View Full Version : Gone Bowlin': Bowl thoughts & Potential match ups

10-07-2014, 07:57 PM
I want to know what your thoughts are on bowl destinations. Where would you prefer to go/matchup with. Could be a dream bowl or a bowl Utah is most likely to end up in.

Realistically I think Utah could end up in the Holiday or San Francisco bowl against a Big Ten team. Would be awesome to play Gary Andersen & Wisconsin in a bowl game. Would be ecstatic playing against several other B1G teams like Nebraska, Iowa, or Penn State.

I assume Ohio State/MSU will get a better bowl game so I left them out.

I know we should be thankful for any bowl game, but I really do not want to go to the Las Vegas bowl against a MWC team. It would feel like an empty bowl game to me.


Mormon Red Death
10-07-2014, 07:59 PM
The Bahamas bowl


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10-07-2014, 08:15 PM
I know we should be thankful for any bowl game, but I really do not want to go to the Las Vegas bowl against a MWC team. It would feel like an empty bowl game to me.


I agree, but Vegas is probably the only bowl I would be able to go to.

10-07-2014, 08:17 PM
The Bahamas bowl


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Damn, didn't know that even existed. Hard to complain about that location.

10-07-2014, 08:39 PM
I will go out of my way to go to a bowl game. I still regret turning down tickets to the Fiesta and Sugar bowls :(

10-07-2014, 08:48 PM
Las Vegas would be my most practical destination as I'm seriously considering a mini vacay there right before Christmas to see Utah hoops vs. UNLV.

Past that, if it ain't the Rose, it doesn't matter a whole lot, although I'm fully aware of the history the Holiday Bowl has, both with our current and a former league.

10-07-2014, 09:55 PM
I'm a little nervous about this thread's existence at this current 4-win point in the season. If we go on a 5 game losing streak, I'm blaming you Sigma!

That said, I'd be more inclined to hope for a good name opponent than worry about location. If we play well enough the rest of the season to get 7 or 8 wins, I think we would get a good opponent, and have a good chance at beating them. That would hopefully do wonders for our future with recruiting.

Now, back to my hand-wringing. . .

10-07-2014, 10:55 PM
I'm a little nervous about this thread's existence at this current 4-win point in the season. If we go on a 5 game losing streak, I'm blaming you Sigma!

That said, I'd be more inclined to hope for a good name opponent than worry about location. If we play well enough the rest of the season to get 7 or 8 wins, I think we would get a good opponent, and have a good chance at beating them. That would hopefully do wonders for our future with recruiting.

Now, back to my hand-wringing. . .

I will accept full responsibility if we don't make it to a bowl game.

I agree with the destination/opponent sentiment. Especially considering 90% of bowls are played in good locations anyways. I don't know why, but I would love to see a game against Nebraska.

10-08-2014, 09:08 AM
Mods, please lock this thread until we have 6 wins. Karma does not like to be mocked.

10-08-2014, 09:43 AM
Mods, please lock this thread until we have 6 wins. Karma does not like to be mocked.

After looking up "bowl game" in the dictionary, being unfamiliar with this term, I agree. Let's wait until we get to at least 5, maybe 6 wins before we get too far down this road.

10-25-2014, 11:37 PM
This thread is open for business!!!

10-25-2014, 11:41 PM
Rose, baby, Rose.

10-26-2014, 12:51 AM
Rose v. Ohio state

10-26-2014, 01:18 AM
Below are the PAC 12 bowl tie-in's. The Rose Bowl is not part of the playoffs this year. Variables include if the PAC 12 sends a team to the playoff's or not. I beleive that each number gets to chose in the order listed, and none of them are based on conference rank (e.g. The Alamo bowl can choose a 6-3 Stanford over a 7-2 Utah). I see us possibly as getting the 4th or 5th selection.

i think it's a bit disappointing that the drop from selection 2 to 3 is from the Big 12 #2 to the B1G #6.

If No. 1 isn't in College Football Playoffs
1. Rose Bowl

2. Alamo Bowl vs. Big 12 No. 2

3. National University Holiday Bowl vs. Big Ten No. 6

4. San Francisco Bowl vs. Big Ten No. 7

5. Hyundai Sun Bowl vs. ACC

6. Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl vs. Mountain West No. 1

7. Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl vs. Big 12 No. 5

Mormon Red Death
10-26-2014, 05:49 AM
Below are the PAC 12 bowl tie-in's. The Rose Bowl is not part of the playoffs this year. Variables include if the PAC 12 sends a team to the playoff's or not. I beleive that each number gets to chose in the order listed, and none of them are based on conference rank (e.g. The Alamo bowl can choose a 6-3 Stanford over a 7-2 Utah). I see us possibly as getting the 4th or 5th selection.

i think it's a bit disappointing that the drop from selection 2 to 3 is from the Big 12 #2 to the B1G #6.

If No. 1 isn't in College Football Playoffs
1. Rose Bowl

2. Alamo Bowl vs. Big 12 No. 2

3. National University Holiday Bowl vs. Big Ten No. 6

4. San Francisco Bowl vs. Big Ten No. 7

5. Hyundai Sun Bowl vs. ACC

6. Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl vs. Mountain West No. 1

7. Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl vs. Big 12 No. 5

The Rose Bowl IS one of the semifinals this year along with the sugar bowl.
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10-26-2014, 01:38 PM
The Rose Bowl IS one of the semifinals this year along with the sugar bowl.
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Oops, I read it wrong. But if the PAC 12 champion doesn't make the playoffs, it will be slated to one of the other New Year's Eve/day bowls.


