View Full Version : kalani sitake is going to be a head coach somewhere next year

11-16-2014, 06:52 AM
so we might just want to get that sad fact through our thick skulls right now

11-16-2014, 07:33 AM
Maybe. If it happens, I'll be happy for him (as long as he doesn't go to Provo). I hope he doesn't take anyone with him. And if he starts stealing our recruits, I will root against him.

But I wonder if assistants will be less likely to jump to G5 jobs now that conference gaps have grown so much. I also think teams will be looking for offensive specialists more than defensive specialists.

11-16-2014, 07:48 AM
so we might just want to get that sad fact through our thick skulls right now

It will snow in Salt Lake this year.

11-16-2014, 09:21 AM
Sure and fire is still hot. It's just I think some folks might be getting worked up at Chris Hill about it.

11-16-2014, 09:22 AM
I like Kalani. But I hope he is smart enough to realize that the byu job is a dead end, can't-win position.

Unfortunately for him most G5 teams probably can't afford him as his current salary is already on par with most of the HCs in the MWC, for instance. Taking the HC spot would be a step up in responsibilities and control, and would be good for his career progression, but would essentially be a lateral move in salary.

11-16-2014, 09:27 AM
If Sitake wants to be a head coach, he'll definitely get that shot, almost certainly at a G5 school. It's a completely different job, and until you sit in that chair it's impossible to fully grasp just how different it is. Whitt had about as much football and coaching experience as you can have, and he was still adjusting to the HC job 2-3 years into it.

(I think KW fell into the perfect situation - a fan base gorged on 2 BCS wins, solid talent, then a massive promotion to the PAC. I think it's really unrealistic to make that same move if we were already in the PAC. Everything at this level is a lot more sophisticated, and there's no time to learn on the job.)

The only way Sitake would go to BYU is if Bronco decides to quit, and then if I'm Kalani, I would want Holmoe to steer them back into a conference before going out in front of the bright lights of a press conference. Right now BYU is in no-mans-land, and it would be very foolish to take on that job unless there is a serious realignment with reality.

11-16-2014, 09:59 AM
If Sitake wants to be a head coach, he'll definitely get that shot, almost certainly at a G5 school. It's a completely different job, and until you sit in that chair it's impossible to fully grasp just how different it is. Whitt had about as much football and coaching experience as you can have, and he was still adjusting to the HC job 2-3 years into it.

(I think KW fell into the perfect situation - a fan base gorged on 2 BCS wins, solid talent, then a massive promotion to the PAC. I think it's really unrealistic to make that same move if we were already in the PAC. Everything at this level is a lot more sophisticated, and there's no time to learn on the job.)

The only way Sitake would go to BYU is if Bronco decides to quit, and then if I'm Kalani, I would want Holmoe to steer them back into a conference before going out in front of the bright lights of a press conference. Right now BYU is in no-mans-land, and it would be very foolish to take on that job unless there is a serious realignment with reality.

What chance does a coach have to succeed at BYU now? Almost all your important games are on the road, early in the season. The rest of your games nobody pays attention. A recipe for failure, unless you intend to stay there forever becasue you have the right priorities.

LA Ute
11-16-2014, 12:24 PM
What chance does a coach have to succeed at BYU now? Almost all your important games are on the road, early in the season. The rest of your games nobody pays attention. A recipe for failure, unless you intend to stay there forever becasue you have the right priorities.

But I keep reading about upcoming home-and-homes with the likes of Michigan and Alabama. They already have Mizzou.

11-16-2014, 02:43 PM
Hawaii might be an option.....

11-16-2014, 05:08 PM
Hawaii might be an option.....

Hawaii is a train wreck. Nobody in their right mind would go there. Hawaii has no money, no support.

11-16-2014, 05:13 PM
Hawaii is a train wreck. Nobody in their right mind would go there. Hawaii has no money, no support.

is UNLV any better?

Diehard Ute
11-16-2014, 05:15 PM
is UNLV any better?

Yes. Hawaii is on the brink of losing athletics all together.

Hot Lunch
11-16-2014, 06:27 PM
Hawaii is a train wreck. Nobody in their right mind would go there. Hawaii has no money, no support.

Hawaii and Unlv are two places where careers go to die. I agree with you, Kalani won't take the Hawaii position. He will unfortunately for us, probably have better options than that.

11-16-2014, 08:12 PM
My most insincere apologies for bringimg it up.

11-17-2014, 08:02 AM
I think Sitake will definitely have options this year. I'm sure UNLV, Hawaii et. al will be after him. Personally, I think UNLV is a legitimate stepping stone job - you can recruit to Vegas and the MWC is a winnable league. If you go to a bowl two straight years with the Rebels you'll be sought after by the big(ger) boys. Hawaii is a dead-ender, I think.

The other real possibility with Sitake is that someone big takes a flier on him. A place like Michigan, Florida, etc. is not going to roll the dice with a coordinator at Utah, but Arizona might (if RichRod left).

11-17-2014, 08:28 AM
I think Sitake will definitely have options this year. I'm sure UNLV, Hawaii et. al will be after him. Personally, I think UNLV is a legitimate stepping stone job - you can recruit to Vegas and the MWC is a winnable league. If you go to a bowl two straight years with the Rebels you'll be sought after by the big(ger) boys. Hawaii is a dead-ender, I think.

The other real possibility with Sitake is that someone big takes a flier on him. A place like Michigan, Florida, etc. is not going to roll the dice with a coordinator at Utah, but Arizona might (if RichRod left).

I wonder if USU is a possibility? If Wells leaves, it has been a successful stepping stone for the last two coaches, Sitake almost got it last time, and it worked well the last time USU hired our DC.

11-17-2014, 08:39 AM
I wonder if USU is a possibility? If Wells leaves, it has been a successful stepping stone for the last two coaches, Sitake almost got it last time, and it worked well the last time USU hired our DC.

Yeah, that is absolutely a realistic spot - he can recruit Utah, he has a polynesian base on the team already, USU is in a pretty good position competition-wise, etc.

11-17-2014, 05:15 PM
With the Michigan and Florida jobs opening, there will be falling dominos. He will probably end up at a second tier P5 school.

11-17-2014, 05:29 PM
With the Michigan and Florida jobs opening, there will be falling dominos. He will probably end up at a second tier P5 school.
No!!!!! Say it ain't so!

I'm still hoping we somehow keep him.

11-17-2014, 06:51 PM
Doubt BYU opens up, but the reality is the pull of an LDS school on an LDS assistant is inexplicable. Whit barely survived it but he's the exception.

Why would a top recruit choose BYU over any P12 school? Nothing comes to mind except the environment. The same can be said of staff/professor positions.

I know a guy in his 40's who resigned from his position at a global organization on Friday to take a job with the church. I'm guessing a $200k plus paycut. Can't explain it. Makes no sense. But, for whatever reason, people do it. -- :moron::moron:

11-22-2014, 05:28 PM
We might be able to shut this thread down, and not just because our defense was just routed again by a read option.

