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Diehard Ute
04-01-2014, 03:15 PM
I think SOS based simply on opponents W/L records from the previous year is a bit simplistic.

04-01-2014, 03:19 PM
I think SOS based simply on opponents W/L records from the previous year is a bit simplistic.

agreed, just thought it was interesting

04-01-2014, 03:43 PM
I think SOS based simply on opponents W/L records from the previous year is a bit simplistic.

I agree. Here is the kicker. We had an amazingly hard schedule last year. Hardest schedule we have ever had. But, all I keep hearing about is how next year's is going to be even harder. But, I don't agree. Utah State was better than Fresno will be. I'm not as sold on Michigan as everyone else is. They went 7-6 last year and their wins were over teams that went a combined 41-45 and only two of those teams went to bowl games.

I'm not saying Michigan is a bad team or untalented. I'm not predicting a win. BUT, I am saying it wouldn't shock me if Utah went up there and won. Now, they probably won't because it is an early road game, BUT, they might.

ASU won't be as good. They lose their whole defense.
I highly doubt we throw two pick sixes against WSU.
We had better not throw three picks, including a pick six and another that gave OSU a short field.
And just once, I'd like to blow Colorado out like everybody else does. Just once.

I think we get to six wins if our OL absolutely sucks. I think we get to 7, maybe 8 if our OL pulls together. We are so freaking close to breaking through. Hopefully Wilson/Thompson can be the guys to finally do it for us.

LA Ute
04-01-2014, 03:53 PM
I think SOS based simply on opponents W/L records from the previous year is a bit simplistic.

No doubt. It will be interesting to see if there is any correlation.

LA Ute
04-01-2014, 04:38 PM
Interesting piece from Stephanie Pelton, who used to write for Rivals:


It's long on Whitt platitudes and short on substance, but it does give a snapshot of KW's and DC's current approach and thinking. No Kool-Aid.

04-02-2014, 10:59 AM
Interesting piece from Stephanie Pelton, who used to write for Rivals:


It's long on Whitt platitudes and short on substance, but it does give a snapshot of KW's and DC's current approach and thinking. No Kool-Aid.

I find the fact that there are all of these sites I've never heard of which are focused on U of U sports to be pretty amazing. A huge change since the 90's.

Thanks for the link.

04-02-2014, 12:14 PM
Since last year it seems like the same amount of content has just been spread between more sites. Rivals especially seems to be trending down this year when previously I thought it was sort of the only site worth following. What's funny is that each site seems to have a few consensus opinions which are not held by posters on the other sites. For instance, people who think TW is terrible have self-segregated on the Scout board.

LA Ute
04-02-2014, 01:47 PM
Since last year it seems like the same amount of content has just been spread between more sites. Rivals especially seems to be trending down this year when previously I thought it was sort of the only site worth following. What's funny is that each site seems to have a few consensus opinions which are not held by posters on the other sites. For instance, people who think TW is terrible have self-segregated on the Scout board.

I think people are finding both formats and communities that they like. I would like to see this board get more traffic but everyone has his/her own preferences.

Although UF.net seems to have developed its own core group and culture, I still check that site once a day because often news hits there first, and there are some folks there I've interacted with for a long time and have met personally. Many of the core group here on UB5 first got acquainted there. Chris the Webmonkey is a friend. The Rivals site is more hard-core, especially for those who want to follow recruiting very closely. (I'm not in that group.) There seem to be more posters there who feel very strongly about particular issues (Travis is terrible, Krysko was a terrible hire, Whit should be fired, Chris Hill is a dope) than on other sites. There maybe a bit more insider knowledge there too. Just my opinion.

04-02-2014, 03:08 PM
I think people are finding both formats and communities that they like. I would like to see this board get more traffic but everyone has his/her own preferences.

Although UF.net seems to have developed its own core group and culture, I still check that site once a day because often news hits there first, and there are some folks there I've interacted with for a long time and have met personally. Many of the core group here on UB5 first got acquainted there. Chris the Webmonkey is a friend. The Rivals site is more hard-core, especially for those who want to follow recruiting very closely. (I'm not in that group.) There seem to be more posters there who feel very strongly about particular issues (Travis is terrible, Krysko was a terrible hire, Whit should be fired, Chris Hill is a dope) than on other sites. There maybe a bit more insider knowledge there too. Just my opinion.

It's funny, the topics you mentioned that are big on Rivals are topics that sell:

If Travis is terrible, then you need Rivals to let you know about the names Utah is going after to bring the program back.

If Hill/Coach K/Whitt are terrible, who is going to take their spot? How does that affect recruiting? Good thing you have those "insiders" to show you the way.

04-02-2014, 04:26 PM
I think people are finding both formats and communities that they like. I would like to see this board get more traffic but everyone has his/her own preferences.

Although UF.net seems to have developed its own core group and culture, I still check that site once a day because often news hits there first, and there are some folks there I've interacted with for a long time and have met personally. Many of the core group here on UB5 first got acquainted there. Chris the Webmonkey is a friend. The Rivals site is more hard-core, especially for those who want to follow recruiting very closely. (I'm not in that group.) There seem to be more posters there who feel very strongly about particular issues (Travis is terrible, Krysko was a terrible hire, Whit should be fired, Chris Hill is a dope) than on other sites. There maybe a bit more insider knowledge there too. Just my opinion.
I think the breakdown is:
Travis Wilson is Terrible (Scout)
Chris Hill is Terrible (Rivals)
Kyle Whittingham is Terrible (UteFans)
Larry K is Terrible (Hoyo's Revenge)
Kid's behavior in sacrament meeting is Terrible (Ub5)

LA Ute
04-02-2014, 05:01 PM
I think the breakdown is:
Travis Wilson is Terrible (Scout)
Chris Hill is Terrible (Rivals)
Kyle Whittingham is Terrible (UteFans)
Larry K is Terrible (Hoyo's Revenge)
Kid's behavior in sacrament meeting is Terrible (Ub5)

LOL. Well-played, sir. That reminds me of one criticism I've heard of this board -- that we discuss religion too much here. I think that reflects a misunderstanding of this board's structure. The whole idea is to have separate forums so it is easier for people to choose what types of discussions they want to join. So it takes several clicks to get to the religion forum -- those posts don't just pop up on people's screens. Maybe Utah message board users are just too accustomed to not having a choice.

Diehard Ute
04-02-2014, 05:09 PM
LOL. Well-played, sir. That reminds me of one criticism I've heard of this board -- that we discuss religion too much here. I think that reflects a misunderstanding of this board's structure. The whole idea is to have separate forums so it is easier for people to choose what types of discussions they want to join. So it takes several clicks to get to the religion forum -- those posts don't just pop up on people's screens. Maybe Utah message board users are just too accustomed to not having a choice.

One click if you use the unread button.

But I think you're possibly misunderstanding the criticism, the actual Ute content and discussion is often thin and rarely do threads about things other than football and basketball get much talk.

I always wish we could get the passion and posts here about the Utes as we do about missions ;)

LA Ute
04-02-2014, 05:38 PM
One click if you use the unread button.

True. But I you still have to go to the post. For example, I almost never open posts about Ute baseball because I'm not too interested. I do think the religion discussion is on the wane anyway.

But I think you're possibly misunderstanding the criticism, the actual Ute content and discussion is often thin and rarely do threads about things other than football and basketball get much talk.

I always wish we could get the passion and posts here about the Utes as we do about missions ;)

We just need more people posting here. Maybe we should work with The Pie to run a promotion: all new members get 10% off their next pizza.

LA Ute
04-02-2014, 07:59 PM

04-03-2014, 08:52 AM
the actual Ute content and discussion is often thin and rarely do threads about things other than football and basketball get much talk.

We just need more people posting here.

More people would obviously be great, but what more is there to post? From the sounds of it, there isn't exactly any amazing, in-depth analysis taking place on other sites either.

At this time of year, there are mostly just fan rants, rumors, depth chart guesses, and preseason picks (I am picking 6-6).

I do think the religion discussion is on the wane anyway.

I think you are right. All the controversial topics were hit in the first few months, and then people left to find places where others would agree with them more. That's the self-selection of the internet.

04-03-2014, 09:50 AM
More people would obviously be great, but what more is there to post? From the sounds of it, there isn't exactly any amazing, in-depth analysis taking place on other sites either.

At this time of year, there are mostly just fan rants, rumors, depth chart guesses, and preseason picks (I am picking 6-6).

I think you are right. All the controversial topics were hit in the first few months, and then people left to find places where others would agree with them more. That's the self-selection of the internet.

What about people trying to convince other people that Michigan is completely over-rated, Oregon will struggle in Utah and we will have an amazing season? Ha ha.

Damage U
04-03-2014, 11:16 AM
I think you are right. All the controversial topics were hit in the first few months, and then people left to find places where others would agree with them more. That's the self-selection of the internet.

Reminds me of some song lyrics. When you're challenged by the truth, find some friends who lie to you.

LA Ute
04-03-2014, 11:17 AM
More people would obviously be great, but what more is there to post? From the sounds of it, there isn't exactly any amazing, in-depth analysis taking place on other sites either.

True. This is the dead period.

04-03-2014, 02:52 PM
True. This is the dead period.

Which is why all the hard core sports fans need to nut-up and talk about religion or politics or what their favorite food is!!

Seriously, I like sports talk, but after a while it gets old, and it is fun to talk about something else. Of course, that may be difficult to accomplish with a fanbase as diverse as Utah's (or any other university for that matter). CUF worked well in this regard because of the relative homogeneity of the user base.

But back to FB talk: I am calling my "way-too-early" shots:

Kendal Thompson gets the nod at QB - I think that DC wants him to anyway as he probably fits the system best. The only things that stop this are (1) he comes in and just plain sucks, or (2) he alienates the rest of the team somehow, losing their respect. Thompsons dad was on the radio (1320 KFAN, the interview is still up) and stated that he played in what is essentially DC's system in HS and is comfortable in it.

Utah gets to at least 6-6 and back in a bowl game, salvaging Kyle and providing a foundation to build on going forward. I will admit that this is also my personal "hope" as well as a prediction. I am not eager to nuke what has been built in this program and believe that Kyle is a guy that is willing to learn from his mistakes. I like the idea of him having some time to right the ship.

Blechen pulls his head out, but that may not mean all-conference performance from him. You don't dink around for as long as he has and then "turn it on" when it matters as a senior. Especially if you are a moderately atheletic DB. He relied on having a "nose for the ball" and "great instincts" as a freshman, but if he has lost a step while on his mental vacation the past couple of years then he may not overcome physical limitations. He could become serviceable, maybe even good, but I think he has squandered the top end of his potential.

That's all I've got for now. If I whiff on all these predictions then I will delete this post and deny that I ever made them.

04-03-2014, 03:01 PM
Which is why all the hard core sports fans need to nut-up and talk about religion or politics or what their favorite food is!!

Seriously, I like sports talk, but after a while it gets old, and it is fun to talk about something else. Of course, that may be difficult to accomplish with a fanbase as diverse as Utah's (or any other university for that matter). CUF worked well in this regard because of the relative homogeneity of the user base.

Agreed. I like sports, but I hate many sports-related things that a lot of fans love: talk radio, Sportscenter, interviews with coaches, halftime shows that involve the words "Crimson" and "line." Really, all I'm looking for in a message board are some interesting nuggets of information about the team, recaps of games/plays that I wasn't able to watch, and laughs. The laughs can come in sports-related posts, religious posts, or dentistry posts.

I also take a long time to shift sports. I am NOT ready for football season. I really enjoyed this basketball season, so I feel like I'm cheating on Xan and friends if I start caring too early about the gridiron Utes.

Hot Lunch
04-03-2014, 04:38 PM
A must listen to interview with Kendall Thompson on the Bill and Hans show. Impressive kid.


LA Ute
04-03-2014, 05:20 PM
A must listen to interview with Kendall Thompson on the Bill and Hans show. Impressive kid.


Thanks. It's interesting that both Whitt and Christensen went to his house in Oklahoma to recruit him. I wasn't aware of that. Clearly they really wanted him. He sounds like a real stand-up guy with a great attitude. Articulate too.

04-03-2014, 06:19 PM
You can get Utah at 400-1 to win the national title at William Hill, with several locations throughout the state of Nevada. I think it's worth a flyer for $20 to win $8,000.

04-03-2014, 06:25 PM
Agreed. I like sports, but I hate many sports-related things that a lot of fans love: talk radio, Sportscenter, interviews with coaches, halftime shows that involve the words "Crimson" and "line." Really, all I'm looking for in a message board are some interesting nuggets of information about the team, recaps of games/plays that I wasn't able to watch, and laughs. The laughs can come in sports-related posts, religious posts, or dentistry posts.

I also take a long time to shift sports. I am NOT ready for football season. I really enjoyed this basketball season, so I feel like I'm cheating on Xan and friends if I start caring too early about the gridiron Utes.

I can't do the humor or the dentist stuff. But if you aren't ready for football, here's a Pac-12 basketball coaches power poll in the middle of this football thread. The criteria: the 12 teams of the MWC get to pick Pac-12 coaches to take over their programs. What order would the coaches go in?

1) Sean Miller - no question
2) Steve Alford - could go with Altman here, I guess
3) Dana Altman - wear a tie, Altman!
4) Tad Boyle - Where did he come from?
5) Larry Krystkoviak - Too high for someone who has never won a tournament game?
6) Johnny Dawkins - Sweet 16 redeems his falling stock
7) Whoever Cal hires
8) Lorenzo Romar - stock dropping
9) Ernie Kent - won a lot back in the day, not really any buzz about his hire though
10) Herb Sendek - Guaranteed tournament appearance and loss once every 5 years - could do worse
11) That guy at USC - worse
12) Craig Robinson - Not sure why he's still there

USS Utah
04-03-2014, 06:27 PM
Which is why all the hard core sports fans need to nut-up and talk about religion or politics or what their favorite food is!!

I'm always up for a military history discussion. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if anyone else is.

04-03-2014, 09:30 PM
Agreed. I like sports, but I hate many sports-related things that a lot of fans love: talk radio, Sportscenter, interviews with coaches, halftime shows that involve the words "Crimson" and "line." Really, all I'm looking for in a message board are some interesting nuggets of information about the team, recaps of games/plays that I wasn't able to watch, and laughs. The laughs can come in sports-related posts, religious posts, or dentistry posts.

I also take a long time to shift sports. I am NOT ready for football season. I really enjoyed this basketball season, so I feel like I'm cheating on Xan and friends if I start caring too early about the gridiron Utes.

How do you know the toothbrush was invented in kentucky?

Because if it had been invented anywhere else, it would be called a teeth brush.


All my new pts get that one. Well, most of them.

04-04-2014, 05:04 AM
How do you know the toothbrush was invented in kentucky?

Because if it had been invented anywhere else, it would be called a teeth brush.


All my new pts get that one. Well, most of them.

See? This is what this site lacks - dental humor. Keep them coming!

04-04-2014, 05:06 AM
I'm always up for a military history discussion. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if anyone else is.

Sorry, USS, the only thing I know about war is what it's good for.

04-04-2014, 07:37 AM
Huuuuuuuuuh! Absolutely nuttin!

Damage U
04-04-2014, 08:33 AM
See? This is what this site lacks - dental humor. Keep them coming!

Some of use are Anti-dentites.

04-04-2014, 08:45 AM
Some of use are Anti-dentites.

so jerry's dentist sniffs the nitrous oxide. explains the slipperty slope from being an upper west side dentist to a meth kingpin.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCsQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DiML KbXuv-xA&ei=TMU-U5a1DpTOyAHNz4CwCA&usg=AFQjCNEQkW5wMeI6pmgSramRBuKvk3GR3w&sig2=RmNXovz1obfFUEh7fwtAYQ

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCsQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DmV7 m6IIN_tI&ei=dsU-U9DCLpTOyAHNz4CwCA&usg=AFQjCNEZlvTiQXBgd9ytwIxZPoYFBVXyLw&sig2=dNZyRMVRegc0FPfyilKcKg

LA Ute
04-04-2014, 09:02 AM

04-04-2014, 09:45 AM

I love this picture. My response whenever everybody tells me they hate me (and no, it doesn't make me feel better, lol), is this: "what?!? You don't like being tilted upside down, having some strange guy snuggle in nice and close, and prod around in your mouth? You are, like, totally, the first person to ever feel that way. That's crazy."

We all have a good laugh and that seems to help...I hope. ha ha.

04-04-2014, 10:28 AM
I love this picture. My response whenever everybody tells me they hate me (and no, it doesn't make me feel better, lol), is this: "what?!? You don't like being tilted upside down, having some strange guy snuggle in nice and close, and prod around in your mouth? You are, like, totally, the first person to ever feel that way. That's crazy."

We all have a good laugh and that seems to help...I hope. ha ha.

Do they teach dentists to be sly when bringing up the novocain needle so the patient can't see it? I always makes me chuckle when my dentist (for the past 20+ years) brings it up behind him all sneaky like and says "you may feel a little pinch".

04-04-2014, 12:37 PM
Do they teach dentists to be sly when bringing up the novocain needle so the patient can't see it? I always makes me chuckle when my dentist (for the past 20+ years) brings it up behind him all sneaky like and says "you may feel a little pinch".

Oh yes. I hold my other hand in the way so you can't see it. I have a whole song and dance for kids as well. The kids actually do really, really good.

