View Full Version : Hiatus in the BYU Basketball Rivalry?

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LA Ute
01-06-2016, 04:15 PM
I just heard Riley read the U's press release on his show. I's surprised and disappointed but I guess I understand the decision.

LA Ute
01-06-2016, 04:21 PM
This tweet has the official U. statement from LK and Hill:


I can't figure out how to copy the text.

LA Ute
01-06-2016, 04:22 PM
Here it is:



01-06-2016, 04:31 PM
I just heard Riley read the U's press release on his show. I's surprised and disappointed but I guess I understand the decision.

When you say you understand the decision, you don't actually mean that you believe the explanation, do you?

01-06-2016, 04:53 PM
I just spoke with an athletic's department friend and former colleague. There is nothing more to see here. Larry's statement is the exact reason why the game has been cancelled. There are some ancillary issues but nothing near as important to Larry as the player conduct.

LA Ute
01-06-2016, 05:03 PM
When you say you understand the decision, you don't actually mean that you believe the explanation, do you?

I do believe it. LK strikes me as a guy who says what he means. So does Rose, for that matter.

I dearly love the hoops rivalry and wish this were not happening. It seems to me that it's good for Utah to play BYU in basketball, because BYU has a solid program and win or lose, it's a good game for us to play. I'll wait to say more until we know more.

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01-06-2016, 05:09 PM
This seems lame, just lame. I'd cancel the game because their assistant coaches acted like total douche canoes during the FRENZY of Nick Emery's coldcock, but player safety? Jeeeezzzzz.

I will also say that the BYU's PR continues to amaze. Any bad news down there gets brushed away like a Rafa Araujo tatoo. Lose the Vegas Bowl? Announce your new head coach immediately. Lose a coach to Utah football? Immediately announce the cancellation of a game that you've known about for a month.

They are better at this than we are, which is probably why we have a fan base full of remarkably distressed people with a bone in the middle of their brains after a 10-3 season.

So, boo for cancelling, yay for BYU PR!

01-06-2016, 05:16 PM
This seems lame, just lame. I'd cancel the game because their assistant coaches acted like total douche canoes during the FRENZY of Nick Emery's coldcock, but player safety? Jeeeezzzzz.

I will also say that the BYU's PR continues to amaze. Any bad news down there gets brushed away like a Rafa Araujo tatoo. Lose the Vegas Bowl? Announce your new head coach immediately. Lose a coach to Utah football? Immediately announce the cancellation of a game that you've known about for a month.

They are better at this than we are, which is probably why we have a fan base full of remarkably distressed people with a bone in the middle of their brains after a 10-3 season.

So, boo for cancelling, yay for BYU PR!

Utah PR is doing some things right. Just look at LA Ute - he's taken the company story hook, line, and sinker.

01-06-2016, 05:19 PM
If both teams make the post-season next year look for a first-round matchup. If it is the NIT it will played at the MC.

Not a fan of cancelling the game.

01-06-2016, 05:22 PM
Utah PR is doing some things right. Just look at LA Ute - he's taken the company story hook, line, and sinker.

LA Ute is Utah PR. He's what we've got.

I guess it's just totally clear that Krysko is just suuppper duuupper scared of all those awesome four star athletes that Rose has assembled. That's the real reason to cancel. Sure loss.

Of course, the only two of the Lone Peak All Stars that have played against Utah so far have been kicked out for being renobs, so maybe he's right to fear for the safety of his people.

I have no idea what the thinking is behind this, but I don't think it's because of how smoking hawtt BYU is next year. BYU is always smoking hawtt next year, it's usually the current year they have problems with.

Whatever the reasons, I don't like it.

LA Ute
01-06-2016, 05:26 PM
Utah PR is doing some things right. Just look at LA Ute - he's taken the company story hook, line, and sinker.

I've spent some time with LK. I've spent lots of time with a lot of liars over the years too, and I don't think he is one. That doesn't mean I like the decision. I don't.

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Old Standing ute
01-06-2016, 05:30 PM
Larry respects the game & how it is played.
And he tells it like it is--so if he wants to cancel it--no big deal

--who cares if we play them or not. Just another non-conference game.

Diehard Ute
01-06-2016, 06:05 PM
The fact that Rose is talking about the money and scheduling demands he'll make if they have talks again is pretty funny.

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01-06-2016, 06:06 PM
This is a stupid decision. We cancel a non-conference game each year that will routinely draw interest from fans? This isn't football where we have such limited number of non-conference games that an occasional hiatus will become necessary.

I wanted to kick BYU's ass again next year in basketball and now we won't get to do that.

01-06-2016, 06:15 PM
If UNC-Duke, Kansas-Mizzou and Kentucky-Louisville can manage to survive their games, I think we can too.

Old Standing ute
01-06-2016, 06:52 PM
It is more that if you punch someone in basketball or football you get more than a 1 game suspension. The BYU athletic department does not get that--

it sends a bad message & shows no class---

so be done with them.

01-06-2016, 08:09 PM
It is more that if you punch someone in basketball or football you get more than a 1 game suspension. The BYU athletic department does not get that--

it sends a bad message & shows no class---

so be done with them.

but kick someone in the groin deserves no suspension

01-06-2016, 08:11 PM
I just spoke with an athletic's department friend and former colleague. There is nothing more to see here. Larry's statement is the exact reason why the game has been cancelled. There are some ancillary issues but nothing near as important to Larry as the player conduct.
LOL @ player conduct. Like there has never been a weak punch in basektball before. Did BYU cancel after emery was punched?

Such a pussy reason

01-06-2016, 08:40 PM
I enjoy the basketball rivalry much morethan football. So in that sense, im bummed.

On the other hand, I back Larry K and even though I may not fully agree with this, hes earned my trust.

01-06-2016, 08:46 PM
No Utah St, and now no BYU. It's really disappointing, and the public reasoning is really weak.

01-06-2016, 08:49 PM
Completely forgotten in this year's incident is the verbal altercation from Emery to Taylor, the specific verbiage.

Do all the angry Y fans and coaches want to have an open public discussion of recent incidents and the specific derogatory words involved?

I didn't think so.

Maybe the U should reveal the exchange, including the verbatim expression, and give BYU and the Church an opportunity to respond.

Coach K and Dr. Hill will take the heat, but this is a case of Utah doing BYU a BIG favor.

LA Ute
01-06-2016, 08:50 PM
I now find the rivalry -- including this development and the juvenile responses on both sides -- depressing.

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01-06-2016, 09:12 PM
Completely forgotten in this year's incident is the verbal altercation from Emery to Taylor, the specific verbiage.

Do all the angry Y fans and coaches want to have an open public discussion of recent incidents and the specific derogatory words involved?

I didn't think so.

Maybe the U should reveal the exchange, including the verbatim expression, and give BYU and the Church an opportunity to respond.

Coach K and Dr. Hill will take the heat, but this is a case of Utah doing BYU a BIG favor.

did he say some mean things? Did he hurt his feel feels?

01-06-2016, 09:43 PM
Completely forgotten in this year's incident is the verbal altercation from Emery to Taylor, the specific verbiage.

Do all the angry Y fans and coaches want to have an open public discussion of recent incidents and the specific derogatory words involved?

I didn't think so.

Maybe the U should reveal the exchange, including the verbatim expression, and give BYU and the Church an opportunity to respond.

Coach K and Dr. Hill will take the heat, but this is a case of Utah doing BYU a BIG favor.

Yes, let's air it all out. Including Coach K's description of BYU players to his team during the game. You know, the verbatim expression.

EDIT: And I almost forgot - I'm glad to see you still posting. I was concerned that you weren't going to make it back from Las Vegas alive.

01-06-2016, 09:46 PM
did he say some mean things? Did he hurt his feel feels?
It just kills you to get Big Timed, doesn't it?

There is a readily-apparent loss of institutional control in the athletic dept in Provo. If you can regain that we will find a way to work you back into the schedule. Until you can enjoy losing your one guaranteed sellout game and most of the hype for the season. And in the immortal words of Nick Emery, "Stay the F@%# down, Bitch!"

Jarid in Cedar
01-06-2016, 09:47 PM
did he say some mean things? Did he hurt his feel feels?

I think the real issue is between Rose and Krysto.

01-06-2016, 09:49 PM
I think the real issue is between Rose and Krysto.
So that should be solved when Rose takes over for Tony Bennett, who will take over for Bo Ryan.

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01-06-2016, 10:06 PM
but kick someone in the groin deserves no suspension

You mean when Taylor was fouled and Haws essentially fell on him?

LA Ute
01-06-2016, 10:10 PM
You mean when Taylor was fouled and Haws essentially fell on him?

You are no fun at all. You appear to derive some warped form of joy from disrupting cherished narratives. What is wrong with you?

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01-06-2016, 10:10 PM
LOL @ player conduct. Like there has never been a weak punch in basektball before. Did BYU cancel after emery was punched?

Such a pussy reason

No, BYU didn't cancel future games with Utah because BYU couldn't have cancelled future games. Plus, Emery wasn't punched;wasn't it a slap that didn't even connect? And in any event it was an isolated event.

All that said, I would have liked to have seen Marshall punished more. Of course, even that spineless hack Boylen was willing to eventually kick Henderson off the team.

01-06-2016, 10:12 PM

"That's the way it's going to happen any time you have two big, physical teams playing that hard," Russo said.
"It was just a good, old-fashioned basketball game," Krystkowiak said.


01-06-2016, 10:14 PM
You mean when Taylor was fouled and Haws essentially fell on him?

so haws fell on him which caused him to bring his leg up from the floor and position his foot to turn 90 degrees and go into his groin. Powerful use of the force on that fall

01-06-2016, 10:18 PM
For those of you pretending to buy Larry Krystkowiak's explanation for canceling the rivalry game, this is what Larry calls a "good, old-fashioned basketball game" when he isn't trying to big-time his rival:


Krystkowiak, then a senior for Mike Montgomery's Grizzlies, dived head first for a loose ball, nothing unusual for the tough-as-nails All-American. Apparently, some of the Huskies took exception to the rough play and some shoving ensued. Then both benches emptied as players paired off.
"I don't remember a whole lot of it actually," said Krystkowiak, now the coach of the Griz, who will face the Huskies Thursday at 1 p.m. (KGVO radio, KPAX TV) in the first round of the NCAA men's basketball tournament in Boise. "It was a heated deal. (Teammate Larry) McBride ended up in the stands with one of their guys.".....In the waning moments of the game, Krystkowiak was fouled hard from behind and swung an elbow in retaliation, prompting Russo to scream at the officials that Krystkowiak should be ejected.


01-06-2016, 10:19 PM
Haha. I see I'm muscling in on Xamius' shtick so I'll bow out.

01-06-2016, 10:19 PM
I think this whole thing is just extremely funny. In a way, hasn't this been the objective with BYU? To be able to just say fuck you and walk away? We made it! I salute Kodiak.

LA Ute
01-06-2016, 10:30 PM
Come on, KC. Give it a rest. Next we'll be hearing about how Krysko stole another kid's lunch money in grade school.

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Jarid in Cedar
01-06-2016, 10:37 PM
Haha. I see I'm muscling in on Xamius' shtick so I'll bow out.

Given that you are the master of that shtick, he should probably pay you royalties.

01-06-2016, 10:58 PM
You guys have stupid leadership.

01-06-2016, 11:02 PM
I also think this is a bad decision. I don't like the football rivalry but this seems chickensh--. It will be more than a hiatus; how can LK ever go to a game down there? It won't cool off.

Diehard Ute
01-07-2016, 12:25 AM
Guess Rose demanding they only play USU at a neutral site because the fans in Logan were "too mean" had been forgotten?

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01-07-2016, 06:37 AM
Guess Rose demanding they only play USU at a neutral site because the fans in Logan were "too mean" had been forgotten?

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Is this true? What's the story behind this?

01-07-2016, 06:52 AM
Is this true? What's the story behind this?

No, It's not.

01-07-2016, 07:40 AM
Itll be interesting to see how long this lasts. Hill and K were extremely non commital. It would be nice to have one real in state foe every year. (I met my wife at SUU, so im as big a fan of the tbirds as anyone, but they dont count.).

Local media's response has been predictably juvenille and loud. No doubt a bunch of these hacks who never showup to anything else will try to hold Larry accountable. Death, taxes, and utah media tears.

01-07-2016, 07:46 AM
Yes, let's air it all out. Including Coach K's description of BYU players to his team during the game. You know, the verbatim expression.

EDIT: And I almost forgot - I'm glad to see you still posting. I was concerned that you weren't going to make it back from Las Vegas alive.

What did Larry say? Did he call them f-ing pussies? That would be in line with Larry's unvarnished language. He's no choir boy.

Emery said "stay down, bitch!"

Somebody should offer an explanation of how the exchanges this year fit into the ideals of sportsmanship and LDS teachings.

(I skipped the bowl game this year, for the first time in a long time. Glad I did. I'm touched by your concern for my welfare.)

LA Ute
01-07-2016, 08:20 AM
What did Larry say? Did he call them f-ing pussies? That would be in line with Larry's unvarnished language. He's no choir boy.

I was going to say that he demonization of LK will be an interesting process to watch, but then I realized how boring this nonsense (Utah coach demonology) has become.