I was thinking about assistants in the Pac-12, and Sitake might be #4 in the pecking order for head coach positions. Ahead of him: Frost at Oregon, Norvell at ASU, and Anderson at Stanford. Maybe Wilcox at USC.

I think USU losing Wells is the only way he goes anywhere.

12-04-2014, 10:32 AM
I'm gonna hijack this dead thread and turn it into a coaching carousel thread.

Rumor is that Mike Riley is leaving OSU to be the head coach at Nebraska. This seems crazy to me. He is well respected, but he hasn't won many games lately. I thought Nebraska would go for Scott Frost.

And Florida has hired McIlwain from CSU.

So the openings I'm aware of now are: Michigan, Oregon State, and CSU.

12-04-2014, 10:47 AM
Rumor is that Mike Riley is leaving OSU to be the head coach at Nebraska. This seems crazy to me. He is well respected, but he hasn't won many games lately. I thought Nebraska would go for Scott Frost.

Oregon might get lucky and keep their staff intact. Pete Thamel tweets the following names as candidates for the Beavers:

Matt Wells, Brian Polian, Scott Frost, Mike Norvell, Tom Herman, Mike Bloomgren, Justin Wilcox

I think we lose Sitake if Wells goes. I hope OSU picks one of the Pac-12 coordinators on this list just to mess with our opponents' staffs.

And yes, I'm home sick today. Hope you like reading this junk.

Diehard Ute
12-04-2014, 10:53 AM
I can't for the life of me figure out why Nebraska fired Pelini to hire Riley

12-04-2014, 10:56 AM
I can't for the life of me figure out why Nebraska fired Pelini to hire Riley

and the short turn around makes you think they had Riley in mind when they fired Pelini. You would think he is going to have to run a different offense at NEB than at OSU, but maybe not.

Diehard Ute
12-04-2014, 10:57 AM
and the short turn around makes you think they had Riley in mind when they fired Pelini. You would think he is going to have to run a different offense at NEB than at OSU, but maybe not.

Maybe....but I'm more inclined to think Nebraska doesn't have a plan.

Why fire a guy who goes 9-3 to hire Riley??

12-04-2014, 11:10 AM
Maybe....but I'm more inclined to think Nebraska doesn't have a plan.

Why fire a guy who goes 9-3 to hire Riley??

b/c everybody hated Pellini and Riley is a nice guy. I wonder why they would hire somebody in his 60's, who is going to be a caretaker coach.

I wonder if Bronco would be a candidate at OSU.

Diehard Ute
12-04-2014, 11:11 AM
b/c everybody hated Pellini and Riley is a nice guy. I wonder why they would hire somebody in his 60's, who is going to be a caretaker coach.

I wonder if Bronco would be a candidate at OSU.

The Zoo board thinks Bronco is, but they also think they're national championship material

12-04-2014, 11:14 AM
I wonder if Bronco would be a candidate at OSU.

I can't imagine why. Look at the list of names I posted. Would OSU take Bronco over any of those guys? Only if they want to keep this "underwhelming hire" trend going.

12-04-2014, 01:13 PM
I like Riley. I have no idea if he's a good fit at Nebraska (is anyone), but he's a hell of a coach. Oregon State is the real loser here, not Nebraska.

12-04-2014, 01:15 PM
One more thing. If I'm Kalani Sitake and I really want to be a head coach, Colorado State looks like a good spot. Pretty low expectations, easy conference (it's just Boise, Fresno, USU, and Air Force), pretty easy place to recruit, near Utah so his connections are still valuable, etc. I think he could be really successful there.

12-04-2014, 01:15 PM
This might sound crazy, but if Sitake is set to leave then maybe we should promote him to be head coach here.

Diehard Ute
12-04-2014, 01:16 PM
I like Riley. I have no idea if he's a good fit at Nebraska (is anyone), but he's a hell of a coach. Oregon State is the real loser here, not Nebraska.

Guess that depends on how Nebraska's money views the hire

From my seat it seems like a change just to make a change. It certainly isn't a attention grabbing hire. Head scratching works though.

Diehard Ute
12-04-2014, 01:17 PM
This might sound crazy, but if Sitake is set to leave then maybe we should promote him to be head coach here.

There's no might. You're crazy.

12-04-2014, 01:26 PM
Guess that depends on how Nebraska's money views the hire

From my seat it seems like a change just to make a change. It certainly isn't a attention grabbing hire. Head scratching works though.

It's definitely not a fire-up-the-base type hire, I agree. Casual fans are going to say "Oregon State? The team that is in the cellar of the Pac-12?" But I think most Pac-12 coaches would agree that no one does more with less. Now Kyle assumes that mantle.

12-04-2014, 01:28 PM
There's no might. You're crazy.
Well at least half the fan base was talking about firing Whitt before the season started. I agree that he's earned an extension, but he is getting old. Should we let our potential long term head coach of the future leave, just so we can keep the aging guy that a lot of people wanted fired a few months ago?

I know it sounds nuts at first, but I think it's something that warrants serious consideration.

Hopefully Sitake isn't about to leave so this isn't an issue.

Diehard Ute
12-04-2014, 01:29 PM
Well at least half the fan base was talking about firing Whitt before the season started. I agree that he's earned an extension, but he is getting old. Should we let our potential long term head coach of the future leave, just so we can keep the aging guy that a lot of people wanted fired a few months ago?

I know it sounds nuts at first, but I think it's something that warrants serious consideration.

Hopefully Sitake isn't about to leave so this isn't an issue.

He's 55. 6 years younger than the guy Nebraska just hired. Calling him old is laughable at best.

12-04-2014, 01:31 PM
I can't believe Riley is leaving Oregon State for Nebraska.

He's been at Oregon State for a long time and he's loved there. I doubt the money is much different for a Pac 12 and a Big 10 coach. And I know at least for me personally, I'd much rather live in Oregon than Nebraska.

Such a bizarre move.

12-04-2014, 01:33 PM
I agree that (Whitt) earned an extension. . .

I thought I read somewhere that there was a clause in Whittingham's contract that an 8 win season automatically gave him a one year extension, or something like that. Can anyone confirm?

12-04-2014, 01:37 PM
He's 55. 6 years younger than the guy Nebraska just hired. Calling him old is laughable at best.
I didn't call him old. I said he's getting old, which he is. He's no young, bright futured, up comer. Sitake is.

Riley is old. That was just a bizarre move.

If we lose Sitake, we lose one of our best recruiters. What do we lose if we make Sitake head coach and lose Whitt? Or even keep Whitt around in another role?

12-04-2014, 02:15 PM
I didn't call him old. I said he's getting old, which he is. He's no young, bright futured, up comer. Sitake is.

Riley is old. That was just a bizarre move.

