:40 PM
It seems like such an easy call, especially having time to review it. I thought there must have been something I was missing, because it was clearly tipped after there was contact with the receiver. I thought I must have been misunderstanding the rule.

That said, I wonder how they botched such an easy call then. Unless those refs were completely incompetent. I think what must have happened is Bronco challenged the call, arguing that the ball was tipped at the line of scrimmage. The head referee then asked the review booth to confirm whether the ball was tipped, maybe without specifying the important detail of the ball being tipped at the line, or before contact was had with the receiver.

I don't know. That seemed like such a gimme call, at least based on my understanding of the rules. But every now and then, I am educated by weird overturns or something like this. But it sounds like the refs just botched this one. Because I haven't heard or read anything that is consistent with how that call came out.

Could have been big in the end, especially if it forced BYU to burn one of their time-outs.

But again. We won. So I'm glad it doesn't matter, other than me just trying to better understand the rules (So I can yell at the refs with more authority in the future).

I think they thought that it was tipped at the line of scrimmage. If you remember the one shot coming from in back byu defense it look like it was tipped at the line. Other angle show that it clearly was not tipped but apparently they didn't look at those

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

09-23-2013, 05:54 PM
Cookie Monster Ute's recap of the game reminded me of three near-miss touchdowns in the first quarter: the dropped Denham pass over the middle, Poole getting caught from behind by the BYU safety, and Dres getting stopped by a linebacker who only had a handful of his derriere. All of those three plays should have gone for six, but instead we settled for field goals on two of them and I can't remember what happened on the Denham play.

Those plays were haunting me in the fourth quarter - I'm glad they didn't matter in the end.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-23-2013, 06:13 PM
Cookie Monster Ute's recap of the game reminded me of three near-miss touchdowns in the first quarter: the dropped Denham pass over the middle, Poole getting caught from behind by the BYU safety, and Dres getting stopped by a linebacker who only had a handful of his derriere. All of those three plays should have gone for six, but instead we settled for field goals on two of them and I can't remember what happened on the Denham play.

Those plays were haunting me in the fourth quarter - I'm glad they didn't matter in the end.

The Dehnam play was 3 and 1, that's why BYU was playing up expecting the run. We punted after the incompletion.

I would also add the Matthews strip of Alisa in the 4th. Ball bounced right to Jason Whittingham and I don't know if he had the speed to get to the endzone, but there sure wasn't anyone in his way.

LA Ute
09-23-2013, 06:21 PM
OK, I'll admit, this one made me laugh. According to a post at UF.net this is circulating on the BYU campus:

http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt318/lowellbrown/Untitled_zps952e5344.png (http://s623.photobucket.com/user/lowellbrown/media/Untitled_zps952e5344.png.html)

09-23-2013, 06:30 PM
The Dehnam play was 3 and 1, that's why BYU was playing up expecting the run. We punted after the incompletion.

I would also add the Matthews strip of Alisa in the 4th. Ball bounced right to Jason Whittingham and I don't know if he had the speed to get to the endzone, but there sure wasn't anyone in his way.

Then there was the near-interception just before the half. Hill threw it right to the hands of the LB - I want to say it was #43. Had he been able to make the pick, he would have had a short run to the endzone and the Utes would be up 20-0 at the half.

Fortunately, all the woulda, coulda, shouldas didn't matter.

09-23-2013, 08:04 PM
i bet there isn't another fan in either fan base that thought about racism when reflecting on that penalty.

I did. Why call it on him when they'd been letting it go all night long? Also, I haven't had a drink in 23 years.

09-23-2013, 09:24 PM
I did. Why call it on him when they'd been letting it go all night long? Also, I haven't had a drink in 23 years.


Jarid in Cedar
09-23-2013, 10:33 PM
Watching the game again was fun. So here we go!

1. Travis Wilson is a cold blooded killer. Watch his eyes; no sign of worry, no hint of pressure. You can tell that he believes he will get the job done, and more importantly, his teammates believe that he will get the job done as well.

2. Travis was gunning the ball into some very tight windows. Two plays stand out, one was a lightening strike to Murphy on a roll out and another one to to Fitzgerald. He threw the ball into bracketed coverage in a spot that was the only place that it could be caught. I don't think that they were bad decisions, as the receiver was open, but just for a split second, and he drilled it. In my mind he only had one egregious throw; the pop up fly pattern that Sorenson got his hands on. Fitz made a good defensive play to keep us alive.

