View Full Version : The Fake U gets a slap on the wrist for the Nevin Shapiro situation...

10-22-2013, 12:38 PM
The NCAA sucks.


10-22-2013, 02:17 PM
The NCAA sucks.


I'm rarely an apologist for the NCAA, but what more could they have done that Miami already didn't do?

10-22-2013, 02:21 PM
I'm rarely an apologist for the NCAA, but what more could they have done that Miami already didn't do?

The real problem is that they were either way too harsh on USC or way to lenient on everyone else. If not for the USC penalties, everyone would have accepted OSU, Oregon, and Miami more easily.

10-22-2013, 02:27 PM
The real problem is that they were either way too harsh on USC or way to lenient on everyone else. If not for the USC penalties, everyone would have accepted OSU, Oregon, and Miami more easily.

None of the schools you mentioned self-imposed the penalties that Miami did on itself.

10-22-2013, 02:40 PM
None of the schools you mentioned self-imposed the penalties that Miami did on itself.

A tweet from BCSGuru:

In NCAA jurisprudence, you murder someone, you turn yourself in and wash the car for cops. Then they set you free.

If I'm looking at a million dollar fine, but I self impose a $100 fine, why should that erase the $999,900? Miami self imposed what, an absence from the Sun Bowl and a beat down in the ACC championship game?

Letting a completely corrupt school off with a slap on the wrist isn't doing any favors for any of the clean programs out there. In the post-USC world, there simply is not a strong incentive to run things on the up.

10-22-2013, 02:55 PM
A tweet from BCSGuru:

If I'm looking at a million dollar fine, but I self impose a $100 fine, why should that erase the $999,900? Miami self imposed what, an absence from the Sun Bowl and a beat down in the ACC championship game?

Letting a completely corrupt school off with a slap on the wrist isn't doing any favors for any of the clean programs out there. In the post-USC world, there simply is not a strong incentive to run things on the up.

Miami was already running 11 scholarships under the max this season, self-imposed. It missed two bowl games, and withdrew from an ACC title game bid it had earned. The NCAA bungled this case badly. I'm not saying Miami is 100 percent innocent, but if this were a jury trial, it would have been declared a mistrial.

Additionally, we have to get over this faux angst we have over "illegal" benefits within amateur athletics. The entire concept of amateurism is a sham, developed by British aristocracy so the dirty and unkept couldn't rise to their social and economic standing by beating them at their own games. And even as Miami has shown with spotty and mediocre results the last several years, paying players and giving them "illegal" benefits doesn't always create the uneven playing field that's feared.

10-22-2013, 03:07 PM
Additionally, we have to get over this faux angst we have over "illegal" benefits within amateur athletics. The entire concept of amateurism is a sham, developed by British aristocracy so the dirty and unkept couldn't rise to their social and economic standing by beating them at their own games. And even as Miami has shown with spotty and mediocre results the last several years, paying players and giving them "illegal" benefits doesn't always create the uneven playing field that's feared.

I really don't care how we got here in terms of amateurism. All I know is I want it enforced. Allowing people to pay recruits would have a drastic negative effect on college football, especially for non-power programs like ours.

10-22-2013, 03:08 PM
Miami received this punishment for circumstances that involved more than 100 players. USC received a much harsher punishment for circumstances involving one player. Also, Miami has a history of cheating. IMO, that should be an aggravating factor.

More than anything, I like any chance to call Miami the Fake U. It's fun to say that.

10-22-2013, 08:14 PM
Miami received this punishment for circumstances that involved more than 100 players. USC received a much harsher punishment for circumstances involving one player. Also, Miami has a history of cheating. IMO, that should be an aggravating factor.

More than anything, I like any chance to call Miami the Fake U. It's fun to say that.

That is a point I will never debate.

RE: USC. Troy didn't exactly have a sparkling resume with the NCAA prior to Reggie Bush, either.

10-22-2013, 08:18 PM
I really don't care how we got here in terms of amateurism. All I know is I want it enforced. Allowing people to pay recruits would have a drastic negative effect on college football, especially for non-power programs like ours.

I'm not saying we could be the only "clean" 10-win program in a sea of dirty, yet equally successful, programs, but our money spends just as well as anyone else's. We would just have to be more selective in how we dole it out. We would also be forced to actually market ourselves, rather than forcing our coaches to shoulder that load.

10-23-2013, 08:01 AM
I'm not saying we could be the only "clean" 10-win program in a sea of dirty, yet equally successful, programs, but our money spends just as well as anyone else's. We would just have to be more selective in how we dole it out. We would also be forced to actually market ourselves, rather than forcing our coaches to shoulder that load.

This is something Urban pushed big time, but the University still hasn't done enough of. Market yourself. Put your logo everywhere. Brag. Show how awesome you are. I walk around campus, and I would have no clue what school I was at.

10-23-2013, 09:39 PM
This is something Urban pushed big time, but the University still hasn't done enough of. Market yourself. Put your logo everywhere. Brag. Show how awesome you are. I walk around campus, and I would have no clue what school I was at.

Marketing yourself is much more than improved self-confidence. It's about doing things that are outrageous and get people talking about you nationally. And I'm not sure we have anyone in the athletic department -- player, coach or administrator -- that can carry that flag.