If we lose Sitake, we lose one of our best recruiters. What do we lose if we make Sitake head coach and lose Whitt? Or even keep Whitt around in another role?

"Keep Whitt around in another role?" Like what, coach emeritus?

Sorry, you don't pass up the proven thing for the unproven thing. I love Sitake and really, really, really hope he sticks around. But you don't push Whitt our for him. That's crazy.

12-04-2014, 02:31 PM
"Keep Whitt around in another role?" Like what, coach emeritus?

Sorry, you don't pass up the proven thing for the unproven thing. I love Sitake and really, really, really hope he sticks around. But you don't push Whitt our for him. That's crazy.

Sitake should prove himself as an HC and get experience at USU or CSU and then succeed KW if proven.

LA Ute
12-04-2014, 02:39 PM
Sitake should prove himself as an HC and get experience at USU or CSU and then succeed KW if proven.

Agreed. I don't think the Utah HC job is an entry level position anymore.

12-04-2014, 02:50 PM
Sitake should prove himself as an HC and get experience at USU or CSU and then succeed KW if proven.


12-04-2014, 02:51 PM
Now Kyle assumes that mantle.

How do we compare to Wazzu?

I don't know much about them.

12-04-2014, 03:10 PM
Sitake should prove himself as an HC and get experience at USU or CSU and then succeed KW if proven.
This might not be an option. Oregon State is rumored to be interested.

12-04-2014, 03:23 PM
Sitake isn't even on the radar for the CSU job according to the local (Colorado) media.

Top 10 CSU candidates:

12-04-2014, 03:37 PM
Nor is he mentioned here:


Sitake isn't even on the radar for the CSU job according to the local (Colorado) media.

Top 10 CSU candidates:

12-04-2014, 03:38 PM
Sitake isn't even on the radar for the CSU job according to the local (Colorado) media.

Top 10 CSU candidates:

My worry is that either Oregon State, Utah State, BYU, or maybe Hawaii try to steal him away from his destiny as Utah's future head coach.

12-05-2014, 07:17 AM

My worry is that either Oregon State, Utah State, BYU, or maybe Hawaii try to steal him away from his destiny as Utah's future head coach.

LOL. If Kalani takes the Hawaii job, he doesn't have the decision-making ability to be a successful head coach.

12-05-2014, 07:32 AM
Just saw that Kalani is getting mentioned for the Washington State job. The Washington State Defensive Coordinator job. LOL at Wazzu paper calling Gordon Monson's opinions "widely believed":

Kalani Sitake: It is widely believed that Utah’s defensive coordinator was unhappy this season that athletic director Chris Hill broke a pattern of extending core assistants heading into the final year of their contracts and that Sitake is amenable to heading to a program that offers more loyalty and job security. Roussel indicated that Sitake — a Ute assistant since 2005 — might balk at the idea of coaching for a conference rival, but this could still be one to keep an eye on. Sitake currently makes $500,000 a year so the Cougars would have to substantially increase their budget for assistant coaches to make a compelling offer.

12-05-2014, 08:02 AM
Just saw that Kalani is getting mentioned for the Washington State job. The Washington State Defensive Coordinator job. LOL at Wazzu paper calling Gordon Monson's opinions "widely believed":

What should be widely understood is that Kalani's wife is not moving to Pullman.

12-05-2014, 08:04 AM
What should be widely understood is that Kalani's wife is not moving to Pullman.

What should be even more widely understood is that (1) no one would leave the Utah D-coordinator spot for the same, lower paid position at Washington State and (2) Gordon Monson makes stuff up.

12-05-2014, 08:31 AM
LOL. If Kalani takes the Hawaii job, he doesn't have the decision-making ability to be a successful head coach.

If only we'd known that about Chow before we hired him.

12-05-2014, 09:03 AM
If only we'd known that about Chow before we hired him.

I love Chow. But not as my head coach.

I've heard vague rumors of Oregon State possibly looking at Dennis Erickson. That would be a weird hire. It would also really hurt us.

12-05-2014, 02:59 PM

My worry is that either Oregon State, Utah State, BYU, or maybe Hawaii try to steal him away from his destiny as Utah's future head coach.

If/when the day comes to make him an HC offer, we know where he'll be. If he were at any three of those schools, I'd like our chance at nabbing him. And I don't even know if he'd be our first choice anyway. Let the chips fall. The next time we need an HC (which I hope isn't for another five years, or so, we'll probably have some good options.

12-05-2014, 03:11 PM
Isn't DE pushing 70? I doubt he wants the headache of being an HC again.

Matt Wells is an intriguing option, and the job might be within his abilities.

12-13-2014, 10:53 AM
It turned out pretty sweet for Or St getting Gary Anderson. I figure he just likes life out west better. I sure do, but I'm stuck in the south. :(

12-13-2014, 11:10 AM
There is no way Sitake will be promoted from DC to HC without being passed over once, like Kyle was after McBride was fired.

If we're looking for a coach within the next 18 months, our first call should be to Matt Wells. If Wisconsin could take a USU coach, so can Utah.

12-13-2014, 11:19 AM
I have nothing against Wells, but he and Andersen's circumstances aren't apples to apples. Gary built a winner from a 30-year loser. Wells inherited a good team and hasn't taken them to the same heights that Gary did. Andersen should be our first call. And I'm not convinced Wells is even our second call. If we ended up with him I'd b okay with it.

12-13-2014, 12:35 PM
I have nothing against Wells, but he and Andersen's circumstances aren't apples to apples. Gary built a winner from a 30-year loser. Wells inherited a good team and hasn't taken them to the same heights that Gary did. Andersen should be our first call. And I'm not convinced Wells is even our second call. If we ended up with him I'd b okay with it.

Agreed. I don't think I'm being a homer when I say the Utah job is superior to the Oregon State job. If Kyle bolts for Michigan/Pittsburgh/Colorado State/College of the Canyons my call list would like this:

1. Gary Anderson
2. Kalani
3. Matt Wells
4. Urban Meyer

12-13-2014, 12:42 PM
I watched Scott Frost's speech re the Broyles award and thought he is very dynamic. Sort of like Urban, but younger. He could install an offense and lead players. He might be worth the risk of hiring a coordinator.

12-13-2014, 12:53 PM
I watched Scott Frost's speech re the Broyles award and thought he is very dynamic. Sort of like Urban, but younger. He could install an offense and lead players. He might be worth the risk of hiring a coordinator.

Scott Frost is very high on the list. Possibly ahead of Kalani.

12-13-2014, 06:46 PM
I have nothing against Wells, but he and Andersen's circumstances aren't apples to apples. Gary built a winner from a 30-year loser. Wells inherited a good team and hasn't taken them to the same heights that Gary did. Andersen should be our first call. And I'm not convinced Wells is even our second call. If we ended up with him I'd b okay with it.