3. Outside of their two FG drives in the third quarter, I always felt that the momentum was on our side.

4. Speaking of FG's, Phillips is going to be something special. As I thought about some of the big kicks he has made, I realize that his Olympic experience is about the best thing you could have in a kicker. He understands the need to focus, and obviously knows how to handle pressure. He will miss at some point, but I don't think that it will phase him. Coleman Peterson was a good kicker; until he got the yips after the Colorado game. I can't see Phillips ever getting the yips.

5. We didn't shy away from KVN. He made some good plays, but didn't have that impact play that they need from him. We didn't roll blocking coverage specifically at him, we attacked him with the pass. You could tell that Erickson made sure he was accounted for, but didn't dramatically alter the game plan based on him. He probably has had to scheme against players of his caliber a few times through his career.

6. Michael Walker and Mike Honeycutt both had outstanding games. Especially Walker, he probably had the best game of his career.

7. We really need to find a way to keep Jacoby Hales healthy. He was a gamechanger with his speed. We have missed him.

8. The linebackers have had back to back excellent games. Norris is coming into his own. Whittingham was solid again. Hales had a stellar game. Even Fehoko played a solid game.

9. Our kick coverage(both punt and kickoff) is going to cost us a game. This was the one glaring problem of this game.

10. I watched 3rd down to see what the issues were, and they were a mixture of a little of everything. But the biggest problem was getting behind schedule. We had untimely penalties that would negate solid plays on first and second down. Some of them, they made excellent plays, some of them we didn't execute. The upshot was that we need to tighten up this aspect if we are going to achieve/exceed our goals.

11. The big drive for our last TD was about the best offensive sequence that we have had all year. A long methodical drive that was 14 plays WITHOUT HAVING A THIRD DOWN. Simply awesome.

Overall, we played a tight game in a hostile environment. We slowly but surely wrested control of the game with each exchange/drive. We stiffened in the red zone. And outside of the 3rd quarter, I really don't think that they had any real momentum at any point in the game. If we don't have a ugly penalty, or convert one 3rd down in the fourth quarter, we win comfortably.

LA Ute
09-23-2013, 11:56 PM
Great breakdown, Jarid.

Jon Wilner has his PAC-12 offensive player of the week:

Offense: Utah QB Travis Wilson.
Was 24 of 35, threw two TDs and had no INTs in a rivalry game. One of the most improved players in the conference.


09-24-2013, 12:12 AM
Just watched the game for the first time, although BYUTV's broadcast went past the three hour window and the last play was the Rowe personal foul. The only explanation I can have for the flag was that Rowe said something that you're just not supposed to say (think 12-letter word dealing with maternal relations) or had been warned before not to say again.

BYUTV did not show a lot of replays, which kinda surprised me given all the bitching Zoobs have done about officiating. That said, the Norwood "muff" never happened. They did show that shot several times and Norwood never touched it. Additionally, the player that runs back a muff should be penalized 5 yards for delay of game. Players know damn well what the rules are and the difference between a fumble and a muff.

Really would've loved to seen the penalty that bailed us on the Hine KO return. You figure BYU HD Truck would have more than one camera angle on the play. And given Kyle's reaction on the sideline, you almost think we got away with one there seeing it appeared a hornets nest had taken residence on Kyle's junk.

I would really like to know exactly what happened with the illegal substitution penalty that got called on us early in the game. In the NFL, it's known as having 12 men on the field. In the college game you're allowed to line up ON DEFENSE with 12, but you have three seconds to get the extra defender off the field (provided the offense doesn't notice this and snaps the ball with the defender running off the field). If the offense has substituted, then the umpire is supposed to hold up play to give the defense time to make its substitutions. On the telecast, right before the play is run that Utah was penalized, you see the camera shot of Anae, and Cody Hoffman comes off the field and gets a water bottle. The camera immediately goes to the play (BYU had either QB sneaked or run a dive) but the whistle is blowing before/as the tackle is made.

I'm guessing the officials screwed the pooch here, because not only was there no resistance to Kyle going ballistic, but we were never caught off guard again the rest of the game because the umpire was certain to give us the time we needed before he stepped away from the ball. From what I could gather from the broadcast, BYU had substituted, but the officials did not allow Utah to do likewise, and let BYU snap the ball. If I'm getting the picture right, then that was masterful gamesmanship by Kyle. In fact, that's a 5-yard penalty I'll take early in every game, because it will buy my defense half-seconds all game long.

Love Bubba Poole, but once again he tried getting cute with his feet and it cost him. Second drive of the game, 2nd-and-8 from our 27. Wilson takes a three-step drop and throws to Poole in the flat. When Poole catches the ball, the BYU safety (Sorenson) is literally the only player in the camera with a shot at tackling him. Instead of running full speed to the inside or toward the sideline, Poole stutter-steps his feet, Sorenson doesn't bite, Poole cuts to the inside and the pursuit has come to tackle him for a 2-yard gain on what easily could've been 8 or more. It's little things like this that will slowly open the door for Kelvin York to get more snaps.

