View Full Version : Cougar Boards: Utah invites BYU to its house, Dec. 14, 2013

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Jeff Lebowski
12-16-2013, 05:11 PM
You are just circling the wagons, hoping that we don't pouch any more of your all-stars. I should inform you that we had some preliminary discussions with BYU71, but the discussions ended when he refused to compromise on his beliefs about the importance of no-Sunday play and the honor code.

Topper has also reached out to us.

Ha. Nicely done.

12-16-2013, 06:28 PM
Bandwagon fans are the worst. And fans that defect to a rival right after a loss are the worst of the worst.

Good to see one of you folks calling it like it is.

I have more Utah cred than you have BYU cred. I have always enjoyed Utah basketball. I have enjoyed BYU hoops for precisely one season: Jimmer. I'm just finally coming out.

I'm curious : are you here to recruit rival fans to a new site where both fans can coexist as friends, only to change the name a few years later and send them packing?

12-16-2013, 06:39 PM
Welcome aboard. But you should really just go all in and do football too. Make a clean start, and don't look back.

No, yo no puedo, hombre.

I am not really loyal to BYU hoops but I love BYU football and there is no way i could become an active fan of Utah football. I love the cowbys and mavs, but passionately hate the rangers. It is sort of like that.

I still think Majerus may be the best NCAA bball coach ever while at Utah and my BYU experience brought me Roger Reid, Tony Ingle and a no win season as a sr at that mediocre institution.

But Ty, Steve, Jimmy Mac...I will always be a cougar football fan.

12-16-2013, 07:15 PM
I'm curious : are you here to recruit rival fans to a new site where both fans can coexist as friends, only to change the name a few years later and send them packing?

Shit just got real in hee-aah

12-16-2013, 09:40 PM
No, yo no puedo, hombre.

I am not really loyal to BYU hoops but I love BYU football and there is no way i could become an active fan of Utah football. I love the cowbys and mavs, but passionately hate the rangers. It is sort of like that.

I still think Majerus may be the best NCAA bball coach ever while at Utah and my BYU experience brought me Roger Reid, Tony Ingle and a no win season as a sr at that mediocre institution.

But Ty, Steve, Jimmy Mac...I will always be a cougar football fan.

It cracks me up how people want their team to do well, to gain popularity, then they disparage the folks who start to find the team interesting, calling them "bandwagon fans."
It's like going on a mission and then taunting the converts as bandwagoners.

The Utes are on the rise (I think). Enjoy the ride, Viking. There's nothing wrong with liking a winner.

12-17-2013, 03:00 AM
It cracks me up how people want their team to do well, to gain popularity, then they disparage the folks who start to find the team interesting, calling them "bandwagon fans."
It's like going on a mission and then taunting the converts as bandwagoners.

The Utes are on the rise (I think). Enjoy the ride, Viking. There's nothing wrong with liking a winner.

It saddens me that the generalized state of affairs on message boards is to demean those whom we would otherwise call a brother.

I don't know JL but I know who he is (and vice versa) and have to imagine he's a really good person in real life, but I think CUF should go the way of a private board. It is too antagonistic for a board that is loosely affiliated w BYU.

It is ironic that this place seems to have little of that antagonism between supposed brothers.

12-17-2013, 07:31 AM
It is ironic that this place seems to have little of that antagonism between supposed brothers.

Nothing but love here, brother. Nothing but love.

Jeff Lebowski
12-17-2013, 09:59 AM
It cracks me up how people want their team to do well, to gain popularity, then they disparage the folks who start to find the team interesting, calling them "bandwagon fans."
It's like going on a mission and then taunting the converts as bandwagoners.

The Utes are on the rise (I think). Enjoy the ride, Viking. There's nothing wrong with liking a winner.

That's really funny. If you want to try a religion analogy, it would be like someone who abandoned their faith and joined Scientology because they thought Tom Cruise was cute.

Believe me, I would have the same lack of respect for a Ute fan that became a BYU fan after a loss. Shameless.