Us dentists think we are so sneaky and smart. lol.

04-08-2014, 07:05 PM
I'll try to get this thread back onto a topic relevant to Utah football. i went to practice today and here are my observations and thoughts:

There are usually two team O vs D periods in practice, one at the beginning and another at the end. The O dominated the beginning segment and the D dominated the ending segment. This seems to be fairly consistent with what I have seen at other practices.

QB's: It is still Wilson and then Schultz, Manning and Cox. Wilson has been inconsistent, at best, and has given all comers the chance to come in and take the job. Unfortunately, nobody has stepped up. I would have to say that Manning has not really stepped up and taken Schultz position in the pecking order although that is a closer call. Cox certainly has not stepped up to take the No. 3 position.

OL: Poutasi took the 1 reps at LT today. Albers, Dielman and Barton all took reps with the 2's. We are certainly a better OL if someone other then Poutasi can play LT because i think he could be a beast at RG. Poutasi does look like a totally different player. He has lost a lot of weight. He doesn't have a gut and it looks like his speed and quickness have both improved dramatically. August 28 is a long ways away, but this group needs to improve in order for the team to improve.

RB: I love the depth at RB. Booker, Poole and Williams are really battling it out. McCormick is a good change up. I am not sure what will happen with Young and Oliver.

TE: I think Tonga, Siale and Handley can be game changers for us.

WR: No changes here, but Hatfield and McClellon continue to do well.

I like the moves of Reese to DE and Corporan to safety. I think they will both see the field at those positions.

As we all know, this year hinges on the OL and the QB play. Improved play equals more wins. Play similar to what we have had the past two years and it will likely be another year ending with a game against Colorado.

04-09-2014, 07:28 AM
on talk radio last night, they were really bagging on the offensive line. Multiple stations. Consensus seemed to be that even when Salt plays, it is going to be a problem.

LA Ute
04-09-2014, 08:14 AM
on talk radio last night, they were really bagging on the offensive line. Multiple stations. Consensus seemed to be that even when Salt plays, it is going to be a problem.


04-09-2014, 08:37 AM
on talk radio last night, they were really bagging on the offensive line. Multiple stations. Consensus seemed to be that even when Salt plays, it is going to be a problem.

The only guy on local talk radio who has a decent take on football is Hans. IMO the others are trying to drive ratings more then provide information and meaningful analysis.

The OL is a huge concern. If there is no improvement with that group the team has no chance of being better.

04-09-2014, 08:48 AM
The only guy on local talk radio who has a decent take on football is Hans. IMO the others are trying to drive ratings more then provide information and meaningful analysis.

The OL is a huge concern. If there is no improvement with that group the team has no chance of being better.

Hans was doing his share of the bagging. So were the Scout guys who have the ute show on 1320--Swinney and Jackson?--they had just come from last night's scrimmage/practice.

04-09-2014, 03:16 PM
The only guy on local talk radio who has a decent take on football is Hans. IMO the others are trying to drive ratings more then provide information and meaningful analysis.

The OL is a huge concern. If there is no improvement with that group the team has no chance of being better.

I disagree. We will be better because our QB situation has never been better. That alone will make us better.

OL play will determine if we win 6 games or 9 or anywhere in-between.

04-09-2014, 03:45 PM
I disagree. We will be better because our QB situation has never been better. That alone will make us better.

OL play will determine if we win 6 games or 9 or anywhere in-between.

I am not convinced that our QB situation is significantly better. I have watched 4 practices and nobody has shown that they are any better today then they were last fall. Oklahoma Thompson might be better, but that is really an unknown.

USS Utah
04-09-2014, 04:16 PM
Word on the street is that Poutasi has lost 30 pounds. I guess we can hope that will help his play at LT.

04-09-2014, 10:32 PM
I am not convinced that our QB situation is significantly better. I have watched 4 practices and nobody has shown that they are any better today then they were last fall. Oklahoma Thompson might be better, but that is really an unknown.

Wilson has another year of experience. Our backups are four 3-4 star guys, not walk-ons. It is significantly better. Wilson is much better than last fall, which is pretty impressive, because he was pretty damn good last year.

He is quicker, a little faster, and has a semi-touch pass instead of the rifle-pass-deflected-for-an-INT. Not huge changes, but if you have a guy that can beat the #5 team in the country, do you really need him to leaps and bounds better? Nope. You need him to make better decisions and stay healthy. The first problem is usually fixed by experience, which Travis has.

04-09-2014, 10:43 PM
Wilson has another year of experience. Our backups are four 3-4 star guys, not walk-ons. It is significantly better. Wilson is much better than last fall, which is pretty impressive, because he was pretty damn good last year.

He is quicker, a little faster, and has a semi-touch pass instead of the rifle-pass-deflected-for-an-INT. Not huge changes, but if you have a guy that can beat the #5 team in the country, do you really need him to leaps and bounds better? Nope. You need him to make better decisions and stay healthy. The first problem is usually fixed by experience, which Travis has.

I really hope you are right. I am just not ready to make that leap until I see it.

04-10-2014, 06:55 AM
Wilson has another year of experience. Our backups are four 3-4 star guys, not walk-ons. It is significantly better. Wilson is much better than last fall, which is pretty impressive, because he was pretty damn good last year.

He is quicker, a little faster, and has a semi-touch pass instead of the rifle-pass-deflected-for-an-INT. Not huge changes, but if you have a guy that can beat the #5 team in the country, do you really need him to leaps and bounds better? Nope. You need him to make better decisions and stay healthy. The first problem is usually fixed by experience, which Travis has.

I agree with Uteopia on this one. Utah, aren't you the guy that has been posting very helpful scrimmage posts, which basically say that behind Wilson we have nothing (Manning too skinny, Schultz is Schultz, Cox isn't a Qb)? I hope Wilson has improved by leaps and bounds by being away from the game for a few months, but color me skeptical (as always!).

04-10-2014, 08:40 AM
I'm glad Wilson can play. He's good enough for me to hold on to some hope. But other posters are correct - it's all about the offensive line. If we don't open holes and protect the QB, we won't have success.

There also has to be some scheme to stop teams from blitzing every down. We are now going on 3 years of teams figuring out that they can basically blitz on every down without getting burned. That's not on the offensive line - we have to beat that with our system, our QB, our WRs, and our RBs.

Anyway, I still see 6-6 as a reasonable long shot against our schedule.

04-10-2014, 08:40 AM
I agree with Uteopia on this one. Utah, aren't you the guy that has been posting very helpful scrimmage posts, which basically say that behind Wilson we have nothing (Manning too skinny, Schultz is Schultz, Cox isn't a Qb)? I hope Wilson has improved by leaps and bounds by being away from the game for a few months, but color me skeptical (as always!).

I've never said nothing behind Wilson. I've said Wilson is clearly better the Manning. Manning is better than Schulz. It's not even close. Manning has his problems (slow to get the offense going, slower on reads, not as mobile), but he is not Schulz. He is a much better passer. Anyways, when you consider that Manning will be our third or fourth string QB this fall, and he is already better than Schulz was last year, I'd say the QB position is better.

Think of it this way:

Last year: Wilson, Schulz, nothing
This year: Wilson/Thompson, Manning/Isom, Cox, Schulz

Even if Wilson isn't better, the fact that we would have a backup to play in the USC, Arizona and ASU games instead of a Wilson who couldn't grip the ball and we didn't want to run to avoid hurting him more...

We are much, much better at QB.

04-10-2014, 08:44 AM
Anyway, I still see 6-6 as a reasonable long shot against our schedule.

I don't get this. We went 5-7 against the hardest schedule we have ever had. Our schedule won't be as tough this year. Fresno isn't as good as Utah State. Michigan and BYU are a wash. ASU loses their whole defense. UCLA loses Barr. OSU loses Cook. We get WSU, Arizona, USC and Oregon at home. Heck, just the law of averages says that a couple of teams we face won't end up as good.

Our secondary is much better. Our LB's are better. Our RB's are better. Our WR's are better. Our TE's are pretty equal. Our DL is, at worst, the same. QB is better.

OL is the only position of real worry, and at worst, it is the same as last year.

So, easier schedule + better team + better QB + better coaches = less wins?

Doesn't compute for me. Sorry.

04-10-2014, 09:04 AM
I don't get this. We went 5-7 against the hardest schedule we have ever had. Our schedule won't be as tough this year. Fresno isn't as good as Utah State. Michigan and BYU are a wash. ASU loses their whole defense. UCLA loses Barr. OSU loses Cook. We get WSU, Arizona, USC and Oregon at home. Heck, just the law of averages says that a couple of teams we face won't end up as good.

Our secondary is much better. Our LB's are better. Our RB's are better. Our WR's are better. Our TE's are pretty equal. Our DL is, at worst, the same. QB is better.

OL is the only position of real worry, and at worst, it is the same as last year.

So, easier schedule + better team + better QB + better coaches = less wins?

Doesn't compute for me. Sorry.

I must say that I disagree with this...

I say Michigan in Ann Arbor is more difficult than BYU. We've beaten BYU 4 times in a row. Emotionally it is charged, but Michigan will be more physical and has something to prove after last year.
@UCLA still has Hundley and a bunch of recruits for Mora to play with.
@OSU still has Mannion, who ripped us a new one last year.
USC will be MUCH improved with Sarkisian.
@Stanford may have lost Gaffney and Skov, but they still have Hogan and will not take us lightly at home.
Oregon is still Oregon until proven otherwise. They still have Mariotta and a ton of speed.
@Arizona and @ASU.

There's 7 potential losses right there.

While it may not be quite as difficult as last year, I think it is just a notch below.

Mormon Red Death
04-10-2014, 09:06 AM
I must say that I disagree with this...

I say Michigan in Ann Arbor is more difficult than BYU. We've beaten BYU 4 times in a row. Emotionally it is charged, but Michigan will be more physical and has something to prove after last year.
@UCLA still has Hundley and a bunch of recruits for Mora to play with.
@OSU still has Mannion, who ripped us a new one last year.
USC will be MUCH improved with Sarkisian.
@Stanford may have lost Gaffney and Skov, but they still have Hogan and will not take us lightly at home.
Oregon is still Oregon until proven otherwise. They still have Mariotta and a ton of speed.
@Arizona and @ASU.

There's 7 potential losses right there.

While it may not be quite as difficult as last year, I think it is just a notch below.

We have Arizona at home.

04-10-2014, 09:09 AM
I don't get this. We went 5-7 against the hardest schedule we have ever had. Our schedule won't be as tough this year. Fresno isn't as good as Utah State. Michigan and BYU are a wash. ASU loses their whole defense. UCLA loses Barr. OSU loses Cook. We get WSU, Arizona, USC and Oregon at home. Heck, just the law of averages says that a couple of teams we face won't end up as good.

Our secondary is much better. Our LB's are better. Our RB's are better. Our WR's are better. Our TE's are pretty equal. Our DL is, at worst, the same. QB is better.

OL is the only position of real worry, and at worst, it is the same as last year.

So, easier schedule + better team + better QB + better coaches = less wins?

Doesn't compute for me. Sorry.

Sorry, Utah, I love you but I'm with Sancho on this one. I'm not sure that having Manning (a freshman with zero game experience) and Thompson (a transfer with virtually zero game experience) makes us better at QB. Maybe it does, but it really all hinges on Wilson.

Our OL was a mess last year and I haven't heard a good reason why that won't continue. I will agree that our WRs are better (assuming Scott is fully back), but everywhere else is questionable: D-line? We just lost a third rounder and an NFL free agent!; TE? We lost Jake Murphy!; LB? We lost Hale (our best LB); DB? We lost an early round NFLer!

Now, I know we have new players (Gionni, the young TEs, etc), but they have done nothing so far. But assuming that we can replace Jake Murphy, Palepoi, T. Reilly, and Keith McGill with better players seems like a bit of a leap.

I think 6-6 would be a fine season.

04-10-2014, 09:12 AM
We have Arizona at home.

Thank you for the correction. That helps a bit. Although I still have a hard time thinking we are going to win more than 6 games unless our OL and QB play improves dramatically.

04-10-2014, 09:17 AM
Sorry, Utah, I love you but I'm with Sancho on this one. I'm not sure that having Manning (a freshman with zero game experience) and Thompson (a transfer with virtually zero game experience) makes us better at QB. Maybe it does, but it really all hinges on Wilson.

I like our QB depth more than I have in a long time. But, really, unless someone really surprises, we better just hope Wilson can stay healthy.

Our OL was a mess last year and I haven't heard a good reason why that won't continue. I will agree that our WRs are better (assuming Scott is fully back), but everywhere else is questionable: D-line? We just lost a third rounder and an NFL free agent!; TE? We lost Jake Murphy!; LB? We lost Hale (our best LB); DB? We lost an early round NFLer!

There was a huge difference last year when Murphy went out. He really made us a better team. If Kenneth Scott is the WR I hope he is, his presence will help the OLine. We really need some blitz-busting options on offense. We also need someone who can stretch the field. I'm putting it all on him. No pressure, Ken.

Pass rush will be a concern, like always.

I think 6-6 would be a fine season.

How many teams in Utah history could have done better than 5-7 against last year's schedule? How many could go 6-6 against this years? Even if we have a pretty good team, 6-6 would be pretty good. It would take an historically good Utah team to go 9-3 or better.

LA Ute
04-10-2014, 10:15 AM
Sorry, Utah, I love you but I'm with Sancho on this one. I'm not sure that having Manning (a freshman with zero game experience) and Thompson (a transfer with virtually zero game experience) makes us better at QB. Maybe it does, but it really all hinges on Wilson.

Our OL was a mess last year and I haven't heard a good reason why that won't continue. I will agree that our WRs are better (assuming Scott is fully back), but everywhere else is questionable: D-line? We just lost a third rounder and an NFL free agent!; TE? We lost Jake Murphy!; LB? We lost Hale (our best LB); DB? We lost an early round NFLer!

Now, I know we have new players (Gionni, the young TEs, etc), but they have done nothing so far. But assuming that we can replace Jake Murphy, Palepoi, T. Reilly, and Keith McGill with better players seems like a bit of a leap.

I think 6-6 would be a fine season.

I like your post but think our LBs are better this year, even without Hale. Hoping for 7 wins. That would be a fine season for this team.

04-10-2014, 10:35 AM
While it may not be quite as difficult as last year, I think it is just a notch below.

That's fine. I'll take a notch below. We lost to OSU and ASu by 4 points. We lost to UCLA because of 6 TO's. Our defense destroyed USC and ASU, and USC loses Lee and ASU loses their whole defense. Literally, their whole defense.

We lost to WSU because Schulz threw 2 pick sixes.

We could have easily had 9 wins last year.

So, give me a better QB, better RB's, better WR's, better LB'ers, better secondary, better coaches, AND and easier schedule, even if only a notch easier, and we will be bowling again.

Everyone is WAY too down on this program. WAY too down. We are not a bad football team at all. We had a walk-on QB. That was our problem. Sure, if the OL was better, maybe Wilson doesn't get hurt, but that doesn't change the fact that we had a WALK-ON as our starter.

That's it. That's the difference between 7-8 wins and 5. Adam Schulz.

Like I said before, if we had a PAC-12 level backup QB, we beat ASU and WSU. That right there puts us at 7 wins. 8 for the season, because we would have destroyed CSU.

Like I stated before:

Improved(QB+RB+WR+LB+DB+COACHES)+Plateaued(DL+OL)-Schedule difficulty= > or = bowl game.

USS Utah
04-10-2014, 10:42 AM
Now, I know we have new players (Gionni, the young TEs, etc), but they have done nothing so far. But assuming that we can replace Jake Murphy, Palepoi, T. Reilly, and Keith McGill with better players seems like a bit of a leap.

Gionni has done more than nothing.


USS Utah
04-10-2014, 10:45 AM
We could have easily had 9 wins last year.

I like your enthusiasm, but come on!

04-10-2014, 10:45 AM
Sorry, Utah, I love you but I'm with Sancho on this one. I'm not sure that having Manning (a freshman with zero game experience) and Thompson (a transfer with virtually zero game experience) makes us better at QB. Maybe it does, but it really all hinges on Wilson.

Manning and Thompson are better than Schulz, who was a freshman last year with no experience. So, we are better at QB. I don't see why this issue keeps coming back up. Even if Wilson doesn't improve at all, he is more than capable as a healthy QB. If he isn't healthy, we have better options at backup QB than we had last year. QB is better.

Our OL was a mess last year and I haven't heard a good reason why that won't continue. I will agree that our WRs are better (assuming Scott is fully back), but everywhere else is questionable: D-line? We just lost a third rounder and an NFL free agent!; TE? We lost Jake Murphy!; LB? We lost Hale (our best LB); DB? We lost an early round NFLer!

We absolutely lost some amazing talent. BUT, as a whole, we are better. We are deeper at DL and can finally get back to our 8-9 man DL rotations. We are deeper at LB. Paul is proven. Someone said they wouldn't count on Paul yet, because he hasn't proven anything. He tore it up at Miami the year he played there. He IS proven. He is better than any LB'er we had last year. Whittingham will be better. We have Blechen. We have depth at LB. We are better there than last year.

Same with WR. We have a lot more talent there than we did last year. Fitzgerald was our starter most of the season. He wouldn't even see the field this year, even with injuries.

