View Full Version : Taking my son to his first Football Game (He's 7) Any Suggestions?

Mormon Red Death
11-14-2014, 01:24 PM
Someone gave us good tickets to the Va Tech @ Duke game tomorrow. I've taken him to college basketball games and baseball games but they aren't as long at football games. Anything I should keep in mind?

Two Utes
11-14-2014, 01:32 PM
Someone gave us good tickets to the Va Tech @ Duke game tomorrow. I've taken him to college basketball games and baseball games but they aren't as long at football games. Anything I should keep in mind?


11-14-2014, 01:40 PM
Someone gave us good tickets to the Va Tech @ Duke game tomorrow. I've taken him to college basketball games and baseball games but they aren't as long at football games. Anything I should keep in mind?

I used to go to all the Duke games. I stormed the field in the mud after they broke a 20+ game losing streak against ECU. It was my first date with my wife. Then we stormed the field again after breaking a 2 season ACC losing streak against GT. The opposing fans usually outnumbered the Duke fans, and the student section only filled up in the 4th quarter if the game was close. I imagine things are very different now.

But your question: I've been to 2 football games with my 7 year old (soon to be 3 when the Utes come to Boulder). I bring plenty of snacks, and that helps (unshelled peanuts are great because they really keep him busy for a while). He is actually getting old enough to be interested in rules, so he asks lots of questions. Two years ago in Boulder, he just wanted the snacks, the cheering, and the spectacle. I always take him up to concessions to buy him something, even though it's so expensive. I did make sure to warn him about some fans yelling words that we don't say in our family, and it turned out that warning was valuable at the Utah/Stanford game last year. Unfortunately, I don't have any more tips than that. Three hours is a long time for these little guys.

While you're there, you might as well walk around campus too. See the Duke Chapel and the Duke gardens. Check out Cameron Indoor. Say hi to my old stomping grounds for me.

Mormon Red Death
11-14-2014, 01:44 PM
I used to go to all the Duke games. I stormed the field in the mud after they broke a 20+ game losing streak against ECU. It was my first date with my wife. Then we stormed the field again after breaking a 2 season ACC losing streak against GT. The opposing fans usually outnumbered the Duke fans, and the student section only filled up in the 4th quarter if the game was close. I imagine things are very different now.

But your question: I've been to 2 football games with my 7 year old (soon to be 3 when the Utes come to Boulder). I bring plenty of snacks, and that helps (unshelled peanuts are great because they really keep him busy for a while). He is actually getting old enough to be interested in rules, so he asks lots of questions. Two years ago in Boulder, he just wanted the snacks, the cheering, and the spectacle. I always take him up to concessions to buy him something, even though it's so expensive. I did make sure to warn him about some fans yelling words that we don't say in our family, and it turned out that warning was valuable at the Utah/Stanford game last year. Unfortunately, I don't have any more tips than that. Three hours is a long time for these little guys.

While you're there, you might as well walk around campus too. See the Duke Chapel and the Duke gardens. Check out Cameron Indoor. Say hi to my old stomping grounds for me.

I've been watching them on the ACC network all year and the stadium has been 65% full. Throw in the coldest day of the year tomorrow (50 degrees) and it will probably be only half full.

11-14-2014, 02:47 PM
Someone gave us good tickets to the Va Tech @ Duke game tomorrow. I've taken him to college basketball games and baseball games but they aren't as long at football games. Anything I should keep in mind?
Here’s what’s worked for me.

- Don’t feel like you need to stay for the whole game

- Hit the restroom before you get to your seat

- If you find an usher tell them it's your son's first game, maybe he'll get a free sticker or something (my daughter once got a $10 gift card at a Golden State Warriors game from an usher).

- Make sure he can see the field, nothing more frustrating than being small and staring at peoples backs

- Just hanging out with the old man should be rewarding enough, but depending on how interested he is in sports, reward him when he grasps different football concepts

11-14-2014, 03:29 PM
Someone gave us good tickets to the Va Tech @ Duke game tomorrow. I've taken him to college basketball games and baseball games but they aren't as long at football games. Anything I should keep in mind?

My oldest is three. At basketball games, he lives to hop out of his seat and dance around when the band plays, and that is pretty much it. So from the Dad's perspective, I cant really be helpful.

Being as how I am pretty young, I can offer some insight from the son's perspective.

I can truly say that some of my favorite memories are being with my dad at games. Just take him, answer all of his questions even if it interrupts your ability to view the game, tell him about some things you see, and overall just be there. Someday, he'll look back on it as one of the best days of his life.

11-14-2014, 06:35 PM
I have been taking my boys since they were 4 - 5 each. Snacks. Potty early. Don't get to the seats too early or they will get sick of it before the end of the first quarter. Make sure he isn't exhausted before you get there. Take an iPod shuffle or iPhone w games for him.

And all of the above.

Damage U
11-15-2014, 09:47 AM
Took my 8 year old to his 1st (actually 2nd. his first was the Oregon game when he was just a few months old) last year to the OSU game. I had to give him props. We drove down from Boise after work/school and checked into the hotel at about 10 pm. Up fairly early to go see family and old stomping grounds. A few hours at the planetarium then up the hill to give him a taste of tailgating and Ute walk. Quick tour of RES then went to concessions for a late dinner, snacks and restrooms. Got to our seats early to relax a bit and watch warm ups. My son did great and was into the game and atmosphere all the way up until I told him we were going into overtime. He looked at me with a blank stare, sat down and leaned up against the wall to watch the rest of the game. By the time we got out of RES and to my brothers house for the night, it was 2 am. That is a very long day for an 8 year old. Needless to say, he slept most of the way back to Boise. He still talks about it. Wish we could have done it this year. We'll see if we can make it down to see the Runnin' Utes this season.

Mormon Red Death
11-15-2014, 01:14 PM
Va tech up by 1 ran a fake punt 4 the and 18 4 minutes left. Beamer is an idiot
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Mormon Red Death
11-15-2014, 02:25 PM
My son did awesome. Didn't bug at all and was interested. Only problem is that he likes duke now.

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