View Full Version : The High-end TV Series Thread

LA Ute
01-10-2015, 01:47 PM
I stumbled across this BBC production and immediately became hooked. After watching 4 episodes I pulled my wife and daughter in the re-watched with them, all the way through the 8 episodes of the the first season. If you like whodunits and the high quality of BBC dramas, I highly recommend this one. Apparently it became quite the rage in Great Britain.

Trailer for Season 1:


Be careful of spoilers -- pay attention to Season 1 before you get into Season 2.

There is an American version called "Gracepoint" but it is vastly inferior. Don't bother with that one.

Season 2 begins on BBC America in March.

01-14-2015, 05:55 AM
Watched it about a month ago, really liked. Quite a number of twists and turns.

01-21-2015, 09:01 AM
Enjoying Broardchurch. Thanks for the heads up.

LA Ute
08-10-2015, 05:02 PM
This thread started with Broadchurch, but there are others to watch. Is anyone else watching "Poldark?" We've seen the first episode and are hooked. It's very well-done, well-acted and beautifully shot. (I think my wife and daughter mainly started watching because they like looking at the actor who plays the male lead, but they got puled into the story pretty quickly.)


08-10-2015, 05:24 PM
I have not watched Poldark, but there are a couple of pretty good series on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Check out The Code on Netflix and The Last Enemy on Amazon Prime. Series that are edgier, but also pretty good are Damages, The Honorable Woman and Peaky Blinders.

08-27-2015, 09:00 AM
Broadchurch was fantastic. Just finished season 2 a few weeks ago.

I just finished True Detective Season 1, and was floored. What a fantastic series.
I watched season 2 episode 1, and ...... Not quite into it. Not getting great reviews, but should I push on?

Also, there are a bunch of HBO series I have never seen:
Oz, The Wire, Sopranos.

Suggestions on the order I should take these on?

08-27-2015, 10:01 AM
Also, there are a bunch of HBO series I have never seen:
Oz, The Wire, Sopranos.

Suggestions on the order I should take these on?

I have only seen The Wire, and it was fantastic. Lots and lots and lots of swearing. If you don't mind language and the occassional boobie then it is a great series.

08-30-2015, 04:33 PM
Narcos. Binge watched it. Awesome

LA Ute
11-29-2015, 05:13 PM
¨River,¨starring Stellan Skarsgaard. A very different detective series that Netflix picked up from the BBC. I watched ther first episode and am hooked.


LA Ute
12-08-2015, 11:59 PM
¨River,¨starring Stellan Skarsgaard. A very different detective series that Netflix picked up from the BBC. I watched ther first episode and am hooked.


Just watched the final episode. It's the most offbeat and fascinating detective series I've ever seen. Highly recommended. Skarsgaard alone makes it worth watching. "John River is a brilliant detective whose fractured mind traps him between the living and the dead." Watch it. You won't be sorry.

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12-13-2015, 08:39 PM
Just watched the final episode. It's the most offbeat and fascinating detective series I've ever seen. Highly recommended. Skarsgaard alone makes it worth watching. "John River is a brilliant detective whose fractured mind traps him between the living and the dead." Watch it. You won't be sorry.

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Just finished episode 1.
Im excited to continue. Looks very interesting.

12-13-2015, 09:39 PM
i just finished Broadchurch Season 2, caught me by surprise I just realized about 2 weeks ago that they had done another season. I think I will give River a chance.

here are a couple other recommendations .... FX's Fargo is incredible it rates out at 100 on Rotton Tomatoes ... They are just finishing up Season 2 PG 13 rated

HBO's Newsroom is very good PG 13 on Amazon Prime

HBO's The Leftovers is Phenomenal rated R - it's depressing and disturbing but like a car wreck you can't look away. I couldnt binge watch this series because I neede time in between each episode to wrap my head around it.

