View Full Version : Post UCLA, 4-1, Psychological Assessment of Program Edition

10-05-2014, 02:42 AM
This win was massive for Ute nation, for some important reasons:

- In the transition from our previous life, we've never really felt like we've fully "belonged" in the PAC, especially as the past two years have corroded our confidence, even as the talent level has improved.

- Last week vs Wazzu was a punch in the gut far worse than it deserved to be, because of how we just couldn't nurse a quick 21-0 lead, we couldn't put away the crazy pirate's team, after solving the turnover issue, getting special teams TDs, etc.

- It's clear we have maybe the best kicking game in the nation, but we dropped our 1st PAC game, AGAIN. This particular monkey was *really* getting annoying, had the potential to become a psychological hangup.

- The way the Wazzu game ended, there was significant potential for there to be a hangover into this game, the beginning of last year's nightmare of getting out to 4-2 and somehow not finding a way to win 2 more games.

The way the rest of our league's games have gone so far, it's pretty clear it's really a fool's game to put much emotional investment into any predictions, no matter how much thought and analysis are put into it. The number of variables in all aspects of the game is just too numerous.

The most important thing this game tonight established is we're right in there with the rest of our conference mates. We could win any of our remaining games, and we could lose any of our remaining games, and it's an emotional kamikaze mission to assume anything. Just go play the game, have faith your team is going to fight hard, and if things go your way, you might win the game.

Just enjoy the experience. Don't get too exuberant if you win, and DON'T get too bummed out if you lose. Just have fun, and savor rooting for the Utes.

We belong.

10-05-2014, 06:15 AM
This was a good win but if there was ever an official baptism game it was back when we beat Stanford. And even way before that when we had USC except for some bizzarre circumstance. Personally, I never felt like we didn't belong. These pre-PAC bowl victories over the PAC shouldn't be forgotten.

1994 Arizona
2001 USC
2009 Cal

Toss in 2 undefeated seasons which included Alex as the first overall pick and beating Bama in Dixie (and Bama was great that year) plus all those other bowl games during that streak, like Calvin Johnson's GA Tech- we more than earned it.

That first year we were a victory over Boulder from the PAC 12 Championship Game and last year had so many bad bounces and close games that didn't go our way it was ridiculous.

That said we're only as good as our last game. And that's damn good!

10-05-2014, 10:54 AM
This win was massive for Ute nation, for some important reasons:

- Last week vs Wazzu was a punch in the gut far worse than it deserved to be, because of how we just couldn't nurse a quick 21-0 lead, we couldn't put away the crazy pirate's team, after solving the turnover issue, getting special teams TDs, etc.

I thought that the aftermath of last week's game posed a risk that Whit could have lost the locker-room. It didn't happen, it seems.
Even had that UCLA field goal gone through last night, I think the way this team showed up to play bodes well for the rest of the season.

10-05-2014, 12:48 PM
I'm still shaking my head at the decision to not try for the first down on 3rd and 3 with less than 2 minutes to go. Your runners are chewing up 4 yards at a time and you wanna give the ball back to UCLA? What? I'm glad we won, but that could have been the "Dres Drop" of this week.

10-05-2014, 01:34 PM
I'm still shaking my head at the decision to not try for the first down on 3rd and 3 with less than 2 minutes to go. Your runners are chewing up 4 yards at a time and you wanna give the ball back to UCLA? What? I'm glad we won, but that could have been the "Dres Drop" of this week.

Enjoy the win.

10-05-2014, 01:57 PM
I'm still shaking my head at the decision to not try for the first down on 3rd and 3 with less than 2 minutes to go. Your runners are chewing up 4 yards at a time and you wanna give the ball back to UCLA? What? I'm glad we won, but that could have been the "Dres Drop" of this week.

Give it up. It's in Kyle's DNA to make decisions like this. Kyle thinks a 6-point lead is safe, and that 30 seconds isn't enough time for any offense to get into FG range. As annoying (and damaging) as this line of thinking is, we just gotta hope these situations minimize themselves.

