View Full Version : The Homeland Thread

LA Ute
10-02-2013, 11:13 PM
Does anyone else watch this? I am an addict.

10-03-2013, 08:03 AM
We keep Showtime just for this show. I still think though, that it would've been better if he had detonated the bomb.

LA Ute
10-03-2013, 08:18 AM
We keep Showtime just for this show. I still think though, that it would've been better if he had detonated the bomb.

Same with us. It's the only Showtime fare we watch. Here's an interesting L.A. Times story about the difference in the first 2 seasons, with interesting comments from the writers, producers and actors -- including prominently Alex Gansa, "Homeland's" creator:


And a review of the first episode:


I thought Season 2 was disappointing in that the writers tried to do too much and things got a little whacky from time to time. Like just about everyone (it seems) I rolled my eyes at the assassination by pacemaker of a VP who was cartoonish to begin with. But we still can't let go of the show.

Saul is the show's moral compass. Is he the mole? I doubt it but that's a tantalizing thought. My guess is he will retain his position of steady moral authority and introspective angst. Also, as much flak as Clare Danes gets, neither my wife nor I can take our eyes off her while she's on screen. There's something compelling about her, even though she is not a classical beauty. The Cate Blanchett effect, I call it.

10-03-2013, 08:30 AM
I've watched the Simpsons spoof of it and a little bit of this video, so I am basically an authority on the subject.


LA Ute
10-03-2013, 08:38 AM
I've watched the Simpsons spoof of it and a little bit of this video, so I am basically an authority on the subject.


:clap: :rofl:

LA Ute
10-07-2013, 09:17 AM
I don't know what to make of the second 2013 episode. If you haven't watched it yet, wait before you open the spoiler.

The "manic Carrie" theme is going to get old really fast. Danes plays it well, although if you've ever known real people with bipolar disorder you know that her portrayal is a bit cartoonish. Also, this whole business of having her committed strains credulity (I've been involved in lots of commitment hearings and they just don't go that way.) I hope they get past that very quickly. I like the sinister amorality that the F. Murray Abraham character (Dar Adal) brings. Dana...well, what can I say about Dana? To me she's always been a very unsympathetic character and it is still hard to like her or care about her. I'm a little worried about this season.

10-07-2013, 10:02 AM
I don't know what to make of the second 2013 episode. If you haven't watched it yet, wait before you open the spoiler.

The "manic Carrie" theme is going to get old really fast. Danes plays it well, although if you've ever known real people with bipolar disorder you know that her portrayal is a bit cartoonish. Also, this whole business of having her committed strains credulity (I've been involved in lots of commitment hearings and they just don't go that way.) I hope they get past that very quickly. I like the sinister amorality that the F. Murray Abraham character (Dar Adal) brings. Dana...well, what can I say about Dana? To me she's always been a very unsympathetic character and it is still hard to like her or care about her. I'm a little worried about this season.

I disagree with you. I grew up with a bipolar father and sister. Sometimes I have to look away from the screen because Danes's portrayal is so spot on, especially the little "tiff" sounds she makes when frustrated. I have been known to scream, at the top of my lungs, in moments of frustration, "WHY CAN'T I LIVE IN A FAMILY WHERE I'M NOT THE ONLY PERSON WHO ISN'T FUCKING INSANE?" I think the portrayal is perfect, and it's important to show that the manic side of it, instead of the depressing/paranoia side of it, is where the bipolar often exhibit unfettered brilliance. They obsess about something, and that obsession and drive to create/understand/work out what they're fixated on makes them unstoppable at times. But, when that crash comes, oh shit. Stay back. It's going to be brutal.

As for the daughter, I find her far more interesting than her mother, who I think is only on the show now because she's absolutely impossibly gorgeous and pure pleasure to behold. I felt a little uncomfortable during the laundry-room sex scene.

I thought the scene with Saul calling the woman out about her head scarf was well done. It seemed sincere and earnest, and the actress's tears seemed believable.

We'll see what happens.

LA Ute
10-10-2013, 09:53 AM
I disagree with you. I grew up with a bipolar father and sister. Sometimes I have to look away from the screen because Danes's portrayal is so spot on, especially the little "tiff" sounds she makes when frustrated. I have been known to scream, at the top of my lungs, in moments of frustration, "WHY CAN'T I LIVE IN A FAMILY WHERE I'M NOT THE ONLY PERSON WHO ISN'T FUCKING INSANE?" I think the portrayal is perfect, and it's important to show that the manic side of it, instead of the depressing/paranoia side of it, is where the bipolar often exhibit unfettered brilliance. They obsess about something, and that obsession and drive to create/understand/work out what they're fixated on makes them unstoppable at times. But, when that crash comes, oh shit. Stay back. It's going to be brutal.

As for the daughter, I find her far more interesting than her mother, who I think is only on the show now because she's absolutely impossibly gorgeous and pure pleasure to behold. I felt a little uncomfortable during the laundry-room sex scene.