We did lose Murphy, but reality is, we didn't have him half the year anyways last year. Just Christensen's scheme makes the TE much better this year.

Hale was not our best LB.

Our biggest loss was McGill and Reilly. Those are big losses. BUT, Orphey was terrible last year and Thomas had his horrible moments. You don't expect them to improve? Also, if Whitt tells me that Rowe and Porter will be in the NFL...I think that guy knows what he is talking about.

Now, I know we have new players (Gionni, the young TEs, etc), but they have done nothing so far. But assuming that we can replace Jake Murphy, Palepoi, T. Reilly, and Keith McGill with better players seems like a bit of a leap.

I think 6-6 would be a fine season.

Gionni has done something. 60+ tackles as a freshman in the ACC is nothing?

Tonga last year, before he got hurt did nothing? Also, Christensen's system, which churned out All American TE's is not an improvement?

We don't need to replace them with better players.

Murphy = missed half the year. If we have a TE that is 80% of Murphy all year, we replaced Murphy with a better player.

McGill, I don't know if we can replace him, but Whitt sure thinks that Rowe and Porter will be NFL CB's. So, while the drop off may be there, it looks to be minimal. Heck, if Porter can catch the FB, we may have improved on McGill.

Reilly - This is tough. He is amazing. We will miss him. BUT, we have depth. 8-9 deep on the DL. That will make up some of the slack.

04-10-2014, 10:48 AM
I like your enthusiasm, but come on!

We beat USU = 1 win
We beat WSU = 1 win
We lost to OSU, by 3 points, 3 INT's
We lost to UCLA by 6 points, 6 INT's
We beat BYU
We beat Stanford
We lost to ASU by 1 point
We lost to WSU by 15 points, with two pick sixes
we beat Colorado

We had the talent to win 9 games last year. We are more talented with more experience and better coaches this year.

04-10-2014, 11:01 AM
Improved(QB+RB+WR+LB+DB+COACHES)+Plateaued(DL+OL)-Schedule difficulty= > or = bowl game.

I wish it worked like math equations.

I do like our LB situation for the first time in years. I would like it a lot more with Hale.

I agree that we have upgraded at QB depth, at RB, WR, and LB. Of those four, I see WR as the biggest upgrade, assuming Kenny Scott is everything I am hoping for.

We have not upgraded at DL, DB, OL, or TE. The biggest downgrades are at TE and DL.

Our schedule was brutal last season. It is not easier this season. Still, I am hopeful that we can manage 6 and a bowl game. I would love to get people off Kyle's back, and I think that would do it (the reasonable people - there will always be some silly people who want him gone).

USS Utah
04-10-2014, 11:17 AM
We beat USU = 1 win
We beat WSU = 1 win
We lost to OSU, by 3 points, 3 INT's
We lost to UCLA by 6 points, 6 INT's
We beat BYU
We beat Stanford
We lost to ASU by 1 point
We lost to WSU by 15 points, with two pick sixes
we beat Colorado

We had the talent to win 9 games last year. We are more talented with more experience and better coaches this year.

We didn't have the depth to win 9 games.

04-10-2014, 11:42 AM
Gionni has done more than nothing.


Correct. Sorry, I didn't mean to throw Johnny Gionni into the nothing bin. I expect him to be good.

Hale was not our best LB.

Our biggest loss was McGill and Reilly. Those are big losses. BUT, Orphey was terrible last year and Thomas had his horrible moments. You don't expect them to improve? Also, if Whitt tells me that Rowe and Porter will be in the NFL...I think that guy knows what he is talking about.

Sorry, I admire your gumption, but I just don't follow this logic. We lose an NFL db, but because we our "terrible" dbs are returning and improving we will be better? I don't buy that at all.

And we are we suddenly 8-9 deep at DL? We had about that many guys last year and we lost two of the best. Now, Whit is a magician when it comes to the D-line, but this will be an uphill climb.

04-10-2014, 12:34 PM
We beat USU = 1 win
We beat WSU = 1 win
We lost to OSU, by 3 points, 3 INT's
We lost to UCLA by 6 points, 6 INT's
We beat BYU
We beat Stanford
We lost to ASU by 1 point
We lost to WSU by 15 points, with two pick sixes
we beat Colorado

We had the talent to win 9 games last year. We are more talented with more experience and better coaches this year.

Although I'm more bullish on this year's team and wonder what we could have done with a healthy Travis last year, this kind of thinking is absolutely fallacious unless you know you're going to win all the close games. All of our FBS wins last year were by a TD or less. We finished about where we deserved to finish given our QB play. We were not a 9-win team in talent last year; otherwise, that talent would have manifested itself in a decisive win or two against FBS teams. That we couldn't even blow out Colorado at home says everything on our "talent" and "potential."

04-10-2014, 01:25 PM
Manning and Thompson are better than Schulz, who was a freshman last year with no experience. So, we are better at QB. I don't see why this issue keeps coming back up. Even if Wilson doesn't improve at all, he is more than capable as a healthy QB. If he isn't healthy, we have better
options at backup QB than we had last year. QB is better.

Seriously. I admire your optimism. I hope beyond all hope that you're right in all of this.


LA Ute
04-10-2014, 02:05 PM
I'm choosing to have low expectations and thus to be prepared for happy surprises.

04-10-2014, 06:21 PM
There is a rumor going around that Gionni Paul broke his foot and needs surgery.

Please tell me this not true...

04-10-2014, 06:42 PM
There is a rumor going around that Gionni Paul broke his foot and needs surgery.

Please tell me this not true...

It is true. I saw him hop off the field on Tuesday but did not want to speculate. He should be good to go by early June.

Diehard Ute
04-10-2014, 08:32 PM
There is a rumor going around that Gionni Paul broke his foot and needs surgery.

Please tell me this not true...

Already had the surgery.

04-11-2014, 07:44 AM
Already had the surgery.

I think we are cursed at linebacker.

Diehard Ute
04-11-2014, 07:46 AM
I think we are cursed at linebacker.

The good news is per Bill Riley it was fully successful and he'll be 100% in plenty of time for fall camp

04-11-2014, 07:48 AM
The good news is per Bill Riley it was fully successful and he'll be 100% in plenty of time for fall camp

I've heard that line before. I don't like foot injuries.

04-11-2014, 01:53 PM
Where the hell is Utah when you need him? (He's a dentist, right? He's probably golfing). I need him to cheer me up about our linebackers. Maybe Jason Whittingham is getting some NFL buzz?

04-11-2014, 04:00 PM
Where the hell is Utah when you need him? (He's a dentist, right? He's probably golfing). I need him to cheer me up about our linebackers. Maybe Jason Whittingham is getting some NFL buzz?one if the recruiting sites, before the injuries, said Whittingham was the best, most balanced of the LBs.

Hot Lunch
04-11-2014, 06:24 PM
Where the hell is Utah when you need him? (He's a dentist, right? He's probably golfing). I need him to cheer me up about our linebackers. Maybe Jason Whittingham is getting some NFL buzz?

Twitter is saying that Paul is out 5 to 6 months now. Wow, Not good. We lost our best two linebackers in spring ball this year to significant injuries. Yes Hale when healthy, was our best linebacker last year.

Someone has said it on here before, I am beginning to think that Whitt did make a deal with the devil in 08. We can't keep key players healthy right now. To be successful in the PAC-12, we can't keep losing our most talented players. We don't have the depth.

04-12-2014, 03:28 PM
I went to the final scrimmage today which is really the last big scrimmage of spring. Spring ball is for the fans and the defense is hamstrung so it is hard to really make a strong evaluation from that game.

The defense held Blechen, Orchard and Norris out. The remaining first group probably only had starters at CB and maybe Dimick at DE. The 2nd group was essentially the third string. IMO, even with the lack of personnel the defense won the day. The offense scored some touchdowns and did some things well, but should have dominated against this defensive personnel.

Wilson was fair. He was less than 50% with several poor decisions and more poor throws. Although he was not intercepted, there could easily have been 2. Manning had a good day splitting the 2s reps with Schulz. He should comfortably be the No. 2 at the end of spring. He throws a good ball. Sshulz did not have a good day. I wish I could see Cox in a competitive situation with good personnel around him but he is No. 4 and gets few reps. He threw a pick on a long ball to Thomas.

The RB's all did a good job. Booker and Poole did what you would expect and McCormick really showed speed and a good change up back with excellent speed. The only downside on McCormick was a fumble. Young also showed well.

Dres, Tonga and McClellon had good showings as did Fakalaitonga and Moeai.

Poutasis took the 1 reps at LT and it looked like Asiata and Albers split the No. 1 reps at RT. The OL is still very much a work in progress and there is a lot of work to do.

My predictions are that Schulz and/or Cox will transfer. It will also be interesting to see if Thomas has bought into the move to WR or if he also looks to transfer.

Here are my stats from the scrimmage:

Wilson 1st possession from -25
Poole run rt no gain
Wilson WR inside screen no gain
Wilson Inc bad throw

Wilson 2nd possesion from -25
Wilson scramble +10

Booker run left +5
Booker run right +10; hold on Dres
Wilson inc bad throw
Wilson cross to Dres +6

McCormick run right +15

McCormick run left +12

Wilson to Tonga +2
Wilson swing to Poole batted down
Wilson swing to Poole dropped

Phillips 40 yard FG good

Schulz 1st possession from -25
Schulz pass batted down at line
False Start
Booker run right =2

Schulz 2nd possession from -25
McCormick run +5
McCormick run left +10, fumble returned for TD

Schulz 3rd possession from -25
Schulz pass to Norwood dropped
Schulz pass to Norwood +65 yard TD called back due to pick by Allen
Schulz pass to Tonga +15
Schulz pass batted down at line

Wilson 1st possession from -40
Wilson pass to Dres +6
Poole run -3
Wilson swing pass to Poole inc., bad throw

Wilson 2nd possession from -40
Wilson pass to Tonga +20

Wilson swing to Poole -4
Wilson to Fakailoatonga no gain
Wilson to Dres +45 TD

Manning 1st possession from -40
McCormick run right +60 TD

Manning 2nd possession from -40
False Start Dileman
Young run left +4
Manning to Norwood +6
Manning to Fakailoatonga +20

Manning to Allen +8
Young run left +8

Young left run no gain
Young left run +5
Manning to Moeai +10

False Start Dielman
Manning inc to McClellon dropped
Manning pass to McClellon +20 TD

Wilson 1st possession from +45
Wilson scramble right inc bad decision, bad throw
Wilson inc to Tonga, dropped on tough hit
Wilson scramble throw away

Wilson 2nd possession +45
McCormick run left +40

Booker run middle +3
Wilson scramble run right, would have been TD but called down by KW
Wilson inc.
39 FG bad snap and sack

Schulz 1st possession +45
Schulz read option keep +10

Schulz swing pass to Young +4
Young run middle +3
Poole run right +8
False Start Uhlatafe
Shulz pass to Handley +5
Schulz inc to Allen, bad pass
Shulz swing pass to Poole +3
66 FG from 33 good
57 FG from 33 good

Wilson 1st possession from +8
Wilson pass to Tonga +8 TD
Poole run off fake swing pass statue play +3 2 pt good

Manning 1st possession +8
Booker run left +6
Manning keep off bad snap no gain
Manning pass to Fakailoatonga +2 TD
Booler run middle +3 2 point good

Wilson 1st possession at -25 (offense ahead with 4 minute)
Poole run middle +5
Wilson pass to Dres +5

Poole run right +5
Poole run left -3
Wilson inc long to Dres, pass underthrown
punt with 2 minutes left

Schulz 1st possession at -25 (offense ahead with 4 minute)
McCormick run right no gain
Schulz inc to Fakailoatonga, pass high and dropped
Schulz inc to McClellon, tough pass/catch
Punt with 2:30 left

Wilson 1st possession at -45 ( 2 minute down 4)
Wilson to Dres +5
McCormick run right +5

Wilson pass to Dres +40 TD

Wilson 2nd possession -45 (2 minute down 4)
Wilson inc to Tonga on tough ball to catch
Wilson sacked - held ball too long
Wilson inc to Dres on on long pass good defense

Manning 1st possession -45 (2 minute down 4)
Manning seam pass to Moeai +35

Manning inc to Allen
Manning pass to Allen +15

Manning inc to Moeai
Poole run middle no gain
Manning pass Allen +8 TD

Wilson 1st possession +40 (1:20 down 7)
Wilson to Tonga +8
Wilson inc to Hatfiend should have been picked
Wilson scramble from bad snap

Wilson 2nd possession +43 (1:20 down 7)
Wilson pass McClellon +8
Wilson inc to Hatfield, bad pass
Wilson inc to Tonga, bad pass
Wilson pass to Dres +8

Wilson pass to Tonga +25

Wilson pass to Dres +8 to 1 yard line

Booker run middle no gain
Wilson fade inc to Hatfield good defense
Wilson fade inc to Tonga good defense
False Start
Wilson inc to Tonga
D wins

Manning 1st possession +43 (:18 need FG to win)
Manning inc to Thomas
Wilson to Fakailoatonga +8
66 FG attempt from 52 no good

Wilson 1st possession +43 (:18 seconds need FG)
Wilson inc to Dres
Wilson inc to Tonga, bad pass should have been picked
Wilson sprint out throw away
Phillips 59 yard FG good

Cox 1st possession at -35
Tough to tell what Cox could do because of personnel. He underthrew a long pass to Thomas and was picked.
He executed the read option game well.

04-12-2014, 10:16 PM
Hope for the LB'ers:

Hale wasn't our best LB last year, Whitt was. He will be back. Hale was our sack leader (I think). Pita can fill that role. Had two sacks today.

I keep saying that we are finally a PAC-12 team and have depth. Here is where I am proven right or wrong.

Injuries = Opportunities.

That's all I got. Ha ha.

04-12-2014, 10:23 PM
All I would add to Utetopia -

I think Manning was our best QB today, which isn't a knock on Wilson. It's a compliment to Manning. Schulz should enjoy this next week, because I doubt we see him on the field again.

Phillips is good.

This is probably the least confident I've been in our beloved Utes. Our OL is TERRIBLE. They determine our success this year. If they are last year's level, we win 5-7. With how many kids we've brought in, how can we b this bad? Was Finn really that terrible?

Finally, Reggie Porter is amazing. McGill will be a second round pick. I loved McGill ever since he shut down Hoffman. I think I'd take Porter over McGill. The kid is very, very good. Like really, really good. Gets better every week.

Also, Rowe looks good at the other CB spot.

04-12-2014, 10:27 PM
Hope for the LB'ers:

Hale wasn't our best LB last year, Whitt was. He will be back. Hale was our sack leader (I think). Pita can fill that role. Had two sacks today.

I keep saying that we are finally a PAC-12 team and have depth. Here is where I am proven right or wrong.

Injuries = Opportunities.

That's all I got. Ha ha.

Something else I'll add:

If we go with a 4-2-5, we can run Norris and Whittingham at LB, Porter, Rowe and Thomas at CB, and Blechen and Carter at S, we will be ok. Thin at LB, but not bad at all. Rowe can hit, Thomas is a beast, an absolute monster, and Blechen is a LB that is too damn lazy to gain 15 lbs.

Of course, we haven't seen a second out of Carter yet....so....here's to hoping Carter pans out and Paul gets back in time for Michigan. Heck, maybe we will get lucky and before we play OSU we will have both Hale and Paul back...

04-12-2014, 10:35 PM
Repeating myself here, but those of you who go to the game Saturday, watch Reginald Porter. Kid is a RS Freshman. #29. This might be his only year playing for us.

Diehard Ute
04-12-2014, 11:43 PM
Hope for the LB'ers:

Hale wasn't our best LB last year, Whitt was. He will be back. Hale was our sack leader (I think). Pita can fill that role. Had two sacks today.

I keep saying that we are finally a PAC-12 team and have depth. Here is where I am proven right or wrong.

Injuries = Opportunities.

That's all I got. Ha ha.

Reilly was our sack leader. Hale was 2 behind.

Hot Lunch
04-13-2014, 02:47 AM
Repeating myself here, but those of you who go to the game Saturday, watch Reginald Porter. Kid is a RS Freshman. #29. This might be his only year playing for us.


04-13-2014, 08:02 AM
This is probably the least confident I've been in our beloved Utes. Our OL is TERRIBLE. They determine our success this year. If they are last year's level, we win 5-7. With how many kids we've brought in, how can we b this bad? Was Finn really that terrible?

I'm not sure how you put this at the feet of Finn. He was here for 1 recruiting cycle. He arrived immediately after the promotion of BJ in Spring 2012, had a full recruiting year for the 2013 class and then was cut loose in January 2014. If your point is that we have bad players at the OL, I don't think that can be put on Finn. If you say he didn't develop them then Harding should be able to do that and we should be fine.

04-13-2014, 08:20 AM
I'm not sure how you put this at the feet of Finn. He was here for 1 recruiting cycle. He arrived immediately after the promotion of BJ in Spring 2012, had a full recruiting year for the 2013 class and then was cut loose in January 2014. If your point is that we have bad players at the OL, I don't think that can be put on Finn. If you say he didn't develop them then Harding should be able to do that and we should be fine.

That's true about Finn. What has happened to our OL? It's not for lack of bodies. Why are we so terrible? It's actually quite amazing how bad we are.

04-13-2014, 08:21 AM

He's actually a RS Sophomore. He is really, really good. He will get to go up against really, really good WR's.