12-13-2015, 10:05 PM
i just finished Broadchurch Season 2, caught me by surprise I just realized about 2 weeks ago that they had done another season. I think I will give River a chance.

here are a couple other recommendations .... FX's Fargo is incredible it rates out at 100 on Rotton Tomatoes ... They are just finishing up Season 2 PG 13 rated

HBO's Newsroom is very good PG 13 on Amazon Prime

HBO's The Leftovers is Phenomenal rated R - it's depressing and disturbing but like a car wreck you can't look away. I couldnt binge watch this series because I neede time in between each episode to wrap my head around it.

The Leftovers is the best thing I've seen in quite a while.
I'm slowing making my way through season 2. On episode 4. I really want to enjoy it, and have watched a few episodes multiple times.

12-15-2015, 09:17 PM
Just watched the final episode. It's the most offbeat and fascinating detective series I've ever seen. Highly recommended. Skarsgaard alone makes it worth watching. "John River is a brilliant detective whose fractured mind traps him between the living and the dead." Watch it. You won't be sorry.

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Great recomendation, just finished episode 1

LA Ute
12-18-2015, 08:52 AM
This is great.


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LA Ute
01-10-2016, 06:20 PM
I started watching "The Killing." It's superbly done.

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01-11-2016, 12:20 PM
This isn't really high-end in any way, but Sam Raimi's 'Ash vs the Evil Dead' is a lot of fun. It is a continuation of the early 80s Evil Dead cult films.

Bruce Campbell is fantastic and schlocky in every early 80s schlock-horror-comedy sense of the word. It has silly makeup, is over-the-top bloody, has silly dialogue, and brings out the grit as well as humanity of small-town Michigan (Sam Raimi is an MSU grad), despite being filmed in New Zealand.

Bonus: Bruce Campbell is a dead ringer for Mitt Romney, with a chainsaw for a hand.

Bonus bonus: the series has a 98% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

01-11-2016, 07:36 PM
I started watching "The Killing." It's superbly done.

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that is a great series, the lead actress (red headed detective) is/was LDS

01-27-2016, 01:22 PM
Does "Fargo" count as high end TV? We just finished season 2. My wife and I both loved season 1. I liked season 2 a lot more than her but it had some definite slow parts, especially early. However, I think the episode where Nick Offerman was heavily featured (I think it was episode 6ish) was perhaps the best single episode I've seen of a show since Breaking Bad. I also enjoyed the last couple of episodes a lot.

Looking forward to the return of Better Call Saul in a couple of weeks and then the Americans in March. (Again, not sure if these all count as high end TV but I'm going with it for now).

LA Ute
01-27-2016, 02:40 PM
Does "Fargo" count as high end TV?

Oh, ya, you betcha.

Diehard Ute
01-27-2016, 02:44 PM
I think my "High End" thing now days is The Blacklist.

James Spader is just awesome. And the depth of the plot line of the show is impressive.

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LA Ute
01-27-2016, 03:01 PM
I think my "High End" thing now days is The Blacklist.

James Spader is just awesome. And the depth of the plot line of the show is impressive.

That's my guilty pleasure show. Totally unbelievable but wonderful. You're right, Spader is great -- without him and his character, there's no show. I've watched every episode from the beginning.

01-27-2016, 11:18 PM
The cliche - he chews up the scenery is the perfect description for Spader in The Blacklist.

04-24-2016, 09:42 AM
I just finished season 1 of "Daredevil".............I liked it overall, but then again, Im a big marvel fan.

My biggest complaint, and I appear to be in the minority on this.........I hated the way they portrayed wilson fisk. To stay in the marvel universe, he reminded me a lot of Ronan the Accuser, an oversized, superpowered toddler.

Looking forward to season 2.

04-24-2016, 09:52 AM
I just finished watching the first season of "American Odyssey"on Netflix. It originally aired on NBC, but I never heard anything about it. The Hollywood reporter describes it as follows: "American Odyssey" "centered on three families who are torn apart when a stranded female soldier (Pushing Daisies' Anna Friel), a disillusioned corporate attorney (Nurse Jackie's Peter Facinelli) and a disrespected political activist (The Carrie Diaries' Jake Robinson) are pulled into the same shocking international military conspiracy."