Participants in the New Year’s Bowls

Both participants in the Orange, Rose and Sugar Bowls are contracted outside the playoff arrangement (Big Ten and Pac-12 to Rose Bowl; SEC and Big 12 to Sugar Bowl; ACC to Orange Bowl against the highest ranked available team from the SEC, Big Ten and Notre Dame). If a conference champion qualifies for the playoff, then the bowl will choose a replacement from that conference. When those bowls host the semifinals and their contracted conference champions do not qualify, then the dis*placed champion(s) will play in the other New Year’s bowls.

The Fiesta, Cotton and Peach Bowls will host displaced conference champions and the top-ranked champion from a non-contract conference. The highest-ranked available teams will fill any other berths. The Selection Committee will make the pairings.

10-26-2014, 05:56 PM
I'm a little nervous about this thread's existence at this current 4-win point in the season. If we go on a 5 game losing streak, I'm blaming you Sigma!

Whew....Glad I didn't jinx anything.

With that said, I'm hoping for the best obviously, but beyond New Year's six or playoff I would love any of the 2-4 spots. Great destinations & great opponents.

10-26-2014, 06:30 PM
Whew....Glad I didn't jinx anything.

Me too. :highfive:.

11-12-2014, 08:13 AM
Personally I hope we get San Francisco, vegas, or Holiday Bowl. I can travel to any of those. Sun Bowl and Alamo aren't out of the question if we win out.

11-12-2014, 08:14 AM
Alamo if we win out. Sun bowl is in the mix right now.

11-12-2014, 08:20 AM
I saw one projection this week that had Oregon in the playoff with ASU and UCLA also in the NY6. If Utah were to win out we'd easily be next team in line for the Alamo Bowl (this scenario must assume a UCLA win over USC and Notre Dame may beat them as well, Utah and ASU would have beaten Arizona). Regardless of whether we win out, more teams in the NY6 will bump us up

11-12-2014, 08:21 AM
Alamo if we win out. Sun bowl is in the mix right now.

Are there any random, East cost bowls that we might go to if the Pac is oversubscribed? Like the Yankee Bowl or the Anacostia Bowl or something? MRD is usually on top of these things...

Mormon Red Death
11-12-2014, 08:24 AM
Are there any random, East cost bowls that we might go to if the Pac is oversubscribed? Like the Yankee Bowl or the Anacostia Bowl or something? MRD is usually on top of these things...

Not east coast but Heart of Dallas bowl would be the one we would go to if we are the odd man out.

11-12-2014, 08:24 AM
Not east coast but Heart of Dallas bowl would be the one we would go to if we are the odd man out.

Uggh. No thanks, I'd rather go to El Paso.

11-12-2014, 09:38 PM
Anywhere in California, Vegas or El Paso I'd be ecstatic about, along with the Cactus Bowl in Tempe, Jan 2. I was really impressed by how El Paso puts on the Sun Bowl - really well done.

Alamo Bowl I would be less enthused about, but I'd figure out how to get there.

11-13-2014, 07:58 AM
Interesting game with bowl implications tonight: Cal @ USC. Cal is still one win short of bowl eligibility, but after difficult but winnable games tonight and next week against Stanford they finish the season against this pimply-faced team from Provo, so they seem a good bet to get to at least six wins.

Cal seems to score on everybody, will USC keep up?

What is better for Utah? Having Cal win, keeping USC behind Utah in the pecking order but adding another option to the PAC 12 pool of bowl eligible teams? Or having USC win and keeping them closer to Utah in the bowl pecking order but knocking Cal down further and perhaps reducing how far Utah can fall if they struggle in the last three games?

11-13-2014, 08:14 AM
That is a two edged sword.

My opinion is having USC and Utah with similar records will knock us down the food chain of bowl games because most bowls would take USC over Utah. So we want cal to win.

Utah needs to win out. The Stanford and Arizona games loom large! Colorado isn't a gimme game either. This season ending stretch is great. I like our matchup this weekend. Low scoring win over stanford. Glad we get Zona at rice eccles stadium.

11-13-2014, 08:33 AM
Cal seems to score on everybody, will USC keep up?

Cal has wins against OSU, WSU, Northwestern, CU, and Sacramento St. Their next quality win will be their first. There are 4 quality defenses in the Pac-12 - Utah, UW, USC, and Stanford. So far, Cal has played against only one, and UW held them to 7 points.

I think as long as we have a shot at finishing above 5th in the south, we need to pull for north teams over south teams. The division placement matters more to me than which bowl game we get. So go Cal, go OSU, and go UW this weekend.

Mormon Red Death
11-13-2014, 11:07 AM
Here is how I see it playing out.
Let's assume Miss st, Oregon, TCU and FLa St win out.
Let's also assume that Bama only loses to Miss st.
Let's also assume that Colo St wins out and the committee like them more than Marshall
Let's assume that Ariz st only loses to Oregon in the champ game and that UCLA wins out.

That puts Miss st vs TCU Sugar Bowl
Oregon vs FSU Rose Bowl
Orange Bowl Bama vs Ohio St
Cotton Bowl Baylor vs UCLA/Ariz St
Fiesta Bowl Colo st vs UCLA/Ariz st
*Note I can't find a rule that says one conference can only have 2 teams in the big 6 bowls and playoff. Additionally please look at the top10 and my assumptions above before you go crazy*

This would leave the selections for the bowls looking like this:

#1 College Football Playoff (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College_Football_Playoff). Automatic berth to one of the New Years Six bowl games, preferentially the Rose Bowl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_Bowl_Game) versus Big Ten #1.
#2 The Alamo Bowl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alamo_Bowl) versus Big 12 #2.
#3 The Holiday Bowl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holiday_Bowl) versus Big Ten #4.
#4 The Foster Farms Bowl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foster_Farms_Bowl) versus Big Ten #6.
#5 The Sun Bowl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Bowl) versus ACC #4.
#6 The Las Vegas Bowl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Vegas_Bowl) versus Mountain West #1.
#7 The Cactus Bowl (Tempe) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus_Bowl_(Tempe)) versus Big 12 #6.[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_bids_to_college_bowl_games#cite_note-2)

In this situation if we win out we get Alamo. If we beat Stanford or Arizona and Colorado then Foster Farms (San Fran) or Holiday bowls. If we beat just Colorado Vegas, Sun or Cactus. If we lose all three Vegas or Cactus

11-13-2014, 11:28 AM
Let's also assume that Colo St wins out and the committee like them more than Marshall

I thought this team had to be a conference champion? So CSU needs Boise to lose a game.

