View Full Version : 2016 Preseason Thread

07-14-2016, 08:43 AM
With the Pac-12 media poll out (Utes picked 3rd in south), we can start an actual preseason thread, right?

Here's the poll:





South is wide open. If Troy Williams to Tim Patrick is a thing, we are right in there.

07-14-2016, 09:00 AM
With the Pac-12 media poll out (Utes picked 3rd in south), we can start an actual preseason thread, right?

Here's the poll:



Twitter says this is the first time Stanford has ever been picked to win the conference. Let's hope they blow it!

07-14-2016, 09:01 AM
Pac-12 media days today and tomorrow. The only intrigue I have with these things is to see which local media member will win the annual Kevin Graham award as the person who tries to hijack Pac-12 media days and turn it into a BYU-utah conversation. My money is on one of the KFAN guys, with anyone at 1280 close behind.

07-14-2016, 09:09 AM
BYU's schedule in September year almost looks like they are a junior member of the PAC-12. Their first three games are against PAC-12 teams.

07-14-2016, 09:16 AM
It's nice to see us getting some respect from the media members. I'm a bit surprised that we were picked ahead of both Arizona schools give our struggles against them. Now we've got to go out and prove it!

In re-watching the Michigan game yesterday, it made me realize that we'll have some serious depth at TE if those guys can stay healthy. If we don't run Joe Williams into the ground and offer a nice 1-2 punch with him and McCormick on the inside/outside game, I think the offense could really pop. To say nothing of Moss. Here's hoping.

LA Ute
07-14-2016, 09:56 AM
BYU's schedule in September year almost looks like they are a junior member of the PAC-12. Their first three games are against PAC-12 teams.

That is one set of games when even Sancho will be cheering for the PAC-12 teams to win.

07-14-2016, 10:09 AM
The one good thing about the Y getting in would be that they would have a lot less incentive to schedule us in football, and even in basketball. If they only have 3 slots in Sept. for non-conference games, they aren't going to want to use one on us every year, and they aren't going to want to over-schedule. Maybe their pre-season bb sched will look like ours this year. Maybe we could go our separate ways (my preference for the last 6 years.)

07-14-2016, 10:16 AM
That is one set of games when even Sancho will be cheering for the PAC-12 teams to win.

Go wildcats! I'll always root against BYU, but it would be especially nice of them to lose this season. if they go 6-6 or better in year 1 of Sitake, they will be even less fun than usual to be around.

07-14-2016, 03:47 PM
The one good thing about the Y getting in would be that they would have a lot less incentive to schedule us in football, and even in basketball. If they only have 3 slots in Sept. for non-conference games, they aren't going to want to use one on us every year, and they aren't going to want to over-schedule. Maybe their pre-season bb sched will look like ours this year. Maybe we could go our separate ways (my preference for the last 6 years.)

The Y will never get into the Pac. Hell will freeze over first.

07-15-2016, 10:08 AM
They asked Justin Thomas who the toughest guy on the team to cover was and he said that for him at least, it was Corey Butler-Byrd. He said he's got a similar skill set to Covey. I think we've seen flashes with him. Kyle didn't even get asked a defensive question in the sit down interview with the Pac 12 Network guys. All about the throw game this pre-season.

08-01-2016, 01:10 PM
When does fall practice begin? I could google it, but I am too lazy.

Diehard Ute
08-01-2016, 04:13 PM
When does fall practice begin? I could google it, but I am too lazy.


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Dwight Schr-Ute
08-01-2016, 04:23 PM
In a conversation about RBs earlier today, Kyle Goon mentioned there's one that he can name yet. Is this confirmation of the Charles West rumor that was floating around earlier this year?

08-01-2016, 05:19 PM
That depends. We're all of the charges dropped? If so, then welcome aboard.

08-01-2016, 07:49 PM
In a conversation about RBs earlier today, Kyle Goon mentioned there's one that he can name yet. Is this confirmation of the Charles West rumor that was floating around earlier this year?

Did he mention the JUCO kid, Armand Shyne, from the same JC as Booker?

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-02-2016, 03:42 PM
Did he mention the JUCO kid, Armand Shyne, from the same JC as Booker?

I thought about that kid but discounted it because I couldn't figure out a reason why he wouldn't be able to mention him by name.

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08-03-2016, 08:32 AM
From ESPN's Pac 12 Blog: 3 Questions Heading into Fall Camp:

1. The backup? The rookie? Or the transfer?OK, that's sort of three questions within one. But everyone knows exactly what we're talking about. The Utes need to find a way to score more points (http://www.espn.com/blog/pac12/post/_/id/101549/kyle-whittingham-says-offense-must-evolve-for-utes-to-keep-up). But before they can do that, they need to find the quarterback to run the offense. That could be Troy Williams (http://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/546876/troy-williams) (the transfer), Brandon Cox (http://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/550218/brandon-cox) (the backup) or Tyler Huntley (http://www.espn.com/ncaa/football/recruiting/player?id=181725) (the rookie). Several of Utah's coaches have told me they'd love to be able to redshirt Huntley. But if he's the best guy for the job, they have no trouble throwing him in the mix right away. And there were times during the spring when he looked game-ready. Williams had an early leg up in the spring because of his Pac-12 experience (previously at Washington), but an injury forced him out of the second half of camp. Cox showed glimpses during the spring game and he knows the system. This should be one of the most interesting QB races in the league to follow.

2. Who will catch it?
After picking a quarterback, the coaches will have to decide a pecking order for the receivers. Head coach Kyle Whittingham has made no secrets about Utah's lackluster passing attack. He's called it his team's Achilles' heel. And in a league that's very aggressive offensively, the ability to stretch the field is a necessity.Tyrone Smith (http://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/3894891/tyrone-smith) and Tim Patrick (http://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/3134353/tim-patrick) check in on the preseason depth chart as the starting receivers, with Cory Butler-Byrd (http://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/3912565/cory-butler-byrd) in the slot. That has the potential to be a solid starting trio. But the depth behind them, coupled with the unknown at quarterback, makes this a suspect position group until we're able to see all of the pieces in place during an actual football game.

3. Will the defense have to carry the offense again?
The Utes offense (which is also replacing workhorse running back Devontae Booker (http://www.espn.com/nfl/player/_/id/3122866/devontae-booker) with Joe Williams (http://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/3912576/joe-williams), who has plenty of big-play potential) will get a one-week tune-up against Southern Utah in its opener before hosting BYU. The offensive line is solid, but the surrounding pieces (as noted above) are riddled with questions. That most likely puts the pressure on the defense to again perform. The Utes boast one of the best defensive lines in the country -- headlined by defensive tackle Lowell Lotulelei (http://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/3122874/lowell-lotulelei). The secondary is experienced. And while there are replacements needed in the linebacking corps, Whittingham said he feels good about the way the group performed in spring. Remember, the Utes were second nationally in turnovers forced with 34 and first among all Power 5 teams. The offense leaned on the defense last season to get them the ball back. Will that be the case again?

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-03-2016, 09:09 AM
A couple of pump up videos have come out the last couple days.


Dwight Schr-Ute
08-03-2016, 09:10 AM

LA Ute
08-03-2016, 09:21 AM
With the Pac-12 media poll out (Utes picked 3rd in south), we can start an actual preseason thread, right?

I changed it to 2016 Preseason Thread and will close the Pre-Preseason Thread. Our house here is a house of order!

08-03-2016, 09:59 AM
From ESPN's Pac 12 Blog: 3 Questions Heading into Fall Camp:

I'll answer these:

1. Williams
2. The tight ends!
3. Absolutely! That's how we Utes roll.

08-03-2016, 12:28 PM
A couple of pump up videos have come out the last couple days.

That was one wicked juke by Butler-Byrd in one practice shot.


08-03-2016, 12:50 PM
I laughed when they zoomed in on the BYU player acting like Williams didn't get in.

LA Ute
08-03-2016, 04:22 PM
Stewart Mandel ranks Utah 17th:


5 PAC-12 teams in his top 25.

LA Ute
08-04-2016, 07:09 AM
Football quotes, just for fun:

"Gentlemen, it is better to have died a small boy than to fumble the football" - John Heisman

"I make my practices real hard because if a player is a quitter, I want him to quit in practice, not in a game." – Bear Bryant / Alabama

"It isn't necessary to see a good tackle, you can hear it!” - Knute Rockne / Notre Dame

"At Georgia Southern, we don't cheat. That costs money, and we don't have any." – Erik Russell / Georgia Southern

"The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it." - Lou Holtz / Arkansas - Notre Dame

"When you win, nothing hurts." - Joe Namath / Alabama

"A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall." - Frank Leahy / Notre Dame

"There's nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you." - Woody Hayes / Ohio State

"I don't expect to win enough games to be put on NCAA probation. I just want to win enough to warrant an investigation." - Bob Devaney / Nebraska

In Alabama, an atheist is someone who doesn't believe in Bear Bryant." - Wally Butts /Georgia

"I never graduated from Iowa. But I was only there for two terms - Truman's and Eisenhower's." – Alex Karras / Iowa

My advice to defensive players is to take the shortest route to the ball, and arrive in a bad humor." - Bowden Wyatt / Tennessee

"I could have been a Rhodes Scholar except for my grades." - Duffy Daugherty / Michigan State

"Always remember Goliath was a 40 point favorite over David." - Shug Jordan / Auburn

"I asked Darrell Royal, the coach of the Texas Longhorns, why he didn't recruit me ." He said, "Well, Walt, we took a look at you, and you weren't any good." - Walt Garrison / Oklahoma State

"Son, you've got a good engine, but your hands aren't on the steering wheel." - Bobby Bowden / Florida State

"Football is NOT a contact sport, it is a collision sport. Dancing IS a contact sport." - Duffy Daugherty / Michigan State

USC lost 51-0 to Notre Dame, his post-game message to his team was, "All those who need showers, take them." - John McKay / USC

"If lessons are learned in defeat, our team is getting a great education." Murray Warmath / Minnesota

"The only qualifications for a lineman are to be big and dumb. To be a back, you only have to be dumb." - Knute Rockne / Notre Dame

"We live one day at a time and scratch where it itches." - Darrell Royal / Texas

"We didn't tackle well today, but we made up for it by not blocking." - John McKay / USC

I've found that prayers work best when you have big players." - Knute Rockne / Notre Dame

Ohio State's Urban Meyer on one of his players: "He doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. In fact, I just saw his grades and he doesn't know the meaning of a lot of words."