LA Ute
04-24-2016, 11:31 AM
I just finished watching the first season of "American Odyssey"on Netflix. It originally aired on NBC, but I never heard anything about it. The Hollywood reporter describes it as follows: "American Odyssey" "centered on three families who are torn apart when a stranded female soldier (Pushing Daisies' Anna Friel), a disillusioned corporate attorney (Nurse Jackie's Peter Facinelli) and a disrespected political activist (The Carrie Diaries' Jake Robinson) are pulled into the same shocking international military conspiracy."

I enjoyed that one in the early going, but it lost me by the end of the season. I understand it was canceled and won't return to NBC. The conspiracy just got too complex for me to be believable. Frankly, I don't know why I can suspend disbelief for the story in The Blacklist, but could not do it for American Odyssey. Maybe because it seemed to me that they were making a political statement about current events, which always turns me off. What did you think of it?

04-24-2016, 01:35 PM
I enjoyed it. The plot might be making a political statement about current events, but it is a statement that I don't have a hard time following. Just think of it as an arm of the Cabal from Blacklist.

LA Ute
04-24-2016, 10:30 PM
Well, in The Blacklist you know none of it could really happen, so it's just a tale. In American Odyssey it seemed like the filmmakers were taking themselves much too seriously. Maybe it is just me.

"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

04-24-2016, 11:04 PM
Well, in The Blacklist you know none of it could really happen, so it's just a tale. In American Odyssey it seemed like the filmmakers were taking themselves much too seriously. Maybe it is just me.

"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

I love the blacklist. Its had me hooked since the first episode. And that real life maternity leave induced game changer a couple of episodes back was just amazing!!

04-25-2016, 12:12 AM
Had a flight to Manila on which to kill time, so I downloaded the first season of the Sopranos on Amazon Prime. I had never seen The Sopranos before, I feel like I may be one of the last people in America that hasn't. It seems like this was the first big non-network high-end TV series, the first season was in 1999.

The Soprano's made the time go by quickly. But thinking back, there wasn't a lot of action, cliff-hangers, etc., just really interesting characters, in an interesting world, with great acting. I have season 2 in the queue for the flight home, and then will work through the rest of the seasons this summer.

LA Ute
05-11-2016, 05:47 PM
We finally watched all 10 episodes of "Band of Brothers." If anyone else is 10-12 years behind the times like we are and hasn't seen it, you should. It's really excellent.

Diehard Ute
05-11-2016, 09:28 PM
We finally watched all 10 episodes of "Band of Brothers." If anyone else is 10-12 years behind the times like we are and hasn't seen it, you should. It's really excellent.

The Pacific is good too, although I enjoyed Brothers more.

05-11-2016, 10:52 PM
Just finished a Netflix Original called "Happy Valley." I enjoyed it. It is a lot like Broadchurch. Also, If you like Broadchurch, you will really enjoy David Tennant in Jenny Jones.

Mormon Red Death
05-12-2016, 04:41 AM
Just finished a Netflix Original called "Happy Valley." I enjoyed it. It is a lot like Broadchurch. Also, If you like Broadchurch, you will really enjoy David Tennant in Jenny Jones.

Do you mean "Jessica Jones"?

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05-12-2016, 08:09 AM
Do you mean "Jessica Jones"?

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05-14-2016, 11:44 AM
There is a series about slaves escaping from plantations called "Underground" on WGN America that is pretty good.

LA Ute
06-03-2016, 12:19 AM
We're watching "Mercy Street." It's a Civil War series that ran on PBS earlier this year, about a Union hospital located in Alexandria, VA during the war. (Alexandria was under Union control for almost the entire Civil War.) It's very well done.

"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

06-03-2016, 09:41 AM
Binge watched Season 2 of Bloodline on Netflix, such a good show

06-03-2016, 01:41 PM
Binge watched Season 2 of Bloodline on Netflix, such a good show

My boss just recommended that to me this week. I will have to check it out.

