View Full Version : The Chase Hansen Thread

LA Ute
04-13-2015, 08:33 PM
I think we should have one for him. Time will tell whether I am right.

Here is a pretty good story about him in today's Deseret News. I think this will drive some fans of our long-time rival a little nuts, but I loved it.


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04-14-2015, 07:39 AM
I think we should have one for him. Time will tell whether I am right.

Here is a pretty good story about him in today's Deseret News. I think this will drive some fans of our long-time rival a little nuts, but I loved it.


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I heard on of my favorite quotes while in the LTM (that dates me) preparing to head to Spain. I cannot remember the name of the General Authority, but he said " Mormons are like manure, spread us around and we generally do a lot of good. Put us all in one place and we sometimes create a bad smell."

04-17-2015, 12:03 AM
Hansen is making me feel a lot better about next year. He will be a runner. The next key to the next year puzzle is having Williams pan out. If he can come in and get legit backup reps from Booker, our offense might be a lot better next year than we are expecting.

We have a legit defense with legit depth. The offense may not be that far behind.

LA Ute
10-22-2015, 11:16 AM
I know, I know, Chase hasn't yet done much as a Ute. But I think we should have a thread about him. He was a much-sought-after recruit, there was drama about possible missionary poaching by BYU, along with a mountain of social media and news media attention. He's also been depicted by everyone, including Whit, as the next Utah QB, it's his job to lose, etc.

So: Here's a Dirk Facer piece that is a nice insight into the young man and what makes him tick:

Utah football: Eager redshirt freshman Chase Hansen just wants to play... even if it's on defense (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865639551/Utah-football-Eager-redshirt-freshman-Chase-Hansen-just-wants-to-play-even-if-its-on-defense.html)
“So we’ll see what happens in the long run but honestly I just want to be able to play a position that I’m best at,” he continued. “If I’m a better safety than I am quarterback — end of story. I would much rather be a great safety here than a subpar quarterback for a few years.”

I like Chase.

10-22-2015, 03:07 PM
You're killing me, Smalls.


LA Ute
10-22-2015, 03:25 PM
You're killing me, Smalls.


Oh, be quiet.

10-22-2015, 03:31 PM
I know, I know, Chase hasn't yet done much as a Ute. But I think we should have a thread about him. He was a much-sought-after recruit, there was drama about possible missionary poaching by BYU, along with a mountain of social media and news media attention. He's also been depicted by everyone, including Whit, as the next Utah QB, it's his job to lose, etc.

So: Here's a Dirk Facer piece that is a nice insight into the young man and what makes him tick:

Utah football: Eager redshirt freshman Chase Hansen just wants to play... even if it's on defense (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865639551/Utah-football-Eager-redshirt-freshman-Chase-Hansen-just-wants-to-play-even-if-its-on-defense.html)

I like Chase.

I also read this as, I will play whatever position will give me the best chance at the NFL.

10-22-2015, 06:15 PM
I'm confused. Is this The Chase Hansen Thread or is it The Chase Hansen Thread? TIA

LA Ute
10-22-2015, 06:26 PM
I'm confused. Is this The Chase Hansen Thread or is it The Chase Hansen Thread? TIA

It's The Chase Hansen Thread. You need to work on interpreting subtlety and seeing distinctions.

LA Ute
10-25-2015, 07:11 PM
What we are seeing with Chase is an elaborate Kabuki dance. He's moving to defense. Kyle is handling this well, but I wonder why all the effort to prepare people for the change? is there someone KW needs to placate or some PR impact he's worried about? Is the impact on recruiting a factor?

10-25-2015, 07:25 PM
I would guess he has to placate the dad. Also has to make it look like he gave chase a fair shot at quarterback, so we can try to cut the same deal with future recruits

LA Ute
10-25-2015, 07:43 PM
I would guess he has to placate the dad. Also has to make it look like he gave chase a fair shot at quarterback, so we can try to cut the same deal with future recruits

Good point. It's easy to see why he'd want to avoid further cementing his reputation as a coach who attracts recruits with the promise of getting a shot at offense, then switches them to defense. I can see how he needs to be careful about that.

In fairness to KW, it is my understanding that he always makes it clear that the only promise is that the recruit will get a shot at offense, and that Kyle always keeps that promise. Maybe he promised Chase something a little more.

In any case, if Chase has the talent to be an outstanding safety, but only to be an average or slightly above average quarterback, it is best for him to play safety. So all in all, this doesn't really bother me. It is just kind of curious to watch.

By the way, I really would not mind having an above average quarterback. 😜

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LA Ute
10-25-2015, 07:46 PM
Is this insider knowledge or a guess? Who's our qb next year then? It's not Cox. So either a true freshman (bad idea) or some unknown jc transfer who didn't impress at uw?

Maybe Chase isn't the future, but I want every able bodied ute to compete for the qb job.

I also want Chase to play both ways as a safety and a qb next year, just for the awesomeness of it.

No insider knowledge at all. I am just making a guess based on the way Kyle is handling this.