*Note I can't find a rule that says one conference can only have 2 teams in the big 6 bowls and playoff. Additionally please look at the top10 and my assumptions above before you go crazy*

I think you are correct. A conference can have 3. That said, I think it's unlikely that that Pac-12 get 3, so shift the Utes down one rung in the bowl scenarios.

The Pac-12 has 6 bowl teams now, but it seems likely that Stanford, UW, and Cal will join the group. With 9 teams, we may need the Heart of Dallas Bowl as a destination (or even more if we only get one team into the NY6).

Mormon Red Death
11-13-2014, 11:40 AM
I thought this team had to be a conference champion? So CSU needs Boise to lose a game.

I think you are correct. A conference can have 3. That said, I think it's unlikely that that Pac-12 get 3, so shift the Utes down one rung in the bowl scenarios.

The Pac-12 has 6 bowl teams now, but it seems likely that Stanford, UW, and Cal will join the group. With 9 teams, we may need the Heart of Dallas Bowl as a destination (or even more if we only get one team into the NY6).

Boise has SDSU @ WYO and Utah st left. None of those games are gimmies and I expect them to lose one of those games.

As for the PAC12 UCLA is 11 and Ariz st is 6. Under my scenarios the two teams in front of UCLA (Ole Miss (to Miss st) and Auburn (to Bama)) would both lose putting UCLA at at least 9. ASU would probably be 5 going into the conf championship (Bama would lose to Miss st) and losing to the #2 team (Oregon) probably wouldn't knock them out of the top 9.

11-13-2014, 05:24 PM
Like the Yankee Bowl or the Anacostia Bowl or something? MRD is usually on top of these things...
Having lived briefly in the DC area, I cannot let this go unremarked. Bravo:clap:

i'm hoping for Holiday Bowl.

LA Ute
11-13-2014, 05:27 PM
Having lived briefly in the DC area, I cannot let this go unremarked. Bravo:clap:

i'm hoping for Holiday Bowl.

So am I. A 2-hour drive down the 405 and 5.

Mormon Red Death
11-16-2014, 06:09 AM
We can still win the conference.

We win out
Ucla beats usc then lose to stanford
Arizona beats asu
Puts everyone in 5 way tie we would have us and ucla with only one divisional loss and we beat them.
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11-16-2014, 07:39 AM
We can still win the conference.

We win out
Ucla beats usc then lose to stanford
Arizona beats asu
Puts everyone in 5 way tie we would have us and ucla with only one divisional loss and we beat them.
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2

The south is absolutely crazy. Arizona State losing in the Reser Graveyard was unexpected (kind of). Oregon better watch out. That is apparently the place that ranked teams go to die. Our win there was great.

I'm absolutely loving this season.

11-21-2014, 10:45 AM
The PAC 12 currently has six bowl eligible teams (Utah, Oregon, UCLA, USC, Arizona, ASU), two eliminated teams (WSU, CU) and four that can still get there (Cal, Stanford, OSU, UW-who has to get to seven wins because they play 13 games having played at Hawaii). Two more teams will get eligible this weekend as Stanford at Cal and OSU at UW are on the schedule for tomorrow. The conference could get 10 bowl eligible teams and end up with some "free agents" after all bowl tie-ins are filled. I would handicap the likelihood of the four on the bubble like this:

1. Washington (OSU, at WSU)
2. Cal (Stanford, BYU)
3. Stanford (at Cal, at UCLA)
4. Oregon State (at UW, Oregon)

I don't think OSU wins either of its games, but tomorrow is obviously their best chance. Cal is tough this year but hasn't beaten good teams. Still, they have two home games to win one at home--Stanford is winnable for them, but if they fail to get it then their final home game is a cupcake. Stanford desperately needs to win Saturday because I think they will have a very hard time beating UCLA on the road. I think the Trees will get there on Saturday. Cal is most similar to WSU and OSU, two teams that Stanford has drilled this year (though I think Cal is better than both, the matchup still seems good for Stanford).

My guess is that the PAC 12 ends up with nine bowl eligible teams. Washington will win its last two games to get to 8-5 while Cal and Stanford will both split to get to 6-6 and will be the two teams left scrambling for a home after PAC 12 bowls are filled.

How does this impact Utah? The team can't afford to limp to the finish as there is fierce competition for those bowl spots.

Of course, one thing that will also be a big storyline to follow is the number of PAC 12 teams in the Playoff/NY6 bowls. Technically, Utah could still sneak into the NY6 although I doubt it will happen. For this reason, we want Oregon to win out (unless they face Utah in the PAC 12 CG, of course). We also want UCLA to win big this week, both to keep Utah's division hopes alive and, for the time being, to keep UCLA positioned for the NY6 and move everybody up a bowl slot. A strong finish by UCLA and one of the Arizona schools would be bad for Utah's division hopes (and their record if it's Arizona) but would give the PAC a shot at three NY6 bowls (this would require some attrition in other conferences too) which would bump everyone else up to a better bowl.

