View Full Version : Bring on the Trojans, Myth's most gullible losers: Oct. 25, 2014

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LA Ute
10-19-2014, 09:06 AM
Sorry for the uncreative title. Have at it!

For starters here is the LA Times story on yesterday's USC rout of Colorado. Utah is prominently mentioned:


10-19-2014, 09:31 AM
Sorry for the uncreative title. Have at it!

For starters here is the LA Times story on yesterday's USC rout of Colorado. Utah is prominently mentioned:


Running booker 30+ times and a slew of five yard passes simply wont cut it this week. We need everybodys A game, and i hope we bring it. I feel like we owe these guys.

10-19-2014, 09:48 AM
I watched the Pac 12 postgame yesterday. They made a couple of points that gives me hope we can make it competitive: 1. Colo does not have Pac 12 personnel. It will take a couple of years. Kessler wont get the time to make the passes against us that he got against the Buffs. Their game yesterday not indicative of our game. 2. Neuhisal emphasized that USC's defense is depleted, and was on the field a lot yesterday (Colo. ran a lot of plays, b/c USC had few sustained drives; all big plays). Will make a difference in the 4th quarter at altitude. Look at Stanford last year.

Obviously we have to have a semblance of a passing attack or we will get crushed. There were so many good passing attacks on display yesterday; I just cant get over the fact that we never seem to have one.

10-19-2014, 10:42 AM
Nothing better could have happened for this Utah team than USC thrashing Colorado the way they did. I'm sure it got everyone's attention (not that they didn't before). The players know now that they will have to leave everything they have not he field this saturday if they hope to beat USC. Utah can win this game, but they have to play good football on both sides of the ball & have some help from the special teams.

I haven't gone into a game this season yet thinking Utah will probably lose, not even the UCLA game, but this game scares the crap out of me. Utah can win, but it is just as likely Utah gets blown out of their own stadium.

The offense needs to step it up period. If they have a showing like they did on thursday, despite how great the Utah defense plays, we lose.

10-19-2014, 11:05 AM
This will be an interesting game.

(I figured we'd see Wilson again, as the Oregon State coaches figured out how to address Thompson, and I think their defense is better than most know, because all the attention is on Mannion. PAC coaches are good enough to take away multiple options.)

Halfway through the season, now is the time for the offense to make some serious strides, get things put together. Booker may have 100 yards against SC, but not much more. We need to get the throw game going. We've definitely underperformed offensively, and I think the ingredients are there for a break out performance.

Here's the great thing, for us: We're waaaaay ahead of schedule, this year. The expectations monster is completely tamed, at the moment.

The fans can go bananas for the blackout, and no matter what happens, it will be another chance to get back on the horse next week.

Life in the PAC is awesome.

I thought CU played poorly - under their talent level - and the Trojans got an easy sugar high. They've had setbacks this year, so if we jump on them early next Saturday night, we might see them sag a little. I haven't seen the killer instinct from USC, not in Sarkesian's first year. Arizona State and Boston College took care of that issue.

LA Ute
10-19-2014, 12:03 PM
John Pease made an interesting point on the post-game Ute React show (I listened to the podcast yesterday). He looks at the 4th quarter of our last three games and sees:

WSU: 80-yard touchdown strike by the opponent. (I am not sure about any of these distances; they're not the point.)

UCLA: 95-yard touchdown strike by the opponent.

OSU: 70-yard touchdown strike by the opponent.

All of these plays put each game in jeopardy, and against WSU that pass was the game-winner. I just wonder what to make of these breakdowns? Is there a pattern here, or just coincidence or the way things go in P5 football games? USC is a big-play machine. I'm sure this is something Whit and Kalani are thinking about.

10-19-2014, 12:21 PM
If our offense is clicking them those big plays don't matter because we are matching scores and pulling aheadrather then scrapping out a win. If we keep our defense off the field for some rest, and our offense puts a points, and then I think we are ready to make a run at the conference title. Until that happens we are going to lose a few more games that we otherwise can win.

The receivers need a code red. Think of the movie a few good men where they talk about someone dropping the rifle where the rest of the company smears their hands with pine tar so it doesn't happen again. I'm not advocating violence obviously, but this receiving corps who's got to get out of this funk. Some kind of leaderleader needs to step up, and still coffee is back in her quarterbacks and receivers, and let them know it's okay to play with passion, excitement, desire.

I read what Nick Sabin told his team yesterday-go out and have fun playing football. Our offense, other than Booker, seems to have completely forgottenthat they can have fun playing football.

We beat USC if we go out and our offense has fun. We know the defense will show, and they will put on a great performance. But, USC is going to get at least one big play on us. That seems to happen. Our offense needs to respond in kind.

LA Ute
10-19-2014, 12:39 PM
Wow, this seems scarily generous. ESPN has Utah at #2 in its weekly power rankings, one spot behind the Utes:


10-19-2014, 12:52 PM
Wow, this seems scarily generous. ESPN has Utah at #2 in its weekly power rankings, one spot behind the Utes:


I saw that. Seems like we are around 5.

10-19-2014, 12:54 PM
John Pease made an interesting point on the post-game Ute React show (I listened to the podcast yesterday). He looks at the 4th quarter of our last three games and sees:

WSU: 80-yard touchdown strike by the opponent. (I am not sure about any of these distances; they're not the point.)

UCLA: 95-yard touchdown strike by the opponent.

OSU: 70-yard touchdown strike by the opponent.

All of these plays put each game in jeopardy, and against WSU that pass was the game-winner. I just wonder what to make of these breakdowns? Is there a pattern here, or just coincidence or the way things go in P5 football games? USC is a big-play machine. I'm sure this is something Whit and Kalani are thinking about.

What I take away from this is:

All three teams were playing down, in the 4th Qtr, and desperate for a score. None of those teams had been throwing the ball effectively against Utah's defense (with maybe exception to WSU) so Utah was playing close to the line of scrimmage. On the WSU bomb, the DB slipped and fell because of the wet surface, just an unfortunate happenstance. On the UCLA TD, Utah had them pinned back & the defense had been lights out so far(especially with UCLA's back up against their own EndZone, see three consecutive sacks on the previous drive) The play itself was a brilliant call & a beautifully executed wheel route that caught the defense off guard. The Oregon State TD was actually covered perfectly by Hatfield. Hatfield would have been able to go up & make a play on the ball. Blechen came over and cut off Hatfield & made a horrible play on the ball leading to the score. Not to mention the pass & catch were fantastic. Utah plays an aggressive style of defense, big plays will happen, especially in the PAC12.

I really don't think it is an issue. Three big plays against a battered/young secondary that is clearly the weakest part of the defense, but they have played well enough.

USC is a monster on big plays. They're explosive and I'm worried that if Tevin Carter isn't healthy they will make some big plays that is the difference in the game.

10-19-2014, 04:03 PM
In addition:
(1) as a result of offense's ineffectiveness, sans Booker, defense spent a lot of time on the field.
(2) if the front-7 gets tired and rush/attack becomes less effective, our secondary gets picked-on even more. Our secondary is already an average unit, at best.

What I take away from this is:

All three teams were playing down, in the 4th Qtr, and desperate for a score. None of those teams had been throwing the ball effectively against Utah's defense (with maybe exception to WSU) so Utah was playing close to the line of scrimmage. On the WSU bomb, the DB slipped and fell because of the wet surface, just an unfortunate happenstance. On the UCLA TD, Utah had them pinned back & the defense had been lights out so far(especially with UCLA's back up against their own EndZone, see three consecutive sacks on the previous drive) The play itself was a brilliant call & a beautifully executed wheel route that caught the defense off guard. The Oregon State TD was actually covered perfectly by Hatfield. Hatfield would have been able to go up & make a play on the ball. Blechen came over and cut off Hatfield & made a horrible play on the ball leading to the score. Not to mention the pass & catch were fantastic. Utah plays an aggressive style of defense, big plays will happen, especially in the PAC12.

I really don't think it is an issue. Three big plays against a battered/young secondary that is clearly the weakest part of the defense, but they have played well enough.

USC is a monster on big plays. They're explosive and I'm worried that if Tevin Carter isn't healthy they will make some big plays that is the difference in the game.

10-19-2014, 04:20 PM
Utah plays an aggressive style of defense, big plays will happen

I think this is accurate. We will give up some big plays. We've decided the risk is worth it for the ability to shut down the run. I can't complain about the results.

10-19-2014, 04:24 PM
Our secondary is already an average unit, at best.

This is too harsh. We have an above average pass defense in the Pac-12. There's Stanford at #1, and then Utah, OSU, USC, and UW in some order. It's always hard to tell how much of that is due to the pass rush and how much to the secondary.

10-19-2014, 04:48 PM
I saw that. Seems like we are around 5.

With all due respect to you and L.A., your sentiments on this matter are self-loathing horseshit at its finest. While I find the idea of power rankings in the NFL an absolute disgusting waste of time, they kinda still have some meaning in the college game. Now, ask yourself this: "If we had beaten Wazzu, would we be viewed as the top team in the Pac-12?" I think the answer here is an unquestionable yes.

As it stands, we're two points from being undefeated. And that thin of a margin makes us the No. 5 team in the Pac-12 in terms of resume and/or ability?

The idea that we're not the second-best team in the Pac-12 right now is crafted from the same mindset we faced in the MWC. "Oh, Utah doesn't play a tough schedule, so they can't possibly be as good as Florida, USC, etc." Time to let it go and enjoy the platitudes. It might be a lot different at season's end, and certainly the ASU game is a huge red flag for me personally. I know we have major issues in the passing game that could be the difference in going 6-6 or 11-1. But we rush the passer better and play special teams better than any in the country. We've earned what people are saying about us. Please stop pretending otherwise. We might actually be pretty damn good.

LA Ute
10-19-2014, 04:50 PM
I think this is accurate. We will give up some big plays. We've decided the risk is worth it for the ability to shut down the run. I can't complain about the results.

That doesn't sound like "bend but don't break," especially in close games when the U. offense is less than explosive.

10-19-2014, 05:09 PM
We've earned what people are saying about us. Please stop pretending otherwise. We might actually be pretty damn good.

Sure, lets enjoy it while it lasts. But, based on my eye test, I would have USC and ASU ahead of us. Maybe Arizona.

10-19-2014, 05:30 PM
Sure, lets enjoy it while it lasts. But, based on my eye test, I would have USC and ASU ahead of us. Maybe Arizona.

Our offense is anemic. It doesn't pass the eye test, It has nothing to do with a MWC outlook. If we beat USC I will believe, and gladly eat crow. I would not have Arizona ahead of us, since their defense has gotten torched, and it is a home game. I would have Oregon way, way ahead of us of course.

10-19-2014, 06:03 PM
Got to say, I can certainly enjoy what people are saying about the Utes. I even feel incredibly optimistic about this team. But, until we can get the quarterback and wide receiver or issues straightened out, we feel like a top 5 team overall.

A team with a top 2 defense in all phases, a top 2 special teams in all phases, a top 2 running team, but we are a bottom 2 passing team. We don't feel like a top 2 team in the conference, but we are so close.

10-19-2014, 06:36 PM
I understand being cautiously optimistic because of how Utah's offense, particularly the passing game, has performed. However, lets not assume/pretend that ASU/USC/Arizona are not without their own problems. ASU has one of it not the worst defenses in the league. Arizona's offense wilted against a USC defense that gave up 452 yards rushing to Boston College. The point is there may not be a team in the PAC12 the is complete in all three phases of the game let alone a team that is unbeatable.

Every team has its strengths and weakness because of the diversity in styles of play in the PAC12. Teams match up against each other from week to week very differently.

Utah didn't just stumble its way into the top 25. Utah earned it. Lets enjoy it.

LA Ute
10-19-2014, 06:47 PM
We've earned what people are saying about us.... We might actually be pretty damn good.

Agreed. That's my hope, anyway. I'm just spitballin' here about what's happening, what are the Utes' strengths and weaknesses, etc. I.e., I'm being a fan, and I'm hoping for a special season. I've gotta say, I've had more fun as a Utah fan the last four seasons than I've ever had in my life.