I thought the scene with Saul calling the woman out about her head scarf was well done. It seemed sincere and earnest, and the actress's tears seemed believable.

We'll see what happens.

I liked that scene too. Also, I think you are right about bipolarity. My experience is more limited than yours. I watched the episode again and came around to your point of view.

I also am liking the way Quinn is evolving as a character. He's gone from being a scary, heartless black ops guy to someone with more of a soul. At least I think so; who can be sure of any character in that show? The only thing I am sure of is that Carrie is not the mole. Speaking of which, the mole angle to the story seems to have gone underground for a while. (Pun acknowledged but not intended.)

As for Dana, I am having a hard time liking or caring about her. But I think my icy heart may be warming to her a little. We'll see.

10-11-2013, 01:10 PM
I liked that scene too. Also, I think you are right about bipolarity. My experience is more limited than yours. I watched the episode again and came around to your point of view.

I also am liking the way Quinn is evolving as a character. He's gone from being a scary, heartless black ops guy to someone with more of a soul. At least I think so; who can be sure of any character in that show? The only thing I am sure of is that Carrie is not the mole. Speaking of which, the mole angle to the story seems to have gone underground for a while. (Pun acknowledged but not intended.)

As for Dana, I am having a hard time liking or caring about her. But I think my icy heart may be warming to her a little. We'll see.

Yeah, I've liked Quinn ever since he showed up in the old director's bedroom to threaten him. Killing that kid is going to be important at some point in the season. I think one of Brody's kids will get killed.

LA Ute
10-16-2013, 06:42 PM
I don't know what to make of the third episode. How did Brody get to Caracas and how did he get shot? He's such an interesting but unlikable character. I hope they get Carrie out of the psych hospital soon. That one is wearing thin. (Note: I have worked professionally with psychiatric hospitals for years. People with bipolar disorder don't get admitted to a locked inpatient unit unless they are delusional or are a danger to themselves or others. Carrie is a long ways from that. Even when people are in that state they are not held incommunicado without "visiting privileges," as they are termed in the show. Yeah, I get it that this is the CIA and Dar Adal is evil, etc., but it's a real credulity strain to believe the CIA could get away with such Soviet-style tactics. And don't get me started in the popsicle stick therapy. Please! Well, at least they don't have Carrie making baskets.) I hope the show picks up some steam. I am worried that the Homeland train is going to grind to a halt, and I'd hate to see that happen.

This critic (http://inthesetimes.com/article/15731/homeland_season_3_episode_3/) has a point:

The redemption of Brody is deeply unfortunate, on a feminist level. I get the “bad boy” mystique, but when a male character intentionally ruins a woman's life and renders her psyche a bleeding, twitching mass of pulp so that he can murder people more effectively, that's not untamed virility: It's evil. The showrunners' choice to pull a nice, reformed Brody out of the hat for Carrie to date smacks of the same “really nice guy who loves her underneath it all” logic that people use to excuse domestic violence. But, perhaps even more importantly, keeping Brody around has been unfortunate for the story....

Some questions from the same writer:

Is Carrie right about the lawyer? Is he connected to El Tatuaje Horrible and his plans for Brody? How is the group holding Brody captive connected to Carrie? And what about Saul? Has he really gone off the deep end into villainy (unlikely), or is this all part of a long game we don't know yet? People, people: Let's not get too caught up in these questions. It might distract from what's important: Brody, being sad in a hole. We, the viewers of Homeland, asked for more Brody, and by God, we got it. Let's try to appreciate the many precious, hole-based moments with him we are sure to receive.

Mormon Red Death
10-16-2013, 07:01 PM
I don't know what to make of the third episode. How did Brody get to Caracas and how did he get shot? He's such an interesting but unlikable character. I hope they get Carrie out of the psych hospital soon. That one is wearing thin. (Note: I have worked professionally with psychiatric hospitals for years. People with bipolar disorder don't get admitted to a locked inpatient unit unless they are delusional or are a danger to themselves or others. Carrie is a long ways from that. Even when people are in that state they are not held incommunicado without "visiting privileges," as they are termed in the show. Yeah, I get it that this is the CIA and Dar Adal is evil, etc., but it's a real credulity strain to believe the CIA could get away with such Soviet-style tactics. And don't get me started in the popsicle stick therapy. Please! Well, at least they don't have Carrie making baskets.) I hope the show picks up some steam. I am worried that the Homeland train is going to grind to a halt, and I'd hate to see that happen.

This critic (http://inthesetimes.com/article/15731/homeland_season_3_episode_3/) has a point:

Some questions from the same writer:

This show seems so depressing...do they actually do anything of value on this show?

LA Ute
10-16-2013, 07:21 PM
This show seems so depressing...do they actually do anything of value on this show?

Everyone is hoping it will be interesting again, as it was in the first season.

