View Full Version : Any given Sunday...

09-28-2013, 08:47 AM
I've been the Ward Mission Leader for about 3 weeks in my Ward which has been in its' current form for about 5 weeks.

Our city is, uh, distinct. One side of the freeway is much more affluent than the other side of the freeway. My old ward makeup was made up entirely of the affluent side of the freeway and was a really high performing ward, 70+% activity rate along with all auxiliaries hitting on all cylinders, everything running smoothly yet not a lot of growth. The other-side-of-the-freeway ward was almost diametrically opposed. A lot of struggling families with a lot of needs, few resources along with a burned-out leadership and lots of growth, at least in convert baptisms. Our Stake Presidency sliced/diced the wards up so each Ward is now 50/50 of the old wards.

I get the pleasure of presenting to all Adults and Auxiliaries tomorrow of BOTH wards. I want to wrap up my lesson in a memorable, motivating perspective. One of the best motivation performances in this vein that I've ever seen is Pacino doing his thing:


I would like to thoroughly sanitize the language of course and mod it into a gospel perspective. For me the whole point of the gospel and "the why" of our church is to get us into teams (AKA Wards) and help each other "for that inch" and know, when you look into the eyes of your ward members, that they will do the same for you. All of this in harmony of the Joseph Smith quote I saw earlier this week on somebody's signature (which I'm stealing BTW) "Friendship is the grand fundamental principal of Mormonism".

Would this work or is this too much of a stretch?

I'll post the zero draft in a bit. Your edits & wisdom would be much appreciated...

LA Ute
09-28-2013, 09:10 AM
I've been the Ward Mission Leader for about 3 weeks in my Ward which has been in its' current form for about 5 weeks.

Our city is, uh, distinct. One side of the freeway is much more affluent than the other side of the freeway. My old ward makeup was made up entirely of the affluent side of the freeway and was a really high performing ward, 70+% activity rate along with all auxiliaries hitting on all cylinders, everything running smoothly yet not a lot of growth. The other-side-of-the-freeway ward was almost diametrically opposed. A lot of struggling families with a lot of needs, few resources along with a burned-out leadership and lots of growth, at least in convert baptisms. Our Stake Presidency sliced/diced the wards up so each Ward is now 50/50 of the old wards.

I get the pleasure of presenting to all Adults and Auxiliaries tomorrow of BOTH wards. I want to wrap up my lesson in a memorable, motivating perspective. One of the best motivation performances in this vein that I've ever seen is Pacino doing his thing:


I would like to thoroughly sanitize the language of course and mod it into a gospel perspective. For me the whole point of the gospel and "the why" of our church is to get us into teams (AKA Wards) and help each other "for that inch" and know, when you look into the eyes of your ward members, that they will do the same for you. All of this in harmony of the Joseph Smith quote I saw earlier this week on somebody's signature (which I'm stealing BTW) "Friendship is the grand fundamental principal of Mormonism".

Would this work or is this too much of a stretch?

I'll post the zero draft in a bit. Your edits & wisdom would be much appreciated...

I think it can work. Your editing (and not just the bleeps) will be important! I wouldn't include any sentence that has a bleep in it, just because it's, well, church.