01-07-2016, 08:20 AM
The next fight Larry runs from will be his first. This is someone who was ejected from his first game with the Jazz for fighting, of all things, and who played in the same division as Detroit's Bad Boys for several years. This is all Chris Hill's doing, but he's gotta co-opt Larry in this because Hill took all of the heat for putting the football series on hiatus and he's too weak to stomach the venom from BYU fans again. His family is probably still crying over the scattered boos he got around this time last year.

At the same time, I'm kinda disappointed in Larry. He should've had enough juice to tell Chris to pound sand, but this is a guy who let Hill determine the makeup of his coaching staff, after all, by insisting Tommy Connor be part of the staff. But Hill is his boss, and Hill isn't going to allow a hoops coach to hold him hostage in his decision making like Majerus did. So Larry's going to defer to Hill's wishes on these kinds of matters.

Hill has officially kowtowed to the 5-watt bulbs within our fanbase, and came to this decision by reading message boards and comment sections in the Trib.

Once again, gotta hand it to BYU. They've purportedly known about this decision for a few weeks. They timed the decision's announcement to a low point in Utah's season -- when we're 0-2 and staring a likely 0-3 start and potential 0-4 start in the face. Larry's not going to get fired for anything that happens this year or next, but BYU is definitely holding his feet to the fire.

Pudge's Pole
01-07-2016, 08:39 AM
What did Larry say? Did he call them f-ing pussies? That would be in line with Larry's unvarnished language. He's no choir boy.

Emery said "stay down, bitch!"

Somebody should offer an explanation of how the exchanges this year fit into the ideals of sportsmanship and LDS teachings.

(I skipped the bowl game this year, for the first time in a long time. Glad I did. I'm touched by your concern for my welfare.)

I heard worse at the last stake basketball tourney.

01-07-2016, 08:40 AM
The next fight Larry runs from will be his first. This is someone who was ejected from his first game with the Jazz for fighting, of all things, and who played in the same division as Detroit's Bad Boys for several years. This is all Chris Hill's doing, but he's gotta co-opt Larry in this because Hill took all of the heat for putting the football series on hiatus and he's too weak to stomach the venom from BYU fans again. His family is probably still crying over the scattered boos he got around this time last year.

At the same time, I'm kinda disappointed in Larry. He should've had enough juice to tell Chris to pound sand, but this is a guy who let Hill determine the makeup of his coaching staff, after all, by insisting Tommy Connor be part of the staff. But Hill is his boss, and Hill isn't going to allow a hoops coach to hold him hostage in his decision making like Majerus did. So Larry's going to defer to Hill's wishes on these kinds of matters.

Hill has officially kowtowed to the 5-watt bulbs within our fanbase, and came to this decision by reading message boards and comment sections in the Trib.

Once again, gotta hand it to BYU. They've purportedly known about this decision for a few weeks. They timed the decision's announcement to a low point in Utah's season -- when we're 0-2 and staring a likely 0-3 start and potential 0-4 start in the face. Larry's not going to get fired for anything that happens this year or next, but BYU is definitely holding his feet to the fire.

This was the first thing that I thought when I heard the news. Besides, don't we all kind of know that Larry is just passing through? If he's offered the right job(NBA), he is gonzo. I want LK around longer, but this is business. How does it look that the newest mercenary is dictating terms, cancelling a nearly century-old in-state rivalry?

01-07-2016, 08:48 AM
The next fight Larry runs from will be his first. This is someone who was ejected from his first game with the Jazz for fighting, of all things, and who played in the same division as Detroit's Bad Boys for several years. This is all Chris Hill's doing, but he's gotta co-opt Larry in this because Hill took all of the heat for putting the football series on hiatus and he's too weak to stomach the venom from BYU fans again. His family is probably still crying over the scattered boos he got around this time last year.

At the same time, I'm kinda disappointed in Larry. He should've had enough juice to tell Chris to pound sand, but this is a guy who let Hill determine the makeup of his coaching staff, after all, by insisting Tommy Connor be part of the staff. But Hill is his boss, and Hill isn't going to allow a hoops coach to hold him hostage in his decision making like Majerus did. So Larry's going to defer to Hill's wishes on these kinds of matters.

Hill has officially kowtowed to the 5-watt bulbs within our fanbase, and came to this decision by reading message boards and comment sections in the Trib.

Once again, gotta hand it to BYU. They've purportedly known about this decision for a few weeks. They timed the decision's announcement to a low point in Utah's season -- when we're 0-2 and staring a likely 0-3 start and potential 0-4 start in the face. Larry's not going to get fired for anything that happens this year or next, but BYU is definitely holding his feet to the fire.

So, does Larry only run from fights with Chris Hill? Your speculation as to how this came down makes no sense to me. Larry has many opportunities away from Utah. He does not need to defer to Chris Hill.

01-07-2016, 08:56 AM
If nothing else, this decision has been a great Utah fan barometer. It has provided a clear delineation between Utes and Yewts. Every real Utah fan I know recognizes the motivations behind this decision. Some like it while others don't, but they all know why it is happening. The Yewt fanbase are those stuck defending the false narrative about player safety that Hill and Krystkowiak are currently pushing publicly.

01-07-2016, 09:01 AM
So, does Larry only run from fights with Chris Hill? Your speculation as to how this came down makes no sense to me. Larry has many opportunities away from Utah. He does not need to defer to Chris Hill.

One's a professional matter, the other a basketball one. Larry was a player, so he recognizes the power structure and that there are some that carry authority above him. Hill also gave Larry an extension a year earlier than most expected and that there has to be some give and take. Right now, it's Hill's time to take.

01-07-2016, 09:09 AM
The irony: We pissed on Weber State and Utah State without much (if any) blowback, and now the 5-watters in our fanbase are crying because the evil Utah/SLC media is calling Utah out for taking our ball and going home and not playing BYU. This is Big Britches Syndrome at its highest.

Never thought I'd say it, but kccougar is largely spot on. We can use this to clearly delineate between Utes and Yewts. Not only can the former recognize for what it is, they're not upset at the vitriol headed toward Hill and Larry from Y. fans because we don't really care what they have to say (and haven't cared since Utah claimed Ultimate and Eternal Victory with the Pac-12 invite). The latter not only defends it, but takes that same vitriol as an affort to their red badge of fanhood courage.

LA Ute
01-07-2016, 09:18 AM
If nothing else, this decision has been a great Utah fan barometer. It has provided a clear delineation between Utes and Yewts. Every real Utah fan I know recognizes the motivations behind this decision. Some like it while others don't, but they all know why it is happening. The Yewt fanbase are those stuck defending the false narrative about player safety that Hill and Krystkowiak are currently pushing publicly.

I am in the category of those who don't like it. I am curious, however: How do you know the real reason why it is happening? And, why is it happening? Is it because Larry is afraid to play BYU? Or are you adopting the theory that Chris Hill made him do it? (The latter theory asks us to believe that LK agreed to fabricate a story that the request came from him, not Hill.)

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Dwight Schr-Ute
01-07-2016, 09:35 AM
I think the published reasoning for cancelling the series is pretty silly. Having said that, the troll job by Larry has Holmoe looking like a CBer. And no AD should ever get close to that line.


01-07-2016, 09:42 AM
I am in the category of those who don't like it. I am curious, however: How do you know the real reason why it is happening? And, why is it happening? Is it because Larry is afraid to play BYU? Or are you adopting the theory that Chris Hill made him do it? (The latter theory asks us to believe that LK agreed to fabricate a story that the request came from him, not Hill.)

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As you know, Lk and CH are extremely close. Their relationship is exactly the opposite of CH and KW. I think CH deferred to LK on this one; LK was clearly hot during and after the game, esp. after Mika two years ago, and now that we know that this happened a month ago, acted in the heat of the moment (overreacted IMHO, partly because as an outsider he does not really appreciate or care about the history). I take both of them at their word on this one, and think CH deferred to LK.

01-07-2016, 09:51 AM
The next fight Larry runs from will be his first. This is someone who was ejected from his first game with the Jazz for fighting, of all things, and who played in the same division as Detroit's Bad Boys for several years. This is all Chris Hill's doing, but he's gotta co-opt Larry in this because Hill took all of the heat for putting the football series on hiatus and he's too weak to stomach the venom from BYU fans again. His family is probably still crying over the scattered boos he got around this time last year.

At the same time, I'm kinda disappointed in Larry. He should've had enough juice to tell Chris to pound sand, but this is a guy who let Hill determine the makeup of his coaching staff, after all, by insisting Tommy Connor be part of the staff. But Hill is his boss, and Hill isn't going to allow a hoops coach to hold him hostage in his decision making like Majerus did. So Larry's going to defer to Hill's wishes on these kinds of matters.

Hill has officially kowtowed to the 5-watt bulbs within our fanbase, and came to this decision by reading message boards and comment sections in the Trib.

Once again, gotta hand it to BYU. They've purportedly known about this decision for a few weeks. They timed the decision's announcement to a low point in Utah's season -- when we're 0-2 and staring a likely 0-3 start and potential 0-4 start in the face. Larry's not going to get fired for anything that happens this year or next, but BYU is definitely holding his feet to the fire.

Pat, I respect you like crazy, but you have fallen off your rocker here. I mean, the folks who think this is about Larry being afraid of the incoming freshman/rm's think you are a little off here.

Two Utes
01-07-2016, 09:56 AM
What did Larry say? Did he call them f-ing pussies? That would be in line with Larry's unvarnished language. He's no choir boy.

Emery said "stay down, bitch!"

Somebody should offer an explanation of how the exchanges this year fit into the ideals of sportsmanship and LDS teachings.

(I skipped the bowl game this year, for the first time in a long time. Glad I did. I'm touched by your concern for my welfare.)

As I understand it, there were two players (emery and someone else ) who told K to sit down and shut the fuck up. I'm told this pissed him off immensely.

There just aren't that many interesting preseason games up at the Huntsman Center to even buy tickets. This is coming from a fan who lived and died Utah basketball growing up. Lived and died over every game

Of course, I have other rooting interests these days. But I really question whether I will ever buy season basketball tickets again. Especially given the nonconference schedule. It is so, so, so uninteresting. I'd rather go to a local high school game.

The Utah Jazz must be licking their chops over this stuff.

01-07-2016, 09:57 AM
You guys have stupid leadership.

Needs clarification: Utah or BYU? Maybe both.

01-07-2016, 10:39 AM
Pat, I respect you like crazy, but you have fallen off your rocker here. I mean, the folks who think this is about Larry being afraid of the incoming freshman/rm's think you are a little off here.

I stand behind my rationale. No sources, no info being fed to me here. I've always been an independent thinker on Utah athletics, but can quickly admit if reality is different. I really want to stand behind Larry in this, but I'm hearing things that make me wonder.

It's a horrible decision regardless of whose carrying the water.

01-07-2016, 11:36 AM
I totally understand why Utah didn't play BYU for two years OOC in football.

Utah should play BYU every year in basketball, home-and-home. They should also play USU every year (home-and-home, but 2-for-1 or throwing in the ESA is also fine), and at least one of the other local schools (Weber/SUU/UVU) at the Hunty. If a Beehive boot tournament is in the works, great, but the lack of noise for that possibility suggests to me it's not viable.

01-07-2016, 12:13 PM
As you know, Lk and CH are extremely close. Their relationship is exactly the opposite of CH and KW. I think CH deferred to LK on this one; LK was clearly hot during and after the game, esp. after Mika two years ago, and now that we know that this happened a month ago, acted in the heat of the moment (overreacted IMHO, partly because as an outsider he does not really appreciate or care about the history). I take both of them at their word on this one, and think CH deferred to LK.

I think this is right. The rivalry has got to be very unpleasant for the coaches, if not the players. The national press seems to revel in the "Holy War" aspect of it, but there's much about it that's ugly. Kodiak is at a stage and stature where he can say, "who needs this toxicity?" Even more so for someone who's from out of state and not Mormon.

01-07-2016, 12:39 PM
I think the published reasoning for cancelling the series is pretty silly. Having said that, the troll job by Larry has Holmoe looking like a CBer. And no AD should ever get close to that line.



Rocker Ute
01-07-2016, 01:41 PM
Maybe Kodiak was taking the discussions from Dave Rose and things didn't go well. Who is to say?

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01-07-2016, 02:01 PM
I think this is right. The rivalry has got to be very unpleasant for the coaches, if not the players. The national press seems to revel in the "Holy War" aspect of it, but there's much about it that's ugly. Kodiak is at a stage and stature where he can say, "who needs this toxicity?" Even more so for someone who's from out of state and not Mormon.

Same question I posed to LaUte: what toxicity? Doesn't that toxicity exist in all rivalries.

01-07-2016, 03:13 PM
I think this is right. The rivalry has got to be very unpleasant for the coaches, if not the players. The national press seems to revel in the "Holy War" aspect of it, but there's much about it that's ugly. Kodiak is at a stage and stature where he can say, "who needs this toxicity?" Even more so for someone who's from out of state and not Mormon.

One of the funniest aspects of this has been the national media jumping on this and with the exception of Jay Bilas, have universally condemned Larry for his decision. What a load of crap. I get it though. College basketball brings so few eyeballs until march that these national media guys need every little scrap they can get. Hardly any of them said more than a line or two about the game last month. Just like our local media hacks, this is an opportunity for them to stick their chests out and try to stir the pot for a couple of days. Come next November/December, it will be recycled locally, probably almost nothing nationally, and we will all move on.

