View Full Version : Beat the Beavers, injuries be dammed.

10-12-2016, 08:26 AM
Lets get the game discussion out of Sully's prediction thread.

The rodents should be pretty confident, coming off their win. Hopefully we can deflate them a bit.

4 out of our last 6 games are on the road, and this game is our best chance for a road win in conference.

10-12-2016, 09:04 AM
Lets get the game discussion out of Sully's prediction thread.

The rodents should be pretty confident, coming off their win. Hopefully we can deflate them a bit.

4 out of our last 6 games are on the road, and this game is our best chance for a road win in conference.

Speaking of injuries, Nall (OSU's RB) is questionable for Staurday. I think it's only fair that they sit their starter since we are trotting out our sixth string RB.

Diehard Ute
10-12-2016, 10:27 AM
Speaking of injuries, Nall (OSU's RB) is questionable for Staurday. I think it's only fair that they sit their starter since we are trotting out our sixth string RB.

Or our first string RB if Williams plays..... ;)

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10-12-2016, 11:04 AM
Or our first string RB if Williams plays..... ;)

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It's shaping up like those bank-robber movies where the veteran has retired / is about to retire, but comes back for one more big job...

Diehard Ute
10-12-2016, 11:11 AM
It's shaping up like those bank-robber movies where the veteran has retired / is about to retire, but comes back for one more big job...

And then they make 5 more sequels....

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10-12-2016, 11:19 AM
And then they make 5 more sequels....

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Diehard on Die Hard. Poetic.

10-12-2016, 11:41 AM
And then they make 5 more sequels....

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Well, yeah - the REALLY big job would have to be the Rose Bowl. The screenplay can't work without a trip to the Rose Bowl. :highfive:

LA Ute
10-12-2016, 12:48 PM

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-12-2016, 01:26 PM
Sounds like Handley expects to be out a couple weeks.

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10-12-2016, 01:31 PM
Sounds like Handley expects to be out a couple weeks.

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I remember seeing him take a couple of big or awkward hits during the Az game. One in the back of the end one where he stayed down for a minute.

Diehard Ute
10-12-2016, 01:48 PM
I remember seeing him take a couple of big or awkward hits during the Az game. One in the back of the end one where he stayed down for a minute.

He went to the locker room after Shyne was injured. Never retuned.

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10-12-2016, 08:06 PM
This look is awesome.


10-12-2016, 09:13 PM
This look is awesome.

It's a matter of taste, but that may be my least favorite combo. It's probably the white shoes under the black leggings that I like the least.

10-12-2016, 09:33 PM
I put this in the prediction thread, but I'll be thrilled with a 30 point effort here. I think we're looking at something more likely in the 20s, with Whit grabbing a lead and holding on for dear life.

10-12-2016, 09:52 PM
I wanna see this dynamic play out where Joe comes back, to help his team.

He was a stand up guy in how he left, he had his reasons, and probably a hot fiancé to help bend his thinking toward the future. Now his old teammates need him.

Joe - just go for it, man. Wreckless abandon. What are the chances we'll have 7 injured RBs?

Play hard, protect the rock like it's the fiancé's ring, you just might end up in the Rose Bowl, and THEN you can retire.

Hell of a story for the kids and grandkids.

10-13-2016, 09:41 AM
We're gonna get OSU's best shot in this game, because if they win, being bowl eligible definitely comes into play. It helps that they have the weakest closing stretch of any team in the league -- hosting Arizona and Oregon to close out the season. They beat the team that beat Utah, and they're playing at home. Yes, OSU will be confident and sky high for this one. Gotta get on them early.

10-13-2016, 09:44 AM
Gotta get on them early.

Not exactly our strength this year.

10-13-2016, 09:52 AM
The game time forecast calls for a lot of rain (upwards of an inch/hr), with 20mph winds gusting up to 60 mph. This game will be absolutely miserable.

Needless to say we won't see much in the way of a passing game from either side.

No false starts, no fumbles, contain on defense, and we will road grade them.

10-13-2016, 09:57 AM
The game time forecast calls for a lot of rain (upwards of an inch/hr), with 20mph winds gusting up to 60 mph. This game will be absolutely miserable.

Needless to say we won't see much in the way of a passing game from either side.

No false starts, no fumbles, contain on defense, and we will road grade them.

Yeah, I just saw this. The remnants of a typhoon hitting the PNW on this weekend. Not good.


10-13-2016, 09:59 AM
Super Typhoon. This is a very strong storm.

UW is lucky to have a bye this week.

10-13-2016, 11:17 AM
I'd say line up under center, and run, run, run.

Hell, put B-B under C and just run dives with the option to pull and run off tackle all game.

Just kidding on the last part. Sort of.

This is a game that a healthy Shyne/Moss go for 300 yards. Too bad.

Our game MVP will be Wishnowsky. His punting will force OSU to go 80+ on most drives.

10-14-2016, 10:34 AM
"Joe Williams takes the field..."


Dwight Schr-Ute
10-15-2016, 09:56 AM
Although still less than ideal for a crippled run game, conditions seem a tad better than the Armageddon predictions a few days ago.



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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 01:27 PM
Moss apparently traveled but Goon says he hasn't seen him during warmups.

That leaves us with Williams, Manalo and Henry-Cole (which would mean pulling his redshirt)

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10-15-2016, 02:07 PM
Yay! No white shoes. Uni's look pretty sharp.

Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 02:14 PM
Has Fulks caught that swing pass yet this year?

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Irving Washington
10-15-2016, 02:16 PM
Well, I thought we'd be more conservative given the conditions.

Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 02:19 PM
This team just can't avoid shooting themselves in the foot

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 02:21 PM
This team just can't avoid shooting themselves in the foot

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Utah turnovers are the one way that Oregon State will stay in this game.

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10-15-2016, 02:34 PM
That has to feel good for Joe Williams.

Tim Patrick was in on that last series.

Rocker Ute
10-15-2016, 02:34 PM
Yeah!!!! Fumbling Joe!!!

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10-15-2016, 02:36 PM
Utes seem to be really dominant on the line.

10-15-2016, 02:40 PM
Chase Hansen making an early case for MVP.

LA Ute
10-15-2016, 02:41 PM
Having a bit of red zone trouble here.

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 02:44 PM
Having a bit of red zone trouble here.

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Uhh, yep! Come on, Troy!

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 02:45 PM
The pick has now been erased.

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10-15-2016, 02:45 PM
Under center??????????!

Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 02:46 PM
Bad fumble followed by bad defense. We really are our own worst enemy

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 03:04 PM
Delay of game on the 2. Come on, guys.

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 03:09 PM
Come on Pac-12, don't do interviews like that while the game is going on.

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 03:15 PM
For a guy who was sitting on the couch watching last week's game, Joe Williams is having a terrific day.

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 03:21 PM
Word is they burned Henry-Cole's redshirt

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 03:26 PM
It could easily be 30-0 Utah right now.

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 03:29 PM
It could easily be 30-0 Utah right now.

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Should be, which we've said way too much this year.

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 04:02 PM
Mokofisi not being a DE but playing outside and doesn't maintain his contain assignment.

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 04:09 PM
Defensive ends are just too slow to react to these sweeps

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 04:10 PM
I hope those points we left on the field don't come back to haunt us.

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10-15-2016, 04:14 PM
We need to do something to take the momentum back.

Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 04:19 PM
Commentators saying you can't pull your guy as it clearly shows two OSU lineman pulling the running back haha

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 04:20 PM
And Tauteloi is on a cart. Sheesh. Marcus Williams is already out and now this

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Irving Washington
10-15-2016, 04:32 PM
Guess I shouldn't be so confident.

10-15-2016, 04:32 PM
I still don't know how we can beat ASU or Oregon with this offense. I hope we can win this one because I'm not sure the offense will score again.

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 04:33 PM
Guess I shouldn't be so confident.

So that was you!

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 04:40 PM
Me: I can't believe we are only five points ahead of Oregon State going into the fourth quarter.

My son: How long have you been watching Utah football?

Me: Good point.

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 04:41 PM
Is it the weather that's making Troy so inaccurate?

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 04:42 PM
We're beating them to the outside, so what do we do, run draws.

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Hot Lunch
10-15-2016, 04:43 PM
This offense. Different week, same result.

LA Ute
10-15-2016, 04:45 PM
This offense. Different week, same result.

We do seem to keep trying the same thing whether it is working or not.

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10-15-2016, 04:46 PM
This offense. Different week, same result.
I'd fully support firing A Rod on the tarmac.

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 04:47 PM
He's picking us apart. Amazing.

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10-15-2016, 04:50 PM
Stupid play be Allen. If they score a TD here, game over

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 04:51 PM
He's picking us apart. Amazing.

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Missing our starting MLB and FS isn't helping

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10-15-2016, 04:53 PM
We lose this game, we might be staring down a 5 game losing streak.

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 04:54 PM
Stupid play be Allen. If they score a TD here, game over

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What? You don't think we can drive down the field and score? Maybe you think that because our offense has been totally shut down this entire half?

Unless we turn things around this is going to be the WTH loss of the season.

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 04:54 PM
We lucked out there

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10-15-2016, 04:57 PM
Let's make a deal with A Rod. If he can engineer a TD drive here, he can come home to Utah and have a job next week. If not, he can stay in Oregon.

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 04:59 PM
I predict we will drive down, kick a field goal, and then try to hang on. It's what we do.

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10-15-2016, 05:02 PM
I predict we will drive down, kick a field goal, and then try to hang on. It's what we do.

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I'd take a FG, but we aren't going to score again in this game unless it is the defense.

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10-15-2016, 05:05 PM
Alright. Tarmac for A Rod.

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Irving Washington
10-15-2016, 05:07 PM
This will be the fewest passing yards in how long?

LA Ute
10-15-2016, 05:16 PM
Should we have gone for two on that?

What a relief.

I was just talking to my son about that. With these Utes, I usually feel relieved, not excited. I don't mean to whine, that just seems to be the way it is with this team.

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 05:19 PM
Should we have gone for two on that?

What a relief.

No, if we fail we're only at 18 they can score 11 with a TD, 2 point and field goal.

19 means they have to score 2 TD's.

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Diehard Ute
10-15-2016, 05:22 PM
Well since they called Allen for PI that should have been offensive PI

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 05:26 PM
I really don't know what to expect here. Can we get a first down? If we don't, can we stop them?

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 05:26 PM
No first down.

You know, we can talk all we want about injuries and the weather, but this is been a terrible showing.