Jeff Lebowski
12-17-2013, 10:01 AM
It saddens me that the generalized state of affairs on message boards is to demean those whom we would otherwise call a brother.

I don't know JL but I know who he is (and vice versa) and have to imagine he's a really good person in real life, but I think CUF should go the way of a private board. It is too antagonistic for a board that is loosely affiliated w BYU.

It is ironic that this place seems to have little of that antagonism between supposed brothers.

... says that the guy who was banned from that other board due to chronic abusive language and making threats.

LA Ute
12-17-2013, 10:06 AM
Viking is merely seeking a new life in a new land. We welcome him.

Two Utes
12-17-2013, 10:18 AM
... says that the guy who was banned from that other board due to chronic abusive language and making threats.

Jeff, you are an a*****e. Go away.

12-17-2013, 10:22 AM
... says that the guy who was banned from that other board due to chronic abusive language and making threats.

It is confusing to see how he thought he could get away with that kind of behavior. I mean, rules are rules after all. If you let one poster slip, who knows what may happen.

12-17-2013, 10:23 AM
... says that the guy who was banned from that other board due to chronic abusive language and making threats.

you have me all wrong. But, I understand why. I let trading desk shared logins get out of control (oh, I had my fair share of that bad language, for sure.) for far too long (started on CB in 2002). While Princeton boy played a great foil to end Viking there once and for all, it was not as you characterized. Just a calculated way to get Viking off there once and for all. Glad that's ended. This is the first time I've not shared a login since 2002 and I really enjoy it here. LAUte sets a great tone here and he's a gem of a guy.

Say, I'm in your land for the holiday. I'm happy to buy you a cup of postum at your convenience any time. Or maybe a crappy Wilkinson Center lunch.

12-17-2013, 10:24 AM
Jeff, you are an a*****e. Go away.

NO I think the Dude is a genuinely very good guy. He's justified in his criticism. I let that situation get really out of control and in a very embarrassing manner.

12-17-2013, 10:42 AM
Have we now started censoring the word asshole?

Jeez... you can't run a decent sports forum without a basic standard word like that.

Easy, LA... easy

12-17-2013, 10:47 AM
Have we now started censoring the word asshole?

Jeez... you can't run a decent sports forum without a basic standard word like that.

Easy, LA... easy

Totally agree. Lately though, in my day-to-day I have been going with "butthole." Just sounds funnier and has a sort of retro charm to it. I have already decided that once "butthole" has jumped the shark I am going to give "cornhole" a try.

12-17-2013, 10:51 AM
Have we now started censoring the word asshole?

Jeez... you can't run a decent sports forum without a basic standard word like that.

Easy, LA... easy

I think anything ad hominem is OK to censor if directed at a poster.

Now, saying that my neighbor is an..... seems totally fine to me.

Online civility is lacking (generally) and it makes places like this a lot more enjoyable

Two Utes
12-17-2013, 10:55 AM
NO I think the Dude is a genuinely very good guy. He's justified in his criticism. I let that situation get really out of control and in a very embarrassing manner.

he's rude to LAute and seems to think LAUte is a bad guy. No reasonable person can see things that way. He's an asshole.

12-17-2013, 10:57 AM
Lebowski is a big boy and he has probably been called that before... he allows it on his own board and is probably not go to run away when someone refers to him by that title.

Decorum is fine... but sensitive delicate little flowers annoy me.

LA Ute
12-17-2013, 11:06 AM
I just don't like name-calling. But I'll ease up. Just a reminder to everyone:


12-17-2013, 11:10 AM
Have we now started censoring the word asshole?

Jeez... you can't run a decent sports forum without a basic standard word like that.

Easy, LA... easy

he's rude to LAute and seems to think LAUte is a bad guy. No reasonable person can see things that way. He's an asshole.

I mean his criticism of me.

I doubt jl thinks LA is a bad guy!

12-17-2013, 11:15 AM
I mean his criticism of me.

I doubt jl thinks LA is a bad guy!

We all do. It's part of his charm.