Why do Tennessee fans wear orange? So they can dress that way for the game on Saturday, go hunting on Sunday, and pick up trash on Monday.

What does the average Alabama player get on his SATs? Drool.

How many Michigan freshmen football players does it take to change a light bulb? None. That's a sophomore course.

How did the Auburn football player die from drinking milk? The cow fell on him.

Two Texas A&M football players were walking in the woods. One of them said, "Look, a dead bird." The other looked up in the sky and said, "Where?" (Must have been Tony?)

What do you say to a Michigan State University football player dressed in a three-piece suit? " "Will the defendant please rise."

If three Florida State football players are in the same car, who is driving? The police officer.

How can you tell if a Clemson football player has a girlfriend? There's tobacco juice on both sides of the pickup truck.

What do you get when you put 32 Arkansas cheerleaders in one room? A full set of teeth.

University of Michigan Coach Jim Harbaugh is only going to dress half of his players for the game this week; the other half will have to dress themselves.

How is the Kansas football team like an opossum? They play dead at home and get killed on the road.

Why did the Nebraska linebacker steal a police car? He saw "911" on the side and thought it was a Porsche.

How do you get a former Illinois football player off your porch? Pay him for the pizza.

08-04-2016, 08:30 AM
Butler-Byrd suspended indefinitely.

08-04-2016, 08:36 AM
Butler-Byrd suspended indefinitely.

Just saw that on twitter....
Dang. Hope he can get things right.

08-04-2016, 08:42 AM
Just saw that on twitter....
Dang. Hope he can get things right.

Yeah, I hope it isn't anything that will affect him long term.

In the meantime, who is our next best deep threat? Young?

08-04-2016, 08:53 AM
Yeah, I hope it isn't anything that will affect him long term.

In the meantime, who is our next best deep threat? Young?

I heard he was going to be suspended as well (for the assault incident earlier in the year), though if he is I assume it would only be for one game or so.

08-04-2016, 09:24 AM
I heard he was going to be suspended as well (for the assault incident earlier in the year), though if he is I assume it would only be for one game or so.

I think you're thinking of Kenric Young who was involved in the assault incident (pool party scuffle). To my knowledge CBB hasn't been involved in any incidents that have been made public.

08-04-2016, 09:51 AM
I think you're thinking of Kenric Young who was involved in the assault incident (pool party scuffle). To my knowledge CBB hasn't been involved in any incidents that have been made public.
KC was referring to Kenric Young, not CBB.

08-04-2016, 10:09 AM
Utes check in at #28 in the Pre-season coaches' poll.


Stanford at #7
USC at #17
Oregon at #22
UCLA at #24

WSU, Arizona also among the others receiving votes.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-04-2016, 11:31 AM
Did he mention the JUCO kid, Armand Shyne, from the same JC as Booker?

Goon just confirmed with me that he was referring to Shyne. Not sure why that had to be a secret, but I don't understand the NCAA and their rules.

Diehard Ute
08-04-2016, 06:54 PM
Goon just confirmed with me that he was referring to Shyne. Not sure why that had to be a secret, but I don't understand the NCAA and their rules.

He's a push forward kid so the U couldn't say anything about him until he was here and practicing because he's technically a walk on.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
08-04-2016, 09:04 PM
He's a push forward kid so the U couldn't say anything about him until he was here and practicing because he's technically a walk on.

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I realize why the school couldn't say anything about him but the fact that Goon was gagged seemed weird to me.

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08-04-2016, 09:15 PM
Yeah, I hope it isn't anything that will affect him long term.

In the meantime, who is our next best deep threat? Young?
So from what I have been hearing, the suspension isn't anything serious. It doesn't sound like anything legal or even grades. My conjecture it's a mental health issue or something similar.

08-04-2016, 09:15 PM
In the meantime, who is our next best deep threat? Young?

If he can hold down the job, Kyle Fulks. He's 5-9/175, but he's wicked fast. 10.21 100M / 20.86 200M. I watched the video of the 5A Texas 100M finals when Fulks was a junior in HS. He came in second at 10.38, behind a kid who cranked out a 10.19. Those times are electronic. Utah's state high school record was set in 1981, a 10.49. This year's winning time was 10.68. California's best 100M this year was 10.27. Florida's was a 10.26.

If Guy Holiday can get ahold of this kid, teach him how to run routes, and he can catch the ball, look out.

He was listed as the 4th fastest college player in 2013, as a freshman at Baylor: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1719575-the-25-speediest-guys-in-college-football/page/24 (Fulks runs the final leg in this record setting 4x100 as a junior)

Crazy that receivers as athletic as CBB and Fulks are now put in the slot (like Covey). 15 years ago the idea was to try and get a mismatch between your slot WR and a LB.

Looking at our own defense, with Justin Thomas at nickel, that just doesn't happen anymore. Brice McCain has made a solid career in the league by playing nickel, now with the Dolphins.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-05-2016, 09:33 AM
Apparently Zach Moss practiced yesterday, so his "shin fractures" have made remarkable progress.

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08-05-2016, 10:04 AM
Apparently Zach Moss practiced yesterday, so his "shin fractures" have made remarkable progress.

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Its either a miracle or a deal with the devil.

I'll let BYU fans decide which.

LA Ute
08-05-2016, 10:14 AM
Its either a miracle or a deal with the devil.

I'll let BYU fans decide which.

Living right on and off the field.

08-05-2016, 10:26 AM
Its either a miracle or a deal with the devil.

Like Bernie, he made a deal with Hillary?

LA Ute
08-06-2016, 11:59 AM
Aren't these guys doing it wrong? What's this overhand throwing motion all about?


08-06-2016, 04:55 PM
Aren't these guys doing it wrong? What's this overhand throwing motion all about?

Brandon Cox is the one with the good form. That's the exact stance I use when the grandson is mowing the lawn.

Composed, in charge, not taking any bullshit from anyone... intelligently conserving energy.

08-06-2016, 05:31 PM
Nice article from Kyle Goon at the now Huntsman-owned Salt Lake Tribune - one of the better news stories this year - about Kavika Luafatasaga:


Born in Samoa - his last name is pronounced "Lua-fata-sunga" - he recently changed his first name from David to Kavika, which is the Hawai'ian version of "David". In Tonga and Samoa, it's "Tevita", so I was a little confused about the Hawai'ian first name, but it turns out he grew up in Hawai'i, and Seattle.

Like a lot of Poly kids, Kavika was a skinny athlete, was a 6-4 cornerback... which is *great* background to have. Fellow LB Sunia Tauteoli, Kavika's mentor & friend, mentions he has the "hips of a corner".

This is just a photo, but he gets an "A" in the eyeball test, and knowing he's 6-4 and played CB, this photo is a GREAT sign of Utah's upward movement in the PAC-12.

Mobile, 6-4 Polynesian linebackers typically have landed at USC... in the past.


08-08-2016, 10:21 AM
Among other things Schlabach picks 'Bama to win the NC, PAC-12 to be left out of the CFB playoffs.

08-08-2016, 10:27 AM
Among other things Schlabach picks 'Bama to win the NC, PAC-12 to be left out of the CFB playoffs.

It seems that more and more playing those 9 league games is becoming a disadvantage. I'm with Whit, either everyone does it, or nobody does it.

08-08-2016, 10:37 AM
It seems that more and more playing those 9 league games is becoming a disadvantage. I'm with Whit, either everyone does it, or nobody does it.

I dont think it is so much that as it is the fact that the Pac 12 was down last year (at the very top; not depth wise) and will be again this year. There is no dominant team.

Although Stanford likely would have made it last year but for the initial loss to northwestern.

08-08-2016, 10:54 AM
Although Stanford likely would have made it last year but for the initial loss to northwestern.

Loss to northwestern also might have cost them a heisman. Ha ha!

08-08-2016, 11:29 AM
Espn has Utah as a projected favorite in 6 games and a underdog in 6. Probably pretty accurate as they have us as clear favorites in 4 and clear dogs in 3 with the other 5 games basically toss-ups.


LA Ute
08-08-2016, 03:04 PM
Espn has Utah as a projected favorite in 6 games and a underdog in 6. Probably pretty accurate as they have us as clear favorites in 4 and clear dogs in 3 with the other 5 games basically toss-ups.


So we have to win all of their toss-ups to get to 9 wins. May they have egg on their faces after November!