10-15-2016, 05:30 PM

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 05:31 PM
So here we are again, the other team has the ball and a chance to win at the end of a game they have no business winning.

Rocker Ute
10-15-2016, 06:05 PM
Why not the FG at the end? Essentially seal the game or no worse off.

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10-15-2016, 06:06 PM
Again...what has ARod done (besides almost left twice)? If we don't have much of an offense year after year, whose fault is it?

10-15-2016, 06:13 PM
Again...what has ARod done (besides almost left twice)? If we don't have much of an offense year after year, whose fault is it?
Look it is time. He has been a constant on this staff through years of terrible offense.

He is not qualified to be an OC or a QB coach. Our QBs get worse under him. We need a real QB coach. He needs to be gone.

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Irving Washington
10-15-2016, 06:17 PM
Look it is time. He has been a constant on this staff through years of terrible offense.

He is not qualified to be an OC or a QB coach. Our QBs get worse under him. We need a real QB coach. He needs to be gone.

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Harding shares the blame for the scheme. New OC and let Harding concentrate on the O line.

Irving Washington
10-15-2016, 06:18 PM
That game wasn't much of a break from Trump news.

10-15-2016, 06:22 PM
Look it is time. He has been a constant on this staff through years of terrible offense.

He is not qualified to be an OC or a QB coach. Our QBs get worse under him. We need a real QB coach. He needs to be gone.

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I am having a hard time liking this team. SJBH.
I know there were a lot of factors today - weather, injuries, etc., but the Utes mustered 4 yards in the 3rd quarter.

The best piece of coaching I saw today is the way the Utes laid off the onside kick that hadn't traveled 10 yards.
The worst piece of coaching I saw today was the fact that the Utes still can't figure out what to do on 4th & 1. Same scenario, weeks later, same result.

Ultimate Ute
10-15-2016, 06:24 PM
Waterboarding, or watching the Ute offense?

10-15-2016, 06:32 PM
There really is no way to defend the offensive performance in the second half. I don't know if the coaches thought they could just go out and do what they had done the first half and walk away to victory. I can only say that what we saw in the second half is not ARod's offensive philosophy.

10-15-2016, 06:42 PM
There really is no way to defend the offensive performance in the second half. I don't know if the coaches thought they could just go out and do what they had done the first half and walk away to victory. I can only say that what we saw in the second half is not ARod's offensive philosophy.
I don't even know what his offensive philosophy is. I do know whatever it is, it does not put points on the board.

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10-15-2016, 06:47 PM
Look it is time. He has been a constant on this staff through years of terrible offense.

He is not qualified to be an OC or a QB coach. Our QBs get worse under him. We need a real QB coach. He needs to be gone.

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I'm a firm believer that Whit needs to turn offensive hiring over to Dennis Erickson. I'm with you...time for A rod to go.

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LA Ute
10-15-2016, 07:14 PM
There really is no way to defend the offensive performance in the second half. I don't know if the coaches thought they could just go out and do what they had done the first half and walk away to victory. I can only say that what we saw in the second half is not ARod's offensive philosophy.

Do you think they were playing not to lose that early in the game?

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10-15-2016, 07:29 PM
Based on Whit's post game interview on KALL 700 I think he inserted himself into the gameplan significantly. He spoke of the weather conditions a couple of times in defending the conservative play-calling. Said a few times that they just wanted to run the ball and keep the clock running. Other than expressing some frustration with red zone execution in the first half he seemed very content with the offense.

10-15-2016, 07:58 PM
lol @ the whining on here.

Wilson was a much better QB after ARod took over. Before this week, Troy has gotten better every week.

Look: This was a simple game plan: Bleed the clock and leave with a win.

We have UCLA and Washington coming up. You don't open up right before then. You do everything you can to limit injuries. You run, run, run, then run some more.

It's pretty simple stuff. But, then again, this isn't NCAA 2017 or the MWC either.

We lost Travis Wilson and DeVontae Booker. Show me any team that could lose a QB who won 19 games the last two years and a top flight RB that looks like he will be starting for the SB champs his rookie year, and doesn't struggle a little offensively.

Hell, UCLA has Josh Rosen and they are worse than we are offensively.

But, yeah, ARod sucks.

lol. This ain't the MWC anymore fellas.

10-15-2016, 08:02 PM
As always, posting immature, petty comment. ufn misses you.

lol @ the whining on here.

Wilson was a much better QB after ARod took over. Before this week, Troy has gotten better every week.

Look: This was a simple game plan: Bleed the clock and leave with a win.

We have UCLA and Washington coming up. You don't open up right before then. You do everything you can to limit injuries. You run, run, run, then run some more.

It's pretty simple stuff. But, then again, this isn't NCAA 2017 or the MWC either.

We lost Travis Wilson and DeVontae Booker. Show me any team that could lose a QB who won 19 games the last two years and a top flight RB that looks like he will be starting for the SB champs his rookie year, and doesn't struggle a little offensively.

Hell, UCLA has Josh Rosen and they are worse than we are offensively.

But, yeah, ARod sucks.

lol. This ain't the MWC anymore fellas.

Hot Lunch
10-15-2016, 08:05 PM
I don't even know what his offensive philosophy is. I do know whatever it is, it does not put points on the board.

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That is the thing. He has no idea what his philosophy is because whatever he is doing, doesn't work. He is bad. Thank goodness for our defense. Mad props to those because Utah has the worst offense in the Pac12.