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10-25-2015, 08:40 PM
in that case, I take KW at his word--CH will be playing qb in the spring if he doesn't tear his ACL on special teams.

LA Ute
10-25-2015, 08:43 PM
in that case, I take KW at his word--CH will be playing qb in the spring if he doesn't tear his ACL on special teams.

I think so, but I won't be a bit surprised if he's playing safety in the fall.

10-25-2015, 09:14 PM
Me either. This could be kw's way of showing him he has a future at safety if it turns out he dousnt have one at qb. Gives him options to consider.

10-25-2015, 10:23 PM
He has an NFL future at safety. But he needs to learn that fact and make a switch soon. Like right this second.

He made a few plays last night on D and seemed to be in on every ST tackle. But he was nearly always out of position and other players had to move him to the right spot.

If his future is at safety then he needs to commit to it RIGHT NOW and learn the position.

10-25-2015, 10:47 PM
He has an NFL future at safety. But he needs to learn that fact and make a switch soon. Like right this second.

He made a few plays last night on D and seemed to be in on every ST tackle. But he was nearly always out of position and other players had to move him to the right spot.

If his future is at safety then he needs to commit to it RIGHT NOW and learn the position.

Can't he wait until after next Spring?

10-26-2015, 07:49 AM
Can't he wait until after next Spring?

Sure, but we will lose more games if he doesn't learn his assignments at Safety. He is a Safety this year and can choose QB after the season.

Maybe I am just nervous with him at QB because he looked worse than Manning or Cox on the few series of downs he has played this year. Maybe he is the next Alex Smith.

I am happy to see him on the field making plays, and perhaps he will catch up in a few games. Marcus Sanders-Williams was out of position all day long vs WSU last season, and the Pirate saw that and burned him for it and beat us.

If we end up with a new OC next year for some strange yet predictable reason (Whitt gonna Whitt), I have to wonder whether a Chase Hansen-type of QB will even fit the system.

Rocker Ute
10-26-2015, 10:41 AM
If we end up with a new OC next year for some strange yet predictable reason (Whitt gonna Whitt), I have to wonder whether a Chase Hansen-type of QB will even fit the system.

This isn't necessarily a response to what you are saying here - it just reminded me - but is anyone genuinely displeased with the OCs this year? It would seem to me that our offense has improved pretty dramatically over last year, while still hinging on Wilson and his up and down play (side note: the second you see Wilson start hanging his head you know he is done for the game). I know that people have been critical of the creativity of the play calling, but a lot of that hinges on the fact that we give Booker a lot of touches. However, don't you give your Heisman candidate RB a lot of touches?

I personally wouldn't expect any significant changes with our OCs this next year unless one of them decides to move on to another job, not out of duress.

LA Ute
10-26-2015, 10:48 AM
This isn't necessarily a response to what you are saying here - it just reminded me - but is anyone genuinely displeased with the OCs this year? It would seem to me that our offense has improved pretty dramatically over last year, while still hinging on Wilson and his up and down play (side note: the second you see Wilson start hanging his head you know he is done for the game). I know that people have been critical of the creativity of the play calling, but a lot of that hinges on the fact that we give Booker a lot of touches. However, don't you give your Heisman candidate RB a lot of touches?

I personally wouldn't expect any significant changes with our OCs this next year unless one of them decides to move on to another job, not out of duress.

I agree. I like what the O has been doing and hope A-Rod and Harding stay on.

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10-26-2015, 10:55 AM
I agree. I like what the O has been doing and hope A-Rod and Harding stay on.

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Harding has particularly been effective in recruiting offensive lineman.

If Whit stays, and I think he will, we'll see all the assistants get raises, which should keep our offensive staff in place.

The one thing about Travis is we've seen him bounce back from bad performances, which I think speaks to the relationship he has with A-Rod. The true test of this duo, HardRod as I've heard them called (snicker) will be next year with a QB that isn't named Travis Wilson and losing Booker as well.

10-26-2015, 12:42 PM
Team HardRod have been a huge improvement over previous years. I want to are them continue to work together. Whitt and Hill need to find a way to take very good care of them this offseason.

And hopefully Dennis Erickson will stick around for at least one more year.

Rocker Ute
10-26-2015, 12:53 PM
I can see Erickson being around for as long as it is fun for him and right now that certainly sounds like it is the case.

Thinking back on the OC carousel there were a couple of factors that influenced it more than just people coming and going. SchrammRod was replaced by Norm Chow, which was kind of a must take scenario (and looking back he got us to 8 wins with our cupboards nearly bare). Then he left, the Brian Anderson experiment... Erickson, another must take opportunity, is there to mentor. That explodes and we get Christensen. Really Schrammrod wasn't awful, we just needed some P5 experience in there and the right opportunity came. Had it not we'd probably be still using them in some form.

I tend to believe that Harding and Rod will be around for a while.

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10-26-2015, 02:02 PM
Then he left, the Brian Anderson experiment...

Tell me more about the Brian Anderson experiment . . .

10-26-2015, 02:06 PM
Tell me more about the Brian Anderson experiment . . .