Bottom line: Utah needs to win and cheer for Oregon. The other games will have a lot of win/win and lose/lose situations to them.

11-21-2014, 11:20 AM
The PAC 12 currently has six bowl eligible teams (Utah, Oregon, UCLA, USC, Arizona, ASU), two eliminated teams (WSU, CU) and four that can still get there (Cal, Stanford, OSU, UW-who has to get to seven wins because they play 13 games having played at Hawaii). Two more teams will get eligible this weekend as Stanford at Cal and OSU at UW are on the schedule for tomorrow. The conference could get 10 bowl eligible teams and end up with some "free agents" after all bowl tie-ins are filled. I would handicap the likelihood of the four on the bubble like this:

1. Washington (OSU, at WSU)
2. Cal (Stanford, BYU)
3. Stanford (at Cal, at UCLA)
4. Oregon State (at UW, Oregon)

I don't think OSU wins either of its games, but tomorrow is obviously their best chance. Cal is tough this year but hasn't beaten good teams. Still, they have two home games to win one at home--Stanford is winnable for them, but if they fail to get it then their final home game is a cupcake. Stanford desperately needs to win Saturday because I think they will have a very hard time beating UCLA on the road. I think the Trees will get there on Saturday. Cal is most similar to WSU and OSU, two teams that Stanford has drilled this year (though I think Cal is better than both, the matchup still seems good for Stanford).

My guess is that the PAC 12 ends up with nine bowl eligible teams. Washington will win its last two games to get to 8-5 while Cal and Stanford will both split to get to 6-6 and will be the two teams left scrambling for a home after PAC 12 bowls are filled.

How does this impact Utah? The team can't afford to limp to the finish as there is fierce competition for those bowl spots.

Of course, one thing that will also be a big storyline to follow is the number of PAC 12 teams in the Playoff/NY6 bowls. Technically, Utah could still sneak into the NY6 although I doubt it will happen. For this reason, we want Oregon to win out (unless they face Utah in the PAC 12 CG, of course). We also want UCLA to win big this week, both to keep Utah's division hopes alive and, for the time being, to keep UCLA positioned for the NY6 and move everybody up a bowl slot. A strong finish by UCLA and one of the Arizona schools would be bad for Utah's division hopes (and their record if it's Arizona) but would give the PAC a shot at three NY6 bowls (this would require some attrition in other conferences too) which would bump everyone else up to a better bowl.

Bottom line: Utah needs to win and cheer for Oregon. The other games will have a lot of win/win and lose/lose situations to them.

Thanks for the concise analysis. I wonder about these things, but am too busy/lazy to put the brainpower into sorting it out.

LA Ute
11-21-2014, 12:41 PM
Bottom line: Utah needs to win and cheer for Oregon.

I cut to the chase, read this advice, and am adopting it as my mantra for the weekend.

11-24-2014, 10:21 AM
ESPN's latest projections have us in either the SUN (Louisville) or Holiday (Minnesota).

I'd take either one of those at 8-4...and so would each one of you!

11-24-2014, 11:43 AM
ESPN's latest projections have us in either the SUN (Louisville) or Holiday (Minnesota).

I'd take either one of those at 8-4...and so would each one of you!

We've never lost to Louisville, and Minnesota was Ron McBride's first win as HC, coming with one of the most memorable finishes in school history.

I prefer Holiday, if only to hearken back to our WAC days, when we the only school from the post-ASU, pre-expansion days never to earn a bid there. AFA could've played in the game, but had other bowl suitors it found more desirable.

11-24-2014, 11:53 AM
We've never lost to Louisville, and Minnesota was Ron McBride's first win as HC, coming with one of the most memorable finishes in school history.

After our loss, I couldn't get off the couch. I watched Petrino at Louisville win despite some horrible clock management. Watched Ferentz lose partly due to some bad clock management. Then I hear Mike Smith of the Atlanta Falcons lost due to poor clock management. Last week, UW lost to Arizona due to poor clock management.

My conclusion? Football coaches are not smart. The average fan might actually be smarter than the average coach. The average poster on this board is certainly smarter.

Mormon Red Death
11-24-2014, 12:14 PM
We've never lost to Louisville, and Minnesota was Ron McBride's first win as HC, coming with one of the most memorable finishes in school history.

I prefer Holiday, if only to hearken back to our WAC days, when we the only school from the post-ASU, pre-expansion days never to earn a bid there. AFA could've played in the game, but had other bowl suitors it found more desirable.

How would we reach the holiday bowl? Wouldnt it take UCLA winning out and them being in playoff? then Oregon goes cotton and the ASUvAZ winner going to the fiesta? that seems pretty unlikely. I'd say its we are either Sun, San Fran or Vegas.

11-26-2014, 10:42 AM
Wilner's latest bowl projections:


If we are in Vegas, who would you rather face - USU, BSU, or CSU? I'd hate to end the season with a loss to USU or BSU.

On the bright side, I think I could make it to the Vegas Bowl.

11-26-2014, 10:59 AM
This weekends rooting guide for Utah to get the best bowl possible:

1. Utah over CU (duh)
2. UCLA over Stanford by as much as possible (enhances UCLA's NY6 chances and keeps Stanford solidly behind Utah
3. Arizona big over ASU (either team still has a shot at NY6 but Arizona's case is a little stronger with its win over Oregon and ASU's bad loss to OSU)
4. Wazzu over Washington (puts UW behind Utah in the pecking order)
5. Notre Dame over USC (puts USC behind Utah in the pecking order, although they are still a big name program without a lot of enthusiasm among their fans right now)
6. Oregon over Oregon State (keep Oregon in the playoff, enhance the PAC 12's chances to get more teams in NY6 and bump everyone else up)
7. Cal over BYU??? (Shouldn't affect Utah's bowl but then again would Foster Farms bowl in SF reach for Cal over teams with better records? I'm thinking no, so I think we can enjoy Cal beating BYU without it adversely impacting Utah).
8. Upsets! Root for as many one and two loss teams to lose in order to clear more space in the Playoff and NY6 for UCLA and Arizona/ASU.