Wells is a former QB who dealt with injury issues Gary never had to deal with. Lets see if Utah State goes 11-2 in Gary's final year without Chuckie Keeton.

12-13-2014, 08:26 PM
Wells is a former QB who dealt with injury issues Gary never had to deal with. Lets see if Utah State goes 11-2 in Gary's final year without Chuckie Keeton.

Plus, Gary built a winner in the WAC while the WAC was on its deathbed. Aside from a Utah and a BYU upset, did he have any big wins at USU? Wells is in a far tougher MWC. Not sure what USU's big wins under Wells are either, though.

This "who would replace Whitt" game is kinda fun - there are a lot of intriguing job candidates out there this year - but I'm glad we don't have to play for real.

12-13-2014, 10:45 PM
Does anybody really believe Whit will go to Michigan? I don't. Not one whit.

12-13-2014, 11:08 PM
Does anybody really believe Whit will go to Michigan? I don't. Not one whit.

I don't really think Michigan is that interested in Whit. He might be on the list, but they will need to swing an miss a number of times before he gets up to bat.

12-13-2014, 11:24 PM
Agreed. I don't think I'm being a homer when I say the Utah job is superior to the Oregon State job. If Kyle bolts for Michigan/Pittsburgh/Colorado State/College of the Canyons my call list would like this:

1. Gary Anderson
2. Kalani
3. Matt Wells
4. Urban Meyer

Justin Fuente - Memphis. Anyone that can win 9 games at Memphis is on my short list.

12-14-2014, 01:04 AM
Justin Fuente - Memphis. Anyone that can win 9 games at Memphis is on my short list.

Was QBs coach at TCU in the MWC days. Knows his stuff. He'll be at a P5 school soon enough. Maybe TCU views him as the successor to GP if he ever decides to leave.

#1 Utefan
12-14-2014, 08:29 AM
Justin Fuente - Memphis. Anyone that can win 9 games at Memphis is on my short list.

I don't think Whit is going anywhere so this entire discussion is probably mute. I do think Gary jumped the gun and should have held out for something better then OSU and Corvallis. That is a bottom 3 PAC-12 job

If Whit did leave, my guess is Utah would now have to pay OSU a boatload of cash to buyout Anderdon's recently inked contract. GA must have been absolutely miserable at Wisconsin to make that move and jump on the 1st PAC-12 job that popped up.

LA Ute
12-14-2014, 08:38 AM
If Whit did leave, my guess is Utah would now have to pay OSU a boatload of cash to buyout Anderdon's recently inked contract. GA must have been absolutely miserable at Wisconsin to make that move and jump on the 1st PAC-12 job that popped up.

I heard that Barry Alvarez insisted that Gary run the same offense that Alvarez ran when he coached at Wisconsin. That would drive most coaches away, it seems to me.

12-17-2014, 08:32 AM
So the latest news from sports radio is.... the DC at Wisconsin in not moving to Oregon State, so Gary Anderson is doing everything he can to get Kalani to be the DC at Oregon State. I doubt he goes but it may help him negotiate a little higher raise here at Utah.

Diehard Ute
12-17-2014, 08:34 AM
So the latest news from sports radio is.... the DC at Wisconsin in not moving to Oregon State, so Gary Anderson is doing everything he can to get Kalani to be the DC at Oregon State. I doubt he goes but it may help him negotiate a little higher raise here at Utah.

From all I've heard Sitake already signed a new deal

The rumor about Gary trying to hire him is from Kevin Graham on Twitter. Not someone I put a lot of stock in.

12-17-2014, 09:33 AM
I doubt whether OSU is willing to match or beat Kalani's $600k+ salary at Utah. Isn't that pretty high for a coordinator?

Either way, I heard he already signed at Utah.

12-17-2014, 09:38 AM
I would be absolutely shocked if Kalani left Utah for the same position in Corvallis.

12-17-2014, 09:54 AM
I would be absolutely shocked if Kalani left Utah for the same position in Corvallis.

Anyone who chooses to coach at Corvallis deserves the losses that are coming. It would be career suicide for Sitake. He's starting to build a name for himself here. He's reached the point of being considered a candidate for HC jobs. Back-to-back 4-8 seasons in Corvallis would end that quickly.

12-23-2014, 05:10 PM
Anyone who chooses to coach at Corvallis deserves the losses that are coming. It would be career suicide for Sitake. He's starting to build a name for himself here. He's reached the point of being considered a candidate for HC jobs. Back-to-back 4-8 seasons in Corvallis would end that quickly.

Wow. Can't believe it's happening. Unless this is all just a ploy to renegotiate, I have to seriously question his intelligence. He was 1-2 years away from a HC job, and he's risking it all on a low probability rebuild.I hope OSU finishes 0-9 in conference play for the next 5 years.

12-23-2014, 06:16 PM
Wow. Can't believe it's happening. Unless this is all just a ploy to renegotiate, I have to seriously question his intelligence. He was 1-2 years away from a HC job, and he's risking it all on a low probability rebuild.I hope OSU finishes 0-9 in conference play for the next 5 years.

I agree with this completely.

#1 Utefan
12-23-2014, 06:23 PM
Wow. Can't believe it's happening. Unless this is all just a ploy to renegotiate, I have to seriously question his intelligence. He was 1-2 years away from a HC job, and he's risking it all on a low probability rebuild.I hope OSU finishes 0-9 in conference play for the next 5 years.

Kalani is making a major career blunder if his plan is to become a HC. He has a great defense returning here and people are talking about Utah's D nationally and buys into GA's BS and follows him to lowly Corvallis to rebuild?!!

This move just defies all common sense and logic. Kalani must be an emotional guy that felt somehow unwanted because this reaks of a bad and emotional career decision that he will likely look b ack and regret some day soon.

12-23-2014, 07:33 PM
Well, he has almost built an all-ute, all-poly, all-lds coaching staff. He has basically declared his intention to attempt to build a program out of Utah recruits plus whatever else he can convince to come to Corvallis.

12-23-2014, 09:26 PM
Wow. Can't believe it's happening. Unless this is all just a ploy to renegotiate, I have to seriously question his intelligence. He was 1-2 years away from a HC job, and he's risking it all on a low probability rebuild.I hope OSU finishes 0-9 in conference play for the next 5 years.

Bronco is gone in one year, two years tops. Applying for the Wisconsin job sets that certainty in stone. Sitake can't go back to his alma mater from Utah, but he can go there from Oregon State. He's LDS, he's Polynesian and he's an alum. It's the Triple Crown for the football program at BYU. He'd have to commit a felony to not be BYU's first call after Bronco leaves or is fired.

12-23-2014, 09:35 PM
Bronco is gone in one year, two years tops. Applying for the Wisconsin job sets that certainty in stone. Sitake can't go back to his alma mater from Utah, but he can go there from Oregon State. He's LDS, he's Polynesian and he's an alum. It's the Triple Crown for the football program at BYU. He'd have to commit a felony to not be BYU's first call after Bronco leaves or is fired.