10-26-2015, 02:17 PM

No wonder our play calling sucked.

LA Ute
10-26-2015, 02:59 PM
Tell me more about the Brian Anderson experiment . . .

He played right after Alex Smoot graduated.

Rocker Ute
10-26-2015, 03:26 PM
Tell me more about the Brian Anderson experiment . . .

It is not quite breakfast and it isn't quite lunch but it comes with a slice of cantaloupe. But you get a good meal.

I wish I could blame that one on auto-correct.

11-02-2015, 08:32 AM

11-02-2015, 08:56 AM

Heard a long discussion with Brandon Doman on DJ and PK while driving to work. Doman said if Chase were really the future at QB, they would not risk injury to him at safety. Thought this means he is not the QB next year. This lead to a long discussion about "when is Utah ever going to recruit a top flight QB who can establish a passing game," and "if you were a top flight QB, why would you go to Utah and its revolving coordinators." Which led to their doubts that the Washington "castoff' is the future, b/c jc transfers rarely succeed, and who is going to be Utah's QB next year?

11-02-2015, 09:09 AM
Heard a long discussion with Brandon Doman on DJ and PK while driving to work. Doman said if Chase were really the future at QB, they would not risk injury to him at safety. Thought this means he is not the QB next year. This lead to a long discussion about "when is Utah ever going to recruit a top flight QB who can establish a passing game," and "if you were a top flight QB, why would you go to Utah and its revolving coordinators." Which led to their doubts that the Washington "castoff' is the future, b/c jc transfers rarely succeed, and who is going to be Utah's QB next year?

I'd been thinking that as well....

Maybe Covey can convert a 4* QB and RB while he's out. Next year is going to be rough.

11-02-2015, 09:13 AM
Heard a long discussion with Brandon Doman on DJ and PK while driving to work. Doman said if Chase were really the future at QB, they would not risk injury to him at safety. Thought this means he is not the QB next year. This lead to a long discussion about "when is Utah ever going to recruit a top flight QB who can establish a passing game," and "if you were a top flight QB, why would you go to Utah and its revolving coordinators." Which led to their doubts that the Washington "castoff' is the future, b/c jc transfers rarely succeed, and who is going to be Utah's QB next year?

I take Whitt's word at face value when it comes to Chase: He is a terrific athlete who can help the team in a lot of ways. I also think he will get one final shot at QB in the spring. If the juco kid beats him out, i think he will be moved to safety/linebacker permanently.

DJ and PK are not only still on the air, but are still talking to Brandon Doman?

11-02-2015, 09:18 AM
I'm not buying. I don't know if Chase is a S or QB next year, but people should stop trying to force conclusions that just aren't there. Chase is a competitor who wants to be on the field. He's not going to play ahead of Travis. There is a need for him at safety right now. So he plays. It's simple. In today's game, QBs are at more risk for injury than safeties, especially running QBs. Risk of injury is something you just accept in football.

We don't know who the QB is next year, but I doubt Chase has been crossed of the list already.

Does Doman have more information or insight here than any casual fan does?

Doman based it in part on his own experience; said he was tried at several different positons early in his career, because they did not consider him a qb. Came back to qb late by default.

A friend of mine just told me that in his post-game press conference, KW said they will let Chase decide at the end of the year whether he wants to play qb or safety. Seems like an odd comment to me if you really think he is the future at qb, the most important position on the field, esp. with the cupboard bare.

11-02-2015, 09:19 AM
I'm not buying. I don't know if Chase is a S or QB next year, but people should stop trying to force conclusions that just aren't there. Chase is a competitor who wants to be on the field. He's not going to play ahead of Travis. There is a need for him at safety right now. So he plays. It's simple. In today's game, QBs are at more risk for injury than safeties, especially running QBs. Risk of injury is something you just accept in football.

We don't know who the QB is next year, but I doubt Chase has been crossed of the list already.

Does Doman have more information or insight here than any casual fan does?

DJ and PK have made a career out of trying to force conclusions that just arent there. As for Doman, you should listen to his interviews with various 1280 shows. At times, he all but begs for a position on the Ute coaching staff.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-02-2015, 09:55 AM
Christian Cox was making similar claims on KSL last night. He was doubtful we ever see Chase at QB again. Not sure he has any more clout than Doman though.

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11-02-2015, 10:05 AM
Christian Cox was making similar claims on KSL last night. He was doubtful we ever see Chase at QB again. Not sure he has any more clout than Doman though.

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This is one of those "in Whit I trust" type scenarios. The last QB he turned into a defensive star is now on his second NFL contract with the Cleveland Browns, and the list is as long as your arm of guys that have come here and have been moved to defense, then coached up to be successful at the next level. He's very clearly told Chase that he believes his future is at defense, but given the QB situation heading into next season, there's no reason not to give him a shot, unless he is so far behind Cox, Williams, Manning, Huntley that we're just wasting everyone's time. I don't think that is the case.

