View Full Version : The Podcast thread

Mormon Red Death
02-11-2015, 06:18 AM
Even though Sancho believes that their are a 1000 things better to waste your time with than Podcasts I will start a thread for those who do listen. I'm trying not to be a fat ass so I got a fitbit and have been trying to walk 15,000 steps a day. This requires an hour to hour and half walks every day. On these walks I like to listen to podcasts. Additionally, I have my commute and sometimes have down time at work (music streaming is cut off by employer). My list:

1. Adam Carolla show. 5 days a week- Its the best podcast out there. its funny and entertaining. BTW Brian it is still good after Alison Rosen. He did 45 minutes about a week and half after her firing to explain why he fired her. If you listened to it they are all very good reasons. Personally and even though he never said it, i think what did her in was her posting pictures on instagram of her taking her dog on her flight to New York at Christmas. BTW her podcast is still on his network or at least his APP.

2. The Adam and Drew show... Carolla and Dr. Drew talk for an hour and take calls twice a week like loveline.

3. The BS report - Bill Simmons - twice a week...I love the Guess the lines with Cousin Sal and he usually has good guests. I'm not into to NBA basketball but I will listen sometime jsut to keep up what's on in the league

4. Hardcore History - Once every couple months but they are 4 hour podcasts. Dan Carlin really informative and fun to listen to.

5. This american life - once a week Ira Glass NPR... Entertaining show

6. Freakonomics - once a week If you liked the books you will like the podcasts

7. Behind the Bets - once a week Chad Millman (Espn the magazine and he wrote books on sports betting) for the degenerate gambler in your life.

LA Ute
02-11-2015, 06:27 AM
Good suggestions. I'm going to try This American Life. I also walk every day for 45-50 minutes and have a commute. I listen to Bill Riley often (although there's a lot of chaff tbere). Also some political talk.

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02-11-2015, 07:34 AM
Good list.
Yes, I heard his comments on why he fired her. And I guess I can understand some aspect of it. Still, I think they made a great team. But it sounds like there was some friction. I might try him again later. I did notice that Bald Bryan seemed extra brown-nosey during that episode that I heard.

My favorites:

RadioLab and This American Life.
Left Right and Center: Although, I'm not seeing it show up in my feed lately..
Dan Carlin. Great stuff. Going through the WWI series. Fascinating.
Bald Move's commentaries on Walking Dead and Better Call Saul
Explore the Symphony, Classical Classroom: (Sancho: you can do podcasts and music at the same time!)
Ask A Spaceman: This is new one, but I know the guy who does it, so it's fun to listen to him talk about astrophysics.
Inquiring Minds
Gunther on 1320: I try to skip to the bits on utah football.

LA Ute
02-11-2015, 08:12 AM
I use an app called PodCruncher. It's much better than Apple's native app, and offers a ton of features (many of which I haven't even used yet, but hope to).

01-11-2017, 01:38 PM
I'm not seeing the Bill Riley show anymore... I see OConnel and Swinney, and the interviews, but not Bill.

Is he not posting them anymore?

LA Ute
01-11-2017, 02:19 PM
I'm not seeing the Bill Riley show anymore... I see OConnel and Swinney, and the interviews, but not Bill.

Is he not posting them anymore?

I've got yesterday's podcast. Today's haven't uploaded yet. For me, now and then it takes a little longer to get his podcast.

Mormon Red Death
01-11-2017, 03:45 PM
I think I used to listen to that one! I had that one, a poetry one that was great but short, and a classic Mormon talks one that was really fun because I got to put voices to names for the first time. Part of my problem is that I don't have a phone, so I had to manage these things on my old iPod. It was a hassle.

I really hope that's an astronaut. If I were an astronaut, and some astrophysicist called himself a spaceman, I would be ticked.

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01-11-2017, 07:01 PM
His show Doesnt even show up in the podcast app.

Rocker Ute
01-12-2017, 09:06 AM

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I love Dr Spaceman.

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LA Ute
01-12-2017, 09:52 AM
His show Doesnt even show up in the podcast app.

I'm getting it daily but I use Podcruncher. It's a free app (or maybe it costs $2.95,I dont recall) and has more features than the native app.