10-15-2016, 08:17 PM
As always, posting immature, petty comment. ufn misses you.


10-15-2016, 08:23 PM
I'm a firm believer that Whit needs to turn offensive hiring over to Dennis Erickson. I'm with you...time for A rod to go.

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There is one constant in the offense and that is the overall philosophy of the head coach. Turning the hiring of offensive staff to Erickson will not change anything unless you want to change the head coach. Changing OC's again for the 7th or 8th time in his 11 years as head coach will not change anything. His philosophy is puts a premium on defense, special teams, and not turning the ball over. Frustrating as the offense is, I don't want to change head coaches.

10-15-2016, 08:26 PM
I don't even know what his offensive philosophy is. I do know whatever it is, it does not put points on the board.

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I do. I also know that he is not allowed to run the offense the way he would like to run it. Whit wants to control the ball with the running game. He does not want to take chances. In the post game presser, Whit said they wanted to run the ball and control the clock. You cannot do that for 3 quarters and then expect the passing game to have any significant impact.

LA Ute
10-15-2016, 08:38 PM
The conference statistics are pretty interesting. We're no longer in the basement offensively, we're in the 3rd quartile. That's where most of us thought we needed to be in order to compete for a championship, as long as our defense is as good as it has been. Take a look here:


Some tidbits:


Interceptions -- 1st
Punting - 1st
4th down conversions - 1st (!!!)
Time of possession - 1st
Sacks made - 2nd
Sacks given up - 2nd (nice!)
Scoring offense - 8th; Scoring defense 2nd
Total offense - 8th; Total defense 4th
Rushing offense - 7th; Rushing defense 3rd
Passing offense - 6th (middle of the PAC, a good place for us)


Pass defense - 7th (I think we need to be better than that)
Kickoff returns - 10th (not our historical level of performance)
Kickoff coverage - 9th (ditto)
3rd down conversions - 9th


Red zone offense - dead last.
Red zone defense - dead last.

Those last two are pretty bad. Coaches need to fix both.

10-15-2016, 08:43 PM
Good info.

The conference statistics are pretty interesting. We're no longer in the basement offensively, we're in the 3rd quartile. That's where most of us thought we needed to be in order to compete for a championship, as long as our defense is as good as it has been. Take a look here:


Some tidbits:


Interceptions -- 1st
Punting - 1st
4th down conversions - 1st (!!!)
Time of possession - 1st
Sacks made - 2nd
Sacks given up - 2nd (nice!)
Scoring offense - 8th; Scoring defense 2nd
Total offense - 8th; Total defense 4th
Rushing offense - 7th; Rushing defense 3rd
Passing offense - 6th (middle of the PAC, a good place for us)


Pass defense - 7th (I think we need to be better than that)
Kickoff returns - 10th (not our historical level of performance)
Kickoff coverage - 9th (ditto)
3rd down conversions - 9th


Red zone offense - dead last.
Red zone defense - dead last.

Those last two are pretty bad. Coaches need to fix both.

10-15-2016, 08:55 PM
Got the win, went for a short, intense hike... things look a bit different, now.

I'm willing to give the coaches & players a pass on this game, depending on how we do in the future. That game reminded me of our game at Pitt, the ugly one, where the wind was blowing garbage all over the field and Mathews had the TD pass that probably shouldn't have been thrown.

Hat's off to Joe Williams. He didn't have to do that.

We need Moss, Patrick (healed), Marcus, Sunia. Barton played well when his number was called.

Weird game, get on the plane, work the trainers until they're exhausted and live to fight another day.

6-1, still haven't played our best game.

10-15-2016, 08:59 PM
All good points. Today's weather conditions certainly made their impact.

Got the win, went for a short, intense hike... things look a bit different, now.

I'm willing to give the coaches & players a pass on this game, depending on how we do in the future. That game reminded me of our game at Pitt, the ugly one, where the wind was blowing garbage all over the field and Mathews had the TD pass that probably shouldn't have been thrown.

Hat's off to Joe Williams. He didn't have to do that.

We need Moss, Patrick (healed), Marcus, Sunia. Barton played well when his number was called.

Weird game, get on the plane, work the trainers until they're exhausted and live to fight another day.

6-1, still haven't played our best game.

10-15-2016, 09:26 PM
You know what's funny? If we were better in the redzone, everyone would love ARod right now. From our end zone to the defender's 20 yard line, we are pretty damn good. But, once we get in the red zone, we are TERRIBLE. Pathetic.

Even in today's game, Troy Williams fumbled at the OSU 29. Troy Williams fumbled (bad snap) at the OSU 5 yard line. Turn over on downs on the OSU 33 yard line. Turnover on downs on the OSU 25 yard line.

That is anywhere from 12 to 28 points we left on the field because our offense disappears when we get close to the end zone.

How different is everyone if the final score is 31-14 or 47-14? We need to learn how to finish drives. Tim Patrick, Moss and Handley are HUGE misses for us right now.

10-15-2016, 10:11 PM
If they win I don't care how they played. It's that simple. At this level a team's play can change from night to day week to week. Look at Washington, going into overtime vs. Arizona. Honestly, I don't give a shit how they played today. They won.

LA Ute
10-15-2016, 10:31 PM
If they win I don't care how they played. It's that simple. At this level a team's play can change from night to day week to week. Look at Washington, going into overtime vs. Arizona. Honestly, I don't give a shit how they played today. They won.

