View Full Version : College Gameday against the Husky Boys

10-22-2016, 08:13 PM


Diehard Ute
10-22-2016, 08:29 PM


Interesting picture choice ;)


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10-22-2016, 09:32 PM
Probably should have started with these:




Dwight Schr-Ute
10-23-2016, 04:38 PM

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10-23-2016, 07:05 PM
Line opens as Huskys -10.5

Rocker Ute
10-23-2016, 08:39 PM
A look at the schedule of the Huskies shows they've had the relative easy part of their schedule... but so have we. Chris Peterson at BSU had Utah's number in a big way. I think Utah is going to pull it together and play the best game of their season, but I wonder if it will be enough. You've got to believe that they saw the UCLA game and aren't going to want to have Joe Williams setting school records (and current season records) on them. Does that open up other parts of the game for us? How can we play that to our advantage.

Secondary got torn up yesterday. That's got to change if we've got a shot. Faelen had a pretty good game considering he got rushed a ton, very cool head. We've got to get pressure in the backfield.

I'm pretty nervous about this. I really don't want it to be like the TCU coming out party when Game Day was here two times ago.

10-23-2016, 09:30 PM
This game totally reminds me of 2010. The similarities are very eerie. For example:

In 2010, you had a 9-0 team vs a 8-0 team. You had college gameday present. You had major bowl implications (BCS) on the line.

You had team 1, with no bye coming into the game. They had faced a tougher schedule before hand. Their opponents average offensive rank was 69. Their opponents defensive rank was 76. Their offense wasn't scoring as much per game as team 2.

Team 2 had a bye in week 5. They had faced an easier schedule leading up to the game. Their opponent's average offensive rank was 91. Their opponent's average defensive rank was 80. Their offense was more potent scoring wise than team 1.

Team 1 went out and destroyed team two, 47-7.

This season is almost an exact copy of that season. This year has a 7-1 team vs a 7-0 team. College Gameday will be present. Winner has the inside track on a playoff berth at best, Rose Bowl at worst.

Team 1 has not had a bye coming into the game. They have faced a tougher schedule so far. Their opponent's average offensive rank is 59 and defense is 86. Their offense isn't scoring as much as team 2.

Team 2 has had a bye in week 6 coming into the game. They have faced an easier schedule so far. Their opponent's average offensive rank is 85 and defensive is 93. Their offense is scoring more than team 1 per game.

The big difference this year? Washington looks like 2010 Utah and Utah looks like 2010 TCU.

As great as Washington has looked so far, they haven't faced a team anywhere near as good as Utah.

10-23-2016, 09:31 PM
Here is a crazy stat: If you look at total yards, Utah is the best offense Washington has faced all year. Only Stanford has a better defense.

Offensive yard-wise, UCLA and Washington essentially the same. Cal has a better offense. Washington will be the best defense we have faced all year, although UCLA was very similar until we played them.

What's my point? We've faced better offensive teams than Washington and similar defensive teams.

They haven't faced a team anywhere near as good as we are.

Edit: If you look at yds/game, Oregon is a better offensive team with 480-ish yards/gm. We are still at 433 yds/game.

10-23-2016, 11:11 PM
Utah...in many cases, I don't agree with your rose-colored views. Nonetheless, in this case, I like your data and am really hopeful that your prognostication is on the bulls-eye (at least on the target). Certainly don't want the repeat of 2010 -- at least make it competitive. I really don't want to see the team/school/fan-base go through the experience of 2010 or that of many BSU games.

10-24-2016, 12:15 AM
I think one thing Utah has going for it is a huge psychological advantage. Yes, they're at home. But the primary reason I say this is that everything has just come too easily to Washington thus far--deceptively easy I submit. Husky fans have wanted soooooooo! badly to end Oregon's winning streak, and they did it in resounding fashion. The problem is, Oregon is a bad team. It just is. Also, there was this huge expectation for the Stanford game; from the perspective of Husky fans, as it loomed the game looked much like this game does to Utah. And the Huskies blew them out. But now we see that Stanford is not so good after all. The Huskies' pre-season was a joke. And lest we forget, Arizona took them into overtime.

After 15 dismal or mediocre years--including an 0-12 season--the elation here is incredible. Recently the Huskies were in the top 10 for the first time in the last 15 years. How many times have the Utes been in the top 10 in the last 15 years? A lot of times. I think the Huskies are a very good team--and I say this as a Huskies fan who has raised his children to cheer for the Huskies (though I'm a Huskies fan at not anywhere near the depth and degree that I'm Ute fan)--but I have a feeling they are not as good as they or the media thinks they are.

On the other hand, all this ballyhooing of the Huskies only motivates the Utes--who really have a lot less to lose, don't they. There is much less burden of history and of expectations on the Utes. Moreover, the Utes, after all those injuries, must feel like they are playing with house money. Mentally, Joe Williams is in a perfect place right now, running behind an O-line loaded with future NFLers. I think that Saturday the Utes will be the tougher, more crazy but looser team, the team playing with abandon, at home, in a tough place for visitors.

Then there is this interesting subplot: Troy Williams was recruited to Washington by recruiter extraordinaire Steve Sarkisian--Sarkisian followed him almost all through high school. He was the top dual threat prospect in the nation (173d on the ESPN 300; Utah has hardly ever had an ESPN 300 freshman recruit). But after Troy's freshman year Sark went to USC, Chris Peterson came, and he recruited his own quarterback, Jake Browning. Troy lost the starting job to Browning and transferred. Troy is a quiet, down to business, seemingly low emotion guy who has had not much to say about the foregoing. But revenge is a dish best served cold...