I want to say our secondary is getting better, but Hill had about a dozen throws that were just Gawd-awful atrocious. To be fair to Hill, he's got receivers who have bad hands and an OC that forgets about his best receiver (not to mention at least one receiver who dives for balls that land 5 yards past the back of the end zone), but he's the worst-rated passer in the country for a reason. If we can do anything close to Brett Hundley what we did to Hill, we'll have more than a puncher's chance to beat UCLA.

09-24-2013, 07:53 AM
Good recaps. Jarid, I'm glad you thought Fehoko played well-I couldn't see him all game long.

SoCal - I agree about Poole. I like him, but he needs to just run sometimes. He is no JW4 and I hope we see a little more York as the season progresses.

LA Ute
09-24-2013, 08:05 AM
I would really like to know exactly what happened with the illegal substitution penalty that got called on us early in the game. In the NFL, it's known as having 12 men on the field. In the college game you're allowed to line up ON DEFENSE with 12, but you have three seconds to get the extra defender off the field (provided the offense doesn't notice this and snaps the ball with the defender running off the field). If the offense has substituted, then the umpire is supposed to hold up play to give the defense time to make its substitutions. On the telecast, right before the play is run that Utah was penalized, you see the camera shot of Anae, and Cody Hoffman comes off the field and gets a water bottle. The camera immediately goes to the play (BYU had either QB sneaked or run a dive) but the whistle is blowing before/as the tackle is made.

I'm guessing the officials screwed the pooch here, because not only was there no resistance to Kyle going ballistic, but we were never caught off guard again the rest of the game because the umpire was certain to give us the time we needed before he stepped away from the ball. From what I could gather from the broadcast, BYU had substituted, but the officials did not allow Utah to do likewise, and let BYU snap the ball. If I'm getting the picture right, then that was masterful gamesmanship by Kyle. In fact, that's a 5-yard penalty I'll take early in every game, because it will buy my defense half-seconds all game long.

In the post-game interview Kyle explained it just as you have (except for the gamesmanship part).

09-24-2013, 09:08 AM
The play calls on both touchdowns were nipple hardening. Both passes into the flat on Van Noy's side. Erickson knows that Van Noy will be blitzing the QB, so he sends a guy into the flat on Van Noy's side, requiring a safety or another LB to make a play in the flat. Almost impossible to defend with the Van Noy vacating the spot. On the first play, Van Noy hits Wilson as Denham walks into the end zone. On the second, Van Noy gets cut by the running back from Wilson's opposite side and is laying on the turf as Williams walks in.

Erickson has earned his handsome wage with playcalling in important situations - the last drive against USU, the TDs against BYU, the pressure cooker of a game against Weber.

09-24-2013, 09:14 AM
Erickson has earned his handsome wage with playcalling in important situations - the last drive against USU, the TDs against BYU, the pressure cooker of a game against Weber.

I agree, but I will also say that the overall play calling and scheme do not seem very different than last year. The three big differences I am noticing: (1) execution, especially with regards to screen plays and WR blocking, (2) the read-option, and (3) very few trick plays. Obviously I'm thrilled with DE like everyone, but I think finally having some continuity is helping us as well.

09-24-2013, 09:29 AM
There are always moments against the BYU that make me giggle. The whole starting from a three point stance on the sideline and running onto the field - whose idea was this? They've done that for a while on defense, but now the offense does it, too? Was the offense jealous of the defense looking totally ridiculous in front of thousands of people?

And Hill's pass out of the back of the end zone that cleared the back line by about 8 yards and bounced into the freaking stands. What a throw! That thing went about 45 yards on a rope, left a burn streak where it skipped off the ground, and put a dent in a bench that the marching band had vacated in their halftime preparation. Meanwhile, in true "BYU Illusion of Super Aggression" form, the intended (I think) receiver takes a full-on Charlie Hustle head first dive, as if that ball was just on the tip of his fingers. Had he been 16 feet tall, he probably could have corralled the ball and kept his toes in the back of the end zone. Sooooo close.

Taysom Hill is one of the very few quarterbacks I've seen where it's legitimately difficult to tell whether he's throwing the ball way or trying to make a play. Maybe they need to get him some glasses, a la Wild Thing Ricky Vaughan. Juuuuusssssttt a bit outside!

09-24-2013, 10:23 AM
There are always moments against the BYU that make me giggle. The whole starting from a three point stance on the sideline and running onto the field - whose idea was this? They've done that for a while on defense, but now the offense does it, too? Was the offense jealous of the defense looking totally ridiculous in front of thousands of people?