LA Ute
10-20-2013, 11:29 PM
Now we are supposed to believe a person can be kept in a mental hospital, incommunicado, by judicial order, because she is a national security risk -- because, Soviet-style, the CIA wants it that way. Then an appellate judge in another state can dissolve that state judicial order and grant a 24-hour "furlough" from a locked mental health facility, all because of the shadowy connections of a powerful law firm. The writers can do better than this.

Mormon Red Death
10-21-2013, 08:47 PM
This show seems so depressing...do they actually do anything of value on this show?

You will watch homeland but you won't watch Mad Men or Breaking Bad?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

LA Ute
10-21-2013, 09:33 PM
You will watch homeland but you won't watch Mad Men or Breaking Bad?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

I like spy stories, and Homeland's first season was good. Breaking Bad is just too dark for me, and Mad Men is boring. If Homeland's unfolding third season continues to disappoint I may bag it for something on BBC.

I hear "The Wire" is good. Any favorable recommendations?

10-22-2013, 05:53 AM
I like spy stories, and Homeland's first season was good. Breaking Bad is just too dark for me, and Mad Men is boring. If Homeland's unfolding third season continues to disappoint I may bag it for something on BBC.

I hear "The Wire" is good. Any favorable recommendations?

If you think Breaking Bad is too dark, stay the hell away from The Wire. It's probably borderlining NC17. But, it's genius work. So, there's that. Homeland requires a suspension of disbelief. I never felt that from The Wire.

LA Ute
10-22-2013, 06:45 AM
If you think Breaking Bad is too dark, stay the hell away from The Wire. It's probably borderlining NC17. But, it's genius work. So, there's that. Homeland requires a suspension of disbelief. I never felt that from The Wire.

LOL. Ok, but what about Brody? Can they make that character interesting again?

10-22-2013, 04:56 PM
LOL. Ok, but what about Brody? Can they make that character interesting again?

I hope not. He should've detonated the bomb. That would've been the best ending ever to a season of any show.

LA Ute
10-22-2013, 06:52 PM
I hope not. He should've detonated the bomb. That would've been the best ending ever to a season of any show.

They need to kill him. Abu Nazir should be alive and Brody should be dead.

LA Ute
10-28-2013, 05:03 PM
"Homeland" star Patinkin: Be patient with plot twists (http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=50157727n)

Hot Lunch
10-29-2013, 02:12 PM
I like spy stories, and Homeland's first season was good. Breaking Bad is just too dark for me, and Mad Men is boring. If Homeland's unfolding third season continues to disappoint I may bag it for something on BBC.

I hear "The Wire" is good. Any favorable recommendations?

I absolutely loved The Wire. My favorite series so far. Right now I am just starting Season 5 on my 2nd time watching the series. The character development is amazing. Best I have ever seen. The story line is what got me. I am always interested in the Urban lifestyle. Growing up in po-dunk Utah, then becoming friends as I grew up with individuals that actually did grow up in the type of environment that The Wire displays, caused me to have a huge interest in this series. If you can handle F-bombs, drugs, shootings, and some intense situations then you will love it.

LA Ute
10-29-2013, 11:40 PM
Now I've finally seen the "Game On" episode. They got me. I'm back on board.

Still haven't seen the most recent episode. Soon!

LA Ute
10-31-2013, 04:50 PM
Watched "The Yoga Play" last night. I'm really enjoying the show again. I hope Brody disappears, though. I don't care about that character.

LA Ute
11-01-2013, 11:39 PM
And...heaven help me, I'm starting to care about Dana.

LA Ute
02-10-2014, 08:12 AM
Now that the season is over:

I'm glad that the Brody character is finally out of the way. I hope there's not some cheesy soap opera-style trick that brings him back, e.g., making the hanging a hoax; but we will see -- that doesn't look likely (http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/12/17/damian-lewis-homeland-finale/), based on w3hat Damien Lewis has said:

I think they did a really good job with it. I knew he had become a popular character so I wanted him served well. I wanted him to go out with a bang. I wanted him to have a grand finale. I didn’t expect a hero’s finale because Brody is not a hero, he’s become too much of a tragic figure over the course of three seasons; he’s a damaged man. I just wanted it to resonate, I wanted it to be moving, and be very affecting in the way he goes to his death with so much unsaid, so much undone. I wanted it to really register with the audience — the pain between himself and Carrie and she sees him go to his death. I just hoped we would honor all those things.

Still, I'll believe Brody's gone when the show is over once and for all.

But now what? It almost feels like the show is over. Iran has been tamed. Saul is triumphant -- and out of the Agency. Carrie has a major CIA posting in Istanbul. What relevance does the Brody family and its travails have anymore? Are they doomed to go trough life thinking their father murdered 300+ people in the CIA bombing? Will Brody's redemption ever be known? I guess we'll have to wait until next fall to find out.