View Full Version : Some nervous Texans are stockpiling ammo, hiding weapons ‘just in case’ as Jade Helm

07-16-2015, 11:40 AM

Another resident here said a friend of his, a Vietnam veteran, started burying some of his firearms to hide them. A farmer was rumored to have taken a different approach, by buying 20,000 rounds of ammunition. The superintendent of the school district thought he saw low-flying military cargo planes overhead. Members of the Christoval Volunteer Fire Department, which owns the community center, signed an agreement with military officials stating — oddly to some, suspiciously to others — that the Army will pay for any damage to the building after it uses it.

07-16-2015, 06:01 PM
One of these days Texas will secede and save us all a lot of grief.

My fear, however, is that they will exercise the option behind Door #2 and split into 5 states with 10 Senators.


LA Ute
07-16-2015, 06:50 PM
From a plaque in the Texas state capitol:

Because we desire to perpetuate, in love and honor, the heroic deeds of those who enlisted in the Confederate Army and upheld its flag through four years of war, we, the children of the South, have united together in an organization called “Children of the Confederacy,” in which our strength, enthusiasm, and love of justice can exert its influence. We therefore pledge ourselves to preserve pure ideals; to honor our veterans; to study and teach the truths of history (one of the most important of which is that the war between the states was not a rebellion nor was its underlying cause to sustain slavery), and to always act in a manner that will reflect honor upon our noble and patriotic ancestors.

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Rocker Ute
01-05-2016, 01:57 PM
Speaking of stockpiling weapons...

The Bundy family is an embarrassment to Mormons and the nation.

I'm not getting why people are getting upset about Obama's plans for gun control... I was expecting much worse. So the plan is to close the background check loopholes, expedite those background checks and provide better funding for mental health care. How is anyone against that.

Truthfully, I think you could actually eliminate all of the rules and regulations and just create one: Anyone who sells, trades or lends a gun who doesn't do a background check is liable for any death, injury or damages caused by that gun unless they do a background check. Any gun that is stolen and not reported or not properly secured and used in criminal activity makes the gun owner also responsible. My guess is people will start scrutinizing who they are selling guns to a little closer and locking them up better and not giving direct access to their kids etc.

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-05-2016, 02:28 PM
Speaking of stockpiling weapons...

The Bundy family is an embarrassment to Mormons and the nation.

I'm not getting why people are getting upset about Obama's plans for gun control... I was expecting much worse. So the plan is to close the background check loopholes, expedite those background checks and provide better funding for mental health care. How is anyone against that.

Truthfully, I think you could actually eliminate all of the rules and regulations and just create one: Anyone who sells, trades or lends a gun who doesn't do a background check is liable for any death, injury or damages caused by that gun unless they do a background check. Any gun that is stolen and not reported or not properly secured and used in criminal activity makes the gun owner also responsible. My guess is people will start scrutinizing who they are selling guns to a little closer and locking them up better and not giving direct access to their kids etc.

As one of the many government workers that has had the privilege of taking fire from the Bundys, I think your idea makes a lot of sense.

01-05-2016, 07:55 PM
These Ammosexuals are terrifying. How long until one of them goes full on crazy and starts sniping random people ?

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Dwight Schr-Ute
01-05-2016, 09:30 PM
These Ammosexuals are terrifying. How long until one of them goes full on crazy and starts sniping random people ?

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As soon as God sees fit, of course.

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01-05-2016, 11:01 PM
As soon as God sees fit, of course.

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Jeez. That is even more terrifying. Who will be the person to convince him that the warm fuzzy feeling in his chest is NOT God telling him that he is on the right path , but rather just his own sense of snug self-satisfaction?

01-05-2016, 11:02 PM
I wish we could just ignore the Bundys. I don't find them very interesting. I think the press is very cynical in that they portray them negatively but they are nothing more than a figment of the press' attention. Why is the New York Times running multiple front page stories about this? (The answer, of course, is that the New York Times cares only about eyeballs.) Law enforcement no doubt will figure out a way to disarm them and get them in custody. Then there's a civil and criminal litigation system to deal with whatever laws they've broken. People commit greater crimes all over America every day. This event, this "story" (to the extent it is one), is not very important. I wish we could just stop feeding these trolls with guns. Note that this is just a wish; there's nothing to be done about it as it's part of the price of capitalism and a free press. But I hereby announce that I don't give a shit about the Bundys. They're stupid and boring.

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-05-2016, 11:57 PM

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Rocker Ute
01-06-2016, 08:25 AM
Since the FBIs response is to basically cut them off and ignore them ours should be the same. However it seems like endless streams of shouting that they are terrorists and that the response should be proportional to other violent protests around the country by various publications has given these guys a forum.

There are ultra-right-wing guys all over the northwest who are stockpiling weapons, building compounds, and releasing manifestos that are being taken down quietly almost non stop.

These guys just got traction because of the Cliven Bundy connection and the media has given them a forum that they don't deserve and really is just making matters worse.

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LA Ute
01-06-2016, 08:28 AM
They (the Bundy bunch) are misguided people acting like fools. Like SU I stopped paying attention after about the first paragraph of the first news story I read about them.

01-06-2016, 08:32 AM
From what I've gathered over the years, it doesn't take much for Texans to decide to stockpile guns and ammunition. Its their response to anything.

01-10-2016, 08:01 AM
Much like conservatives who think Donald Trump is really, deep down, working for the Clintons - how else to explain his pushing the GOP field to endorse positions that will be toxic in the general election? - I have a theory about the Bundy Brothers:

These guys are in reality secret agents for Jon Krakauer, who is preparing a follow up book to "Under the Banner of Heaven", and the Bundy Brothers will get a percentage of the earnings.

God instructs two crackpot militia brothers to take over a bird refuge?

Are we really sure that George Carlin is dead?