07-17-2017, 08:47 AM
this Podcast was exceptionally good

They interviewed the author of the book about the US Govt's protocol if there were ever a nuclear strike. Hidden bunkers in Virginia, West Virginia and Colorado, evacuation plans and the strange capabilities of Air Force One


great stuff.

07-17-2017, 08:59 AM
Even though Sancho believes that their are a 1000 things better to waste your time with than Podcasts I will start a thread for those who do listen. I'm trying not to be a fat ass so I got a fitbit and have been trying to walk 15,000 steps a day. This requires an hour to hour and half walks every day. On these walks I like to listen to podcasts. Additionally, I have my commute and sometimes have down time at work (music streaming is cut off by employer). My list:

1. Adam Carolla show. 5 days a week- Its the best podcast out there. its funny and entertaining. BTW Brian it is still good after Alison Rosen. He did 45 minutes about a week and half after her firing to explain why he fired her. If you listened to it they are all very good reasons. Personally and even though he never said it, i think what did her in was her posting pictures on instagram of her taking her dog on her flight to New York at Christmas. BTW her podcast is still on his network or at least his APP.

2. The Adam and Drew show... Carolla and Dr. Drew talk for an hour and take calls twice a week like loveline.

3. The BS report - Bill Simmons - twice a week...I love the Guess the lines with Cousin Sal and he usually has good guests. I'm not into to NBA basketball but I will listen sometime jsut to keep up what's on in the league

4. Hardcore History - Once every couple months but they are 4 hour podcasts. Dan Carlin really informative and fun to listen to.

5. This american life - once a week Ira Glass NPR... Entertaining show

6. Freakonomics - once a week If you liked the books you will like the podcasts

7. Behind the Bets - once a week Chad Millman (Espn the magazine and he wrote books on sports betting) for the degenerate gambler in your life.

I just ran into the Freakonomics podcasts last week and started listening to them. Great stuff.

07-18-2017, 09:13 AM
Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast started its second season. It is excellent. He has a knack for finding the hidden angles to well-known stories.

The first episode discusses the unintended consequences the Brown v. Board of Education caused in the segregated black schools and its effects on teachers. At the time the best available option for most educated black men and women was to teach school, so the black schools were quite exceptionally good. The Brown family merely wanted the option to send their kids to the local school, although they were happy with their current school.
Brown decision unfortunately forced integration, which led to many of the schools closing and the talented black teachers losing their jobs.

This is an interesting study in unintended consequences that still has impact on students today.

Mormon Red Death
07-18-2017, 08:17 PM
Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast started its second season. It is excellent. He has a knack for finding the hidden angles to well-known stories.

The first episode discusses the unintended consequences the Brown v. Board of Education caused in the segregated black schools and its effects on teachers. At the time the best available option for most educated black men and women was to teach school, so the black schools were quite exceptionally good. The Brown family merely wanted the option to send their kids to the local school, although they were happy with their current school.
Brown decision unfortunately forced integration, which led to many of the schools closing and the talented black teachers losing their jobs.

This is an interesting study in unintended consequences that still has impact on students today.
The first episode was was about golf. Go listen if you haven't it's interesting.

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07-19-2017, 06:08 PM
That's right. It is an excellent podcast all around.

The episode, 'The Prime Minister and the Prof' is also fantastic.

08-14-2017, 01:04 PM
The Malcom Gladwell podcast on the history of McDonald's french fries is a really interesting listen.

08-14-2017, 08:14 PM
For a change of pace and interesting insight, listen to Jeremy Scahill's Intercepted podcast episode about North Korea. It is highly fascinating, and helps explain the situation from a different perspective.

08-15-2017, 07:19 AM
'Waking up' with Sam Harris is filled with fabulous interviews.
Not all of them are centered on atheism, in fact very few are actually.

Some of my recent favorites:
- Robert Sapolsky on 'The biology of good and evil'. How much free will do we really have?
- Gavin de Becker on 'Living with violence'. Some great advice if you are ever in a dangerous situation.
- Mark Bowden on 'Must accept a nuclear N. Korea'. Great insight on the options (or lack thereof) re: North Korea.
- Tristan Harris on 'What is technology doing to us'. Do computer scientists need a hypocratic oath?
- Garry Kasparov on 'The Putin question'. What is uncle Vlad up to?