I also think that some of these former players are just trying to stay relevant. I don't say that to be mean, but for all intents and purposes, Doman was a wild failure as a coach at BYU...so much so that they brought in the guy they were so desperate to get rid of to give Doman a shot. Now, that may not be fair, but it is what it is and among Cougar nation, at least as a coach, he seems maligned. So I take some of that with a grain of salt.

It's kind of like last week when Gunther said that the Utah WRs don't block because they are lazy and lack leadership - it ultimately forced a response from Kenneth Scott and at least for a little bit he shut his twitter account down. Our WRs might not be able to block terribly well, but with a guy like Scott on the unit, you can't tell me they lack leadership. In other words, Gunther was grabbing headlines.

11-02-2015, 01:49 PM
The Domans are family acquaintances and Brandon grew up with my brother. He is a good guy and has a high football IQ. IMHO he was set up to fail as an OC. His two biggest mistakes were in coddling Jake Heaps (he should have made him run Stadium steps for dogging it or missing practices and meetings rather than letting him slide, which made the rest of the team hate him more), and accepting the calling as a bishop which demanded more time and emotional energy than he could handle. He was also thrust into that role too young and too inexperienced as a coach, just like Brian Johnson.

The comment about JC transfers not working out is just plain silly. Three of his winningest qbs were Max Hall, Riley Nelson and Taysom Hill, all of whom were post-mission transfers. A 2-year mission (4-month for Max) is a far worse situation than playing qb at a JC. Williams only transferred to the JC last January and will be at Utah after the Christmas break, and in the meantime he is lighting it up at the JC this season. The entire statement is a non sequitur, and some (obviously Aaron Rodgers, Cam Newton)
will pan out better than others.

Chase looked respectable at Safety last Saturday. He is a very gifted athlete and a dedicated player all around. If QB doesn't directly work out for him then maybe he can mix in some Wildcat.

11-02-2015, 02:07 PM
The comment about JC transfers not working out is just plain silly. Three of his winningest qbs were Max Hall, Riley Nelson and Taysom Hill, all of whom were post-mission transfers. A 2-year mission (4-month for Max) is a far worse situation than playing qb at a JC. Williams only transferred to the JC last January and will be at Utah after the Christmas break, and in the meantime he is lighting it up at the JC this season. The entire statement is a non sequitur, and some (obviously Aaron Rodgers, Cam Newton)
will pan out better than others.

They addressed this very point. Said Cam Newton doesn't count, because he was originally at Florida and kicked off the team. Not a true JC (same would be true of Taysom, since he came from Stanford.) Said Sarkasian doesn't count because he was playing in the WAC. They were hard pressed to name somebody besides Aaron Rodgers. (IIRC, wasnt Josh Heupel a JC transfer?) Their point was that successful JC qb's in the Big 5 conferences are very few and far between and you cant build your program around them, particularly if they couldn't make the grade at UW to begin with. Time will tell probably.

LA Ute
11-02-2015, 03:13 PM
I don't think Chase will play another down at QB at Utah unless both Wilson and Thompson are injured. Just my guess. I really hope the QB situation turns around. I we can just get one excellent and successful QB that will help our offensive identity and will help future recruiting. (Oh, and it will help us win.) It'll be interesting to see who emerges from the pack. We're in a big boy league now; we need a QB who can consistently take it to the other teams.

Irving Washington
11-02-2015, 03:27 PM
I think too much is being made of Hansen playing safety. They may be telling him that he has a chance to make the pros as a safety, but not QB. Hansen himself may decide to focus on defense. But I think he'll be given every chance next fall to be the starting QB. Too much uncertainty there to not give him a chance, and safeties are easier to find or develop than QB's.

11-02-2015, 03:51 PM
My plan still works - let him play both ways! QB is not all that physically taxing. He would be front page news all season long, and great athletes would line up to be the next Chase Hansen.......if he's good.

I don't like this new idea of letting him choose at the end of the season. He should be part of the QB competition because the other competitors are complete unknowns. What if Williams/Huntley stink? If there is any chance that Chase could be the best QB option, we need him there.
Eric Weddle 2.0...with an arm!

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Diehard Ute
11-02-2015, 04:10 PM
Apparently no one listened to Chase after the game.

He said he'll do whatever he has to do to play. He doesn't care if it's playing safety or QB.

He said he will play whatever position is best for the team and for him. And he said if he can be a great safety and an ok QB he'll play safety. If it's the other way around he'll play QB.

He then went on to say if he could he would play every position, that he just wants to play.

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LA Ute
11-02-2015, 05:28 PM
Apparently no one listened to Chase after the game.

He said he'll do whatever he has to do to play. He doesn't care if it's playing safety or QB.

He said he will play whatever position is best for the team and for him. And he said if he can be a great safety and an ok QB he'll play safety. If it's the other way around he'll play QB.

He then went on to say if he could he would play every position, that he just wants to play.

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Yep. I heard that and it sounded to me like he understands that he can probably be a good QB but an NFL-caliber safety or corner. Maybe LB if he bulks up. What caught my ear was that he specifically mentioned that he may face a choice between being an average QB and a great safety, and if so he'd pick the latter. So that idea is clearly in his head.