10-24-2016, 12:30 AM
Utah has never had an ESPN 300 freshman recruit

For what it's worth, Utah had an ESPN 300 freshman recruit last year.

10-24-2016, 01:02 AM
For what it's worth, Utah had an ESPN 300 freshman recruit last year.

I stand corrected. Tupai was 270th last year. He's the only one I'm aware of.

10-24-2016, 08:43 AM
I'm really nervous about the middle of our defense on Saturday. Barton is just too slow to stay with TEs, not to mention RB out of the backfield. Is it possible that tauteloli will be back for the game? Also, I loved the 2 picks by our safeties, but we obviously miss Marcus back there. We were soft as butter on coverage over the middle and tackling (Brian Allen, shame on you) all over the field. We'll have to clean that up to have a prayer on Saturday.

10-24-2016, 08:55 AM
I'm really nervous about the middle of our defense on Saturday. Barton is just too slow to stay with TEs, not to mention RB out of the backfield. Is it possible that tauteloli will be back for the game? Also, I loved the 2 picks by our safeties, but we obviously miss Marcus back there. We were soft as butter on coverage over the middle and tackling (Brian Allen, shame on you) all over the field. We'll have to clean that up to have a prayer on Saturday.

I haven't figured out if Barton's numbers are a result of him being good or our defense setting up for LBs to make a ton of tackles.

I will say this...I have a tough time imagining that UW's WRs are going to be wide open at the same clip that they were against Oregon St.

We're gonna need to pressure Browning early and often.

10-24-2016, 09:09 AM
The Ravens are on a bye this week...let's get Steve Smith to SLC as the Celebrity Guest Picker.

LA Ute
10-24-2016, 10:52 AM
One thing we can be sure of is that Washington will be ready for that counter play. It'll be interesting to see what else A-Rod comes up with.

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10-24-2016, 11:08 AM
The Ravens are on a bye this week...let's get Steve Smith to SLC as the Celebrity Guest Picker.

or Weddle. has he done it already?

10-24-2016, 11:27 AM
One thing we can be sure of is that Washington will be ready for that counter play. It'll be interesting to see what else A-Rod comes up with.

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Nah. They'll be expecting something different. Let's shake up their shakeup and just run the counter play.

They'll never see it coming.

10-24-2016, 01:07 PM
Nah. They'll be expecting something different. Let's shake up their shakeup and just run the counter play.

They'll never see it coming.

Clearly, they should not choose to focus on the counter play. Only a fool would do that. Clearly, they are not fools. But we must know they are not fools. So clearly they must choose to focus on defending the counter play.


10-24-2016, 01:53 PM
Random thoughts from last week's game:

1. In all the superlatives about Rumblin Joe, one thing that has surprised me about him is how much better he is after contact now then he was at the start of this year. He'll never be Devontae Booker in this category, but he has become much better at gaining yards after contact. Still, he's valuable because of his homerun speed (see, e.g, UCLA), but he was devastatingly bad early on about the small 3 yarders; he was turning gains of three into a loss of one. Now, however, he's taking what the defense gives him and churning for yards. And then once he hits the second level, good bye! Really great to see him perform so well.

2. UCLA was running their RB (olufumbelyea) into the flat with ZERO intent of throwing the ball to him. I mean, he was just running to the sidelines without ever looking back for the pass. They must have done this 20 times. I couldn't tell what they were trying to do, but my guess is they wanted Kavika L out of the play and they wanted Barton in isolation. If we'd switched and put Barton on the RB, my guess is they would have thrown to him or done a wheel route, but we never switched up. This is my big concern of the Washington game; Barton on UW's tight end.

3. Injury report? Any information on Casey hughes who hurt his shoulder late? What about Domo? He was carried off the field and I didn't see him return.

4. D-line: We got good pressure from the right side (Dimick) all game. We really miss Kylie Fitts. Is something wrong with Pita? He was invisible this game although he was out there for most of it. He needs to step it up; if he's not going to pressure the QB we might as well have a big guy that can hold down the edge.

5. J Fogal: I thought he was oK, considering he's a former walk on taking over for all Pac M. Williams. He had two picks that were misthrown balls, but he had a few whiffs on tackles and more than a few passes in which he was too steps to late. I suspect a team would have more respect if Marcus was in there and not throw to Iese all game.

6. O line: Big time game. Boilles and Asiata make for a mean left side. This is the first year in the Pac when I feel we have an above average O-line.

7. Mokofisi's sack on the last drive of the game was a killer. Props to him, but that is a rookie mistake by Falafel to take that sack. Take grounding over the sack there.

8. Andy has been less than atuomatic, but he had a really good game. Lots of 45+ tries and besides the first one I think he nailed them all.

9. For all the hate that Arod and Harding get on here (looking at you Funk and HotLunch), the o-line dominated and the play-calling was great. This was a UCLA team that was supposedly great against the run, BUT WE HAD THE ALL-TIME RUSHING RECORD AGAINST THEM! (Not only a Utah record, it was the most yards Ucla has given up to one player, ever). I think they deserve a sincere apology and maybe a fruit basket from you guys.

10. 7-1! (I can't stop thinking about what would have been if we had just executed vs Cal :(

10-24-2016, 02:23 PM
Random thoughts from last week's game:

7. Mokofisi's sack on the last drive of the game was a killer. Props to him, but that is a rookie mistake by Falafel to take that sack. Take grounding over the sack there.