01-07-2016, 03:18 PM
It looks like Chris Hill will attend the weekly presser with Larry next week to address this situation. No doubt Gordon Monson, that noble servant of justice and truth will be there to hold Larry accountable. I hope Larry tells him its nice of him to show up and then dismisses anything else he says.

LA Ute
01-07-2016, 03:42 PM
Same question I posed to LaUte: what toxicity? Doesn't that toxicity exist in all rivalries.

It's the religious aspect and the (closely related) Utah culture that makes it especially toxic. This is not a knock on Utah at all. It's just reality, IMO, and it's tiresome. I know you disagree, but I respect your right to be wrong. :fight:

01-07-2016, 03:47 PM

The Guv? To the locals...does he regularly weigh In on stuff like this? Id be surprised if so. This is a big deal, and it's obvious LK and CH effed up.....taking body blow after body blow.

They need to take their medicine, walk this back, and play the game.

01-07-2016, 03:49 PM
I thought the guys on PTI would eviscerate K, but they both agreed with his decision.

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01-07-2016, 03:53 PM
The Guv? To the locals...does he regularly weigh In on stuff like this? Id be surprised if so. This is a big deal, and it's obvious LK and CH effed up.....taking body blow after body blow.

They need to take their medicine, walk this back, and play the game.

While I disagree that they effed this up, The governor does occasionally weigh in on sports topics. The funniest thing to me is a bit I heard on ksl radio today. Some of our state leaders are apparently going to try and take this matter upon themselves and force the U into this game. Yeah...........no.

01-07-2016, 03:56 PM
I think your criticism of Chris Hill is probably fair but for different reasons. This was a Larry decision and Hill backed him - just as it's being represented. And while KC Cougar may want to think there are other reasons, in Larry's mind/opinion it does come down to player safety. Are there some ancillary issues - sure, but I think he tried to summarize his reason in his statement.

What I wish Hill would have done is call Larry into his office and tried to talk him out of it. Even if he started with a statement saying that he'd back him but then tried to discuss some other alternatives. What if Larry comes out and says - we'll finish the contract with BYU next season but then I think it's time for a hiatus unless we can get a few things squared away. Another alternative to this would be to voice his concerns to the press (especially if they fell on deaf ears at BYU as it appears to be) and threaten to cancel the game if he remains unsatisfied after a conversation/meeting in the off season. There are thoughtful ways to deal with something like this and Chris dropped the ball in offering thoughtful leadership to his coach.

I know there are many among us who can take or leave the rivalry. I like it - in both sports. I think it could become more positive with better leadership and attitudes from both sides. Certainly, both Rose and Holmoe have shown some real childishness in being drawn into this by the press in the last 24 hours so maybe neither side really has the capacity to approach the ideal I have in mind. I thought Larry did and I've been optimistic with the Kalani/Ty/Ed triumvirate on the football side that relationships there would improve the rivalry. Unfortunately, I think the adults in charge on both sides of the rivalry have gotten so myopic that they are incapable of having thoughtful conversations.

01-07-2016, 03:57 PM
While I disagree that they effed this up, The governor does occasionally weigh in on sports topics. The funniest thing to me is a bit I heard on ksl radio today. Some of our state leaders are apparently going to try and take this matter upon themselves and force the U into this game. Yeah...........no.

I heard Speaker of the House Greg Hughes on KSL, and he didn't say they were going to try to force Utah into playing. What he did say is that he sees this as a "disturbing pattern" that has developed with Dr. Hill and Utah. He specifically referenced how Utah has refused to play Weber State since the beat down the Wildcats put on the Utes in 2011 while continuing to play other Big Sky teams at greater expense to Utah.

He went on to say that when one public institution in the State joins a conference that generates significantly more revenue than they did before, and continues to act with "arrogance and hubris," that it would be reasonable for the State Legislature to evaluate how public money is distributed among the State schools.

01-07-2016, 04:01 PM
I think your criticism of Chris Hill is probably fair but for different reasons. This was a Larry decision and Hill backed him - just as it's being represented. And while KC Cougar may want to think there are other reasons, in Larry's mind/opinion it does come down to player safety. Are there some ancillary issues - sure, but I think he tried to summarize his reason in his statement.

What I wish Hill would have done is call Larry into his office and tried to talk him out of it. Even if he started with a statement saying that he'd back him but then tried to discuss some other alternatives. What if Larry comes out and says - we'll finish the contract with BYU next season but then I think it's time for a hiatus unless we can get a few things squared away. Another alternative to this would be to voice his concerns to the press (especially if they fell on deaf ears at BYU as it appears to be) and threaten to cancel the game if he remains unsatisfied after a conversation/meeting in the off season. There are thoughtful ways to deal with something like this and Chris dropped the ball in offering thoughtful leadership to his coach.

I know there are many among us who can take or leave the rivalry. I like it - in both sports. I think it could become more positive with better leadership and attitudes from both sides. Certainly, both Rose and Holmoe have shown some real childishness in being drawn into this by the press in the last 24 hours so maybe neither side really has the capacity to approach the ideal I have in mind. I thought Larry did and I've been optimistic with the Kalani/Ty/Ed triumvirate on the football side that relationships there would improve the rivalry. Unfortunately, I think the adults in charge on both sides of the rivalry have gotten so myopic that they are incapable of having thoughtful conversations.

When did Larry change his mind about what he calls good, old-fashioned basketball? The rivalry is the kind of basketball he thrived on as a player and has remarked on fondly as a coach. You really think Larry is concerned about player safety??

And what exactly has Holmoe done that has been childish? He tweeted that he thought it was ridiculous that the series has been canceled. End of quote. Has there been something else that I missed?

01-07-2016, 04:01 PM
I heard Speaker of the House Greg Hughes on KSL, and he didn't say they were going to try to force Utah into playing. What he did say is that he sees this as a "disturbing pattern" that has developed with Dr. Hill and Utah. He specifically referenced how Utah has refused to play Weber State since the beat down the Wildcats put on the Utes in 2011 while continuing to play other Big Sky teams at greater expense to Utah.

He went on to say that when one public institution in the State joins a conference that generates significantly more revenue than they did before, and continues to act with "arrogance and hubris," that it would be reasonable for the State Legislature to evaluate how public money is distributed among the State schools.

I wonder what the cougar/ute breakdown of his voting constituency looks like?

LA Ute
01-07-2016, 04:06 PM
I heard Speaker of the House Greg Hughes on KSL, and he didn't say they were going to try to force Utah into playing. What he did say is that he sees this as a "disturbing pattern" that has developed with Dr. Hill and Utah. He specifically referenced how Utah has refused to play Weber State since the beat down the Wildcats put on the Utes in 2011 while continuing to play other Big Sky teams at greater expense to Utah.

He went on to say that when one public institution in the State joins a conference that generates significantly more revenue than they did before, and continues to act with "arrogance and hubris," that it would be reasonable for the State Legislature to evaluate how public money is distributed among the State schools.


01-07-2016, 04:06 PM
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......What if Larry comes out and says - we'll finish the contract with BYU next season but then I think it's time for a hiatus......

Yes, i believe that would have been the right move. I don't think it's too late for that. Unfortunate, either way we have egg on our face.

01-07-2016, 04:18 PM
I wonder what the cougar/ute breakdown of his voting constituency looks like?

I have no idea. I also don't expect that anything will come of it.

01-07-2016, 04:25 PM
When did Larry change his mind about what he calls good, old-fashioned basketball? The rivalry is the kind of basketball he thrived on as a player and has remarked on fondly as a coach. You really think Larry is concerned about player safety??

And what exactly has Holmoe done that has been childish? He tweeted that he thought it was ridiculous that the series has been canceled. End of quote. Has there been something else that I missed?

Isn't that enough KC? Don't get drawn into it. I know it's a little thing but I expect a lot of Holmoe. I like him. I like the way he carries himself. Note, that I'm keeping that in present tense; but I think we get an indication through these little things of passions being too high on both sides. BYU has no right to be defensive. Their conduct - regardless of what offenses you want to bring up and charge the U with - gives them no high ground.

01-07-2016, 04:35 PM
I now find the rivalry -- including this development and the juvenile responses on both sides -- depressing.

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The uproar over canceling the games only proves the point that people / players / teams were taking this single non-conf. game waaay too seriously.

I would much rather see the Utes beat Arizona on the road than the byu in Provo. If playing the byu prepares the Utes for that, then they should play. That's the only upside for me - does the game get the Utes ready for conference play? (this year: apparently no.:()

If the distraction & the shenanigans & the postgame hangover from playing the byu hurt the team's progress, then they should cancel it.

I'm all about the conference.

01-07-2016, 04:42 PM
I thought the guys on PTI would eviscerate K, but they both agreed with his decision.

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Just watched the segment. Pretty interesting.

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-07-2016, 04:55 PM
This is going to help.


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01-07-2016, 04:59 PM
This is going to help.


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Godwin's Law still holds true.

01-07-2016, 05:34 PM
The uproar over canceling the games only proves the point that people / players / teams were taking this single non-conf. game waaay too seriously.

I would much rather see the Utes beat Arizona on the road than the byu in Provo. If playing the byu prepares the Utes for that, then they should play. That's the only upside for me - does the game get the Utes ready for conference play? (this year: apparently no.:()

If the distraction & the shenanigans & the postgame hangover from playing the byu hurt the team's progress, then they should cancel it.

I'm all about the conference.
lol..you have like 15 non conference games and 10 or so are 200-300 rpi level.....but you couldnt possibly keep a contact for one more good ooc game

01-07-2016, 05:43 PM
lol..you have like 15 non conference games and 10 or so are 200-300 rpi level.....but you couldnt possibly keep a contact for one more good ooc game

Only if it's worth it.
Is it really worth being such a fake-huge game early in the season? Is it worth dealing with Danny Ainge throwback jerseys & media hype & idiot fans (both sides) & throwing punches?

Maybe, if it helps the team tune up for Conference play.
Maybe not, if the distractions and the bullshit outweigh the benefits.

BYU fans are complaining like a spurned lover. Have some dignity, people. Go get a new rival for awhile.
Isn't there a WCC team that pushes your buttons, some St. Mary's or USD that merits busting out the Danny Ainge throwback jerseys & the light sticks???

LA Ute
01-07-2016, 06:01 PM
Just watched the segment. Pretty interesting.

Where can we find the segment? (I'm a newbie to watching PTI.)

Never mind, I ran across it:

Utah right to suspend rivalry with BYU?

LA Ute
01-07-2016, 06:09 PM
Fox Sports take:

Man, this Utah-BYU rivalry is really out of control

LA Ute
01-07-2016, 06:11 PM
And heeeere's that Greg Hughes guy:


Rocker Ute
01-07-2016, 06:41 PM
At first I liked what Rose had to say on 1280 but then he started coming off as petty and whiny too. Best way to handle this on his side is to say, "I don't agree with it, it is offensive, but they've got to do what they've got to do. We're big boys and have games to play and will always play all challengers and that is all I have to say."

He admitted that this happened almost immediately after the game and they say on it until now... Certainly to distract from the holiday hire.

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01-07-2016, 06:47 PM
And heeeere's that Greg Hughes guy:


So, this Greg Hughes blowhard. Isn't this the guy that was in the middle of the fisticuffs up in the rameumptum scholarship box during the BYU game a few years back? The one with rich people and entitled politicians throwing haymakers over a football game? The one that ended with an uppity woman with a bloody lip and a hard earned lesson? I swear it was this guy, but I wasn't there, obviously.

if it wasn't this guy, my apologies to the Hughes family. If it was this guy, he needs to have a big glass of shut the hell up.

Rocker Ute
01-07-2016, 07:15 PM
So, this Greg Hughes blowhard. Isn't this the guy that was in the middle of the fisticuffs up in the rameumptum scholarship box during the BYU game a few years back? The one with rich people and entitled politicians throwing haymakers over a football game? The one that ended with an uppity woman with a bloody lip and a hard earned lesson? I swear it was this guy, but I wasn't there, obviously.

if it wasn't this guy, my apologies to the Hughes family. If it was this guy, he needs to have a big glass of shut the hell up.

Utah not playing Weber and USU? He may have a point, or at least authority to say something about that. Utah playing a private school? Nope. Regardless of what he is saying, Greg Hughes needs more than a glass of that stuff.

Diehard Ute
01-07-2016, 07:22 PM
Utah not playing Weber and USU? He may have a point, or at least authority to say something about that. Utah playing a private school? Nope. Regardless of what he is saying, Greg Hughes needs more than a glass of that stuff.

Well given the way they've butchered the sale of liquor he probably can't get a glass.

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01-07-2016, 07:28 PM
Big12 take note.

Take a good hard look at this gal before you think about asking her out.

LA Ute
01-07-2016, 07:39 PM
Utah not playing Weber and USU? He may have a point, or at least authority to say something about that. Utah playing a private school? Nope. Regardless of what he is saying, Greg Hughes needs more than a glass of that stuff.

You're not suggesting that it's inappropriate for the state legislature to take action to force a state university to play a game against a private religious university, are you?