10-05-2014, 06:15 PM
Give it up. It's in Kyle's DNA to make decisions like this. Kyle thinks a 6-point lead is safe, and that 30 seconds isn't enough time for any offense to get into FG range. As annoying (and damaging) as this line of thinking is, we just gotta hope these situations minimize themselves.

Kyle is naturally conservative. After Urban took off, Kyle flirted with going to Provo, but rethought it, saying "when in doubt... don't". Other coaches have mocked him & his penchant for wearing team garb everywhere, saying "somebody needs to tell him to shoot the lock off his wallet and buy a wardrobe".

But when the offense has earned credibility, he'll get looser with the decisions. Sugar Bowl, Brian Johnson making a ton of play calls in a no-huddle, etc.

If Kendal keeps developing, and starts making Dave Christensen look like a smart hire, I think he'll be more comfortable with going for the jugular, when the risk/reward mix feels better.

Like on the play where Booker lost his helmet, KW decided to burn a timeout and keep Booker in the game, he & KT had a good rhythm going, rather than bring Poole in and risk a missed handoff screwup like we had at Corvalis two years ago with DVC. (That still hurts, I was standing with DeVonte's mom when he fumbled inside the 5, and she asked me if something had gone wrong. That's about as shitty as it gets, especially for players and their families. DVC was bawling after the game when they were getting on the bus. I really felt for the kid.)

10-05-2014, 06:31 PM
Kyle is naturally conservative. After Urban took off, Kyle flirted with going to Provo, but rethought it, saying "when in doubt... don't". Other coaches have mocked him & his penchant for wearing team garb everywhere, saying "somebody needs to tell him to shoot the lock off his wallet and buy a wardrobe".

But when the offense has earned credibility, he'll get looser with the decisions. Sugar Bowl, Brian Johnson making a ton of play calls in a no-huddle, etc.

If Kendal keeps developing, and starts making Dave Christensen look like a smart hire, I think he'll be more comfortable with going for the jugular, when the risk/reward mix feels better.

Like on the play where Booker lost his helmet, KW decided to burn a timeout and keep Booker in the game, he & KT had a good rhythm going, rather than bring Poole in and risk a missed handoff screwup like we had at Corvalis two years ago with DVC. (That still hurts, I was standing with DeVonte's mom when he fumbled inside the 5, and she asked me if something had gone wrong. That's about as shitty as it gets, especially for players and their families. DVC was bawling after the game when they were getting on the bus. I really felt for the kid.)

yes but why burn a timeout when you are going to have KT take a knee in the middle of the filed? Why did Booker need to be in for that? I wonder if the timeout was to make sure KT knew exactly what the play was.l

LA Ute
10-05-2014, 08:07 PM
I think it's important to remember that Utah was behind by a point with very little time to play. If they don't get points on that possession the game is over. Phillps represented sure points. (As the UCLA fan behind me said then, "Oh, [expletive], this guy is automatic, we're done.") Hadn't the defense just stuffed UCLA on 3 straight plays, or am I misremembering the series sequence? UCLA's FG kicker is terrible -- the L.A. Times UCLA beat writer criticized Mora for even trying a field goal. I think KW and DC were just trying to win the game in the smartest way possible. If Utah had tried to get to the end zone and KT had thrown a pick or Booker had the ball punched out of his hands (and you know that's what UCLA would have been trying to do), we'd all be upset at Kyle for not taking the sure-thing field goal. I know reasonable people disagree on what KW should have done, but going to the end zone was not a slam-dunk choice.

EDIT: I'll give equal space to this opposing point of view from Light the U:

Kyle has made it a hallmark to win games with conservative effort and minimal errors. For all the guts it took to make that onsides call, the kneel in the middle of the field call with 34 seconds left was every bit the opposite. It just feels like Kyle is determined to win games the way he wants to win them, where one is as good as a hundred, and while the result this time was a win, I wonder how long that can be the case in the conference. The teams, parity, and talent out here is just too good to think that you can beat every team that way when it comes down to the wire. I have all the confidence in the world in Andy Phillips, too, but it just seems at times like we consider the odds of making a mistake more than we consider the odds of making a play. Just my opinion, however.