Taking a grounding penalty would result in a 10 second run-off. Still might have worked to their advantage, but only by one play or so.

Diehard Ute
10-24-2016, 03:30 PM
I like all your points. I have nothing to add other than I think Domo came right back in a few plays later. I think it was a leg cramp.

Yes Domo went out after first down and returned on third.

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The Thrill
10-24-2016, 04:59 PM
or Weddle. has he done it already?

Steve Smith and Eric Weddle are the easy picks but I don't see either one of them doing it.
Somebody has been keeping track https://gamedaycole.com/archival-picks/
2003 - vs BYU - I don't believe there was a picker.
2010 - vs TCU - Ty Burrell
2015 - vs Cal - John Stockton
2016 - My pick is Jerry Sloan. If his Parkinsons is too much then I'd have to go CJ Cron. The dude hit .325 this year with 16 home runs.

10-24-2016, 05:46 PM
Ted Miller says the Huskies have a good but not great run defense. I can't post the link. The site won't let me. Sorry.

LA Ute
10-24-2016, 05:50 PM
Ted Miller says the Huskies have a good but not great run defense. I can't post the link. The site won't let me. Sorry.

This seems to work (not sure it's what you were trying to link to):

Pac-12 Heat check: Defining moment for Utah and Washington

Rocker Ute
10-24-2016, 05:58 PM
I'm glad I wasn't the only person calling him Falafel during the game. During another game there was a player named Vallejo that when I first saw his jersey I thought it said Waffle Jo. (Another good nickname that hopefully isn't racist).

Maybe I'm hungry during the game or something.

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10-24-2016, 06:01 PM
I like all your points. I have nothing to add other than I think Domo came right back in a few plays later. I think it was a leg cramp.

Domo was dancing with the fans at the end of the game. He looked fine.

10-24-2016, 06:02 PM
Ted Miller says the Huskies have a good but not great run defense. I can't post the link. The site won't let me. Sorry.

We need Moss. NEED him. Or Howard.

10-24-2016, 06:51 PM
I like all your points. I have nothing to add other than I think Domo came right back in a few plays later. I think it was a leg cramp.

I'm glad I wasn't the only person calling him Falafel during the game. During another game there was a player named Vallejo that when I first saw his jersey I thought it said Waffle Jo. (Another good nickname that hopefully isn't racist).

Maybe I'm hungry during the game or something.

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10-24-2016, 07:22 PM
Someone on twitter is suggesting this as a GameDay sign. I like it!


LA Ute
10-25-2016, 05:11 AM
Why The Utah Utes Deserve Your Respect And Attention


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10-25-2016, 12:51 PM
Why The Utah Utes Deserve Your Respect And Attention


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Absolutely correct. Thanks for sharing.

10-25-2016, 12:58 PM
Wtf are the talking about? A lot of nastiness toward Troy Williams there. I'm not convinced it's deserved. They're reading too much into his comments.


10-25-2016, 01:45 PM
Wtf are the talking about? A lot of nastiness toward Troy Williams there. I'm not convinced it's deserved. They're reading too much into his comments.


That may be the most pathetic board I've ever read through. Holy cow.

It was like sitting in a group of dumb, illiterate 13 year olds.

10-25-2016, 01:53 PM
If we can knock Browning down a peg or two, we win. His growth is the biggest reason behind UW's surge this year.

The scary thing is elite QBs usually thrive against our defense after multiple looks. Think about guys like John Beck and Andy Dalton from the MWC, and Matt Leinart and Marcus Mariota in the Pac-12. Average at best the first time around, positively lethal the 2nd or 3rd time around. Jared Goff never got two looks at Utah. Kevin Hogan would've probably eaten us up last year (would've been his 3rd look -- Dalton's 3rd game was 2009, when TCU hung up 55 against us). Fafaul appears to be the exception, but 70 attempts will do that. He also averaged only 6.6 YPA, which is mediocre.

10-25-2016, 04:35 PM
If we can knock Browning down a peg or two, we win. His growth is the biggest reason behind UW's surge this year.

The scary thing is elite QBs usually thrive against our defense after multiple looks. Think about guys like John Beck and Andy Dalton from the MWC, and Matt Leinart and Marcus Mariota in the Pac-12. Average at best the first time around, positively lethal the 2nd or 3rd time around. Jared Goff never got two looks at Utah. Kevin Hogan would've probably eaten us up last year (would've been his 3rd look -- Dalton's 3rd game was 2009, when TCU hung up 55 against us). Fafaul appears to be the exception, but 70 attempts will do that. He also averaged only 6.6 YPA, which is mediocre.

MattLeinart?IthinkyoumeanMattBarkley.Hey,coolIhave AppleJack'sdiseasenow.

Diehard Ute
10-25-2016, 04:41 PM
MattLeinart?IthinkyoumeanMattBarkley.Hey,coolIhave AppleJack'sdiseasenow.

Unclean! Unclean!

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10-25-2016, 05:36 PM
MattLeinart?IthinkyoumeanMattBarkley.Hey,coolIhave AppleJack'sdiseasenow.
Sucks, huh?

10-25-2016, 06:38 PM
UW is tempting the Oliver Woofing Theorem right now.

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LA Ute
10-25-2016, 07:30 PM
UW is tempting the Oliver Woofing Theorem right now.