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-08-2016, 03:55 PM
Espn has Utah as a projected favorite in 6 games and a underdog in 6. Probably pretty accurate as they have us as clear favorites in 4 and clear dogs in 3 with the other 5 games basically toss-ups.




08-08-2016, 04:34 PM


BYU average opponent FPI- 52
Utah average opponent FP1- 40
(Both are for 11 games and exclude SUU since they aren't assigned an FPI)

If BYU ends up 6-6, with a win over a weak bowl opponent, I think BYU fans will be ok, given the new and inexperienced coaching staff.

If Utah ends up 6-6, I don't think many Utah fans will be satisfied.

No judgment in these statements for either team, staff, or fanbase. Just my take based on ESPN's way-to-early predictions.

LA Ute
08-09-2016, 09:08 AM
Nice set of short interviews here:


Joe Williams is a delightful guy to listen to.

08-09-2016, 03:05 PM
CBB did get in trouble.


Cory Butler-Byrd, a senior receiver for Utah football, is facing a criminal mischief charge after damaging a University Police vehicle and patrol building, according to court documents filed Tuesday.

The 21-year-old California native could face up to one year in jail for the class A misdemeanor filed in Third District Court.

He was suspended indefinitely last week from the football team for what coach Kyle Whittingham described as "personal issues."

I hope he's able to get his act together. :(

08-09-2016, 03:36 PM
CBB did get in trouble.


I hope he's able to get his act together. :(

This story sounds like someone who needs help. I hope he can get waht he needs.

08-10-2016, 07:42 AM
I watched the Periscope of the Circle Drill from yesterday, and they put Leki v Bolles.

I saw Leki up close and personal last fall when we went to a few basketball games and, maybe it was just the pads, but man he looks huge now. He seems 40 pounds bigger. Dude is a beast.

08-10-2016, 07:50 AM
Oh and Zach Moss looks like a beast too. Powerful kid.

08-10-2016, 08:37 AM
i keep hearing him being mentioned in interviews.

08-10-2016, 09:53 AM
These Periscopes are great for 2 reasons.

1. It's fun to get an inside glimpse into practices.
2. I show it to my kids whenever they think they want to play football. The Circle Drill is one step away from Thunderdome land.

08-10-2016, 10:40 AM
Corey Butler Byrd has had his court summons moved up to August 15.

08-10-2016, 10:44 AM
Corey Butler Byrd has had his court summons moved up to August 15.
Good news. Hopefully he will get a fine, pay restitution, and get back to practice...

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-10-2016, 11:13 AM
And we get to watch Cougar fans flip their lid when he gets to play in the rivalry game.

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08-10-2016, 11:19 AM
And we get to watch Cougar fans flip their lid when he gets to play in the rivalry game.

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That'll be their excuse when we win by 5 touchdowns.

08-10-2016, 11:54 AM
And we get to watch Cougar fans flip their lid when he gets to play in the rivalry game.

I guess we can see who gets the longer suspension - CBB or whoever the guy was who gave alcohol to minors.

I don't know a thing about CBB other than what is written on message boards, but I'm a tiny bit worried about him being on the field. I'm glad he's on offense now, though. It's harder for a WR to pick up a 15 yard penalty than a DB.

08-10-2016, 01:08 PM
Per John La Follette on the Twitter, Whit said the OL is starting to solidify: LT - Bolles, LG - Asiata C - Dielman RG - Uhatafe, RT - Tevi. Love it. Those guys are gonna maul some folks.

08-10-2016, 03:59 PM
Per John La Follette on the Twitter, Whit said the OL is starting to solidify: LT - Bolles, LG - Asiata C - Dielman RG - Uhatafe, RT - Tevi. Love it. Those guys are gonna maul some folks.
When I saw Bolles offer list, I had no doubt be would end up our starting LT

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08-10-2016, 04:11 PM
When I say Bolles offer list, I had no doubt be would end up our starting LT

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We need Whitt to work a miracle and somehow convince Garrett Bolles to stick around his SR year. He will likely be a 1st round draft pick this year otherwise.

08-10-2016, 04:13 PM
And we get to watch Cougar fans flip their lid when he gets to play in the rivalry game.

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They always seem to miss playing against our best players. Hopefully we will actually be at full strength when we play them this time.

It is time to RUTS in true Lavelle Edwards-ian style.

08-10-2016, 04:28 PM
We need Whitt to work a miracle and somehow convince Garrett Bolles to stick around his SR year. He will likely be a 1st round draft pick this year otherwise.

That will be a nice problem to have. If we can turn him into a first rounder in one season it means we're in the thick of it.

08-11-2016, 08:41 AM
That will be a nice problem to have. If we can turn him into a first rounder in one season it means we're in the thick of it.

Thinking about this, its not that crazy to think that we might have 3 guys leave early after this year in Bolles, Lowell, and M. Williams.

08-11-2016, 08:51 AM
Thinking about this, its not that crazy to think that we might have 3 guys leave early after this year in Bolles, Lowell, and M. Williams.

Don't forget Troy Williams. ;)

08-11-2016, 01:21 PM
Siale Fakalaiatonga is done for the year with a torn ACL, same ACL he tore last season. This is terrible news, the throwing game really looked like garbage after he was injured last year, he was one reason I thought maybe we would be better in the throw game. Not anymore.

08-11-2016, 02:05 PM
Siale Fakalaiatonga is done for the year with a torn ACL, same ACL he tore last season. This is terrible news, the throwing game really looked like garbage after he was injured last year, he was one reason I thought maybe we would be better in the throw game. Not anymore.

I agree that this is very bad news.

08-11-2016, 06:06 PM
It's still early, but it's starting to look like we have a QB: http://www.sltrib.com/sports/4223702-155/utah-football-troy-williams-pulling-ahead

I listened to Whitt's full interview on the radio (which got a little choppy on audio quality), but a few highlights:

- the WRs have been challenged to step up. Monson said Coach Holliday says it's not a question of having the athletes, but about who's going to grab the opportunity.

- Among the LBs, Whitt mentioned Sunia Tauteoli as standing out, and said Barton has picked it up the past few practices. Kavika is still thinking too much, he's still adjusting.

- RB Zack Moss was mentioned as "really opening some eyes".

Great stuff.

08-12-2016, 12:04 AM
It's still early, but it's starting to look like we have a QB: http://www.sltrib.com/sports/4223702-155/utah-football-troy-williams-pulling-ahead

This is good news. Odds have been it's Williams or we're in trouble.

08-14-2016, 10:56 AM
It seems that more and more playing those 9 league games is becoming a disadvantage. I'm with Whit, either everyone does it, or nobody does it.

The 9 game schedule has been an albatross around the neck of the Pac for a long time. When it was so that all P10 teams played each other and could establish a true champion then I could at least accept an argument for the benefit of 9 league games. Now it is damaging to the conference.

08-15-2016, 10:04 AM
A new depth chart is out this week...sounds like we'll have quite a few freshman pushing for playing time this year.

Also, Austin Lee has left the program.

LA Ute
08-15-2016, 01:18 PM
Great article on Garrett Bolles:


I never knew any of this about him.

08-16-2016, 09:23 AM
A new depth chart is out this week...sounds like we'll have quite a few freshman pushing for playing time this year.

Also, Austin Lee has left the program.

Damn! I liked Austin and thought he would be a good safety for us. Any word on why he left?

08-16-2016, 09:56 AM
Damn! I liked Austin and thought he would be a good safety for us. Any word on why he left?
Probably realized he won't see the field. I wish him good success wherever he ends up.

08-16-2016, 10:02 AM
Looks like Troy Williams is inching his way towards being named the starter. I mean, he's been named without being named because, you know, that's what Whit does.

08-16-2016, 11:10 AM
Damn! I liked Austin and thought he would be a good safety for us. Any word on why he left?

I think Lee illustrates the difficulty in recruiting kids who intend to serve missions before enrolling. You just don't know how the kid will change in 2 years and how the program will change. Although by all accounts Lee was a good kid and a hard worker, I thought it was clear that he was not going to be more than a special teams contributor at Utah. The same is probably true for Jake Jackson. It will be interesting to see the development of Tonga and Pututau.

08-16-2016, 12:52 PM
Anyone who needs to get their fix for football needs to get the Periscope app on their phones and follow "Utah Football".

They have been streaming videos daily.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-16-2016, 01:24 PM
Anyone who needs to get their fix for football needs to get the Periscope app on their phones and follow "Utah Football".

They have been streaming videos daily.

Love watching the circle drills. Those look awful.

08-16-2016, 02:14 PM
Love watching the circle drills. Those look awful.

It is definitely a different world at that level.

08-17-2016, 06:48 AM
There is a new, glowing article in the trib about the wrs/qb. I want to believe, but I'm hesitant because of our past.

There is news (to me, at least) that our starting lbs savor now are Barton and tauteoli. Have I mentioned that I'm worried about the lbs?

LA Ute
08-17-2016, 07:11 AM
There is a new, glowing article in the trib about the wrs/qb. I want to believe, but I'm hesitant because of our past.

Drink the Kool-Aid, AJ. It's delish.

08-17-2016, 08:06 AM
There is a new, glowing article in the trib about the wrs/qb. I want to believe, but I'm hesitant because of our past.

There is news (to me, at least) that our starting lbs savor now are Barton and tauteoli. Have I mentioned that I'm worried about the lbs?

