View Full Version : Utes in the news...

04-09-2015, 05:09 PM
I ran across this story and wasn't sure where to put it. It isn't really a story about the 2015 team, but I'm not sure it is worthy of its own thread. So I thought I'd start a thread devoted to pieces about Ute footballers. Past or present.

This story is about RB James Takada Grey being the first Division 1 footballer. That seems surprising to me, but I read it on the internets so it must be true.

RB Gray blazing trail for Japanese football with Utes (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2015/04/08/more-sports/football/rb-gray-blazing-trail-japanese-football-utes/#.VScDVOEgvEb).

LA Ute
09-23-2015, 01:29 PM
Nice story about Trevor Reilly in the NY Post:


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10-07-2015, 02:19 PM
An ESPN article on the success of Polynesian athletes in football, with a focus on Utah's football team in particular.


Diehard Ute
10-07-2015, 02:37 PM
A good article on Dennis Erickson. Sounds like he's got no desire to leave the real U


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10-07-2015, 03:15 PM
A good article on Dennis Erickson. Sounds like he's got no desire to leave the real U


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Great stuff!

10-07-2015, 04:00 PM
Great stuff!

Agree. Good read. Erickson and Pease have both been great additions to the staff. Hopefully they both stick around as long as they want.

Damage U
10-07-2015, 10:00 PM
An ESPN article on the success of Polynesian athletes in football, with a focus on Utah's football team in particular.


Did any of you see that movie about Polynesian kids and football? I believe it debuted at Sundance last year. How was it?

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-08-2015, 11:33 AM
Growing into a Power by Andy Staples


LA Ute
10-08-2015, 11:58 AM
Growing into a Power by Andy Staples


The Utes no longer have to look up at the rest of the Pac-12. They aren't the new guys anymore. They aren't "poor little Utah." The Utes are the ones who humbled Oregon in a way no one else had since 2003. They know they have to string together more wins to truly contend in their new conference home, but they'll never again stand in awe of a conference rival. "When I first got here, it was unbelievable. I couldn't believe I was on the same field with those guys," Asiata said. "We're those guys now."


Dwight Schr-Ute
10-20-2015, 02:02 PM
The last thing this team needs is to be distracted by huge controversies like this. http://www.ksl.com/?sid=37028894&nid=635&title=organization-asks-u-to-stop-football-coaches-from-teaching-lds-religion-classes-to-players&s_cid=queue-3

LA Ute
10-20-2015, 02:11 PM
The last thing this team needs is to be distracted by huge controversies like this. http://www.ksl.com/?sid=37028894&nid=635&title=organization-asks-u-to-stop-football-coaches-from-teaching-lds-religion-classes-to-players&s_cid=queue-3

Good grief. :blink:

10-20-2015, 02:44 PM
The last thing this team needs is to be distracted by huge controversies like this. http://www.ksl.com/?sid=37028894&nid=635&title=organization-asks-u-to-stop-football-coaches-from-teaching-lds-religion-classes-to-players&s_cid=queue-3

Aren't frivolous lawsuits the official sign that you're "big time"?

10-20-2015, 03:03 PM
The last thing this team needs is to be distracted by huge controversies like this. http://www.ksl.com/?sid=37028894&nid=635&title=organization-asks-u-to-stop-football-coaches-from-teaching-lds-religion-classes-to-players&s_cid=queue-3

Is this really an issue?! I don't see those ruling having precedence on colleges, when they are clearly for minors in elementary, middle, and high school. The military has paid clergy. I also assume that Scalley and Poiha (sp?) aren't getting "paid" to do this and just do it on their own or in conjunction with the LDS institute as a sort of calling.

Diehard Ute
10-20-2015, 03:38 PM
As someone who isn't LDS and firmly believes in separation of church and state I will say this.

What a stupid letter and request. Who cares what they do?

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LA Ute
10-20-2015, 04:02 PM
Is this really an issue?! I don't see those ruling having precedence on colleges, when they are clearly for minors in elementary, middle, and high school. The military has paid clergy. I also assume that Scalley and Poiha (sp?) aren't getting "paid" to do this and just do it on their own or in conjunction with the LDS institute as a sort of calling.

I think Scalley et al. teach the classes in the football center. Maybe that's the rub. I think the timing of this is interesting -- just as the Utah program is getting unprecedented news media attention, this comes up? These classes have been going on for a long time. Why now? Probably to attract the maximum attention. I'm not conspiracy-minded so I won't speculate about the long-term goals of those who are raising this. They may well be focused solely on the church/state issue because they are mission-driven (no pun intended). Or maybe they are just godless communists. ;)

Diehard Ute
10-20-2015, 04:26 PM
I think Scalley et al. teach the classes in the football center. Maybe that's the rub. I think the timing of this is interesting -- just as the Utah program is getting unprecedented news media attention, this comes up? These classes have been going on for a long time. Why now? Probably to attract the maximum attention. I'm not conspiracy-minded so I won't speculate about the long-term goals of those who are raising this. They may well be focused solely on the church/state issue because they are mission-driven (no pun intended). Or maybe they are just godless communists. ;)

It's because the D News did a story on it, and thus it's out in the open. I think is stupid, but that's certainly the reason it's come up.

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10-20-2015, 05:18 PM
Maybe somebody close to the program, perhaps even a player, dropped a dime because he felt like an 'outsider' to this clique. Groups like this only write letters like this if somebody notifies them (e.g. they need to advocate for somebody, they won't waste time writing letters that benefit nobody).