04-13-2014, 09:33 AM
I'm not sure how you put this at the feet of Finn. He was here for 1 recruiting cycle. He arrived immediately after the promotion of BJ in Spring 2012, had a full recruiting year for the 2013 class and then was cut loose in January 2014. If your point is that we have bad players at the OL, I don't think that can be put on Finn. If you say he didn't develop them then Harding should be able to do that and we should be fine.

When Harding was interviewed on the radio a week or two ago he hunted around for a good way to say it and finally settled on significant "conditioning issues" as the primary concern when he showed up. He seemed like a guy that would be able to help the OL.

Hot Lunch
04-13-2014, 10:46 AM
He's actually a RS Sophomore. He is really, really good. He will get to go up against really, really good WR's.

Are you saying he is good enough to leave after his sophomore year?

You might be the biggest hype man I have seen on message boards.

And by by the way, Hale when healthy was the best linebacker we had last year.

04-13-2014, 12:46 PM
The Oline is only part of the problem, though. The line can't contain blitz after blitz of 5-7 rushers, which is what we saw in the 2nd half of the season last year. To make defenses play honestly, we need the right plan. Then we need a QB who can recognize, RBs who can pick up, WRs who can make plays, and a QB/WR connection. In other words, it was the entire offense that was failing, not just the offensive line.

I have hope that our screen game can improve again. It was awful two years ago, and it was up to average last year. I also hope that Kenny Scott's presence will make out-all, non-stop blitzing too dangerous for defenses. And finally, I hope that our Pac-12 brothers suffer the same LB injuries that we are having.

04-13-2014, 01:01 PM
Good points Sancho. Wilson, Thompson and Manning will make the QB's at worst, above average. That is a huge upgrade.

Wilson was a top 25 QB through the Stanford game. After that, Wilson and Schulz were 100+. We dropped off big time once Wilson was hurt.

We shouldn't drop off so far this year.

04-13-2014, 01:02 PM
Are you saying he is good enough to leave after his sophomore year?

You might be the biggest hype man I have seen on message boards.

And by by the way, Hale when healthy was the best linebacker we had last year.

Think what you want, but I also said McGill would go top three rounds after I saw him shut down Hoffman and Evans...

LA Ute
04-13-2014, 07:35 PM
When Harding was interviewed on the radio a week or two ago he hunted around for a good way to say it and finally settled on significant "conditioning issues" as the primary concern when he showed up. He seemed like a guy that would be able to help the OL.

Too many fat guys.

04-13-2014, 08:46 PM
So, I mentioned how our QBR was killed earlier, was bored, and looked up our QBR per week.

Week #1 - Wilson ranked #11
Week #2 - Wilson ranked #1
Week #3 - Wilson ranked #20
Week #4 - Wilson ranked #32
Week #5 - bye
Week #6 - Wilson ranked #93 (UCLA)
Week #7 - Wilson ranked #10
Week #8 - Schulz ranked #39
Week #9 - Wilson ranked #80 and Schulz was #108
Week #10 - bye
Week #11 - Wilson ranked #100
Week #12 - Schulz ranked #23 (Oregon, the only game we were blown out of)
Week #13 - Schulz ranked #57
Week #14 - Schulz ranked #59

We started the season 4-2, with QBR's of 11, 1, 20, 32, 93, and 10. Pretty dang good.

We finished the season 1-5 with QBR's of 39, 80, 108, 100, 23, 57, 59. Terrible.

Once Wilson was hurt, we were killed. Also, Wilson ended the year ranked #47, which is actually quite impressive considering his last two games he ranked 80 and 100. Schulz wasn't ranked overall, didn't qualify.

04-13-2014, 09:29 PM
Once Wilson was hurt, we were killed.

Injury is part of it, but those are also the games against the better defenses (ucla, usc, asu).

04-13-2014, 09:35 PM
Here is some more unbridled optimism for all you debbie downers: ;)

Wilson ended the year ranked #47 in QBR. In the south, that put him here:

Hundley - #7
Kelly - #25
Denker - #27
Kessler - #43
Wilson - #47
Luifau - #65

Next to last. And we ended up....next to last. QB play is paramount.

Now, here comes the unbridled optimism:

If you take out the last two games where Wilson could barely hold the football, he would have ranked #7 in college football, just ahead of Brett Hundley. Imagine how everyone would feel about Utah had we had a backup QB that was competent enough last year, that Whitt felt good putting him in for a Wilson that couldn't throw the ball.

Imagine if Wilson had not played again last year, after he hurt his hand, but instead a backup came in and played the rest of last year (although, in this reality, this would suck for Wilson because we would have never discovered his injury). Wilson goes down and doesn't play anymore last year (actually, in this reality, he probably comes back for WSU and Colorado, leads us to two wins, then a bowl win over Colorado St, and we end the year 7-5), and we head into the season with a QB healthy, who was ranked #7 in the nation last year, was 4-2, with a win over #5 Stanford, led a top 25 offense, and had experience that you would expect an INT or two to not happen vs UCLA and OSU.

We would all be as optimistic as I am.

Last year, after the Stanford game, we were #23 in total offense, scoring 38 points a game, with the #7 QB in the country and 4-2. And it wasn't a cream puff schedule either. It was against USU, BYU, OSU, Stanford, UCLA and Weber St. 5 bowl teams. 4 bowl BCS teams.

My, oh, my. What could have been had Wilson stayed healthy.

04-13-2014, 09:41 PM
Injury is part of it, but those are also the games against the better defenses (ucla, usc, asu).

I like this argument. I think we beat ASU with a healthy Wilson. Also, he was the #7 QB against USU, BYU, UCLA and Stanford. All exceptional defenses.

So, I don't like the "he was only good against bad defenses" because it isn't true.

04-13-2014, 09:48 PM
USU - 12th
BYU - 51
OSU - 94
UCLA - 56
Stanford - 14

The rest of the schedule

ASU - 31
Arizona - 67
USC - 16
Wash St - 101
Colorado - 107
Oregon - 47

So, Healthy Wilson played defenses with an average ranking of 45.4. Hurt Wilson/Schulz played defenses with an average ranking of 61.

So, Wilson led us with that offense, through the toughest defense stretch of the season. And he was ranked #7 in the country.

Not too shabby.

04-13-2014, 10:43 PM
That's true about Finn. What has happened to our OL? It's not for lack of bodies. Why are we so terrible? It's actually quite amazing how bad we are.
I think a big problem was that our line consisted of 5 guards last year. How it is that we struggle to recruit length and 6'5" -6'7" kids is beyond me. Because smaller schools seem to be able to do it. so why do we run out a bunch of 6'2" or 6'3" guys is beyong me. We played a 6'2" kid at RT last year. luckily we are moving him into center where he should be. But now we are pushing a 6'3" kid (isaac asiata) to be the RT this year. I believe he is very similar to poutasi and would be an absolute stud at guard where he should line up.

Here is what i believe we should be looking at this year.

LT- JJ dielman 6'5" 290
LG- CJ poutasi 6'5" 325
C- siaosi aiono 6'2" 310
RG- isaac asiata 6'3" 320
RT- andrew albers 6'7" 315

then next year we have jackson barton ( 6'6" 300+) who will have reshirted and bulked up properly. and zach lindsey (6'7" 315) coming in from snow college. zach has an enormous wing span too. These are the types of kids we need to bring in to play tackle. not he 6'2" or 6'3" kids anymore.

04-14-2014, 07:47 AM
So, Healthy Wilson played defenses with an average ranking of 45.4. Hurt Wilson/Schulz played defenses with an average ranking of 61.

Go ask a player or coach who the toughest defenses on our schedule were - the answer is Stanford, USC, UCLA, Oregon, and ASU in some order. USU and BYU had nice little defenses too, but they don't have the talent, skill, athleticism, or ability of those five. That USU is ranked 12 is a pretty clear indicator that the rankings are not accurate.

But the good news is that we agree - a healthy Wilson is a great thing, and we have more QB depth than ever. I'm just saying that there were many factors in our 7 losses. Wilson's injury was only one of those factors.

Break up our 12 opponents into two groups of 6. We were 1-5 against the top 6 and 4-2 against the bottom 6. Wilson and Murphy injuries hurt us badly, but we were also playing some really good teams.

04-14-2014, 11:13 AM
Did you forget about Jr. Salt?
No I didn't. I would have him and asiata battle it out for the RG spot. with the loser being the swing guard. I like salt and think he is good. But I was looking for more length. and asiata brings more length to the position.

USS Utah
04-14-2014, 11:16 AM
That USU is ranked 12 is a pretty clear indicator that the rankings are not accurate.

Three words: Strength of Schedule.

04-14-2014, 01:03 PM
Jr Salt was our best lineman last year, you're not thinking straight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well then he should have no problem beating out asiata then? so you can relax now...

04-14-2014, 02:17 PM
LT- CJ poutasi 6'5" 325
LG- Jr. Salt
C- siaosi aiono 6'2" 310
RG- isaac asiata 6'3" 320
RT- JJ dielman 6'5" 290

Until Jackson takes over a tackle spot in the latter third of the season.

Hot Lunch
04-14-2014, 04:46 PM
No I didn't. I would have him and asiata battle it out for the RG spot. with the loser being the swing guard. I like salt and think he is good. But I was looking for more length. and asiata brings more length to the position.

Length isn't as a big a factor at Guard as it is at tackle. Guards play in a box. It is the tackles that are out on an island that need that length for separation. I would be shocked if Salt doesn't start. He was pretty good last year. One of the bright spots. In my opinion, Utah's struggles last year on the line were on the outside and not so much on the inside.

04-14-2014, 09:02 PM
Length isn't as a big a factor at Guard as it is at tackle. Guards play in a box. It is the tackles that are out on an island that need that length for separation. I would be shocked if Salt doesn't start. He was pretty good last year. One of the bright spots. In my opinion, Utah's struggles last year on the line were on the outside and not so much on the inside.
It still helps to have length. hand fighting is huge wether on the outside or inside. long arms help with this. I like salt. But make him earn it still. being the tallest midget doesnt make you tall. the line was bad and nobody should feel comfortable, poutasi included.

LA Ute
04-15-2014, 07:31 PM
I am in Salt Lake for Spring Break (and our daughter is visiting the Utah campus while here) so she and I decided to watch football practice today. I'd never done that before, and it was fun. I am not a keen enough observer of football talent to say much, but I can report the follpwing:

1. Andy Phillips put every kickoff I saw out of the end zone, except one, which was obviously intended to be a low-trajectory squib kick. That's a nice change from last year. He made at least two 52-yard field goals too, plus a bunch of shorter ones -- many of them in the 40s,

2. Connor Manning is a very precise and accurate passer who can get rid of the ball quickly. Size-wise, he reminds me of Jordan Wynn. I heard Hans Olson interview him afterwards and he was impressive -- articulate, humble, but competitive.

3. Travis seemed to struggle. He did seem to be checking down and not locking on one or two receivers. Then again, he was also hurried often, which may be because of the o-line.

4. Dres is very fast. Seems to be holding on to the ball much better now.

5. K. Scott seems to be able to get open and to find a way to catch the ball if it's near him.

6. Our RBs are fast -- especially no. 15 (couldn't see his name) but could not get anything up the middle. O-line again?

That's about it.

04-16-2014, 07:44 AM
LT- CJ poutasi 6'5" 325
LG- Jr. Salt
C- siaosi aiono 6'2" 310
RG- isaac asiata 6'3" 320
RT- JJ dielman 6'5" 290

Until Jackson takes over a tackle spot in the latter third of the season.

I listened to Hans yesterday talk about Barton. He said that he thinks it will take Barton longer than he thought it would take for him to become the player that we all have heard he can be primarily because of lack of core strength. As Hans explained it, lack of core strength results in poor technique and the inability to move your feet and use leverage to keep the guy from running through you. It made a lot of sense and also got me thinking why Poutasi might have struggled more at left tackle. I hope Barton is able to redshirt. From the practices I attended, I would put the tackles in this order: Poutasi, Asiata, Albers, Dielman, Barton, Falemaka.

04-16-2014, 08:57 AM
I wonder why we all see Wilson so differently? Is it bias? We remember all of Wilson's I completes but no one else's?

Every practice report I read/heard yesterday said Wilson shined.

LA Ute saw something different. It's just interesting, that's all.

In other related news, I saw more film on Thompson. I can see why the coaches will give him every opportunity to win the job. The kid is athletic, but the most exciting part is that he isn't a running QB.

I was very impressed with his pocket awareness, footwork in the pocket, ability to take a step or two to avoid the rush, then gather and throw a very accurate pass. I'm a big Wilson fan, but if Thompson wins the job, we will be very, very good next year. Like 8+ wins with a chance to win the south the following year (2015).

Hot Lunch
04-16-2014, 10:43 AM
I wonder why we all see Wilson so differently? Is it bias? We remember all of Wilson's I completes but no one else's?

Every practice report I read/heard yesterday said Wilson shined.

LA Ute saw something different. It's just interesting, that's all.

In other related news, I saw more film on Thompson. I can see why the coaches will give him every opportunity to win the job. The kid is athletic, but the most exciting part is that he isn't a running QB.

I was very impressed with his pocket awareness, footwork in the pocket, ability to take a step or two to avoid the rush, then gather and throw a very accurate pass. I'm a big Wilson fan, but if Thompson wins the job, we will be very, very good next year. Like 8+ wins with a chance to win the south the following year (2015).

I am assuming that we saw the same film on Thompson recently. Loved what I saw. Like you said, he is an athletic quarterback that is not a running q.b. One of the best things to have in college football is a Q.B. that can extend plays with his legs. Travis wasn't bad at this, he actually runs very good for his height. It just took him a minute to get going. He isn't as quick as Thompson. Thompson's quickness is what will help him extend plays better. Especially with the suspect O line that we have right now.

The Q.B. battle in the fall is going to be a good one. I for one think that this position battle is going to be a tight one and will not be surprised at all if Thompson comes out as our starter.

04-16-2014, 11:14 AM
The Q.B. battle in the fall is going to be a good one. I for one think that this position battle is going to be a tight one and will not be surprised at all if Thompson comes out as our starter.

I realize that it is all speculation at this point, but do you (or anyone) think that the coaches may split quarters in the first game or two to see who is the better QB in a live game, or do you think the coaches will have a clear cut #1 coming out of fall camp?

Hot Lunch
04-16-2014, 11:29 AM
I realize that it is all speculation at this point, but do you (or anyone) think that the coaches may split quarters in the first game or two to see who is the better QB in a live game, or do you think the coaches will have a clear cut #1 coming out of fall camp?

I really, really hope not. They need to decided on one at least 10 days prior to the first game so he and the team knows who the guy will be.

Diehard Ute
04-16-2014, 11:48 AM
I really, really hope not. They need to decided on one at least 10 days prior to the first game so he and the team knows who the guy will be.

DC has publicly said 7-10 days before the first game is when he'll pick the starter.

04-16-2014, 11:51 AM
I am assuming that we saw the same film on Thompson recently. Loved what I saw. Like you said, he is an athletic quarterback that is not a running q.b. One of the best things to have in college football is a Q.B. that can extend plays with his legs. Travis wasn't bad at this, he actually runs very good for his height. It just took him a minute to get going. He isn't as quick as Thompson. Thompson's quickness is what will help him extend plays better. Especially with the suspect O line that we have right now.

The Q.B. battle in the fall is going to be a good one. I for one think that this position battle is going to be a tight one and will not be surprised at all if Thompson comes out as our starter.

I agree. We FINALLY will have a legit BCS backup QB. I'm not so much worried about who wins the job, I think we see both this year because neither one has shown that they can stay healthy. The good news is, when the backup comes in this year when we are 4-2, we won't take a HUGE step back like the last couple of years.

04-16-2014, 11:53 AM
I realize that it is all speculation at this point, but do you (or anyone) think that the coaches may split quarters in the first game or two to see who is the better QB in a live game, or do you think the coaches will have a clear cut #1 coming out of fall camp?

I bet they do this. Probably even the second game as well.

Let's be real here. There is next to no chance we lose either of the first two games, even with Schulz as our QB. I bet they split reps games 1 and 2, start off 2-0, make Michigan guess who our starting QB is, decide on a starter at the end of the Fresno game, then give him two weeks with the #1 reps for the Michigan game.

That is what I see happening.

04-16-2014, 11:55 AM
Didn't DC also say that he wants a mobile QB for his offence? This is where I think that Thompson has the edge. If he comes in and at least matches TW in practice, I have to think that he is a lock to start. Am I wrong? Also I wonder how much DC wanting to build his offense up his own way factors into the decision? Thompson stated in an interview that he played in what is essentially DC's offense in HS. This info also has me thinking that unless he stinks it up in fall camp, Thompson has a real edge. Again, am I off on this?

04-16-2014, 12:04 PM
Also I wonder how much DC wanting to build his offense up his own way factors into the decision?

DC better temper this desire with the realization that if we don't win this year, he may not be around long enough to build his offense his own way.

04-16-2014, 01:11 PM
It will be really hard for Thompson to beat out Wilson. Wilson has two years experience, team captain, team lives him, tough, gets in fights with Gionni Paul, etc.

If Thompson beats him out, Thompson will be really, really good.

Also, if DC really prefers Thompson, it wouldn't surprise me if those two split reps the first two games.