LA Ute
12-17-2013, 11:18 AM
We all do. It's part of his charm.

Stop revealing board secrets.

Two Utes
12-17-2013, 11:42 AM
I mean his criticism of me.

I doubt jl thinks LA is a bad guy!

I'm holding on to this a tad longer than I need to and I recognize this, but what value is Lebowski bringing to this board? Do we enjoy his snide comments? Does he bring insight into Utah sports?

Give me something and I will drop the topic.

LA Ute
12-17-2013, 11:53 AM
I'm holding on to this a tad longer than I need to and I recognize this, but what value is Lebowski bringing to this board? Do we enjoy his snide comments? Does he bring insight into Utah sports?

Give me something and I will drop the topic.

He can explain himself but my guess is that El Duderino is playing a little game of tit-for-tat with SU, who has for years been a very effective gadfly on Jeff's board.

12-17-2013, 11:59 AM
That's really funny. If you want to try a religion analogy, it would be like someone who abandoned their faith and joined Scientology because they thought Tom Cruise was cute.

Believe me, I would have the same lack of respect for a Ute fan that became a BYU fan after a loss. Shameless.

LOL. this is a pretty good analogy, although I'll have to check Viking's operating thetan level.

I prefer to think of it as coming home, though, since the U. is older than the byu.
Viking is just returning to the seat of Original Truth, a Truth that was taken to Provo and corrupted through the philosophies of scheming & unscrupulous men.
This widespread Apostasy continues to grip large swathes of the state of Utah. But the work goes on.

I'm holding on to this a tad longer than I need to and I recognize this, but what value is Lebowski bringing to this board? Do we enjoy his snide comments? Does he bring insight into Utah sports?

Give me something and I will drop the topic.

It's good to have a dissenting voice. Otherwise, we'd just be sitting around telling each other how great we are.
I like Lebowski. He pokes but doesn't make trouble.
If it's not your thing, just ignore him. Or run him outta here with the sharp sting of your written words.

Jeff Lebowski
12-17-2013, 12:10 PM
Jeff, you are a*****e.


Why yes. Yes, I am.

Jeff Lebowski
12-17-2013, 12:12 PM
you have me all wrong. But, I understand why. I let trading desk shared logins get out of control (oh, I had my fair share of that bad language, for sure.) for far too long (started on CB in 2002). While Princeton boy played a great foil to end Viking there once and for all, it was not as you characterized. Just a calculated way to get Viking off there once and for all. Glad that's ended. This is the first time I've not shared a login since 2002 and I really enjoy it here. LAUte sets a great tone here and he's a gem of a guy.

I have to admit, that "shared login" thing is the most creative of all the various excuses you have offered over the years. Think anybody will buy it?

12-17-2013, 12:25 PM
I have to admit, that "shared login" thing is the most creative of all the various excuses you have offered over the years. Think anybody will buy it?

Do we have a "therapy for behavior on other boards" thread?
If so, perhaps you guys could work it out over there.

Maybe try this thread (http://cougarguard.com/forum/showthread.php?t=489) to continue this discussion.


12-17-2013, 12:34 PM
It's good to have a dissenting voice. Otherwise, we'd just be sitting around telling each other how great we are.
I like Lebowski. He pokes but doesn't make trouble.
If it's not your thing, just ignore him. Or run him outta here with the sharp sting of your written words.


A rule of thumb: The minute I ask myself why I got upset over something typed on a message board is also the moment that I realized that I just got played. trash-talk is a part of sports and rivalries are the best part of college sports. For some this back and forth is the whole purpose of sports message boards.

12-17-2013, 12:40 PM
I have to admit, that "shared login" thing is the most creative of all the various excuses you have offered over the years. Think anybody will buy it?

Really? I thought for SURE you'd be able to see the multiple IP addresses of logins...one would come from NY, another UT and another south of the border...many times in the same day. This is why I would periodically ask for you to kill the account...I just assumed the multiple logins would end up doing it but alas...