I have to think he has eyes on a bigger prize than BYU. although maybe its a good spot to get your feet wet.

12-23-2014, 09:57 PM
I have to think he has eyes on a bigger prize than BYU. although maybe its a good spot to get your feet wet.

None of us here are really qualified to speak on what Sitake thinks of BYU. It's his alma mater and no doubt he has a lot of friends in Provo. The odds are stacked in his favor that he'll be a HC for 10 years at BYU before he'll be a HC anywhere else for 5.

12-23-2014, 10:15 PM
The odds are stacked in his favor that he'll be a HC for 10 years at BYU before he'll be a HC anywhere else for 5.

True. Any one of us could coach BYU to a bowl game every year with their schedule, and that is enough to keep the job.

#1 Utefan
12-24-2014, 05:53 AM
True. Any one of us could coach BYU to a bowl game every year with their schedule, and that is enough to keep the job.

This move by Sitake defies any reasonable explanation. I think the Kalani to BYU theory when Bronco leaves within the next 1-2 years may in large part explain what otherwise is a major career blunder by going to OSU.

Some of us forget in looking down in the mouth at BYU that Sitake is a BYU alum with family and other ties that still run deep there. I have no doubt he perceives it differently than many of us red goggled Ute fans do and would likely jump on the job were it to become available.

With all that said, there are a lot of rumblings that Chris Hill has lost face with a lot of coaches on the staff with how he has handled new contracts, etc. Some are saying on other sites there is more to come. If this turns out to be true, I for one am very disappointed in our administration. Is it time for Hill to get out of the way and retire? Isn't he almost 65 anyway?

12-24-2014, 07:29 AM
I for one am very disappointed in our administration. Is it time for Hill to get out of the way and retire? Isn't he almost 65 anyway?

If true, I am more disappointed in the coaches than in Hill. I know coaches are a proud bunch, but to take a step down over a bruised ego? To leave the kids you recruit and supposedly care about just to spite an AD who didn't offer an extension at the right time? That is disappointing. That is not "1-2-3, family." That is "1-2-3, I'm a 3 year old."

I hope there is a better explanation that wanting revenge on Chris Hill. The players I've seen on Twitter are pretty down about his leaving. It would have made sense to them if he had left for a better job, but for him to leave for OSU just confuses everyone.

12-24-2014, 08:20 AM
I see a lot of people calling for Chris Hill's head over Sitake leaving. Would those same people have been calling for Chris Hill's head if he had offered contact extensions to a coaching staff last spring coming off of back-to-back 5-7 seasons? The way this was handled is how any competent manager running a business would handle it. Reward comes after success.

Honestly, I don't understand some fans. Maybe I am myopic, but how can people seriously ask for Chris Hill to be fired or forced into retirement when both the football and basketball team are ranked, after both are coming from down years in the recent past? Losing some assistant coaches is expected after a successful season.

12-24-2014, 08:32 AM
I see a lot of people calling for Chris Hill's head over Sitake leaving. Would those same people have been calling for Chris Hill's head if he had offered contact extensions to a coaching staff last spring coming off of back-to-back 5-7 seasons? The way this was handled is how any competent manager running a business would handle it. Reward comes after success.

Yes, which is why it's all so weird. By all accounts, Hill offered the extensions this year. I want to think that this is not about hurt feelings, but if it is, it's hard not to think less of Sitake.

I have two co-workers who both got bigger raises than me last year. We do the same job, and we all do a good job. My first reaction when I found out was anger. It lasted for a few days, and then I remembered how great my job is and how dumb it would be to look elsewhere over a few percentage points. I don't know how I could hold onto the bitterness for an entire year.

12-24-2014, 08:46 AM
Losing some assistant coaches is expected after a successful season.

The issue is that these assistants are not leaving for a better program or better position. It is a lateral move at best to an in conference rival. That hurts. We compete with OSU for a lot of the same type of recruits. I realize that Sitaki and Tuiaki (sp?) are both Gary Anderson guys, but it still hurts to lose them in this way. I don't have a big issue with how Chris Hill handled things, but it does make me wonder if there are truths to the rumors that there are major personality issues within the coaching staff. Either way, "In Kyle I Trust"

12-24-2014, 08:49 AM
Either way, "In Kyle I Trust"

He just circled the OSU game on his calendar. That is now a pretty big game.

12-24-2014, 08:51 AM
Yes, which is why it's all so weird. By all accounts, Hill offered the extensions this year. I want to think that this is not about hurt feelings, but if it is, it's hard not to think less of Sitake.

I have two co-workers who both got bigger raises than me last year. We do the same job, and we all do a good job. My first reaction when I found out was anger. It lasted for a few days, and then I remembered how great my job is and how dumb it would be to look elsewhere over a few percentage points. I don't know how I could hold onto the bitterness for an entire year.
Very well said.

I'll take it one step further and say if the coaching staff is butt hurt and can't get along with Hill, it's time for a new coaching staff.

Hill took this program from WAC nobody to Pac 12 contender. I would not even consider getting rid of Hill.

The coaching staff can be replaced a lot easier than Hill. Not that it's easy to get a good coaching staff in place, just that if I had to choose I think Hill is the one with the better track record.

12-24-2014, 11:40 PM
The coaching staff can be replaced a lot easier than Hill.

Anyone who truly believes this has a very flawed idea of how collegiate athletics works. In the broadest view, Kyle is a specialist, but Hill's job is far more complex. Furthermore, I'm tired of the deification of Hill. When has Kyle presided over anything within the football program on the level of Swimgate?

Hill has never made a tackle or scored a touchdown. It's that kind of mindset that drives coaches away -- when others insist they're dispensable.

12-25-2014, 10:30 AM
Anyone who truly believes this has a very flawed idea of how collegiate athletics works. In the broadest view, Kyle is a specialist, but Hill's job is far more complex. Furthermore, I'm tired of the deification of Hill. When has Kyle presided over anything within the football program on the level of Swimgate?

Hill has never made a tackle or scored a touchdown. It's that kind of mindset that drives coaches away -- when others insist they're dispensable.
Kyle wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Hill. Hill is the one who deserves credit for building the program.

The program is strong now, was pretty strong under our last coach, and was decent under the coach before that. The common denominator is Hill.

I have confidence that if Kyle left, Hill would bring in someone who could keep winning. If Hill left, I have no idea if his replacement would be competent. The people who hired Hill are gone, so who knows if the current administration is capable of bringing in an adequate replacement.

12-27-2014, 09:30 AM
Kyle wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Hill. Hill is the one who deserves credit for building the program.

The program is strong now, was pretty strong under our last coach, and was decent under the coach before that. The common denominator is Hill.