LA Ute
06-24-2016, 10:20 PM
Wallander. BBC production starring Kenneth Branagh as a Swedish detective. It's a very good, heady whodunit. And Branagh is a great actor.


"It's men in shorts." -- Rick Majerus

06-29-2016, 08:45 AM
We're in a dry spell on sports and movies from the library. Looking for a TV show. We tried the pilot of Mr Robot and are not hooked. Has anyone watched the AMC La Carre miniseries with Loki and House?

06-29-2016, 09:46 AM
We're in a dry spell on sports and movies from the library. Looking for a TV show. We tried the pilot of Mr Robot and are not hooked. Has anyone watched the AMC La Carre miniseries with Loki and House?

Mr Robot....so good, can't wait for the second season. But maybe it's not for everyone. We watched the thing with Loki and House and thought it was pretty good but not quite great. If you're bored it could be a nice option.

Or get on Amazon Prime and watch Justified.

06-29-2016, 09:58 AM
Mr Robot....so good, can't wait for the second season. But maybe it's not for everyone. We watched the thing with Loki and House and thought it was pretty good but not quite great. If you're bored it could be a nice option.

Or get on Amazon Prime and watch Justified.

Thanks. We might give Mr Robot another chance. It does have Christian Slater, after all.

06-29-2016, 10:41 AM
Mr Robot....so good, can't wait for the second season. But maybe it's not for everyone. We watched the thing with Loki and House and thought it was pretty good but not quite great. If you're bored it could be a nice option.

Or get on Amazon Prime and watch Justified.

I will second Justified. Absolutely a great show.

06-29-2016, 11:24 AM
Justified: Ya, I keep hearing that. Need to watch it.
Never heard of Mr. Robot, but i'm intrigued now.

I'm in Fargo season 1 right now. Fantastic.

Also watching HBO's Six Feet Under. Very very good.

Can't wait for the last season of The Leftovers.

07-02-2016, 11:32 PM
HBO started a new murder mystery miniseries called "The Night Of" The first episode was excellent.

HBO and AMC are just hitting them out of the Park right now.

Also HBO's the Newsroom with Jeff Daniels is an underrated show. The episode where they recreate the killing of Bin Laden is incedible

LA Ute
07-06-2016, 11:05 AM
Has anybody else watched "Marcella" on Netflix? It's a bit dark for my tastes (any whodunit about a serial killer is) so keep trying to stop but it keeps pulling me back. It's pretty well done and the plot's a lot of fun.

Marcella could be your next Brit mystery obsession (http://www.avclub.com/review/marcella-could-be-your-next-brit-mystery-obsession-238857)

07-27-2016, 07:42 PM
HBO's the Night Of is 3 episodes in, it has been exquisite.

08-28-2016, 09:39 PM
HBO's the Night Of is 3 episodes in, it has been exquisite.

The Night Of finished tonight. 10 out of 10 ... Flawless TV

09-25-2016, 09:15 PM
The Night Of finished tonight. 10 out of 10 ... Flawless TV

Just finished it.


that last scene was a thing of beauty

LA Ute
09-25-2016, 09:46 PM
HBO's the Night Of is 3 episodes in, it has been exquisite.

My son says it's terrific.

09-26-2016, 10:31 AM
It was great. Shows how messed up our system is. How screwed up the lawyers/prosecutors/judges are and how the system creates criminals.

LA Ute
09-26-2016, 10:49 AM
Nobody's watching Poldark?

09-26-2016, 11:09 AM
Nobody's watching Poldark?

My wife and I watched it on your recommendation. We liked it and are just waiting for the next series.

LA Ute
09-26-2016, 11:40 AM
My wife and I watched it on your recommendation. We liked it and are just waiting for the next series.

Season 2 started last night with a two-hour episode. I think KUED in SLC will rebroadcsat it during this week if you want to catch up. It's probably available online too.


09-26-2016, 12:38 PM
Season 2 started last night with a two-hour episode. I think KUED in SLC will rebroadcsat it during this week if you want to catch up. It's probably available online too.


Where's the best place to catch season 1?