LOL! I only noticed it during this game. The funny thing is how the three point stance was so fluid and natural. like they were mindlessly just "doin' what they always do!" It reminded me of some HS friends that had an obsessive need to slap the top of a doorjamb upon entering a room. pretty soon they don't even notice what the hell they are doing anymore.

09-24-2013, 10:29 AM
How hurt us murphy? They never told us

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

Has an answer to this question been established?

Diehard Ute
09-24-2013, 10:56 AM
Has an answer to this question been established?

Word is neither he or Tonga have serious injuries, as of Sunday they were both likely to play against UCLA

09-24-2013, 11:21 AM
One other thing that Kalani and Morgan Scalley might need to work on with the DBs: Intercepting that ball on 4th down made it into a BYU punt, in effect, and hurt our fields position while helping theirs. DBs should be taught never to do that. (Shouldn't they?)

It was our first INT of the year. I want them to catch that ball. They have let too many fall through their hands. I can think of 4 INT's off the top of my head that were just dropped. Normally, I say don't catch that ball...seeing how we can't catch the ball, I want that first INT to break the ice.

09-24-2013, 11:25 AM

If Matthews doesn't pull him down, that is an INT.

09-24-2013, 11:27 AM
Be careful. These feelings of insecurity bring out the worst in you ALUFS.

LOL @ you. You sit here and reach as far as you can to bring up the racism topic (yeah, you don't have an agenda at all), and then you toss out a demeaning term at another poster.


09-24-2013, 11:29 AM
You have a long history of bashing BYU and the LDS church about past racism. So when you posted it on the BYU message board on the Sunday morning after, I assumed it was a tasteless and embarrassing trolling attempt.

And....there is the axe. LOL. SeattleUte, you are the definition of an idiot. Congrats. You now have a pic in the dictionary. Ha ha.

09-24-2013, 12:30 PM
And....there is the axe. LOL. SeattleUte, you are the definition of an idiot. Congrats. You now have a pic in the dictionary. Ha ha.

LOL! I have found the holy grail! This is like finding a 1500 year old American horse fossil. The reductio ad absurdum of the psychologically fucked up horribly conflicted ALUF. And I've found a pair of you. I thought you only existed in the imagination of the progressive BYU fan, but here you are, in flesh and blood. I call a ref (with a checkered professional past) a racist for throwing a celebration flag against an AA who only said something (a possibility worthy of scientific study at Northwestern), and because it happened at LES you automatically assume I'm alluding to the LDS Church's shameful and unapologized for history of racism and apartheid (by the way, I made the same comment on CUF and nobudy there but Christiannut drew such a connection).

09-24-2013, 12:34 PM
LOL! I have found the holy grail! This is like finding a 1500 year old American horse fossil. The reductio ad absurdum of the psychologically fucked up horribly conflicted ALUF. And I've found a pair of you. I thought you only existed in the imagination of the progressive BYU fan, but here you are, in flesh and blood. I call a ref (with a checkered professional past) a racist for throwing a celebration flag against an AA who only said something, and because it happened at LES you automatically assume I'm alluding to the LDS Church's shameful and unapologized history of racism and aparteid (by the way, I made the same comment on CUF and nobudy there but Christiannut drew such a connection)

And you keep digging a bigger hole. LOL. Good for you. Good for you. Way to jump to conclusions with ZERO factual evidence. You never heard what Rowe said to the other player. You have no idea what happened in that situation other than a waving of a hand, but suddenly you know. Yup. You with your axe to grind, took a situation that had nothing to do with your axe, looked at it's shadow, and decided that there was the grinding stone.

You know what? You've won though. Why, you ask? Because here I am responding to you when I know this is true:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
― George Carlin (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22782.George_Carlin)

Congrats. *waves the white flag and retreats*

09-24-2013, 12:43 PM
And you keep digging a bigger hole. LOL. Good for you. Good for you. Way to jump to conclusions with ZERO factual evidence. You never heard what Rowe said to the other player. You have no idea what happened in that situation other than a waving of a hand, but suddenly you know. Yup. You with your axe to grind, took a situation that had nothing to do with your axe, looked at it's shadow, and decided that there was the grinding stone.

You know what? You've won though. Why, you ask? Because here I am responding to you when I know this is true:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

― George Carlin (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/22782.George_Carlin)

Congrats. *waves the white flag and retreats*

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You idiot!’ will be liable to the hell of fire."