10-19-2014, 06:55 PM
I've had more fun as a Utah fan the last four seasons than I've ever had in my life.

This, a thousand times this. Its an emotional roller coaster ride.

10-19-2014, 07:06 PM
Ditto. This year has a great feel to it. I am looking forward to these last 6 games and excited for each Saturday to get here. USC, oregon, asu arizona and stanford are all teams we can beat.

I'll be at Stanford.

10-19-2014, 07:19 PM
Ditto. This year has a great feel to it. I am looking forward to these last 6 games and excited for each Saturday to get here. USC, oregon, asu arizona and stanford are all teams we can beat.

I'll be at Stanford.

Who would have thought that Stanford is looking like the easiest of those games.

Hot Lunch
10-19-2014, 07:32 PM
This, a thousand times this. Its an emotional roller coaster ride.

I cant wait for Saturday nights game. Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. I better not be diapointed. :)

10-19-2014, 07:49 PM
I'll be at Stanford.

:highfive: Me too. We are taking our kids for the weekend. Should be a fun game.

Jarid in Cedar
10-19-2014, 07:53 PM
Ditto. This year has a great feel to it. I am looking forward to these last 6 games and excited for each Saturday to get here. USC, oregon, asu arizona and stanford are all teams we can beat.

I'll be at Stanford.

:highfive: Me too. We are taking our kids for the weekend. Should be a fun game.

We will be there with both brothers and sil's :highfive:

10-19-2014, 07:54 PM
Oh awesome! I'm not sure where we are sitting yet but I'll come by and say howdy.

10-19-2014, 07:55 PM
LAUte needs to prove himself and come up to the farm for this game.

LA Ute
10-19-2014, 09:15 PM
LAUte needs to prove himself and come up to the farm for this game.

If it is a day game I'm there. A night game is tougher because I have, um, Sunday duties.

10-19-2014, 09:16 PM
If it is a day game I'm there. A night game is tougher because I have, um, Sunday duties.

We will keep our fingers crossed. I'm hoping for an afternoon kick as well.

10-19-2014, 10:11 PM
If it is a day game I'm there. A night game is tougher because I have, um, Sunday duties.
I have Sunday duties as well. I'm still going.

10-19-2014, 10:38 PM
Duties are sometimes meant to be neglected or delegates or put off.

LA Ute
10-19-2014, 11:30 PM
I have Sunday duties as well. I'm still going.

I'm thinking about it. You're not helping.

Jarid in Cedar
10-20-2014, 02:35 AM
Easiest solution, don't have Sunday Duties.

10-20-2014, 07:37 AM
If it is a day game I'm there. A night game is tougher because I have, um, Sunday duties.

Delegate them to your friendly neighborhood byu fan. They wont have anything more important to do, and frankly acting in a leadership role is all they have left.

LA Ute
10-20-2014, 07:49 AM
Easiest solution, don't have Sunday Duties.

Even less helpful than hostile. NWUF is starting to make some sense, however.

LA Ute
10-20-2014, 08:18 AM
Back to football. Does anyone have any insight or info as to why Clay isn't getting playing time?

10-20-2014, 08:28 AM
Line opens at Pick'em, now USC -1.5.

The totals are not out for this game, but I'd take even money that our game will have the lowest number posted for this week's games. I'll be surprised if the total gets to 50.

Interesting note: Given the success road teams have had in the Pac-12 this year, the only home favorite this week is Stanford (-14 vs. OSU). If home teams can even pull off a winning record this week, Utah being among them, we take outright control of the South.

10-20-2014, 08:39 AM
Even less helpful than hostile. NWUF is starting to make some sense, however.

Aren't you delegating this week? How many delegations do you get without being derelict?

LA Ute
10-20-2014, 11:11 AM
Aren't you delegating this week? How many delegations do you get without being derelict?

You have identified the issue, Grasshopper.

10-20-2014, 11:38 AM
Geeze, talk about messed up priorities. (c:

I'll be up until 2AM Eastern, or whenever it ends, regardless.
My sunbeam class will just have to put up with a sleepy teacher. And a sleepy grumpy teacher if the game ends poorly.
But it wont, so just a sleepy fellow.

10-20-2014, 11:55 AM
Oh no. Now we've got Wilner believing in us.


10-20-2014, 12:04 PM
Back to football. Does anyone have any insight or info as to why Clay isn't getting playing time?

Did I miss something? Seems he is getting plenty of playing time. Just not getting targeted a lot because we don't throw the ball much and when we do we are trying to force feed it to Dres (at least KT was at OSU). Clay drew a pass interference in the first half on a horribly thrown prayer.

10-20-2014, 12:05 PM
Not sure about the altitude part. The last time two ranked teams met in SLC, it wasn't pretty -- for the Utes. TCU had no problems with altitude; though, it probably had better depth.

LA Ute
10-20-2014, 12:51 PM
Did I miss something? Seems he is getting plenty of playing time. Just not getting targeted a lot because we don't throw the ball much and when we do we are trying to force feed it to Dres (at least KT was at OSU). Clay drew a pass interference in the first half on a horribly thrown prayer.

LOL. I guess he's been so invisible that I didn't notice he was even on the field. My theory was that Dres gets so many throws because he's fast enough to get separation and others are not, Clay certainly is fast enough. Maybe he runs routes poorly.

Jarid in Cedar
10-20-2014, 01:38 PM
Line opens at Pick'em, now USC -1.5.

The totals are not out for this game, but I'd take even money that our game will have the lowest number posted for this week's games. I'll be surprised if the total gets to 50.

Interesting note: Given the success road teams have had in the Pac-12 this year, the only home favorite this week is Stanford (-14 vs. OSU). If home teams can even pull off a winning record this week, Utah being among them, we take outright control of the South.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that the Stanford-Utah total will be 18 points.

10-20-2014, 01:41 PM
I am going to go out on a limb and say that the Stanford-Utah total will be 18 points.

That's two Andy Phillips FGs and 6 safeties, right?

10-20-2014, 01:49 PM
John Pease made an interesting point on the post-game Ute React show (I listened to the podcast yesterday). He looks at the 4th quarter of our last three games and sees:

WSU: 80-yard touchdown strike by the opponent. (I am not sure about any of these distances; they're not the point.)

UCLA: 95-yard touchdown strike by the opponent.

OSU: 70-yard touchdown strike by the opponent.

All of these plays put each game in jeopardy, and against WSU that pass was the game-winner. I just wonder what to make of these breakdowns? Is there a pattern here, or just coincidence or the way things go in P5 football games? USC is a big-play machine. I'm sure this is something Whit and Kalani are thinking about.

I don't think this trend is worrying, by itself. The OSU touchdown was (a) a beautifully thrown ball, (b) an excellent catch against (c) great coverage (Domo was in perfect position and Blechen got there in time as well). Unfortunately, Blechen knocked Domo off stride and let the receiver get away. Blechen probably should have gone for the big hit instead of the ball, but hindsight is 20/20. (P.S. Domo played really well, on Thursday, but OSU made plays; that fourth down touchdown in the first OT was great coverage, but Mannion put the ball in a tiny spot and the receiver made a great play).

The UCLA touchdown was a breakdown by a true freshman safety playing his first significant college minutes. Godfrey had a good game other than that miscue.

I don't remember the specifics of WSU, but against WSU you can't leave your defense on the field all game long.

Diehard Ute
10-20-2014, 02:01 PM
I don't think this trend is worrying, by itself. The OSU touchdown was (a) a beautifully thrown ball, (b) an excellent catch against (c) great coverage (Domo was in perfect position and Blechen got there in time as well). Unfortunately, Blechen knocked Domo off stride and let the receiver get away. Blechen probably should have gone for the big hit instead of the ball, but hindsight is 20/20. (P.S. Domo played really well, on Thursday, but OSU made plays; that fourth down touchdown in the first OT was great coverage, but Mannion put the ball in a tiny spot and the receiver made a great play).

The UCLA touchdown was a breakdown by a true freshman safety playing his first significant college minutes. Godfrey had a good game other than that miscue.

I don't remember the specifics of WSU, but against WSU you can't leave your defense on the field all game long.

If you watch the replay Blechen was trying to yell something, with his mouth piece in his hand at the snap. He was late getting into the play, and that likely caused his angle to be poor. If he's ready when the ball is snapped he's likely coming into the side of the receiver instead of Domo

10-20-2014, 02:27 PM
If you watch the replay Blechen was trying to yell something, with his mouth piece in his hand at the snap. He was late getting into the play, and that likely caused his angle to be poor. If he's ready when the ball is snapped he's likely coming into the side of the receiver instead of Domo

and said receiver is recovering from a lacerated liver (added for dramatic effect) :D

LA Ute
10-20-2014, 05:12 PM
From Liz Abel today:


Below are a few notes on Utah’s football game against USC this Saturday. The complete release is attached as a PDF. Also, the game time has been announced for Utah’s Nov. 1game at ASU. It will be 8 pm MST/9 pm MDT on Fox Sports 1.


> No. 19/19 Utah (5-1, 2-1 Pac-12) hosts No. 20/21 USC (5-2, 4-1).
> Saturday, Oct. 25, 8:00 p.m. MT, Rice-Eccles Stadium.
> Nationally televised on FOX Sports 1.


> Saturday is the seventh-annual Blackout game in Rice-Eccles Stadium.
> The Utes will wear black uniforms. Fans are also encouraged to wear black.

TOP 20

> Utah is ranked No. 19 in both the A.P. and the USA Today Coaches’ polls.
> Utah is in the top 20 for the third-straight week.
> No. 19 is Utah’s highest A.P. ranking since Nov. 7, 2010 (No. 15).
> Saturday’s game is the first time both Utah and its opponent have been ranked since the 2010 Las Vegas Bowl.


> Punter Tom Hackett, 1st team CBSSports.com, ESPN, Phil Steele
> Punt returner Kaelin Clay, 1st team CBSSports.com, Phil Steele
> Defensive end Nate Orchard, 1st team CBSSports.com, 2nd team Phil Steele
> Kicker Andy Phillips, 2nd team SI.com, 3rd team Phil Steele


> Utah leads the nation in total sacks (33) and sacks per game (5.5).
> It is the third-straight week Utah has been ranked No. 1 in sacks.
> Utah leads the nation in tackles for loss per game (10.2).
> Utah leads the nation in net punting (44.27 yards).


Utah leads the nation in net punting (44.27 yards) behind Midseason All-American Tom Hackett, who ranks third nationally and first in the Pac-12 in punt average (47.1). Of Utah’s 37 punts, just nine have been returned (for a total of 23 yards) … Kaelin Clay is the only player in the country this season with three punt returns for touchdowns and four total returns (1 kickoff) for a touchdown. He ranks fourth in the nation in punt return average (20.1). Utah ranks No.7 in the nation in punt return average (17.31) and No. 3 in kick return average (27.82) … Utah is ranked sixth in the nation in punt return defense (2.56) and seventh in kickoff return defense (15.88) … Andy Phillips, a two-time Lou Groza Star of the Week, ranks second in the country in 40+ yard field goals (9-of-11) and is 13-of-15 overall. Phillips ranks sixth in the nation in scoring (10.8 ppg).


Punter Tom Hackett has placed 18 of his 37 punts (48.6%) inside the 20-yard line and has 12 punts inside the 10-yard line … Devontae Booker’s 229-yard rushing game against OSU is the tied for the fifth-best single-game mark in school history. Booker is averaging 187.7 rushing yards in the last three games since he became the lead back … Nate Orchard’s 10.5 sacks is the most by a Ute in a season since John Frank had 13 in 1999 and the sixth-most in school history. Orchard ranks No. 2 nationally in sacks per game (2.2) and total sacks (10.5) … Utah ranks second in the Pac-12 in rushing defense (114.2 ypg) and scoring defense (21.7) … Utah is also second in the conference in rushing offense (210.7 ypg) … Utah ranks 11th nationally in turnover margin (1.0 average, 11 gained/5 lost). Utah’s five turnovers lost is tied for fourth-fewest in the country … Utah’s 10 sacks against UCLA is tied for the most by any team in a game this season and the most against an FBS team … See sidebar on page 3 for more Utah rankings.


