View Full Version : The Jamal Anderson thread

09-18-2015, 03:38 PM
This guy is always pumping up the Utes all over social media and he is hilarious. We need to give this guy his own thread.

I'll start it with a great interview he did this morning on 1320.


At the end he talks about a documentary he is voicing over about the Sugar Bowl victory over Alabama.

09-18-2015, 05:25 PM
This guy is always pumping up the Utes all over social media and he is hilarious. We need to give this guy his own thread.

I'll start it with a great interview he did this morning on 1320.


At the end he talks about a documentary he is voicing over about the Sugar Bowl victory over Alabama.

I'll be interested in seeing that doc.

Also, spell Jamal's name properly, please. He's not Keith Wilkes.

09-18-2015, 06:24 PM
Cool Jamal Anderson story: one night I was in line at the Dan's in foothill village around midnight, probably buying cheetos or those little powdered donuts. All of a sudden, two guys walk in who are the size of nfl pro bowlers. Anyway, they are cashing a check so after buying my snacks I go stand in line behind them, all nonchalant like. I was mesmerized by the size of Jamal's calves: those things were three times the size of my legs. they notice that I've been staring, and there is an awkward pause before I mumble, "cool shoes, bro." He had flip flops on.

09-18-2015, 08:13 PM
Cool Jamal Anderson story: one night I was in line at the Dan's in foothill village around midnight, probably buying cheetos or those little powdered donuts. All of a sudden, two guys walk in who are the size of nfl pro bowlers. Anyway, they are cashing a check so after buying my snacks I go stand in line behind them, all nonchalant like. I was mesmerized by the size of Jamal's calves: those things were three times the size of my legs. they notice that I've been staring, and there is an awkward pause before I mumble, "cool shoes, bro." He had flip flops on.
Those aren't calves, man. They're cows.

Rocker Ute
09-18-2015, 10:35 PM
Cool Jamal Anderson story: one night I was in line at the Dan's in foothill village around midnight, probably buying cheetos or those little powdered donuts. All of a sudden, two guys walk in who are the size of nfl pro bowlers. Anyway, they are cashing a check so after buying my snacks I go stand in line behind them, all nonchalant like. I was mesmerized by the size of Jamal's calves: those things were three times the size of my legs. they notice that I've been staring, and there is an awkward pause before I mumble, "cool shoes, bro." He had flip flops on.

I'm going to use that line from now on with anyone wearing flip-flops.

Side note: We are traveling today. My son hopped out of the car to grab a bite to eat and he wore his socks with his flip-flops. I said, "Nice... Thocks..." To which he was puzzled. I forgot that we used to call flip-flops thongs and didn't care to get into it. I told him, "Thocks would have set you up for an atomic wedgie in my day..." My kids then explained that apparently at their elementary school a lot of kids are doing it; it is a cool thing now. I don't understand.

Apologies for the thread hijack.


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10-30-2015, 11:12 AM
Jam pimping..


Diehard Ute
10-30-2015, 11:25 AM
Jam pimping..


They should send some of that stuff out way, Jamal can afford to buy his own ;)

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