11-26-2014, 12:08 PM
Wilner's latest bowl projections:


If we are in Vegas, who would you rather face - USU, BSU, or CSU? I'd hate to end the season with a loss to USU or BSU.

On the bright side, I think I could make it to the Vegas Bowl.

C'mon, Sancho. We ain't losing to Utah State.

Boise and CSU are good teams, but I like our chances against either of them.

Personally, I'd prefer this order: 1. CSU (assuming they still have one loss), 2. Utah State (I like in-state rivalries), 3. Boise - we've played them in a bowl recently.

11-26-2014, 05:45 PM
This prediction has us playing Duke in the Sun bowl


LA Ute
11-26-2014, 08:17 PM
This prediction has us playing Duke in the Sun bowl


Better than Las Vegas.

11-27-2014, 06:40 AM

Predicting Louisville or Norte Dame in the Sun Bowl.

Mormon Red Death
11-28-2014, 08:36 PM
I think arizona is Ny6 game win or lose.

That puts asu, ucla Alamo and holiday. We win and usc wins that would probably mean San Fran chooses usc and sun bowl chooses us. If usc loses and we win we have better overall record bit worse conference record still think it's sun bowl. We lose I think it's vegas.

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Mormon Red Death
11-29-2014, 02:50 PM
Frisco or El Paso

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LA Ute
11-29-2014, 03:09 PM
Frisco or El Paso

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Bill Riley thinks Stanford gets the San Francisco game. FWIW. I'd love it, personally.

11-30-2014, 12:23 PM

CFP (Top 4)
CFP (Other 8)
Alamo vs. Big 12 #2
Holiday vs. Big 10 #4
Foster Farms vs Big 10 #6
Sun Bowl vs ACC #4
Vegas vs MWC #1
Cactus vs Big 12 #6

Eligible Teams

Oregon 8-1
Arizona 7-2
UCLA 6-3
USC 6-3
ASU 6-3
Utah 5-4
Stanford 5-4
Washington 4-5

According to Jon Wilner, the Sun, Vegas and Cactus cannot take a team with a worse conference record ahead of a team with a better conference record. As a result, both Utah and Stanford will be selected for one of those games ahead of Washington.

If Oregon beats Arizona, it will be in the top 4 but could it drop out of the top 10 if it loses? I don’t think so, but it is possible.

If Arizona beats Oregon, it will not move into the top 4, but it would be in the top 10. Could the PAC 12 have two teams in the non-championship games? Assuming the answer to that is yes, here is how I see the bowls shaking out:

CFP top 4 teams - Oregon
CFP other New Years - Arizona
Alamo - USC
Holiday - UCLA
Foster Farms - ASU or Stanford (no rule on upper bowls taking teams with lower conference record)
Sun - ASU if available, Utah if not.
Vegas - Utah if available. Stanford if not in Foster Farms.
Cactus - Washington

11-30-2014, 01:56 PM
It would be such a disappointment to end up with the Vegas bowl after such a great season.

LA Ute
11-30-2014, 02:59 PM
It would be such a disappointment to end up with the Vegas bowl after such a great season.

Agreed. I'm hoping for Sun. Sure wish Dres had caught that TD pass against WSU.... Or that we had gotten just one more break in any of a half-dozen situations in either the WSU or ASU games. Oh, well.

11-30-2014, 03:15 PM
It would be such a disappointment to end up with the Vegas bowl after such a great season.

I can go to the Vegas Bowl and cannot go to the Sun Bowl, so I know what I am hoping for. It also sets up nicely for a Vegas Bowl afternoon and a Ute vs. UNLV bball game later that night.

#1 Utefan
11-30-2014, 03:19 PM
Sun is a decent bowl but an expensive and terrible location from a logistical standpoint. Delta doesn't even service El Paso or Las Cruces. I have vouchers with Delta that could use to offset some of the cost of traveling to a bowl game but Utes or not, will not fork out $600 + per ticket to go to a place like El Paso for a couple of days. Also, the only candidate bowl location too far to drive.

I would prefer the Holiday Bowl but since this seems out of the question, San Francisco would be great as well. Outside the Holiday, I would take the Cactus Bowl given the payout, potential quality opponent, and quality location. Vegas wouldn't be ideal given a potentially poor opponent but at least it is cheap, drivable, and the basketball team is playing UNLV the same night at the MGM.

Any place is easier to get to, cheaper, and a better location than El Paso. Sorry, just calling it how I see it.

11-30-2014, 03:32 PM
The Pac-12 should work on improving the Vegas Bowl. It's one of the best destinations for a game, but the time (before xmas) and opponent (MWC #2) are lousy.

I could actually drive from Denver to El Paso in a reasonable amount of time, but I will be in SLC after xmas. Oh well. It will be fun to gather with family to watch the Sun Bowl.

As far as destination itself (not talking travel), I don't see why Tempe is any better than El Paso. Neither is really a tourist town.

LA Ute
11-30-2014, 03:56 PM
I'll be with family in Salt Lake over Christmas (driving there from LA) so a trip to a bowl game would be tough. Holiday or SF might work but looks like we're not going to either of those. We'll probably gather around the TV.