LA Ute
09-26-2016, 12:50 PM
Where's the best place to catch season 1?

We got it through Amazon -- purchased the season. It is probably available other places now. DVDs are available too but might be expensive. It's worth finding!

09-26-2016, 01:00 PM
We got it through Amazon -- purchased the season. It is probably available other places now. DVDs are available too but might be expensive. It's worth finding!

It looks like Season 1 is available on Amazon Prime.

LA Ute
09-26-2016, 01:28 PM
It looks like Season 1 is available on Amazon Prime.

Only dummies like me actually paid for the season.

09-26-2016, 01:56 PM
Only dummies like me actually paid for the season.
Just consider yourself a patron of the arts.

Poldark is fabulous.

LA Ute
09-30-2016, 06:05 PM
I watched the first episode of The Blacklist last night and unless it was an aberration I think that show may have jumped the shark. Too bad. It was my guilty pleasure TV show.

09-30-2016, 07:47 PM
You may be right LA. It's been enjoyable to me as well. I've seen the first two episodes this season and I couldn't believe the difference. Bummer.

10-03-2016, 07:36 AM
Did anyone watch HBO's Westworld last night?
I didn't see it, but I'm intrigued.... Hope it's as good as it sounds.

01-31-2017, 02:10 PM
Last night I sat down at 9:00 pm and decided to watch the first episode of Sneaky Pete (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5011816/?ref_=nv_sr_1) on Amazon Prime. 3 hours later, I begrudgingly turned off the tv, after watching 3 episodes and seriously wanting to continue with the 4th. I'll probably binge watch the rest before the week is over.

It is a 10 episode series with great actors playing great characters, and interesting story lines. Written and produced by a combination of creative geniuses that brought us Breaking Bad and Justified. If rated, it would probably be an R for language, some violence, and brief nudity.

01-31-2017, 03:41 PM
combination of creative geniuses that brought us Breaking Bad and Justified.

Someone around here recommended Justified, so I gave it a shot. Over the past 4-5 months, I watched all of season 1. Finished it about two weeks ago. It was a bit of a slog, but it was alright. The cowboy stuff is fun, but there's a lot of soap opera in there too.

I looked ahead online and was bit disappointed to see that Ava remains part of the storyline throughout. Boyd too, to a lesser extent.

Not sure if I'll make it into season 2, but I might. I think it's up to Mrs Sancho.

01-31-2017, 03:53 PM
Someone around here recommended Justified, so I gave it a shot. Over the past 4-5 months, I watched all of season 1. Finished it about two weeks ago. It was a bit of a slog, but it was alright. The cowboy stuff is fun, but there's a lot of soap opera in there too.

I looked ahead online and was bit disappointed to see that Ava remains part of the storyline throughout. Boyd too, to a lesser extent.

Not sure if I'll make it into season 2, but I might. I think it's up to Mrs Sancho.

I enjoyed Justified mostly for it's interesting villains. Boyd is the one constant villain, plus Winn Duffy and Raylan's father, to an extent. But there are lots of other villain characters throughout the series that are a lot of fun. Plus lots of henchmen and minor villains throughout that add color.

Season 2 has the Bennett family plus others.
Season 3 has Quarles (Neil McDonough) who is tied to the Detroit mob, plus introduces Limehouse (played by Bubba from Forrest Gump).
Season 4 has a snake-handling preacher and cousin Johnny.
Season 5 has the Crowe family.
Season 6 has Avery Markham (Sam Elliot sans mustache) and Katherine Hale (Mary Steenburgen).

LA Ute
01-31-2017, 04:26 PM
We are enjoying "Victoria" on PBS. Very well done. "The Crown" was pretty good too. (No, we are not fixated on British royalty.)

I liked "Bloodline" which I watched via Amazon Prime. It has an engrossing plot. But...it was hard to find people to root for, and the ending seemed like a quick wrap-up that left lots of loose ends. Also, a ridiculous over-use of F-bombs. Like every sentence spoken by some characters.