01-07-2016, 08:59 PM
Here's the thing about Greg Hughes' thinly veiled threat - the U gets a comparatively meager level of funding from the State of Utah, compared to many other state universities.

The U's faculty and administrators know the Legislature not only has pretty shallow pockets, they're essentially adversaries to Higher Ed. This is the main reason Bernie Machen left to go to Florida.

There is a fair amount of anti-intellectualism in the State of Utah, and the Legislature probably over-represents that line of thinking.

So, the U has been weening itself from State funding for some time.

Is Greg Hughes going to push to actually *reduce* the modest amount of leverage the Legislature has with the U? Probably not.

Rocker Ute
01-08-2016, 04:08 AM
I suppose if Mr Hughes wants to talk about scrutinizing use of public funds further by the U, we as the public should further scrutinize the use of public funds by him and others at UTA.

Should we begin that further scrutinization by taking a government funded trip to Switzerland to learn about how universities there use their government subsidies?

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Mormon Red Death
01-08-2016, 07:47 AM
We all know what is going to happen. Next year in the NIT Utah will play at the MC in the highest rated game in NIT history. Utah will win and byu fans will go back to hating Chris Hill cause he doesn't respect them.

I'd prefer they play the game every year but if they don't they don't oh well I'll just look forward to AZ, UCLA etc... at home.

There are plenty of rivalries that dont play anymore:

Kansas and Missouri (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_War_(Kansas%E2%80%93Missouri_rivalry))
Texas vs Texas A&M

So let byu fans have their fun. They can make their internet memes or "funny" tweets. Hill and the coach deserve it.

LA Ute
01-08-2016, 07:56 AM
I'll just leave this here:

Memo to officials (and BYU fans): 'Enough is enough'


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01-08-2016, 09:04 AM
Here's the thing about Greg Hughes' thinly veiled threat - the U gets a comparatively meager level of funding from the State of Utah, compared to many other state universities.

The U's faculty and administrators know the Legislature not only has pretty shallow pockets, they're essentially adversaries to Higher Ed. This is the main reason Bernie Machen left to go to Florida.

There is a fair amount of anti-intellectualism in the State of Utah, and the Legislature probably over-represents that line of thinking.

So, the U has been weening itself from State funding for some time.

Is Greg Hughes going to push to actually *reduce* the modest amount of leverage the Legislature has with the U? Probably not.

Do you think that LK and Chris Hill wish they could go back in time and change thier conversation with BYU to occur after the legislative session?

Hughes is grand-standing to be sure, but the legislature has made bigger stinks out of smaller turds than this. Politically, Hughes has little to lose with taking up this fight, and a lot to gain. Politicians gauge their success on whether the legislation that they sponsor passes the vote. Hughes is probably interested in this as a sort of marquee bill for the upcoming (next couple of months) legislative session. If he gets feedback that there might be real traction for some sort of bill to mandate that the in-state schools play each other in the education interim committee (which he sits on) I would think that he would sponsor some legislation. He would need to really tone-down his rhetoric though, and focus less on "Utah is arrogant and needs to be punished" sort of logic and focus on saving a state tradition and economic benefits of the rivalry. Hughes also sits on the appropriations committee, so unless he receives a significant amount of push-back at best or at least a lukewarm reception to his idea of state legislation on the matter (that is unless the schools can work it out) I don't think that this threat is necessarily D.O.A.

I have been involved in some local legislative efforts at the periphery, and it really left me disenfranchised to see the gamesmanship involved in it all. Maybe some here have more experience with it than me and can comment.

Diehard Ute
01-08-2016, 09:44 AM
Do you think that LK and Chris Hill wish they could go back in time and change thier conversation with BYU to occur after the legislative session?

Hughes is grand-standing to be sure, but the legislature has made bigger stinks out of smaller turds than this. Politically, Hughes has little to lose with taking up this fight, and a lot to gain. Politicians gauge their success on whether the legislation that they sponsor passes the vote. Hughes is probably interested in this as a sort of marquee bill for the upcoming (next couple of months) legislative session. If he gets feedback that there might be real traction for some sort of bill to mandate that the in-state schools play each other in the education interim committee (which he sits on) I would think that he would sponsor some legislation. He would need to really tone-down his rhetoric though, and focus less on "Utah is arrogant and needs to be punished" sort of logic and focus on saving a state tradition and economic benefits of the rivalry. Hughes also sits on the appropriations committee, so unless he receives a significant amount of push-back at best or at least a lukewarm reception to his idea of state legislation on the matter (that is unless the schools can work it out) I don't think that this threat is necessarily D.O.A.

I have been involved in some local legislative efforts at the periphery, and it really left me disenfranchised to see the gamesmanship involved in it all. Maybe some here have more experience with it than me and can comment.

He hadn't thought this through when he made his inner zoob known.

Forcing a state institution to schedule a private religious institution in a sporting event will not be looked upon well.

Threatening to hurt the academic institution to accomplish that will look even worse.

Utah athletics gets almost no tax money. The U itself gets very little. To cut that even more because they don't play the LDS Churches school? Talk about a PR nightmare for the state!

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01-08-2016, 10:52 AM
He hadn't thought this through when he made his inner zoob known.

Forcing a state institution to schedule a private religious institution in a sporting event will not be looked upon well.

Threatening to hurt the academic institution to accomplish that will look even worse.

Utah athletics gets almost no tax money. The U itself gets very little. To cut that even more because they don't play the LDS Churches school? Talk about a PR nightmare for the state!

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I don't remember where I read this breakdown (on this site or Reddit probably) but the total number of State dollars at risk in the $80k buyout is on the order of only $350 or so. This was based on the percentage of the U's budget derived from State funding (about 15% or so) and the percentage of Athletic Dept budget coming from the I (something like 2.8%?).

Hell, Concessions and direct Merch sales at games account for a higher percentage of AD budget than does funding from the U. Student fees pay more than 3.5 times as much as direct funding. The State Legislature actually has an extremely limited amount of interest in the Athletic Dept in terms of funding.

Any money they cut from the U will hurt other programs and will raise tuition, but won't bother the Athletic Dept in any way.

LA Ute
01-08-2016, 11:03 AM
He hadn't thought this through when he made his inner zoob known.

Forcing a state institution to schedule a private religious institution in a sporting event will not be looked upon well.

Threatening to hurt the academic institution to accomplish that will look even worse.

Utah athletics gets almost no tax money. The U itself gets very little. To cut that even more because they don't play the LDS Churches school? Talk about a PR nightmare for the state!

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It isn't going to happen. He's just blowing smoke.

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Diehard Ute
01-08-2016, 11:06 AM
I don't remember where I read this breakdown (on this site or Reddit probably) but the total number of State dollars at risk in the $80k buyout is on the order of only $350 or so. This was based on the percentage of the U's budget derived from State funding (about 15% or so) and the percentage of Athletic Dept budget coming from the I (something like 2.8%?).

Hell, Concessions and direct Merch sales at games account for a higher percentage of AD budget than does funding from the U. Student fees pay more than 3.5 times as much as direct funding. The State Legislature actually has an extremely limited amount of interest in the Athletic Dept in terms of funding.

Any money they cut from the U will hurt other programs and will raise tuition, but won't bother the Athletic Dept in any way.

It's just typical grandstanding crap from part time politicians who live in a bubble world.

It's amazing to see what they feel is important, and are willing to sink tons of time and money into.

I know working for a municipal government we often scratch our heads at where money is spent after we're told they're is no money for something that's desperately needed.

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Diehard Ute
01-08-2016, 11:07 AM
It isn't going to happen. He's just blowing smoke.

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Of course not. But if he'd stopped to actually think before giving quotes and jumping on Twitter he'd have never said a thing.

Social media is dangerous for politicians.

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Diehard Ute
01-08-2016, 11:30 AM

This video is a 6+ minute interview with Hughes done by Bill Gephardt.

Gephardt certainly isn't being a neutral journalist here (and given the recent Trib article I'm not surprised)

Hughes makes many threats, including taking the U's revenue and giving it to other schools and forcing the U to play schools by statute

One thing Hughes seems to not grasp is why the U struggles to play in state schools. He seems to think Weber, USU etc all will be fine with a single game at the U like other smaller schools. It's obvious he's pretty clueless when it comes to anything with athletics.

It's a pretty scary interview

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01-08-2016, 11:53 AM
My reply got dumped. Tapatalk problems...

The AD gets $1.8M directly from the U. If the U gets 15% from the State, and of money is fungible, then the State only funds around $256k of the AD's $62M budget.

We can find that money digging through the couch cushions at the Crimson Club luncheon.

01-08-2016, 12:18 PM

This video is a 6+ minute interview with Hughes done by Bill Gephardt.

Gephardt certainly isn't being a neutral journalist here (and given the recent Trib article I'm not surprised)

Hughes makes many threats, including taking the U's revenue and giving it to other schools and forcing the U to play schools by statute

One thing Hughes seems to not grasp is why the U struggles to play in state schools. He seems to think Weber, USU etc all will be fine with a single game at the U like other smaller schools. It's obvious he's pretty clueless when it comes to anything with athletics.

It's a pretty scary interview

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Guys like this make me miss Utah soooooo much. :rolleyes:

01-08-2016, 12:23 PM
I'll just leave this here:

Memo to officials (and BYU fans): 'Enough is enough'


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This article is from 2012.

01-08-2016, 12:35 PM
This article is from 2012.

LOL. Maybe he meant to post the article about Utah fans being penalized with a Technical foul for throwing things onto the court last month.

Diehard Ute
01-08-2016, 12:44 PM
Oh I almost forgot, for those that didn't watch Hughes actually invoked Army-Navy, saying a cheap shot wouldn't stop their rivalry.

Probably not, but it certainly would invoke the UCMJ, and would roundly lead to that cadet or midshipmen being in a world of hurt.

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LA Ute
01-08-2016, 12:57 PM
LOL. Maybe he meant to post the article about Utah fans being penalized with a Technical foul for throwing things onto the court last month.

You are here right on cue!

I posted the article for historical purposes, to show the great home-court sportsmanship of BYU fans. I wish I could find video of the BYU assistant (Tim Lacomb?) gleefully jumping around when that T was called on the Utah fans for throwing stuff on the floor -- probably by one of those dastardly BYU fans in attendance. Good rivalry stuff.

Hey, speaking of history, maybe we could get into Nick Emery's history of on-the-court violence, but I don't think you want to do that.

01-08-2016, 01:03 PM
You are here right on cue!

I posted the article for historical purposes, to show the great home-court sportsmanship of BYU fans. I wish I could find video of the BYU assistant (Tim Lacomb?) gleefully jumping around when that T was called on the Utah fans for throwing stuff on the floor -- probably by one of those dastardly BYU fans in attendance. Good rivalry stuff.

Hey, speaking of history, maybe we could get into Nick Emery's history of on-the-court violence, but I don't think you want to do that.

At least Emery's "violent" slap came during the flow of on-court play instead of after the whistle like Marshall Henderson's. At the time, Henderson's punch was described as "a freshman doing freshmen things." But now Emery is a dastardly villan intent on inflicting maximum violence.

Are you really still promoting this fake narrative of player safety and fans behaving badly? I thought everyone had finally dropped that flimsy disguise by about 2:00 yesterday afternoon.

LA Ute
01-08-2016, 01:12 PM
At least Emery's "violent" slap came during the flow of on-court play instead of after the whistle like Marshall Henderson's. At the time, Henderson's punch was described as "a freshman doing freshmen things." But now Emery is a dastardly villan intent on inflicting maximum violence.

Are you really still promoting this fake narrative of player safety and fans behaving badly? I thought everyone had finally dropped that flimsy disguise by about 2:00 yesterday afternoon.


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01-08-2016, 01:14 PM
At least Emery's "violent" slap came during the flow of on-court play instead of after the whistle like Marshall Henderson's. At the time, Henderson's punch was described as "a freshman doing freshmen things." But now Emery is a dastardly villan intent on inflicting maximum violence.

Are you really still promoting this fake narrative of player safety and fans behaving badly? I thought everyone had finally dropped that flimsy disguise by about 2:00 yesterday afternoon.
THE UNIVERSITY immediately suspended Henderson for the next game, and Boylen got right up in his face about his actions. And both Henderson and the coach were shitcanned a few months later. And Utah fans were rightly pissed at MH for being such a dirt bag.

Emery was only suspended after the WCC pressed for his suspension, and the only apology for the incident was the PR press release.

I don't have a problem with the punch itself because justice was done and he was tossed. But the inaction by the coaching staff after the incident, and the inaction by the Athletic Dept after the game regarding the punch, are both inexcusable.

If one of Krystkowiak's players did that he would be at risk of getting thrown off the team completely. Krystko doesn't tolerate turds. And in his estimation the entire program in Provo is one big, steaming pile of it.

Jarid in Cedar
01-08-2016, 01:22 PM
At least Emery's "violent" slap came during the flow of on-court play instead of after the whistle like Marshall Henderson's. At the time, Henderson's punch was described as "a freshman doing freshmen things." But now Emery is a dastardly villan intent on inflicting maximum violence.

Are you really still promoting this fake narrative of player safety and fans behaving badly? I thought everyone had finally dropped that flimsy disguise by about 2:00 yesterday afternoon.

Henderson was a moron and a bad person. Anyone in your base willing to say the same about Emery?