08-24-2017, 10:26 AM
Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History podcast started its second season. It is excellent. He has a knack for finding the hidden angles to well-known stories.

The first episode discusses the unintended consequences the Brown v. Board of Education caused in the segregated black schools and its effects on teachers. At the time the best available option for most educated black men and women was to teach school, so the black schools were quite exceptionally good. The Brown family merely wanted the option to send their kids to the local school, although they were happy with their current school.
Brown decision unfortunately forced integration, which led to many of the schools closing and the talented black teachers losing their jobs.

This is an interesting study in unintended consequences that still has impact on students today.

Thanks for the heads up. I started listening to Gladwell from the first episode season 1, and really, really enjoy it.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-24-2017, 06:28 PM
I'm curious what people's favorite podcast management apps are. I've primarily used the Apple Podcast app, but I'm becoming more and more annoyed by it. I read something that had Overcast as the best and downloaded it yesterday. I haven't spent much time with it yet, but it doesn't seem like it's going to meet my needs. Suggestions?

08-24-2017, 07:23 PM
I would like the same advice. The apple podcast app is terrible.

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08-24-2017, 09:56 PM
I use both soundcloud and stitcher, neither are all that great, but I've yet to come up with something better (and neither one carries all of my pods so I have to use both). I've been meaning to figure out how to do it on spotify but I haven't gotten there yet.

08-24-2017, 10:49 PM
I use Podcast Addict on Android.

Mormon Red Death
08-25-2017, 07:21 AM
I use Podcast Addict on Android.

I use Podcast Addict as well. Seems to work well.

08-25-2017, 07:31 AM
I use Podcast Addict as well. Seems to work well.

me three. because its free. no problem with it.

11-15-2018, 08:06 PM
My daughter turned me on to this podcast. It's a true crime comedy podcast done by two female comedians from California. It's called my favorite murder. Lots of swearing, but it's incredibly funny. They've become so popular that they do live podcasts from around the world. The latest episode live from Austin, talks about 2 LDS missionaries that were murdered by a recent convert in the 1970's. I'd never heard that story before.

11-15-2018, 09:28 PM
My daughter turned me on to this podcast. It's a true crime comedy podcast done by two female comedians from California. It's called my favorite murder. Lots of swearing, but it's incredibly funny. They've become so popular that they do live podcasts from around the world. The latest episode live from Austin, talks about 2 LDS missionaries that were murdered by a recent convert in the 1970's. I'd never heard that story before.

My wife loves this one. It's bad, but I'm kind of glad she likes a podcast with language because then she can't get on my case for listening to the Shutdown Fullcast and Binge Mode.

Diehard Ute
11-16-2018, 12:54 AM
My daughter turned me on to this podcast. It's a true crime comedy podcast done by two female comedians from California. It's called my favorite murder. Lots of swearing, but it's incredibly funny. They've become so popular that they do live podcasts from around the world. The latest episode live from Austin, talks about 2 LDS missionaries that were murdered by a recent convert in the 1970's. I'd never heard that story before.

I saw them with my wife when they came up Kingsbury Hall last year.

They’re pretty funny, although the cases they highlighted that night were lame (granted I’ve investigated worse so I’m hard to impress)

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11-16-2018, 08:26 AM
My daughter turned me on to this podcast. It's a true crime comedy podcast done by two female comedians from California. It's called my favorite murder. Lots of swearing, but it's incredibly funny. They've become so popular that they do live podcasts from around the world. The latest episode live from Austin, talks about 2 LDS missionaries that were murdered by a recent convert in the 1970's. I'd never heard that story before.

I listened to a couple of their first episodes back in the day, but was turned off by their ‘valley girl’ style dialect and their lack of general knowledge of what they were actually talking about.

If it was supposed to be more a comedy podcast, then that makes more sense, but not my type of humor.

01-17-2019, 09:04 AM
Anyone been listening to "Cold"? I was late to the party but got caught up over the last couple of weeks. I just...........wow.