10-20-2015, 05:23 PM
Maybe somebody close to the program, perhaps even a player, dropped a dime because he felt like an 'outsider' to this clique. Groups like this only write letters like this if somebody notifies them (e.g. they need to advocate for somebody, they won't waste time writing letters that benefit nobody).

Uh, not always. Groups like this are many times advocating for a cause, not a victim.

The article states the class is run by an Institute teacher, with Pouha and Scally helping out on their own time. They are not paid by the state to participate in the class. The fact that it is held in the football facility might be the only sticky issue (is the article is accurate).

10-20-2015, 05:38 PM
I don't specifically know about this group, but i know the Freedom From Religion Foundation only advocates when requested.

But the issue of having an In-group vs Out-group still remains. Those who attend can build closer relationships with position coaches than with others who don't attend.

And when somebody who adheres to a different religious tradition attends the class to Build Relationships of Trust(tm) and voices a contrary opinion on a scriptural passage or doctrinal position, will he be embraced or will he be marginalized?

This is a sticky situation (although it may be ultimately meaningless in the bigger picture). The perception of fans and outsiders is probably irrelevant, but perception can be reality for the young player who is away from home for the first time, and if his perception is that he feels ostracized on his down time, that will be a bad situation for him.

Rocker Ute
10-20-2015, 07:48 PM
I don't specifically know about this group, but i know the Freedom From Religion Foundation only advocates when requested.

But the issue of having an In-group vs Out-group still remains. Those who attend can build closer relationships with position coaches than with others who don't attend.

And when somebody who adheres to a different religious tradition attends the class to Build Relationships of Trust(tm) and voices a contrary opinion on a scriptural passage or doctrinal position, will he be embraced or will he be marginalized?

This is a sticky situation (although it may be ultimately meaningless in the bigger picture). The perception of fans and outsiders is probably irrelevant, but perception can be reality for the young player who is away from home for the first time, and if his perception is that he feels ostracized on his down time, that will be a bad situation for him.

This is what they said when they shut down the knitting class being held by Sitake. But then again he was known to put guys in the pit who couldn't make a sweater.

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Diehard Ute
10-20-2015, 07:57 PM
Guess another letter will be coming soon.

The Reverend France Davis routinely comes to the facility to provide his services, at the request of the players.


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Rocker Ute
10-20-2015, 09:08 PM

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Damage U
10-20-2015, 10:37 PM
Where will this end? Do they go after coaches who routinely lead their teams in pregame prayers or teams that have the "cool" kids gather at the 50 yard line to pray after the game? Do they go after the NFL with their taxpayer funded stadiums?

10-21-2015, 08:32 AM

And then theres this gem...........

10-21-2015, 08:41 AM

And then theres this gem...........
But only if you are a highly sought after athlete.

LA Ute
10-21-2015, 09:07 AM

And then theres this gem...........

Pure comedy gold.

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10-21-2015, 09:43 AM
Maybe somebody close to the program, perhaps even a player, ....

This is a good start, but I think we should plumb the depths of possibility as to who narced on football teams strategy for assuring only worthy God fearing players see the field.

My bet is on some athletic department-hating professor.

10-21-2015, 11:10 AM

And then theres this gem...........

The crazy thing about his entire statement is his conflation of the "LDS experience" with the "byu experience". This is a laughably false equivalence.

If anybody goes to Utah and wants a byu experience, all he needs to do is hang out at the Institute between classes, wear khakis with a braided leather belt, and tell all the female Freshman students that they should date him because he is an RM and thus is a worthy Priesthood holder.

10-21-2015, 11:13 AM
The crazy thing about his entire statement is his conflation of the "LDS experience" with the "byu experience". This is a laughably false equivalence.

If anybody goes to Utah and wants a byu experience, all he needs to do is hang out at the Institute between classes, wear khakis with a braided leather belt, and tell all the female Freshman students that they should date him because he is an RM and thus is a worthy Priesthood holder.

And they STILL wouldn't get the BYU experience. No HC, no narking on roommates, forced to look at beards and long hair, etc, etc.

10-21-2015, 12:03 PM
And they STILL wouldn't get the BYU experience. No HC, no narking on roommates, forced to look at beards and long hair, etc, etc.

I was going for snark, but I completely forgot the evil dark side. The Honor Code may seem wholesome on the surface but it has an insidious and evil underbelly. Nobody should expose their children to that kind of world.

10-21-2015, 12:04 PM
I was going for snark, but I completely forgot the evil dark side. The Honor Code may seem wholesome on the surface but it has an insidious and evil underbelly. Nobody should expose their children to that kind of world.

The LDS church calls it 'Satan's plan'. Not sure why the restricted agency plan is the model at the byu.

10-21-2015, 12:17 PM
The LDS church calls it 'Satan's plan'. Not sure why the restricted agency plan is the model at the byu.

The byu plan is to train good little church-going Republicans.

10-21-2015, 01:17 PM
Edit: This rant doesn't go here. Suffice it to say, Im not a fan of Jason Sheperd.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-01-2017, 08:58 PM
Some unfortunate news out of Pocatello. Steve Fifita arrested. http://www.idahostatejournal.com/sports/isu/isu-assistant-football-coach-arrested-for-dui-open-container-at/article_45d9df21-557a-5469-9aa4-92e1240d5982.html

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