That's a good attitude. Obviously it helps you.

LA Ute
10-15-2016, 10:34 PM
Got the win, went for a short, intense hike... things look a bit different, now.

I'm willing to give the coaches & players a pass on this game, depending on how we do in the future. That game reminded me of our game at Pitt, the ugly one, where the wind was blowing garbage all over the field and Mathews had the TD pass that probably shouldn't have been thrown.

Hat's off to Joe Williams. He didn't have to do that.

We need Moss, Patrick (healed), Marcus, Sunia. Barton played well when his number was called.

Weird game, get on the plane, work the trainers until they're exhausted and live to fight another day.

6-1, still haven't played our best game.

Agreed, if we can get some of our key players back we will be in much better shape.

The statistic that hit me hardest was that we are worst in the PAC-12 in the red zone on both offense and defense. That's got to change because the teams we need to beat are quite good in both categories.

10-15-2016, 10:43 PM
That's a good attitude. Obviously it helps you.

Haha. What do you think this is? The opera? The objective is to win football games--PERIOD!--not to do it a certain way. Whit's job was to bring me a dead body; he did that. I don't care how he did it.

And of course nobody here knows fuckola what they're talking about. Is anyone here a football coach who has lived with these guys? Was anyone there on the sideline contending with the injuries and the typhoon? OSU will always be a thorn in our side because they know us so well and we're a lot alike. The irony is that some who think we should have beaten this team by 60 wanted Hill to replace Whit with Anderson or that Mississippi State coach. I'm glad OSU is in the Northern Division and we don't have to play them every year.

Ma'ake is right.

LA Ute
10-15-2016, 11:19 PM
Haha. What do you think this is? The opera? The objective is to win football games--PERIOD!--not to do it a certain way. Whit's job was to bring me a dead body; he did that. I don't care how he did it.

And of course nobody here knows fuckola what they're talking about. Is anyone here a football coach who has lived with these guys? Was anyone there on the sideline contending with the injuries and the typhoon? OSU will always be a thorn in our side because they know us so well and we're a lot alike. The irony is that some who think we should have beaten this team by 60 wanted Hill to replace Whit with Anderson or that Mississippi State coach. I'm glad OSU is in the Northern Division and we don't have to play them every year.

Ma'ake is right.

Yep. I agreed with Ma'ake. And I always get a kick out of your instructions on these matters, you big lovable lug of a Ute fan, you!

10-15-2016, 11:38 PM
For the record, I'm pleasantly surprised with the offense this season. Not pleased with this game, but I'm definitely in the sane, keep arod camp.

Don't kid yourself. It's Whit's offense just like it's his defense. Whit doesn't want too much independence and creativity from his OC. For coaches like Whit, the offense's job is to keep the defense off the field so it can rest and minimize risk of injury, and score something because you need more than zero to win--but if not, the defense may score enough. Pete Carroll is the same way. You love our defense? You have to take the bad with the good. It's all of a piece.

10-15-2016, 11:38 PM
The game played out as I thought it would. We got the lead and held on. That's fine. I can even buy that Whit wanted the game plan to go a certain way. That's fine too. My gripe with the OC(s) is that they were so predictable, OSU knew what was coming...thus keeping them in the game.

I for one did not expect a blow out, but once we were up double digits, I expected us to maintain that. Predictable play calling kept it close.

Of course I'm happy with the win. Sheesh.

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10-15-2016, 11:41 PM
Someday Whit will get himself an Andre Miller at quarterback, and he'll say, as much as it's my instinct is to keep this guy on a short leash, I'm going to let him do his thing. I remember when Majerus said that about the original Andre. And when Whit gets himself his Andre Miller that may be when Utah reaches the summit. I'm still holding out hope it's Troy Williams.

10-15-2016, 11:50 PM
If today's game were the only game you had seen all season, I could understand your post. But in general this season, the offense has really opened up. We are passing quite a bit, we rely on big plays, and we go for it on fourth down all the time. The old Whitt stereotype hasn't held all season until today. Maybe we'll play more conservatively again with all the injuries.
Fair point. I was hoping for a field goal on 4th down at the end there to close the gap on my score prediction...but riverboat Kyle let me down!

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10-16-2016, 12:22 AM
If today's game were the only game you had seen all season, I could understand your post. But in general this season, the offense has really opened up. We are passing quite a bit, we rely on big plays, and we go for it on fourth down all the time. The old Whitt stereotype hasn't held all season until today. Maybe we'll play more conservatively again with all the injuries.

I don't think we disagree. You may think we do, but I don't think so.

10-16-2016, 12:42 AM
I'm sad that nobody had mentioned the amazing subplot here of Joe Williams' comeback. Let me be the first to celebrate it. Way to go, Joe! Our RB problems look a lot less than they did a week ago.

Rocker Ute
10-16-2016, 05:45 AM
I'm pretty stoked about Fumblin' Joe's epic return. However we sure put the ball in the hands of a guy who has been sitting on a couch for the last month a lot. He was gassed at the end and couldn't run violently. I don't blame Joe but I do blame (sorry Seattle) Arod for not recognizing that and adjusting.