Seems like once Luafatasaga "gets it" he'll be in there, and I think we'll see Donovan Thompson push for time as well.

08-18-2016, 09:04 PM
So, Huntley is the new #2? Y'all's thoughts? I feel bad for Cox, but maybe he can become a WR for next year.

08-18-2016, 09:12 PM
So, Huntley is the new #2? Y'all's thoughts? I feel bad for Cox, but maybe he can become a WR for next year.

I think Cox will leave, maybe as early as this year, and go to an FCS program. He has already graduated.

08-18-2016, 10:03 PM
I think Cox will leave, maybe as early as this year, and go to an FCS program. He has already graduated.

He can transfer down to FCS, right now, with 2 to play 2, right?

But it's too late to transfer to a FBS school, this season, and then after the season he can go wherever he wants, because he's a graduate transfer.

I know it's tough, but I'd like to see him hang in there, at least for this year, because if something happens, and he gets a shot, I think he'll rise to the occasion.

08-18-2016, 10:12 PM
He can transfer down to FCS, right now, with 2 to play 2, right?

But it's too late to transfer to a FBS school, this season, and then after the season he can go wherever he wants, because he's a graduate transfer.

I know it's tough, but I'd like to see him hang in there, at least for this year, because if something happens, and he gets a shot, I think he'll rise to the occasion.

Let's just pray we don't need a backup this season.

I hate to see players transfer. I hope he stays, and I'm fine with a position switch. We've been talking about him switching for years.

08-18-2016, 10:57 PM
Any news regarding Butler- Byrd? I understand that his court date was August 15. Hoping he'll make his way back on the team sooner than later.

08-19-2016, 07:12 AM
Let's just pray we don't need a backup this season.

I hate to see players transfer. I hope he stays, and I'm fine with a position switch. We've been talking about him switching for years.

Me, too. It's easy to see a situation where we really need Cox, THIS YEAR. Troy Will gets dinged, and the freshman Huntley - who really needs to live in the cafeteria this season - gets roughed up a little.

Cox is mature, he's built, he knows the offense inside and out, and if his number is called, I think he'd do at least as good as TW last year. I'd bet $100 he'd do significantly better.

It would have been tougher with Kendal Thompson last year, because he was the 2, but why not let Cox take a crack at some slot receiver snaps? He's earned the respect, he's smart, he can take the punishment, he could be used as a serious decoy in situations. We need the speed Fulks and Simpkins bring, no question, I'm not talking about overhauling the position.

08-19-2016, 07:37 AM
Cox is mature, he's built, he knows the offense inside and out, and if his number is called, I think he'd do at least as good as TW last year. I'd bet $100 he'd do significantly better.

I'm not as optimistic here as you are. He's had years to climb the depth chart, and he never really made noise. I'm not willing to just ascribe it to injuries like many others are. But I don't want Huntley out there as a true freshman.

08-19-2016, 11:53 AM
I'm not as optimistic here as you are. He's had years to climb the depth chart, and he never really made noise. I'm not willing to just ascribe it to injuries like many others are. But I don't want Huntley out there as a true freshman.

...and, he's gone. Cox is apparently transferring. Bummer.

08-19-2016, 12:00 PM
...and, he's gone. Cox is apparently transferring. Bummer.

Thats a big blow, IMO. Would be really nice to redshirt Huntley and have a guy in case of emergency, but I understand it from his perspective too.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-19-2016, 12:02 PM
...and, he's gone. Cox is apparently transferring. Bummer.

Does this ruin Huntley's redshirt?

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08-19-2016, 12:08 PM
Does this ruin Huntley's redshirt?

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It would have to wouldn't it? He is going to be the back up. There is of course a school of thought that you never want to use redshirts anymore; that you want Huntley to be prepared to take over if Williams gets injured. Especially if he is better than Cox now (which it sounds like he is). Also preserves a medical redshirt if ever necessary, and helps recruit qb's in the following classes.

08-19-2016, 12:20 PM
Bill is reporting that Hampton is a possible landing spot for Cox. I had to google that one.

Goon is reporting that Chase Hansen could/will serve as an emergency QB.

08-19-2016, 12:21 PM
Bill is reporting that Hampton is a possible landing spot for Cox. I had to google that one.

Goon is reporting that Chase Hansen could/will serve as an emergency QB.

Plus you have the two walk-on QBs...long live Jon Hayes!

08-19-2016, 12:31 PM
...and, he's gone. Cox is apparently transferring. Bummer.

Sounds like the coaches thought he'd be here this year, and then go for his senior season...but most folks didn't expect him to stick around beyond the spring.

08-19-2016, 12:40 PM
Sounds like the coaches thought he'd be here this year, and then go for his senior season...but most folks didn't expect him to stick around beyond the spring.

once you announce publicly that Huntley is ahead of Cox on the depth chart, I dont know why you would expect him to stay (unless you thought it was too late to go).

08-19-2016, 12:40 PM
once you announce publicly that Huntley is ahead of Cox on the depth chart, I dont know why you would expect him to stay (unless you thought it was too late to go).

Totally agree. I don't blame the kid at all...he'd better not go to SUU! :)

08-19-2016, 01:34 PM
Totally agree. I don't blame the kid at all...he'd better not go to SUU! :)
He couldn't move the ball efficiently against the 2s in practice, how could he possibly do better against the 1s in a game situation?

As for Brandon Cox's future, I say Go Pirates! I think he will dominate in the MEAC, and I wish him great success in the next two years at Hampton.

08-19-2016, 01:37 PM
He couldn't move the ball efficiently against the 2s in practice, how could he possibly do better against the 1s in a game situation?

As for Brandon Cox's future, I say Go Pirates! I think he will dominate in the MEAC, and I wish him great success in the next two years at Hampton.

Thus the smiley!

Yeah, I hope he finds the playing time he's looking for and lights it up. Maybe he could transfer to UVA?

LA Ute
08-19-2016, 03:19 PM
I wonder how much hand-wringing we will see about this? It isn't an ideal situation to have only 2 full-time QBs but it isn't grounds for an indictment of the way Whitt and Co. have managed the position. Besides, we still have Logan Bateman (http://www.utahutes.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=666)!

Diehard Ute
08-19-2016, 03:48 PM
I wonder how much hand-wringing we will see about this? It isn't an ideal situation to have only 2 full-time QBs but it isn't grounds for an indictment of the way Whitt and Co. have managed the position. Besides, we still have Logan Bateman (http://www.utahutes.com/roster.aspx?rp_id=666)!

I think this is going to become the norm. Times have changed. Guys want to play now, and if that's not going to happen they'll leave. Most schools will have a hard time keeping the QB spot stocked up I think.

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08-19-2016, 04:02 PM
Does this ruin Huntley's redshirt?

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I think Huntley was already the #2, which is why Cox is leaving.

08-19-2016, 07:19 PM
I know you are waiting on my opinion with baited breath, so here it is … with the change of coach at BYU I realized that while I really liked Bronco, I wasn’t sad to see him move on. I will miss the consistency of his team’s. He was a defensive witch, with the uncanny ability to hide glaring deficiencies in the defensive backfield. The Regular 9 – 10 win seasons were nice. Under his helm BYU played great offensive football, due to his faith in Dr. Anae to move the ball very effectively, in addition to their ability to recruit, admittedly without really recruiting. What I won’t miss is his awkwardness, or the will over skill ideology. Not to mention his infuriatingly inconsistent special teams and his ineptitude in the rivalry.

So, what does this have to do with Utah? Strangely, I feel much the same way about Whittingham as I do about Bronco, though Whittingham’s strengths and weaknesses are distinctly different. His defenses are incredible, due to his ability to recruit and evaluate talent best suited to his sound defensive philosophy. He is a special teams witch, which has won the Utes many more games over the past several years than most will give them credit. He goes for the jugular in the rivalry game and his teams more often than not are dominant in the trenches on both sides of the ball. However, he is inept as a head coach due to the complete lack of creativity and penchant for weirdly inconsistent conservative play on the offensive side of the ball. Which is beyond troubling considering he learned everything he knew about football as a player at BYU.

Now, you can blame the players/talent all you want. But it’s not talent per se, at least not the talent on the field. It’s 100% coaching, starting with the head coach. Utah could’ve (should’ve) been a playoff team last season. The Utes had a serviceable senior QB (hugely under appreciated by the fan base), a good receiving corp and an outstanding running back. The offensive and defensive lines were again dominant. Special teams were again, nails. But somehow Utah ended up playing in the Las Vegas bowl … wth?

I am not advocating getting rid of Whittingham, no more than I was in favor of getting rid of Bronco—you’d be an idiot to not want to have either man as your head coach, for each team respectively. I wish Bronco well. With regards to Whittingham, I have zero faith in him to put the staff, talent and an offensive game plan in place that will put the Utes in a position to do better than they have in the PAC12. Of course he could prove me wrong, starting with this young talent at QB slated to take the field this season. But I won’t hold my breath.

Mormon Red Death
08-19-2016, 07:40 PM
I know you are waiting on my opinion with baited breath, so here it is … with the change of coach at BYU I realized that while I really liked Bronco, I wasn’t sad to see him move on. I will miss the consistency of his team’s. He was a defensive witch, with the uncanny ability to hide glaring deficiencies in the defensive backfield. The Regular 9 – 10 win seasons were nice. Under his helm BYU played great offensive football, due to his faith in Dr. Anae to move the ball very effectively, in addition to their ability to recruit, admittedly without really recruiting. What I won’t miss is his awkwardness, or the will over skill ideology. Not to mention his infuriatingly inconsistent special teams and his ineptitude in the rivalry.