At 5-1, Utah is off to its best start since winning its first eight games in 2010. Utah’s 2-1 conference start is its best since joining the Pac-12 in 2011 … Utah is 3-0 on the road with wins at Michigan, UCLA and Oregon State … Utah is 4-2 in blackout games, beating TCU (2008), Wyoming (2009), Oregon State (2011) and Cal (2012), and losing to TCU (2010) and UCLA (2013) … Utah has played to 28-straight sellouts in Rice-Eccles Stadium extending back to the 2010 season-opener against Pittsburgh.


Devontae Booker was named the Athlon Sports National Player of the Week for his 229-yard, three touchdown game against Oregon State, while Andy Phillips was a Lou Groza Star of the Week … Travis Wilson will start at quarterback against USC. Wilson (4-1) started the first five games before relieving Kendal Thompson (1-0) in the second half last week at Oregon State ... Midseason All-Americans Tom Hackett, Nate Orchard, Kaelin Clay and Andy Phillips were also first-team Midseason Pac-12 Conference by Phil Steele. Making the Phil Steele Midseason all-Pac-12 second team were running back Devontae Booker, offensive tackle Jeremiah Poutasi, defensive end Hunter Dimick and linebacker Jared Norris … 11 true freshmen have played: Christian Drews, Jameson Field, Andre Godfrey, Wallace Gonzalez, Boobie Hobbs, Lowell Lotulelei, Nick Mika, Monte Seabrook, Marcus Williams, Tavaris Williams and Kenric Young … True freshman who have started are Lotulelei at defensive tackle and Godfrey at free safety.


The Kyle Whittingham radio show is Tuesday at 6 p.m. MDT on ESPN700. The show will be broadcast live from the Desert Edge Brewery at Trolley Square and is free to the public … Utah’s helmets for USC will bear pink ribbon decals on the back in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month … Members of the Crimson Club Athletic Fund’s Scholarship Circle will be honored at halftime … The pre-game Ute Walk starts at 5:30 p.m. on the corner of Guardsman Way and 500 South. The first 100 text line participants will receive a Utah wall decal. To sign up for the Utah football promotional text line, text “UtahFB” to 53535.

10-20-2014, 07:00 PM
If you watch the replay Blechen was trying to yell something, with his mouth piece in his hand at the snap. He was late getting into the play, and that likely caused his angle to be poor. If he's ready when the ball is snapped he's likely coming into the side of the receiver instead of Domo

That is exactly what I expect from a SR leader. He was telling the young defender on the other side where to be. There is a decent chance that Mannion would have hit the receiver on the other side if Blechen played tighter to Domo's side.

It was just a fantastic throw by an NFL-ready qb.

Diehard Ute
10-20-2014, 07:03 PM
That is exactly what I expect from a SR leader. He was telling the young defender on the other side where to be. There is a decent chance that Mannion would have hit the receiver on the other side if Blechen played tighter to Domo's side.

It was just a fantastic throw by an NFL-ready qb.

Disagree to some degree. It had nothing to do with which side he took, it's the fact that he got a late start on the play. He didn't know the ball had been snapped, so he was behind.

I want him to direct, he just got caught not ready at the snap. It's going to happen now and then

10-20-2014, 07:39 PM
this game scares the crap out of me. no Offense means a big lost.

LA Ute
10-20-2014, 07:46 PM
I'm calling it. These Utes will have a historic win over USC this Saturday.

10-20-2014, 09:52 PM
The crucial matchup is Utah O vs USC D. Naming Travis the starter was probably to get the receivers and everyone else focused, he gives us the best rounded QB. SC's D has sagged in a few games late, and Neuheisal sees the scholarship hangover making them thin. Get the O in gear, high tempo, "elevation" them in the 4th quarter. If they crowd the box, bring in KT. Gotta sustain drives. Time to play some cards not seen.

Utah D vs SC O - we should be able to limit them with pressure on Kessler, and keeping Allen within reason. Good QB pressure will help negate the always freakish SC WRs, I would think Justin Thomas is the best pure cover guy, on Aghular, #15. They have a TE air game, so Blechen and the LBs need to be disciplined.

If we can battle to a draw in those two phases, ST may be our trump card.

10-20-2014, 11:26 PM
I got an interesting piece of information on the Mannion bomb this afternoon. There's been talk of Blechen trying to say something just before the play and how he was late arriving. From what I was told, it wasn't even his coverage. He was covering up another Godfrey mistake. The Utes were hoping to goad Mannion into the throw. What Kalani had called was for Hadfield to be in man-to-man coverage while Blechen on his side was to play the run and/or a shorter pass to a tightend or fullback. In the meantime, Godfrey was supposed to circle up and over from his spot on the opposite side to bring a late double-team with Hatfield. As they lined up, Blechen saw Godfrey out of position which indicated he'd misunderstood the call. The ball was snapped and Blechen had to quickly change position.

It's interesting to contrast this to what we see as fans. I've been ticked at Blechen for both arriving late and for knocking Hadfield out of position when in fact he was trying to cover for a mistake. All that said, coaches are positive about Godfrey's progress but it shows what even one or two mistakes a game can result in. While coaches hope to get Carter back this week I know that they've experienced similar growing pains. Tevyn's made a few mistakes as well. Often, his athleticism helps him cover for them but a completely blown assignment is tough to recover from.

LA Ute
10-21-2014, 08:32 AM
I got an interesting piece of information on the Mannion bomb this afternoon. There's been talk of Blechen trying to say something just before the play and how he was late arriving. From what I was told, it wasn't even his coverage. He was covering up another Godfrey mistake. The Utes were hoping to goad Mannion into the throw. What Kalani had called was for Hadfield to be in man-to-man coverage while Blechen on his side was to play the run and/or a shorter pass to a tightend or fullback. In the meantime, Godfrey was supposed to circle up and over from his spot on the opposite side to bring a late double-team with Hatfield. As they lined up, Blechen saw Godfrey out of position which indicated he'd misunderstood the call. The ball was snapped and Blechen had to quickly change position.

It's interesting to contrast this to what we see as fans. I've been ticked at Blechen for both arriving late and for knocking Hadfield out of position when in fact he was trying to cover for a mistake. All that said, coaches are positive about Godfrey's progress but it shows what even one or two mistakes a game can result in. While coaches hope to get Carter back this week I know that they've experienced similar growing pains. Tevyn's made a few mistakes as well. Often, his athleticism helps him cover for them but a completely blown assignment is tough to recover from.

Thanks, 'biq, great info.

10-21-2014, 09:20 AM
I got an interesting piece of information on the Mannion bomb this afternoon. There's been talk of Blechen trying to say something just before the play and how he was late arriving. From what I was told, it wasn't even his coverage. He was covering up another Godfrey mistake. The Utes were hoping to goad Mannion into the throw. What Kalani had called was for Hadfield to be in man-to-man coverage while Blechen on his side was to play the run and/or a shorter pass to a tightend or fullback. In the meantime, Godfrey was supposed to circle up and over from his spot on the opposite side to bring a late double-team with Hatfield. As they lined up, Blechen saw Godfrey out of position which indicated he'd misunderstood the call. The ball was snapped and Blechen had to quickly change position.

It's interesting to contrast this to what we see as fans. I've been ticked at Blechen for both arriving late and for knocking Hadfield out of position when in fact he was trying to cover for a mistake. All that said, coaches are positive about Godfrey's progress but it shows what even one or two mistakes a game can result in. While coaches hope to get Carter back this week I know that they've experienced similar growing pains. Tevyn's made a few mistakes as well. Often, his athleticism helps him cover for them but a completely blown assignment is tough to recover from.

Great info. Very interesting.

The fact still remains that he took a very poor angle, even with being late, and knocked Hatfield out of the play. Hatfield could have made a play on the ball, all Blechen had to do was take a different angle or slow up and allow Hatfield to do his job. Blechen would have been in position to make the tackle too had Hatfield failed to make a play. No one is Blaming Blechen for being aggressive and trying to make the play himself though, thats who he is and what makes him great.

Keep in mind here Hatfield is the fastest player of the three, he almost catches Villamin from behind despite being 4 steps behind at this point.

http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/10-21-2014/eRlw_a.gif (http://www.makeagif.com/eRlw_a)

LA Ute
10-21-2014, 11:02 AM
If the OL can give Travis 1-2 more seconds and the receivers catch the ball, we win.

10-21-2014, 01:28 PM
I've been ticked at Blechen for both arriving late and for knocking Hadfield out of position when in fact he was trying to cover for a mistake.

I don't think we should be allowed to be ticked at the defense or specials teams this year.

10-21-2014, 01:49 PM
You're right Sancho - it's just me the fan. Like SigmaUte said, I didn't like the angle he took either that knocked Hadfield off of the receiver. I'm just bitter at any mistake. I'm with you though. It's been a while since I had this much fun watching our defense play. We really have a terrific group of players - both starters and back-ups - who are making plays for us. I hope we'll see Carter and Whittingham back over the next few weeks.

10-21-2014, 03:28 PM
You're right Sancho - it's just me the fan. Like SigmaUte said, I didn't like the angle he took either that knocked Hadfield off of the receiver. I'm just bitter at any mistake. I'm with you though. It's been a while since I had this much fun watching our defense play. We really have a terrific group of players - both starters and back-ups - who are making plays for us. I hope we'll see Carter and Whittingham back over the next few weeks.

Wittingham was suited up at OSU. If he had a cast on his arm, it was relatively small. I looked (from a distance) and didnt see one. So who knows.

10-21-2014, 04:07 PM
Wittingham was suited up at OSU. If he had a cast on his arm, it was relatively small. I looked (from a distance) and didnt see one. So who knows.

Not to mention Jacoby Hale will be ready to go as well. Look for him on some 5-6 man pressures, Hale has terrifying closing speed. Hale was originally expected to be the player that replaced Trevor Reilly.

10-21-2014, 04:23 PM
Wittingham was suited up at OSU. If he had a cast on his arm, it was relatively small. I looked (from a distance) and didnt see one. So who knows.

Are you sure it was Jason Whittingham and not Alex, who is Kyle's son and plays sparingly on special teams if a tall?

10-21-2014, 04:42 PM
Are you sure it was Jason Whittingham and not Alex, who is Kyle's son and plays sparingly on special teams if a tall?

Nope. Not at all. that would explain why I didnt see a cast. Just noticed the Wittingham on his jersey.

LA Ute
10-21-2014, 11:09 PM
Utah's super-aggressive defense prepares to meet the Pac-12's best teams (http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2014/10/21/7015737/the-utah-utes-defense)

The Utes defense has set up camp in opposing backfield all season long. But the schedule's about to put those eye-popping numbers to a serious test....

Good article.

10-22-2014, 09:41 AM
Good article.

Bonus points for the "Go Utes!" comment.

10-22-2014, 05:35 PM
Sorry for the uncreative title.
It is an uncreative title.

Maybe we should go with Iliad 18.271-272: "Many of the Trojans shall the dogs and vultures devour."

I've said it before. The Trojans: Myth's most gullible losers.

LA Ute
10-22-2014, 06:10 PM
It is an uncreative title.

Maybe we should go with Iliad 18.271-272: "Many of the Trojans shall the dogs and vultures devour."

I've said it before. The Trojans: Myth's most gullible losers.

Too good not to adopt.

10-22-2014, 08:43 PM
does anybody remember the name of the recruit who had committed to Utah a couple of years ago and at the last second switched to USC? I looked on their roster and none of the names rang a bell. He was either a WR or db, and had set some sort of socal sprint record in track?

10-22-2014, 11:07 PM
does anybody remember the name of the recruit who had committed to Utah a couple of years ago and at the last second switched to USC? I looked on their roster and none of the names rang a bell. He was either a WR or db, and had set some sort of socal sprint record in track?

