View Full Version : The Golf Thread: Talk about Clubs, Courses, and your Golfing Highs and Lows.

02-20-2013, 06:34 PM
This thread is dedicated to the world's greatest game.

With more than 500 years of history, and generations of avid participants, golf is the king of sport. Let's get to know each other a little better by talking about our highs, and lows, and our love of the game.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdlgo7Z_MHGMyfxGh1R_GZ7nwmwTtmd pNaOgoM-wlOQQMJOTOOCQ

02-22-2013, 08:21 PM
I am seriously jonesing to golf. I drive by Wingpointe every day going to work. It is usually one of the first to be playable as the snow melts. Right now, it seems like it me be months away instead of weeks.

We are planning a long weekend in St George in a couple of weeks, but there are a few different things that may ruin that.

02-23-2013, 03:30 PM
Here in Oregon the weather has been very good for a February. However, I must to admit to being a only 60* and higher golfer. Below that, and it becomes a chore. The last couple of years I started golfing in March, and I'm hoping that I'll do that this year as well.

Drunk tank
02-25-2013, 09:28 PM
My wife has been on my ass to golf less and hang with the family more. So this last weekend I put golf on the shelf (even though it was my birthday weekend) and stayed home with the family. Wife and I went to a homeshow which was a bust, and then I fell asleep on the couch. Nothing accomplished. But hey, we were together as a family doing nothing!:wallbash: I am ditching work tomorrow and may try to get a round in early in the morning...

Drunk tank
02-25-2013, 10:16 PM
Also, Hank Haney fans, the new Hank Haney Project starts tonight on the golf channel. It is with Michael Phelps.

03-01-2013, 04:52 PM
If you plan on being in the St George area between now and next September, KSL has a deal on a voucher to play Sky Mountain, $32.00 18 with a cart.


We usually try to play Sky Mountain when we are down there. It's a fun, scenic course.

03-01-2013, 05:13 PM
Years ago I lived on one of the St. George courses. I was playing one morning (in other words snuck on) with a couple of friends. We got to #8 which was at the time a little par-3. Just as we hit the tee box we saw one of the groundskeepers waving us off while he repositioned the hole. He put his digger in the ground, pulled out the plug of sod, pulled up the plastic cup and placed it in the new hole, then tamping down the sod from the new hole into the old.

The old hole was toward the back left of the green and the new one was closer and to the right. I thought about clubbing up one but decided not to. I hit the ball straight on to the hole but flew it with the ball hitting right on the first-cut fringe right at the back of the green. The ball proceeded to roll back onto the green, straight to the left and a little down landing right on top of the plug where the hole had been just 2 minutes earlier.

I still try to figure out how to count it as a hole in one.

San Diego Ute Fan
03-01-2013, 05:43 PM
First, let me say I've become a horrible golfer. Ever since our first child, I decided to never golf unless it was during work hours, and I sneak in a little driving range work once in a while during lunch. I've devoted my weekends to the wife and kids for 25 years. Therefore, I get out very little.

Anyway, a few years ago at a corporate outing I found myself in a foursome at Pelican Hill in Newport Coast. Beautiful course. It was a shotgun start, best ball scramble. Our first hole was a par 3 appropriately named "Postage Stamp". It is about a 170 yard forced carry over a canyon. The first 3 golfers hit it everywhere but onto the green. I hit a 5 iron perfectly and stopped 3 feet short of the pin for a birdie.

The other 3 golfers were very, very good and we won the tournament. My only contribution was the first hole.

03-03-2013, 09:28 PM
I am seriously jonesing to golf. I drive by Wingpointe every day going to work. It is usually one of the first to be playable as the snow melts. Right now, it seems like it me be months away instead of weeks.

We are planning a long weekend in St George in a couple of weeks, but there are a few different things that may ruin that.

Our plans have come together, and we'll be playing in St George on the 14th, 15th, and 16th. I'm excited, I feel like a kid a couple of weeks before Christmas.

We'll be playing as a threesome each day. If anyone is in St George on those days and wants to join us as a single, let me know.

03-06-2013, 10:42 AM
In 1977, I was a freshman at BYU. I just came off a summer of daily golf, and was shooting in the mid/low 70's. I played Cascade one day, and was teamed up with two other people, who were playing for money. I asked if I could get in on the action. They said it was $20. As I had three $20's in my pocket, I said OK. It turns out that the two guys were assistants at the course, meaning that they were "professional" and on their home course. As soon as I learned this I thought "oh Crap" there goes $20. Cascade was only a 9 holer then, and somehow I got a little hot, and shot a 35 to their 36, and 38. It came down to 9 the par 5, and I got it up and down just off the front for a bird, while the other guy missed his bird. They paid up on the spot, and I went into the clubhouse and bought a Titleist "Original" 35A putter that I still have to this day. ($40)

Diehard Ute
03-06-2013, 11:20 AM
For those in Salt Lake wanting their fix, Crashpointe....err Wingpointe opened today. All 18 holes are open, no carts yet though.