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OK, I Googled it:


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10-25-2016, 07:39 PM
OK, I Googled it:


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You have not been a student of my posts. Shame on you.

10-25-2016, 07:43 PM
UW is tempting the Oliver Woofing Theorem right now.

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In that case, we are so getting our asses kicked this weekend.

10-25-2016, 07:44 PM
In that case, we are so getting our asses kicked this weekend.
Did you not read about the reverse-woof?!?

10-25-2016, 08:06 PM
Time to break the streak!


10-25-2016, 08:09 PM
Matchup breakdown by Reddit CFB.


10-25-2016, 08:51 PM
Did you not read about the reverse-woof?!?


LA Ute
10-25-2016, 09:00 PM
You have not been a student of my posts. Shame on you.

I can't be everywhere.

10-25-2016, 09:42 PM
Sucks, huh?

How did you end up fixing it? (Or did you?)

LA Ute
10-26-2016, 03:54 AM
Utah football: Usually stout, Ute defense struggling with missed tackles and big plays


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Diehard Ute
10-26-2016, 05:56 AM
How did you end up fixing it? (Or did you?)


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10-26-2016, 07:43 AM

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Crush them up and sprinkle it on your keyboard every 6 hours.

10-26-2016, 09:16 AM
For the love of all things holy, I'm rooting for Utah on saturday. Please win by a wide margin and intercept Browning 2+ times.

10-26-2016, 10:19 AM
If we can knock Browning down a peg or two, we win. His growth is the biggest reason behind UW's surge this year.

The scary thing is elite QBs usually thrive against our defense after multiple looks. Think about guys like John Beck and Andy Dalton from the MWC, and Matt Leinart and Marcus Mariota in the Pac-12. Average at best the first time around, positively lethal the 2nd or 3rd time around. Jared Goff never got two looks at Utah. Kevin Hogan would've probably eaten us up last year (would've been his 3rd look -- Dalton's 3rd game was 2009, when TCU hung up 55 against us). Fafaul appears to be the exception, but 70 attempts will do that. He also averaged only 6.6 YPA, which is mediocre.

I think the difference now is that except for BYU--and it took Beck heroics to beat Utah on the last play--those teams had a huge talent and athleticism advanatage over the Utes. The odds were that the next time they'd be better ready for the Utes in every way and take care of business. The Huskies do have a talent and athleticism advantage, but not by much. And this Ute team has already beaten teams with a lot more talent and athleticism than Washington--USC and UCLA. Those teams certainly weren't caught napping against Utah, and their thoroughbreds prepared our team not to be overwhelmed by Washington's level of talent and athleticism, which is comparable to Cal's (if anything, Petersen's recruiting is a notch lower than Sark's--the one exception is Browning, who stands out in his recruiting classes).

I agree that a key is to bring Browning down to earth. But Washington is not all about Browning; it's a balanced team. We're going to have to deter the running game and score points on offense, as well as limit Browning to a mediocre or bad game and get some turnovers.

There's nothing structurally preventing the Utes from doing this. The problem is that for the first time this season we're facing a coach who is as good as ours.

10-26-2016, 12:06 PM
Agree. Like I said, I haven't seen this UW team, but I've seen many, many Chris Petersen teams. It's all about the run game opening up the throw game.

Of course, maybe UW looks at the UCLA film and decides they don't need to bother with establishing a run against us.

What's Marcus Williams's status?

Diehard Ute
10-26-2016, 12:36 PM
What's Marcus Williams's status?

He's likely out, but since the U's new website is rather poor I haven't seen the depth chart.

Those who saw him after he was hurt said he was in a full leg brace often used for ACL injuries.

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10-26-2016, 12:51 PM
He's likely out, but since the U's new website is rather poor I haven't seen the depth chart.

Those who saw him after he was hurt said he was in a full leg brace often used for ACL injuries.

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i heard gametime for Marcus. If he doesn't go this week, he is 100% expected back after the bye week.

10-26-2016, 12:54 PM
Whit said Marcus should not be out the whole season. But he wants to protec their privacy. I understand why, especially for the NFL prospects.

The Thrill
10-26-2016, 01:05 PM
since the U's new website is rather poor I haven't seen the depth chart.

I've found this website to be rather accurate. OurLads (http://www.ourlads.com/ncaa-football-depth-charts/depth-chart/utah/92292). At least more than utahutes.com

10-26-2016, 01:16 PM
Agree. Like I said, I haven't seen this UW team, but I've seen many, many Chris Petersen teams. It's all about the run game opening up the throw game.

Of course, maybe UW looks at the UCLA film and decides they don't need to bother with establishing a run against us.

I don't think they will abandon the run with a guy like Gaskin. The probably won't do too much running up the middle, but use him more him on lateral speed runs, or pass to him in the backfield.

Diehard Ute
10-26-2016, 01:48 PM
I've found this website to be rather accurate. OurLads (http://www.ourlads.com/ncaa-football-depth-charts/depth-chart/utah/92292). At least more than utahutes.com

I actually figured out the U's new website. The banner that says "Utah vs Washington Pregame Notes" is actually the link to the full PDF release with the depth chart

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10-26-2016, 02:24 PM
How did you end up fixing it? (Or did you?)
I didn't. It comes and goes. I'm in my phone now which doesn't have the problem.

10-26-2016, 03:28 PM
...... We're going to have to deter the running game and score points on offense, as well as limit Browning to a mediocre or bad game and get some turnovers.........