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11-02-2015, 06:40 PM
read the last paragraph


11-02-2015, 10:33 PM
Does Troy Williams lose a year because he's transferring within the conference?

Diehard Ute
11-02-2015, 10:37 PM
Does Troy Williams lose a year because he's transferring within the conference?

He's not. He's coming from a JC

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11-02-2015, 10:37 PM
I understand why Chase may be loving safety. Whit has never recruited a skill player this decorated before.


Dwight Schr-Ute
11-03-2015, 12:04 AM
40% of our fan base is dumb. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/11/02/3932d7848fb536ed4ea181dbbebd83c5.jpg

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Diehard Ute
11-03-2015, 05:17 AM
40% of our fan base is dumb. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/11/02/3932d7848fb536ed4ea181dbbebd83c5.jpg

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That's the 40% who like blue.

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11-03-2015, 07:20 AM
I'm on the Hansen-as-safety bandwagon. There is plenty of room on here. Kyle may have a terrible touch with qbs, but let's be honest, he has great taste in safeties. I'd rather that Chase become an all-conference safety than a mediocre qb. We recruit plenty of mediocre qbs.

11-03-2015, 08:04 AM
I'm on the Hansen-as-safety bandwagon. There is plenty of room on here. Kyle may have a terrible touch with qbs, but let's be honest, he has great taste in safeties. I'd rather that Chase become an all-conference safety than a mediocre qb. We recruit plenty of mediocre qbs.

Hansen was interviewed on the radio this am. He said the decision is his, and that it will depend in part on what the competition is like at qb. He specifically said it depends on who comes in to compete at qb.

He seemed to imply that he thinks he may have a future as a pro at safety, which may make all the difference.

It will be interesting to see what happens with Troy Williams. He was Sarkasian's personal recruit, apparently. Sarkasian loved him, Peterson didn't at all.

Still can't imagine that you would let your future at qb play safety.

11-03-2015, 08:29 AM
Hansen was interviewed on the radio this am. He said the decision is his, and that it will depend in part on what the competition is like at qb. He specifically said it depends on who comes in to compete at qb.

He seemed to imply that he thinks he may have a future as a pro at safety, which may make all the difference.

It will be interesting to see what happens with Troy Williams. He was Sarkasian's personal recruit, apparently. Sarkasian loved him, Peterson didn't at all.

Still can't imagine that you would let your future at qb play safety.

I wonder how often Whitt tells someone that their position is entirely up to them. I mean, I don't think he forces anyone to play anywhere, but I have never heard of him telling someone that its up to them either.

Personally, I like Chase at LB, as we will have two open spots next year.

11-03-2015, 08:53 AM
I wonder how often Whitt tells someone that their position is entirely up to them. I mean, I don't think he forces anyone to play anywhere, but I have never heard of him telling someone that its up to them either.

Personally, I like Chase at LB, as we will have two open spots next year.

As DJ said on the radio, KW is leaving it up to CH because he knows what the answer is going to be. DJ thinks leaving the decision to Chase is KW's way of avoiding criticism about promising recruits they can play qb and then forcing them to move.

11-03-2015, 09:04 AM
Kyle is mean! He forces kids to play defense (for the Utes and later in the nfl) and stomps on their dreams of riding pine as a qb. For shame.

11-03-2015, 09:40 AM
I think it went like this:

Kyle: "Chase, I want you to talk with Justin Thomas here for a second."

Kyle: "Justin, can you tell Chase how much you enjoy having an All-Conference Honorable Mention season as a DB? Is that more fun than holding a clipboard and calling in fake signals during the game, while watching the game from the sidelines?"

Justin: "Chase it is a lot of fun playing in the game. It is much better than sitting on the sidelines, and I have a good chance at playing in the NFL in a few years."

Chase: "I have a lot to think about."

Rocker Ute
11-03-2015, 09:55 AM
Well, and for a soph playing his first go at Safety I think he has been pretty dang good, I've seen some highly-touted guys do a lot worse in their debut.

11-03-2015, 10:28 AM
Well, and for a soph playing his first go at Safety I think he has been pretty dang good, I've seen some highly-touted guys do a lot worse in their debut.


11-03-2015, 10:29 AM
Again, that narrative would make more sense if we had a qb.

I'm excited for Chase on defense, but I don't like the eggs in one basket on some jc transfer who Chris Peterson didn't like.

There needs to at least be a few people other than Williams in the qb competition. Cox and Manning don't count. Maybe there will be a graduate transfer.

There will also be the freshman from Florida fwiw

11-03-2015, 02:07 PM
Again, that narrative would make more sense if we had a qb.

I'm excited for Chase on defense, but I don't like the eggs in one basket on some jc transfer who Chris Peterson didn't like.

There needs to at least be a few people other than Williams in the qb competition. Cox and Manning don't count. Maybe there will be a graduate transfer.

