View Full Version : The Boy Scouts of America. Molesting children and destroying national parks.

10-19-2013, 11:10 AM


And complaining that their viral video has now resulted in death threats towards them.

Grape-lady, who did nothing but fall on her face, had death threats. That's what happens when you have a video of yourself go viral. These idiots need to shut up and go away.

LA Ute, your thoughts on the Boys Scouts' activities this week?

LA Ute
10-19-2013, 11:14 AM
They behaved idiotically and inexcusably. Whatever else might be said about Scouting, it is supposed to be a conservation movement. That is a key and core Scouting principle. In my opinion, that these guys were on a Scout outing had nothing to do with the stupid thing they did.

Thanks for stopping by, Moose!