04-16-2014, 01:13 PM
I realize that it is all speculation at this point, but do you (or anyone) think that the coaches may split quarters in the first game or two to see who is the better QB in a live game, or do you think the coaches will have a clear cut #1 coming out of fall camp?

I have no idea what could've prompted such a topic. Travis Wilson is our clear-cut No. 1 QB right now. Short of injury, he will be our No. 1 going into and out of fall camp.

USS Utah
04-16-2014, 01:43 PM
I wonder why we all see Wilson so differently? Is it bias? We remember all of Wilson's I completes but no one else's?

Every practice report I read/heard yesterday said Wilson shined.

LA Ute saw something different. It's just interesting, that's all.

In other related news, I saw more film on Thompson. I can see why the coaches will give him every opportunity to win the job. The kid is athletic, but the most exciting part is that he isn't a running QB.

I was very impressed with his pocket awareness, footwork in the pocket, ability to take a step or two to avoid the rush, then gather and throw a very accurate pass. I'm a big Wilson fan, but if Thompson wins the job, we will be very, very good next year. Like 8+ wins with a chance to win the south the following year (2015).

My concern about Wilson is that last year he forced some throw, some led to INTs, some he got away with. I hope he can fix that. If he can, he should be the starter -- assuming he is cleared medically.

04-16-2014, 01:47 PM
My concern about Wilson is that last year he forced some throw, some led to INTs, some he got away with. I hope he can fix that. If he can, he should be the starter -- assuming he is cleared medically.

Big concern. I keep telling myself that "he was only a sophomore, he was only a sophomore." A lot of growing up can happen between the SO and JR years.

Also, some of those throws were 100 mph fastballs that were unnecessary that led to tipped balls, which led to INT's. It looks like he is starting to take some off the ball on some of those throws this spring.

He has improved a lot already.

Like I've said 100 times, it will be very, very hard for Thompson to win the job, and if he does, get very, very excited.

04-16-2014, 01:49 PM
I have no idea what could've prompted such a topic. Travis Wilson is our clear-cut No. 1 QB right now. Short of injury, he will be our No. 1 going into and out of fall camp.

Both Whitt and DC have said on the radio this week that Thompson will get the majority of the #1 reps the first week in fall camp to see what they have in him.

Travis is our #1, and I fully expect him to be our starter, but it sounds like Thompson will be given every opportunity to take the job away from Wilson.

04-16-2014, 01:50 PM
The Oline is only part of the problem, though. The line can't contain blitz after blitz of 5-7 rushers, which is what we saw in the 2nd half of the season last year. To make defenses play honestly, we need the right plan. Then we need a QB who can recognize, RBs who can pick up, WRs who can make plays, and a QB/WR connection. In other words, it was the entire offense that was failing, not just the offensive line.

I have hope that our screen game can improve again. It was awful two years ago, and it was up to average last year. I also hope that Kenny Scott's presence will make out-all, non-stop blitzing too dangerous for defenses. And finally, I hope that our Pac-12 brothers suffer the same LB injuries that we are having.

Totally agree. I think the significance of K Scott's injury is a little underappreciated. We simply did not have a physical possession receiver on the team last year. If Wilson is countering those blitzes with quick slants to Scott, a guy who has good hands and knows how to use his body to protect the ball, we wind up with completions instead of interceptions off our receivers hands.

Wilson seems to have a very strong connection with Dres right now, and is also targeting Tonga pretty well (ditto on losing Murphy as a big reason Wilson struggled). What I really hope is that when Scott comes back to full activity, Wilson develops a similar rapport with him. That's going to be the key to limiting TW's interceptions.

04-16-2014, 02:00 PM
I have no idea what could've prompted such a topic. Travis Wilson is our clear-cut No. 1 QB right now. Short of injury, he will be our No. 1 going into and out of fall camp.

I think it is because Hot Lunch is like the E. F. Hutton of Football on this message board. When he talks, people listen.

I am assuming that we saw the same film on Thompson recently. Loved what I saw. Like you said, he is an athletic quarterback that is not a running q.b. One of the best things to have in college football is a Q.B. that can extend plays with his legs. Travis wasn't bad at this, he actually runs very good for his height. It just took him a minute to get going. He isn't as quick as Thompson. Thompson's quickness is what will help him extend plays better. Especially with the suspect O line that we have right now.

The Q.B. battle in the fall is going to be a good one. I for one think that this position battle is going to be a tight one and will not be surprised at all if Thompson comes out as our starter.

04-16-2014, 03:29 PM
I think it is because Hot Lunch is like the E. F. Hutton of Football on this message board. When he talks, people listen.

Does that make me the Grandpa Simpson of football on this message board?

Hot Lunch
04-17-2014, 10:40 AM
Totally agree. I think the significance of K Scott's injury is a little underappreciated. We simply did not have a physical possession receiver on the team last year. If Wilson is countering those blitzes with quick slants to Scott, a guy who has good hands and knows how to use his body to protect the ball, we wind up with completions instead of interceptions off our receivers hands.

Wilson seems to have a very strong connection with Dres right now, and is also targeting Tonga pretty well (ditto on losing Murphy as a big reason Wilson struggled). What I really hope is that when Scott comes back to full activity, Wilson develops a similar rapport with him. That's going to be the key to limiting TW's interceptions.

Scott's injury alone last year cost us at least two wins last year. Maybe 3. With a healthy Kenneth Scott last year, Utah could have been an 8 win team. Oregon St., UCLA, Arizona and Arizon St. could have all been changed by having his presence on the field Kenneth Scott. He was that missed on offense.

Defenses quickly figured out that they could play extremely physical with Dres and cheat the safety to his side because they didn't have to respect the other side of the field.

LA Ute
04-17-2014, 11:27 AM
I wonder why we all see Wilson so differently? Is it bias? We remember all of Wilson's I completes but no one else's?

Every practice report I read/heard yesterday said Wilson shined.

LA Ute saw something different. It's just interesting, that's all.

I'm just a fan and only played high school football, so what I say about Wilson isn't terribly important. I just saw throws behind the receiver and several "sacks" (they can't touch the QB so the play stops when the defense gets close enough to touch). I don't necessarily blame him for the sacks, and the throws behind the receivers may have been because of poor route-running. I was there from 4:00 to 5:00 and Travis was not having a lot of success during that hour.

04-17-2014, 03:53 PM
I'm just a fan and only played high school football, so what I say about Wilson isn't terribly important. I just saw throws behind the receiver and several "sacks" (they can't touch the QB so the play stops when the defense gets close enough to touch). I don't necessarily blame him for the sacks, and the throws behind the receivers may have been because of poor route-running. I was there from 4:00 to 5:00 and Travis was not having a lot of success during that hour.

Oh, it's fine. I wasn't singling you out in particular, you just happened to be the one to post. :)

Just an observation I'd had recently. You listen to reporters, coaches and the such, and you here a lot of good about Wilson. You then listen to fans, and you hear very few good things about him. I'm just curious if we just remember the bad with him, and not with the other QB's because of the last two games he played in last year (and the UCLA game), or if we just love the backup QB, or if the media/coaches are just blowing smoke, and come this fall it will be Thompson/Manning 1 and 2.

Just thinking out loud I guess.

04-17-2014, 04:24 PM
Just an observation I'd had recently. You listen to reporters, coaches and the such, and you here a lot of good about Wilson. You then listen to fans, and you hear very few good things about him. I'm just curious if we just remember the bad with him, and not with the other QB's because of the last two games he played in last year (and the UCLA game), or if we just love the backup QB, or if the media/coaches are just blowing smoke, and come this fall it will be Thompson/Manning 1 and 2.

I'm on the Wilson bandwagon. I was a skeptic, but I jumped on after the OSU game last year, and I never left. That said, there are many QBs in the conference that are better.

Pac-12 QB power rankings:

1) Mariotta
2) Hundley
3) Mannion
4) Kelly
5) Halliday
6) Hagan
7) Kessler
8) Wilson
9) Goff
10) Lindquist
11) Whoever starts at Zona
12) Whoever starts at CU

04-17-2014, 10:10 PM
I'd put Wilson #5.

04-19-2014, 06:11 PM
What did we learn from spring practice? I hope the coaches have a better feel for it than I do because IMO there are more questions now than there were going into the spring. I don't see this team winning 6 games and going to a bowl game. I really hope I am wrong, but right now there are too many question marks for me to predict a winning record.

QB - This is the position that will make or break this season and unfortunately there are still a lot of unanswered questions. Wilson looks like he will enter fall camp as the starter but, IMO, this is due more to the fact that nobody really stepped up than it is due to stellar play by Wilson. IMO, he still holds the ball too long resulting in covered receivers, makes poor reads and is too often inaccurate. He is tough and can use his feet to get yards when he runs but not to move into the pocket to make throws. Manning was a little better than Schulz, but was still behind Wilson. Schulz is still the same guy and Cox does not seem to be in the picture at all.

RB - This group shows the most promise. Poole, Booker, McCormick and Young all showed ability. Lucky will add to the mix and provide a very flexible stable of running backs.

WR - This group is more dynamic than a year ago. It will be nice to have Dres and Scott together and there is better depth.

TE - Another strong group. Tonga, Fakalaitonga and Handley have all done well and Moeai has stepped up.

OL - Still an unknown. I think Aiono and Salt will be solid. Poutasi and Asiata will be improved. Unfortunately question marks abound after these four.

DT - Tough to get a read without Ianu, Tevi and Seni mostly out. It appears that Mokofisi, Fanaika and Dimick can play supporting roles.

DE - We know Orchard can play. Mokofisi, Fanaika and Dimick can rotate in an out and Pita can be a strong pass rusher. Still a lot of guys need to step up.

LB - A lot weaker today with the Hale and Paul injuries and Whittingham still recovering. Three healthy scholarship LB’s in Norris, Masina and recently converted RB Sanders-Williams. This group scares me.

S - Blechen is a known commodity and while many think he is great, I for one have always thought he was heavily overrated. Depending on Carter to step in and start is a real gamble. The backups are Henderson, who can hit, and Corporan who just moved from corner. Scarey thin at safety.

CB - This is the other position that I think solidified itself in spring. With Rowe, Orphey, Porter, Freeman and Smith, it is a deep group with some ability.

LA Ute
04-19-2014, 08:21 PM
What did we learn from spring practice? I hope the coaches have a better feel for it than I do because IMO there are more questions now than there were going into the spring. I don't see this team winning 6 games and going to a bowl game. I really hope I am wrong, but right now there are too many question marks for me to predict a winning record.

QB - This is the position that will make or break this season and unfortunately there are still a lot of unanswered questions. Wilson looks like he will enter fall camp as the starter but, IMO, this is due more to the fact that nobody really stepped up than it is due to stellar play by Wilson. IMO, he still holds the ball too long resulting in covered receivers, makes poor reads and is too often inaccurate. He is tough and can use his feet to get yards when he runs but not to move into the pocket to make throws. Manning was a little better than Schulz, but was still behind Wilson. Schulz is still the same guy and Cox does not seem to be in the picture at all.

RB - This group shows the most promise. Poole, Booker, McCormick and Young all showed ability. Lucky will add to the mix and provide a very flexible stable of running backs.

WR - This group is more dynamic than a year ago. It will be nice to have Dres and Scott together and there is better depth.

TE - Another strong group. Tonga, Fakalaitonga and Handley have all done well and Moeai has stepped up.

OL - Still an unknown. I think Aiono and Salt will be solid. Poutasi and Asiata will be improved. Unfortunately question marks abound after these four.

DT - Tough to get a read without Ianu, Tevi and Seni mostly out. It appears that Mokofisi, Fanaika and Dimick can play supporting roles.

DE - We know Orchard can play. Mokofisi, Fanaika and Dimick can rotate in an out and Pita can be a strong pass rusher. Still a lot of guys need to step up.

LB - A lot weaker today with the Hale and Paul injuries and Whittingham still recovering. Three healthy scholarship LB’s in Norris, Masina and recently converted RB Sanders-Williams. This group scares me.

S - Blechen is a known commodity and while many think he is great, I for one have always thought he was heavily overrated. Depending on Carter to step in and start is a real gamble. The backups are Henderson, who can hit, and Corporan who just moved from corner. Scarey thin at safety.

CB - This is the other position that I think solidified itself in spring. With Rowe, Orphey, Porter, Freeman and Smith, it is a deep group with some ability.

Oh, well. I'm looking forward to basketball season and thinking maybe the football team will pleasantly surprise us. (Notice the absence of the word "hoping" in that last sentence.)

04-19-2014, 10:12 PM
QB - This is the position that will make or break this season

It's still a team sport. Hagan is not much better than Wilson, but Stanford has been a national title contender twice with him. Washington and Arizona both went to bowl games last season with so-so qbs and great rbs.

04-20-2014, 08:07 AM
It's still a team sport. Hagan is not much better than Wilson, but Stanford has been a national title contender twice with him. Washington and Arizona both went to bowl games last season with so-so qbs and great rbs.

If there were no question marks at any of the other positions, particularly OL, I would agree. The difference I see this year compared to years past is that there are questions at almost every defensive position group. We will be relying on young, untested guys or guys returning from fairly serious surgery. We probably won't know much about this team until after the Fresno and Michigan, and WSU games. Fresno loses a lot of talent, but they are not a slouch. We will need to play well to beat them. We need to come out of that opening stretch at least 3-1.

04-20-2014, 10:46 AM
Scott's injury alone last year cost us at least two wins last year. Maybe 3. With a healthy Kenneth Scott last year, Utah could have been an 8 win team. Oregon St., UCLA, Arizona and Arizon St. could have all been changed by having his presence on the field Kenneth Scott. He was that missed on offense.

Defenses quickly figured out that they could play extremely physical with Dres and cheat the safety to his side because they didn't have to respect the other side of the field.

Exactly this. I was also really impressed with Hatfield's hands. I think he's another improvement in the WR group. I'm not convincd that TE play will equal Murphy's but at least we have some depth. I don't get too excited about the immediate impact of transfers, but I do think Clay, if he arrives, could provide a much needed spark on ST. It's going to be a fun season, and I think people will be surprised by a few familiar faces: Blechen, Wilson, Poutasi.

04-20-2014, 11:13 AM
One thing to remember, is that every team in the PAC-12 changes every year. ASU lost 9 of their top 11 tacklers. Arizona lost their QB and RB, and are currently trying to decide between 4 QB's. Usually that doesn't mean that they have 4 future NFL guys. Stanford is replacing a lot on their OL, their RB, LB'ers and a lot off their DL. USC is going from a traditional pro-style offense for the past million years to the GFGH offense. With little depth. OSU loses Cook, who made Mannion look really, really good. Michigan will have 4 new starters on OL and 4 new starters on DL, plus a new QB, RB and secondary (we've seen how well those seasons go). Fresno St loses a NFL QB.

UCLA and Oregon are pretty much the only teams taking steps forward this year...and us. We have better depth at QB, HB, WR, LB, and secondary.

Go ahead and be glass half empty, guys. But, this fall will be an exciting fall.

04-20-2014, 11:44 AM
One thing to remember, is that every team in the PAC-12 changes every year. ASU lost 9 of their top 11 tacklers. Arizona lost their QB and RB, and are currently trying to decide between 4 QB's. Usually that doesn't mean that they have 4 future NFL guys. Stanford is replacing a lot on their OL, their RB, LB'ers and a lot off their DL. USC is going from a traditional pro-style offense for the past million years to the GFGH offense. With little depth. OSU loses Cook, who made Mannion look really, really good. Michigan will have 4 new starters on OL and 4 new starters on DL, plus a new QB, RB and secondary (we've seen how well those seasons go). Fresno St loses a NFL QB.

UCLA and Oregon are pretty much the only teams taking steps forward this year...and us. We have better depth at QB, HB, WR, LB, and secondary.

Go ahead and be glass half empty, guys. But, this fall will be an exciting fall.

You keep talking about better depth at LB and the secondary, but I think Uteopia is spot on--those areas are HUGE concerns. The defense has a ton of question marks: I think Whit is a defensive witch, but he has a lot of holes to fill.

Of course, all of that is moot if the QB and O-line don't noticeably improve.

LA Ute
04-20-2014, 12:03 PM
You keep talking about better depth at LB and the secondary, but I think Uteopia is spot on--those areas are HUGE concerns. The defense has a ton of question marks: I think Whit is a defensive witch, but he has a lot of holes to fill.

Of course, all of that is moot if the QB and O-line don't noticeably improve.

Our LB situation is the most depressing. We went from being justifiably very confident about our prospects there to being justifiably worried about them. I understood from what I heard at practice that Gionni Paul probably won't be able to play until October. I hope we have some unexpected depth there.

Diehard Ute
04-20-2014, 03:27 PM
Our LB situation is the most depressing. We went from being justifiably very confident about our prospects there to being justifiably worried about them. I understood from what I heard at practice that Gionni Paul probably won't be able to play until October. I hope we have some unexpected depth there.

The coaches have since said Paul's injury was best care scenario and they hope he'll be back for fall camp. No guarantee on that, but there's a bit of hope.

04-20-2014, 03:51 PM
If there were no question marks at any of the other positions, particularly OL, I would agree. The difference I see this year compared to years past is that there are questions at almost every defensive position group. We will be relying on young, untested guys or guys returning from fairly serious surgery. We probably won't know much about this team until after the Fresno and Michigan, and WSU games. Fresno loses a lot of talent, but they are not a slouch. We will need to play well to beat them. We need to come out of that opening stretch at least 3-1.