I think you're recalling that big 4 star O lineman they called X, who was rumored to be coming to Utah with his coach. But it was UCLA not USC.

10-23-2014, 12:18 AM
does anybody remember the name of the recruit who had committed to Utah a couple of years ago and at the last second switched to USC? I looked on their roster and none of the names rang a bell. He was either a WR or db, and had set some sort of socal sprint record in track?

Ryan Henderson. I think he left the team on a medical hardship or something like that.

LA Ute
10-23-2014, 10:00 AM
Nice ESPN article on Andy Phillips. I learned some things about Automatic Andy:


LA Ute
10-23-2014, 03:52 PM
I agree with Brian Griese:


10-23-2014, 05:53 PM
I agree with Brian Griese:


Don't agree with Brian Griese, he thinks 3 SEC teams will be playing in the playoffs this year. What a joke.

LA Ute
10-23-2014, 06:27 PM
This is a fun vid to watch. Trevor Matich shows no sign of his inner zoob:


10-23-2014, 07:07 PM
This is a fun vid to watch. Trevor Matich shows no sign of his inner zoob:


Not sure about that last part about dirt though...haha

I know this probably doesn't mean much, but I've called our Trevor multiple times on twitter and his responses have always been, surprisingly, friendly & professional.

Unlike some others on ESPN that seem to be easily irritated and will fire back at fans.

10-24-2014, 06:38 AM
ESPN article.

Decent read about the stadium environment in SLC.


10-24-2014, 07:36 AM
[Warning: Negativity]

I'm petrified about the game on Saturday. People are talking Utah up; the game is a pick-em in Vegas; there is talk of Utah being the most complete team in the South, etc. All of that bodes poorly for us.

Kyle's teams perform their best as underdogs. He leverages the "no one believes in us" mantra better than any coach we've ever had at Utah. All the big wins of his tenure (Stanford 13, UCLA 14, Alabama 08-09, TCU 08, etc) we were slaying giants. Kyle gets his defense to fly around like crazy people to prove a point - that we're as good as the other team.

So now people are saying that we're as good as USC. The problem is, USC is the most talented team in the South by a mile. We've survived six games with poor QB play because of the strength of our special teams, defense, and run game, in that order. I don't know if that will be enough against the Trojans. Travis needs to step up and play the game of his life on Saturday for us to win.

10-24-2014, 08:11 AM
[Warning: Negativity]

I'm petrified about the game on Saturday. People are talking Utah up; the game is a pick-em in Vegas; there is talk of Utah being the most complete team in the South, etc. All of that bodes poorly for us.

Kyle's teams perform their best as underdogs. He leverages the "no one believes in us" mantra better than any coach we've ever had at Utah. All the big wins of his tenure (Stanford 13, UCLA 14, Alabama 08-09, TCU 08, etc) we were slaying giants. Kyle gets his defense to fly around like crazy people to prove a point - that we're as good as the other team.

So now people are saying that we're as good as USC. The problem is, USC is the most talented team in the South by a mile. We've survived six games with poor QB play because of the strength of our special teams, defense, and run game, in that order. I don't know if that will be enough against the Trojans. Travis needs to step up and play the game of his life on Saturday for us to win.

Yours is exactly my reaction. All the hype is a bad sign. Reminds me of the hype before the 2010 TCU game.

10-24-2014, 08:14 AM
Yours is exactly my reaction. All the hype is a bad sign. Reminds me of the hype before the 2010 TCU game.

I had that thought. The difference is in 2010 I really thought we were a paper tiger. We had literally played nobody and had beaten up on teams like Iowa State with fluke plays and Shaky.

This year I think we have a great defense and amazing special teams. Plus, Devontae and the O-line have really clicked in the last two games.

But if you told me at the start of the year that in Week 8 we'd be a pick'em against USC despite being in the midst of a raging QB controversy, I would have immediately driven to Atlantic City to put money on USC.

10-24-2014, 08:31 AM
I had that thought. The difference is in 2010 I really thought we were a paper tiger. We had literally played nobody and had beaten up on teams like Iowa State with fluke plays and Shaky.

This year I think we have a great defense and amazing special teams. Plus, Devontae and the O-line have really clicked in the last two games.

But if you told me at the start of the year that in Week 8 we'd be a pick'em against USC despite being in the midst of a raging QB controversy, I would have immediately driven to Atlantic City to put money on USC.

One difference: our defense got steamrolled against TCU, but has played USC well every year, esp. 2011 and 2013. Last year it kept us in the game until halftime even though our offense did absolutely nothing and undermined the defense. If our offense can do anything tomorrow (ie Booker), our defense should uphold its end of the bargain.

10-24-2014, 08:47 AM
But if you told me at the start of the year that in Week 8 we'd be a pick'em against USC despite being in the midst of a raging QB controversy, I would have immediately driven to Atlantic City to put money on USC.

I don't know why everyone in the media is siding with Utah in this game. USC clobbered OSU, and we were lucky to win in 2OT. USC's offense is clicking, and their defense is always good. We do have better special teams and coaching, though.

I agree that we need a much better game out of TW than we have had all year. Not impossible. Like many have said, we have seen an offense go from sputtering to clicking before. I don't know how that happens, but if there is a switch for this offense, now is the time to turn it on.

There is something to all the USC defensive depth talk. They were in control of ASU until the 4th quarter, and they looked completely spent against BC. If we can put together a handful of long drives in the first half and keep it close, I think we can run in the 4th. But those sustained 1st quarter drives aren't coming on the ground alone. That's a recipe for 3 and out.

Watching the Broncos the last two weeks, I was reminded how much a successful offense changes things. On 3rd and short, they are just as likely to go long as to try for the 1st down. They know if they have to punt, they will get the ball back and will probably score next time. Every time we have a 3rd and short, it feels like the whole game depends on picking up that yard. We would be crazy to try anything other than a handoff. It's really limiting in terms of play calls to have a struggling offense. I think first down is the only down we've tried to go long with all season. And we've never tried anything long on a 3rd and short - first downs are just too rare and precious to us.

LA Ute
10-24-2014, 08:48 AM
Yours is exactly my reaction. All the hype is a bad sign. Reminds me of the hype before the 2010 TCU game.

I have had the same sense of déjà vu, but as Applejack notes, in that year we had not played anyone, really. Still, I am worried about the absence of a chip on the team's collective shoulder. I am just a worry wart, I guess. (SCP, please don't call me self-hating.)

All that said, I am more excited for this game than for any other in recent memory. Why? Because this team has shown that it has what it takes to win. Against Alabama, for example, we knew the Utes were good, but not how good, until we saw them play that game. Against TCU, we simply were not sure the Utah team really was good at all, and we know how that turned out.

I'll be there wearing black and screaming -- I hope joyfully.

10-24-2014, 09:40 AM
[Warning: Negativity]

I'm petrified about the game on Saturday. People are talking Utah up; the game is a pick-em in Vegas; there is talk of Utah being the most complete team in the South, etc. All of that bodes poorly for us.

Kyle's teams perform their best as underdogs. He leverages the "no one believes in us" mantra better than any coach we've ever had at Utah. All the big wins of his tenure (Stanford 13, UCLA 14, Alabama 08-09, TCU 08, etc) we were slaying giants. Kyle gets his defense to fly around like crazy people to prove a point - that we're as good as the other team.

So now people are saying that we're as good as USC. The problem is, USC is the most talented team in the South by a mile. We've survived six games with poor QB play because of the strength of our special teams, defense, and run game, in that order. I don't know if that will be enough against the Trojans. Travis needs to step up and play the game of his life on Saturday for us to win.

I think this is a bit of a "house money" type game for us.

When given the opportunity to fold up shop after another bitter defeat against WSU, the team rallied and won back to back (with a bye in the middle) games over UCLA and Oregon St on the road. The defense is playing lights out, and though it has holes in the secondary, you have to have a guy that can get through the pressure and get the ball down field. Of the three QBs we faced, Connor Halliday probably did this most effectively...but we were only rushing three. I think if our guys can get to Keller and disrupt him, then we'll be able to keep this game close.

On the offensive side of the ball, obviously Wilson needs to play better, but I can't help but think that in some ways, we're just not calling pass plays to help him get in a rhythm and be successful. I'd like to see a lot more crossing patterns, and opportunities for guys in space, and of course, they need to catch the damn ball. If I were Whit & Co., that is where my challenge would be to these WRs and TEs, simply put, go make a play. Ken Scott has big play ability and good hands, throw it to him. Dres has speed and can get loose (same with Clay) get him the ball and let him work (I know, his hands suck at times), and Tonga is a tough match up from a size perspective for most LBs and Safeties I would think... All of this should be opened up by Booker's ability, because USC is going to make us throw to beat them. Wilson's challenge is between the ears. He has the arm, and he can make all the throws. As Whit said, it is time for someone to step up and take this job. If Wilson can do that on Saturday, I think we win.

10-24-2014, 09:49 AM
He has the arm, and he can make all the throws.

I'm not sure about this. I haven't seen a pretty deep ball right into the outstretched arms of a WR in years. I do think he can make the rest of the throws, though, which would be more than enough.

10-24-2014, 09:50 AM
I'm not sure about this. I haven't seen a pretty deep ball right into the outstretched arms of a WR in years. I do think he can make the rest of the throws, though, which would be more than enough.

Well, the one to Dres against WSU I thought was pretty nice and just a flat out drop. He does under throw a little on those deep passes at times, but I think his arm strength is definitely there.

10-24-2014, 09:55 AM
I freaking love being a Utah fan. I don't think I know a single fan who is entirely comfortable with claiming that Utah will definitely be bowl eligible. We've got to be the only fanbase in the top 20 who is still quietly wondering if our HC will get canned this year. The pain of putting on our big boy pants in the PAC12 has totally eradicated all the "Utah's Bitches Conference" from our collective being, and if anything, has strengthened our skepticism forged in the fires of Chuck Stobart, Tom Lovat, and Jim Fassell. The diehards are calloused in the nether regions and will never pre-celebrate anything, or even believe that anything good is going to happen until it has already occurred. The bandwagoners that joined during Urban are either cheering for Oregon now (after stops with the Zoobs and the Aggies), or have been converted and endowed with calloused nether regions. The old timers like my overly-cynical father still wonder if Utah will ever have another passing first down in a regular season football contest.

All of that said, winning is more fun than losing, and winning in the PAC is more fun than winning in the MWC. Having a game like the one this weekend has brought back stirrings in my soul not felt since Andy Dalton did his best Scut Farkus on us. Yes, I'm a diehard so I know the inevitable outcome, but still!

I have four thoughts about the Little Bunny Foo Foos coming into town:

1. My cousin lives in Tustin, and he will not abide hearing the Trojans referred to as Southern Cal.

2. I went to the first game at Southern Cal three years ago, and it was completely rad. Great fans, awesome environment, seven freaking Heisman Trophies, dumpy but remarkably impressive venue. Southern Cal is probably the only other team in the south that I don't hate with the white hot fire of the muffler on a school bus. With Sarkisian there, I am heading that way, but they are currently my least hated common divisioner.

3. Due to my experience at Southern Cal, I equate their entire fanbase with Lucille Bluth.

4. Related to number 2, USC fans are absolutely the worst at chanting in rhythm. The worst. They are so, so bad. There's this part of one of their myriad of cool marching band songs where they spell out Southern California as a group, which I admit is not an easy thing to do in unison. S-O-U-T-H-E-R-N C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A is a lot of letters, even for people who haven't had eyelid reduction surgery. But to hear them attempt this as a group is almost identical to hearing the Junior Primary scream/sing the 13th Article of Faith Song. It's like a zombie choir. A lot of pulsating noise, the hum of vocal activity, but virtually nothing that you would recognize as approaching even basic Cro-Magnon communication. It is the one area where I feel Utah is clearly superior to Southern Cal. Sure, our offense is simple, but so is our U-T-A-H cheer.