A win's a win, I'm not in the fire Arod camp but let's not pretend that everything is coming up roses. You and Utah need to take less of a Baghdad Bob approach. Conversely, I do enjoy going back and reading posts made during the game. There are a couple of folks who I hope don't own a gun and also require two signatures before they make any significant financial decisions though.

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10-16-2016, 07:50 AM
I didn't watch the game because, Pac12 network. And after reading this thread, I don't think I'll watch a replay. But, 6-1 right now feels pretty durn good. The schedule toughenes up considerably from here on out. I'm convinced that that cal loss will keep us from winning the south. So enjoy the success we've had thus far, it probably won't last.

LA Ute
10-16-2016, 07:52 AM
Oh good. I thought you thought we disagreed.

It is no small thing to disagree with SU.

But, returning to my favorite statistic: I am astonished that we are 12th in the conference in both red zone offense and defense. I knew we were bad on offense in the red zone, but defense? Before anyone gets upset, I am not being critical of the program, just trying to understand. Those two stats together seem significant.

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10-16-2016, 09:31 AM
In the second half, we weren't getting the push from the OL that justified the 4th down tries against Cal and AZ, but when the defense knows what's coming, it's far easier to stop it. I get the sense that the wind mellowed out a little, but kicking a 35 yard field goal in wind starts to become a 33% gamble, so I don't think it's a case of bad decision making. OSU's kicker missed badly, twice. I remember a NFL game where the FG attempt looked right down the barrel, and ended up out of bounds, on the side.

Oregon State came out in the 2nd half stoked, they played hard, they really believed they were going to get their second PAC-12 win. By contrast, we were methodical, which was fine. We didn't get a lot of stupid penalties.

I want to see the post game presser, but in the game, with HighDef - still the biggest development in sports in the past 10 years - there was no panic from Troy. Kid is a very cool customer, not like we've seen since BJ. If the weather wasn't a factor, I think we crank out 200 yards in passing.

The red zone stats are a concern. In hindsight, I think Phillips would get us off the basement on offense, if we went conventional and kicked the FGs more often. We just played 4 PAC-12 teams with weakness on the DL. We'll go to the air more vs UCLA, UW and beyond... ASU looks vulnerable up front.

I'm glad Fogel got a lot of in-game experience, but Marcus is our most valuable defender, or at least is tied, with Lotulelei, and Hansen (who was massive, yesterday).

Ugly game, in crappy conditions, against an opponent that was highly motivated and determined, and had a Cinderella storyline going. Whitt had less-than-zero interest in getting any style points vs Gary.

SU is totally right about Joe Williams being a huge positive. Against UCLA he'll get far fewer carries, and hopefully Moss is ready to do some pounding, because that's not Joe's game. I was impressed that Butler-Byrd just plugged in and was effective as a RB. That speaks well of him.

If we can get a similar turnaround from the last time we played UCLA in the Rose Bowl - laid an egg at home vs Wazzu, then beat #8 UCLA on the road - I'll take it!

10-16-2016, 10:16 AM
Foregoing the field goal did not bother me yesterday. With that little time left, osu's best chance for victory is a block returned for a touchdown.

10-16-2016, 10:20 AM
Butler-Byrd is special. Get the ball in his hands. I like that we forced it to him yesterday. We need to do more of that.

10-16-2016, 10:33 AM
There is one constant in the offense and that is the overall philosophy of the head coach. Turning the hiring of offensive staff to Erickson will not change anything unless you want to change the head coach. Changing OC's again for the 7th or 8th time in his 11 years as head coach will not change anything. His philosophy is puts a premium on defense, special teams, and not turning the ball over. Frustrating as the offense is, I don't want to change head coaches.

I agree with this.

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10-16-2016, 10:36 AM
In the second half, we weren't getting the push from the OL that justified the 4th down tries against Cal and AZ, but when the defense knows what's coming, it's far easier to stop it.

Oregon State came out in the 2nd half stoked, they played hard, they really believed they were going to get their second PAC-12 win. By contrast, we were methodical, which was fine. We didn't get a lot of stupid penalties.

I think this is a key point that I saw as well. I felt like Utah dominated the first half but made the mistakes that prevented the game from being more like 24-0 (and even that is conservative). They moved the ball fairly steadily on the ground and only a few fumbles and a penalty or two stopped them from blowing it open. Blame it on the players, blame it on the conditions, it doesn't matter.

On the other hand, I thought the Utes came out in the second half and felt like they had things under control and could just coast. They looked to me like a team that had enough of the rain and wind and just couldn't wait to get on the plane back to SLC. OSU on the other hand came out and fought.

Everybody has been all over the playcalling and maybe they're right, but I kind of think the coaches' hands were tied. Did we run Joe too much? Probably, but what else did we have? Run Troy more? Not after he fumbled twice in the first half. Run one of the other backs? That's not a great situation to get somebody their first real work and there has to be a very good reason why they don't want to use Manalo at all. Should you throw the ball more? With our success rate when we did throw I have a hard time believing that we needed more of that. There's a lot of downside with the potential for an interception and extra clock stoppages (on Utah's possession in the middle of the 4th they threw several times incomplete, giving OSU an extra 1-2 minutes to work with at the end).

I'm not saying I love the playcalling in the second half but it was largely the same stuff that was working in the first and I'm not smart enough to know what would have worked better in that situation.