01-08-2016, 01:24 PM
Henderson was a moron and a bad person. Anyone in your base willing to say the same about Emery?

At least Henderson had the excuse that he was on purple drank or some white powder most of the time.

01-08-2016, 01:28 PM
At least Emery's "violent" slap came during the flow of on-court play instead of after the whistle like Marshall Henderson's. At the time, Henderson's punch was described as "a freshman doing freshmen things." But now Emery is a dastardly villan intent on inflicting maximum violence.

Are you really still promoting this fake narrative of player safety and fans behaving badly? I thought everyone had finally dropped that flimsy disguise by about 2:00 yesterday afternoon.

When you reach a point where you are arguing the context of punches in a basketball game, you have reached the point where it is probably time to stop posting.

01-08-2016, 02:02 PM
When you reach a point where you are arguing the context of punches in a basketball game, you have reached the point where it is probably time to stop posting.

That was my point. I thought everyone outside Utefans.net had dropped Dr. Hill's bad behavior sham yesterday, but here was LA Ute posting 4-year old articles about crowd technicals.

LA Ute
01-08-2016, 02:30 PM
That was my point. I thought everyone outside Utefans.net had dropped Dr. Hill's bad behavior sham yesterday, but here was LA Ute posting 4-year old articles about crowd technicals.

I will cop to missing the date of the article and to making a careless, drive-by post. You can add that to my list of infractions. Fortunately for me no jury here on Ub5 will convict me.

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01-08-2016, 02:35 PM
I still believe in Larry's statement. If you've been following some of the facts and opinions on the board over the past few days then it does appear that Chris Hill's motivations may be different but I stand by what I said yesterday. Chris supported Larry's decision. I wish he'd have talked him out of it. There's no ulterior motive here for Larry nor is there a conspiracy between Larry and Chris. Larry's not that person.

BYU demonstrated that game that the adults in charge weren't really in control and weren't willing to take control. I loved how Britton Johnsen described what Rick would have done had a U player acted similalry (and in fact did with a few players) when he was interviewed about this on the radio. I think that gets real close to Larry's thinking. If Rose would have had the class to have Emery face the U locker room and apologize for his conduct, we wouldn't be entertaining ourselves with all of these posts. I don't think a press release apology was enough for Larry. Given some of the other stuff that went down besides the punch, I can see why Larry would expect more.

LA Ute
01-08-2016, 02:43 PM
This article is from 2012.

Et tu, Solon?

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Rocker Ute
01-08-2016, 03:10 PM
That was my point. I thought everyone outside Utefans.net had dropped Dr. Hill's bad behavior sham yesterday, but here was LA Ute posting 4-year old articles about crowd technicals.

I love that you are bringing up Marshall Henderson when very few fans were or are okay with that. Know who else was a hothead putz when it comes to this stuff? Luca Drca who did similar low brow stuff. Both of those guys were also part of a rudderless program that nobody was happy about.

I'll admit I haven't spent much time watching but I'm not getting the vibe that any of your troo bloo cougs are even remotely embarrassed by Emery's behavior. Regardless of church affiliation you should be. As has been asked by Jarid, are you willing to admit what Emery did was indefensible?

But that is the problem with a program and fans who claim moral superiority as it is never a fight you'll win.

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LA Ute
01-08-2016, 03:24 PM
I love that you are bringing up Marshall Henderson when very few fans were or are okay with that. Know who else was a hothead putz when it comes to this stuff? Luca Drca who did similar low brow stuff. Both of those guys were also part of a rudderless program that nobody was happy about.

I'll admit I haven't spent much time watching but I'm not getting the vibe that any of your troo bloo cougs are even remotely embarrassed by Emery's behavior. Regardless of church affiliation you should be. As has been asked by Jarid, are you willing to admit what Emery did was indefensible?

But that is the problem with a program and fans who claim moral superiority as it is never a fight you'll win.

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I did say, and still believe, that Emery's apology was strong and appropriate. But many BYU fans seem to ignore that the guy whose actions they either ignore or defend actually humbly apologized for those actions. But hey, he had a scratch on his neck!!!

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Diehard Ute
01-08-2016, 03:28 PM
I did say, and still believe, that Emery's apology was strong and appropriate. But many BYU fans seem to ignore that the guy whose actions they either ignore or defend actually humbly apologized for those actions. But hey, he had a scratch on his neck!!!

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Well, he didn't. Saw a screen grab this week from the broadcast. No scratches just prior to his ejection.

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LA Ute
01-08-2016, 03:34 PM
Well, he didn't. Saw a screen grab this week from the broadcast. No scratches just prior to his ejection.

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Doggone! Another part of the narrative disappears!

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01-08-2016, 04:19 PM

01-08-2016, 05:54 PM
Henderson was a moron and a bad person. Anyone in your base willing to say the same about Emery?

Of course they won't. To his day the fan base won't acknowledge that Wesley and Araujo were thugs.

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01-08-2016, 06:56 PM
Of course they won't. To his day the fan base won't acknowledge that Wesley and Araujo were thugs.

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And just why should the fans acknowledge those two were thugs? The coaches and administrators didn't seem to have any problems with anything they did...

01-08-2016, 07:02 PM
So, we cancelled for next season. BYU has said the next game must be in the MC. Sounds like a 2 year "suspension", for the series.

Based on my experience with the two year hiatus in football, I'm OK with two years off in hoops. If it lasts longer, I'm OK with that, too.

Dealing with this rivalry is like being invited to a barbeque where the hosts start fighting, slamming doors, dropping F-bombs and throwing things at each other.

"Did somebody say McDonalds?"

01-08-2016, 08:07 PM
Henderson was a moron and a bad person. Anyone in your base willing to say the same about Emery?

Are you?

LA Ute
01-08-2016, 08:35 PM
Are you?

Does it seem to you that Emery has a serious anger problem? It was clear to me Henderson had at least that.

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01-08-2016, 08:37 PM
Does it seem to you that Emery has a serious anger problem? It was clear to me Henderson had at least that.

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Emery is a hot head. I think that's well established.

LA Ute
01-08-2016, 09:00 PM
Emery is a hot head. I think that's well established.

They're both young guys. I'm still saying I wouldn't have made the decision LK and Hill made the same way. I would have met with Rose and Holmoe and if that didn't produce the result I wanted, then I would've decided what to do about the next game - after the season is over.

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01-09-2016, 06:11 AM
When you reach a point where you are arguing the context of punches in a basketball game, you have reached the point where it is probably time to stop posting.


01-09-2016, 06:30 AM
Emery is a hot head. I think that's well established.

Mika was too. Maybe a mission will impact him in ways it obviously did not for Emery.

01-10-2016, 08:19 AM
I have been told that Coach K will be holding a press conference tomorrow where more information is likely to come out in regards to the cancellation. Stay tuned...

01-10-2016, 08:28 AM
Lots of rumors that the game may be back on. If true makes me think it could have reverberations for CH's and Lk's careers at the U.

Rocker Ute
01-10-2016, 08:39 AM
It is an even worse PR move to put the game back on, in my opinion.

I listened to Rose on 1280 after the announcement and at first it was compelling and then ultimately his interview put a bad taste in my mouth. He came of as whiny and really lowered himself a level in what he said. Lots of it was appropriate for private talk among friends, not as a public statement.

If the stories I've heard of why this decision was made (basically Rose snubbing Kodiak) and the fact that Kodiak has taken the heat for being vague on his reasoning, after that interview I would hope he explains further.

If Rose didn't have the courtesy to call him back as has been claimed I'd be doing the exact same thing.

Whether you want to keep the game or not there is one overlying fact, right now BYU needs Utah, but Utah does not need BYU.

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01-10-2016, 08:52 AM
There are two legitimate aspects to this:

1. What the fans and public want.

2. What is best for the basketball team.

I didn't watch the game, but reading about the BYU - Univ of San Francisco game last night, where defense was apparently in short supply and long range bombing carried the game for the Cougs, 102-92, I'm even more convinced that playing a team with that style is of minimal benefit to Utah, in preparing for PAC-12 play. There are no Paul Westhead-style Loyola Marymount teams in the PAC-12.

More strategically, knowing the intensity and potential for injuries from cheap shots in a powder keg rivalry with low basketball development dividends, how is Larry supposed to explain an injury from that kind of game to the parents of Jacob Poeltl?

The way things have gone since 2010, we've now been in the PAC-12 for 5 years, and BYU is still stuck in 2010... and still extremely angry about it.

This is not a good set of ingredients.

01-10-2016, 09:15 AM
Lots of rumors that the game may be back on. If true makes me think it could have reverberations for CH's and Lk's careers at the U.


01-10-2016, 09:32 AM
Lots of rumors that the game may be back on. If true makes me think it could have reverberations for CH's and Lk's careers at the U.

I don't think that's what is happening here. I believe the PC is to clarify, not to capitulate.

01-10-2016, 09:36 AM
Lots of rumors that the game may be back on. If true makes me think it could have reverberations for CH's and Lk's careers at the U.
That would be good news. Level heads carrying the day.

#1 Utefan
01-10-2016, 09:39 AM
LOL. Maybe he meant to post the article about Utah fans being penalized with a Technical foul for throwing things onto the court last month.

I was at the game when that happened. They announced twice that Utah's crowd would get a T if anything was thrown on the floor. I mentioned to the BYI fans next to me that that would be an open invitation for one of the many BYI fans in attendance to throw something on the floor so Utah would get a T.

It happened a few minutes later. I have no idea who threw the object but think it was just as likely a BYI fan as it was a Utah fan.

#1 Utefan
01-10-2016, 10:01 AM
At least Emery's "violent" slap came during the flow of on-court play instead of after the whistle like Marshall Henderson's. At the time, Henderson's punch was described as "a freshman doing freshmen things." But now Emery is a dastardly villan intent on inflicting maximum violence.

Are you really still promoting this fake narrative of player safety and fans behaving badly? I thought everyone had finally dropped that flimsy disguise by about 2:00 yesterday afternoon.

Nick Emery is a 21 year old returned missionary, not a true 18 year old freshman. It wasn't a "slap", it was an obvious punch followed by him yelling at Taylor, "and stay down bitch" while going back up the court. As if that wasn't embarrassing enough, he continued his embarrassing lack of control and sportsmanship by pointing at and yelling expletive es at Utah's bench and coaching staff while the play was being reviewed. Rose didn't say anything to him while this was happening from what I saw. Are you saying as a BYU fan you like and condone that type of behavior?

You have just displayed the problem with this entire situation. You excuse his behavior away as a freshman mistake and try to compare it to a true freshman hothead a (and troubled alcoholic) Marshall Henderson. Are your standards and the bar for player restraint and sportsmanship so low at BYU that you think a 21 year old RM representing himself and his church's school should be held to the same standard as the most notorious bad boy seen at Utah (and nationally) in two decades?

It is interesting to note that the most recent event involving bad behavior and poor sportsmanship leading to an ejection was Emery's high school teammate, Eric Mika two seasons ago. What is it about Utah County LDS culture that breeds these kind of elitist brats that seem to have never learned sportsmanship and respect for the game? I'm LDS and as much as I hate to admit it, poor sportsmanship and whiny behavior seems to be part of our sports culture. Ward basketball is exhibit 1a. It is,amplified at BYU particularly with all those pampered Lone Peak brats on BYU's roster.

#1 Utefan
01-10-2016, 10:10 AM
At least Emery's "violent" slap came during the flow of on-court play instead of after the whistle like Marshall Henderson's. At the time, Henderson's punch was described as "a freshman doing freshmen things." But now Emery is a dastardly villan intent on inflicting maximum violence.

Are you really still promoting this fake narrative of player safety and fans behaving badly? I thought everyone had finally dropped that flimsy disguise by about 2:00 yesterday afternoon.

Nick Emery is a 21 year old returned missionary, not a true 18 year old freshman. It wasn't a "slap", it was an obvious punch followed by him yelling at Taylor, "and stay down bitch" while going back up the court. As if that wasn't embarrassing enough, he continued his embarrassing lack of control and sportsmanship by pointing at and yelling expletive es at Utah's bench and coaching staff while the play was being reviewed. Rose didn't say anything to him while this was happening from what I saw. Are you saying as a BYU fan you like and condone that type of behavior?

You have just displayed the problem with this entire situation. You excuse his behavior away as a freshman mistake and try to compare it to a true freshman hothead a (and troubled alcoholic) Marshall Henderson. Are your standards and the bar for player restraint and sportsmanship so low at BYU that you think a 21 year old RM representing himself and his church's school should be held to the same standard as the most notorious bad boy seen at Utah (and nationally) in two decades?

It is interesting to note that the most recent event involving bad behavior and poor sportsmanship leading to an ejection was Emery's high school teammate, Eric Mika two seasons ago. What is it about Utah County LDS culture that breeds these kind of elitist brats that seem to have never learned sportsmanship and respect for the game? I'm LDS and as much as I hate to admit it, poor sportsmanship and whiny behavior seems to be part of our sports culture. Ward basketball is exhibit 1a. It is,amplified at BYU particularly with all those pampered Lone Peak brats on BYU's roster.

01-10-2016, 10:28 AM
This is true. Whatsisname Emery is a 'freshman' but he is only a few months younger than Brandon Taylor, who turned 22 last Fri.