I have confidence that if Kyle left, Hill would bring in someone who could keep winning. If Hill left, I have no idea if his replacement would be competent. The people who hired Hill are gone, so who knows if the current administration is capable of bringing in an adequate replacement.

Hill was also the common denominator in the Giac/Boylen years. We've been fortunate to have 3 pretty good football coaches. Almost nobody gets 4 in a row. The coaching gods won't allow it. Lets just keep Whit and power through the Coordinator challenges.

12-27-2014, 09:40 AM
Hill was also the common denominator in the Giac/Boylen years. We've been fortunate to have 3 pretty good football coaches. Almost nobody gets 4 in a row. The coaching gods won't allow it. Lets just keep Whit and power through the Coordinator challenges.
And the common denominator in the Majerus/Krystkowiak years. The guy brings in winners.

Giac wasn't great, but didn't he get us to the elite 8?

I have full faith and trust that Hill can and will get the job done. Even if he brings in a loser like Boylen, he'll fire him and replace him with a winner like Krystkowiak.

12-27-2014, 10:17 AM
Hill is the one who deserves credit for building the program.

I can't believe the myth of Christ Hill persists. Hill is a paper pusher and a glad handing fund raiser. He is lucky enough to have hired the coaches who built the program. To realize this hiring of great coaches was largely a crap shoot you need look no further than the disastrous followed by the catastrophic basketball hires after Majerus. Recognizing that it was a dice throw I didn't want him fired for those blunders, as some did. Hill doesn't wear himself out day in and day out at practice and recruiting, stay up to the wee hours defeloping and refining a game plan, or sweat bullets on the sideline while making instantaneous decisions with consequences that will be discussed through the ages. One of the things that taxes my respect for Hill is that apparently he perpetuates this myth of Christ Hill. It's gotten so that it's actually counterproductive.

Undeniably, he's done some good things; but unlike what Majerus, Meyer and Whit have done it's clear many others could have done these things as well. And he couldn't have done squat without what the great coaches did.

12-27-2014, 10:21 AM
And the common denominator in the Majerus/Krystkowiak years. The guy brings in winners.

Giac wasn't great, but didn't he get us to the elite 8?

I have full faith and trust that Hill can and will get the job done. Even if he brings in a loser like Boylen, he'll fire him and replace him with a winner like Krystkowiak.

Stop it. You're going to make me barf.

LA Ute
12-27-2014, 10:44 AM
I can't believe the myth of Christ Hill persists. Hill is a paper pusher and a glad handing fund raiser. He is lucky enough to have hired the coaches who built the program. To realize this hiring of great coaches was largely a crap shoot you need look no further than the disastrous followed by the catastrophic basketball hires after Majerus. Recognizing that it was a dice throw I didn't want him fired for those blunders, as some did. Hill doesn't wear himself out day in and day out at practice and recruiting, stay up to the wee hours defeloping and refining a game plan, or sweat bullets on the sideline while making instantaneous decisions with consequences that will be discussed through the ages. One of the things that taxes my respect for Hill is that apparently he perpetuates this myth of Christ Hill. It's gotten so that it's actually counterproductive.

Undeniably, he's done some good things; but unlike what Majerus, Meyer and Whit have done it's clear many others could have done these things as well. And he couldn't have done squat without what the great coaches did.

Come on, Seattle.

12-27-2014, 10:50 AM
Come on, Seattle.

The most overrated jobs on the planet, in order: Athletic Director, Defensive Coordinator, Offensive Coordinator.

12-27-2014, 11:03 AM
here deleted

12-27-2014, 12:39 PM
I can't believe the myth of Christ Hill persists. Hill is a paper pusher and a glad handing fund raiser. He is lucky enough to have hired the coaches who built the program. To realize this hiring of great coaches was largely a crap shoot you need look no further than the disastrous followed by the catastrophic basketball hires after Majerus. Recognizing that it was a dice throw I didn't want him fired for those blunders, as some did. Hill doesn't wear himself out day in and day out at practice and recruiting, stay up to the wee hours defeloping and refining a game plan, or sweat bullets on the sideline while making instantaneous decisions with consequences that will be discussed through the ages. One of the things that taxes my respect for Hill is that apparently he perpetuates this myth of Christ Hill. It's gotten so that it's actually counterproductive.

Undeniably, he's done some good things; but unlike what Majerus, Meyer and Whit have done it's clear many others could have done these things as well. And he couldn't have done squat without what the great coaches did.
Could many others have done the job that Chris Hill did? Well to answer that, we have to first understand what Chris Hill has done.

He took Utah from a WAC nobody to a Pac 12 contender.

I'm sure there are lots of examples of other ADs doing this too, since it's no big deal. Wait, he's the only one that ever did it? You can say TCU also did it, but they were never a "nobody" and they were in the SWC with most of those teams before the Big 12 was formed, so that is not the same as what Hill accomplished. And, Hill did it first.

So let's compare that to the coaches. Since they're so hard to replace I'm sure nobody has ever accomplished what Whittingham has done. Oh wait, his predecessor Urban Meyer actually did it better.

Yes, Hill hired a couple of duds along the way. That was before we were in the Pac 12 and could not attract the candidates that we can attract now. I believe he tried to hire Krystkowiak before but K chose other options. In any case, it gives me confidence that Hill will recognize a mistake and cut his losses. We can be sure that if the next coach doesn't work out, he won't be here long.

There are plenty of ADs that don't care as much as Hill. There are plenty of others who do care, but they aren't competent enough to hire a winner. We're very fortunate to have Hill.

This is not to say a good coach is not important. It's just meant to say if I have to choose between a good but not great coach (Whittingham) and a great AD (Hill) then I'll take the AD and let him find another good coach and possibly even another great coach since he's hired a few great ones in the past.

12-27-2014, 01:36 PM
Can we all please give the proper respect and refer to Utah's AD as Dr. Hill?!

12-27-2014, 02:07 PM
Could many others have done the job that Chris Hill did? Well to answer that, we have to first understand what Chris Hill has done.

He took Utah from a WAC nobody to a Pac 12 contender.

I'm sure there are lots of examples of other ADs doing this too, since it's no big deal. Wait, he's the only one that ever did it? You can say TCU also did it, but they were never a "nobody" and they were in the SWC with most of those teams before the Big 12 was formed, so that is not the same as what Hill accomplished. And, Hill did it first.

So let's compare that to the coaches. Since they're so hard to replace I'm sure nobody has ever accomplished what Whittingham has done. Oh wait, his predecessor Urban Meyer actually did it better.

Yes, Hill hired a couple of duds along the way. That was before we were in the Pac 12 and could not attract the candidates that we can attract now. I believe he tried to hire Krystkowiak before but K chose other options. In any case, it gives me confidence that Hill will recognize a mistake and cut his losses. We can be sure that if the next coach doesn't work out, he won't be here long.

There are plenty of ADs that don't care as much as Hill. There are plenty of others who do care, but they aren't competent enough to hire a winner. We're very fortunate to have Hill.