I wonder how many more Whitt-Gary matchups we'll get in the PAC 12. I believe OSU will rotate off the schedule the next two years. Will both coaches still be at their school in 2019? The north is brutal right now. OSU can improve a bunch and still be about 5th in their division because UW is going to be very good as long as Peterson is there, Leach has Wazzu rocking and I believe Stanford and Oregon will both bounce back relatively quickly. Cal is about the only team I can see OSU passing because I don't think Dykes will last long. I wonder how long Gary will be able to hang on there.

What I do know is that every time Whitt and Gary face each other, with their similar styles and familiarity, it will be an ugly grinder of a game. Best to just accept that.

10-16-2016, 10:50 AM
Word is they burned Henry-Cole's redshirt

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I am watching the game now. He was just in at RB with about 6 minutes left in the 2Q. It was after Williams's big run. I am guessing both he and CBB were gassed.

10-16-2016, 10:59 AM
Where does the term "burned a redshirt" come from?

We haven't done anything with DHC's redshirt. He just won't redshirt this year. He can still redshirt in future years.

10-16-2016, 11:00 AM
I'm just pissed at our defense. I predicted a 19-0 win for us.

LA Ute
10-16-2016, 11:22 AM
On the other hand, I thought the Utes came out in the second half and felt like they had things under control and could just coast. They looked to me like a team that had enough of the rain and wind and just couldn't wait to get on the plane back to SLC. OSU on the other hand came out and fought.

In his post game interview with Riley, Chase Hansen said the Utes came out a little flat after halftime. One great thing about these Utes is that they do learn, and I'm sure they learned from that letdown.

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10-16-2016, 11:31 AM
I think this is a key point that I saw as well. I felt like Utah dominated the first half but made the mistakes that prevented the game from being more like 24-0 (and even that is conservative). They moved the ball fairly steadily on the ground and only a few fumbles and a penalty or two stopped them from blowing it open. Blame it on the players, blame it on the conditions, it doesn't matter.

On the other hand, I thought the Utes came out in the second half and felt like they had things under control and could just coast. They looked to me like a team that had enough of the rain and wind and just couldn't wait to get on the plane back to SLC. OSU on the other hand came out and fought.

Everybody has been all over the playcalling and maybe they're right, but I kind of think the coaches' hands were tied. Did we run Joe too much? Probably, but what else did we have? Run Troy more? Not after he fumbled twice in the first half. Run one of the other backs? That's not a great situation to get somebody their first real work and there has to be a very good reason why they don't want to use Manalo at all. Should you throw the ball more? With our success rate when we did throw I have a hard time believing that we needed more of that. There's a lot of downside with the potential for an interception and extra clock stoppages (on Utah's possession in the middle of the 4th they threw several times incomplete, giving OSU an extra 1-2 minutes to work with at the end).

I'm not saying I love the playcalling in the second half but it was largely the same stuff that was working in the first and I'm not smart enough to know what would have worked better in that situation.

I wonder how many more Whitt-Gary matchups we'll get in the PAC 12. I believe OSU will rotate off the schedule the next two years. Will both coaches still be at their school in 2019? The north is brutal right now. OSU can improve a bunch and still be about 5th in their division because UW is going to be very good as long as Peterson is there, Leach has Wazzu rocking and I believe Stanford and Oregon will both bounce back relatively quickly. Cal is about the only team I can see OSU passing because I don't think Dykes will last long. I wonder how long Gary will be able to hang on there.

What I do know is that every time Whitt and Gary face each other, with their similar styles and familiarity, it will be an ugly grinder of a game. Best to just accept that.

Agreed. We can't stop playing OSU soon enough as far as I'm concerned.

10-16-2016, 11:36 AM
Gary Andersen is an amazing coach. Top 25 at worst. It will be nice to get them off the schedule so he can "upset" other schools as he builds OSU up.

It's much better to lose to an expected 8 win team than an expected 3 win team.

10-16-2016, 11:46 AM
Where does the term "burned a redshirt" come from?

We haven't done anything with DHC's redshirt. He just won't redshirt this year. He can still redshirt in future years.

He also got a carry on the last play of the 3Q.

It depends on how effective he is in the season where he plays.

In 2002, Alex Smith came into the SDSU game where we were struggling badly on offense, just to throw a pick 6.

Had he stayed long enough to see the end of his eligibility at Utah and got injured or something right before his senior year, that play would've been seen as "burning his eligibility" since his play was largely ineffective and you could use that redshirt for an injury season.

USS Utah
10-16-2016, 11:53 AM
(Think Top Gear's Star in the Reasonably Priced Car)

The two Ws are for wet and windy. Yesterday was very frustrating, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it would have been much less so if not for the weather.

For those complaining about the offense, I have to say that I was more upset at the defense. Those two TD drive by OSU were simply unacceptable. The first one was too damn easy, the second one made the third string QB look like an all star.

Now, I am not going to tell anyone not to grouse about the game. As I said, it was frustrating, and it took me a couple of hours to unwind, even as I breathed a sigh of relief. If grousing makes you feel better and helps you cope, then, by all means, press on.

OTOH, if grousing actually makes you feel worse, might I suggest a different coping method?

Finally, for you Sunday morning QBs, while hindsight is 20/20, remember that Winston Churchill pointed that it does not tell what would have happened if a different course of action had been followed.

10-16-2016, 11:54 AM
We still have DHC's redshirt. We can still use it. You don't assign redshirt's until the season ends.