5. Even when they do the Little Bunny Foo Foo thing, there is no uniform understanding of when the bunny ears should rise, and when the bunny ears should fall. It's just a mass of bouncing ears, with no real intention. But the thing is, they don't seem to care. I guess when you win a lot and you're better than everybody else you can chant in utter chaos and flash your fingers with little thought of pattern, and what the hell are you gonna do about it, Utah?

LA Ute
10-24-2014, 10:22 AM
The pain of putting on our big boy pants in the PAC12 has totally eradicated all the "Utah's Bitches Conference" from our collective being, and if anything, has strengthened our skepticism forged in the fires of Chuck Stobart, Tom Lovat, and Jim Fassell. The diehards are calloused in the nether regions and will never pre-celebrate anything, or even believe that anything good is going to happen until it has already occurred.


I resemble that remark.

10-24-2014, 10:28 AM
With all the talk about how good the defense is and how bad the offense is, wouldn't it be a Utah thing for the offense to come out and put up big numbers and the defense falls flat on its face? Game ends up being a shootout like the OSU game last year, only this time we win.

10-24-2014, 10:51 AM
Not sure about that last part about dirt though...haha

The classic answer would've been "tears and regret."

10-24-2014, 10:53 AM
With all the talk about how good the defense is and how bad the offense is, wouldn't it be a Utah thing for the offense to come out and put up big numbers and the defense falls flat on its face? Game ends up being a shootout like the OSU game last year, only this time we win.

As long as we win, I don't care if it is 61-59 or 3-0.

Although, seeing the offense come out and put up numbers would be great to see because you know the D, for the most part, will be right most games. It would give the offense some confidence, which is the biggest problem IMO (the QB carousel doesn't help either).

10-24-2014, 12:06 PM
2. I went to the first game at Southern Cal three years ago, and it was completely rad. Great fans, awesome environment, seven freaking Heisman Trophies, dumpy but remarkably impressive venue. Southern Cal is probably the only other team in the south that I don't hate with the white hot fire of the muffler on a school bus. With Sarkisian there, I am heading that way, but they are currently my least hated common divisioner.

Ute fans should be united in a "If not us, then USC" attitude. USC the one rock solid constant in the division. They will always either be good or be a new coach away from being good. That will not be changing. If we can't win the division, it is better for USC to win it than for Arizona, ASU, or UCLA to get a bunch of momentum by winning it. Even if USC has a few bad seasons in a row, they will still clean up the west in recruiting. But if ASU has a few bad seasons, their recruiting will drop off accordingly.

10-24-2014, 12:26 PM
[Warning: Negativity]

I'm petrified about the game on Saturday. People are talking Utah up; the game is a pick-em in Vegas; there is talk of Utah being the most complete team in the South, etc. All of that bodes poorly for us.

Kyle's teams perform their best as underdogs. He leverages the "no one believes in us" mantra better than any coach we've ever had at Utah. All the big wins of his tenure (Stanford 13, UCLA 14, Alabama 08-09, TCU 08, etc) we were slaying giants. Kyle gets his defense to fly around like crazy people to prove a point - that we're as good as the other team.

So now people are saying that we're as good as USC. The problem is, USC is the most talented team in the South by a mile. We've survived six games with poor QB play because of the strength of our special teams, defense, and run game, in that order. I don't know if that will be enough against the Trojans. Travis needs to step up and play the game of his life on Saturday for us to win.

For once I agree with your pessimism. I'm seeing all these people pick Utah and asking myself what I'm missing. I don't normally follow fans' penchant for keeping their own expectations low to reduce the sting of losing, but if we win Saturday I'll be stunned. For the simple reason that USC has a great deal more thoroughbreds (do we have any?). Also, Sarkisian may not be any Urban Meyer but he's a pretty good coach who actually plays better when he's not an underdog.

I think we win only if the Utes come out and play with total abandon, like the first time Whit was against BYU as a head coach, or against Alabama, and the stars line up. This has to be the week we start looking like a team of destiny, like the Royals. This game has to end with us pinching ourselves.

10-24-2014, 12:29 PM
For once I agree with your pessimism. I'm seeing all these people pick Utah and asking myself what I'm missing. I don't normally follow fans' penchant for keeping their own expectations low to reduce the sting of losing, but if we win Saturday I'll be stunned. For the simple reason that USC has a great deal more thoroughbreds (do we have any?). Also, Sarkisian may not be any Urban Meyer but he's a pretty good coach who actually plays better when he's not an underdog.

I think we win only if the Utes come out and play with total abandon, like the first time Whit was against BYU as a head coach, or against Alabama, and the stars line up. This has to be the week we start looking like a team of destiny, like the Royals. This game has to end with us pinching ourselves.

:highfive: Pessimism!

10-24-2014, 01:11 PM
I freaking love being a Utah fan. I don't think I know a single fan who is entirely comfortable with claiming that Utah will definitely be bowl eligible. We've got to be the only fanbase in the top 20 who is still quietly wondering if our HC will get canned this year.

Woah, that sentiment is so 3 weeks ago.

I can comfortably say the Utes will absolutely play in a bowl game this year, and Whittingham will be back next year. Take that to the bank.

10-24-2014, 01:12 PM
Woah, that sentiment is so 3 weeks ago.

I can comfortably say the Utes will absolutely play in a bowl game this year, and Whittingham will be back next year. Take that to the bank.

utefan is clearly of the younger generation.

Hot Lunch
10-24-2014, 02:41 PM
I have basically been worthless at work today because I am so geeked for the game tomorrow night. It can't come quick enough.

10-24-2014, 02:48 PM
Woah, that sentiment is so 3 weeks ago.

I can comfortably say the Utes will absolutely play in a bowl game this year, and Whittingham will be back next year. Take that to the bank.

Per chance were you a Ute fan back in 2005 when Utah, down by 4, had a 1st and goal on the CSU 4 yard line, with a minute left? You know, pretty much the perfect situation to put the game away? Yeah, the typical Ute is like a pessimistic version of Lloyd Christmas: "so you're telling me there's a chance (that we lose out)?!?"

10-24-2014, 02:57 PM
I have basically been worthless at work today because I am so geeked for the game tomorrow night. It can't come quick enough.

I agree. I should have just stayed home today and painted my fingernails red and white. I must have googled some version of "Utah football/USC football/Pac-12 football/Sugar Bowl/Is Kanye West Getting Divorced" 2,000 times today.

LA Ute
10-24-2014, 03:10 PM
ESPN's pre-game breakdown, USC at Utah. (http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=11750251) "Adam Rittenberg looks at what to expect out of the matchup between No. 20 USC and No. 19 Utah this weekend."

10-24-2014, 03:33 PM
Per chance were you a Ute fan back in 2005 when Utah, down by 4, had a 1st and goal on the CSU 4 yard line, with a minute left? You know, pretty much the perfect situation to put the game away? Yeah, the typical Ute is like a pessimistic version of Lloyd Christmas: "so you're telling me there's a chance (that we lose out)?!?"
Yes I was. So frustrating!

Still, there is no way Utah loses out. Worst case scenario, Colorado is still on the schedule. Although I'm confident bowl eligibility will be clinched long before that game (like tomorrow).

10-24-2014, 04:13 PM
Five reasons USC will lose at Utah.


LA Ute
10-24-2014, 05:05 PM
Five reasons USC will lose at Utah.


I hope he's right.

10-24-2014, 06:02 PM
Chris Cooley picked the Utes on his radio show. When captain chaos is on your side, you're doing something right!

10-24-2014, 10:13 PM
Five reasons USC will lose at Utah.



10-24-2014, 10:26 PM
I have no idea which team will win. However, if our passing offense can't provide at least a "mediocre" performance, I believe we will lose.

10-25-2014, 12:36 AM
3. Due to my experience at Southern Cal, I equate their entire fanbase with Lucille Bluth.

A +

10-25-2014, 07:12 AM
Feature on Andy Phillips on college game day today.

LA Ute
10-25-2014, 07:35 AM
Any idea what time?

Diehard Ute
10-25-2014, 08:30 AM
Any idea what time?

845 to 915 mountain I believe.

Utah said they'd post the Video later as well

10-25-2014, 09:24 AM
Great coverage on Gameday this morning. The future on Phillips was nice, and they had about three or four minutes devoted to the game.obviously nobody said anything nice about the offense, but they weren't completely negative about Utah's offensive chances today. Special teams and defense got a lot of love, and I believe the final tally on the picks for this game was 2-2.

10-25-2014, 11:32 AM
Great coverage on Gameday this morning. The future on Phillips was nice, and they had about three or four minutes devoted to the game.obviously nobody said anything nice about the offense, but they weren't completely negative about Utah's offensive chances today. Special teams and defense got a lot of love, and I believe the final tally on the picks for this game was 2-2.
And we landed one of the Duck Dynasty guys too

10-25-2014, 11:46 AM
And we landed one of the Duck Dynasty guys too

U-(dun, dun, dun)
T-(dun, dun, dun)
A-(dun, dun, dun)
H-(dun, dun, dun)




10-25-2014, 11:50 AM
u-(dun, dun, dun)
t-(dun, dun, dun)
a-(dun, dun, dun)
h-(dun, dun, dun)




yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!

Go utes!!!!!!

10-25-2014, 11:52 AM
I'm so ready for this game to start.

10-25-2014, 11:55 AM
I'm so ready for this game to start.

I'm actually going to try something crazy - going to sleep and then watching it tomorrow. I just can't handle another 2:00 AM finish.

Here's the plan:

1. Read a few pages from a fine novel, sip some hot tea, put on my robe, and climb into bed at a reasonable hour.
2. Wake up, go to church (lame), avoid everyone who might mention the game.
3. Come home, have an enjoyable lunch.
4. Have my wife pull up the game on Pac-12.com (this is key - I've found there is no way to load it myself without seeing the final score).
5. Go crazy as Utah beats USC at 3:00 PM ET on Sunday!

10-25-2014, 11:57 AM
I'm actually going to try something crazy - going to sleep and then watching it tomorrow. I just can't handle another 2:00 AM finish.

Here's the plan:

1. Read a few pages from a fine novel, sip some hot tea, put on my robe, and climb into bed at a reasonable hour.
2. Wake up, go to church (lame), avoid everyone who might mention the game.
3. Come home, have an enjoyable lunch.
4. Have my wife pull up the game on Pac-12.com (this is key - I've found there is no way to load it myself without seeing the final score).
5. Go crazy as Utah beats USC at 3:00 PM ET on Sunday!

Good luck. I'd give up after sipping tea.

10-25-2014, 05:11 PM
One thing that has struck me while watching all the build up to the game is how much respect Kyle has nationally.

10-25-2014, 05:33 PM
I had that thought. The difference is in 2010 I really thought we were a paper tiger. We had literally played nobody and had beaten up on teams like Iowa State with fluke plays and Shaky.

This year I think we have a great defense and amazing special teams. Plus, Devontae and the O-line have really clicked in the last two games.

But if you told me at the start of the year that in Week 8 we'd be a pick'em against USC despite being in the midst of a raging QB controversy, I would have immediately driven to Atlantic City to put money on USC.

Based on UCLA, Arizona, OSU, WSU and Stanford games today, I am back to worrying that we are a paper tiger.

10-25-2014, 06:22 PM
Based on UCLA, Arizona, OSU, WSU and Stanford games today, I am back to worrying that we are a paper tiger.
One game at a time...

LA Ute
10-25-2014, 07:04 PM
Based on UCLA, Arizona, OSU, WSU and Stanford games today, I am back to worrying that we are a paper tiger.

We'll know a lot more in about 3 hours.

LA Ute
10-25-2014, 07:06 PM
These bags are on the table at the pregame chalk talk tonight:


10-25-2014, 08:10 PM
I didn't make it to bed.

1 defensive touchdown! One more to go.

10-25-2014, 09:41 PM
I didn't make it to bed.

1 defensive touchdown! One more to go.

Travis started to get that panicked look again after taking the sack.

We can't get close to Kessler.

10-25-2014, 09:46 PM
Travis started to get that panicked look again after taking the sack.