--Matthew 5:21-22

09-24-2013, 12:54 PM
Meanwhile, in true "BYU Illusion of Super Aggression" form, the intended (I think) receiver takes a full-on Charlie Hustle head first dive, as if that ball was just on the tip of his fingers. Had he been 16 feet tall, he probably could have corralled the ball and kept his toes in the back of the end zone. Sooooo close.

Never underestimate the ability of the skill-challenged football player to do ridiculous things to endear himself to his fanbase. While not on the same level, it reminded me of Jon Hays' first extensive action in 2011. Washington is killing us in the second half and Hays makes a gutty run for a first down -- maybe the first play of substance he made for us in like 2-3 possessions, but nothing that was close enough to getting us back in the game. He got a good pop from the crowd, but then he's flashing a 'U' as he's getting up from the pile. Please ... just get your ass back to the huddle and get the call from the sideline.

I could just see Bronco gushing over Eric Thornton's false Charlie Hustle effort on that throw. What a couple of dorks.

09-24-2013, 12:57 PM
LOL! SU is like a kid in a candy store over here!

USS Utah
09-24-2013, 01:08 PM
Who is this SeattleUte people are referring to?

LA Ute
09-24-2013, 01:40 PM
LOL! I have found the holy grail! This is like finding a 1500 year old American horse fossil. The reductio ad absurdum of the psychologically fucked up horribly conflicted ALUF. And I've found a pair of you. I thought you only existed in the imagination of the progressive BYU fan, but here you are, in flesh and blood. I call a ref (with a checkered professional past) a racist for throwing a celebration flag against an AA who only said something (a possibility worthy of scientific study at Northwestern), and because it happened at LES you automatically assume I'm alluding to the LDS Church's shameful and unapologized for history of racism and apartheid (by the way, I made the same comment on CUF and nobudy there but Christiannut drew such a connection).


(By the way, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt as to whether the self-parody is intentional or unintentional. I do have my doubts about that.)

Rocker Ute
09-24-2013, 01:41 PM
I find it appropriate that one of the core controversies for BYU fans over this game involves PI. I've attended a number of games at LES, both rivalry and non, and my observation is the only call that the fans know is PI. Particularly at a time when BYU had outstanding QBs, if there was even an incomplete pass a chorus of 'Passing Interference!' cries could always be heard from the crowd, even on occasions of a QB intentionally dumping the ball into the sidelines.

I love the crazed BYU fan, it is quite possibly the most adorable things since yappy lap dogs.

09-24-2013, 01:47 PM
. . .Christiannut. . ..

Ok, that made me laugh.

I'm also done with this discussion. What I'll take from this is that regardless of SeattleUtes motivations, I'll never understand that cat(blue).

09-24-2013, 01:55 PM
I find it appropriate that one of the core controversies for BYU fans over this game involves PI. I've attended a number of games at LES, both rivalry and non, and my observation is the only call that the fans know is PI. Particularly at a time when BYU had outstanding QBs, if there was even an incomplete pass a chorus of 'Passing Interference!' cries could always be heard from the crowd, even on occasions of a QB intentionally dumping the ball into the sidelines.

Or it's sibling rival ... HOLDING!

09-24-2013, 02:31 PM
I find it appropriate that one of the core controversies for BYU fans over this game involves PI. I've attended a number of games at LES, both rivalry and non, and my observation is the only call that the fans know is PI. Particularly at a time when BYU had outstanding QBs, if there was even an incomplete pass a chorus of 'Passing Interference!' cries could always be heard from the crowd, even on occasions of a QB intentionally dumping the ball into the sidelines.

I love the crazed BYU fan, it is quite possibly the most adorable things since yappy lap dogs.

Or it's sibling rival ... HOLDING!

And almost always on the same play.

09-24-2013, 02:39 PM
What is an ALUF?

Rocker Ute
09-24-2013, 02:45 PM
What is an ALUF?

I'd like to think that Jesus is an ALUF.

09-24-2013, 02:55 PM
I'd like to think that Jesus is an ALUF.

Jesus and Dale Murphy.

09-24-2013, 03:02 PM
I'm sorry for using that term here. I had no idea it was a highly offensive epithet to some of my fellow Ute fans.

09-24-2013, 03:11 PM
I don't get it. Can someone explain ALUF to me please? I've seen it a few times on this board but never heard it in person.

Jarid in Cedar
09-24-2013, 03:12 PM
I don't get it. Can someone explain ALUF to me please? I've seen it a few times on this board but never heard it in person.


Rocker Ute
09-24-2013, 03:16 PM
I don't get it. Can someone explain ALUF to me please? I've seen it a few times on this board but never heard it in person.

Active LDS Utah Fan... usually said by BYU fans with a hint of derision, as it it isn't possible to be that and not be a hypocrite.