10-05-2014, 08:44 PM
I'm still shaking my head at the decision to not try for the first down on 3rd and 3 with less than 2 minutes to go. Your runners are chewing up 4 yards at a time and you wanna give the ball back to UCLA? What? I'm glad we won, but that could have been the "Dres Drop" of this week.
It's more reminiscent of the 4th and inches punt against Washington State. I'm elated it worked out but boy oh boy it almost came back to bite us in the rear.

We didn't leave much time on the clock, but it was still enough to get UCLA into field goal range. I'm happy they missed, but I really wish Kyle would start coaching to win instead of coaching not to lose.

We say we lack a killer instinct? It all starts at the top.

I have no problem with the attempt to manage the clock. I just wish we would have at least tried to get a first down. If we don't get it, at least we tried. If we do get it, we can either score a touchdown, or make sure our fg attempt is the last play of the game.

The fg shouldn't be considered automatic, either. Remember the USC game a few years ago. We played for a fg instead of taking a few shots at the end zone, and it cost us the game. Our automatic kicker missed one just last week against Washington State. So while he is very good, it's still not without risks.

I'm happy it worked out this time. I do hope wet play it differently next time.

USS Utah
10-05-2014, 10:13 PM
The fg shouldn't be considered automatic, either. Remember the USC game a few years ago. We played for a fg instead of taking a few shots at the end zone, and it cost us the game. Our automatic kicker missed one just last week against Washington State. So while he is very good, it's still not without risks.

From a different perspective, that is a great argument FOR the kneel down to center the ball and maximize Andy's chances.

10-05-2014, 10:18 PM
This win was massive for Ute nation, for some important reasons:

- In the transition from our previous life, we've never really felt like we've fully "belonged" in the PAC, especially as the past two years have corroded our confidence, even as the talent level has improved.

- Last week vs Wazzu was a punch in the gut far worse than it deserved to be, because of how we just couldn't nurse a quick 21-0 lead, we couldn't put away the crazy pirate's team, after solving the turnover issue, getting special teams TDs, etc.

- It's clear we have maybe the best kicking game in the nation, but we dropped our 1st PAC game, AGAIN. This particular monkey was *really* getting annoying, had the potential to become a psychological hangup.

- The way the Wazzu game ended, there was significant potential for there to be a hangover into this game, the beginning of last year's nightmare of getting out to 4-2 and somehow not finding a way to win 2 more games.

The way the rest of our league's games have gone so far, it's pretty clear it's really a fool's game to put much emotional investment into any predictions, no matter how much thought and analysis are put into it. The number of variables in all aspects of the game is just too numerous.

The most important thing this game tonight established is we're right in there with the rest of our conference mates. We could win any of our remaining games, and we could lose any of our remaining games, and it's an emotional kamikaze mission to assume anything. Just go play the game, have faith your team is going to fight hard, and if things go your way, you might win the game.

Just enjoy the experience. Don't get too exuberant if you win, and DON'T get too bummed out if you lose. Just have fun, and savor rooting for the Utes.

We belong.

Good post. This is my philosophy. I love being in the Pac 12.

10-05-2014, 10:20 PM
I know Whitt remembered the game (that Ma'ake mentioned elsewhere) in Corvallis a few years back when DVC fumbled a sure go-ahead touchdown inside the OSU 5 yard line, and was absolutely devastated afterward. That is a certain risk in that situation.

I have to wonder if the play call on 3rd down was '1) get the ball to the center of the field, 2) get the first down if you can easily make it, or 3) take a knee otherwise'.

Looking back if KT snapped the ball on 2nd down with less than 5 sec left instead of 12+ sec left, then this is a purely academic discussion anyhow. The UCLA play where Hundley ran for first down would have ended well after time expired.

10-05-2014, 10:43 PM
From a different perspective, that is a great argument FOR the kneel down to center the ball and maximize Andy's chances.

One of the most agonizing times I can recall in a football game was the 2010 byu game where byu marched down deep in our territory, then took a few plays over several minutes time to set up for a chipshot game winner, only to have Brandon Burton make a gamewinning block to save the win.