I figure Washington is gonna load up on Rumblin Joe. He's not gonna sneak in and surprise anyone anymore. Would be ideal if Troy was healthy and able to run some read option to take away pressure from Joe. To me, however, Troy doesn't look healthy enough for this to happen. Our OL is really gonna need to have the game of their lives, plus create some deep territory turnovers on D.

I just don't think we've played at a level all season to beat an elite team this year. From the eyeball test, Washington is an elite team.

10-26-2016, 03:33 PM
I figure Washington is gonna load up on Rumblin Joe. He's not gonna sneak in and surprise anyone anymore. Would be ideal if Troy was healthy and able to run some read option to take away pressure from Joe. To me, however, Troy doesn't look healthy enough for this to happen. Our OL is really gonna need to have the game of their lives, plus create some deep territory turnovers on D.

I just don't think we've played at a level all season to beat an elite team this year. From the eyeball test, Washington is an elite team.

This is where Tyrone Smith and Tim Patrick FINALLY being healthy will make a HUGE difference. We can move Butler-Byrd from the outside to the inside, force Washington to spread out and cover Patrick and Smith, then hit B-B across the middle.

I'd expect Washington to load the box early and the middle of the field. Also, look for Utah to take a shot down field on their first play with Tim Patrick. PA run to Joe, then launch it deep.

LA Ute
10-26-2016, 03:36 PM
I listened to a podcast of the John Pease interview. His keys for winning:

*Win at the line of scrimmage, both ways. He thinks Utah has an advantage here because the Huskies haven't come up against linemen of Utah's caliber yet. We don't have to dominate them (although that's the goal), just be overall consistently better.

*Turnovers -- win the margin, and get at least 3.

*Minimize big plays by Washington. One key to this is to make Browning uncomfortable constantly. Pease thinks sacks are overrated, harassment is really the goal.

Nothing too earth-shaking but he's a smart guy and these are good things to watch for.

10-26-2016, 03:37 PM
This is where Tyrone Smith and Tim Patrick FINALLY being healthy will make a HUGE difference. We can move Butler-Byrd from the outside to the inside, force Washington to spread out and cover Patrick and Smith, then hit B-B across the middle.

I'd expect Washington to load the box early and the middle of the field. Also, look for Utah to take a shot down field on their first play with Tim Patrick. PA run to Joe, then launch it deep.

At this point, why would Tyrone Smith start over Simpkins or Wilson. Smith seems to have more drops than anyone.

Diehard Ute
10-26-2016, 03:40 PM
At this point, why would Tyrone Smith start over Simpkins or Wilson. Smith seems to have more drops than anyone.

Smith isn't starting. Smith is Patrick's backup.

Simpkins is CBB's backup

Wilson is Singleton's backup.

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10-26-2016, 03:41 PM
At this point, why would Tyrone Smith start over Simpkins or Wilson. Smith seems to have more drops than anyone.

Smith has had shoulder problems since BYU horse collared him. He was great before that. Wilson has been terrific as well. Simpkins was good too.

Isn't that crazy? We have depth at the WR position. We will lose Butler-Byrd and Patrick this year, but next year we will still have Singleton, Smith, Wilson, Simpkins, Dana, etc. Wow.

BTW - the first line wasn't doing the spaces. It's happened a bit on here lately. I just hit enter a time or two and it starts to work after that.

10-26-2016, 03:42 PM
Is handley back this week? He seems to be on the two-deep

10-26-2016, 03:43 PM
Also, Singleton is the starter opposite Patrick. Singleton has been playing a lot better recently. Kudos to the entire WR group. We are so much better than we were a year ago.

10-26-2016, 03:59 PM
This just went up. Seems about right.


I didn't know that Petersen has said that he looked to Whittingham's defenses as a model for UW's.

10-26-2016, 04:43 PM
I didn't. It comes and goes. I'm in my phone now which doesn't have the problem.


10-26-2016, 06:34 PM

Just use a tablet or your phone.

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10-26-2016, 09:40 PM
Just use a tablet or your phone.

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You are not the boss of me.

10-26-2016, 09:44 PM
BTW - the first line wasn't doing the spaces. It's happened a bit on here lately. I just hit enter a time or two and it starts to work after that.

I also have the spacing problem. Multiple computers.

10-27-2016, 07:03 AM
Dahlelama always comes through.


Rocker Ute
10-27-2016, 07:50 AM
I forgot it was against the Hooskies that Chase Hansen broke his leg: http://www.sltrib.com/sports/4508244-155/kragthorpe-utes-chase-hansen-hoping-for

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10-27-2016, 07:53 AM
I forgot it was against the Hooskies that Chase Hansen broke his leg: http://www.sltrib.com/sports/4508244-155/kragthorpe-utes-chase-hansen-hoping-for

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Last year they broke his leg...this year, he's gonna break their QB!

10-27-2016, 08:04 AM
Chris Peterson is a lifetime 87% home teacher

Jake still uses water wings.

Todd Graham stole Chris Peterson's Flowbee

Chris Peterson has a Blackberry

Chris Peterson has 4 sets of Ginzu knives

10-27-2016, 08:50 AM
My contribution.


BTW, put together in 5 minutes using http://www.lucidpress.com.

Diehard Ute
10-27-2016, 09:18 AM
Last year they broke his leg...this year, he's gonna break their QB!

Uhhh, we broke his leg, so does that mean we're breaking Troy?

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10-27-2016, 09:24 AM
I also have the spacing problem. Multiple computers.