I think they're right.

09-24-2013, 03:16 PM
I spent the last 8 years hating that traitor Whit.

After living under the reign of Bronco, and his utter lack of giving-a-damn, I'm going to cheer for the U until Bronco burns out and leaves us in peace. I suspect bronco has only 1-2 more Utah games in him, max.

My g-grandpa was the namesake for Kingsbury Hall and I'm tired ofthe taunting at that side's family reunions.

I'm a fan of kicking ass and Whit is a damn good coach. If you boys end up being patient, he will deliver a contender every 3 years or so. BYU will lose recruits to him...look no ffurther than Murphy, who should have been catching TDs against you on Saturday.

I'm no Ute, but I am cheering for you and may slowly call myself a fan.

09-24-2013, 03:20 PM
I spent the last 8 years hating that traitor Whit.

After living under the reign of Bronco, and his utter lack of giving-a-damn, I'm going to cheer for the U until Bronco burns out and leaves us in peace. I suspect bronco has only 1-2 more Utah games in him, max.

My g-grandpa was the namesake for Kingsbury Hall and I'm tired ofthe taunting at that side's family reunions.

I'm a fan of kicking ass and Whit is a damn good coach. If you boys end up being patient, he will deliver a contender every 3 years or so. BYU will lose recruits to him...look no ffurther than Murphy, who should have been catching TDs against you on Saturday.

I'm no Ute, but I am cheering for you and may slowly call myself a fan.

boas-vindas irmão

09-24-2013, 03:20 PM
I spent the last 8 years hating that traitor Whit.

After living under the reign of Bronco, and his utter lack of giving-a-damn, I'm going to cheer for the U until Bronco burns out and leaves us in peace. I suspect bronco has only 1-2 more Utah games in him, max.

My g-grandpa was the namesake for Kingsbury Hall and I'm tired ofthe taunting at that side's family reunions.

I'm a fan of kicking ass and Whit is a damn good coach. If you boys end up being patient, he will deliver a contender every 3 years or so. BYU will lose recruits to him...look no ffurther than Murphy, who should have been catching TDs against you on Saturday.

I'm no Ute, but I am cheering for you and may slowly call myself a fan.

Welcome to the good side, Viking! (We all know that deep down, you're a fan.)

09-24-2013, 03:22 PM
I spent the last 8 years hating that traitor Whit.

After living under the reign of Bronco, and his utter lack of giving-a-damn, I'm going to cheer for the U until Bronco burns out and leaves us in peace. I suspect bronco has only 1-2 more Utah games in him, max.

My g-grandpa was the namesake for Kingsbury Hall and I'm tired ofthe taunting at that side's family reunions.

I'm a fan of kicking ass and Whit is a damn good coach. If you boys end up being patient, he will deliver a contender every 3 years or so. BYU will lose recruits to him...look no ffurther than Murphy, who should have been catching TDs against you on Saturday.

I'm no Ute, but I am cheering for you and may slowly call myself a fan.

beeware the slippery slope. Soon you will be encouraging your children to attend school there. :)

USS Utah
09-24-2013, 03:22 PM
I spent the last 8 years hating that traitor Whit.

After living under the reign of Bronco, and his utter lack of giving-a-damn, I'm going to cheer for the U until Bronco burns out and leaves us in peace. I suspect bronco has only 1-2 more Utah games in him, max.

My g-grandpa was the namesake for Kingsbury Hall and I'm tired ofthe taunting at that side's family reunions.

I'm a fan of kicking ass and Whit is a damn good coach. If you boys end up being patient, he will deliver a contender every 3 years or so. BYU will lose recruits to him...look no ffurther than Murphy, who should have been catching TDs against you on Saturday.

I'm no Ute, but I am cheering for you and may slowly call myself a fan.

The water is warm.

09-24-2013, 03:42 PM
beeware the slippery slope. Soon you will be encouraging your children to attend school there. :)

Whoa now. Let's not get carried away!

BYU is forbidden but my girls will not be attending the U. No offense...just not gonna happen.

09-24-2013, 03:47 PM
LOL @ you. You sit here and reach as far as you can to bring up the racism topic (yeah, you don't have an agenda at all), and then you toss out a demeaning term at another poster.


What are the odds that the referee in question is LDS?
And, if so, what are the odds that this referee is some kind of fundamentalist, old-school, mark-of-Cain racist LDS?
Unlikely, I'd guess.

I thought SU made a good point that there might have been something racial to that flag. He didn't raise the question of religion; just racism. And even then it was a question more than an accusation.

We see what we want to see.

09-24-2013, 03:53 PM
I thought SU made a good point that there might have been something racial to that flag. He didn't raise the question of religion; just racism. And even then it was a question more than an accusation.