There is zero benefit to scheduling the game now. In fact, it will show that Chris Hill and Larry Krystkowiak have no support and are not able to call out obvious bad sportsmanship (speaking of the taunting and yelling at the coaches and players, and not of the punch itself).

01-10-2016, 11:17 AM
I could see Larry acknowledging that as a player, he was as physical as anyone else, but in recruiting high end players like Poeltl, it's apparent that hockey-style basketball is not where the future lies.

Physical basketball? Sure. The weight room is where it's at, anymore. But over the top anger and fisticuffs? How can you defend that to the parents of a high end recruit, especially since we don't see that level of borderline insanity in the PAC-12.

LA Ute
01-10-2016, 11:41 AM
Lots of rumors that the game may be back on. If true makes me think it could have reverberations for CH's and Lk's careers at the U.

My guess is that the press conference will be to clarify. I seriously doubt that there will be simple capitulation. I could see a deal being made to put the game back on the schedule, but only with some acknowledgement by BYU that on-line court behavior must and will improve. Otherwise you are right about career implications.

I think it's more likely that the U. will try to get off the defensive side of this and will lay out its position, fill in some context, and perhaps extend an olive branch -- i.e., retake the high ground. So far Rose et al. have not had to account for themselves. For example, Rose doesn't call LK back, chooses the timing of the announcement, and acts like the victim (and gets away with it). If, under those circumstances, Hill and Larry simply give in, then you're right, this is a bad situation for both of them.

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LA Ute
01-10-2016, 12:07 PM
What worries me most about this ongoing drama is that Larry may start thinking that the power structure in the State of Utah is too Mickey Mouse for him.

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LA Ute
01-10-2016, 03:02 PM
Isn't tomorrow LK'S weekly Monday press conference? It seems doubtful that this is a presser called only to make an announcement on the topic of the BYU game. The subject will obviously come up, of course.

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01-10-2016, 03:18 PM
I hope we have a 'Thanks for showing up, Gordon' moment in the presser. Followed by a statement commending the good sportsmanship of our PAC-12 brethren.

01-10-2016, 03:35 PM
I hope we have a 'Thanks for showing up, Gordon' moment in the presser. Followed by a statement commending the good sportsmanship of our PAC-12 brethren.

I've heard that LK & CH really cancelled the series because the byu is homophobic. (just kidding, although imagine the poop-storm that would fly with that admission)

The uproar over this suspension (not necessarily cancellation) of the series only proves the point: many people (on both sides) are taking this one non-conference game way too seriously. If LK has decided that it's not worth the headaches, then I trust that assertion. Put the thing on ice for a couple of years, and then re-evaluate. What's the harm in that?

The Doug Robinson article this week was completely ridiculous - laying out various times that LK got into physical altercations as a player as if to suggest that his current interest in player safety was hypocritical. Am I to understand that because as a player he sometimes threw down, then now as a coach he needs to act the same way? I would really like to think that people mature and realize that some behavior is dumb. I certainly wouldn't want to be forced to engage in / condone the same behavior today that I exhibited 20 years ago. There is an article to be written about this, for sure, but Robinson butchered it (no surprise; the guy is a really sloppy author/writer).

Diehard Ute
01-10-2016, 03:43 PM
Isn't tomorrow LK'S weekly Monday press conference? It seems doubtful that this is a presser called only to make an announcement on the topic of the BYU game. The subject will obviously come up, of course.

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Yes. Not sure why people are twisting things.

The U sent out a media alert earlier this week that CH would be available at LK's weekly press conference to address any questions about cancelling the game.

It's not a special press conference.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
01-10-2016, 06:31 PM
Yes. Not sure why people are twisting things.

The U sent out a media alert earlier this week that CH would be available at LK's weekly press conference to address any questions about cancelling the game.

It's not a special press conference.

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Which makes the Cal win all the better. Given the mouth foaming the media have already lathered themselves into, sitting in front of that with an 0-fer start to conference play would have intensified emotions even further.

Do we have ANY kind of timeline for when all of this actually took place, outside of the actual game? Do we know if the call to suspend the series took place last week or, as some have suggested, actually took place closer to the game and BYU decided to go to the media? If the later is the case, that makes the Rose and Holmoe emotional and unprofessional reactions even more embarrassing.

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Diehard Ute
01-10-2016, 06:44 PM
Which makes the Cal win all the better. Given the mouth foaming the media have already lathered themselves into, sitting in front of that with an 0-fer start to conference play would have intensified emotions even further.

Do we have ANY kind of timeline for when all of this actually took place, outside of the actual game? Do we know if the call to suspend the series took place last week or, as some have suggested, actually took place closer to the game and BYU decided to go to the media? If the later is the case, that makes the Rose and Holmoe emotional and unprofessional reactions even more embarrassing.

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This all happened in the days after the game. BYU just chose to take it public now.

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01-10-2016, 07:12 PM
That would be good news. Level heads carrying the day.

No it wouldn't. I agree with Solon. The infantile reaction to this just confirms it was the right decision. I bet that were Utah not in the Pac 12 there wouldn't be such outrage. If you took BYU fans out of the picture, there wouldn't be much outrage. This is all so stupid.

01-10-2016, 07:14 PM
Lots of rumors that the game may be back on. If true makes me think it could have reverberations for CH's and Lk's careers at the U.

If Chris Hill got ahead of the fat cats on this I'd be shocked. It would indeed be time for him to go. They are his constituents. Part of his job is to keep them happy. I don't think it happened, but he did exactly that in trying to fire Whit.

Rocker Ute
01-10-2016, 09:50 PM
This all happened in the days after the game. BYU just chose to take it public now.

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And Rose admitted just that in the 1280 interview he gave.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
01-10-2016, 09:59 PM
This all happened in the days after the game. BYU just chose to take it public now.

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And Rose admitted just that in the 1280 interview he gave.

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Wow. That's incredible. That makes their "heated" responses all more more calculated and contrived.

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01-11-2016, 05:30 AM
No it wouldn't. I agree with Solon. The infantile reaction to this just confirms it was the right decision. I bet that were Utah not in the Pac 12 there wouldn't be such outrage. If you took BYU fans out of the picture, there wouldn't be much outrage. This is all so stupid.
How many Ute fans agree with this: you'd rather play byu than not play them? I just can't believe that many utes are worried about " player safety" or the "toxicity" of the rivalry. Have you experienced this rivalry in the past? Players like nate Cooper, rafa, mikely Wesley, the doofus that kicked bogut. One slap by a 150 pound shooting guard doesn't suddenly transform the game from fun to "toxic." I, for one, don't agree with the decision to cancel.

01-11-2016, 07:06 AM
How many Ute fans agree with this: you'd rather play byu than not play them? I just can't believe that many utes are worried about " player safety" or the "toxicity" of the rivalry. Have you experienced this rivalry in the past? Players like nate Cooper, rafa, mikely Wesley, the doofus that kicked bogut. One slap by a 150 pound shooting guard doesn't suddenly transform the game from fun to "toxic." I, for one, don't agree with the decision to cancel.

I agree, and I bet most Ute fans do as well. There is a reason it is one of the highest attended games each year in basketball. This is an embarrassing decision if the reason stated is taken at face value. If there is an ulterior motive other than the stated reason, then it's embarrassing that we weren't above board with the reason.

I hope K and Hill announce today that the decision was made in the heat of the moment and they are reconsidering, but I doubt they will. Otherwise, I hope they can add some reasonable explanation beyond player safety or having his feelings hurt by the words Emery said, or Rose didn't say.

01-11-2016, 07:15 AM
How many Ute fans agree with this: you'd rather play byu than not play them? I just can't believe that many utes are worried about " player safety" or the "toxicity" of the rivalry. Have you experienced this rivalry in the past? Players like nate Cooper, rafa, mikely Wesley, the doofus that kicked bogut. One slap by a 150 pound shooting guard doesn't suddenly transform the game from fun to "toxic." I, for one, don't agree with the decision to cancel.

I don't agree with the decision.
But I also think there is much more behind this all.
There is a pattern of behaviour. Even Steve Young said that the fellows at ESPN thought they have a problem. You have an AD who tweets like an 12 year old girl with braces. Even Tom's assistant thought it looked like he got hacked and took it down. Nope, Tom was seriously "oh ma gawd!" I wonder what he's like behind closed doors or on the phone. I get that stuff happens in games. But you need to address it. These things might just be symptoms. Add that to the "hard to work with" reputation and Chris and Larry might just be sick of the BS. I hope the Big12 is paying attention.

Like others have said, the best way to make them even less relevant (which surely is part of this, I think) is to just keep beating them.

Diehard Ute
01-11-2016, 07:58 AM
I agree, and I bet most Ute fans do as well. There is a reason it is one of the highest attended games each year in basketball. This is an embarrassing decision if the reason stated is taken at face value. If there is an ulterior motive other than the stated reason, then it's embarrassing that we weren't above board with the reason.

I hope K and Hill announce today that the decision was made in the heat of the moment and they are reconsidering, but I doubt they will. Otherwise, I hope they can add some reasonable explanation beyond player safety or having his feelings hurt by the words Emery said, or Rose didn't say.

There's nothing embarrassing about it. What's embarrassing is how many people on this board come across like BYU fans on this subject.

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LA Ute
01-11-2016, 08:10 AM
I like the game and look forward to it. I think that on balance, playing it every year makes sense. I wish LK had addressed his concerns differently. That said, the real question is whether playing this game annually is in the U of U's best interests. That's eminently debatable. I think the answer is yes, but for me it's a close call.

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01-11-2016, 08:16 AM
There's nothing embarrassing about it. What's embarrassing is how many people on this board come across like BYU fans on this subject.

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Sorry, I forgot that differing opinions were not allowed. The "you're wrong, you're a zoob" argument has put me in my proper place, and corrected my temporary lack of judgement. I bow to your superior fandom.

Diehard Ute
01-11-2016, 08:23 AM
Sorry, I forgot that differing opinions were not allowed. The "you're wrong, you're a zoob" argument has put me in my proposed place, and corrected my temporary lack of judgement. I bow to your superior fandom.

Your opinion is in line with the BYU fans. Apparently you're easily embarrassed, LK has been a stand up guy. If he feels the need to take a step back I don't see how that's embarrassing.

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Jarid in Cedar
01-11-2016, 08:46 AM
I was thinking of this question today. Besides Princeton Onwas against Boise State, has a Utah player been ejected from a game in the Coach K era?

And besides Mika and Emery vs Utah, has BYU had an ejection in the last 5 years?

01-11-2016, 08:56 AM
Your opinion is in line with the BYU fans. Apparently you're easily embarrassed, LK has been a stand up guy. If he feels the need to take a step back I don't see how that's embarrassing.

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Paying $80,000 to get out of a contracted game is not "taking a step back".

My opinion is in line with many Utah fans, and neutral observers as well. I don't care what BYU fans think. Their overreaction has been entertaining, but has also disturbed me because I feel there is some validity to it. Cancelling the football series was at least honest, we didn't want to play them because they are a tough opponent and our schedule is already tough enough.

The player safety reason is bullshit. When was the last time a Utah player missed playing playing time due to a punch or kick. The 'feelings hurt because of no apology or punishment was not enough' reason is weak as well. This very much has the feeling of "I'm taking my ball and going home because I am scared or upset" to it, which to me is frankly embarrassing. Add to that the $80,000 cost the tantrum brings with it, to make it even worse.

These are the first and last posts I have posted on this subject. It pisses me off. I would really like to have beaten the bastards next year when the Lone Peak allstars were back in the Marriot center.

BTW, sorry for my pissy mood this morning. The day started off crappy, and it's going to be a long two weeks at work and home. Probably time to step away from social media for a bit.

LA Ute
01-11-2016, 09:11 AM
BTW, sorry for my pissy mood this morning. The day started off crappy, and it's going to be a long two weeks at work and home. Probably time to step away from social media for a bit.

Since you are one of the most civil posters here, this apology brings a smile to my face. But I'm sorry you're facing a craptastic period and I hope things turn around for you soon.

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01-11-2016, 09:14 AM
This presser is going to be fascinating. You can listen live on ESPN 700 at 10:15 mountain.

I think anyone hoping for the game to be put back on will be disappointed. It will be interesting to see how many media folks show up. I saw the Gurn man say that the DNews will send an extra reporter up there. Im sure Monson will be there. Like a couple of you have said, I hope that he is greeted with a "nice of you to show up" and then is ignored and or dismissed.

Itll be good to put this issue to bed. Eventually the BYU fans will move along. We have a really really exciting season ahead and Im looking forward to focusing on that.

01-11-2016, 09:34 AM
This presser is going to be fascinating. You can listen live on ESPN 700 at 10:15 mountain.

I think anyone hoping for the game to be put back on will be disappointed. It will be interesting to see how many media folks show up. I saw the Gurn man say that the DNews will send an extra reporter up there. Im sure Monson will be there. Like a couple of you have said, I hope that he is greeted with a "nice of you to show up" and then is ignored and or dismissed.

Itll be good to put this issue to bed. Eventually the BYU fans will move along. We have a really really exciting season ahead and Im looking forward to focusing on that.

It'd be fun if K treated him like Trump treated the reporter from Univision. "Get him out of here."