#1 Utefan
11-30-2014, 05:38 PM
I'll be with family in Salt Lake over Christmas (driving there from LA) so a trip to a bowl game would be tough. Holiday or SF might work but looks like we're not going to either of those. We'll probably gather around the TV.

Didn't realize but San Fran Bowl is in the middle of the week which would require taking 2-3 days off work. Most of the other bowls are on weekends or concise with holiday weekends where only taking one day off would be necessary.

Vegas is sounding better and better to me given the proximity and the fact I could also watch the Running Utes play UNLV at the MGM that night.

11-30-2014, 05:58 PM

Vegas is sounding better and better to me given the proximity and the fact I could also watch the Running Utes play UNLV at the MGM that night.

Vegas is a lose-lose game in terms of opponent.

11-30-2014, 06:17 PM

Predicting Louisville or Norte Dame in the Sun Bowl.

Phil Steele predicting Utah v. Notre Dame in the Sun Bowl


LA Ute
11-30-2014, 06:37 PM
Phil Steele predicting Utah v. Notre Dame in the Sun Bowl


El Paso is a lousy venue but I like the match-up a lot. We could have wins over USC, UCLA, Stanford, Michigan and Notre Dame all in the same season.

Now tell me, Ute fans who lived through the 70s and 80s: Did you ever imagine such a thing in your wildest dreams?

11-30-2014, 06:50 PM
El Paso is a lousy venue but I like the match-up a lot. We could have wins over USC, UCLA, Stanford, Michigan and Notre Dame all in the same season.

Now tell me, Ute fans who lived through the 70s and 80s: Did you ever imagine such a thing in your wildest dreams?

I agree. I never could have dreamed of this growing up.

Lousy venue but it is the second longest running bowl with good history. Like like the matchup.

11-30-2014, 06:55 PM
El Paso is a lousy venue but I like the match-up a lot. We could have wins over USC, UCLA, Stanford, Michigan and Notre Dame all in the same season.

Now tell me, Ute fans who lived through the 70s and 80s: Did you ever imagine such a thing in your wildest dreams?
Wow that would be an incredible season!

What recruit could say no to that? Wildest dreams you say? I'm having trouble comprehending it even though it's almost reality!

11-30-2014, 10:35 PM
El Paso is not as horrific to get to as I thought it would be.

We flew into Albuquerque, gave a salute to Walter White & friends, then drove 3 hours to EP. Easy drive, and you get to go through a bizarre little town named "Truth or Consequences, New Mexico".

If it's Sun Bowl, we'll fly to ABQ on Christmas, do the Sandia tram, see the sights of ABQ and drive to El Paso the next day.

Diehard Ute
12-01-2014, 02:17 AM
El Paso is not as horrific to get to as I thought it would be.

We flew into Albuquerque, gave a salute to Walter White & friends, then drove 3 hours to EP. Easy drive, and you get to go through a bizarre little town named "Truth or Consequences, New Mexico".

If it's Sun Bowl, we'll fly to ABQ on Christmas, do the Sandia tram, see the sights of ABQ and drive to El Paso the next day.

Truth or Consequences was renamed after the game show of the same name which aired on NBC radio in 1950. Original name was Hot Springs New Mexico(the host of the game show promised to air the show from the first city which would rename itself after the show thus the name)

#1 Utefan
12-01-2014, 07:26 AM
Truth or Consequences was renamed after the game show of the same name which aired on NBC radio in 1950. Original name was Hot Springs New Mexico(the host of the game show promised to air the show from the first city which would rename itself after the show thus the name)

So El Paso is a 3 or 4 hour drive from from Albuquerquee? Is there anything to do or see in El Paso besides go out for Mexican food? Seems like a decent bowl but I just can't get excited about going there.

12-01-2014, 07:31 AM
My SIL lives in Alamagordo, NM. It might be worth going there after Christmas followed by a beatdown of ND in the Sun Bowl.

12-01-2014, 07:08 PM
Jon Wilner has a great write up on the selection rules for the PAC 12 bowl games and has the Holiday Bowl picking the Utes:


12-01-2014, 07:13 PM
Jon Wilner has a great write up on the selection rules for the PAC 12 bowl games and has the Holiday Bowl picking the Utes:

He makes a fair point about the fan bases, though I still doubt it works out this way.

12-01-2014, 07:35 PM
I just read that same article and came to post.

The holiday bowl selection would be fantastic. Seems like a longshot, but a good point is made that UCLA and Arizona State have some demoralized fan bases, but the Utes are energized and glad to be in a bowl. UT fans showed up pretty strong in both of the California road contests this year so far.

12-01-2014, 08:32 PM
I just read that same article and came to post.

The holiday bowl selection would be fantastic. Seems like a longshot, but a good point is made that UCLA and Arizona State have some demoralized fan bases, but the Utes are energized and glad to be in a bowl. UT fans showed up pretty strong in both of the California road contests this year so far.

I think the chances of us ending up in the Holiday Bowl are slim. UCLA is a name program and has a ton of fans in San Diego. I'm also not sure how demoralized both fanbases are, but I sure hope they are!

12-01-2014, 11:30 PM
I'm also not sure how demoralized both fanbases are, but I sure hope they are!

I know. The "demoralized fanbase" idea is silly for any program, but it's even dumber for these two. UCLA and ASU are in the middle of a football golden age that they historically experience about once every 10-20 years. They were both in the running for the playoffs this year until late. They are both ranked in the top 20. We Utes travel pretty well, but I have a hard time believing we can bring more fans to San Diego than UCLA.

12-01-2014, 11:55 PM
In about six weeks Wilner has gone from a constant Utah detractor to a big fan of ours.