This is not to say a good coach is not important. It's just meant to say if I have to choose between a good but not great coach (Whittingham) and a great AD (Hill) then I'll take the AD and let him find another good coach and possibly even another great coach since he's hired a few great ones in the past.

have you ever heard the term circular reasoning? Here is an example. I lived in Seattle when the Hawks won the Super Bowl. Ergo, it was because of me. Nobody will ever call this the Chris Hill epoch. Only the Kyle Whittingham epoch. Also, your view is passe even among Ute fans.

LA Ute
12-27-2014, 02:16 PM
have you ever heard the term circular reasoning? Here is an example. I lived in Seattle when the Hawks won the Super Bowl. Ergo, it was because of me. Nobody will ever call this the Chris Hill epoch. Only the Kyle Whittingham epoch. Also, your view is passe even among Ute fans.

Whether or not utefan is overstating the case, your repeated sweeping dismissals of Dr. Hill are becoming comical. Then again, maybe that is what you intend. It is often hard to be sure.

12-27-2014, 02:55 PM
have you ever heard the term circular reasoning? Here is an example. I lived in Seattle when the Hawks won the Super Bowl. Ergo, it was because of me. Nobody will ever call this the Chris Hill epoch. Only the Kyle Whittingham epoch. Also, your view is passe even among Ute fans.
If you were the one who got the Seahawks into the NFL from the CFL, hired the coach, and had a history of hiring good coaches both for the Seahawks and for the Supersonics, then people would absolutely give you credit for building that team.

Al Davis, Snyder in DC, Jerry Jones in Dallas, are all guys who are given lots of credit for the often poor performances of their teams.

Greg Popovich, John Elway, Larry Bird are a few GMs thought to be very good at building teams.

The GM is to pro sports as the AD is to college sports.

12-27-2014, 03:12 PM
I don't think it's right to be dismissive of anything Chris Hill has done just like it's not right to be dismissive of anything that Kyle Whittingham has done for the Athletics Department at the University of Utah. That applies to both the public perception and the actual success on the field/courts of competition.

Both hill and Kyle are successful in what they have done. That's what makes this so bizarre is that they clearly have a strained relationship despite both succeeding together in accomplishing a common goal. Winning.

I'm sure there are boosters etc. who want Kyle gone and are not patient enough with his style of football. That's fine. But if that's the case then come out and say it. Don't do this behind-the-scenes bullshit of trying to force him out through not negotiating assistant coach salaries, etc. That's the part that stings me is that it seems like he completely chickenshit and disloyal way of running the Athletics department.

USS Utah
12-27-2014, 04:25 PM
Is is possible to believe that Hill has done some good things without necessarily believing he is some kind of deity? Does it help to acknowledge that he has also made some mistakes?

12-27-2014, 04:52 PM
Is is possible to believe that Hill has done some good things without necessarily believing he is some kind of deity? Does it help to acknowledge that he has also made some mistakes?

Definitely possible, and reasonable. Making him deity is stupid. Making him an evildoer is also.

12-27-2014, 05:17 PM
Definitely possible, and reasonable. Making him deity is stupid. Making him an evildoer is also.
I don't think anyone has made him a deity. I said he's a great AD and I'd choose a great AD over a good but not great coach.

Has somebody else said something to make him a deity or am I the one supposedly worshiping?

Although now that you mention it, taking Utah from perennial WAC loser to Pac 12 contender would have probably been seen as a miracle in the 80s.

12-27-2014, 05:19 PM
I don't think anyone has made him a deity. I said he's a great AD and I'd choose a great AD over a good but not great coach.

Has somebody else said something to make him a deity or am I the one supposedly worshiping?

Although now that you mention it, taking Utah from perennial WAC loser to Pac 12 contender would have probably been seen as a miracle in the 80s.

I don't think anyone was saying you make him a deity. The point was he isn't but he's also not a devil. This whole situation has people vilifying him as a corrupt Mr. Potterish AD and he's not that any more than he is a Ute athletics God.

12-27-2014, 07:53 PM
This notion that Hill got Utah into the Pac 12 is just irrational. Was it his good looks, did he make a fantastic sales pitch, or get an original idea that it would be great if Utah got into the Pac 12? What got Utah into the Pac 12 was a solid record of growth and achievement by the university including the university's athletes and coaches and the stewards of its academic programs and by the Salt Lake community. I doubt it was even Hill who answered the phone call from the Pac 12 but if he did it would have been impossible for him to fuck it up. Jesus H. Christ. It seems that Hill's biggest talent is self-promotion. Does anyone here even know the name of the Florida AD who hired Urban Meyer and Billy Donovan?

12-27-2014, 08:00 PM
If you were the one who got the Seahawks into the NFL from the CFL, hired the coach, and had a history of hiring good coaches both for the Seahawks and for the Supersonics, then people would absolutely give you credit for building that team.

Al Davis, Snyder in DC, Jerry Jones in Dallas, are all guys who are given lots of credit for the often poor performances of their teams.

Greg Popovich, John Elway, Larry Bird are a few GMs thought to be very good at building teams.

The GM is to pro sports as the AD is to college sports.

The GM in pro sports is nothing like the AD you Moran. ADs have nothing to do with player personnel decisions or anything at all with football operations. Chris Hill is like owners such as Al Davis and Jerry Jones. Lol.

Rocker Ute
12-27-2014, 08:05 PM
I don't think anyone has made him a deity. I said he's a great AD and I'd choose a great AD over a good but not great coach.

Has somebody else said something to make him a deity or am I the one supposedly worshiping?

Although now that you mention it, taking Utah from perennial WAC loser to Pac 12 contender would have probably been seen as a miracle in the 80s.

(Rocker Ute subtly slips pamphlets back into coat pocket)

12-27-2014, 08:22 PM
This notion that Hill got Utah into the Pac 12 is just irrational. Was it his good looks, did he make a fantastic sales pitch, or get an original idea that it would be great if Utah got into the Pac 12? What got Utah into the Pac 12 was a solid record of growth and achievement by the university including the university's athletes and coaches and the stewards of its academic programs and by the Salt Lake community. I doubt it was even Hill who answered the phone call from the Pac 12 but if he did it would have been impossible for him to fuck it up. Jesus H. Christ. It seems that Hill's biggest talent is self-promotion. Does anyone here even know the name of the Florida AD who hired Urban Meyer and Billy Donovan?

Hill didn't sit and wait for the call from the PAC-10, he was the one doing the dialing long before the actual invite came. And don't think that he didn't do everything he could to sell the idea. He did have a great product to sell, a product he had spent the previous 25 years building.

Hill is the one that did the work necessary to keep Kyle a Ute instead of going to BYU in 2004. Hill decided it was time to move on from McBride and brought in Urban. Hill hired Majerus. Without those decisions by Hill, we could very well be as attractive to the PAC-10 as UNLV or New Mexico.