01-11-2016, 10:05 AM
Your opinion is in line with the BYU fans. Apparently you're easily embarrassed, LK has been a stand up guy. If he feels the need to take a step back I don't see how that's embarrassing.

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Take that shit to UteNation or some other 5-watt bulb hangout where everyone falls in lock step with whatever Utah does, and can't bother to think independently.

01-11-2016, 10:05 AM
Per a letter provided to the media in advance of the presser, the game is still off next year.

01-11-2016, 10:07 AM
From Josh Furlong of KSL, here are statements from K, Hill, and the Pres of the University.


01-11-2016, 10:12 AM
From Josh Furlong of KSL, here are statements from K, Hill, and the Pres of the University.


The most significant statement is Pershing's commitment to play 2 of the 4 in state schools every year--so it sounds like the Y is not going to be an annual game, but bi-annual. Sounds good to me.

01-11-2016, 10:41 AM
Monson asked a question, didn't like Larry's answer, kept pushing the issue and Larry said "Next question". Hahahahahahahahah! Monson is such a hack.

01-11-2016, 10:47 AM
Monson asked a question, didn't like Larry's answer, kept pushing the issue and Larry said "Next question". Hahahahahahahahah! Monson is such a hack.

What was the question?

He should've gone all Bellicheck...."We're focused on the Ducks."

01-11-2016, 10:51 AM
What was the question?

He should've gone all Bellicheck...."We're focused on the Ducks."

Monson was asking why Larry didn't consider any alternatives to cancelling the series. Larry then added something about how he didn't have to like his answers. Hard to tell, audio went bad at that point.

01-11-2016, 10:55 AM
Larry ends the presser by offering free tickets to people who are there today but not usually there. Awesome. I love this coach.

01-11-2016, 11:16 AM
No matter the course of action Utah took after the cancellation, we would come across as weak. Given how deep into the issue we are, I think this is the best we could've hoped for.

My feeling is play BYU, don't play BYU -- don't really care -- but not a fan of how it went down. My concern now is the point LA Ute made earlier -- is Larry beaten down enough by the "Mickey Mouse" nature of the Utah political scene to move on to something new. He's a fantastic coach and losing him to nonsensical matters would be a terrible blow to the program.

01-11-2016, 11:26 AM
Per Chris Hill, Larry paid the 80k out of pocket.

01-11-2016, 11:28 AM
Per Chris Hill, Larry paid the 80k out of pocket.

I've heard a slightly different story regarding this, but it totally throws water on the fire of those who insist Hill and the athletic department is the impetus behind this (including myself, originally).

01-11-2016, 11:40 AM
Per Chris Hill, Larry paid the 80k out of pocket.

I assume he paid with pre-tax dollars.

01-11-2016, 11:48 AM
I assume he paid with pre-tax dollars.
Maybe he is taking the discussions from the missionaries, and that is a down payment on his tithing for the next fiscal quarter.

LA Ute
01-11-2016, 01:07 PM

LA Ute
01-11-2016, 03:08 PM
LK's and Hill's comments to the press:



Irving Washington
01-11-2016, 03:37 PM
LK's and Hill's comments to the press:



An executive summary?

And who is Derik Stevenson, and why should I care what that idiot thinks?

LA Ute
01-11-2016, 03:44 PM
An executive summary?

And who is Derik Stevenson, and why should I care what that idiot thinks?

Just for the pure humor of it, IW.

01-11-2016, 04:17 PM
An executive summary?

And who is Derik Stevenson, and why should I care what that idiot thinks?
He 'played' for byu in the 90s, mostly on Special Teams. Has some run-ins with the law and iirc had to get the drug monkey off his back.

Can't tell you why you should care what he thinks. I think LA is correct, he is just fun to troll. I don't do Twitter so I am not cool enough to understand.

01-11-2016, 05:21 PM
An executive summary?

And who is Derik Stevenson, and why should I care what that idiot thinks?

Derik Stevenson is a former BYU player that is lucky that when he shot a gun in the air that no one was killed. He played under Lavell Edwards and after his last game went into the stands and got into a fight with a fan. He is BFFs with Kalani Sitake and will probably be very visible with the BYU football program now that Sitake is the coach. Sitake made the horrible decision of letting this loose cannon around our football team before going to Oregon St.

01-11-2016, 06:02 PM
Over on CS they are calling this a "PR disaster". I guess I'm out of touch but I don't perceive it's a significant PR event or a negative PR event as to anyone we should care about. Correct?

01-11-2016, 06:03 PM
Derik Stevenson is a former BYU player that is lucky that when he shot a gun in the air that no one was killed. He played under Lavell Edwards and after his last game went into the stands and got into a fight with a fan. He is BFFs with Kalani Sitake and will probably be very visible with the BYU football program now that Sitake is the coach. Sitake made the horrible decision of letting this loose cannon around our football team before going to Oregon St.

I consider Sitake as cut from the same cloth.

01-11-2016, 06:50 PM
Over on CS they are calling this a "PR disaster". I guess I'm out of touch but I don't perceive it's a significant PR event or a negative PR event as to anyone we should care about. Correct?
This absolutely IS a PR disaster...for byu.

"We were going to expand the Big XII to include byu and Memphis, but now your closest friends don't want to play against you citing institutional problems. We need to seriously rethink our future expansion options."

01-11-2016, 08:04 PM
Over on CS they are calling this a "PR disaster". I guess I'm out of touch but I don't perceive it's a significant PR event or a negative PR event as to anyone we should care about. Correct?

Doubt your doubts

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01-11-2016, 08:05 PM
We're up to snuff, we never bluff, we're game for any fuss.

I expect the "Utah Man/Fan" working group to be submitting revised lyrics soon.

01-11-2016, 08:12 PM
I expect the "Utah Man/Fan" working group to be submitting revised lyrics soon.

cancelling of the hoops rivalry is karma for what's his name? killing the Cougar/Ute fan forum

01-11-2016, 08:14 PM
Probably won't be popular here, but I think Mark Durrant hit it out of the park:


01-11-2016, 08:32 PM
Probably won't be popular here, but I think Mark Durrant hit it out of the park:


Really doesn't matter at this point, does it

01-11-2016, 08:39 PM
It matters to mark durrant, dammit.

should I know who Mark Durrant is?

01-11-2016, 08:42 PM
should I know who Mark Durrant is?

Another aggrieved BYU ex-athlete.

They're all pretty butt-hurt about this.

01-11-2016, 08:43 PM
Probably won't be popular here, but I think Mark Durrant hit it out of the park:


Thanks kc. I'll #ponderize this.

LA Ute
01-11-2016, 08:53 PM
Here's what strikes me as very odd about this whole situation. Emery cold-cocks a Utah player and is ejected. Lots of cougar fans seem to be lionizing him for this. Our coach has had enough, he says, and does not want to play BYU next year. And this is a PR disaster for which side?

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01-11-2016, 08:59 PM
I remember when Wayne Howard resigned in 1981, in large part from the corrosive effect of the rivalry. He got out of coaching altogether. I remember it like it was yesterday watching as Howard had to be restrained, in 1977, in Provo, wanting to fight a BYU assistant who told him "take your dirty niggers and get out of here". That was an indelible memory.

I saw way too much irrational hatred from Utah fans during the 80s, 90s, up to very recently. I got to the point where I winced as anti-Mormon Utes used the BYU game as the opportunity to take shots at Mormonism, only to see good LDS Ute fans laughing with them, taking satisfaction in the "arrogant" Y fans getting well deserved abuse.

I'm seeing similar amounts of vitriol from Y fans now, as the tables have turned and we got the PAC invite, and they've had to resort to begging to get into the Big-12 and pretend they like the WCC.

I know how they feel, and its not healthy.

The first few years after the split, Y fans had basketball to fall back on, Jimmer torched the Utes in SLC, but when that changed, the pressure cooker got cranked up. LK is perceptive, he's seeing unhealthy amounts of intensity, and when the Y player(s) told him to "shut the F up" on 12/3, he was ready to rumble. Kodiak's not Mother Theresa, this isn't a big surprise.

Even Bronco observed a worsening in the ugly aspects of the rivalry in the past few years, and I'd bet my house it was a big part of why he bailed out.

Hopefully, Larry's $80K and a year off can help people bring this back to being about athletics, and not a war for self esteem.

01-11-2016, 08:59 PM

We have a big test with the Ducks and Beavers this week. If we find a way to win both of these we will be in great position going forward through conference play.

And best of all, the rest of the coaches we will face this year are actually respectable and will hold their players responsible for their actions on the court.

01-11-2016, 09:00 PM
Here's what strikes me as very odd about this whole situation. Emery cold-cocks a Utah player and is ejected. Lots of cougar fans seem to be lionizing him for this. Our coach has had enough, he says, and does not want to play BYU next year. And this is a PR disaster for which side?

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the new narrative from BYU Fans is that Emery was provoked. I guess he was provoked by Utah's big first half lead


01-11-2016, 09:37 PM
the new narrative from BYU Fans is that Emery was provoked. I guess he was provoked by Utah's big first half lead

This was never about Emery. He did something dumb, and got tossed.

Then his coaches let him continue to make an ass of himself without making an effort to rein him in, and then blew off attempts to have a conversation about the incident a few days later.

Krystko is correct. The rivalry has a virus , and needs a reboot.

01-11-2016, 09:45 PM
Over on CS they are calling this a "PR disaster". I guess I'm out of touch but I don't perceive it's a significant PR event or a negative PR event as to anyone we should care about. Correct?

It it seems a bit like cougarboard over there.

01-11-2016, 09:54 PM
It it seems a bit like cougarboard over there.
Why do you think most of us abandoned it?

01-11-2016, 11:03 PM
I've never been, but don't see how it could be anything but CB2.
Just imagine a big group of truly wonderful and fun people, surrounding a central core of Moose and Derik Stevenson types who only want to crap on everybody else without repercussion. Sort of like byu athletics right now.

LA Ute
01-12-2016, 06:28 AM
I've never been, but don't see how it could be anything but CB2.

It actually worked surprisingly well until Utah joined the PAC-12. In some ways CUF's breakdown parallels the transformation of the rivalry itself from something mostly fun into something mostly bitter.

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01-12-2016, 07:46 AM
It actually worked surprisingly well until Utah joined the PAC-12. In some ways CUF's breakdown parallels the transformation of the rivalry itself from something mostly fun into something mostly bitter.

I wasn't active in CUF, but if you guys couldn't make it work, it's probably not doable.

Interesting microcosm of the sentiment and dynamics within and between the two fan-bases.

01-12-2016, 08:34 AM
It actually worked surprisingly well until Utah joined the PAC-12. In some ways CUF's breakdown parallels the transformation of the rivalry itself from something mostly fun into something mostly bitter.

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I've chuckled a bit as I've watched a guy who "took his board and went home" complain about a guy who "took the ball and went home".

01-12-2016, 08:51 AM
I don't know what, but it surely says something about our rivalry that the attempt was ever made. I don't remember ever hearing about a Blue Devil-Tarheel Forum in NC.

I think the binder was religion. Waters created CG (in part, if I remember correctly) to talk about religion in a way not allowed on CB. CG became CUF.

01-12-2016, 08:53 AM
Thanks kc. I'll #ponderize this.

I dont know how many people will get this reference, but well done sir. This was awesome.

01-12-2016, 09:15 AM
Larry had his coaches show last night. You can listen on espn700sports.com under the podcast section (good grief the ESPN 700 website is a mess.........)

Among some other interesting things, he said that he has some home and homes in the works that will make people high five each other.

01-12-2016, 09:16 AM
Larry had his coaches show last night. You can listen on espn700sports.com under the podcast section (good grief the ESPN 700 website is a mess.........)

Among some other interesting things, he said that he has some home and homes in the works that will make people high five each other.


01-12-2016, 09:21 AM
Kurt Kragthorpe weighs in with a pretty reasonable column: http://www.sltrib.com/sports/3405987-155/kragthorpe-larry-krystkowiak-has-earned-the

01-12-2016, 09:33 AM
It actually worked surprisingly well until Utah joined the PAC-12. In some ways CUF's breakdown parallels the transformation of the rivalry itself from something mostly fun into something mostly bitter.

Very true. The transformation of CUF to CS is a microcosm of what is happening in the rivalry.

LA Ute
01-12-2016, 10:27 AM
Very true. The transformation of CUF to CS is a microcosm of what is happening in the rivalry.

You said it better and more concisely than I did.

01-12-2016, 11:04 AM
It actually worked surprisingly well until Utah joined the PAC-12. In some ways CUF's breakdown parallels the transformation of the rivalry itself from something mostly fun into something mostly bitter.

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Utah to the Pac 12 destroyed CUF purely and simply.

Every time something happens to make it evident, I'm shocked at how seriously they take this fan stuff. BYU sports is truly their religion; it means more than any relationship. Over on CG they're saying that they are discerning that this cancellation of the basketball rivalry has for Ute fans made interactions with BYU fans extremely awkward. Eye contact is difficult for Ute fans when they encounter a BYU fan friend or acquaintance. Ute fans blush and turn away or stammer and hope to avoid the subject. LOL! They're not kidding. They're out of their minds! The most profound insult they have to hurl at anyone is "you don't know anything about football." Clearly, in their minds, it's like calling someone ignorant. I've never seen fans so enmeshed with their teams. Is this typical of BYU fans? I assume CG is not a cross-section. It seems a pathology to me. If I were their shrink I'd tell them to step away from BYU sports for a few years. Larry is doing them a favor!