So, what does this have to do with Utah? Strangely, I feel much the same way about Whittingham as I do about Bronco, though Whittingham’s strengths and weaknesses are distinctly different. His defenses are incredible, due to his ability to recruit and evaluate talent best suited to his sound defensive philosophy. He is a special teams witch, which has won the Utes many more games over the past several years than most will give them credit. He goes for the jugular in the rivalry game and his teams more often than not are dominant in the trenches on both sides of the ball. However, he is inept as a head coach due to the complete lack of creativity and penchant for weirdly inconsistent conservative play on the offensive side of the ball. Which is beyond troubling considering he learned everything he knew about football as a player at BYU.

Now, you can blame the players/talent all you want. But it’s not talent per se, at least not the talent on the field. It’s 100% coaching, starting with the head coach. Utah could’ve (should’ve) been a playoff team last season. The Utes had a serviceable senior QB (hugely under appreciated by the fan base), a good receiving corp and an outstanding running back. The offensive and defensive lines were again dominant. Special teams were again, nails. But somehow Utah ended up playing in the Las Vegas bowl … wth?

I am not advocating getting rid of Whittingham, no more than I was in favor of getting rid of Bronco—you’d be an idiot to not want to have either man as your head coach, for each team respectively. I wish Bronco well. With regards to Whittingham, I have zero faith in him to put the staff, talent and an offensive game plan in place that will put the Utes in a position to do better than they have in the PAC12. Of course he could prove me wrong, starting with this young talent at QB slated to take the field this season. But I won’t hold my breath.
I'd agree except 2008 happened. Bronco never had 2008. Whit has proven he can do it. They played in the Vegas bowl because it was good for the conference. Lv bowl did some serious horse trading to make that happen.

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08-19-2016, 07:59 PM
I'd agree except 2008 happened. Bronco never had 2008. Whit has proven he can do it. They played in the Vegas bowl because it was good for the conference. Lv bowl did some serious horse trading to make that happen.

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In 2008, Hawaii played in the Sugar bowl ... In 2009 Utah met an Alabama team that didn't want to be there and did not respect its opponent. Yes, Utah humiliated them. But that game and that season was an aberration.

08-19-2016, 08:39 PM
In 2008, Hawaii played in the Sugar bowl ... In 2009 Utah met an Alabama team that didn't want to be there and did not respect its opponent. Yes, Utah humiliated them. But that game and that season was an aberration.

Seriously... 2004 was an aberration. 2008 was an aberration. And 1984 was an aberration, as well. None of those teams played in a league full of the talent and coaching to seriously threaten them, not like we've experienced the past 5 years.

Our 2004 team was more dominant than 08, but I'm not hallucinogenic enough to think we could have been PAC-12 champs, that year. It's a different level of football, week after week, and our claims of being on par with the finest in college football were, in retrospect, naïve.

TCU would certainly say the same thing, and if BYU fans ever get into the Big-12 and find out just how difficult it is, they'll realize 1984 was a great, exciting, fun season... but they'll begin understanding the claim that BYU was the best team in the nation in 1984 to be laughable.

Utah has not been at the level required to get into the CFB playoffs, in the PAC-12. That we got to 10 wins last year, with an offensive attack that had limitations was amazing, because PAC-12 defensive coordinators will find your weaknesses and exploit them, mercilessly. Every school has coaches who've coached in the NFL. It's a different level. It just is.

08-19-2016, 08:53 PM
Seriously... 2004 was an aberration. 2008 was an aberration. And 1984 was an aberration, as well. None of those teams played in a league full of the talent and coaching to seriously threaten them, not like we've experienced the past 5 years.

Our 2004 team was more dominant than 08, but I'm not hallucinogenic enough to think we could have been PAC-12 champs, that year. It's a different level of football, week after week, and our claims of being on par with the finest in college football were, in retrospect, naïve.

TCU would certainly say the same thing, and if BYU fans ever get into the Big-12 and find out just how difficult it is, they'll realize 1984 was a great, exciting, fun season... but they'll begin understanding the claim that BYU was the best team in the nation in 1984 to be laughable.

Utah has not been at the level required to get into the CFB playoffs, in the PAC-12. That we got to 10 wins last year, with an offensive attack that had limitations was amazing, because PAC-12 defensive coordinators will find your weaknesses and exploit them, mercilessly. Every school has coaches who've coached in the NFL. It's a different level. It just is.

Oh my hades, really? To be clear, ya'll are bringing up the past, not me. And unless I'm mistaken, 2008 was eight years ago! Last years Utah team was good enough to be in the playoff. They had a senior QB and the best running back in the PAC12. The defence was outstanding. Enough with the excuse making. Whittingham is what he is—he's Utah's Bronco until proven otherwise.

08-20-2016, 07:40 AM
Last years Utah team was good enough to be in the playoff.

By your standards, there are 20-30 teams good enough to be in the playoff every year. Only four get in. I don't think Utah was better than Alabama last year.

08-20-2016, 09:51 AM
By your standards, there are 20-30 teams good enough to be in the playoff every year. Only four get in. I don't think Utah was better than Alabama last year.

By my standards Utah should not have lost to USC, Arizona and UCLA. In each of those losses the Utes were out coached by coaches who don't have a "2008" on their resumes.

08-20-2016, 10:11 AM
Oh my hades, really? To be clear, ya'll are bringing up the past, not me. And unless I'm mistaken, 2008 was eight years ago! Last years Utah team was good enough to be in the playoff. They had a senior QB and the best running back in the PAC12. The defence was outstanding. Enough with the excuse making. Whittingham is what he is—he's Utah's Bronco until proven otherwise.

The words "hades", "ya'll" (sic) and the British Monarch's spelling of "defence", used in the same response could only come from a Canadian Mormon, who may have had a connecting flight in Dallas, once.


I'm just messing with you. (I fully realize those allied with the Crown object to changing nouns like "mess" into verbs.)

Seriously, no question Whitt needs to make the last step in his evolution as a coach, ie, have an impressive offense.

Until that happens, the Bronco comparison should be taped to his stair master to reinforce the motivation to accomplish that goal, which is easy for me to say, from the comfort of the Toyota dealer's customer waiting area.

08-20-2016, 11:56 AM
By my standards Utah should not have lost to USC, Arizona and UCLA. In each of those losses the Utes were out coached by coaches who don't have a "2008" on their resumes.

Sure, and ole miss should not have lost to Memphis, and 20 other teams have losses that kept them out. It's football.

We have less talent than almost every team on our schedule, and we win ten games. But some random Canadian who doesn't get our games on tv thinks the coach who consistently outperforms the recruiting rankings is "inept".

08-20-2016, 11:59 AM
Until that happens, the Bronco comparison should be taped to his stair master to reinforce the motivation to accomplish that goal, which is easy for me to say, from the comfort of the Toyota dealer's customer waiting area.

Does tooblue have a picture of moose taped to his stairmaster?

BYU itself preferred whitt over bronco. Maybe a picture of rich rod would make sense, but whitt left bronco behind a long time ago.

08-20-2016, 12:04 PM
Sure, and ole miss should not have lost to Memphis, and 20 other teams have losses that kept them out. It's football.

We have less talent than almost every team on our schedule, and we win ten games. But some random Canadian who doesn't get our games on tv thinks the coach who consistently outperforms the recruiting rankings is "inept".

Born and raised in the shadow of RES and an avid college football fan, my opinion is well informed despite the fact the vaunted PAC12 network can't be found on the largest satellite TV distributer in the US. Your excuses are pathetic ... you're really going with the line you have less talent? But what about 2008? What happened to all of that talent, now that you have moved to the PAC?

Please, sancho. At least be a little realistic will ya.

08-20-2016, 12:19 PM
Born and raised in the shadow of RES and an avid college football fan, my opinion is well informed

I didn't realize you once lived close to the football stadium. I take it all back.

08-20-2016, 12:20 PM
I suggest the following slogans for the upcoming season:

Utah, the new Washington State

Whittingham, Utah's Bronco

LA Ute
08-20-2016, 12:28 PM
I suggest the following slogans for the upcoming season:

Utah, the new Washington State

Whittingham, Utah's Bronco


08-20-2016, 12:34 PM
I suggest the following slogans for the upcoming season:

Utah, the new Washington State

Whittingham, Utah's Bronco
Come on, tooblue. You're better than this.
if you are going to do a little good-natured trolling (and I prefer to remember your good nature), then get better.
Even Washington State has been to a Rose Bowl & Bronco was weird but seemed to win 10 games a year.

08-20-2016, 12:58 PM
Come on, tooblue. You're better than this.
if you are going to do a little good-natured trolling (and I prefer to remember your good nature), then get better.
Even Washington State has been to a Rose Bowl & Bronco was weird but seemed to win 10 games a year.

Where was this esprit de défense with regards SeattleUte's behaviour of late? Oh, well. I've had too much time on my hands these past few days while I wait for feedback from my advisors and director of studies. Don't worry, life will keep me better occupied in the near future, not to mention the season will start soon and I much prefer to just watch the games and not comment about it.