"The Night Manager" was terrific. Highly recommended. The ending was much better than I expected from a LeCarre story. It has the usual corrupt British intelligence bosses but the good guys end up winning.

01-31-2017, 04:58 PM
I'm probably one of the ones that made the recommendation. Justified is awesome. It's all about the characters and the story-telling. Raylan....yeah, he's okay. But the villains and other random hillbillies--maybe I'm just weird but I eat that all up. Boyd Crowder, Arlo Givens, Winn Duffy, Dewey Crowe, Art (the marshal boss), Bob the deputy, so many great characters.

I first watched it in 2015 and liked it so much that I watched the whole series again last year. Can't promise that I won't watch it a third time someday.

01-31-2017, 06:18 PM
I'm probably one of the ones that made the recommendation. Justified is awesome. It's all about the characters and the story-telling. Raylan....yeah, he's okay. But the villains and other random hillbillies--maybe I'm just weird but I eat that all up. Boyd Crowder, Arlo Givens, Winn Duffy, Dewey Crowe, Art (the marshal boss), Bob the deputy, so many great characters.

I first watched it in 2015 and liked it so much that I watched the whole series again last year. Can't promise that I won't watch it a third time someday.

Dickey Bennett is my favorite character. "Heheheheeeey Raylan!"

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01-31-2017, 06:20 PM
I will give a second nod to "The Night Manager." A little predictable but great acting.

I have also enjoyed the first season of "Mr Robot" too.

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01-31-2017, 06:49 PM
Dickey Bennett is my favorite character. "Heheheheeeey Raylan!"

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Dickie made my skin crawl. His big, dumb brother was funny. My favorite was Dewey Crow. Nothing ever worked out for that dumb SOB. The episode when he thought he had his kidneys removed was hilarious.

LA Ute
02-07-2017, 11:57 PM
"The Night Manager" trailer:


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03-12-2017, 10:16 PM
Last night I sat down at 9:00 pm and decided to watch the first episode of Sneaky Pete (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5011816/?ref_=nv_sr_1) on Amazon Prime. 3 hours later, I begrudgingly turned off the tv, after watching 3 episodes and seriously wanting to continue with the 4th. I'll probably binge watch the rest before the week is over.

It is a 10 episode series with great actors playing great characters, and interesting story lines. Written and produced by a combination of creative geniuses that brought us Breaking Bad and Justified. If rated, it would probably be an R for language, some violence, and brief nudity.

Just watched the first episode of this and can't wait to watch more. Very enjoyable.

LA Ute
05-03-2017, 11:14 PM
I'm into the second episode of the first season of "Bosch." I'm hooked.

05-04-2017, 08:47 AM
I'm into the second episode of the first season of "Bosch." I'm hooked.

I have read most of the Bosch books and the guy playing Bosch in the series just doesn't match my mental picture of Hieronymus Bosch.

05-04-2017, 09:08 AM
I can't see a commercial for that show without thinking of kitchen appliances.

LA Ute
05-04-2017, 09:22 AM
I have read most of the Bosch books and the guy playing Bosch in the series just doesn't match my mental picture of Hieronymus Bosch.

Fortunately for me I have not read any of the books. The show is beautifully shot, the story lines are intriguing, and the actors are great.

Rocker Ute
05-06-2017, 02:12 PM
"13 reasons why" is awful and in my opinion a shameful series. I'm not saying this in a pearl clutching sort of way. I actually went into it thinking I would enjoy it because I like dark and depressing stuff sometimes.

This series, however is clearly targeted towards youth despite its MA rating and that rating is well deserved. It graphically depicts rape and suicide.

And for critics who say it glorifies suicide, it doesn't do that, but it does portray it in such simplistic and finger pointing terms as to trivialize and normalize it, as if it is a rational decision with the blame lying solely on others.

I hope no child sees it. I hope nobody who is contemplating suicide sees it and I hope that nobody who has lost a friend or loved on to suicide sees it.

Probably easier to say, "I hope nobody sees it."

