View Full Version : European Championships

Two Utes
06-15-2016, 09:26 AM
I turn on my TV in my office everyday and listen in the background.

Ian Dark is the best sports announcer in the world.

The tournament is more interesting to me than the World Cup, not sure why but it is kind of like the NCAA tournament. There are the Cinderellas like Iceland (300k) and Slovakia who provide minor upsets, but ultimately the big dogs always come out on top (Germany, Spain, France, Italy). And the fans are crazy passionate.

The Russians are the trash of Europe and the bad guys. Good to see Slovakia upsetting them this morning.

I have a lot of Welsh heritage, so I am rooting for the motherland. Go Wales!!! (another Cinderella). Love their passionate fans and the name of their star Gareth Bale. I dare any of you to name your next newborn Gareth.

Gotta love the French and their strikes. Because of the socialist economy, the people desperately cling to their crummy-ass jobs any way possible because there is no upward or even sideways employment mobility in that country and they have to cling to what they have. Otherwise they will be unemployed. Pay attention Bernie Sanders fans.

06-15-2016, 09:52 AM
I turn on my TV in my office everyday and listen in the background.

Ian Dark is the best sports announcer in the world.

The tournament is more interesting to me than the World Cup, not sure why but it is kind of like the NCAA tournament. There are the Cinderellas like Iceland (300k) and Slovakia who provide minor upsets, but ultimately the big dogs always come out on top (Germany, Spain, France, Italy). And the fans are crazy passionate.

The Russians are the trash of Europe and the bad guys. Good to see Slovakia upsetting them this morning.

I have a lot of Welsh heritage, so I am rooting for the motherland. Go Wales!!! (another Cinderella). Love their passionate fans and the name of their star Gareth Bale. I dare any of you to name your next newborn Gareth.

Gotta love the French and their strikes. Because of the socialist economy, the people desperately cling to their crummy-ass jobs any way possible because there is no upward or even sideways employment mobility in that country and they have to cling to what they have. Otherwise they will be unemployed. Pay attention Bernie Sanders fans.

Yes! :highfive:

I love the Euro and you've explained the appeal well. This year I'm all in for Iceland and anyone that wants to beat Germany.

06-16-2016, 01:00 PM
A Krychowiak playing for Poland.

Could that be the original spelling of our own LK?

06-16-2016, 01:03 PM
All international soccer tournaments are great. It's too hard to care about club soccer in the US, but there's always a reason to pull for one country over another.

I wish the Euro's had better starting times. I can often watch this kind of stuff at work, but not this month. I've been able to get my fix with the Copa, though.

06-22-2016, 10:21 AM
Yes! :highfive:

I love the Euro and you've explained the appeal well. This year I'm all in for Iceland and anyone that wants to beat Germany.

Goal, Iceland! In as of now.

06-22-2016, 11:32 AM
Goal, Iceland! In as of now.

I hate the format of the Euros. 4 third-place teams advance to the knockout stages? Encourages boring soccer.

Except this Hungary-Portugal affair...

07-01-2016, 02:52 PM
I don't think I will ever see another contest between Belgium and Wales as good as that one.

07-10-2016, 03:52 PM
Heartbreak city. France just could not crack that defense.