I absolutely own up to some of the nonsense...but certainly not all! The black card debacle was Princeton boy typing from my desk (well...our desk...we sit on a trading desk). That was obnoxious and I got pretty pissed when it was clear whoever the other poster had some serious issues. Being hyper defensive of a family member was always me. The B12 stuff was 100% me. Rush? All me. I honestly think my posting history there per day is about what it has been here, except for the pretty heavy volume of posting during the B12 excitement. I just don't have a lot of time and while I don't think anyone knows me personally over there, I'm a pretty mellow guy in life and online.

Homer Crimson
12-17-2013, 01:29 PM
Wasn't this thread about how a much improved, fairly athletic Ute team dominated a slow, defenseless BYU team? What's with the cat fight?

12-17-2013, 01:32 PM
Wasn't this thread about how a much improved, fairly athletic Ute team dominated a slow, defenseless BYU team? What's with the cat fight?

Yes, this game is over. Let's take general BYU discussion back to the BYU thread.

Two Utes
12-17-2013, 01:43 PM

A rule of thumb: The minute I ask myself why I got upset over something typed on a message board is also the moment that I realized that I just got played. trash-talk is a part of sports and rivalries are the best part of college sports. For some this back and forth is the whole purpose of sports message boards.

Not upset. That's my normal language. Dissenting voice. Fair enough, I guess he adds some sort of value. I'll drop the subject

12-17-2013, 01:44 PM
Yes, this game is over. Let's take general BYU discussion back to the BYU thread.

I'm not done with this thread yet. Anything that keeps alive the memory of the 2013 Humbling at the Huntsman is ok in my book.

Question for long time utes and recent converts: does the euphoria from beating the cougars differ between basketball and football? Personally, beating them in hoops feels very satisfying, but expected-football wins still have an extra novelty for me. That's probably a product of coming of age during the majerus/mafu years.

Homer Crimson
12-17-2013, 01:55 PM
That's probably a product of coming of age during the majerus/mafu years.

It's definitely a product of that; I feel exactly the same.

I remember being surprised to see what the overall series record was as I had become so used to hoop dominance.

12-22-2013, 08:17 AM
I caught the last 2 minutes of the Coogs v Ducks. Hapless. Carlino singlehandedly lost that game for them. There was a break with 1:15 to go, with BYU up by 2 and Carlino pushed the ball up court, drove straight into 2 defenders at the rim, attempted a low probability lay up, got blocked, Oregon turns the other way, ultimately makes a layup and ties the game.

Carlino is really one of the least intelligent ball players I've ever seen down the stretch. His decision making is really awful. Rose shares some blame as he has to get into Carlino's grill and tell him to stop forcing and to quit playing stupid.

Between the missed free throws at 1:15 and Carlino's stupid drive, precisely five seconds expired. That's simply incredible. Playing for a great shot and taking the clock down another 30 seconds may have been the difference in this game.

BYU should be a tourney team, but it is not…

Meanwhile, Utah is 10-1 and I think is going to be a 8-10 seed in the Dance.

12-22-2013, 10:06 AM
I caught the last 2 minutes of the Coogs v Ducks. Hapless. Carlino singlehandedly lost that game for them. There was a break with 1:15 to go, with BYU up by 2 and Carlino pushed the ball up court, drove straight into 2 defenders at the rim, attempted a low probability lay up, got blocked, Oregon turns the other way, ultimately makes a layup and ties the game.

Carlino is really one of the least intelligent ball players I've ever seen down the stretch. His decision making is really awful. Rose shares some blame as he has to get into Carlino's grill and tell him to stop forcing and to quit playing stupid.

Between the missed free throws at 1:15 and Carlino's stupid drive, precisely five seconds expired. That's simply incredible. Playing for a great shot and taking the clock down another 30 seconds may have been the difference in this game.

BYU should be a tourney team, but it is not…

Meanwhile, Utah is 10-1 and I think is going to be a 8-10 seed in the Dance.

LOL. That is priceless. I missed the end of the game. I thought BYU was going to win that game.