08-20-2016, 02:01 PM
Tooblue isn't speaking gospel, but he has a point about last year. I don't know if Utah should have been a playoff team, but when you consider the senior QBs Utah has had who were multiple year starters over the last 20 years and who played their entire senior year (McCoy, Fouts, Alex, Brian), Travis is the clear outlier -- I cut Fouts some slack because the defense was decimated by injury in the last third of the season, and 1996 just happened to be BYU's best team ever.

With the defenses and STs that Kyle has built, anything less than a South title in a year in which we have a multiple-year starting senior QB should be rightly viewed as disappointing. Especially when we start 6-0 and beat the best team in the league over the last decade by 6 TDs at their place.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-20-2016, 02:35 PM
Tooblue isn't speaking gospel, but he has a point about last year. I don't know if Utah should have been a playoff team, but when you consider the senior QBs Utah has had who were multiple year starters over the last 20 years and who played their entire senior year (McCoy, Fouts, Alex, Brian), Travis is the clear outlier -- I cut Fouts some slack because the defense was decimated by injury in the last third of the season, and 1996 just happened to be BYU's best team ever.

With the defenses and STs that Kyle has built, anything less than a South title in a year in which we have a multiple-year starting senior QB should be rightly viewed as disappointing. Especially when we start 6-0 and beat the best team in the league over the last decade by 6 TDs at their place.

If you knew anything about Utah history, you would know that Alex never even played as a senior.

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08-20-2016, 02:41 PM
Tooblue isn't speaking gospel, but he has a point about last year. I don't know if Utah should have been a playoff team, but when you consider the senior QBs Utah has had who were multiple year starters over the last 20 years and who played their entire senior year (McCoy, Fouts, Alex, Brian), Travis is the clear outlier -- I cut Fouts some slack because the defense was decimated by injury in the last third of the season, and 1996 just happened to be BYU's best team ever.

With the defenses and STs that Kyle has built, anything less than a South title in a year in which we have a multiple-year starting senior QB should be rightly viewed as disappointing. Especially when we start 6-0 and beat the best team in the league over the last decade by 6 TDs at their place.

Geez, we won 10 games in a really good conference with a QB who was never in the same class as the four guys you mentioned. We finished ranked.

If Fouts gets a pass for key injuries, maybe we can remember that Booker didn't play against UCLA. I'm not sure how anyone can watch that game and think Booker's injury isn't the difference.

Diehard Ute
08-20-2016, 06:20 PM
Captains are:
Troy Williams
JJ Deilman
Jason Thompson
Hunter Dimick
Domo Hatfield.

(For those that didn't see Hatfield seems to have really used his second chance well, he was on the last deans list)

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Dwight Schr-Ute
08-20-2016, 07:23 PM

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08-21-2016, 09:52 AM
GREAT article in the Trib on Scalley: http://www.sltrib.com/sports/4261248-155/utah-football-morgan-scalleys-influence-on

When Whitt brought Pease back when Sitake left, I had a hunch this was a chess move. Pease calling Scalley right after that move and telling him what he did, reveals a pretty sophisticated level of staff development by Whitt.

With stability on the offensive side, and Erickson's extended salvation from playing too many bad rounds of golf, I think things are looking as well as they ever have, in terms of our coaching staff, certainly in the Whitt era.


08-22-2016, 07:50 AM
Great article.

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08-22-2016, 08:00 AM
Watched the Pac 12 training camp report from SLC this weekend. Lots of good content there including interviews with Whit, HardRod, Scalley, Troy Williams, Jo Williams, Marcus Williams, Dimick, Fitts, and a feature on the DL at the U. There was even an appearance by Kyle Goon. All in all very positive (I know these camp reports are mostly fluff pieces, but still, lots of good stuff.

10 Days!

08-22-2016, 08:05 AM
Also, the AP top 25 came out over the weekend:

8: Stanford
14: Washington - The hype machine has taken over
16: UCLA
20: USC
24: Oregon

Utah checks in at 28 and Wazzu at 29

Should these results mostly hold, we'll host 3 of the 4 top 25 teams we play. Not bad.

08-22-2016, 09:44 AM
Wilner in with his season predictions: http://blogs.mercurynews.com/collegesports/2016/08/22/utah-football-game-game-predictions-2016/

He's got us going 8-4 with losses coming @Cal, @UCLA, vs. Oregon and @CU.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-22-2016, 10:28 AM
ESPN Pac-12 blog lists their pre-season all conference team. The usual suspects with Dielman, Lotulelei, Fitts, and M. Williams. Surprisingly, Phillips doesn't make the list.


08-22-2016, 10:42 AM
ESPN Pac-12 blog lists their pre-season all conference team. The usual suspects with Dielman, Lotulelei, Fitts, and M. Williams. Surprisingly, Phillips doesn't make the list.


He was listed as the first team all american kicker on another site. Lousy pre-season rags!

08-22-2016, 10:45 AM
Wilner in with his season predictions: http://blogs.mercurynews.com/collegesports/2016/08/22/utah-football-game-game-predictions-2016/

He's got us going 8-4 with losses coming @Cal, @UCLA, vs. Oregon and @CU.

Wilner's interesting observation: we have started strong every year, and died at the end, when our lack of a passing game catches up with us.

08-22-2016, 10:52 AM
Wilner's interesting observation: we have started strong every year, and died at the end, when our lack of a passing game catches up with us.

Well, and the notion that we haven't really earned the benefit of the doubt in the passing game is probably accurate and fair unfortunately. Here's hoping that trend reverses. I think it will.

08-22-2016, 01:58 PM
Per a Kyle Goon tweet, the CBB matter has been resolved. He'll pay a $1700 fine (rounding up) and if he goes 12 months without another incident it will be dropped. He also has to get mental health counseling.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-22-2016, 01:59 PM
Per a Kyle Goon tweet, the CBB matter has been resolved. He'll pay a $1700 fine (rounding up) and if he goes 12 months without another incident it will be dropped. He also has to get mental health counseling. The actual tweets:

Kyle Goon ‏@kylegoon (https://twitter.com/kylegoon) 13m13 minutes ago (https://twitter.com/kylegoon/status/767809436895223808)
Cory Butler-Byrd has entered a guilty plea in abeyance for his class A misdemeanor of criminal mischief stemming from his July incident.

Kyle Goon ‏@kylegoon (https://twitter.com/kylegoon) 10m10 minutes ago (https://twitter.com/kylegoon/status/767810346480349184)
The charge will be dismissed pending 12 month without a criminal offense, mental health counseling, and paying $1,691.50 for the damage.

Kyle Goon ‏@kylegoon (https://twitter.com/kylegoon) 9m9 minutes ago (https://twitter.com/kylegoon/status/767810728606576640)
Butler-Byrd has already submitted to a mental health evaluation and is making his first payment for restitution. Yet to talk with coaches.

08-22-2016, 02:04 PM
The actual tweets:

I had the embedding down...I don't know what happened.

Sounds like we're a ways away from seeing him on the field...or at least that is what my guess would be. Maybe he can get back sooner.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-22-2016, 02:41 PM
I had the embedding down...I don't know what happened.

Sounds like we're a ways away from seeing him on the field...or at least that is what my guess would be. Maybe he can get back sooner.

This site doesn't allow us to embed tweets.

LA Ute
08-22-2016, 03:53 PM
This site doesn't allow us to embed tweets.

I think U-Ute has been working on that.

Ultimate Ute
08-22-2016, 09:51 PM
Even if Joe Williams and Troy McCormick are average D-I backs their production will likely be impressive.

My high school football team won the Southern California CIF championship by a score of 33-7. The score would have been something like 50-0 if the second and third string weren't brought in. The offense only attempted three passes the entire game, two of them safe little dump offs. The opponent stacked the box and still could not stop the run game. As a somewhat ignorant freshman watching from the stands I thought we had one fantastic set of backs. Four or five were rotated though as the game progressed, each one racking up 7, 8, 10+ yards a pop. As the years passed, not one of the running backs played D-I. Three offensive lineman played D-I, one of them, Dave Dalby, a ten year starting center for the Oakland Raiders.

If the passing game is just average (i.e., a somewhat balanced offense) this could be a fine season.

08-22-2016, 10:06 PM
I will always appreciate Travis Wilson for battling his heart out to be the best possible QB he could be.

That said, I believe Troy Williams will be a bit better at anticipating the receiver getting open and at making reads in the passing game. That alone will help, as well better route discipline from the receivers. I read an article somewhere that quoted a DB from a different PAC 12 school who said they always knew which way the ball was going based on the way the WR acted, because the off side WR would lazy patterns. Something about the ball never coming their way...

I like three RBs in the mix right now, Williams, McCormick, and Moss. We will have the fastest backfield in our history this year, along with some serious power.

LA Ute
08-23-2016, 06:43 AM
Even if Joe Williams and Troy McCormick are average D-I backs their production will likely be impressive.

My high school football team won the Southern California CIF championship by a score of 33-7. The score would have been something like 50-0 if the second and third string weren't brought in. The offense only attempted three passes the entire game, two of them safe little dump offs. The opponent stacked the box and still could not stop the run game. As a somewhat ignorant freshman watching from the stands I thought we had one fantastic set of backs. Four or five were rotated though as the game progressed, each one racking up 7, 8, 10+ yards a pop. As the years passed, not one of the running backs played D-I. Three offensive lineman played D-I, one of them, Dave Dalby, a ten year starting center for the Oakland Raiders.

If the passing game is just average (i.e., a somewhat balanced offense) this could be a fine season.