This is boring. Everyone has the problem. Do we have to go on and on about it? Honestly, I think it's a bug Mooose or someone put on here. It seems to have something to do with the auto save functionality interfering with typing.

But it's not a problem on tablets and phones. Just get a keyboard for your tablet. Actually, I don't own an Apple computer, but it's probably not a problem with one of those. Sheesh.

10-27-2016, 09:28 AM
Uhhh, we broke his leg, so does that mean we're breaking Troy?

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Don't get caught up in the details...this is a prediction that Chase is gonna have a big game and maybe even bring a little pain to ole Jake!

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10-27-2016, 09:28 AM
I also have the spacing problem. Multiple computers.

Let's solve this in the "Site Issues" thread.

10-27-2016, 09:50 AM
Isn't Chris Petersen a Scientologist?

http://www.answers.com/Q/Is_Boise_State_coach_Chris_Petersen_a_Scientologis t

LA Ute
10-27-2016, 10:06 AM
Stewart Mandel picks us to beat the spread but that's as far as he'll go.


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10-27-2016, 10:17 AM
It's funny reading all the national guys takes on this game.

Well, Washington's stats are amazing, but Utah just keeps winning, and honestly, other than highlights, we haven't seen a second of either team this year.

So, *insert Whitt comment on tough defense* and *insert Petersen always has great teams* then pick Washington because you ranked them #4 without having seen them play this week.

No wonder those guys get paid so little.

10-27-2016, 11:54 AM
The refrain from the national press and of self-assurance here in Seattle is that Utah is a tough, physical, very well-coached team that won't beat itself--but Troy Williams just isn't good enough to give the Utes all the weapons they need to overcome Washington's complete defense. That's ironic considering Troy's history. He's just flat out going to have to play his best game yet.

If you look at his stats much of the skepticism about him is due to his numbers in October; there has been a drop-off since September. It seems maybe there were specific reasons for this beyond his control in the OSU game (game plan and weather) and the UCLA game (running game was doing so well) that explain this. I'm not sure about Arizona and Cal.

Diehard Ute
10-27-2016, 12:01 PM
The refrain from the national press and of self-assurance here in Seattle is that Utah is a tough, physical, very well-coached team that won't beat itself--but Troy Williams just isn't good enough to give the Utes all the weapons they need to overcome Washington's complete defense. That's ironic considering Troy's history. He's just flat out going to have to play his best game yet.

If you look at his stats much of the skepticism about him is due to his numbers in October; there has been a drop-off since September. It seems maybe there were specific reasons for this beyond his control in the OSU game (game plan and weather) and the UCLA game (running game was doing so well) that explain this. I'm not sure about Arizona and Cal.

He lost Tim Patrick, CBB, Harrison Handley and Tyrone Smith for some of those games and was dealing with taking snaps from his 3rd and 4th string center.

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10-27-2016, 12:05 PM
He lost Tim Patrick, CBB, Harrison Handley and Tyrone Smith for some of those games and was dealing with taking snaps from his 3rd and 4th string center.

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10-27-2016, 12:05 PM
He lost Tim Patrick, CBB, Harrison Handley and Tyrone Smith for some of those games and was dealing with taking snaps from his 3rd and 4th string center.

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which is a hell of a lot to ask any qb to overcome

10-27-2016, 12:18 PM
Troy has been very good about keeping his emotions in check. He'll need to do that again vs. UW...the ole don't get too high and don't get to low. Most importantly, don't try to do it all yourself. I think we'll see some play calls early to get him comfortable...some short routes, swing passes etc., and then we'll see him launch one. Hell, we might see him launch one on the first play of the drive. Lean on Joe and CBB...keep their O off the field.

10-27-2016, 12:31 PM
Troy has been very good about keeping his emotions in check. He'll need to do that again vs. UW...the ole don't get too high and don't get to low. Most importantly, don't try to do it all yourself. I think we'll see some play calls early to get him comfortable...some short routes, swing passes etc., and then we'll see him launch one. Hell, we might see him launch one on the first play of the drive. Lean on Joe and CBB...keep their O off the field.

One bittersweet memory they have of Troy here is his "tight spirals" and arm strength. Hell, I think he's leading the league in long pass completions. I want to see him launch some!

10-27-2016, 12:56 PM
One bittersweet memory they have of Troy here is his "tight spirals" and arm strength. Hell, I think he's leading the league in long pass completions. I want to see him launch some!

Definitely has something to prove...why not out duel a Heisman trophy candidate!

10-27-2016, 02:50 PM
The air in salt lake city is electric. Urea shock the world Saturday.

Diehard Ute
10-27-2016, 02:54 PM
The air in salt lake city is electric. Urea shock the world Saturday.

That sounds....smelly.

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10-27-2016, 03:01 PM
Definitely has something to prove...why not out duel a Heisman trophy candidate!

. . . who was recruited over him.

LA Ute
10-27-2016, 03:06 PM
. . . who was recruited over him.

Seems like everywhere Chris Peterson coaches he tries to find a Kellen Moore. That's not Troy. It might be Jake Browning.

10-27-2016, 03:08 PM
Wilner: Utah takes down Washington. http://www.mercurynews.com/2016/10/27/college-hotline-pac-12-football-picks-of-the-week-utah-takes-down-washington/

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10-27-2016, 03:45 PM
Re-watching last year's contest, UW ran a few boot leg plays that were wide open (similar to the play Arizona scored on, on the opening play of the game this year). We're going to need our guys to stay home on some of those plays so that we don't give up chunk yardage.

