View Full Version : Killing Lincoln

02-22-2013, 09:48 AM
So, Nat-Geo just ran a 2 hour special called "Killing Lincoln." Apparently it is based on the book by Bill O'Reilly. I haven't read this book, but I did read Manhunt: The 12 Day Search for Lincoln's Killer. So much of what I saw in the special was similar to what I read in that book. Still, I thought this special was really well done. It was narrated by Tom Hanks and literally walked through the planning and execution of the assassination plot of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and William Seward. Anyways, having read a lot about this subject in the past, as well as some of the post-death Lincoln material, I found the special to be quite interesting.

The one thing I remember learning and being surprised to learn was that when Booth was captured, he was shot in the back of the neck and paralyzed from the neck down and died pretty miserable. Certainly a fitting end for him, but it was just something I never knew. In the special they mentioned that there was actually a photograph taken of the autopsy of Booth, but that the photograph was never found.

In any event, worth checking out.

02-22-2013, 10:24 AM
Thanks. I'll track it down.

02-22-2013, 11:45 AM
Agreed. I liked the book quite a bit. It gave you tidbits that aren't mentioned most of the time. For example how Lincoln's body guard wasn't out side the president's box, stopping anyone who tried to see the president, instead he was next door at the bar. I also wasn't aware of the manner of Booth's capture and death. It's also a quick read.

I have also read Killing Kennedy, which was also a good read. Good insights into Pres. Kennedy, and all that came with.

02-22-2013, 11:59 AM
Agreed. I liked the book quite a bit. It gave you tidbits that aren't mentioned most of the time. For example how Lincoln's body guard wasn't out side the president's box, stopping anyone who tried to see the president, instead he was next door at the bar. I also wasn't aware of the manner of Booth's capture and death. It's also a quick read.

I have also read Killing Kennedy, which was also a good read. Good insights into Pres. Kennedy, and all that came with.

The thing that always amazes me about those days (Lincoln) was the amount of access that people had to the President. You could literally walk up to the White House and request an audience with the president and you'd likely get it.