Sure, if Chase Hansen were far and away the best qb on our roster, than of course you play him at that spot. QB is the most important single player in a football game. But if he's not the best, or even if he is but it's close, it becomes a question of priorities: do you prioritize the quarterback position above having a first rate defensive back. The answer is obvious if he's far and away the best qb that we have; less obvious if you have a close promixmity to his skill set. I'm pretty sure he'll be one of the top three qbs on the roster next year, but 100% positive that he'd be in the top 2 for safety.

11-03-2015, 02:23 PM
I agree with you on this, but I guess I'm pessimistic enough about the other guys to think he might actually be far and away our best option next year. I think it's risky to not at least find out in the Spring. Then again, maybe we already know. Maybe he's not even at Cox's level.

Cox is a non-starter. I think it's between Hansen, JC transfer, the Florida kid, and whomever else we convince to transfer.

11-03-2015, 02:48 PM
In that case, we can't really know if Chase is head and shoulders better than the others, far worse than the others, or just on par with the others.

True, but I assume (from getting playing time at safety) that the coaches are pretty sure they don't have the next Tom Brady. He might win the job, but no one will be doing cartwheels.

11-03-2015, 06:42 PM
Again, that narrative would make more sense if we had a qb.

I'm excited for Chase on defense, but I don't like the eggs in one basket on some jc transfer who Chris Peterson didn't like.

There needs to at least be a few people other than Williams in the qb competition. Cox and Manning don't count. Maybe there will be a graduate transfer.

It Chase is our best option at QB we are in deep shit. If Troy Williams and Hundley can't beat him out, just pull their scholarships now.

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11-03-2015, 07:28 PM
It Chase is our best option at QB we are in deep shit. If Troy Williams and Hundley can't beat him out, just pull their scholarships now.

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It won't be Hundley. In 2013 Rivals rated J.T. Barrett as the No. 7 ranked dual threat recruit; Anu Solomon was no. 2. Troy Williams was no. 1. Troy was ranked the 178th best HS PLAYER in the nation. Utah has never signed an ESPN 300 freshman. (Jake Heaps was not even rated this highly!)

Troy went to Washington because Sark offered him when he was 15, and Sark is a great recruiter regardless of his other weaknesses. Moreover, this year Troy has lit it up at his JUCO in Los Angeles, which is not a backwater. Troy started one and played in a bunch of games at UW as a redshirt freshman.

Somebody said this is not analogous to Cam Newton because Cam was at a DI school before he went to his JUCO. I can't see where the analogy breaks down.

Is it a coincidence that Utah gets a commitment from Troy and the next week Chase is playing safety? What am I missing?

LA Ute
11-03-2015, 08:15 PM
Is it a coincidence that Utah gets a commitment from Troy and the next week Chase is playing safety? What am I missing?

It is indeed intriguing.

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11-03-2015, 09:38 PM
Seattle UT - - Cam Newton is not analogous to Troy Williams because Newton would have been a star in Florida. He got bounced for violations of team rules. He did not fail to beat out the other qb's on the roster.

11-03-2015, 09:49 PM
Seattle UT - - Cam Newton is not analogous to Troy Williams because Newton would have been a star in Florida. He got bounced for violations of team rules. He did not fail to beat out the other qb's on the roster.

concerned: 20/20 hindsight.

Newton initially attended the University of Florida (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Florida), where he was a member of the Florida Gators football (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Gators_football) team in 2007 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Florida_Gators_football_team) and 2008 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Florida_Gators_football_team). As a freshman in 2007, Newton beat out fellow freshman quarterback John Brantley (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brantley) as the back-up for eventual Heisman Trophy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heisman_Trophy) winner Tim Tebow (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Tebow). He played in five games, passing for 40 yards on 5-of-10 and rushing 16 times for 103 yards and three touchdowns. In 2008, during his sophomore season, Newton played in the season opener against Hawaii but suffered an ankle injury and took a medical redshirt season (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshirt_(college_sports)).

On November 21, 2008, Newton was arrested for the theft of a laptop computer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laptop) from another University of Florida student. He was subsequently suspended from the team after the laptop was found to be in his possession.


He didn't beat out Tim Tebow, and he only beat out a fellow true freshman. There's nothing about that history that would have established Cam Newton would be a star anywhere. The most interesting thing about the game of football may be that nobody really knows who will make a great quarterback before the prospect is put to the test. Whenever it happens it's in a sense a surprise.

11-03-2015, 09:53 PM
And any team in America would have signed Cam out of his juco. How many teams did we beat out for Troy?

I'm hopeful that Troy is great for us, but he hardly seems like a sure thing. There is no such thing as a sure thing for a QB recruit.

Can we make a deal here that there will be no negativity until there's a real, concrete, evidentiary reason for it?

The fact is, you don't know who we beat out, or whether Utah had him locked up since Washington so nobody really looked hard at him or pursued him in the past year. I read he was rumored to be headed to Utah at the time he left Washington.

Before he went to Washington and experienced the disadvantage of an alcoholic coach and a change in coaches everybody in the country did want him.

11-03-2015, 09:59 PM
And any team in America would have signed Cam out of his juco.