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05-06-2017, 02:54 PM
"13 reasons why" is awful and in my opinion a shameful series. I'm not saying this in a pearl clutching sort of way. I actually went into it thinking I would enjoy it because I like dark and depressing stuff sometimes.

This series, however is clearly targeted towards youth despite its MA rating and that rating is well deserved. It graphically depicts rape and suicide.

And for critics who say it glorifies suicide, it doesn't do that, but it does portray it in such simplistic and finger pointing terms as to trivialize and normalize it, as if it is a rational decision with the blame lying solely on others.

I hope no child sees it. I hope nobody who is contemplating suicide sees it and I hope that nobody who has lost a friend or loved on to suicide sees it.

Probably easier to say, "I hope nobody sees it."

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I thought about trying it, but that sounds like its not for me.

If you like dark and depressing have you tried HBO's the Leftovers? It's in its 3rd and final season. It's a sort of religious series about the Rapture. Its very well done, intense and is one of those shows you can't stop thinking about days after. Its creepy fun.

06-01-2017, 09:04 AM
season 3 (final season) of Bloodline came out a week ago on Netflix, finished it last night. :(

I loved season 1 and 2 one of my favorite TV series. Season 3 was disappointing.

LA Ute
06-02-2017, 06:17 AM
season 3 (final season) of Bloodline came out a week ago on Netflix, finished it last night. :(

I loved season 1 and 2 one of my favorite TV series. Season 3 was disappointing.

I thought Season 2 ended the series. I honestly didn't know where they could go with it from there.

06-14-2017, 12:00 PM
Leftovers just wrapped up their final season. Excellent finale. Great series

LA Ute
06-29-2017, 10:58 AM
The Tunnel. I loved it. Season 2 is just starting.


07-15-2017, 09:18 PM
Big Little Lies. It is just so very good. Amazing performances from five actresses* on top of their craft, and it is just so deeply powerful and moving. It speaks to everybody, on one level or another. We all have pain and weaknesses behind the veneer who choose to show the world, and this show digs deeply into those secrets.

David E. Kelley is a modern wizard when it comes to TV (LA Law, Doogie Howser, Picket Fences, The Practice, Chicago Hope, Allie McBeal, Boston Public, Boston Legal, Harrys Law, etc).

Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée (Dallas Buyers Club, Wild, Demolition).

Absolutely brilliant TV. Very highly recommended.

*Shailene Woodley (who gives an exceptional performance), Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Zoe Kravitz, Laura Dern

07-15-2017, 11:53 PM
I loved Picket Fences - Kelley's best in my opinion. I'll have to check Big Little Lies out.

LA Ute
07-20-2017, 09:43 AM
"Goliath" on Amazon is great fun, well-acted, and so forth, but the characters are such caricatures of stereotypes that it is sometimes hard to get through an episode.

I agree with this review:


I love this quote from the review:

"Side note to any broadcast TV writer intoxicated by the opportunity cable and streaming offer to use the four-letter Anglo-Saxon word for sex: Scream it alone in your living room for a few hours and get it out of your system."

Sometimes I think the F-bomb is the only adjective or adverb some of the characters in this show know.

07-21-2017, 11:05 AM
I love this quote from the review:

"Side note to any broadcast TV writer intoxicated by the opportunity cable and streaming offer to use the four-letter Anglo-Saxon word for sex: Scream it alone in your living room for a few hours and get it out of your system."

Sometimes I think the F-bomb is the only adjective or adverb some of the characters in this show know.

Just like there's a recipe for comic book movies, there is a recipe for TV dramas in the "golden age." Soap operas with high production value. Language and nudity are a must to be taken seriously. Love triangles, absurd cliffhangers, and killing off main characters to keep the fan boards guessing. Set one of them in Middle Earth, one in a newsroom, and one in the old west. Scripts/storylines are interchangeable.

08-06-2017, 08:07 PM
Anyone watch game of thrones? I read the first novel a few years ago, so I know the characters' names. I'm surprised to be seeing the same old names all over Twitter every week. Surely people will eventually tire of Lannisters and Starks, right?