It's good to see you here, Ultimate!

08-23-2016, 08:02 AM
A couple of recent fall walk-on additions to the roster are Quinn Meier and Connor Haller. Both played at Olympus and both had multiple FCS offers. Meier is a very fast RB who I would't be surprised to move to the slot or to CB. Haller is a 6'2" safety. Both recently returned from LDS missions (late July) and had the opportunity to walk-on at BYU. Significantly, Haller is Covey's first cousin and they are really close. I don't know if either of these kids will ever play a meaningful down of football at the U, but they are the type of kids who have the football smarts and enough athleticism to get a shot.

Rocker Ute
08-23-2016, 10:13 AM
A couple of recent fall walk-on additions to the roster are Quinn Meier and Connor Haller. Both played at Olympus and both had multiple FCS offers. Meier is a very fast RB who I would't be surprised to move to the slot or to CB. Haller is a 6'2" safety. Both recently returned from LDS missions (late July) and had the opportunity to walk-on at BYU. Significantly, Haller is Covey's first cousin and they are really close. I don't know if either of these kids will ever play a meaningful down of football at the U, but they are the type of kids who have the football smarts and enough athleticism to get a shot.

Did Quinn Meier return from a mission or his he just out of high school? I don't frequent the recruiting boards so I don't know how it works but they are saying he is class of 2016 (is that graduating class or recruiting class)? I checked it out because I was good friends with some Meiers in the Olympus area and wanted to see if I could figure out if he was part of that ilk. The ones I knew were big BYU fans.

Olympus High is referring to him as a preferred walk-on which I would assume that he has been promised a scholarship somewhere down the line?

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-23-2016, 11:22 AM
User Actions

https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1796164956/2012TwitterBillRiley_Pic_bigger.jpgBill Riley‏@espn700bill (https://twitter.com/espn700bill)

#Utes (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Utes?src=hash) Head Coach Kyle Whittingham has partially reinstated WR Cory Butler-Byrd to the team. He will practice but not play for now

08-23-2016, 02:24 PM
Did Quinn Meier return from a mission or his he just out of high school? I don't frequent the recruiting boards so I don't know how it works but they are saying he is class of 2016 (is that graduating class or recruiting class)? I checked it out because I was good friends with some Meiers in the Olympus area and wanted to see if I could figure out if he was part of that ilk. The ones I knew were big BYU fans.

Olympus High is referring to him as a preferred walk-on which I would assume that he has been promised a scholarship somewhere down the line?

He is from the same family. The family are big BYU fans. Maybe I was thinking of his older brother when I said that he was an RM. I just did not remember a Meier from this past year at OLY.

A preferred walk-on has not been promised a scholarship. What it usually means is that you will be included on the 105 camp roster. He wasn't on that roster, and was just added on the first day of school.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-24-2016, 07:21 PM
Significantly, Haller is Covey's first cousin and they are really close.

This is very good news. Hopefully it's enough to cause Britain to rethink his transfer when he gets home.

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08-25-2016, 12:15 AM
Wilner's interesting observation: we have started strong every year, and died at the end, when our lack of a passing game catches up with us.

But he says that the rest of the program is in every respect top tier. The Utes were 10-3 last season in the toughest conference top to bottom in the country. I keep hearing that it's the same this season. We should be really proud of their established reputation as a stellar Pac 12 program. Most recently tonight on Ferrell on the Bench I heard such praise for the Pac 12 and Utah.

08-25-2016, 03:19 PM
And for Utah:

SUU - 96%. Too low.
BYU - 64%. About right.
San Jose State - 67%. I hope this is too low. I don't want to have to worry about this game. But I will admit I know nothing about SJSU.
USC - 29%. How low will this number go if the Trojans pull off the upset next week?
Cal - 47%. The first of many 50/50 games for the Utes.
Zona - 54%. Feels right.
Oregon St - 69%. Unless OSU has improved dramatically, this is low.
UCLA - 20%. Ouch. 20%? That makes us bigger underdogs to the Bruins than OSU is to us. Not buying.
UW - 34%. We'll certainly know by then if these odds were accurate.
ASU - 49%.
Oregon - 50%. Feels weird to think our odds vs Oregon are the same as vs ASU, Arizona, and Cal. Like AJ said, though, can't argue with math.
CU - 56%. I think this is too low, but CU has usually kept it close vs Utah.

What's missing here is a few sure thing wins. If our weakest FBS opponent really has a 30% shot at us, we could have a tough season. That's the Pac-12, though. There would be some 80% "rest games" in the Big12, Big10, or ACC.

08-26-2016, 08:10 AM

08-26-2016, 09:25 AM

Oh man, calling us a team that was in an NY6 bowl the year before last? Ouch. That really hurts.

08-26-2016, 10:34 AM
Oh man, calling us a team that was in an NY6 bowl the year before last? Ouch. That really hurts.

Well, we know you all love being a PAC12 team more than actually celebrating and being able to sell your own brand and besides, your comrades bristled at being called the The New Washington State, so I upgraded it a little.

Rocker Ute
08-26-2016, 10:43 AM
Well, we know you all love being a PAC12 team more than actually celebrating and being able to sell your own brand and besides, your comrades bristled at being called the The New Washington State, so I upgraded it a little.

So I think a big part of the PAC12 logo-ness of Utah fans is to tweak BYU fans; and as is evidenced here, works wonderfully well. It is the ultimate 'Program Scoreboard' between the two schools.

08-26-2016, 11:01 AM
We already have Alabama's Defense and one of the best Special Teams games in the nation. If we could add Washington State's Offense on top of that we would crush everybody on our schedule and make the playoffs every year.

08-26-2016, 11:04 AM
So I think a big part of the PAC12 logo-ness of Utah fans is to tweak BYU fans; and as is evidenced here, works wonderfully well. It is the ultimate 'Program Scoreboard' between the two schools.

Ask any expert on Utah and by association mormons (namely SU). They'll tell you it's due to a deep seated insecurity and desire to be accepted by the world in general and the left coast in particular. How many posters on this board spent at least a week of vacation in Newport beach this year? Really, the slogan should be: State of Utah, the New California.

08-26-2016, 11:59 AM
Ask any expert on Utah and by association mormons (namely SU). They'll tell you it's due to a deep seated insecurity and desire to be accepted by the world in general and the left coast in particular. How many posters on this board spent at least a week of vacation in Newport beach this year? Really, the slogan should be: State of Utah, the New California.

I'm confused. Are you trolling Ute fans? Or mormons? Or Utahns? Or Californians?

You need to be more constructive with your criticism.

LA Ute
08-26-2016, 12:01 PM
Ask any expert on Utah and by association mormons (namely SU). They'll tell you it's due to a deep seated insecurity and desire to be accepted by the world in general and the left coast in particular. How many posters on this board spent at least a week of vacation in Newport beach this year? Really, the slogan should be: State of Utah, the New California.

TB, I think you are a good guy. I'll be plain-spoken and blunt. This is a place where like-minded people go to have fun while discussing relatively frivolous things that nevertheless matter to them. I wish you would not come here and try to make those people unhappy.

08-26-2016, 12:19 PM
TB, I think you are a good guy. I'll be plain-spoken and blunt. This is a place where like-minded people go to have fun while discussing relatively frivolous things that nevertheless matter to them. I wish you would not come here and try to make those people unhappy.

Oh, now LA it's all in good fun. It's college football game day today after all. I find it strange though you don't want to have any BYU fans here, speaking their mind and keeping you all honest. I'm sure none of you can be considered guilty of the doing the same on other boards? Regardless, I'll be better behaved.

Rocker Ute
08-26-2016, 12:23 PM
Ask any expert on Utah and by association mormons (namely SU). They'll tell you it's due to a deep seated insecurity and desire to be accepted by the world in general and the left coast in particular. How many posters on this board spent at least a week of vacation in Newport beach this year? Really, the slogan should be: State of Utah, the New California.

So am I the ultimate secure in himself mormon because I didn't go to newport this year, nor do I have any PAC12 gear? I'm just asking because I'm updating my resume.

08-26-2016, 12:33 PM
So am I the ultimate secure in himself mormon because I didn't go to newport this year, nor do I have any PAC12 gear? I'm just asking because I'm updating my resume.

I am sorry if I have offended you. I apologize for my meanness.

08-26-2016, 12:46 PM
So am I the ultimate secure in himself mormon because I didn't go to newport this year, nor do I have any PAC12 gear? I'm just asking because I'm updating my resume.

I'm so insecure I had to get a job there. I may have to upgrade my P12 gear game, though.

Although he may be on to something here; this morning, when dropping my kids off at school, there were three cars lined up in a row with U of U license plate covers. Apparently just vacationing in SoCal isn't enough anymore!

LA Ute
08-26-2016, 01:40 PM
Oh, now LA it's all in good fun. It's college football game day today after all. I find it strange though you don't want to have any BYU fans here, speaking their mind and keeping you all honest. I'm sure none of you can be considered guilty of the doing the same on other boards? Regardless, I'll be better behaved.

You're not hurting me. I just don't understand the "skunk at the garden party" impulse. It's certainly not unique to you.

08-26-2016, 01:44 PM
To get back to my original contribution to this thread. Ron McBride is on the radio right now singing the same tune I have been singing about Kyle Whittingham, of course he's dancing around it a little, but here's a direct quote: "He's just a conservative coach."