Nor do you know this to be true. Here are the teams that Auburn beat out, and the list does not impress me that much:


11-03-2015, 10:14 PM
Yeah, but Scout.com says we only beat out UAB for Troy Williams. Like you pointed out, these lists do not tell the whole story.

It's good to see you doing some research of your own. But Scout is always biased against us.

11-03-2015, 10:49 PM
Yes, thank you for showing me the google. Rivals also lists UAB as Williams' only other offer. I don't think this means much. I'm as high on him as I have been on any of our QB recruits in the pac-12 era.

It sounds as though you are as high on him as you are on Stanford.

11-04-2015, 09:21 AM
Can we make a deal here that there will be no negativity until there's a real, concrete, evidentiary reason for it?

Wait....what?! You're suggesting we shouldn't freak out about things that may or may not be happening?! That's insane.

I also don't get Ute fans need to freak out about next year based on a bunch of assumptions that may or may not be true and events that may or may not happen in the next 12 months, all while in the midst of one of Utah football's best seasons ever. It truly is perplexing. We give "Zoobs" crap for always believing they are on the cusp of national championships and Heismans; we need to name the sub-set of Ute fans (or at least the act of) constantly assuming Utah is on the brink of disaster.

Rocker Ute
11-04-2015, 09:29 AM
Wait....what?! You're suggesting we shouldn't freak out about things that may or may not be happening?! That's insane.

I also don't get Ute fans need to freak out about next year based on a bunch of assumptions that may or may not be true and events that may or may not happen in the next 12 months, all while in the midst of one of Utah football's best seasons ever. It truly is perplexing. We give "Zoobs" crap for always believing they are on the cusp of national championships and Heismans; we need to name the sub-set of Ute fans (or at least the act of) constantly assuming Utah is on the brink of disaster.

It is kind of like the anti-zoob. I propose that type of fan be called a Booz. It fits on a lot of levels.

LA Ute
11-04-2015, 09:32 AM
Wait....what?! You're suggesting we shouldn't freak out about things that may or may not be happening?! That's insane.

I also don't get Ute fans need to freak out about next year based on a bunch of assumptions that may or may not be true and events that may or may not happen in the next 12 months, all while in the midst of one of Utah football's best seasons ever. It truly is perplexing. We give "Zoobs" crap for always believing they are on the cusp of national championships and Heismans; we need to name the sub-set of Ute fans (or at least the act of) constantly assuming Utah is on the brink of disaster.

Last season and this season have been the best rides I have had as a Utes football fan, ever. 2004 and 2008 were terrific, but we're in a different universe now. Success here is pretty much the pinnacle.

LA Ute
11-04-2015, 09:50 AM
You and I have very different definitions of freaking out.

To me, freaking out is perseverating (to "repeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased") about such things as how the program is doomed, no success is possible next season or this season, etc. Just being nervous or worrying is what sports fans do. I love the old-time metaphor of "hot stove talk," going back to say when guy would gather around a hot wood stove during the winter and talk about their favorite teams' prospects for the coming season. I'm not sure how often it really happened that way, but it's a great image.


11-04-2015, 10:33 AM
Last season and this season have been the best rides I have had as a Utes football fan, ever. 2004 and 2008 were terrific, but we're in a different universe now. Success here is pretty much the pinnacle.

Plus 2004 was followed by 2005 and 2008 was followed by 2009. In each of those years, we didn't have a successor quarterback and we suffered greatly. Don't want that to happen again. Weren't Ratliff and Cain both JC's?

11-04-2015, 10:43 AM
Plus 2004 was followed by 2005 and 2008 was followed by 2009. In each of those years, we didn't have a successor quarterback and we suffered greatly. Don't want that to happen again. Weren't Ratliff and Cain both JC's?

What's the analogy between Ratliff/Cain and Troy Williams? Williams is not really a JUCO. Originally, he was recruited nationwide and could have gotten a scholarship pretty much anywhere. He chose Washington, which doesn't recruit JUCOS by the way, and imposes minimal academic standards on recruits. When Washington didn't work out (Washington by the way had a crowd of four star quarterbacks at the door, including this year's freshman phenom Jake Browning who is Peterson's guy and a total pro-style drop back passer which is what Peterson wants), Williams could have transferred laterally to a good DI program, but instead of doing that and sitting out a year, he spent a year of eligibility playing at a very strong JUCO program and thereby reinstating his Pac 12 eligibility. He's not really a JUCO.

Jarid in Cedar
11-04-2015, 11:41 AM
Plus 2004 was followed by 2005 and 2008 was followed by 2009. In each of those years, we didn't have a successor quarterback and we suffered greatly. Don't want that to happen again. Weren't Ratliff and Cain both JC's?

Brian Johnson was the starter for the first 10 games of 2005. He was also 4th in the nation in total offense, even without finishing the season. Ratliff started the last 2 games after Johnson suffered a season ending knee injury against New Mexico.