08-06-2017, 08:08 PM
In about 9 more weeks it will all he over. This is the last season, and they are already past the books.

08-06-2017, 08:33 PM
In about 9 more weeks it will all he over. This is the last season, and they are already past the books.

Does it feel like "Days of Our Lives" set in a fantasy world yet?

08-10-2017, 04:27 PM
In about 9 more weeks it will all he over. This is the last season, and they are already past the books.

Not the last season yet. There is one more. Both this season and next are shortened seasons lasting only 7 and 6 episodes, I believe.

08-11-2017, 03:03 PM
Netflix - Ozark

Season One (10 episodes) - very good, has Jason Bateman (typically plays comedy, but is pretty good in this) and Laura Linney

If you liked Breaking Bad, you'll like this. Even if you don't watch the entire season, I would highly recommend watching episode one. It is extremely good.

LA Ute
08-11-2017, 03:08 PM
Netflix - Ozark

Season One (10 episodes) - very good, has Jason Bateman (typically plays comedy, but is pretty good in this) and Laura Linney

If you liked Breaking Bad, you'll like this. Even if you don't watch the entire season, I would highly recommend watching episode one. It is extremely good.

Love Laura Linney. Is there someone in this series to cheer for? I'm pretty tired of anti-heroes.

08-11-2017, 03:09 PM
Not the last season yet. There is one more. Both this season and next are shortened seasons lasting only 7 and 6 episodes, I believe.

this season has been extremely good and fast paced.

03-28-2018, 08:50 AM
I have been watching Hulu's "The Looming Tower" of late and have enjoyed it, even if it is a bit slow-moving. It covers an FBI team in the years leading up to the 9/11 attacks. It has achieved it's implied goal of getting me to research events as they come across on the show.

05-27-2019, 12:00 PM
HBO miniseries Cherynobl is phenomenal (not a documentary). Anxiety ridden great tv.

05-27-2019, 04:27 PM
Fortunately for me I have not read any of the books. The show is beautifully shot, the story lines are intriguing, and the actors are great.

For those not aware, the 3rd season of Bosch is out. It’s pretty good.

LA Ute
05-27-2019, 04:30 PM
For those not aware, the 3rd season of Bosch is out. It’s pretty good.

Already watched it. I think it’s the best season yet. (It’s the 5th season.)

LA Ute
05-27-2019, 04:39 PM
I have really been enjoying “Unforgotten,“ a BBC/Masterpiece series. I’m in the fourth season now. It is basically a cold case detective series and is done quite well. It defies the stereotype. Complex plots and characters we can care about.

Three series, each consisting of six episodes, have been broadcast in the UK, as of August 2018. Each series deals with a new case, introducing seemingly unconnected characters who are gradually revealed to have some relationship with the victim. As the murder mystery unfolds, the emotional ramifications of the crime are also explored in the lives of those affected.

05-27-2019, 05:48 PM
I searched but and find any discussion here about The Detectorists. A great little BBC series on Amazon about some rural English metal detection enthusiasts. Not much exciting or spectacular, just great characters and dialogue. Charming and enthralling. You’ll probably recognize some of the actors from bit parts in other shows.

06-22-2019, 10:02 AM
Just finished Chernobyl. It was excellent. I know I was vaguely aware of what was happening at the time, and maybe that was because the West did not have a good idea of all that was happening. I couldn't help but ask myself which was worse, the Soviet leaderships lies and misinformation to its own people about that event or the lies and misinformation of the US military, the Johnson and the Nixon administrations to the US people about Viet Nam.

07-01-2020, 01:59 PM
really like Bosch. Especially the season with Edgar chasing the Haitian. ( served my mission speaking Haitian) They did a good job of bringing the books to life. The man in black ( lost reference) is good as Harry but not what i had built in my head when i read the books.

07-01-2020, 02:00 PM
just finished season one of Justified. "Raylan did you roofie me ?" still makes me laugh when i think about it.

07-22-2020, 07:53 AM
Justified is one of my favorite TV series of all time. The characters and actors are all great!

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