10-27-2016, 07:07 PM
This is boring. Everyone has the problem. Do we have to go on and on about it? Honestly, I think it's a bug Mooose or someone put on here. It seems to have something to do with the auto save functionality interfering with typing.

But it's not a problem on tablets and phones. Just get a keyboard for your tablet. Actually, I don't own an Apple computer, but it's probably not a problem with one of those. Sheesh.

Does it really require two paragraphs to explain how boring and irrelevant some one-line post is?
This reply is worthy of creekster in its eye-rollingly pedantic nature. (Not a compliment, by the way.)

Fine, mea culpa. I will focus on the topic

The game on Saturday, IMO, will hinge on Utah's ability to mount a pass rush. I thought UCLA held off the dogs for the most part last week (although they gave up a key sack on the last-gasp at the end).
It's going to take some innovation & effort to get to Browning.

10-27-2016, 11:15 PM
I am hopeful; at the same time, I think we lose this game. Win or lose, I really don't want to see the secondary get torched again.

Yah...I'm in your camp. If I were UW, I would pick on Domo all day long.

10-28-2016, 10:34 AM
Rarely bet on anything involving Utah (I did cash Utah -3.5 vs. USC earlier this year), but I'm gonna get some action on over 53.5.

My fear about such a bet is that by my estimation, there's a 1 in 3 chance Washington will do most of the heavy lifting.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-28-2016, 07:11 PM
My mom, who has not set foot in RES since my father passed away 10 years ago, and doesn't necessarily care much about Utah football, just called to run in the fact that she'll be attending tomorrow's game and watching it from being glass. She's the worst.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 11:22 AM
Two predictions for today. First, Brian Allen will get burned at least once. Second, Brian will make two great plays, probably interceptions.

Diehard Ute
10-29-2016, 12:53 PM
Troy McCormick and Zach Moss warming up, but CBB hasn't been seen (didn't come out with the kick returners or WR's)

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Diehard Ute
10-29-2016, 12:59 PM
Butler-Byrd Out.

Tauteloi is dressed and warming up.

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Diehard Ute
10-29-2016, 01:03 PM
Scratch that, Asiata isn't out. He's just wearing Dielman's jersey (Dielman is wearing Asiata's)

Don't ask me why

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 01:49 PM
I love it that we were able to move the ball against them, but I did not love the two almost interceptions.

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10-29-2016, 02:01 PM
I love it that we were able to move the ball against them, but I did not love the two almost interceptions.

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Troy seems to have forgotten that he does t play for the huskies anymore. He keeps trying to throw the ball to them.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:14 PM
0-0 this late in Q1 is unusual for UW. So there's a moral victory. Looks like it won't last.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:15 PM
0-0 this late in Q1 is unusual for UW. So there's a moral victory. Looks like it won't last.

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It didn't. I'm a bit worried by how easy that looked for UW.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-29-2016, 02:16 PM

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10-29-2016, 02:17 PM
Too easy.
And offense not moving much.
Joe looks good but moss a little tentative.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:22 PM
I've got to think that Joe could have gotten those 3 yards. Oh well.

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10-29-2016, 02:22 PM
Troy needs to settle down. His passes are too erratic.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:28 PM
Troy needs to settle down. His passes are too erratic.

Right, he has the receivers. The receivers also have to hang onto catchable balls.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:29 PM
This is looking too easy again. We are getting beaten on the edges big time.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:31 PM
This is shaping up as a pretty long game.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
10-29-2016, 02:34 PM
Okay. Down two scores. Game on!

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:37 PM
Not a single penalty on Washington yet. We have 4 or 5, I think. The stars are not aligned for us today.

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10-29-2016, 02:42 PM
Why are we not play calling to joe?

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:51 PM
Now we are using Joe

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 02:54 PM
We are just weird when it is first and goal.

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10-29-2016, 02:58 PM
Troy is 3-12 for 14 yards. I'm hoping he can settle down and get more business like instead of playing emotionally. From the gesture the Washington player made for the penalty, it seems Troy may still be running his mouth out there.

10-29-2016, 03:17 PM
Impressive execution by fg unit. Wow.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 03:20 PM
Has UW had a halftime score this close this season?

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10-29-2016, 03:26 PM
That hurry up field goal was impressive. DLine is playing well.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 03:43 PM
Chunk yards. I love it.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 03:47 PM
These false starts. I don't know.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 03:48 PM
OK, whatever else we might say about a-rod, that was a pretty doggone good play call.

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10-29-2016, 03:49 PM
Nice drive.
Troy looks settled down a bit.

10-29-2016, 04:04 PM
The stadium announcer keeps announcing that Shyne is returning kickoffs.

Someone needs to inform him that Shyne is out for the season. It's Blackmon.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 04:05 PM
Nice drive.
Troy looks settled down a bit.

A bit. We are seeing far too many Travis Wilson-type passes.

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10-29-2016, 04:05 PM
That punt was sky high.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 04:07 PM
That punt was sky high.

We have an awesome punter.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 04:07 PM
Now we really need a stop.

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10-29-2016, 04:07 PM
Joe had 25 carries at the half. How many can he have?

10-29-2016, 04:07 PM
A bit. We are seeing far too many Travis Wilson-type passes.

