View Full Version : The Joe Biden Thread

LA Ute
01-29-2014, 11:20 AM
I think he deserves one. We'll start with this:

The Vice President of the United States (https://vine.co/v/MuUgtlrBAV0)

01-29-2014, 11:37 AM
Joe Biden = Joey Tribbiani of the White House.

03-29-2019, 06:16 PM

I'm uncomfortable with this guy. Not bright enough to run the country and overall just too creepy.

LA Ute
03-31-2019, 01:25 PM

I'm uncomfortable with this guy. Not bright enough to run the country and overall just too creepy.

He could beat Trump. I think the Democrats would nominate him and he’s savvy enough to not fall for Trump’s tactics. He could also win in the blue-collar states that Trump won. His #metoo issues would not stop him because the Dems really want to win, and both Bill Clinton and Trump, by their behavior, have immunized Biden.


04-01-2019, 04:21 PM
LAUte is wrong. What this means is that the left doesn’t want Biden. Have you noticed that all these stonings are for conduct that is well known for years or decades and accepted or tolerated by the Left, and then when it’s politically expedient the leftists circle for the blood letting? This usually happens within the leftist family.

Also, Biden is dumb, which is not an attractive quality for a president. He can’t survive outside the Obama umbrella.

LA Ute
04-01-2019, 06:08 PM
LAUte is wrong. What this means is that the left doesn’t want Biden. Have you noticed that all these stonings are for conduct that is well known for years or decades and accepted or tolerated by the Left, and then when it’s politically expedient the leftists circle for the blood letting? This usually happens within the leftist family.

Also, Biden is dumb, which is not an attractive quality for a president. He can’t survive outside the Obama umbrella.

The events of the last 24 hours cause me to agree with you. It's fascinating to watch, but he's probably done.

LA Ute
04-01-2019, 08:45 PM

04-01-2019, 10:30 PM
The events of the last 24 hours cause me to agree with you. It's fascinating to watch, but he's probably done.

You should have seen this coming. It’s not he physicalality. He’s just out of touch with the Michelle Goldberg types. They don’t want him contending for the presidency.

https://nyti.ms/2UdeMZl (https://nyti.ms/2UdeMZl)

I’m no Biden fan, but I’d like to tell Michelle Goldberg that I think she’s out of touch with more of the country than Biden is.

04-02-2019, 07:53 AM
This is like LAUtes’ Jack Tuttle thread.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-bidens-identity-reckoning-11554159979?emailToken=c051ab9ab6ac7299ba131d97521 06275NK2VIQnPzxaQi0IG5niLoEv8NBgJ1z0JWMX6H0wuxq/i3RDG8I5HMOpm+RTfOHbpiMzX9nRBM6o3sEIoA+x2TA%3D%3D&reflink=article_copyURL_share (https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-bidens-identity-reckoning-11554159979?emailToken=c051ab9ab6ac7299ba131d97521 06275NK2VIQnPzxaQi0IG5niLoEv8NBgJ1z0JWMX6H0wuxq/i3RDG8I5HMOpm+RTfOHbpiMzX9nRBM6o3sEIoA+x2TA%3D%3D&reflink=article_copyURL_share)

LA Ute
04-02-2019, 08:05 AM
This is like LAUtes’ Jack Tuttle thread.

https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-bidens-identity-reckoning-11554159979?emailToken=c051ab9ab6ac7299ba131d97521 06275NK2VIQnPzxaQi0IG5niLoEv8NBgJ1z0JWMX6H0wuxq/i3RDG8I5HMOpm+RTfOHbpiMzX9nRBM6o3sEIoA+x2TA%3D%3D&reflink=article_copyURL_share (https://www.wsj.com/articles/joe-bidens-identity-reckoning-11554159979?emailToken=c051ab9ab6ac7299ba131d97521 06275NK2VIQnPzxaQi0IG5niLoEv8NBgJ1z0JWMX6H0wuxq/i3RDG8I5HMOpm+RTfOHbpiMzX9nRBM6o3sEIoA+x2TA%3D%3D&reflink=article_copyURL_share)

Nah. I started this one in 2014, and not out of admiration for the man. Also, none of your family members was slighted because of Biden.

04-02-2019, 11:15 AM
I think if Joe wanted to get out in front of this issues, he could say something like "Look, I have a lot of experience in life, which also means I may not be aware of the latest standards of how men & women should interact. I did not mean for my show of affection to have any kind of sexual connotation, and if there was offense taken, I sincerely apologize. Ask my accusers if they seriously thought I was trying to seduce them, or if they were simply uncomfortable with the style of affection I used, a style I will avoid going forward. I intend to use my experience for the betterment of the nation, and I humbly submit it may be a mistake to reject those of us from a different generation because we're not as up to date on a changing landscape on the nuances for how men & women should interact".