Agree. I'm just saying that our success/failure depends on much more than just the QB position. Will we will have even one preseaon all-conference player? Question marks all over the place. Still, sometimes questions are answered in the affirmative.

LA Ute
04-20-2014, 07:36 PM
The coaches have since said Paul's injury was best care scenario and they hope he'll be back for fall camp. No guarantee on that, but there's a bit of hope.

Believe me, I hope you're right.

04-21-2014, 11:20 AM
I predict we see 4 QBs play vs Idaho St. Then we'll see at least 2 play against Fresno St. Then the bye week will determine who will be the starter vs Michigan. Really there was no reason to keeps Schulz in the fourth quarter vs Weber St last year, other than they wanted to redshirt the other QBs.

04-21-2014, 11:25 AM
I predict we see 4 QBs play vs Idaho St. Then we'll see at least 2 play against Fresno St. Then the bye week will determine who will be the starter vs Michigan. Really there was no reason to keeps Schulz in the fourth quarter vs Weber St last year, other than they wanted to redshirt the other QBs.

I've said this before. Christensen says he wants a starter named week 1, but if Wilson is cleared, I think it will be hard for Thompson to unseat him, no matter how may opportunities the coaching staff gives him.

So, I think Thompson and Wilson both play a lot vs Idaho St and Fresno St, then they pick a starter and give him two weeks to get ready for Michigan.

Wilson's experience will be hard to pass up.

Hot Lunch
04-21-2014, 02:06 PM
I went to the spring game. In all honesty, not sure . That was the first one that I have been to in a couple of years because I always had a conflict with my kids soccer games. I probably won't go for another few years.

A couple of things I took from this;

Travis Wilson did not look good. This was against the 2's and 3's defensively. I know that he was not working with our top wideouts but he held the ball too long. Didn't look comfortable at all. I like some things that I saw from Manning. He is just little. Has a quick release, went through his reads and got the ball a quick at times. Cox is a great athlete but he really needs to work on he decision making in the passing game.
O line still scares me. A couple of our top guys didn't suit up, I get that. I just wasn't impressed with any of those that were out there. Until I see what they can do the 2nd week of the season, first doesn't count because of who we play, I will be worried. Jackson Barton has a ton of work to do if he is going to contribute this fall. He was getting eaten alive.
I like the depth we have at receiver this year. Much better than last year. Hatflied caught my eye as did Mclleon.
Booker is a beast. Loved what I saw from that kid. Size, speed and quickness. I fully expect him to be the #1 guy in the fall once he gets into shape and gets a better feel for the offense. The other running backs looked good as well.
Our linebacker depth scares the heck out of me as well. Significant injuries to key players here that have us crossing our fingers that they are back in the fall just doesn't do it for me. Sanders-Williams is a great athlete. Excited to see what he can do when he gets even more experience at the position. Masina has some potential as well.
I liked what I saw from Jason Fainaika. He will make a difference this year and will help with the loss of Riley. Pita also impressed me coming off the edge. That dude is so quick. Even though his is light, he will make an impact with his ability to come in during certain passing situations with the responsibility to just get to the q.b.

04-21-2014, 02:30 PM
I went to the spring game. In all honesty, not sure . That was the first one that I have been to in a couple of years because I always had a conflict with my kids soccer games. I probably won't go for another few years.

A couple of things I took from this;

Travis Wilson did not look good. This was against the 2's and 3's defensively. I know that he was not working with our top wideouts but he held the ball too long. Didn't look comfortable at all. I like some things that I saw from Manning. He is just little. Has a quick release, went through his reads and got the ball a quick at times. Cox is a great athlete but he really needs to work on he decision making in the passing game.
O line still scares me. A couple of our top guys didn't suit up, I get that. I just wasn't impressed with any of those that were out there. Until I see what they can do the 2nd week of the season, first doesn't count because of who we play, I will be worried. Jackson Barton has a ton of work to do if he is going to contribute this fall. He was getting eaten alive.
I like the depth we have at receiver this year. Much better than last year. Hatflied caught my eye as did Mclleon.
Booker is a beast. Loved what I saw from that kid. Size, speed and quickness. I fully expect him to be the #1 guy in the fall once he gets into shape and gets a better feel for the offense. The other running backs looked good as well.
Our linebacker depth scares the heck out of me as well. Significant injuries to key players here that have us crossing our fingers that they are back in the fall just doesn't do it for me. Sanders-Williams is a great athlete. Excited to see what he can do when he gets even more experience at the position. Masina has some potential as well.
I liked what I saw from Jason Fainaika. He will make a difference this year and will help with the loss of Riley. Pita also impressed me coming off the edge. That dude is so quick. Even though his is light, he will make an impact with his ability to come in during certain passing situations with the responsibility to just get to the q.b.

I bet Thompson starts.

Hot Lunch
04-21-2014, 03:01 PM
I bet Thompson starts.

It is a great thing for the program that Thompson is coming. We know we have a good q.b. battle on our hands this fall.

04-21-2014, 05:57 PM
I went to the spring game. In all honesty, not sure . That was the first one that I have been to in a couple of years because I always had a conflict with my kids soccer games. I probably won't go for another few years.

A couple of things I took from this;

Travis Wilson did not look good. This was against the 2's and 3's defensively. I know that he was not working with our top wideouts but he held the ball too long. Didn't look comfortable at all. I like some things that I saw from Manning. He is just little. Has a quick release, went through his reads and got the ball a quick at times. Cox is a great athlete but he really needs to work on he decision making in the passing game.
O line still scares me. A couple of our top guys didn't suit up, I get that. I just wasn't impressed with any of those that were out there. Until I see what they can do the 2nd week of the season, first doesn't count because of who we play, I will be worried. Jackson Barton has a ton of work to do if he is going to contribute this fall. He was getting eaten alive.
I like the depth we have at receiver this year. Much better than last year. Hatflied caught my eye as did Mclleon.
Booker is a beast. Loved what I saw from that kid. Size, speed and quickness. I fully expect him to be the #1 guy in the fall once he gets into shape and gets a better feel for the offense. The other running backs looked good as well.
Our linebacker depth scares the heck out of me as well. Significant injuries to key players here that have us crossing our fingers that they are back in the fall just doesn't do it for me. Sanders-Williams is a great athlete. Excited to see what he can do when he gets even more experience at the position. Masina has some potential as well.
I liked what I saw from Jason Fainaika. He will make a difference this year and will help with the loss of Riley. Pita also impressed me coming off the edge. That dude is so quick. Even though his is light, he will make an impact with his ability to come in during certain passing situations with the responsibility to just get to the q.b.

thanks, I trust your football eye so this is all interesting. Our offense seems to hinge completely on the ability of our o line: rb looks good and deep, wideout looks great, tight ends look ok, Wilson is a proven, if shaky commodity. I just wish I had faith in the line. It's really hard for a line to improve over the season. Usually he best lines are the lines that have been together the longest. Who are we hoping makes "the leap"?

Hot Lunch
04-21-2014, 08:57 PM
thanks, I trust your football eye so this is all interesting. Our offense seems to hinge completely on the ability of our o line: rb looks good and deep, wideout looks great, tight ends look ok, Wilson is a proven, if shaky commodity. I just wish I had faith in the line. It's really hard for a line to improve over the season. Usually he best lines are the lines that have been together the longest. Who are we hoping makes "the leap"?

This is a very true statement. That will be one thing that we will have going for us. Salt, Poutasi, Aiono and Asiata all played a lot of snaps together last year. We do have that going for us.

3 guys on the line that I tried to watch closely on Saturday were Jackson Barton, Hivi Latui and Marc Pouave. Both Pouave and Latui did nothing to impress me. They didn't fire out, it appeared from where I was sitting that they were just leaning on people. I really wanted to see Latui based on who he had chasing him out of high school. You can see that Barton has the talent. He is just really young and needs a really good off season to work with the strength and conditioning coaches. I fully expect him to be one of the most imporved player from spring to fall because the game will slow down for him a little. He will have a better understanding of what it takes to go vs. D-1 players every play. He will also have a better grasp of his responsibility. Once he knows what he is doing, not spending time thinking and just starts "reacting", he will see a huge improvement in his game.

Could be a long year. We will go as far as this offensive line will take us.

04-22-2014, 09:23 AM
Could be a long year. We will go as far as this offensive line will take us.

Do you think that Booker will be able to create for himself, and take some of the pressure off of the OL?

04-22-2014, 09:30 AM
Do you think that Booker will be able to create for himself, and take some of the pressure off of the OL?

I guess the one ray of hope for the beleagured o-line is that there will be more weapons to take pressure off of the constant blitzes we saw last year (IF Booker lives up to the hype, and IF KScott and Dres stay healthy, and IF Utah is right that our freshman tightends could start for the Chargers).

04-22-2014, 09:35 AM
You can see that Barton has the talent. He is just really young and needs a really good off season to work with the strength and conditioning coaches. I fully expect him to be one of the most imporved player from spring to fall because the game will slow down for him a little.
Good to hear that the talent is there, because he seemed to be getting eaten alive. Given our lack of depth at tackle, I have a feeling that Barton will see meaningful playing time for better or worse. His ability to beat the norm and play well as a true freshman seems to be key to this season.

04-22-2014, 10:50 AM
Good to hear that the talent is there, because he seemed to be getting eaten alive. Given our lack of depth at tackle, I have a feeling that Barton will see meaningful playing time for better or worse. His ability to beat the norm and play well as a true freshman seems to be key to this season.
I don't think we are as lacking at tackle as we used to or think still.

Poutasi and asiata are good tackles. However I would like to see one of these two move to Guard.

JJdielman (6'5" 295), andrew albers (6'7" 315), Lo falemaka (6'5" 290) are quality players as well.

Here is how I see us lining up for our first game

LT- Poutasi, falemaka
LG- asiata, uhatafe
C- aiono, lutui
RG- salt, tuimauga/pouvave
RT- albers/dielman

This is actually better than we have seen in a while. And I am sure that albers or dielman will be the swing tackle.

04-22-2014, 11:26 AM
Something else that will make the OL look a lot better is we have depth. Finally. We are 2-3 deep at QB. We are 3-5 deep at RB. We are 4-7 deep at WR. Christensen is a smart guy. If teams are overloading and throwing a lot of blitzes out there, we have more than 1 WR this year.

We will just spread them out and do quick hitters. If teams back off the LOS, then Booker, Poole, etc will take advantage of that.

Our biggest problem last year was this:

When Wilson, Dres and Murphy were healthy, we had two receiving options, which made the RB look better and took away what the defense could do to us. When Murphy went down, we only had one, and we literally had nothing we could do on offense.

When Wilson went down, we were even more screwed, because now we didn't have a QB.

This year, we are in a much different position. You won't be able to double down on Dres and blitz 7 every down like you could last year. If you do that, Christensen will kill defenses.

We are so much deeper than last year, so much better than last year, it's staggering.

I've talked a lot about QB, but look at WR:

Last year we had Dres. That was it.

This year, we have Dres, Scott, Clay, McCormick, Hatfield, Tonga, Allen, Norwood. Heck, Thomas would have been our fourth receiver last year.

04-22-2014, 11:30 AM
If teams are overloading and throwing a lot of blitzes out there, we have more than 1 WR this year.

This is the key to the season. If we can finally get over this blitz/panic/fail pattern, we will beat people up.

LA Ute
04-28-2014, 11:40 AM
Looks like Harvey Langi remains a Ute, but on the defensive side of the ball now.


04-28-2014, 11:52 AM
Looks like Harvey Langi remains a Ute, but on the defensive side of the ball now.


I read this article, and it never says what the source of the info is--did the staff announce it, or Langi's family say it or is it just speculation or a consideration at this point.

Nevermind, I just saw a tweet that Langi is listed as a DE/LB on the roster that came out today.

Diehard Ute
04-28-2014, 02:38 PM
I read this article, and it never says what the source of the info is--did the staff announce it, or Langi's family say it or is it just speculation or a consideration at this point.

Nevermind, I just saw a tweet that Langi is listed as a DE/LB on the roster that came out today.

Tribune has a story up. Per Langi's mother not only does Harvey know he's switching, he asked for the switch. Also confirmed Langi's currently 6'2" 250 lbs. Home July 9th

LA Ute
04-28-2014, 03:27 PM
Tribune has a story up. Per Langi's mother not only does Harvey know he's switching, he asked for the switch. Also confirmed Langi's currently 6'2" 250 lbs. Home July 9th

I wonder how much of the 250 lbs. is weight he doesn't want....

04-28-2014, 03:30 PM
I wonder how much of the 250 lbs. is weight he doesn't want....

The weight itself probably is not an issue, but he will need to lose some fat and gain some muscle. Getting home July 9 gives him some time to get in shape. I am very happy that Harvey is coming back to the U. I believed there was a real chance that he would not. Harvey is a great kid and a hard worker. I am excited to have him on defense.

04-28-2014, 04:02 PM
The weight itself probably is not an issue, but he will need to lose some fat and gain some muscle. Getting home July 9 gives him some time to get in shape. I am very happy that Harvey is coming back to the U. I believed there was a real chance that he would not. Harvey is a great kid and a hard worker. I am excited to have him on defense.

For the 2015 season, right?

Jarid in Cedar
04-28-2014, 04:10 PM
For the 2015 season, right?

Should be 2014. He left right after spring session in 2012.

04-28-2014, 04:12 PM
For the 2015 season, right?

Seems like mission kids get back in shape faster than ever. Maybe it's the training techniques, all the protein and supplements, or steroids. Or maybe it's in my head.

LA Ute
04-28-2014, 04:15 PM
Should be 2014. He left right after spring session in 2012.

Somewhere I saw that Whit said Harvey will be in summer conditioning in time to get ready for this fall.

04-28-2014, 05:28 PM
Wow, he really matured on his mission:




I'm excited to see what he can do. I don't have a lot of hopes for this year, but eventually I'm hoping he can be our Koa Misi.

04-28-2014, 05:49 PM
Should be 2014. He left right after spring session in 2012.

Why? That leaves him seven weeks to get ready for the opener. He has a redshirt to use; why not use it?

If we are relying on Langi to play meaningful snaps for us this year, we're in huge trouble at whatever position he's going to be playing.

04-28-2014, 06:10 PM
Why? That leaves him seven weeks to get ready for the opener. He has a redshirt to use; why not use it?

Harvey has NFL potential. With age being a big knock on RM's entering the draft, I doubt we see many RMs take a non-medical RS.

04-28-2014, 06:59 PM
Harvey has NFL potential. With age being a big knock on RM's entering the draft, I doubt we see many RMs take a non-medical RS.

Harvey left before the age was lowered to 18. Not sure we're gonna see many more 26-year-old college seniors who have served a mission that have pro potential.

Never mind the idea that Langi has NFL potential (according to who, anyway?) the rush to become draft eligible in this instance is compromised by the possibility of being injured after overdoing things to get into game shape or playing before one is fully in shape. I think playing in a game less than two months after getting home is a very risky move.

Jarid in Cedar
04-28-2014, 07:57 PM
Why? That leaves him seven weeks to get ready for the opener. He has a redshirt to use; why not use it?

If we are relying on Langi to play meaningful snaps for us this year, we're in huge trouble at whatever position he's going to be playing.

I interpreted the statement as a question of availability not one of game readiness.

Carry on

LA Ute
04-28-2014, 08:52 PM
I suspect we'll learn more about this decision soon.

Diehard Ute
04-29-2014, 02:04 PM
Per the Tribune, Whitt confirmed Langi made the request to switch to defense, said he sees himself as someone who could play the Trevor Reilly role.

Also Brian Allen is moving to safety, at Allen's suggestion and request.


(Loving the coverage from Goon and Piper btw)

LA Ute
05-03-2014, 08:32 AM
Utah football program sends 26 players through graduation (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865602353/Utah-football-program-sends-26-players-through-graduation.html)

Utes are 4th in PAC-12 in graduation rate. A number of our seniors this fall already have their degrees, which is pretty cool.

LA Ute
05-03-2014, 11:31 AM
KW's portion of the PAC-12 news media conference call:


Nothing too exciting but kind of interesting.

05-06-2014, 12:22 PM
Don't know where to put this, but Pac-12 in talks to move title game to 49rs new stadium:


I like the current format. It let's me daydream all summer about hosting a December title snow game in SLC.

05-06-2014, 01:56 PM
Don't know where to put this, but Pac-12 in talks to move title game to 49rs new stadium:


I like the current format. It let's me daydream all summer about hosting a December title snow game in SLC.

Having the game at a fixed site makes it easier to sell corporate sponsorship of the game, corporate boxes, early ticket sales, etc. However, the current format is better for fans of the team that is hosting. Since money talks, it doesn't surprise me that they are going with a permanent place.

05-06-2014, 03:46 PM
Don't know where to put this, but Pac-12 in talks to move title game to 49rs new stadium:


I like the current format. It let's me daydream all summer about hosting a December title snow game in SLC.

Here's the issue I see. There's a real possibility that the winner of that game goes to football's final four, and the winner of that game plays a week later. You're essentially asking fans to go to three expensive away games in a 6 week period.

That's a lot of coin for most of us.