12-02-2014, 08:42 AM
In about six weeks Wilner has gone from a constant Utah detractor to a big fan of ours.

He was a big fan when we first joined the league, and I think he still is. I think he kind of got burned from pumping us up the last two seasons.

12-02-2014, 09:00 AM
He was a big fan when we first joined the league

He wrote about a dozen different articles trying to argue that it was a mistake for the Pac-10 to expand with Utah and CU.

12-02-2014, 12:02 PM
Nobody is talking about Utah and BYU in a bowl? Is that not possible? If I ran one of these smaller bowls I'd try to arrange that because it would probably be very well attended and watched.

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-02-2014, 12:16 PM
Nobody is talking about Utah and BYU in a bowl? Is that not possible? If I ran one of these smaller bowls I'd try to arrange that because it would probably be very well attended and watched.

Ummm, that would mean that Utah goes to the Miami Beach Bowl. Crappy bowl, crappy opponent. I can't see people getting excited about that. I can't think of a crappier result. If that happens, hopefully we can find that one of our players was ineligible for a few games so that we were no longer bowl qualified.

12-02-2014, 12:25 PM
Ummm, that would mean that Utah goes to the Miami Beach Bowl. Crappy bowl, crappy opponent. I can't see people getting excited about that. I can't think of a crappier result. If that happens, hopefully we can find that one of our players was ineligible for a few games so that we were no longer bowl qualified.

I really feel like an outsider among my own people when Ute fans talk about their desire to never play BYU again. I would LOVE to play BYU in a bowl game. I might travel to El Paso for that game.

And best of all, we would destroy them!

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-02-2014, 12:46 PM
I really feel like an outsider among my own people when Ute fans talk about their desire to never play BYU again. I would LOVE to play BYU in a bowl game. I might travel to El Paso for that game.

And best of all, we would destroy them!

I actually endorse the idea of playing them every year. Despite all of our success this year, it seems a little lacking without a BYU win. Having said that, I want them in the regular season. They need the game. They need our P5 coattails. The great thing about bowl games is the opportunity to play teams that you otherwise aren't able to get on the regular season schedule. The Notre Dames and the Louisvilles. We can get BYU on the schedule at the drop of a hat. Travelling to El Paso to play them is certainly out of the question as they've been cemented to play there since USU's back up QB made their DB's look like dbs. I don't want to travel across the country to play them on the Monday before Christmas.

12-02-2014, 01:42 PM
Ummm, that would mean that Utah goes to the Miami Beach Bowl. Crappy bowl, crappy opponent. I can't see people getting excited about that. I can't think of a crappier result. If that happens, hopefully we can find that one of our players was ineligible for a few games so that we were no longer bowl qualified.

See I haven't taken the time to research the structural obstacles to such a matchup. I'm sure they're byzantine.

12-02-2014, 01:44 PM
So if we're trying to land some super stud recruit out of California, do we want to tell him we beat BYU in the toilet bowl? I'd rather boast about beating Notre Dame in a prestigious bowl game.

12-02-2014, 01:44 PM
I really feel like an outsider among my own people when Ute fans talk about their desire to never play BYU again. I would LOVE to play BYU in a bowl game. I might travel to El Paso for that game.

And best of all, we would destroy them!

I'm not dying to play BYU. I just think it would be a clever marketing play to pit them agaisnt one another in, say, the Vegas bowl.

12-06-2014, 11:16 PM
Boise beats Fresno for the MW championship. This will apparently put Boise in a NY6 bowl. Fresno finishes the season 6-7.

I can't find any restrictions on the selection for the Vegas bowl other than first pick from the MW, and 6th pick from the PAC-12. CSU seems like the obvious choice from the MW. My guess is this is where Utah ends up, unless Notre Dame goes to the Sun Bowl. Then we would go there and ASU would go to Vegas, to avoid the rematch between ASU and Notre Dame in the Sun Bowl.

Mountain West Standings


* - San Diego State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/21/san-diego-state-aztecs)

* - Fresno State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/278/fresno-state-bulldogs)

* - Nevada (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2440/nevada-wolf-pack)

x - Hawaii (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/62/hawaii-warriors)

x - San José St (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/23/san-jos%C3%A9-st-spartans)

x - UNLV (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2439/unlv-rebels)


* - Boise State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/68/boise-state-broncos)

* - Colorado State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/36/colorado-state-rams)

* - Utah State (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/328/utah-state-aggies)

* - Air Force (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2005/air-force-falcons)

x - New Mexico (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/167/new-mexico-lobos)

x - Wyoming (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/2751/wyoming-cowboys)

12-07-2014, 08:45 AM
I wouldn't mind playing Colorado State or Notre Dame. Both are match ups I would definitely be interested in watching.

Mormon Red Death
12-07-2014, 11:38 AM
So when do we know which bowl?

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Mormon Red Death
12-07-2014, 12:49 PM
So when do we know which bowl?

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Seriously does anybody know when we will know? Have the other Ny6 games been announced?

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Diehard Ute
12-07-2014, 12:52 PM
Seriously does anybody know when we will know? Have the other Ny6 games been announced?

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They're just announcing the Ny6 now

Zona in the Fiesta

The other bowls had to wait for the Ny6 before they can do their thing

12-07-2014, 01:18 PM
They're just announcing the Ny6 now

Zona in the Fiesta

The other bowls had to wait for the Ny6 before they can do their thing

That means Utah in Vegas unless Notre dame goes Sun and Sun successfully appeals to get Utah.

Stupid Vegas. Hold your game after Xmas like a good bowl.

Diehard Ute
12-07-2014, 01:20 PM
That means Utah in Vegas unless Notre dame goes Sun and Sun successfully appeals to get Utah.