He would get beat up by the far left, of course, but most Americans would take this in context of what Trump has done, and note the value of Biden's willingness to change & adapt.

LA Ute
04-02-2019, 01:02 PM
I think if Joe wanted to get out in front of this issues, he could say something like "Look, I have a lot of experience in life, which also means I may not be aware of the latest standards of how men & women should interact. I did not mean for my show of affection to have any kind of sexual connotation, and if there was offense taken, I sincerely apologize. Ask my accusers if they seriously thought I was trying to seduce them, or if they were simply uncomfortable with the style of affection I used, a style I will avoid going forward. I intend to use my experience for the betterment of the nation, and I humbly submit it may be a mistake to reject those of us from a different generation because we're not as up to date on a changing landscape on the nuances for how men & women should interact".

He would get beat up by the far left, of course, but most Americans would take this in context of what Trump has done, and note the value of Biden's willingness to change & adapt.

I think that would work.

Rocker Ute
04-02-2019, 01:33 PM
I think if Joe wanted to get out in front of this issues, he could say something like "Look, I have a lot of experience in life, which also means I may not be aware of the latest standards of how men & women should interact. I did not mean for my show of affection to have any kind of sexual connotation, and if there was offense taken, I sincerely apologize. Ask my accusers if they seriously thought I was trying to seduce them, or if they were simply uncomfortable with the style of affection I used, a style I will avoid going forward. I intend to use my experience for the betterment of the nation, and I humbly submit it may be a mistake to reject those of us from a different generation because we're not as up to date on a changing landscape on the nuances for how men & women should interact".

He would get beat up by the far left, of course, but most Americans would take this in context of what Trump has done, and note the value of Biden's willingness to change & adapt.

I think that would work, and I think most everyone is willing to forgive. The problem is that for any politician at that level there is a certain amount of narcissism that doesn't allow them to ever admit that they were wrong about something. It would be refreshing to me to see, and as I alluded to in the CFA discussion, I am tired of people's inability to look at the broader picture and forgive.

It would be refreshing for a candidate to come forward and say, "I'm not perfect, nor have I lived perfectly, but that is okay. We learn, we adjust, we improve, we move on. Here are my ideologies and I am going to surround myself with the best people who alongside me will pilot this country in the best direction." I think after Trump that would resonate with a LOT of people on both sides.

But I really think that the whole Biden thing will be another stark display of tribalism.

LA Ute
04-05-2019, 12:32 PM
Peggy Noonan:

If Biden Runs, They’ll Tear Him Up (https://www.wsj.com/articles/if-biden-runs-theyll-tear-him-up-11554420280)

Democratic operatives do not fear you will win the nomination—they think you’re too old, your time has passed, you’re not where the energy of the base is, or the money. But they do not want you taking up oxygen the next six to 10 months as you sink in the polls. And they don’t want you swooping in to claim the middle lane. Others already have a stake there, or mean to.

In the past you were never really slimed and reviled by your party; you were mostly teased and patronized. But if you get in the race this time, it will be different. They will show none of the old respect for you, your vice presidency or your past fealty to the cause. And you are in the habit of receiving respect. Soon the topic will turn, in depth, to Anita Hill, the Clinton crime bill, your friendliness to big business. You have opposed partial-birth abortion. Also, the old plagiarism video will come back and be dissected. It was more than 30 years ago, and for a lot of reporters and voters it will be a riveting story, and brand new.

LA Ute
04-05-2019, 07:58 PM
[Satire alert.]

Joe Biden Appointed As Head Of TSA


LA Ute
04-26-2019, 03:58 PM

LA Ute
04-27-2019, 07:33 AM
Makes sense to me:

Newly minted 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden is already starting to show that he is unique among the 20 Democratic White House hopefuls by being able to attract President Trump’s base of voters who are older, male, and white, according to a battleground state poll.

A Zogby Analytics survey of likely voters in Wisconsin, which Trump won in a surprise in 2016, showed that Biden would easily beat the president, 50%-40%, by eating into the Republican’s base.

But the president has strengthened his position with suburban women in the state who believe he is the best on two issues, growing the economy and keeping America safe, it said.


05-01-2019, 12:37 PM
Makes sense to me:


One "lesson" the Democrats may have learned in 2016 (I put it in quotes because I'm not sure it is true) is that your demographic (white, male) is more important than your policies. See: GOP and Trump.

I want to believe differently, but at this point, it is hard to argue much against it.

LA Ute
05-06-2019, 06:15 AM
Biden said Trump called white supremacists "fine people." It would not be surprising for Trump to make such an idiotic statement, but in this case he did not. Here’s the transcript of that press conference:


Just trying to call out the falsehoods on both sides.