We can't get close to Kessler.
We're okay. The KR-for-to & utah's weird fumble-return cancel out.
Booker's fumble hurt, but I doubt we see a fumble at the 1 again.

the Utes ran & threw okay. I think fatigue will become a factor in the 2nd half, which favors us.
I like our chances.

10-25-2014, 09:46 PM
I know right? Our defense has not looked it's best, and Booker is yet to really make a difference. Who would have thought that with one half in the books our perceived greatest strengths would be underperforming to this level?

10-25-2014, 09:56 PM
The fans need to stop booing the home team.

10-25-2014, 10:01 PM
I think we are in a decent position to win this game, but 3 points on offense against a bad USC defense is really concerning. On the plus side our defense is just awesome. Best in a long time.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

Mormon Red Death
10-25-2014, 10:03 PM
Our quarterback is 6 foot 7 inches why can't he complete a screen pass?

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2

10-25-2014, 10:06 PM
Any input on the 2 plays that should have been PI's in the first half? I got the feeling that the refs have been told to "let the player's play". Could just be my biased eyes though...

10-25-2014, 10:06 PM
Our quarterback is 6 foot 7 inches why can't he complete a screen pass?

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2

Same reason he can't complete pretty much every other pass.

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10-25-2014, 10:09 PM
Same reason he can't complete pretty much every other pass.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
3 fumbles by our RBs, but yeah, you're right, Wilson is the problem.

10-25-2014, 10:10 PM
3 fumbles by our RBs, but yeah, you're right, Wilson is the problem.

Wilson isn't the only problem. He is absolutely part of the problem.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:13 PM
Wilson isn't the only problem. He is absolutely part of the problem.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
I think we might see KT. He can underthrow as well as Wilson.

10-25-2014, 10:15 PM
I think we might see KT. He can underthrow as well as Wilson.

To Wilson's credit he has improved. At least his inaccurate passes are thrown this year where the defense can't intercept them. It is a huge improvement.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:17 PM
This defense is just great. It is a championship caliber defense and one of the best I can remember at Utah.

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10-25-2014, 10:18 PM
What can they do the kickstart the offense? Reverse? Motion? KT? There is absolutely no flow to this game right now. Can we wear them down?

10-25-2014, 10:24 PM
What can they do the kickstart the offense? Reverse? Motion? KT? There is absolutely no flow to this game right now. Can we wear them down?
I wonder if it's better to take the penalty rather than calling timeout on 2nd & 3 in the 3rd quarter.
i hope that doesn't come back to haunt us.

10-25-2014, 10:25 PM
What can they do the kickstart the offense? Reverse? Motion? KT? There is absolutely no flow to this game right now. Can we wear them down?

I realize he fumbled twice, but I think you just need to ride Booker and see if he can singlehandedly win the game.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:26 PM
Aiono that doesn't look good at all.

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10-25-2014, 10:27 PM
Give it up. Run the damn ball. Every time we pass something bad happens.

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10-25-2014, 10:32 PM
My kingdom for a quarterback.

10-25-2014, 10:33 PM
Blechens first tackle...

10-25-2014, 10:33 PM
Don't pass. Don't pass. Just run Booker.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:36 PM
Damnit he fumbled that. It is either not a catch or a fumble.

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10-25-2014, 10:37 PM
I knew that we were screwed when Clay didn't get the TD.

We have a championship defense and special teams. We have a FCS offense.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:38 PM
Two fumbles on the one. Brutal.

10-25-2014, 10:38 PM
When will something go right tonight?

LA Ute
10-25-2014, 10:39 PM
2 fumbles on the 1-yard line. Wow. Just wow.

10-25-2014, 10:39 PM
Now it looks like the defense is getting tired. I hate this offense.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:43 PM
BOOKER. Hell yes.

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10-25-2014, 10:43 PM
2 fumbles on the 1-yard line. Wow. Just wow.
Clearly Travis' fault...don't you know?

10-25-2014, 10:43 PM
BOOKER. Hell yes.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

Was gonna post the exact same thing! 'Bout effing time!

10-25-2014, 10:46 PM
What's with all the flags? Looks like a soccer game.

10-25-2014, 10:47 PM
This is such a great game!

LA Ute
10-25-2014, 10:48 PM
Looks like our D has stiffened up. (Crosses fingers to avoid jinx.)

10-25-2014, 10:48 PM
I think we have the USC defense gassed. Booker finally getting some big yardage. Defense getting in a good rhythm. Come on guys!

10-25-2014, 10:50 PM
Clearly Travis' fault...don't you know?

Travis Wilson is a great QB. We are all lucky to witness his play.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:53 PM
Clearly Travis' fault...don't you know?

Out of curiosity where would you rank Wilson among PAC 12 QBs?

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:57 PM
Run Booker. Give the defense a chance to rest.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 10:57 PM
This game is killing me. We need another healthy dose of Booker. Fraction of a second late TWICE on that drive. Kessler is showing Travis how it should be done...

10-25-2014, 10:57 PM
Orchard so close to ending that drive. Game of inches.

LA Ute
10-25-2014, 11:00 PM
The Beast is loose?

10-25-2014, 11:01 PM
Love watching booker late in games.

10-25-2014, 11:04 PM
C'mon defense! Let's make this one count!!!

10-25-2014, 11:04 PM
We need a turnover. We get one, we win this game. We don't and we lose.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 11:07 PM
Out of curiosity where would you rank Wilson among PAC 12 QBs?

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
I'd have to look at the stats, though I've been consistent on Wilson all year stating that his problems are between the ears and not in his physical ability to throw the ball. And I sure as hell won't blame him for this loss (if we lose) because thus far, it ain't his fault or even remotely his fault.

10-25-2014, 11:09 PM
I'd have to look at the stats, though I've been consistent on Wilson all year stating that his problems are between the ears and not in his physical ability to throw the ball. And I sure as hell won't blame him for this loss (if we lose) because thus far, it ain't his fault or even remotely his fault.

Not solely his fault, but if we lose he is absolutely a reason.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 11:14 PM
I hate to say it, but I think we're done. USC is moving the ball effortlessly. WE are the ones suffering from fatigue. Never have gotten a good offensive scheme figured out this game. AND plenty of lost opportunity. This will go down as a game that we SHOULD have won, but handed it to USC. Blah, why do I stay up until 2 AM for this heartbreak?

10-25-2014, 11:14 PM
Not solely his fault, but if we lose he is absolutely a reason.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
Kessler is really good. The defense hasn't really upset him.
Those turnovers were costly

10-25-2014, 11:15 PM
Our 2 redzone turnovers. Ugh!

10-25-2014, 11:15 PM
Not solely his fault, but if we lose he is absolutely a reason.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

Yeah, well it is a team sport. Two fumbles on the one, a kickoff return, and no pass pressure on Kessler.

I wish we had let Wilson try on that 3rd and 4.

10-25-2014, 11:23 PM

10-25-2014, 11:23 PM
Dear Travis Wilson,

I apologize.


Mitchell P Funk

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 11:26 PM
Run, time out, pass, pass,run

10-25-2014, 11:26 PM
Right call. Disappointing but I'd rather win on a legit call.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk

10-25-2014, 11:30 PM
Come on UTES.

10-25-2014, 11:30 PM
I'm so happy for Travis Wilson!

10-25-2014, 11:32 PM
Kick this out of the endzone Phillips.

10-25-2014, 11:35 PM
Hold on here!!!

10-25-2014, 11:36 PM
Well, glad to eat my words from my last post. They did it! They pulled it off!

10-25-2014, 11:36 PM
Bowl game here we come!

10-25-2014, 11:36 PM
Kick this out of the endzone Phillips.

Way to go utes. A gutsy win. I'm gLad that I have no self control and stayed up until 2:00 am.

10-25-2014, 11:37 PM
Oh man what a great game!

10-25-2014, 11:37 PM
Dear Travis Wilson,

I apologize.


Mitchell P Funk

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
Travis and I accept.

10-25-2014, 11:37 PM
Overcoming those redzone turnovers is fantastic!

10-25-2014, 11:40 PM
I am really happy for Travis. He earned that win tonight. He's got some weaknesses, but he gives us the best chance to win.

I'm stoked. No sleep tonight.

10-25-2014, 11:41 PM
Bowl game here we come!

And only 7 games into the season! How close are we to 7-0? Holy cow. I thought for sure that this season would be impossible to get to 6 wins. Color me surprised, and very pleased. What's next for this Utes team?

Mormon Red Death
10-25-2014, 11:42 PM
And only 7 games into the season! How close are we to 7-0? Holy cow. I thought for sure that this season would be impossible to get to 6 wins. Color me surprised, and very pleased. What's next for this Utes team?

The playoff! ;)

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2

10-25-2014, 11:43 PM
I see that you stayed up to watch too. It's like crack isn't it... I'm gonna pay for this in the morning...

10-25-2014, 11:44 PM
I am really happy for Travis. He earned that win tonight. He's got some weaknesses, but he gives us the best chance to win.

I'm stoked. No sleep tonight.
Same here. Gonna be a groggy EQ lesson tomorrow...today!

10-25-2014, 11:52 PM
Such a big win. Hope the recruits liked what they saw. This really is a huge win for the whole program.

10-25-2014, 11:54 PM
Same here. Gonna be a groggy EQ lesson tomorrow...today!

Just how many east coast Utes are there here? Gotta get my heart rate to slow down so that sleep is possible...

10-25-2014, 11:55 PM
Just how many east coast Utes are there here? Gotta get my heart rate to slow down so that sleep is possible...

Based on this board I would guess about 6.

10-25-2014, 11:55 PM
Same here. Gonna be a groggy EQ lesson tomorrow...today!
How great was that??
2 weeks in a row with 4th quarter, come-from-behind TD drives.

i just won $60 on my $50 bet for the Utes to win more than 5 this season (at +120).

very happy for this team. These kids play with a lot of heart & guts.

10-25-2014, 11:56 PM
How great was that??
2 weeks in a row with 4th quarter, come-from-behind TD drives.

i just won $60 on my $50 bet for the Utes to win more than 5 this season (at +120).

very happy for this team. These kids play with a lot of heart & guts.
Absolutely! There is a ton of heart on this team. Can't wait to see Whits post game speech.

USS Utah
10-26-2014, 12:03 AM
While the offense struggled to score, TW was actually passing the ball much better, exceeding in the 1st half Utah's passing totals last week. Yet many continued to doubt the Bulldog. The doubters can eat my shorts, Travis won this game and Utah is going bowling.

10-26-2014, 12:09 AM
While the offense struggled to score, TW was actually passing the ball much better, exceeding in the 1st half Utah's passing totals last week. Yet many continued to doubt the Bulldog. The doubters can eat my shorts, Travis won this game and Utah is going bowling.
Only QB in FBS with no picks (min 100 attempts). 8 TDs, 0 INTs in 2014. Does he have holes? Sure. But there is a lot to like about Travis Wilson.

USS Utah
10-26-2014, 12:14 AM
Only QB in FBS with no picks (min 100 attempts). 8 TDs, 0 INTs in 2014. Does he have holes? Sure. But there is a lot to like about Travis Wilson.

Travis has cemented his place in Utah football lore.

10-26-2014, 12:21 AM
Ahahahaha... 24-21 Yeah baby, hell yeah.

10-26-2014, 12:34 AM
Booker's fumble hurt, but I doubt we see a fumble at the 1 again.


USS Utah
10-26-2014, 12:50 AM

LA Ute
10-26-2014, 01:36 AM

That is fun to watch, and a very nicely designed route,

LA Ute
10-26-2014, 01:46 AM
Came up from LA for the game, lots to share -- tomorrow.

What a gutsy bunch of gamers these Utes are. How fitting to end this game on a sack by Orchard and Dimick.