The last 5 minutes of the game (total time, not game clock time) were exceptionally painful because the method and outcome were obvious. It was as though Bronco was twisting the knife, slowly and deliberately, into the spleen and liver of every Utah fan in the stadium.

Losing the game in that manner is probably worse than any other way, because it was absolute torture leading up to the final death blow.

10-05-2014, 11:19 PM
We didn't leave much time on the clock, but it was still enough to get UCLA into field goal range. I'm happy they missed, but I really wish Kyle would start coaching to win instead of coaching not to lose.

We say we lack a killer instinct? It all starts at the top.

I have no problem with the attempt to manage the clock. I just wish we would have at least tried to get a first down. If we don't get it, at least we tried. If we do get it, we can either score a touchdown, or make sure our fg attempt is the last play of the game.

The fg shouldn't be considered automatic, either. Remember the USC game a few years ago. We played for a fg instead of taking a few shots at the end zone, and it cost us the game. Our automatic kicker missed one just last week against Washington State. So while he is very good, it's still not without risks.

I'm happy it worked out this time. I do hope wet play it differently next time.

Amen to pretty much all of this. However, we were never in position to take shots at the end zone vs. USC in the 2011 game. We needed a replay reversal just to maintain possession and get into the fringes of FG range. I don't think we crossed the USC 30 on that final drive.

LA Ute
10-05-2014, 11:25 PM
This is not strictly psychology, but it's close: What is on the coaching staff's "to-do" list now, in light of the UCLA game? A few ideas:

Drops by the receivers. Reducing that problem will win us some games we'd otherwise lose, IMO.
Silly penalties? The roughing the passer cost us a pick and enabled a UCLA touchdown.
Can our OL find a way to give our QB a pocket consistently?
Our DBs seem to let receivers get behind them for long TD passes. Hundley had those two in the 4th quarter. It looked like our guys were burned pretty badly on both. Surely there are teaching opportunities here.

What else? Maybe that is enough.

10-06-2014, 10:17 AM
yes but why burn a timeout when you are going to have KT take a knee in the middle of the filed? Why did Booker need to be in for that? I wonder if the timeout was to make sure KT knew exactly what the play was.l

Sadly, Booker losing his helmet put us in a position where we had to go for the FG.

You weren't going to run a play without Booker. The guy was on a roll, so you want to call the timeout to get him back in. Unfortunately, we only had one time out left. If you burn your last timeout to put him back in there and try to run another play or two to try and get six, you won't have any to get your FG team in there in case you fail.

So Whittingham did the best thing he could: use the TO to make sure everyone is on the same page about what you want to do and get them ready to execute it.

10-06-2014, 10:36 AM
Sadly, Booker losing his helmet put us in a position where we had to go for the FG.

You weren't going to run a play without Booker. The guy was on a roll, so you want to call the timeout to get him back in. Unfortunately, we only had one time out left. If you burn your last timeout to put him back in there and try to run another play or two to try and get six, you won't have any to get your FG team in there in case you fail.

So Whittingham did the best thing he could: use the TO to make sure everyone is on the same page about what you want to do and get them ready to execute it.

We had two timeouts left. We used the last one after KT took a knee to set up the filed goal.

10-06-2014, 12:01 PM
We had two timeouts left. We used the last one after KT took a knee to set up the filed goal.


There was no way to both guarantee a centered ball and to go for the 1st down. It's a game of probabilities. They decided they liked the increased probability of a centered kick and the near surety of not turning the ball over enough to risk leaving 30 seconds on the clock.

10-06-2014, 12:13 PM
Amen to pretty much all of this. However, we were never in position to take shots at the end zone vs. USC in the 2011 game. We needed a replay reversal just to maintain possession and get into the fringes of FG range. I don't think we crossed the USC 30 on that final drive.
We were actually on the 24 with 11 seconds left and the clock stopped when we attempted the fg.