It may be true that we get the PAC-12 invite in 2010 even if Moose's Whistle was AD at the time, but you can't say that everything Hill had done up to that point didn't have a huge impact to get us to that point.

12-27-2014, 08:33 PM
This notion that Hill got Utah into the Pac 12 is just irrational. Was it his good looks, did he make a fantastic sales pitch, or get an original idea that it would be great if Utah got into the Pac 12? What got Utah into the Pac 12 was a solid record of growth and achievement by the university including the university's athletes and coaches and the stewards of its academic programs and by the Salt Lake community. I doubt it was even Hill who answered the phone call from the Pac 12 but if he did it would have been impossible for him to fuck it up. Jesus H. Christ. It seems that Hill's biggest talent is self-promotion. Does anyone here even know the name of the Florida AD who hired Urban Meyer and Billy Donovan?

Jeremy Foley (no google - pats self on back)

LA Ute
12-27-2014, 08:35 PM
This notion that Hill got Utah into the Pac 12 is just irrational. Was it his good looks, did he make a fantastic sales pitch, or get an original idea that it would be great if Utah got into the Pac 12? What got Utah into the Pac 12 was a solid record of growth and achievement by the university including the university's athletes and coaches and the stewards of its academic programs and by the Salt Lake community. I doubt it was even Hill who answered the phone call from the Pac 12 but if he did it would have been impossible for him to fuck it up. Jesus H. Christ. It seems that Hill's biggest talent is self-promotion. Does anyone here even know the name of the Florida AD who hired Urban Meyer and Billy Donovan?

SU, old friend, you're a lawyer and should know better than to declaim your views so definitively on matters about which you are uninformed. You are too smart to mean this post seriously and I'm now pretty sure you're just trolling.

12-27-2014, 09:01 PM
This situation says to me that Gary Anderson is more respected, by certain important people, than Kyle Whittingham. Kyle seems so great to me that I can't really understand it. But the proof is in the pudding.

12-27-2014, 09:24 PM
Speculation is rampant and not a peep from whitt or hill. This needs to end quickly. We have a month to go in recruiting and we need some notion of stability.

12-27-2014, 09:46 PM
Hill didn't sit and wait for the call from the PAC-10, he was the one doing the dialing long before the actual invite came. And don't think that he didn't do everything he could to sell the idea. He did have a great product to sell, a product he had spent the previous 25 years building.

Hill is the one that did the work necessary to keep Kyle a Ute instead of going to BYU in 2004. Hill decided it was time to move on from McBride and brought in Urban. Hill hired Majerus. Without those decisions by Hill, we could very well be as attractive to the PAC-10 as UNLV or New Mexico.

It may be true that we get the PAC-12 invite in 2010 even if Moose's Whistle was AD at the time, but you can't say that everything Hill had done up to that point didn't have a huge impact to get us to that point.

In your first paragraph you describe nothing remarkable, actually the bare minimum of what would be expected of someone in his position. I didn't say he did nothing. He isn't the reason we're in the Pac 12.

I'm guessing Whit stayed because of his history at Utah, the opportunity created by Urban Meyer, the players, the opportunity for continuity, and the money put up by wealthy fans. Utah had no choice but to pursue Whittingham at that point, and depriving BYU of him made it that much sweeter. Whttingham did not stay because of Hill per se.

I know you don't believe that Hill is anything like an NFL GM or Jerry Jones or Al Davis.

12-28-2014, 09:55 AM
What got Utah into the Pac 12 was a solid record of growth and achievement by the university including the university's athletes and coaches and the stewards of its academic programs and by the Salt Lake community.

On that, we agree. Now, the question is, why did Utah have a solid record of growth? Who was responsible for it?

The common denominator is Chris Hill.

The growth started before Whittingham was head coach, and it was also happening in sports that have nothing to do with Whittingham.

So who is the person who consistently hired good to great coaches in a bad conference with little money to spend? And if he could do it in a bad conference with little money to spend, why shouldn't we give him a chance to do it in a great conference with lots of money to spend?

His hire of coach Krystkowiak was a great move. Probably on par with his hiring of Majerus, Mcbride, Meyer, and Whittingham.

I have no reason to fear Whittingham leaving. I have all the confidence in the world that Dr. Hill will bring in another good coach, and possibly another great coach.

12-28-2014, 10:37 AM
On that, we agree. Now, the question is, why did Utah have a solid record of growth? Who was responsible for it?

The common denominator is Chris Hill.

The growth started before Whittingham was head coach, and it was also happening in sports that have nothing to do with Whittingham.

So who is the person who consistently hired good to great coaches in a bad conference with little money to spend? And if he could do it in a bad conference with little money to spend, why shouldn't we give him a chance to do it in a great conference with lots of money to spend?

His hire of coach Krystkowiak was a great move. Probably on par with his hiring of Majerus, Mcbride, Meyer, and Whittingham.

I have no reason to fear Whittingham leaving. I have all the confidence in the world that Dr. Hill will bring in another good coach, and possibly another great coach.

Yes he did all those wonderful things but we can't brush off the Giac and Boylen hires and the decade basketball was a complete dumpster fire. It's known those guys weren't Hill's first choice, what's saying he'll get his first choice in football? Yes Hill could get the next Majerus or Urban, but he could also bring in the next Giac or Boylen.

The grass isn't always greener...

USS Utah
12-28-2014, 12:05 PM
Speculation is rampant and not a peep from whitt or hill. This needs to end quickly. We have a month to go in recruiting and we need some notion of stability.

It's the weekend after a mid-week holiday. A little patience is required.

LA Ute
12-28-2014, 12:24 PM
It's the weekend after a mid-week holiday. A little patience is required.

Also, it's a bad idea to make public statements about a situation that is still unsettled.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-28-2014, 02:53 PM
Yes he did all those wonderful things but we can't brush off the Giac and Boylen hires and the decade basketball was a complete dumpster fire. It's known those guys weren't Hill's first choice, what's saying he'll get his first choice in football? Yes Hill could get the next Majerus or Urban, but he could also bring in the next Giac or Boylen.

The grass isn't always greener...
He hired Giac and Boylen when the Utes were in a minor league conference with no money to spend. He actually tried to get Krystkowiak back then but K turned it down.

We're in the big leagues now, with big league money. The first basketball coach he hired as a member of the Pac 12 has worked out great.

Giac and Boylen do help illustrate a point; we can be sure that if Hill does hire a dud, he will get rid of him and bring in someone else.

Utah is a great program. Power conference, competitive salary, good city, good fan support, good facilities, and currently ranked with lots of returning talent. Should that job open up, there will be lots of talented coaches throwing their name in the hat.

I know the adjustment from the MWC to the Pac 12 was difficult, but it's high time us fans made the adjustment too. Utah is a major program that lots of coaches would love to take over.