Alex Smith never used his redshirt. It was still available to him.

Heck, playing DHC helps with redshirting. If you redshirt with no injury, it's very hard to get a medical RS. If you RS due to injury and get hurt again, it's easier to get a medical RS.

10-16-2016, 12:09 PM
For the past two seasons, we've played both Oregon schools, but only UW and Cal from the other coastal states.

Assuming we resume Wazzu and Stanford, we'll drop UW or Cal, if OSU is already going to be off the schedule. I'd rather take a break from UW.

10-16-2016, 01:42 PM
One great thing about these Utes is that they do learn, and I'm sure they learned from that letdown.

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So, I am not so sure about this. I agree with Seattle Utes that the goal is to win, and we shouldn't stare too hard at how that's done, but I can't go as far as he did and suggest that it doesn't matter. A season is a process. If the team isn't improving from week to week (overall, obviously learning and improvement are rarely entirely consistent), then there is reason to investigate.
Troy Williams has improved significantly this season. Joe Williams had a tremendous game yesterday. I am undecided about the offensive line.

LA Ute
10-16-2016, 01:46 PM
By the way, lost among all this discussion of the team's performance is this: Yesterday it really was Utah by 5.

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LA Ute
10-16-2016, 02:07 PM
So, I am not so sure about this. I agree with Seattle Utes that the goal is to win, and we shouldn't stare too hard at how that's done, but I can't go as far as he did and suggest that it doesn't matter.

I am pretty sure that it does matter to Kyle and his staff.

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Diehard Ute
10-16-2016, 02:56 PM
One thing that wasn't mentioned about weather, Reeser stadium is odd.

It doesn't sit North-South like most stadiums. It actually sits at an angle. So the wind isn't behind or into you, it's a crosswind. Likely explains why the wind was more of a problem than it may usually have been.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
10-16-2016, 07:01 PM
One thing that wasn't mentioned about weather, Reeser stadium is odd.

It doesn't sit North-South like most stadiums. It actually sits at an angle. So the wind isn't behind or into you, it's a crosswind. Likely explains why the wind was more of a problem than it may usually have been.

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All you have to do is watch OSU's last field goal attempt. That was part kicker, but cross wind took it plenty as well.

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10-16-2016, 09:02 PM
For the past two seasons, we've played both Oregon schools, but only UW and Cal from the other coastal states.

Assuming we resume Wazzu and Stanford, we'll drop UW or Cal, if OSU is already going to be off the schedule. I'd rather take a break from UW.

It's Cal and OSU that rotate off (which is a bad break for Utah). Cal and Stanford alternate and then we rotate through the other four north division teams. OSU is the only one who we haven't missed so far.

10-17-2016, 02:13 PM
So, as terrible as ARod was, no props for 170+ yards from a kid who has not played football in a month and Butler-Burd with 50+ yards rushing as well.

Not too damn bad for a team on their 7th? string RB?

Man, imagine how great we would have been Saturday if ARod knew anything about offense.

10-17-2016, 03:48 PM
So, as terrible as ARod was, no props for 170+ yards from a kid who has not played football in a month and Butler-Burd with 50+ yards rushing as well.

Not too damn bad for a team on their 7th? string RB?

Man, imagine how great we would have been Saturday if ARod knew anything about offense.

Butler-Byrd was a lot of fun to watch on Saturday.
I wonder if he can throw it, because that sweep-action has "pass" written all over it (like Booker's pass last year vs. Oregon)

10-18-2016, 02:53 PM
Ijustwatchedthereplay.(Stupidspacebar).Thegamewasn 'tasgoodasFunkmadeitseem.

10-18-2016, 02:54 PM
Ijustwatchedthereplay.(Stupidspacebar).Thegamewasn 'tasgoodasFunkmadeitseem.
Yeah, well, and water is wet.

10-18-2016, 07:08 PM
Ijustwatchedthereplay.(Stupidspacebar).Thegamewasn 'tasgoodasFunkmadeitseem.

I only wish that we Admins could somehow take credit for your faulty space bar.

10-18-2016, 07:34 PM
I only wish that we Admins could somehow take credit for your faulty space bar.
I think the cookie crumbs in the keyboard share the blame for the Spacebar issues.

10-18-2016, 07:46 PM
I only wish that we Admins could somehow take credit for your faulty space bar.

I think the cookie crumbs in the keyboard share the blame for the Spacebar issues.
Guys this is serious! I'm on my phone now but at work I can't use the spacebar. What will y'all do without my posts?

10-18-2016, 08:17 PM
I listened to DJ and PK on the drive to work, looking for some giggles about BYU's situation, but instead they had a long interview with Lincoln Kennedy, the former UW & NFL O-lineman, who does some PAC-12 analysis, and does broadcasts for Fox.

He has to be one of the sharpest football minds in all of the media. Hans Olsen is pretty astute, insightful, and well spoken, but Lincoln Kennedy is a few tiers above him. Essentially he's of the same mindset many of us are, looking for the Utes to put together a complete game. He thinks we should take care of business at UCLA, and then the Washington game will be big.

10-19-2016, 07:35 AM
Guys this is serious! I'm on my phone now but at work I can't use the spacebar. What will y'all do without my posts?


10-19-2016, 08:26 AM

Cruel post.

10-19-2016, 08:34 AM
Cruel post.

Truth hurts. Sorry not sorry.