Stupid Vegas. Hold your game after Xmas like a good bowl.

There's a reason the Vegas Bowl isn't after Christmas.

Vegas is packed before New Years, with everything being a premium price. The week leading up to Christmas is dead for them

And the Notre Dame announcement isn't until 3:30 mountain so we've got to wait a few more minutes.

Mormon Red Death
12-07-2014, 01:23 PM
There's a reason the Vegas Bowl isn't after Christmas.

Vegas is packed before New Years, with everything being a premium price. The week leading up to Christmas is dead for them

And the Notre Dame announcement isn't until 3:30 mountain so we've got to wait a few more minutes.

Where are you getting your info?

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Diehard Ute
12-07-2014, 01:24 PM
Where are you getting your info?

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2


Piper tweeted out the time for Notre Dame

CSU has accepted the Vegas Bowl bid but have to wait for an opponent.

12-07-2014, 02:58 PM
Duke to the Sun Bowl, sounds like we're heading to Vegas.

12-07-2014, 03:00 PM
Report in Twitter that Utah playing Colorado state in Vegas

12-07-2014, 03:03 PM
Official now. I can't go but I like the matchup.

12-07-2014, 03:11 PM
Official now. I can't go but I like the matchup.

I don't like the matchup much, but it is what it is. Here's what I know about CSU: they have a very good RB and a very good WR.

Sagarin ranks them #48 in the nation (we are #31). We shared one opponent, and CSU beat CU by more than we did. CSU lost by 13 to Boise and by 3 to AFA. They have two P5 wins (CU and BC). Their best win according to Sagarin is the BC win (#42). Most of their games were close, but they did blow out Tulsa, New Mexico, and Hawaii.

12-07-2014, 03:18 PM
I don't like the matchup much

Once again, Stanford ruins the party. I doubt the Foster Farms people will be rewarded for picking the home team. Utah would have put more people in seats than Stanford will.

12-07-2014, 03:24 PM
Oh well. Utah "earned" its way to the Vegas Bowl against CSU. Losing to CSU. Getting blown-out by UA. Certainly wouldn't be surprised if we lose.

12-07-2014, 03:56 PM
Once again, Stanford ruins the party. I doubt the Foster Farms people will be rewarded for picking the home team. Utah would have put more people in seats than Stanford will.

I went to the Stanford Utah game. Not many Stanford fans there. I bet it's poorly attended.

LA Ute
12-07-2014, 04:07 PM
All the Utes can do now is win convincingly in this bowl to set the stage for next season.

12-07-2014, 04:15 PM
All the Utes can do now is win convincingly in this bowl to set the stage for next season.

And all the Ute fans can do is pull for Utah, for Oregon, against UCLA, against USC, against Stanford, against ASU, for UW, and against Arizona.

12-07-2014, 04:22 PM
Meh. I want every PAC team t obliterate their opponent.

12-07-2014, 04:26 PM
Sorry but I think Colorado State is a good opponent. This is not a bad team.

Not a big name but this is a good team and it will be a good game.


12-07-2014, 04:27 PM
Picture stinks. Here is the link


12-07-2014, 04:44 PM
The WSU team who now owns a 2 game win streak against us found a way to lose to CSU last year. We need to hold out hope that losing McElwain will have a detrimental effect on the team (though I doubt it will affect them) .

12-07-2014, 04:45 PM
Meh. I want every PAC team t obliterate their opponent.

To each his own. This year, looking at the matchups, I like the Pac opponent more in 4-5 games.

12-07-2014, 05:46 PM
In the sun bowl we would've played Duke, of all of our options, that is the only one that I like better than the Vegas bowl. Maryland in the foster Farms bowl does nothing for me, and Oklahoma State (cactus bowl) was not all that good this year but not as bad as their 6-6 record indicates.

This is a good matchup. I hope the team is been practicing over the last three or four days so we can get our whole allotment of practices in.

12-07-2014, 05:48 PM
Meh. I want every PAC team t obliterate their opponent.

Me also. Perception of a strong conference is good for perception of a Utah team that went 5-4 in the conference

Diehard Ute
12-07-2014, 06:21 PM
In the sun bowl we would've played Duke, of all of our options, that is the only one that I like better than the Vegas bowl. Maryland in the foster Farms bowl does nothing for me, and Oklahoma State (cactus bowl) was not all that good this year but not as bad as their 6-6 record indicates.

This is a good matchup. I hope the team is been practicing over the last three or four days so we can get our whole allotment of practices in.

The Sun got options, they were matching teams and wanted Utah vs Notre Dame. When they got Duke on the draw that stopped any interest in trying to get Utah, so it's hard to say we would have gotten Duke

12-07-2014, 09:13 PM
The Sun got options, they were matching teams and wanted Utah vs Notre Dame. When they got Duke on the draw that stopped any interest in trying to get Utah, so it's hard to say we would have gotten Duke

That's a good point, but I was just comparing our match up to the match ups actually in those balls. Obviously, they match up against Notre Dame would trump all of these, just because it's Notre Dame. I would also like another crack at them.

12-08-2014, 08:30 AM
So, Colorado State. Beat the Rams, and we finish in the top 25 for the first time in five years. Lose, and there's no ranking. With all this team has done, they deserve a win and a ranking.

12-09-2014, 09:32 AM
Here is bleacher reports review of the game: Las Vegas Bowl 2014 (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2292502-las-vegas-bowl-2014-preview-predictions-for-colorado-state-vs-utah)

Hopefully this little sentence gets posted somewhere as motivation for the offense and defense:

Neither defense is great, so this should be a high-scoring, entertaining showcase to help kick off the bowl season.