LA Ute
10-26-2014, 10:06 AM
Post-game interview clips:


LA Ute
10-26-2014, 10:09 AM
Comments on the final plays by Ute players:


10-26-2014, 10:21 AM
Yet another example of why soft, prevent defenses are for the last play of thegame, not the last drive,

LA Ute
10-26-2014, 10:34 AM
Fox Sports highlights remind me what a war that game was. "It's real:"


LA Ute
10-26-2014, 10:40 AM
PAC-12 Blog: (http://espn.go.com/blog/pac12)

"Utah arrives: Utah beat USC 24-21 with a late touchdown, improving to 6-1 and 3-1 in the Pac-12. The Utes, already bowl eligible after two consecutive losing seasons, have now beaten Stanford, UCLA and USC as Pac-12 members. In fact, the Utes have wins over eight of their 11 Pac-12 rivals over the past three-plus seasons in the conference. Any residual sense of Utah being a "Junior Member" of the conference is done. Gone. And the heat on Kyle Whittingham cools quite a bit in suddenly ebullient Salt Lake City."

Also, the latest PAC-12 Blog helmet stickers (http://espn.go.com/blog/pac12/category/_/name/utah-utes):

Travis Wilson (http://espn.go.com/college-football/player/_/id/531051/travis-wilson), QB, Utah: Many were saying that Utah didn't have the quarterback play necessary to be a true contender in the Pac-12 South. Think again on that front. Wilson's offense took over down four points to USC with 2:08 remaining, 73 yards away from paydirt. A great sequence in Ute football history ensued, as Wilson led the home team downfield. He followed his dramatic 18-yard run with a one-yard touchdown pass to Kaelin Clay (http://espn.go.com/college-football/player/_/id/504726/kaelin-clay). That came with eight seconds remaining; it sealed the 24-21 (http://scores.espn.go.com/ncf/recap?gameId=400548292) win. Clutch. Oh, and Wilson still hasn't thrown a pick. He fits with Utah's run-heavy, strong-defense formula.

Devontae Booker (http://espn.go.com/college-football/player/_/id/3122866/devontae-booker), RB, Utah: It's tough to run against USC: The Trojans hadn't allowed over four yards per carry in four straight games, and they had held opposing ground attacks to fewer than three yards per rush in three of those games. Booker's gritty 26-carry, 102-yard effort was a staple of the Utes' massive win, which was hard-fought until the very end.


10-26-2014, 11:59 AM
Nice. Somebody please tell Tribune the last player who spoke in the video was not Joel Foy (USC), it was Jason Fanaika. haha

Post-game interview clips:


USS Utah
10-26-2014, 12:14 PM
Two Words: Bowl Eligible!


10-26-2014, 12:34 PM
Two Words: Bowl Eligible!

That gets the blood pumping! Where's the brick wall to go run through?

10-26-2014, 01:23 PM
I'm still high on this game. My next day thoughts

- We had 4 WRs and a TE each contribute. I love this. Dres, Scott, Patrick, Clay, and Tonga. They made catches, especially early on, that were not perfectly thrown balls. I feel like getting at least Dres, Scott, and Patrick involved is essential for the offense.

- The replay on Aiono's injury was pretty brutal. Hope the big guy is alright.

- I think our defense was more effective after USC's LT left the game. That injury may have been a key lucky break for us.

- Not having seen the stats, I feel like we won the field position battle by a large margin. Great job on that by the punt team.

- The play calling on the final drive was pretty great. The opening throw set the tone. The out to Booker was taking what they were giving and turning it into big yards. The time management on that drive was great too. There was one play where I really thought we should have used our last TO rather than let the time run. But that time out turned out to be much more useful later on in allowing us to take a shot with Booker.

- The two missed PIs on #13 were pretty bad, but at least they got him on the last drive.

- Great that we have benefited from some unforced errors that past few weeks - the fumble return for 7 and Agholor stepping out of bounds on the run that would have iced the game for them.

- I feel like USC tried too hard to establish a run game. They could have passed on us all night long. We could not get any pressure on Kessler, and he is good enough to stand in there and wait for the WR to get open. I think they should have kept passing for 10-15 yards until we figured out a way to stop it. But they stopped it for us by running and throwing quick outs to the side. Thank you, Sark.

- I know this is greedy, I know I should be content with just completing passes, but I wish we could get our guys the ball with some space to run. We know what Dres can do with that. We know now that Tonga's got some shake in him too.

- With USC down, Stanford is the last truly good defense we will face until the Rose Bowl.

10-26-2014, 01:28 PM
I'm still high on this game. My next day thoughts

- We had 4 WRs and a TE each contribute. I love this. Dres, Scott, Patrick, Clay, and Tonga. They made catches, especially early on, that were not perfectly thrown balls. I feel like getting at least Dres, Scott, and Patrick involved is essential for the offense.

- The replay on Aiono's injury was pretty brutal. Hope the big guy is alright.

- I think our defense was more effective after USC's LT left the game. That injury may have been a key lucky break for us.

- Not having seen the stats, I feel like we won the field position battle by a large margin. Great job on that by the punt team.

- The play calling on the final drive was pretty great. The opening throw set the tone. The out to Booker was taking what they were giving and turning it into big yards. The time management on that drive was great too. There was one play where I really thought we should have used our last TO rather than let the time run. But that time out turned out to be much more useful later on in allowing us to take a shot with Booker.

- The two missed PIs on #13 were pretty bad, but at least they got him on the last drive.

- Great that we have benefited from some unforced errors that past few weeks - the fumble return for 7 and Agholor stepping out of bounds on the run that would have iced the game for them.

- I feel like USC tried too hard to establish a run game. They could have passed on us all night long. We could not get any pressure on Kessler, and he is good enough to stand in there and wait for the WR to get open. I think they should have kept passing for 10-15 yards until we figured out a way to stop it. But they stopped it for us by running and throwing quick outs to the side. Thank you, Sark.

- I know this is greedy, I know I should be content with just completing passes, but I wish we could get our guys the ball with some space to run. We know what Dres can do with that. We know now that Tonga's got some shake in him too.

- With USC down, Stanford is the last truly good defense we will face until the Rose Bowl.

These are good thoughts.

It's so great to see a Utah team manage clock & timeouts at the end of the game with such cool effectiveness.
Also, we have an automatic kicker.

These aren't the Utes of my college years, that's for sure.

10-26-2014, 01:38 PM
Two Words: Bowl Eligible!


Is there some kind of rule that requires a police/security officer in the locker room?
Seems out of place.

I love the "Sack Lake City" stuff.

Jarid in Cedar
10-26-2014, 01:46 PM
That is all

LA Ute
10-26-2014, 02:30 PM
- Great that we have benefited from some unforced errors that past few weeks - the fumble return for 7 and Agholor stepping out of bounds on the run that would have iced the game for them.

I agree. Luck has been our friend this season -- as opposed to last season when we could not catch a break. Still, I think the grit and focus and resilience of this team is something special to watch. For example, some of those errors might not be so unforced. Here's an insight from Carter Williams in the DesNews (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865614011/Sunday-Morning-QB-Stars-and-stats-from-No-19-Utahs-comeback-victory-over-No-20-USC.html), who includes Nate Orchard in his list of players who made major contributions:

The defense struggled to get to Kessler almost all day long. Nate Orchard finished with just six tackles and a half a sack, though it did come on the final play of the game to seal the deal. So why is he here? Looking at the replay of the crucial fourth-and-2 with 2:12 left in the game, it was Orchard on the outside who forced USC’s Agholor away from a running lane and even further outside, winding up with the USC back stepping out of bounds before reaching the first-down stick. Had Agholor reached that first down, Utah likely loses the game, but Orchard was there to force Agholor into making the mistake. Utah capitalized on the mistake and the rest was history.

Diehard Ute
10-26-2014, 02:45 PM
Is there some kind of rule that requires a police/security officer in the locker room?
Seems out of place.

I love the "Sack Lake City" stuff.

He's assigned to Kyle by the U. Pretty much stays with him until he leaves. One UUPD guy goes to each road game as well

10-26-2014, 04:46 PM
He's assigned to Kyle by the U. Pretty much stays with him until he leaves. One UUPD guy goes to each road game as well

Thanks, Diehard.
Protection, then? Is there anyone less likely to be assaulted than a former pro-football player who is usually surrounded by dozens of beefy college football players?
Better safe than sorry, I guess.

Diehard Ute
10-26-2014, 04:49 PM
Thanks, Diehard.
Protection, then? Is there anyone less likely to be assaulted than a former pro-football player who is usually surrounded by dozens of beefy college football players?
Better safe than sorry, I guess.

Every team in the country does this now.

I don't know that it's as much for protection as it is to allow him to move more freely and not be mobbed.

Some teams have sent multiple officers to Utah.

I know they've had to intervene more for the families of the coaches than the coaches

10-26-2014, 05:07 PM
Every team in the country does this now.

I don't know that it's as much for protection as it is to allow him to move more freely and not be mobbed.

Some teams have sent multiple officers to Utah.

I know they've had to intervene more for the families of the coaches than the coaches

Aaah, I see. Yeah, I always see troopers on TV when the coaches shake hands, but I wondered about why there was security in the locker room.
Thanks again.

Diehard Ute
10-26-2014, 05:14 PM
Aaah, I see. Yeah, I always see troopers on TV when the coaches shake hands, but I wondered about why there was security in the locker room.
Thanks again.

It's probably the best benefit to being a veteran UUPD Officer, I know the guys who travel have been with them for a long time usually.

10-26-2014, 05:32 PM
It's probably the best benefit to being a veteran UUPD Officer, I know the guys who travel have been with them for a long time usually.

Do the benefits include the extracurricular benefits the Secret Service indulges on the road? (tic)

LA Ute
10-26-2014, 06:07 PM
One question I haven't had time to check out: What was the deal with USC's safety, no. 21, Su'a Cravens? It seemed like he could blitz whenever he wanted and several time no one even touched him. He sacked Wilson twice for 22 yards total losses, and was in the backfield hurrying Travis at least a couple more times. I was wondering who was supposed to chip him, and if we ever were able to burn them for sending one of their safeties that way? No complaint, just wondering what was going on.

10-26-2014, 06:19 PM
Dont know the answer, but Cravens is another USC recruit that almost came to Utah.

Diehard Ute
10-26-2014, 07:09 PM
I don't we'll ever get an answer, but it was obvious our coaches believed USC was stealing our play calls.

Starting in the third quarter the backup qb's were shielding the signals with towels.

Now whether USD was our wasn't I don't know. But if they were it could explain some of that. I would love to know what led our staff to thinking that

Cravens is also a great athlete so our guys could have just been outplayed as well.

10-26-2014, 07:11 PM
One question I haven't had time to check out: What was the deal with USC's safety, no. 21, Su'a Cravens? It seemed like he could blitz whenever he wanted and several time no one even touched him. He sacked Wilson twice for 22 yards total losses, and was in the backfield hurrying Travis at least a couple more times. I was wondering who was supposed to chip him, and if we ever were able to burn them for sending one of their safeties that way? No complaint, just wondering what was going on.

Every time I've seen usc this year, cravens name is called out non-stop. I have to think he's one of the best players in the conference.

LA Ute
10-26-2014, 09:12 PM
Every time I've seen usc this year, cravens name is called out non-stop. I have to think he's one of the best players in the conference.

I get that but still wonder why he could repeatedly blitz, untouched. He simply made a beeline from the edge to Wilson. No spins, no avoidance of any blocker. It doesn't take talent to do that.

10-26-2014, 09:30 PM
I get that but still wonder why he could repeatedly blitz, untouched. He simply made a beeline from the edge to Wilson. No spins, no avoidance of any blocker. It doesn't take talent to do that.

It takes being surrounded by talent. You have your hands full when you are up against that pass rush.

10-26-2014, 10:22 PM
I know that one of the blitz'/sacks was in the first half. Booker had the assignment and completely whiffed. It was shortly after his fumble. I imagine the two combined were the reasons Booker spent a series or two on the sideline.

LA Ute
10-26-2014, 11:37 PM
It takes being surrounded by talent. You have your hands full when you are up against that pass rush.

Sorry, but there's no excuse for letting a safety come in from the edge untouched, more than once, and sack your QB.