LA Ute
11-04-2015, 12:11 PM
What's the analogy between Ratliff/Cain and Troy Williams? Williams is not really a JUCO. Originally, he was recruited nationwide and could have gotten a scholarship pretty much anywhere. He chose Washington, which doesn't recruit JUCOS by the way, and imposes minimal academic standards on recruits. When Washington didn't work out (Washington by the way had a crowd of four star quarterbacks at the door, including this year's freshman phenom Jake Browning who is Peterson's guy and a total pro-style drop back passer which is what Peterson wants), Williams could have transferred laterally to a good DI program, but instead of doing that and sitting out a year, he spent a year of eligibility playing at a very strong JUCO program and thereby reinstating his Pac 12 eligibility. He's not really a JUCO.


11-04-2015, 01:05 PM
You and I have very different definitions of freaking out.

Do you even twitter, bruh? Utezone? This thread is pretty mild compared to the freaking out I have seen on this subject on both twitter and utezone over the last couple of weeks.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-04-2015, 01:10 PM
Do you even twitter, bruh? Utezone? This thread is pretty mild compared to the freaking out I have seen on this subject on both twitter and utezone over the last couple of weeks.

I have to admit that the biggest freak out that I've seen about this is from BYU fans jumping up and down about how Whittingham is a liar and a terrible person for deluding Chase into thinking that he'd every play QB for Utah. Pretty elaborate schemer, that Whittingham.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-04-2015, 01:12 PM
Haha. I have a twitter account, but I only follow a handful of Ute fans (3-4), no BYU fans, and a lot of the national writers.

I've never been to utezone. I'll take your word for it on the freaking out.

I just found out that Nate Silver says we have a 6% chance of making the playoff. I'm feeling lucky, and I like those odds.

Alabama has a 14% chance of winning the SEC, but a 11% chance of being the national champion.

LA Ute
11-04-2015, 04:30 PM
Do you even twitter, bruh? Utezone? This thread is pretty mild compared to the freaking out I have seen on this subject on both twitter and utezone over the last couple of weeks.

This scene comes to mind:


11-04-2015, 04:58 PM
I am happy that Chase is getting this much attention. Utah Football is the talk of the town here in the SLC market, and will be for the rest of the CFB season!!

11-10-2015, 11:45 AM
A sad thing about Chase’s injury is that he got injured becauseof the way he plays, with abandon. Up by 11 a lot of players would havetaken that last play off. Did you see what Gionni Paul said about Tevin Carter?:

"I believe that he was just thinking in his head, 'Wow thatcould've been me [speaking of Chase before the injury, how he played]. I need tomake more plays. I need to fly around to the ball,' " Paul said of Carter."I believe he'll go out there Saturday and do that."

Jarid in Cedar
11-10-2015, 11:51 AM
A sad thing about Chase’s injury is that he got injured becauseof the way he plays, with abandon. Up by 11 a lot of players would havetaken that last play off. Did you see what Gionni Paul said about Tevin Carter?:

"I believe that he was just thinking in his head, 'Wow thatcould've been me [speaking of Chase before the injury, how he played]. I need tomake more plays. I need to fly around to the ball,' " Paul said of Carter."I believe he'll go out there Saturday and do that."

Carter hasn't looked healthy to me, from the Michigan game forward. Last year, he was running stride for stride with wide receivers, this year he is chasing behind tight ends. I don't know if it is a residual from his groin injury last year(muscle detached from bone), or a new injury, but he doesn't look like the same player.

11-10-2015, 01:13 PM
agreed. I have thought the same thing. Something is hampering him.

LA Ute
11-10-2015, 01:20 PM
agreed. I have thought the same thing. Something is hampering him.

We can be sure Arizona is paying close attention to what's going on with our safeties.

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11-10-2015, 01:41 PM
I spoke with a football staffer about Tevyn. He wouldn't play the injury card except to say a few things have affected Carter's speed. He did say that Carter's become a bit of a tweener. He's really good against the run and almost linebacker size but he's struggled in coverage this season. He echoed what Whittingham said about Hansen legitimately beating out Carter. Defensive coaches hope the competition and opportunity bring out the best in him.

Diehard Ute
11-10-2015, 06:06 PM
I spoke with a football staffer about Tevyn. He wouldn't play the injury card except to say a few things have affected Carter's speed. He did say that Carter's become a bit of a tweener. He's really good against the run and almost linebacker size but he's struggled in coverage this season. He echoed what Whittingham said about Hansen legitimately beating out Carter. Defensive coaches hope the competition and opportunity bring out the best in him.

Carter has struggled with his weight. He came into camp around 220 and hasn't gotten back down. His weight affects his athleticism. Kyle again mentioned Carter's need to control his weight this week.

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10-30-2016, 12:44 PM
I just want to say that Chase Hansen is one of my favorite Utes ever. How can he not be All-Pac 12 and starting next season consensus All-American?

10-30-2016, 01:35 PM
I just want to say that Chase Hansen is one of my favorite Utes ever. How can he not be All-Pac 12 and starting next season consensus All-American?

I think will look back in a few years and be amazed that we had two NFL safeties playing on the field at the same time (Williams and Hansen)