05-06-2014, 04:16 PM
Don't know where to put this, but Pac-12 in talks to move title game to 49rs new stadium:


I like the current format. It let's me daydream all summer about hosting a December title snow game in SLC.

I wonder where the title match will be held by the time that our Utes get to play in it?

05-06-2014, 04:21 PM
That's a lot of coin for most of us.

True, but since it won't be happening often, just be ready for the year when it does. :D

05-07-2014, 12:50 PM
We play 5 of the teams on this early top 25 list:


05-13-2014, 08:23 AM
Here's the issue I see. There's a real possibility that the winner of that game goes to football's final four, and the winner of that game plays a week later. You're essentially asking fans to go to three expensive away games in a 6 week period.

That's a lot of coin for most of us.

SanFran is a drive, so that helps. Hotel and tickets make it an easier sell.
What could schools do for the playoffs? Can you get good pricing if you setup charter flights? I have no idea how that works. Convoys of greyhounds would work, but not as much fun.

05-13-2014, 03:57 PM
Ranking the games from most likely to win to least likely to win (probably because of the refs):

1. Colorado (These ganjah loving mouth breathers have kept it too close, too often. Major beatdown coming.)
2. Fresno State (We will never forget Jerry Tarkanian and Dominick Young fouling the HC floor with their erotic display of affection after the luckiest shot in organized basketball history.)
3. Idaho State (These dudes are from Pocatello, Idaho. They are a hardy, gamey bunch who are no strangers to adversity, due to their frequent visits to the Pocatello WalMart.)
4. Uhhhhh. Wow, let's see here. Uhhhh, well probably, uhhhhh... Does Arizona return a QB? No? OK, then, Arizona here. Major beatdown coming.
5. USC. At least their returning starter at QB sort of sucked.
6. The PAC 12 Championship Game hosted at Rice Eccles Stadium.
7-13. Games against Marcus Mariota, Brett Hundley, Devin Gardner, Sean Mannion, Taylor Kelly, Connor Halliday, and Kevin Hogan. May struggle a little with a couple of these scrubs, but I expect no more than 7 losses out of these games.

Another BCS or whatever the heck it's called run is coming, baby!

05-13-2014, 03:58 PM
Also, Connor Halliday looks like this. This is not a joke:


05-14-2014, 07:29 AM
Ranking the games from most likely to win to least likely to win (probably because of the refs):

1. Colorado (These ganjah loving mouth breathers have kept it too close, too often. Major beatdown coming.)
2. Fresno State (We will never forget Jerry Tarkanian and Dominick Young fouling the HC floor with their erotic display of affection after the luckiest shot in organized basketball history.)
3. Idaho State (These dudes are from Pocatello, Idaho. They are a hardy, gamey bunch who are no strangers to adversity, due to their frequent visits to the Pocatello WalMart.)
4. Uhhhhh. Wow, let's see here. Uhhhh, well probably, uhhhhh... Does Arizona return a QB? No? OK, then, Arizona here. Major beatdown coming.
5. USC. At least their returning starter at QB sort of sucked.
6. The PAC 12 Championship Game hosted at Rice Eccles Stadium.
7-13. Games against Marcus Mariota, Brett Hundley, Devin Gardner, Sean Mannion, Taylor Kelly, Connor Halliday, and Kevin Hogan. May struggle a little with a couple of these scrubs, but I expect no more than 7 losses out of these games.

Another BCS or whatever the heck it's called run is coming, baby!

I will be at the BIG house for the Michigan game, so you can chalk that one up as an L. I haven't seen our Utes win in person since Shaky Smithson was running the wrong way on kickoffs.

05-14-2014, 08:21 AM
I will be at the BIG house for the Michigan game, so you can chalk that one up as an L. I haven't seen our Utes win in person since Shaky Smithson was running the wrong way on kickoffs.

Before I can add that to the prediction algorithm, I'll need to know the roster of losses you've witnessed.

05-14-2014, 08:46 AM
before i can add that to the prediction algorithm, i'll need to know the roster of losses you've witnessed.

@cal 2011
@ucla 2012
@usc 2013

05-14-2014, 12:51 PM
@cal 2011
@ucla 2012
@usc 2013

Your last road game witnessed outside of the Golden State please?

UteBeliever aka Port
05-14-2014, 02:33 PM
Boy, oh boy.

Reading this thread for the first time.

I see I need to break the valves off my nitrous tanks. I'll have what he's having.


LA Ute
05-14-2014, 08:20 PM
Wilner on he increased chance that Direct TV will carry the PAC-12 network:


LA Ute
05-14-2014, 08:21 PM
Boy, oh boy.

Reading this thread for the first time.

I see I need to break the valves off my nitrous tanks. I'll have what he's having.


Glad to see you here, Port! Don't let the diversity of opinions bug you. It's part of the fun.

05-15-2014, 03:23 PM

liked this

LA Ute
05-15-2014, 03:31 PM
Looks like Utah got a pretty good walk-on who might see some on-field action soon.

Former Arizona lineman Logan Stott to walk on to Utes football team (http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/blogsutahsports/57948631-59/stott-football-dale-utah.html.csp)

Logan Stott, a Pine View grad who transferred from Arizona last year, will be among Utah's walk-ons when fall camp begins, his father Dale Stott confirmed. The one-time top national prospect, ranked No. 14 among guards in the 2013 recruiting class, is looking for a fresh start to his football career....

UteBeliever aka Port
05-15-2014, 04:15 PM
Glad to see you here, Port! Don't let the diversity of opinions bug you. It's part of the fun.

I'm not bothered. I'm amused. I'm also thinking I need to partake a bit more in the N20.

LA Ute
05-15-2014, 04:46 PM
I'm not bothered. I'm amused. I'm also thinking I need to partake a bit more in the N20.

Some people are just very optimistic. You, for example, are always pushing incredibly rosy scenarios here, but we love you anyway. ;)

LA Ute
05-29-2014, 04:06 PM
Donovan Isom arrived on campus today, according to this tweet:


05-29-2014, 05:34 PM
It looks like "voluntary" summer workouts must begin Monday so we should start seeing a lot of the newcomers arriving over the next few days.

05-29-2014, 09:14 PM
Also (not sure if mentioned yet) looks like Kaelin Clay will make it, should be here Sunday. That is a big boost for the WR core. Especially since KW was on the radio yesterday saying he thought that the edges have been a big matchup problem for Utah since joining the PAC12.

DJ Law will not make it. He was the kid who apparently signed an LOI with Ole Miss.

06-02-2014, 06:14 PM
The news over the past few days has Lucky Radley RB transferring to SDSU as a graduate student transfer, Jarrell Oliver RB transferring somewhere as a graduate student transfer and Hipolito Corporan CB/S transferring to Sam Houston State. I think Lucky was the No. 3 every down RB behind Booker and Poole and absent an injury would probably not see much time. I don't think Oliver was going to see anytime and he still has injury issues. Corporan was a guy who I had some hope for since he is just a soph.

I don't think any of these transfers open up any scholarships for this year as I think the Utes have already used their 25 initials for 2014. DJ Law's failure to qualify would open up an initial for this year.

The team started summer workouts today. Some changes in NCAA rules allow the coaches to observe weight and conditioning time periods and to also meet with the players up to 2 hours per week to watch film and talk. They are not allowed to practice, throw the ball around, do walk throughs etc. The 2 hours, if used, is part of the total of 8 hours per week that can be dedicated to weight training and conditioning. None of this prevents the players from running routes on their own or playing 7 on 7. etc. However, coaches cannot observe those activities.

It looks like the prognosticators are in full force and that most have the Utes winning 4 or 5 games and missing a bowl game. Personally, I see the over/under at 5 games. If the Utes get to 6 or 7 wins I will be ecstatic. Of course there are those fans predicting 8 or more wins, but I truly believe that those making those predictions or having those type of expectations are setting themselves up for disappointment.

Diehard Ute
06-02-2014, 07:24 PM
The news over the past few days has Lucky Radley RB transferring to SDSU as a graduate student transfer, Jarrell Oliver RB transferring somewhere as a graduate student transfer and Hipolito Corporan CB/S transferring to Sam Houston State. I think Lucky was the No. 3 every down RB behind Booker and Poole and absent an injury would probably not see much time. I don't think Oliver was going to see anytime and he still has injury issues. Corporan was a guy who I had some hope for since he is just a soph.

I don't think any of these transfers open up any scholarships for this year as I think the Utes have already used their 25 initials for 2014. DJ Law's failure to qualify would open up an initial for this year.

The team started summer workouts today. Some changes in NCAA rules allow the coaches to observe weight and conditioning time periods and to also meet with the players up to 2 hours per week to watch film and talk. They are not allowed to practice, throw the ball around, do walk throughs etc. The 2 hours, if used, is part of the total of 8 hours per week that can be dedicated to weight training and conditioning. None of this prevents the players from running routes on their own or playing 7 on 7. etc. However, coaches cannot observe those activities.

It looks like the prognosticators are in full force and that most have the Utes winning 4 or 5 games and missing a bowl game. Personally, I see the over/under at 5 games. If the Utes get to 6 or 7 wins I will be ecstatic. Of course there are those fans predicting 8 or more wins, but I truly believe that those making those predictions or having those type of expectations are setting themselves up for disappointment.

Utah also gained walk on wide receiver Dominick Ela, 6' 190 pound self described "possession receiver". He has 2 to play 2. He was a teammate of Travis Wilson in HS (2 years ahead of him) and will room with Travis.

Played at Saddleback JC. Had 774 yards in 7 games before tearing his knee up. Had D1 offers until then. He's said his knee feels fine.


06-03-2014, 11:22 AM
The news over the past few days has Lucky Radley RB transferring to SDSU as a graduate student transfer, Jarrell Oliver RB transferring somewhere as a graduate student transfer and Hipolito Corporan CB/S transferring to Sam Houston State. I think Lucky was the No. 3 every down RB behind Booker and Poole and absent an injury would probably not see much time. I don't think Oliver was going to see anytime and he still has injury issues. Corporan was a guy who I had some hope for since he is just a soph.

I don't think any of these transfers open up any scholarships for this year as I think the Utes have already used their 25 initials for 2014. DJ Law's failure to qualify would open up an initial for this year.

The team started summer workouts today. Some changes in NCAA rules allow the coaches to observe weight and conditioning time periods and to also meet with the players up to 2 hours per week to watch film and talk. They are not allowed to practice, throw the ball around, do walk throughs etc. The 2 hours, if used, is part of the total of 8 hours per week that can be dedicated to weight training and conditioning. None of this prevents the players from running routes on their own or playing 7 on 7. etc. However, coaches cannot observe those activities.

It looks like the prognosticators are in full force and that most have the Utes winning 4 or 5 games and missing a bowl game. Personally, I see the over/under at 5 games. If the Utes get to 6 or 7 wins I will be ecstatic. Of course there are those fans predicting 8 or more wins, but I truly believe that those making those predictions or having those type of expectations are setting themselves up for disappointment.

That is all disappointing news. Radley was a decent sized coup for the Utes when he signed - he was also partly responsible for bringing in some other recruits, including John Cullen (who I know people hate, but he was the best left tackle we've had since joining the Pac). He was always described as having an "infectious" personality - who becomes the team Happy now?
Corporan was a nice steal from UVA - I had hopes for him at Safety, a position where we never have depth.

I also liked Oliver, but it was apparent that he wasn't going to see many reps.

All in all, I hate to lose good depth.

LA Ute
06-05-2014, 07:56 PM
Video of a summer weight training workout:


I noticed that Dres looks like he's developed some guns. Maybe that'll help him come down with the ball more often.

06-06-2014, 10:53 AM
Video of a summer weight training workout:


I noticed that Dres looks like he's developed some guns. Maybe that'll help him come down with the ball more often.

"Juiced up" may have been a poor choice of words in that context.


LA Ute
06-06-2014, 02:06 PM
"Juiced up" may have been a poor choice of words in that context.


Especially around a weight training session! I chose to consider that terminology a manifestation of his youthful naivete and his total unfamiliarity with the PED world.

06-07-2014, 01:26 PM
Especially around a weight training session! I chose to consider that terminology a manifestation of his youthful naivete and his total unfamiliarity with the PED world.

I absolutely agree. It was a bit of naive youthful enthusiasm on his part.

06-11-2014, 06:51 AM
Apologies if this is not new news, but it sounds like we got a transfer in from South Carolina, DB Ahmad Christian.

06-11-2014, 10:06 AM
Micah Thomas to transfer.

I think duel threat QBs who can't play QB should be made into CBs, not WRs. Wide receiver is too tough a position to learn.

NFL teams keep trying to turn QBs into WRs, and it doesn't work. They try the same with RBs, and that doesn't work either. Why don't these NFL teams just draft WRs if they want WRs?

06-11-2014, 10:19 AM
Micah Thomas to transfer.

Is that supposed to be a surprise?

06-11-2014, 10:23 AM
Is that supposed to be a surprise?

Sorry, has everyone known forever? I just found out. If you know, post it so I can know too. I'm not a Rivals/Scout subscriber.

Anyway, I think we all knew it was a possibility. I was hoping he would stay and adapt to a new position.

06-11-2014, 10:27 AM
Sorry, has everyone known forever? I just found out. If you know, post it so I can know too. I'm not a Rivals/Scout subscriber.

Anyway, I think we all knew it was a possibility. I was hoping he would stay and adapt to a new position.

I had no idea (although I always thought it was likely given his desire to play qb). A lot of bad transfer news so far this off season.

06-11-2014, 10:30 AM
A lot of bad transfer news so far this off season.

If the new guys from Oklahoma and South Carolina pan out, we might still have a net gain. And the USU guy too.

06-11-2014, 10:48 AM
Sorry, has everyone known forever? I just found out. If you know, post it so I can know too. I'm not a Rivals/Scout subscriber.

Anyway, I think we all knew it was a possibility. I was hoping he would stay and adapt to a new position.

I didn't mean that it was not new news, but given his desire to play QB I am not surprised to see him transfer. But from reports he had potential at WR. So it is always a little disappointing to hear of someone leaving the program.

06-11-2014, 11:07 AM
Sorry, has everyone known forever? I just found out. If you know, post it so I can know too. I'm not a Rivals/Scout subscriber.

Anyway, I think we all knew it was a possibility. I was hoping he would stay and adapt to a new position.

You mean I am not the only one in the "I dont pay any money to read what Brandon Gurney level fan boys have to say about our team, I am more than happy to wait for the SL trib to break recruiting news." Club? Cool!!

As for Thomas........I was hoping he could stick. Was thinking Safety might be his eventual spot. But, i wish him the best.

LA Ute
06-11-2014, 11:40 AM
Is it just me, or does Kyle do too much of this -- signing up athletes who really want to play QB but are long shots ever to play at that position?

06-11-2014, 11:52 AM
Is it just me, or does Kyle do too much of this -- signing up athletes who really want to play QB but are long shots ever to play at that position?

This strategy has been HUGELY beneficial to Utah over the years. McBride developed it (he'd just sign 10 running backs every class and hope that a few of them could learn to be LBs/DBs), but Whit perfected it. It's a great way to get more athleticism on your squad by recruiting guys that should be signing with better schools, but those schools have told them in no uncertain terms that QB is not in their future.

However, I do wonder if the strategy (let's call it the DeShawn Crockett strategy) has run its course. Big schools have wised-up: now for top-tier athletes they just do the same thing ("sure, you can try out for QB"); second, the transfer market is a real thing now, so you can't just tell kids, "well, QB didn't work out, now you're stuck with us"; and third, other non-elite teams have learned from our example (screw you, TCU!).

LA Ute
06-11-2014, 01:16 PM
This strategy has been HUGELY beneficial to Utah over the years. McBride developed it (he'd just sign 10 running backs every class and hope that a few of them could learn to be LBs/DBs), but Whit perfected it. It's a great way to get more athleticism on your squad by recruiting guys that should be signing with better schools, but those schools have told them in no uncertain terms that QB is not in their future.

However, I do wonder if the strategy (let's call it the DeShawn Crockett strategy) has run its course. Big schools have wised-up: now for top-tier athletes they just do the same thing ("sure, you can try out for QB"); second, the transfer market is a real thing now, so you can't just tell kids, "well, QB didn't work out, now you're stuck with us"; and third, other non-elite teams have learned from our example (screw you, TCU!).

You've articulated my question (really just a mixed gripe/musing the way I said it) much better than I did.

06-11-2014, 01:17 PM
Is it just me, or does Kyle do too much of this -- signing up athletes who really want to play QB but are long shots ever to play at that position?

Actually no, IMO. We have had several very good players come through here who initially signed as athletes who wanted a shot at QB but were good enough to play (and play quite well) at other positions if QB didn't work out. Micah Thomas didn't buy in, but many others have and it has worked out well. Paul Kruger, Chad Manis, DeVonte Christopher, etc.

LA Ute
06-11-2014, 01:29 PM
Actually no, IMO. We have had several very good players come through here who initially signed as athletes who wanted a shot at QB but were good enough to play (and play quite well) at other positions if QB didn't work out. Micah Thomas didn't buy in, but many others have and it has worked out well. Paul Kruger, Chad Manis, DeVonte Christopher, etc.

I think I was just in a bad mood this morning.