This is sort of a win/win for the Utes: had BYU won, then our win over them would look even better from a non-conference RPI standpoint. But they didn't, and now I don't have I hear how the Utes victory over BYU was some aberration like our win over Stanford in football (you just know there are fans that would equate those teams).

12-22-2013, 03:35 PM
LOL. That is priceless. I missed the end of the game. I thought BYU was going to win that game.

This is sort of a win/win for the Utes: had BYU won, then our win over them would look even better from a non-conference RPI standpoint. But they didn't, and now I don't have I hear how the Utes victory over BYU was some aberration like our win over Stanford in football (you just know there are fans that would equate those teams).

It also means that Oregon will come to the Huntsman Center highly ranked and undefeated on Jan 2.

12-28-2013, 04:41 PM
BYU gets blown out by LMU. Nice.

12-31-2013, 06:28 PM
epic meltdown going on in provo. what is the cause?

12-31-2013, 08:57 PM
epic meltdown going on in provo. what is the cause?

Undisciplined play?

01-01-2014, 10:51 AM
Undisciplined play?

there is something systematic going wrong

i like dave rose. i hope he figures this out

01-01-2014, 12:29 PM
there is something systematic going wrong

i like dave rose. i hope he figures this out
He doesn't have the shooters to fit his offense this year. and they really lack a threat down low. while mika is a tough athletic kid. his offensive game lacks. but could still develop. but hey have no low post threat to run through and they have no outside shooters. and carlino is a cougar killer this year.

01-01-2014, 01:05 PM
He doesn't have the shooters to fit his offense this year. and they really lack a threat down low. while mika is a tough athletic kid. his offensive game lacks. but could still develop. but hey have no low post threat to run through and they have no outside shooters. and carlino is a cougar killer this year.

I think Mika is actually pretty good or a freshman. He had more moves than most of out low post guys and showed some toughness. He just needs to mature a bit (which a mission will be extremely helpful with). I think he will be a major thorn in he future. We need to make sure he gets a girlfriend or something once he gets back.

#1 Utefan
01-01-2014, 05:05 PM
I think Mika is actually pretty good or a freshman. He had more moves than most of out low post guys and showed some toughness. He just needs to mature a bit (which a mission will be extremely helpful with). I think he will be a major thorn in he future. We need to make sure he gets a girlfriend or something once he gets back.

Mika is a very good player for a freshmen. He is the least of BYU's problems. Losing Davies down low has clearly hurt them but I think Carlino's erratic play, coupled with selfish team play and a complete lack of commitment on the defensive end are the glaring issues. Of course, that is Rose's preferred style so their inability to adjust and play tough defense is as much on the coaching staff as anyone.

I also think the Utah game destroyed their inflated self confidence. Before that game and even the next game at Oregon, BYU looked like a top 25 caliber team. Since blowing the Oregon game a few weeks back, their psyche seems to have been destroyed. We will see if Rose can right the ship. His cancer recurrence over the summer may have shaken him up so he may not be as focused this year as maybe he has been in the past (if this is the case, it would be understandable).

01-01-2014, 09:55 PM
I think Mika is actually pretty good or a freshman. He had more moves than most of out low post guys and showed some toughness. He just needs to mature a bit (which a mission will be extremely helpful with). I think he will be a major thorn in he future. We need to make sure he gets a girlfriend or something once he gets back.
don't get me wrong mika has a bright future. and he has some nice moves. but at this point he is not someone you can run your offense through. especially because he is in foul trouble all the time. davies could bail them out in the half court offense. mika has not shown that ability consistantly.

01-06-2014, 10:11 AM
Oh... and Kodiak is going to blow his timeouts for no good reason again. Anyone notice last night how he called a timeout 20 seconds before the media timeout? This has got to stop. Put an assistant on it to approve whether we can have a timeout or not.

It seems that since the conference play has begun, the Utes have been better at using their timeouts.

I'm wondering if K was just treating the pre-season for what it really was: extended scrimmages.