08-26-2016, 01:49 PM
To get back to my original contribution to this thread. Ron McBride is on the radio right now singing the same tune I have been singing about Kyle Whittingham, of course he's dancing around it a little, but here's a direct quote: "He's just a conservative coach."
And water is wet.

08-26-2016, 01:53 PM
And water is wet.

Preach that Utah football gospel brother.

08-26-2016, 01:55 PM
To get back to my original contribution to this thread. Ron McBride is on the radio right now singing the same tune I have been singing about Kyle Whittingham, of course he's dancing around it a little, but here's a direct quote: "He's just a conservative coach."

That is your "original" contribution to this thread? You should start a thread devoted to the topic.

08-26-2016, 02:01 PM
That is your "original" contribution to this thread? You should start a thread devoted to the topic.

So sorry Smackjack, I meant to say my 'unique' contribution to this particular thread.

08-26-2016, 02:09 PM
So sorry Smackjack, I meant to say my 'unique' contribution to this particular thread.

Wait, your "unique" contribution is the observation that Kyle is a conservative coach? I think your unique insight is universally shared by Ute fans and Ute haters alike.

I look forward to your next unique observation. Is our offense subpar? Do we have trouble developing QBs? Do tell.

08-26-2016, 02:21 PM
Wait, your "unique" contribution is the observation that Kyle is a conservative coach? I think your unique insight is universally shared by Ute fans and Ute haters alike.

I look forward to your next unique observation. Is our offense subpar? Do we have trouble developing QBs? Do tell.

(sorry LA, I should answer this) My 'unique' contribution to this thread was to state something even more obvious: Kyle Whittingham is Utah's Bronco.


Rocker Ute
08-26-2016, 02:25 PM
I am sorry if I have offended you. I apologize for my meanness.

How have you offended me? According to you I'm awesome!

Look, I empathize with BYU fans, the endless stringing along by the BIG12 has got to feel an awful lot like the time when you asked that girl to prom and she didn't respond for two weeks and avoided you in the halls in the hope that someone else would ask her. The trauma of bringing that sort of memory back to the surface would be a lot of pain, I am sure. Hang in there, I'll bet they are just very busy right now, but are very excited to have you..

08-26-2016, 02:31 PM
How have you offended me? According to you I'm awesome!

Look, I empathize with BYU fans, the endless stringing along by the BIG12 has got to feel an awful lot like the time when you asked that girl to prom and she didn't respond for two weeks and avoided you in the halls in the hope that someone else would ask her. The trauma of bringing that sort of memory back to the surface would be a lot of pain, I am sure. Hang in there, I'll bet they are just very busy right now, but are very excited to have you..


08-29-2016, 01:49 PM
This site doesn't allow us to embed tweets.

VBulletin strips out all embed codes because it would allow a user to run arbitrary and malicious code on your system.

I'm getting closer on using the Twitter oEmbed API to allow us to do it the right way.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-29-2016, 05:52 PM


LA Ute
08-30-2016, 09:41 AM
We are mentioned here twice as a trap game, once for USC and once for Washington.

The one game that could ruin each Top 25 college football team's season


08-30-2016, 12:45 PM
I'm pumping myself up with McBride era highlights:

1993 vs. SDSU (I was there): Classic MAFU ball. He has a future NFL MVP in Jamal Anderson but instead he starts Pierre Jones at RB until it becomes apparent that they cannot stop Jamal. Also features Mike McCoy, Marshall Faulk, Darnay Scott (remember him?), Henry Lusk, and His Holiness Chris Yergensen.


1995 vs. AFA (I was there): Another MAFU masterpiece. Fouts engineers two drives in 40 seconds (including the worst onsides kick that actually works) when Utah should have done this the entire game.


1995 vs Utah St: Chris Fuamatu Maafala's coming out party (and the reason for the grab ass in Logan the next year)


LA Ute
08-31-2016, 11:58 AM
Here's a fun little blast from the past (1991?):


08-31-2016, 12:22 PM
Here's a fun little blast from the past (1991?):


Is Barton that can be seen in this video is the father of the current Barton on our team, that is giving AJ such heartburn at LB?

08-31-2016, 12:47 PM
Is Barton that can be seen in this video is the father of the current Barton on our team, that is giving AJ such heartburn at LB?

Yes, that's him. To be clear, I am grateful for Barton and his gene pool. His son should be in the two-deep, it's the starter label that has me worried.

Diehard Ute
08-31-2016, 01:15 PM
Yes, that's him. To be clear, I am grateful for Barton and his gene pool. His son should be in the two-deep, it's the starter label that has me worried.


He's got the size, based in his genes (his mom was an insane athlete for the U) he's got the athletic ability, and he's got the attitude to play LB.

From what I've seen he was certainly a late bloomer especially size wise, he seems to have really matured the last year.

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08-31-2016, 01:40 PM

He's got the size, based in his genes (his mom was an insane athlete for the U) he's got the athletic ability, and he's got the attitude to play LB.

From what I've seen he was certainly a late bloomer especially size wise, he seems to have really matured the last year.

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Look, I'm hoping that our linebackers are great, all Pac12 performers (hattip: Utah). But I worry that they didn't get any playing time at all last year. Granted, there were three seniors in front of them, but in the USC game in which Whittingham and Norris were hurt we played Masina (retired). That alone doesn't give me confidence that Barton is the answer at LB.

Now, maybe he is a late bloomer. God knows we've seen that before. I'm just worried a key defensive position group is being manned by a lightly recruited JC transfer and a lightly recruited sophomore, both of whom have zero game experience at this level. I think there is reason to doubt.

08-31-2016, 02:15 PM
Here's a fun little blast from the past (1991?):


Thanks for posting that. This is the era of Ute football that started to reel me in as a kid. Did Utah not have a kicker who could make a PAT from the 18? Going for two in the first half is so bizarre, yet such a Mac thing to do as far as the kicking game went at that time.

08-31-2016, 02:16 PM
I think there is reason to doubt.

There is always reason to doubt until you've seen someone play. We have reason to worry about QB, WR, and LB. And P, I guess.

08-31-2016, 03:20 PM
Thanks for posting that. This is the era of Ute football that started to reel me in as a kid. Did Utah not have a kicker who could make a PAT from the 18? Going for two in the first half is so bizarre, yet such a Mac thing to do as far as the kicking game went at that time.

LOL. And the play was from the 15 because of the penalty. total MAFU move.

08-31-2016, 03:31 PM
So, because I said our LB'ers would be average, i.e., middle of the road that suddenly means they will be all PAC-12?


Dwight Schr-Ute
08-31-2016, 04:38 PM

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08-31-2016, 05:15 PM
I'm pumping myself up with McBride era highlights:

1993 vs. SDSU (I was there): Classic MAFU ball. He has a future NFL MVP in Jamal Anderson but instead he starts Pierre Jones at RB until it becomes apparent that they cannot stop Jamal. Also features Mike McCoy, Marshall Faulk, Darnay Scott (remember him?), Henry Lusk, and His Holiness Chris Yergensen.


1995 vs. AFA (I was there): Another MAFU masterpiece. Fouts engineers two drives in 40 seconds (including the worst onsides kick that actually works) when Utah should have done this the entire game.


1995 vs Utah St: Chris Fuamatu Maafala's coming out party (and the reason for the grab ass in Logan the next year)


I wasn't at sdsu but did watch the game in wendover. First and only time I've bet on the Utes. Nice to get a win and win some cash.

My bil made the first catch shown in the AFA highlights. (I was also there)

08-31-2016, 05:29 PM

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Knowing swinney, I wouldn't be surprised if its a promo for his site on scout.com.

LA Ute
08-31-2016, 07:47 PM
Knowing swinney, I wouldn't be surprised if its a promo for his site on scout.com.

This is such pathetic small-time manipulative nonsense from Swinney, a no-talent guy.

08-31-2016, 08:25 PM
This is such pathetic small-time manipulative nonsense from Swinney, a no-talent guy.

Did someone hack LA's account?

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-31-2016, 09:01 PM
Here's the rant I put on FB about it.

The below post from Brian Swinney is the exact kind of problem I've complained about since he officially joined ESPN700. When you represent the University's flagship station AND represent a paid service built on being privy to "inside information" regarding said University, it's a clear conflict of interest.

Now he can post some garbage vague big announcement to a whole fanbase that is frothing in anticipation of the first kickoff of the season in less than 24 hours and no one knows if the announcement is regarding the University, the radio station he works for or the private website he trying to subscribe people to.

Given that he apparently forgot to make mention of a big announcement in the short three hours he was on the airwaves this afternoon, it seems pretty clear to me what to expect to be revealed.

And then he starts whining about people's reactions.


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08-31-2016, 09:54 PM
Apparently some folks are saying its a real somewhat cool announcement. Guess we will see....

08-31-2016, 10:12 PM

Utezone is combining with swinneys group.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-31-2016, 10:19 PM

Utezone is combining with swinneys group.

This was the first thing that came to mind.


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Diehard Ute
08-31-2016, 10:21 PM
Apparently some folks are saying its a real somewhat cool announcement. Guess we will see....

Those folks must have lived in Provo for their entire lives.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
09-01-2016, 12:29 AM
Those folks must have lived in Provo for their entire lives.

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09-01-2016, 07:03 AM
Time to shut this thread down!

09-01-2016, 07:16 AM
Time to shut this thread down!

Agreed, game day is finally here!

09-01-2016, 08:17 AM
Close this mutha down!