10-27-2014, 06:50 AM
Sorry, but there's no excuse for letting a safety come in from the edge untouched, more than once, and sack your QB.

Well, we've done it a dozen times to other teams this season. Excuse or not, it happens.

LA Ute
10-27-2014, 08:08 AM
Well, we've done it a dozen times to other teams this season. Excuse or not, it happens.

I'm not upset about it, just curious about the repeated breakdown. I'll rewatch the game. It probably stopped after halftime. A lot of that game is a blur to me now!

10-27-2014, 08:34 AM
I'm not upset about it, just curious about the repeated breakdown. I'll rewatch the game. It probably stopped after halftime. A lot of that game is a blur to me now!

No, I think it happened in the 2nd half too. You are right - it's a mistake. And we shouldn't let that same mistake happen over and over again like that. But the safety blitz is a thing for a reason.

10-27-2014, 08:35 AM
I'm not upset about it, just curious about the repeated breakdown. I'll rewatch the game. It probably stopped after halftime. A lot of that game is a blur to me now!

Kudos to the coaches. We made a lot of great adjustments at halftime. Like moving Rowe back to corner. We trusted Williams at safety, even though he didn't wrap up and missed the tackle at the 3 on third down on USC's first drive that resulted in a touchdown instead of a field goal. .

10-27-2014, 08:47 AM
I'm still high on this game. My next day thoughts

- We had 4 WRs and a TE each contribute. I love this. Dres, Scott, Patrick, Clay, and Tonga. They made catches, especially early on, that were not perfectly thrown balls. I feel like getting at least Dres, Scott, and Patrick involved is essential for the offense.

- The replay on Aiono's injury was pretty brutal. Hope the big guy is alright.

- I think our defense was more effective after USC's LT left the game. That injury may have been a key lucky break for us.

- Not having seen the stats, I feel like we won the field position battle by a large margin. Great job on that by the punt team.

- The play calling on the final drive was pretty great. The opening throw set the tone. The out to Booker was taking what they were giving and turning it into big yards. The time management on that drive was great too. There was one play where I really thought we should have used our last TO rather than let the time run. But that time out turned out to be much more useful later on in allowing us to take a shot with Booker.

- The two missed PIs on #13 were pretty bad, but at least they got him on the last drive.

- Great that we have benefited from some unforced errors that past few weeks - the fumble return for 7 and Agholor stepping out of bounds on the run that would have iced the game for them.

- I feel like USC tried too hard to establish a run game. They could have passed on us all night long. We could not get any pressure on Kessler, and he is good enough to stand in there and wait for the WR to get open. I think they should have kept passing for 10-15 yards until we figured out a way to stop it. But they stopped it for us by running and throwing quick outs to the side. Thank you, Sark.

- I know this is greedy, I know I should be content with just completing passes, but I wish we could get our guys the ball with some space to run. We know what Dres can do with that. We know now that Tonga's got some shake in him too.

- With USC down, Stanford is the last truly good defense we will face until the Rose Bowl.

I agree with all of this - especially the part about USC's confusing desire to run the ball when the over-the-middle passing game was there all night long. The announcers said something about USC being down a couple of receivers. If those guys are the back-ups, wow, USC has some serious receiver depth.

We made some bone-headed mistakes (two fumbles on the one!), but we really, really benefited from three huge, unforced errors from USC:

1. Orphey's touchdown.
2. The step-out on fourth down. Yes, Nate made the receiver work, but he certainly could have stayed in-bounds.
3. The short-armed pass from Kessler on 3rd down (or was it fourth), when he had his RB in the flat with lots of room to run. Just a pure choke.

But the South is so tough this year that any team is going to need a healthy dose of luck to survive. The computers have the Pac-12 South as the second toughest conference in America (behind the SEC West). The South has 5 rankedish teams and Colorado. Pretty impressive that we're still alive.

10-27-2014, 09:09 AM
Kessler's short arm and Agular ob were back to back; Kessler on third down and then the ob on 4th.

LA Ute
10-27-2014, 09:33 AM
Interesting Chris Dufresne piece in today's LA Times.


He defends Sarkisian, whose fan base is unhappy.

10-27-2014, 10:37 AM
The offensive coaching staff won me over this week. They seemed to make several changes that really helped put Travis in a position to succeed:

No read option. Travis does not run this well. Instead they opted for calling for plays where Booker dives and Travis sometimes hands him the ball, sometimes runs outside, and sometimes follows Booker through the hole. I think that the option isn't really an option but is called from the sideline.
The rolling pocket. Our offensive line doesn't pass protect very well, and Wilson feels comfortable on the move.
Simple receiver routes with easy throws to get Wilson confidence.
Incorporating the tight end.
Booker got plenty, but not too many, carries.

Travis didn't have a stellar night, but it was a step up from the last game he started against Washington State. I think we did some things that we can build on for the Arizona State game.

I saw the play calling towel crew as well, but oddly, it seemed like the only people being shielded from the signaling, was the band. The move was very McBride-esque though.

10-27-2014, 10:51 AM
I'm not upset about it, just curious about the repeated breakdown. I'll rewatch the game. It probably stopped after halftime. A lot of that game is a blur to me now!
It looked to me like he came from the opposite side the running back was on. I thought it was an issue if TW needing to recognize it and change his protection by motioning Booker to the other side to at least chip/cut.

10-27-2014, 10:57 AM
Kyle on the Tim Brando (https://soundcloud.com/siriusxmcollege/utah-hc-kyle-whittingham-talks-to-tim-brando-after-their-big-win-over-usc?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=twitter) show.

Nothing much from Kyle, but it is interesting to hear a national/regional perspective on the Utes.

10-27-2014, 10:57 AM
It looked to me like he came from the opposite side the running back was on. I thought it was an issue if TW needing to recognize it and change his protection by motioning Booker to the other side to at least chip/cut.

Welcome, stranger. Are you new here?
(glad to have you posting, amigo)

LA Ute
10-27-2014, 11:15 AM
Chris Dufresne, in the LA Times article I liked to earlier, suggests that the final TD may have been a pick play. Looking at this clip a few times it does look like USC's no. 24 has to get by Scott to catch up with Clay, who's in motion.


Is that a pick? Someone called it a "rub" route. I'm curious, because it sure looked like a great play to me. Clay said post-game that Utah has been practicing that one since fall camp. I doubt we'd put an illegal play in the play book for use at a crucial point in a game.

10-27-2014, 11:18 AM
Is that a pick? Someone called it a "rub" route. I'm curious, because it sure looked like a great play to me. Clay said post-game that Utah has been practicing that one since fall camp. I doubt we'd put an illegal play in the play book for use at a crucial point in a game.

I think everyone practices and uses it because it's never called. That was the real surprise/outrage with ND/FSU last week. How many TDs are scored per season on that play in college football? 100? How many times is a penalty called on that play per season? 2-3?

10-27-2014, 12:17 PM
Chris Dufresne, in the LA Times article I liked to earlier, suggests that the final TD may have been a pick play. Looking at this clip a few times it does look like USC's no. 24 has to get by Scott to catch up with Clay, who's in motion.


Is that a pick? Someone called it a "rub" route. I'm curious, because it sure looked like a great play to me. Clay said post-game that Utah has been practicing that one since fall camp. I doubt we'd put an illegal play in the play book for use at a crucial point in a game.

Everyone has combination routes like this that can cause interference. Could it have been called? A lawyer like yourself could probably argue the technical aspects of the rulebook, but the reality is that unless it is pretty blatant, it really doesn't get called much. The trick is you can't be obvious about trying to get you and/or your defender in the way of the other receiver's defender. If anything, you err on not forcing the issue and hope it happens. The fact that Patrick only bumps him for a step or two then turns to the outside to look for a pass makes me think that he did give the guy a nudge, but didn't really push him into the path. It appeared to be an artifact of the physical play of USC bumping receivers coming off of the line that happened to work in our favor.

Compare that to what #20 does (the receiver on the LOS) in this play for Notre Dame last week.


Frankly, looking at your link a bit more closely, there were a lot of other things we did before the snap of the ball that put USC in a bad position. I don't think anything that happened was by accident. Our coaching staff saw something and took advantage of it.

The USC roster says #24 is a pure freshman named John Plattenburg. He is on Klay in the slot. Keeping a TE on the field kept USC in their base 3-4 defense and kept Plattenburg on Klay.
Klay coming across the formation with USC in press position forced Plattenburg to have to run back around the LBs, meaning he had to run further, putting him at a disadvantage.
To me, it seemed like Plattenburg didn't understand what was about to happen and didn't come across the formation at full speed. When the ball is snapped, Klay is already outside the tackle, while Plattenburg is several steps behind. Possibly still over the center/guard. Inexperience suddenly rears.
I think Plattenburg took a bad angle because he didn't see what was going to happen with Patrick. He tried to go over the route instead of under it. Maybe he expected the other DB to hold his ground more, I'm not sure, but going over the route put him way out of position. Inexperience bites him again.

The bottom line is that with this play, you expect the motion to cause the defender to be a step or two behind the receiver, but Patrick's route is designed to have the most potential of causing additional incidental disruption.

BTW, I suspect the Utes coaching staff called this play to attack Plattenburg specifically. I bet they knew Plattenburg, as an inexperienced freshman, was USC's slot defender in base man coverage, and hoped his inexperience would trip him up here.

I give our offensive staff a ton of credit for pulling this play out at just the right time.

LA Ute
10-27-2014, 12:29 PM
Everyone has combination routes like this that can cause interference. Could it have been called? A lawyer like yourself could probably argue the technical aspects of the rulebook, but the reality is that unless it is pretty blatant, it really doesn't get called much. The trick is you can't be obvious about trying to get you and/or your defender in the way of the other receiver's defender. If anything, you err on not forcing the issue and hope it happens. The fact that Patrick only bumps him for a step or two then turns to the outside to look for a pass makes me think that he did give the guy a nudge, but didn't really push him into the path. It appeared to be an artifact of the physical play of USC bumping receivers coming off of the line that happened to work in our favor.

Compare that to what #20 does (the receiver on the LOS) in this play for Notre Dame last week.


Frankly, looking at your link a bit more closely, there were a lot of other things we did before the snap of the ball that put USC in a bad position. I don't think anything that happened was by accident. Our coaching staff saw something and took advantage of it.

The USC roster says #24 is a pure freshman named John Plattenburg. He is on Klay in the slot. Keeping a TE on the field kept USC in their base 3-4 defense and kept Plattenburg on Klay.
Klay coming across the formation with USC in press position forced Plattenburg to have to run back around the LBs, meaning he had to run further, putting him at a disadvantage.
To me, it seemed like Plattenburg didn't understand what was about to happen and didn't come across the formation at full speed. When the ball is snapped, Klay is already outside the tackle, while Plattenburg is several steps behind. Possibly still over the center/guard. Inexperience suddenly rears.
I think Plattenburg took a bad angle because he didn't see what was going to happen with Patrick. He tried to go over the route instead of under it. Maybe he expected the other DB to hold his ground more, I'm not sure, but going over the route put him way out of position. Inexperience bites him again.

The bottom line is that with this play, you expect the motion to cause the defender to be a step or two behind the receiver, but Patrick's route is designed to have the most potential of causing additional incidental disruption.

BTW, I suspect the Utes coaching staff called this play to attack Plattenburg specifically. I bet they knew Plattenburg, as an inexperienced freshman, was USC's slot defender in base man coverage, and hoped his inexperience would trip him up here.

I give our offensive staff a ton of credit for pulling this play out at just the right time.

Excellent analysis. I don't think Plattenburg would have gotten to Clay in time and in position to stop the pass even without Patrick in his way. (I do love watching that clip!)

10-27-2014, 12:30 PM
This was a fun game to watch. Seriously, how fun is it to see the Utes competitive in the PAC-12? How fun is it to watch the video clips of Whittingham this season when things are finally clicking? I am so happy for the Utah coaches right now!

10-27-2014, 12:30 PM
Didn't we have what would would have been a game tying or winning touchdown called back on an illegal pick penalty a couple years ago?