10-06-2014, 12:26 PM
Dres wins "catch of the year of the week" from Matt Hinton:

• Catch of the Year of the Week — Utah WR Dres Anderson: Utah’s late-night win over UCLA was appropriately wild, hinging on two lead changes in the final five minutes and not one but two missed field goals (http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=11645713)by the Bruins’ Ka’imi Fairbairn as time expired. But it was worth the price of admission to the Rose Bowl for Anderson’s second-quarter touchdown grab in double coverage alone:

Backup quarterback Kendal Thompson finished with 95 yards passing on 13 attempts, nearly half of that total coming on this play — an objectively horrible decision that yielded fantastic results.


LA Ute
10-06-2014, 01:12 PM
Dres wins "catch of the year of the week" from Matt Hinton:


Based on the video I'm not sure the decision to throw the pass was objectively horrible, because Dres had beaten his man. The pass itself, however, was objectively horrible because Dres had to come back for it and pull it down in a crowd.

10-06-2014, 02:08 PM
Life in the Pac is great, if a bit eventful. So much swings on so little. If we get one first down on our 2 fourth and inches tries against WAZZU, we probably win that game on Phillips' leg and get ranked way too high this week. On the other hand, that field goal try on Saturday was really, really close. A loss would have brought on an unbearable sadness.

I'm high on this team, but I still think getting bowl eligible is a challenge. We need to slay more giants (and the Buffs).

10-06-2014, 02:50 PM
Life in the Pac is great, if a bit eventful. So much swings on so little. If we get one first down on our 2 fourth and inches tries against WAZZU, we probably win that game on Phillips' leg and get ranked way too high this week. On the other hand, that field goal try on Saturday was really, really close. A loss would have brought on an unbearable sadness.

I'm high on this team, but I still think getting bowl eligible is a challenge. We need to slay more giants (and the Buffs).

It also illustrates that it takes a lot of luck to win at this level. Even the "elite" teams in elite conferences will have 4 or 5 games each year that essentially come down to a coin flip. As much as fans and the media like to ascribe character traits (either positive or negative) to teams and the individuals involved in those coin flips, it's really mostly just luck.

10-06-2014, 04:48 PM
These types of discussions are so much better after beating a division rival who is an undefeated, top 10 team on their home field, which is also one of the most storied stadiums in the country.

It's pretty bad after we blow a 21 point lead and lose at home to a bad team.

10-06-2014, 05:08 PM
Dres wins "catch of the year of the week" from Matt Hinton:


It's probably just me but it seems Dres is better at making the improbable circus catch than he is at catching a simple routine pass. Exception is the TD pass he caught against Michigan. Again, just my perception.

10-06-2014, 05:31 PM
We had two timeouts left. We used the last one after KT took a knee to set up the filed goal.

I think I would have preferred to take the delay of game penalty and saved that last timeout.

10-06-2014, 05:44 PM
yes but why burn a timeout when you are going to have KT take a knee in the middle of the filed? Why did Booker need to be in for that? I wonder if the timeout was to make sure KT knew exactly what the play was.l

It is possible that he had not yet decided to go that route when the TO was taken and wanted to have the best options available.

USS Utah
10-06-2014, 06:12 PM
We had two timeouts left. We used the last one after KT took a knee to set up the filed goal.

Whit used the last one to run the play clock down to burn as much clock as possible.

10-07-2014, 02:58 PM
We were actually on the 24 with 11 seconds left and the clock stopped when we attempted the fg.

The FG was only 41 yards (I remember it being longer, but less than 50). It appears we had a timeout left, too. I can't remember what was said in the aftermath of that game about getting closer, but I think you could've run another play. I think a pass play into the end zone would be a bad call, if only for the fact Jordan Wynn really had nothing on his throws.

LA Ute
10-07-2014, 03:51 PM
The FG was only 41 yards (I remember it being longer, but less than 50). It appears we had a timeout left, too. I can't remember what was said in the aftermath of that game about getting closer, but I think you could've run another play. I think a pass play into the end zone would be a bad call, if only for the fact Jordan Wynn really had nothing on his throws.

I was at that game and remember that there seemed to be some confusion on the Utah sideline when they were sending the kicking team out. It wasn't a great moment for us in our PAC-12 debut.