03-06-2013, 02:40 PM
For those in Salt Lake wanting their fix, Crashpointe....err Wingpointe opened today. All 18 holes are open, no carts yet though.

I don't get the Crashpointe reference. Can you explain?

Diehard Ute
03-06-2013, 02:42 PM
I don't get the Crashpointe reference. Can you explain?

Cause it's directly in the flight path for the east runways.

There's a reason they can't put buildings or parking lots there :)

08-13-2013, 10:49 AM
Another reason to avoid Mountain View. I only played it once, and was not impressed anyways. Plus it's a long drive from Davis County. But now we got rednecks out there beating up on old men:


08-27-2013, 04:15 PM
We played Westridge, out on 5600 W last Friday. We used to play this course a few times a year during the summer, when they would charge $18 for 18 holes with a cart.

The course was almost completely renovated the past couple of years, due to the Mountain View Corridor (?) (or whatever the new highway is called) cutting into their land. The course was fun, but not very long. None of the par 3's were longer than 130 yards from the white tees (and all were severly down hill), and most of the par 4's were 350 or less.

In addition, the wind was howling from the south at a good 20-30 miles per hour. My brother didn't have much fun. I kind of gave up on scoring, and tried to have fun hitting some creative shots. Ended up shooting a 92, which isn't bad for me. However, I'm not all that excited to go back. I only hit driver on a few holes, and usually had a short iron or wedge into the green.

02-21-2014, 04:54 PM
Time to resurrect this old thread. We have a tee time at Davis Park tomorrow morning :rockon:

I also played Green Springs in St George last weekend while my wife shopped. That course kicks my butt every time. I did par the 11th hole with two 5 irons and 2 putts, which made my day. I don't think I have ever done better than a double bogey on that whole.

Then we have a St George trip planned again this year in a couple of weeks. We'll probably play Valdera/The Ledges (whatever they are calling it this week), Sky Mountain, and then either Sand Hollow or a Mesquite course.

04-04-2014, 05:11 PM
Just played Pelican Hill in Newport Beach for the first time. Prettiest course I've ever played.


04-05-2014, 12:47 AM
Just played Pelican Hill in Newport Beach for the first time. Prettiest course I've ever played.

Nice, I'm jealous.

Here are a couple of pictures from the back nine at Sand Hollow. It was in great shape, unlike our games. Although on the second picture, my dad's shot landed a foot from the hole and rolled about 20 feet beyond.

05-24-2014, 03:27 PM
My dad and I played 18 at Sun Hills in Layton this morning. It was raining everywhere south of Layton, but on the course we never felt a drop. It was gray and in the 50's, but walking 18 kept us warm. I bet a lot of folks with tee times in SLC and even South Davis County bailed due to rain, but we had great conditions up north.

Going to 18, I needed a 5 to shoot 90 for the day. My tee shot went towards the OB markers on the left, but the hill kept it just in. I was 190 yards from the hole and had a terrible lie, so I just tried to advance the ball and get it in the fairway. I was left with a 95 yard shot to the pin. I pulled out my 52 degree wedge, and choked down a bit. The shot went high and straight, landed on the green, bounced and then rolled. I could tell it was on line, but was shocked when it hit the flag and went in the hole. Finishing strong always feels good, and ending with a hole-out birdie from 95 yards to finish at 88 felt great!

This picture of my dad, with the clouds shrouding the mountains is a good reminder of this fun round.

06-19-2015, 08:26 PM
I showed up at Davis Park this morning at 5:30. They let me tee off at 5:45. I finished the front in 1:15. The sun didn't rise until I was half way through the 12th hole, and I finished 18 by 8:30. And I shot my 2nd best score ever. Then home to take a nap and watch the U.S. Open. It was a nearly perfect morning.

10-24-2015, 04:36 PM
What a beautiful fall morning for golf today. Teed off about 9:00 at Bountiful Ridge. Started a bit chili, but warmed up as the day went on. Lots of wild turkeys and deer on the course. It was the kind of day you could enjoy on the course regardless of how well you are playing.

Diehard Ute
06-19-2016, 08:22 PM
What a disgraceful handling of a tournament by the USGA today.

The way they handled DJ's ball moving was beyond poor. Congrats to him for overcoming that.

As someone who worked in golf for years the USGA needs to be reigned in. The way they set up and manage tournaments is a joke.

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