The main point SU made was even better - that officials should not allow themselves or the rules to be bigger than the game. There are times to call taunting and times to let it slide. The 1st quarter is the time to call (to set a tone, send a message, whatever), and the 4th is the time to let it slide. Maybe they were warning Rowe all game or something - if that's the case, then flag away. Otherwise, unless something is over the top, let the game be decided on the field. Locker at UW vs BYU is the ultimate example of a ref who just couldn't see the forest for the trees.

09-24-2013, 04:14 PM

Active LDS Utah Fan... usually said by BYU fans with a hint of derision, as it it isn't possible to be that and not be a hypocrite.

I think they're right.

Thank you kind sirs. It had been bugging me for several days.

09-24-2013, 04:17 PM
The main point SU made was even better - that officials should not allow themselves or the rules to be bigger than the game. There are times to call taunting and times to let it slide. The 1st quarter is the time to call (to set a tone, send a message, whatever), and the 4th is the time to let it slide. Maybe they were warning Rowe all game or something - if that's the case, then flag away. Otherwise, unless something is over the top, let the game be decided on the field. Locker at UW vs BYU is the ultimate example of a ref who just couldn't see the forest for the trees.

It's tough to know whether it was appropriate because no one seems to know what was said. If Rowe said something pretty offensive, then maybe it was justified. Unless there's a firsthand report, the entire exercise is purely speculative.

I thought the game was very evenly called and never felt like there was an advantage given to either team. The holding call on the Hine return looked iffy to me and maybe the Rowe call was poor. You guys won. Leave the whining to the little kids at Cougarbored.

09-24-2013, 04:21 PM
It's tough to know whether it was appropriate because no one seems to know what was said. If Rowe said something pretty offensive, then maybe it was justified. Unless there's a firsthand report, the entire exercise is purely speculative.

I thought the game was very evenly called and never felt like there was an advantage given to either team. The holding call on the Hine return looked iffy to me and maybe the Rowe call was poor. You guys won. Leave the whining to the little kids at Cougarbored.

My whining is not specific to this call. Self-important refs have long been a pet peeve. The ideal ref -- if he exists -- knows when to ignore the rulebook.

09-24-2013, 04:27 PM
My whining is not specific to this call. Self-important refs have long been a pet peeve. The ideal ref -- if he exists -- knows when to ignore the rulebook.

No doubt, but do you know what was said?

USS Utah
09-24-2013, 04:31 PM
The only thing I want is consistency. Call it on both teams, or don't call it. If you didn't call it during the first three quartes, don't call it in the fourth.

LA Ute
09-24-2013, 04:37 PM
No doubt, but do you know what was said?

I think Rowe will probably learn from this that he should just make a play and jog away smiling - which he should have done this time. Still, on a crucial third down play late in a game, a ref should be pretty careful about calling a game-changing unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Reminds me of when Majerus got T'd up in the final seconds of the NIT semifinal against Notre Dame. That one pretty much gave the game to the Irish.

09-24-2013, 04:50 PM
I think Rowe will probably learn from this that he should just make a play and jog away smiling - which he should have done this time. Still, on a crucial third down play late in a game, a ref should be pretty careful about calling a game-changing unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Reminds me of when Majerus got T'd up in the final seconds of the NIT semifinal against Notre Dame. That one pretty much gave the game to the Irish.

That taunting call wad just bad.

Both teams had not only been jawing all game, but there were several skirmishes too. No flags. Then we had Falslev "taunting" the entire length of the field as he ran up the sideline after a return. No flag.

And I didn't even know you could challenge a penalty. They not only let Bronco challenge a penalty, but they overturned it even though the replay clearly showed the flag was valid.

The illegal substitution penalty was another bad one.

Those refs were horrible. They should not be allowed to ref another game until they complete a training class.

09-24-2013, 04:58 PM
It's tough to know whether it was appropriate because no one seems to know what was said. If Rowe said something pretty offensive, then maybe it was justified. Unless there's a firsthand report, the entire exercise is purely speculative.

I thought the game was very evenly called and never felt like there was an advantage given to either team. The holding call on the Hine return looked iffy to me and maybe the Rowe call was poor. You guys won. Leave the whining to the little kids at Cougarbored.

This is good advice, Viking. I would also like to see personal insults & slams taken to another forum.
I hope we feel free to tee off on one another's posts, but let's avoid calling each other names. It takes the fun out of a place like this.
Especially when we are celebrating a win.