06-11-2014, 02:42 PM
Not one of the transfers this off-season was going to be a starter, but several would have been in the 2 deep this year and a couple had the chance to become starters a year or 2 from now. I wish all had stayed, but I think the net upside is greater with the guys we gained than with the guys we lost.

LT Filiaga JR - LB; graduate transfer. He was destined to be behind Paul and Norris in the inside. I predict he will be a starter at USU.
VJ Fehoko SR - LB; graduate transfer. Same as Filiaga. I doubt he sees a lot of time at Texas Tech.
T Still JR LB; Was never going to crack the 2 deep but was a valuable special teams player. Playing baseball at Dixie.
T Morris SR S; graduate transfer. had a few starts and was valuable on special teams. Will start at Weber.
J Smith SR CB; had a few starts and was valuable on special teams.
J Oliver JR RB; Injury problems never allowed him to play.
H Corporan So CB/S; I think he had a chance to be a starter in a year or 2; will play at Sam Houston St.
L Radley SR RB graduate transfer; great contributor on and off the field. I wish him nothing but the best at SDSU.
M Thomas RSFr QB; great athlete. Will be interesting to see where he ends up and what he does.

Transfers in:

G Paul JR LB (Miami) - set to start prior to injury
J Fanaika JR DE (USU) - will start or be major contributor on DL
J Thompson JR QB (WYO) - will sit out this year and I see him at safety not QB
K Thompson JR QB (Okla) - will be in mix for QB position
A Christian JR CB (SC) - will be in mix to start if he can play this year.

06-11-2014, 02:51 PM
Is it just me, or does Kyle do too much of this -- signing up athletes who really want to play QB but are long shots ever to play at that position?

TCU did that a lot too.

I think the working theory behind it is that they are the best players on their HS team - not just the best athletes. Because they played QB, they understand the game to the point where that knowledge can translate to any position.

Edit: and what the Applejack said too.

06-11-2014, 02:57 PM
I think I was just in a bad mood this morning.

clearly you forgot to take your anti-snark meds today.

LA Ute
06-11-2014, 03:00 PM
clearly you forgot to take your anti-snark meds today.

You're not helping.

06-11-2014, 03:03 PM
I need some clarity on the rules here. Having redshirted, doesn't MT have to transfer down to FCS or lower in order to play right away/not burn a year of eligibility?

06-11-2014, 03:23 PM
You're not helping.

Double up. That will help.

06-11-2014, 04:17 PM
I need some clarity on the rules here. Having redshirted, doesn't MT have to transfer down to FCS or lower in order to play right away/not burn a year of eligibility?

Pretty much. He can either go FCS and play right away or can go FBS, sit in 2014 and then have 3 to play 3. I guess he can also go JC for a year and then move on as a 3/3.

Diehard Ute
06-11-2014, 04:28 PM
Pretty much. He can either go FCS and play right away or can go FBS, sit in 2014 and then have 3 to play 3. I guess he can also go JC for a year and then move on as a 3/3.

I believe he would have to earn his Associates Degree for the JC scenario to work (if I'm remembering right if you transfer from a 4 year to a JC you have to graduate before going to another 4 year)

06-11-2014, 10:19 PM
I believe he would have to earn his Associates Degree for the JC scenario to work (if I'm remembering right if you transfer from a 4 year to a JC you have to graduate before going to another 4 year)

I think you're right and I assume he would be well positioned to do that.

06-12-2014, 12:28 PM
For those pathetic souls who follow recruiting, you may remember Jonrhyeem Peoples, a DT from Idaho. In 2012, he gave a verbal commitment to BYU, then the next day he either committed to Utah or just said "he was interested," after which he then reverted back to his BYu commitment. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765584553/JonRyheem-Peopless-waffling-simply-a-teenage-thing.html?pg=all

Well, he has been released from his scholarship at the Y due to a mixture of body fat and grades (http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/blogsbyusports/58058789-65/peoples-byu-mendenhall-says.html.csp), apparently. And now he says

"If Utah wanted to offer me, then they’d probably get me, to be honest."

Question is, do we offer him?

P.S. After his decommitment, he made a creepy youtube video burning a printout of the U logo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB1gSGokz_Q&feature=youtu.be&t=4m16s

06-12-2014, 12:31 PM
Question is, do we offer him?

Yes. If we get him, and he's good, it will great to add his name to a list of former BYU commits who have helped us. It's worth the risk of the body fat issue.

LA Ute
06-12-2014, 12:47 PM
OK, if I am Kyle and I watch this, do I want a diva like this on the team?


06-12-2014, 12:47 PM
For those pathetic souls who follow recruiting, you may remember Jonrhyeem Peoples, a DT from Idaho. In 2012, he gave a verbal commitment to BYU, then the next day he either committed to Utah or just said "he was interested," after which he then reverted back to his BYu commitment. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765584553/JonRyheem-Peopless-waffling-simply-a-teenage-thing.html?pg=all

Well, he has been released from his scholarship at the Y due to a mixture of body fat and grades (http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/blogsbyusports/58058789-65/peoples-byu-mendenhall-says.html.csp), apparently. And now he says

Question is, do we offer him?

No, people who are a lot smarter than me maintain that we have something like 10 DL on the roster better than him and he is not worth the headache. I've even heard we dodged a bullet when he declined Utah's offer. At most I'd offer him a chance to walk-on knowing that there would be little invested in him in the event you have to cut him, but it doesn't sound like that's even likely.

06-12-2014, 12:48 PM
Yes. If we get him, and he's good, it will great to add his name to a list of former BYU commits who have helped us. It's worth the risk of the body fat issue.

We should probably start a thread that is just a list of names of former BYU commits who have led the Utes to fame and glory:

Star Lotulelei
Jake Murphy
Johnryeem Peoples?

06-12-2014, 12:49 PM
No, people who are a lot smarter than me maintain that we have something like 10 DL on the roster better than him and he is not worth the headache. I've even heard we dodged a bullet when he declined Utah's offer. At most I'd offer him a chance to walk-on knowing that there would be little invested in him in the event you have to cut him, but it doesn't sound like that's even likely.

I don't doubt it. I never question Kyle's evaluation of DT talent. I have no idea who will fill the middle next year, but I'm not worried.

LA Ute
06-12-2014, 12:54 PM
Borrowing a term from Krysko's recruiting philosophy -- he says "We don't want any turds" -- I'd be worried about this kid.

06-12-2014, 12:58 PM
Borrowing a term from Krysko's recruiting philosophy -- he says "We don't want any turds," I'd be worried about this kid.

You're just mad he wasted paper in that youtube video.

06-12-2014, 02:06 PM
The only memory I will keep of People's is when he committed to Utah and Brandon Gurney threw an EPIC tantrum in the D News...........to the point that he edited it three or four times until People's recommitted to BYU that same day.

I called it that day; this kid wont stick. If I am Utah, I avoid him.

06-21-2014, 02:38 PM
I don't doubt it. I never question Kyle's evaluation of DT talent. I have no idea who will fill the middle next year, but I'm not worried.
Sam Tevi 6'5" 305
steve tuikoluvatu 6'1" 320
lowell lotuleli 6'2" 310
Pasoni Tasini 6'3" 280
Seni Faounuku 5'11" 280
felipo Mokofisi 6'3" 285
allen haveli-katoa 6'3" 310

LA Ute
06-23-2014, 11:21 AM
Most important player: Utah (http://espn.go.com/blog/pac12/post/_/id/73674/most-important-player-utah-2)

This ESPN writer thinks it's Kenneth Scott. He makes a good case.

Dwight Schr-Ute
07-07-2014, 06:56 PM
Okay. So what's going on with Harvey Langi? In April, it's reported that he has asked to be switched to defense. Today the Deseret News reports that as soon as he gets home from his mission, he's headed to Provo to meet with Bronco.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Diehard Ute
07-07-2014, 06:58 PM
Okay. So what's going on with Harvey Langi? In April, it's reported that he has asked to be switched to defense. Today the Deseret News reports that as soon as he gets home from his mission, he's headed to Provo to meet with Bronco.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He's been submitted to 2 years of arm twisting.

His parents do not want him to go to BYU, they made that obvious. I say wait till he's actually home and see what happens. It's obvious there's been tampering going on...which is why Kyle's refusing to release him (BYU is trying to claim a loophole to get him without a release)

07-07-2014, 07:03 PM
I hope he stays, mostly for selfish reasons as a fan.

But I also hope he stays for his own sake. There is so much of value at the U that cannot be found in Provo, and the inverse just isn't true. There are 5 good reasons for someone to go to BYU - (1) money (2) $$$ (3) dinero (4) green (5) moolah. As a scholarship athlete, none of those reasons should matter to Harvey.

Listen to your Mom, Harvey, and stop listening to your dorky mission buddies.

07-07-2014, 07:08 PM
Although I would like to see Harvey return to the U, I do not think he will ever be a game changer. I do think he can be a contributor. I really think this is more about PR. I think it is bad PR to simply refuse to release him. I would tell the press that I consider Harvey a Ute until he meets face-to-face with the coaches and players and explains what he wants to do and asks for a release. Until Harvey does this, the U has no decision to make respecting a release. I think this is reasonable and should be expected of anyone who wants a release.

Diehard Ute
07-07-2014, 07:19 PM
Although I would like to see Harvey return to the U, I do not think he will ever be a game changer. I do think he can be a contributor. I really think this is more about PR. I think it is bad PR to simply refuse to release him. I would tell the press that I consider Harvey a Ute until he meets face-to-face with the coaches and players and explains what he wants to do and asks for a release. Until Harvey does this, the U has no decision to make respecting a release. I think this is reasonable and should be expected of anyone who wants a release.

Not sure if you read the article, but Kyle is on vacation and the reporter called him there. I don't think it's a final decision, but rather a "he's a Ute as of now" response.

I know you almost always side with the athlete, but in these situations I can see why a release wouldn't be granted. It's 2 months before the first game, and your player is in the media telling everyone he's going to another school....and his mission president has admitted being a go between between the athlete and BYU. And the other school is already saying they have a "loophole" in place so they don't have to get a release.

Dwight Schr-Ute
07-07-2014, 07:51 PM
Not sure if you read the article, but Kyle is on vacation and the reporter called him there. I don't think it's a final decision, but rather a "he's a Ute as of now" response.

I know you almost always side with the athlete, but in these situations I can see why a release wouldn't be granted. It's 2 months before the first game, and your player is in the media telling everyone he's going to another school....and his mission president has admitted being a go between between the athlete and BYU. And the other school is already saying they have a "loophole" in place so they don't have to get a release.

Since you brought up BYU's little loop hole, this kid was on scholarship for a year, took classes and is in the record books having x number of carries for x number of yards. I don't get where a LOI would ever come into play at this point. Isn't suiting up and collecting stats a sort of letter of intent? I would assume that this situation would be similar to that of your high school transcripts only mattering until the end of your first semester of university.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-07-2014, 07:56 PM
I know you almost always side with the athlete

I have been on record as siding with whatever helps my team the most.

07-07-2014, 09:46 PM
Not sure if you read the article, but Kyle is on vacation and the reporter called him there. I don't think it's a final decision, but rather a "he's a Ute as of now" response.

I know you almost always side with the athlete, but in these situations I can see why a release wouldn't be granted. It's 2 months before the first game, and your player is in the media telling everyone he's going to another school....and his mission president has admitted being a go between between the athlete and BYU. And the other school is already saying they have a "loophole" in place so they don't have to get a release.

This is the quote from the DNews article: "As far as I'm concerned, he's a Ute," he told me. "I'm not releasing him."

Hot Lunch
07-08-2014, 07:25 AM
This article was so poorly done all away around. It looks bad on Vai, the Des News, Langi's Mission President and BYU. At the end of the day if Harvey wants to leave the program then good luck. I would love to have him stay. This article was so poorly done and Vai, Langi and his Mission President really went about this all wrong if they are trying to get him to play for the Y.

Diehard Ute
07-08-2014, 07:52 AM
This is the quote from the DNews article: "As far as I'm concerned, he's a Ute," he told me. "I'm not releasing him."

Yup. And given all the information we have I feel that's a fair and accurate stance.

The only contact he's had is from the mission president who's openly said he wants Langi at BYU.

Kyle's response is exactly as it should be for a coach who hasn't even talked to his player.

The PR problem here is not Utah's IMO

07-08-2014, 08:01 AM
This article was so poorly done all away around. It looks bad on Vai, the Des News, Langi's Mission President and BYU. At the end of the day if Harvey wants to leave the program then good luck. I would love to have him stay. This article was so poorly done and Vai, Langi and his Mission President really went about this all wrong if they are trying to get him to play for the Y.

I totally agree with this.
The kid should be able to attend & play wherever he wants (assuming they want him), but there are procedures in place for doing this. Just let the kid get home before making any decisions.

vai is ridiculous. I remember when he ripped utah for playing on general conference Saturday.

07-08-2014, 08:26 AM
I totally agree with this.
The kid should be able to attend & play wherever he wants (assuming they want him), but there are procedures in place for doing this. Just let the kid get home before making any decisions.

The rule should be universal across the FBS teams, and it should be free transfers with a year sit down to any school not on a future schedule. That's plenty generous to the students while still providing incentive to stay and discouraging active recruiting from the coaches most likely to know and have contact with the students. If it were a division wide rule, we wouldn't always have to hear the media rip apart a coach/AD/university who won't grant a release.

LA Ute
07-08-2014, 10:25 AM
If Bronco and the BYU program are wiling to participate in this circus and really want Harvey badly, that says more about the state of the BYU program than about anything else.

07-08-2014, 11:01 AM
If Bronco and the BYU program are wiling to participate in this circus and really want Harvey badly, that says more about the state of the BYU program than about anything else.

I agree with you. If I was the U, here is what my release policy would be:

There will be no consideration of a release until a request is made in a face-to-face meeting between the student-athlete and the head coach. There will be no discussion of potential releases with any third party or the media.

The head coach, at his/ her discretion, may ask the student-athlete to meet with a selected group of student-athletes to receive their input on the request and shall consider the requesting student's willingness or unwillingness to do so in making a determination regarding the release. The head coach, at his/her discretion can consider many factors in deciding whether to grant a release, including whether the requesting student would like for a release to a school that is on the schedule during the requesting student's remaining eligibility.

With respect to LDS missionaries. The U will not have contact with student-athletes who signed letters of intent or enrolled and received scholarship money, either directly or indirectly, while they are serving their mission. The U will not meet with a student-athlete who signed a letter of intent or enrolled and received scholarship money as a student-athlete prior to his/her mission, or a representative of that student-athlete until that student-athlete has completed his/her mission and either obtained a release from the prior institution or made a request for a release in a face-to-face meeting with the head coach.

I understand that this might place the U at a disadvantage, but I think it is the right policy.

07-08-2014, 11:10 AM
If Bronco and the BYU program are wiling to participate in this circus and really want Harvey badly, that says more about the state of the BYU program than about anything else.

But BYU has always been willing to participate in this circus. 3 of their past 4 QBs were mission grabs, including the current starter. This how it has always been, and it will not ever be different.

I think Langi has a lot of reasons to leave:

1) He wants to be a RB, but Utah wants him to be a DE.
2) He's worried about playing time at Utah.
3) He wants to play for Kyle, but he's been hearing all kinds of talk about Kyle getting fired.
4) His best friends right now are mission buddies who are going to BYU.
5) He is apparently getting encouraging phone calls from a "friend" in the BYU media.
6) He has a mission president who very much wants him to play for BYU.

You take 1 or 2 of those factors alone, and he probably makes the right call to stay. Put them all together, and it's easy to see why he's going.

Two Utes
07-08-2014, 11:13 AM
I agree with you. If I was the U, here is what my release policy would be:

There will be no consideration of a release until a request is made in a face-to-face meeting between the student-athlete and the head coach. There will be no discussion of potential releases with any third party or the media.

The head coach, at his/ her discretion, may ask the student-athlete to meet with a selected group of student-athletes to receive their input on the request and shall consider the requesting student's willingness or unwillingness to do so in making a determination regarding the release. The head coach, at his/her discretion can consider many factors in deciding whether to grant a release, including whether the requesting student would like for a release to a school that is on the schedule during the requesting student's remaining eligibility.

With respect to LDS missionaries. The U will not have contact with student-athletes who signed letters of intent or enrolled and received scholarship money, either directly or indirectly, while they are serving their mission. The U will not meet with a student-athlete who signed a letter of intent or enrolled and received scholarship money as a student-athlete prior to his/her mission, or a representative of that student-athlete until that student-athlete has completed his/her mission and either obtained a release from the prior institution or made a request for a release in a face-to-face meeting with the head coach.

I understand that this might place the U at a disadvantage, but I think it is the right policy.

Very good stuff. I have no problem with Langi wanting to transfer. But that process needs to happen after he gets home and gets his feet under him.

I have a serious problem with BYU or "agents" of BYU (whether they be mission presidents or not) manipulating in any way a kid while he is on his mission to go to BYU. The mission field is becoming BYU's most fertile recruiting ground (See e.g. Taysom Hill).

If you have ever been on a mission, you understand how easy it is for a leadership person to "gently encourage" a missionary to do what said leader wants.

07-08-2014, 11:14 AM
Utah Utes QB Travis Wilson glad to be back after health scare (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000363707/article/utah-utes-qb-travis-wilson-glad-to-be-back-after-health-scare)

It sounds like he is making up the practice time he lost...