01-12-2016, 11:13 AM
Utah to the Pac 12 destroyed CUF purely and simply.

Every time something happens to make it evident, I'm shocked at how seriously they take this fan stuff. BYU sports is truly their religion; it means more than any relationship. Over on CG they're saying that they are discerning that this cancellation of the basketball rivalry has for Ute fans made interactions with BYU fans extremely awkward. Eye contact is difficult for Ute fans when they encounter a BYU fan friend or acquaintance. Ute fans blush and turn away or stammer and hope to avoid the subject. LOL! They're not kidding. They're out of their minds! The most profound insult they have to hurl at anyone is "you don't know anything about football." Clearly, in their minds, it's like calling someone ignorant. I've never seen fans so enmeshed with their teams. Is this typical of BYU fans? I assume CG is not a cross-section. It seems a pathology to me. If I were their shrink I'd tell them to step away from BYU sports for a few years. Larry is doing them a favor!

I can see how it would be awkward for Ute fans.

It's like when you know someone who goes through relationship after relationship, and the failure always seems to be because of the other person. You feel a bit awkward and strange because you really just want to shake them and suggest that maybe some introspection is in order, but you just can't bring yourself to do it because you know deep down inside that they just won't listen.

01-12-2016, 11:14 AM
Im listening to the archived call of the Utah-BYU game. Durrant and Wrubell are real stooges.

-Wrubell downplays the Emery incident and in fact says the crowd is outraged because they saw what they wanted to see. Acknowledges that Emery "maybe caught with him with an elbow while battling for position for a rebound." and then says "there is no need for that." but spends most of the time being outraged that Larry is yelling toward the BYU bench. He either ignores Emery yelling at Larry, or doesn't notice it.
-Durrant shows himself to be a real tool. Without saying it directly, he implies that Taylor had this coming because apparently he had been "bumping into" Emery and Fischer all game long. He also downplays emery's actions and instead focuses on what provoked it and how the crowd is reacting. When Larry tries to point out that it was a BYU fan who threw the debris that got the tech, he laughs and then says "I cant wait to see the reaction of the Ute fans to Emery, but hey its ok to throw stuff on the court!"

The funny thing is, Durrant doesn't mention anything that Larry has said. So that's why I find his story about Larry saying a bunch of bad words to be exaggerated. A guy like that wouldn't pass on the opportunity to try and paint Larry as a bad guy in the moment.

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-12-2016, 11:48 AM
Im listening to the archived call of the Utah-BYU game. Durrant and Wrubell are real stooges.

-Wrubell downplays the Emery incident and in fact says the crowd is outraged because they saw what they wanted to see. Acknowledges that Emery "maybe caught with him with an elbow while battling for position for a rebound." and then says "there is no need for that." but spends most of the time being outraged that Larry is yelling toward the BYU bench. He either ignores Emery yelling at Larry, or doesn't notice it.
-Durrant shows himself to be a real tool. Without saying it directly, he implies that Taylor had this coming because apparently he had been "bumping into" Emery and Fischer all game long. He also downplays emery's actions and instead focuses on what provoked it and how the crowd is reacting. When Larry tries to point out that it was a BYU fan who threw the debris that got the tech, he laughs and then says "I cant wait to see the reaction of the Ute fans to Emery, but hey its ok to throw stuff on the court!"

The funny thing is, Durrant doesn't mention anything that Larry has said. So that's why I find his story about Larry saying a bunch of bad words to be exaggerated. A guy like that wouldn't pass on the opportunity to try and paint Larry as a bad guy in the moment.

Way to take one for the team.

01-12-2016, 11:51 AM
Utah to the Pac 12 destroyed CUF purely and simply.

Every time something happens to make it evident, I'm shocked at how seriously they take this fan stuff. BYU sports is truly their religion; it means more than any relationship. Over on CG they're saying that they are discerning that this cancellation of the basketball rivalry has for Ute fans made interactions with BYU fans extremely awkward. Eye contact is difficult for Ute fans when they encounter a BYU fan friend or acquaintance. Ute fans blush and turn away or stammer and hope to avoid the subject. LOL! They're not kidding. They're out of their minds! The most profound insult they have to hurl at anyone is "you don't know anything about football." Clearly, in their minds, it's like calling someone ignorant. I've never seen fans so enmeshed with their teams. Is this typical of BYU fans? I assume CG is not a cross-section. It seems a pathology to me. If I were their shrink I'd tell them to step away from BYU sports for a few years. Larry is doing them a favor!

SU, you really can post that on CS. No need to snipe from the bushes. No one is going to avoid eye-contact with you.

01-12-2016, 11:53 AM
Im listening to the archived call of the Utah-BYU game. Durrant and Wrubell are real stooges.

-Wrubell downplays the Emery incident and in fact says the crowd is outraged because they saw what they wanted to see. Acknowledges that Emery "maybe caught with him with an elbow while battling for position for a rebound." and then says "there is no need for that." but spends most of the time being outraged that Larry is yelling toward the BYU bench. He either ignores Emery yelling at Larry, or doesn't notice it.
-Durrant shows himself to be a real tool. Without saying it directly, he implies that Taylor had this coming because apparently he had been "bumping into" Emery and Fischer all game long. He also downplays emery's actions and instead focuses on what provoked it and how the crowd is reacting. When Larry tries to point out that it was a BYU fan who threw the debris that got the tech, he laughs and then says "I cant wait to see the reaction of the Ute fans to Emery, but hey its ok to throw stuff on the court!"

The funny thing is, Durrant doesn't mention anything that Larry has said. So that's why I find his story about Larry saying a bunch of bad words to be exaggerated. A guy like that wouldn't pass on the opportunity to try and paint Larry as a bad guy in the moment.

In the immortal words of Larry Krystkowiak, Nick Emery never threw a punch.....that wasn't provoked.

01-12-2016, 12:12 PM
SU, you really can post that on CS. No need to snipe from the bushes. No one is going to avoid eye-contact with you.

Thank you, my friend, I appreciate that.

01-12-2016, 12:13 PM
In the immortal words of Larry Krystkowiak, Nick Emery never threw a punch.....that wasn't provoked.

"We're up to snuff, we never bluff, we're game for any fuss." - Or at least we used to be.

LOL. I like your new signature line, kc.

01-12-2016, 12:22 PM
LOL. I like your new signature line, kc.

I expect the Utah Man/Fan working group to recommend additional revisions soon.

01-12-2016, 12:25 PM
I expect the Utah Man/Fan working group to recommend additional revisions soon.

They've revised that song a few times. It used to boast about a stein of lager & a big cigar too. Those were the days!

LA Ute
01-12-2016, 12:26 PM
LOL. I like your new signature line, kc.

So do I. Got to have a sense of humor about these things.

01-12-2016, 12:28 PM
So do I. Got to have a sense of humor about these things.


However, who is "Or at least we used to be" ? That is an odd name.

01-12-2016, 01:12 PM

However, who is "Or at least we used to be" ? That is an odd name.
"It is Utah's world, they're just living in it..."
~Tom Hackett

I'm going to miss that guy. ;)

01-12-2016, 01:29 PM
"It is Utah's world, they're just living in it..."
~Tom Hackett

I'm going to miss that guy. ;)

Tom is one of my all time favorites.

Diehard Ute
01-12-2016, 04:31 PM
Im listening to the archived call of the Utah-BYU game. Durrant and Wrubell are real stooges.

-Wrubell downplays the Emery incident and in fact says the crowd is outraged because they saw what they wanted to see. Acknowledges that Emery "maybe caught with him with an elbow while battling for position for a rebound." and then says "there is no need for that." but spends most of the time being outraged that Larry is yelling toward the BYU bench. He either ignores Emery yelling at Larry, or doesn't notice it.
-Durrant shows himself to be a real tool. Without saying it directly, he implies that Taylor had this coming because apparently he had been "bumping into" Emery and Fischer all game long. He also downplays emery's actions and instead focuses on what provoked it and how the crowd is reacting. When Larry tries to point out that it was a BYU fan who threw the debris that got the tech, he laughs and then says "I cant wait to see the reaction of the Ute fans to Emery, but hey its ok to throw stuff on the court!"

The funny thing is, Durrant doesn't mention anything that Larry has said. So that's why I find his story about Larry saying a bunch of bad words to be exaggerated. A guy like that wouldn't pass on the opportunity to try and paint Larry as a bad guy in the moment.

Oh he knew. The radio guys sit right next to the benches now. Wrubell was 5 feet from Emery when he was yelling at our bench

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LA Ute
01-12-2016, 06:29 PM
The Mormon Iconoclast on this issue:


01-13-2016, 11:00 AM
Oh he knew. The radio guys sit right next to the benches now. Wrubell was 5 feet from Emery when he was yelling at our bench

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I figured as much. What an absolute buffoon.

01-13-2016, 11:07 AM
Oh he knew. The radio guys sit right next to the benches now. Wrubell was 5 feet from Emery when he was yelling at our bench

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Even for the visiting teams?

01-13-2016, 12:58 PM
Even for the visiting teams?

Yeah. I guess so. I heard Mark Durrant (color for Wrubell) on the radio confirm that he was down on the court when it all went down.

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-13-2016, 01:38 PM
Oh Twitter, how I love you.



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Diehard Ute
01-13-2016, 01:41 PM
Even for the visiting teams?

Yeah. 2 years ago they redid the scorers table. Jimmy and Bill are at the end by the Ute bench and the visiting radio is on the end right next to the visiting bench.

Adding the TV bored cast table on the other side of the floor allowed them to move the radio guys to the floor

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01-13-2016, 01:50 PM
Yeah. 2 years ago they redid the scorers table. Jimmy and Bill are at the end by the Ute bench and the visiting radio is on the end right next to the visiting bench.

Adding the TV bored cast table on the other side of the floor allowed them to move the radio guys to the floor

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i remember when Wrubell used to complain about the old radio broadcast area on his broadcasts at the Hunstman Center. I used to think those were pretty kick ass seats

20 rows up center court, I'd take those over being on the floor to one side or the other

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-13-2016, 01:56 PM
Yeah. I guess so. I heard Mark Durrant (color for Wrubell) on the radio confirm that he was down on the court when it all went down.

In the first clip of the game, you can see Wrubell and who I can guess is Durrant five feet from Emery as this all plays out. In the second clip, you can see Rose doing his bare minimum to control Emery and cut him off from engaging with the Utah bench. Even Davis decides to play along.


01-13-2016, 02:20 PM
Oh Twitter, how I love you.

Hah... "we don't want to put up with this crap." That is totally believable. Love it.

01-13-2016, 02:30 PM
Hah... "we don't want to put up with this crap." That is totally believable. Love it.

The idea of LDS high councilman Kyle Whittingham being in on telling an LDS apostle to walk is funny.

01-13-2016, 02:33 PM
The idea of LDS high councilman Kyle Whittingham being in on telling an LDS apostle to walk is funny.

Maybe he was looking to get released...

01-13-2016, 02:52 PM
Elder Oaks still gets his haircut at the $6 Dollar Haircut Shop on 4th South just a few blocks East of the U. I know what you are thinking but he still does have some hair on the sides and back.

I ran into him once but wasn't a 100% sure it was him. I had to ask his barber after he left to confirm. He looked different in khaki's and a golf hat

01-13-2016, 05:02 PM
In the first clip of the game, you can see Wrubell and who I can guess is Durrant five feet from Emery as this all plays out. In the second clip, you can see Rose doing his bare minimum to control Emery and cut him off from engaging with the Utah bench. Even Davis decides to play along.

The problem is that Krystkowiak invited Rose out for coffee, and Rose just didn't know how to respond to that.

"Does that mean he is hitting on me, but isn't quite brave enough to ask me on a date just yet? That's what that means in the movies..."

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-14-2016, 01:59 PM

Bountiful, UT
Coach Krystkowiak wasn't hallucinating when he noted things have gotten worse the last 3 seasons.

Bronco Mendenhall noted the same thing before he left for Virginia - "it seems like the ugly part of the rivalry has gotten worse the past few years".

I used to participate on a message board of older folks who were tired of the constant back-and-forth between Utah and BYU fans, who created a message board for *both* Utah and BYU fans, specifically to emphasize and build on the things in common between the two groups.

That message board split apart in 2013, no longer exists, with both a Utah-oriented board and a BYU-oriented board taking its place. "After Utah went to the PAC-12, the 'joint effort' model descended into a lot of bitterness". (Again, this is the older, more mature audience)

Yesterday's news about the Big-12 getting permission to have a football championship game without having to expand appears as another (apparent) blow for BYU fans who are - justifiably - upset about BYU not being in a P5 conference. This will probably elevate tensions further.

Reflection is needed.

4:04 a.m. Jan. 14, 2016
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01-14-2016, 02:17 PM


Way to go, Ma'ake.

LA Ute
01-15-2016, 08:04 AM
I don't think it's Ma'ake. USS Utah, probably.

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01-15-2016, 08:12 AM
I don't think it's Ma'ake. USS Utah, probably.

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He was outed several days ago. Too much powderkeg talk.