09-24-2013, 05:11 PM
This is good advice, Viking. I would also like to see personal insults & slams taken to another forum.
I hope we feel free to tee off on one another's posts, but let's avoid calling each other names. It takes the fun out of a place like this.
Especially when we are celebrating a win.

I think this place has a great karma to it; it would be a shame for it to turn into anything but a constructive community.

09-24-2013, 05:17 PM
....look no ffurther than Murphy, who should have been catching TDs against you on Saturday.

Murphy is tall, but not that tall.

09-24-2013, 07:39 PM
I think Rowe will probably learn from this that he should just make a play and jog away smiling - which he should have done this time. Still, on a crucial third down play late in a game, a ref should be pretty careful about calling a game-changing unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. Reminds me of when Majerus got T'd up in the final seconds of the NIT semifinal against Notre Dame. That one pretty much gave the game to the Irish.

Plus Rowe is supposed to be the leader, example, the elder statesman. He needs to be kicking the butt of younger players who do it, not doing it himself. Reminds me of the Ute receiver who at the end of the 98 Y game got up from a catch to signal a first down, got a celebration or taunting penalty, and took Kaneshiro out of easy field goal range, leading to the doink.

09-24-2013, 08:00 PM
And I didn't even know you could challenge a penalty. They not only let Bronco challenge a penalty, but they overturned it even though the replay clearly showed the flag was valid.

Those refs were horrible. They should not be allowed to ref another game until they complete a training class.

Says the poster who doesn't know the rulebook. There are several penalties that can be challenged. Any penalty involving the ball (illegal forward pass, illegal touching) can be challenged. PI is a rare judgment call that can be challenged, but only because the exception to PI involves a tipped ball.

09-24-2013, 08:13 PM
Murphy is tall, but not that tall.


LA Ute
09-24-2013, 08:24 PM
There are several penalties that can be challenged. Any penalty involving the ball (illegal forward pass, illegal touching) can be challenged. PI is a rare judgment call that can be challenged, but only because the exception to PI involves a tipped ball.

Remind me: does the video evidence have to be overwhelming to overturn the ruling on the field? I don't recall. If it does that PI overturn was a travesty.

09-24-2013, 09:16 PM
The problem I have with overturning that call is that although it is obvious that the ball was tipped, the interference was before, during and after the tipping. It is my understanding that the tipping can only excuse the PI that occurs after the tip. How does the replay official know what contact is being called interference?

09-24-2013, 09:56 PM
The problem I have with overturning that call is that although it is obvious that the ball was tipped, the interference was before, during and after the tipping. It is my understanding that the tipping can only excuse the PI that occurs after the tip. How does the replay official know what contact is being called interference?

Yeah, if that were the case, then any defensive back could tackle a receiver before the ball gets there, add long as he makes sure he "tips" the ball at some point.

09-24-2013, 10:49 PM
The problem I have with overturning that call is that although it is obvious that the ball was tipped, the interference was before, during and after the tipping. It is my understanding that the tipping can only excuse the PI that occurs after the tip. How does the replay official know what contact is being called interference?

Usually, when a tipped ball wipes out PI, the tip occurs at the line of scrimmage. It's something the line judge or referee sees, but the field judge does not. It's almost always corrected without the help of replay, because the ref throwing the flag knows he probably didn't see the tip at the LOS. But before last night, I had never seen it used on a ball that was tipped so far downfield.

This play was easily the low point of what was an otherwise evenly called and clean game. The PI never happened, because the receiver and ball were in two different zip codes. You could call defensive holding and it would be a legitimate call. Not Helen Keller obvious by any stretch, but it would've made the tip unreviewable.

09-24-2013, 10:58 PM
Remind me: does the video evidence have to be overwhelming to overturn the ruling on the field? I don't recall. If it does that PI overturn was a travesty.

Of course it does, just like any other play. When does video evidence not have to be overwhelming to overturn a call? (BYU fans reading this, don't respond. I think I know what you'll say and you're right. Leave it at that).

One has to wonder what the reaction to this crew will be from the Pac-12, or how it graded out. This was one of the more cleanly officiated games that I can remember in the rivalry. At the same time, I am lost as to how the PI call could have been reversed. Not only is defensive holding the better call, it is the easier call to make here. This isn't the NFL, where PI is a spot foul.

09-24-2013, 11:00 PM
To be precise, I believe the standard is "indisputable video evidence." Which sounds even higher than "overwhelming."

Diehard Ute
09-24-2013, 11:35 PM
Given this particular crews documented trouble already this season it's even more glaring.

Frankly the NCAA review procedure is flawed, having someone 6 stories up making game changing decisions makes no sense.

LA Ute
10-19-2013, 10:37 AM
Worth watching! I hope Jacoby Hale can get back into action.