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For one series. Spoke too soon.... sigh

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 04:09 PM
Gaskin is really, really good. And our D line is getting blocked

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10-29-2016, 04:14 PM
Butter --- or Utah run defense, front 7 -- meet hot knife, or UW o-line/RBs. Utah front-7 group seems as if they play in D3. I guess UW is just that much better.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 04:29 PM
Butter --- or Utah run defense, front 7 -- meet hot knife, or UW o-line/RBs. Utah front-7 group seems as if they play in D3. I guess UW is just that much better.

Agreed, but somehow we are just gritting this one out and staying in the game. Gotta hand it to these guys.

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10-29-2016, 04:30 PM
Gutsy throw to a guy who has had a difficult time catching lately.

10-29-2016, 04:33 PM
Shot of Andre Miller in the house. Fans went crazy

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 04:33 PM
Gutsy throw to a guy who has had a difficult time catching lately.

It was a trick play. Washington never thought we would go to him.

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10-29-2016, 04:36 PM
Andre Miller: best teeth for a homeless guy or shabbiest NBA player?

10-29-2016, 04:40 PM
That's how you blitz.

10-29-2016, 04:42 PM
Ok. One more drive. Troy time.

10-29-2016, 04:46 PM

10-29-2016, 04:47 PM
We have an awesome punter.

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Too bad the rest of the punt team can't help him.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 04:48 PM
Ouch. Missed tackles almost killed us last week. I hope they don't this time. We still have plenty of time to score.

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10-29-2016, 04:49 PM
It felt inevitable. Every single one of our TD drives was kept alive by a UW personal foul.

10-29-2016, 04:49 PM
Nice punt coverage/tackle, Utah.

10-29-2016, 04:58 PM
Yet somehow we still have life. You have to give this team credit.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 04:59 PM
Well, they played their hearts out. But why go to the end zone like that?

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10-29-2016, 05:00 PM
As disappointing as the loss is, we lost to a better team and kept the game competitive -- and did so with so many injuries to our starters.

10-29-2016, 05:00 PM
Yet somehow we still have life. You have to give this team credit.

I'll give them credit. Tough played game and fought back. We lost to the best team in the conference. Now beat them in the Pac-12 title game.

No moral victories though, those don't exist. I'm pissed we lost.

Can we pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please, get a real QB coach this offseason. I mean pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please?

10-29-2016, 05:04 PM
New OC/QB coach?....can't see it happen. Whit won't do it. I don't think he wants to hand the key to an outsider.

I'll give them credit. Tough played game and fought back. We lost to the best team in the conference. Now beat them in the Pac-12 title game.

No moral victories though, those don't exist. I'm pissed we lost.

Can we pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please, get a real QB coach this offseason. I mean pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please?

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 05:05 PM
I don't know why they tried a Hail Mary -- all we needed was a first down. And then Troy has all that time and throws it out of the end zone. He was soooo off today. Oh well, they were overmatched talent-wise but took the game to the end. I hope we get a rematch in the championship game. I'm going grocery shopping.

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10-29-2016, 05:09 PM
I'm not even going to pretend to be good natured about the officiating.

10-29-2016, 05:15 PM
Well, at least Utes volleyball beat #21 USC and soccer tied 24 USC (2OT).

I hate losing so much, in pretty much everything -- even if it is to a better, deserving competitor. Just trying to find some solace.

10-29-2016, 05:21 PM
I don't know why they tried a Hail Mary -- all we needed was a first down. And then Troy has all that time and throws it out of the end zone. He was soooo off today. Oh well, they were overmatched talent-wise but took the game to the end. I hope we get a rematch in the championship game. I'm going grocery shopping.

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LA, were you in the booth? The huddle? It didn't look to me like the primary call. I don't think you know. The play took a long time and Troy was scrambling. You are such a nattering fuss budget of a couch potato Monday morning quarterback.

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10-29-2016, 05:24 PM
I'll give them credit. Tough played game and fought back. We lost to the best team in the conference. Now beat them in the Pac-12 title game.

No moral victories though, those don't exist. I'm pissed we lost.


I agree with with this. Too bad for the punt return with the questionable blocks. The finish would have been interesting.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 05:24 PM
LA, were you in the booth? The huddle? It didn't look to me like the primary call. I don't think you know. The play took a long time and Troy was scrambling. You are such a nattering fuss budget of a couch potato Monday morning quarterback.

That bolded part really hurt.

P.s. Tim Patrick just said on the post game show that it was a called play.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 05:27 PM
With all the injuries Utah faced it's really a credit to them that they took UW down to the wire. It's amazing when you think that with all the missed tackles, drops, and penalties, we still played them toe to toe.

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10-29-2016, 05:31 PM
Well, at least with a loss we keep Washington's playoff hopes alive, which puts us in line for a potential Rose Bowl.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 05:32 PM
Well, at least with a loss we keep Washington's playoff hopes alive, which puts us in line for a potential Rose Bowl.

No reason why we can't win out.

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10-29-2016, 05:38 PM
Did they say on TV like Corey Butler bird did not play? I can't wade through all the posts

10-29-2016, 05:39 PM
Proud of how we fought. Sad that our own mistakes caught us a chance to pull the upset.

I've said it before but I wish we could find a happy medium for the bye weeks. 9 weeks is too many and often we get ours too early.

Mormon Red Death
10-29-2016, 05:40 PM
Did they say on TV like Corey Butler bird did not play? I can't wade through all the posts
said he was injured at ucla

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10-29-2016, 05:44 PM
Have they said why boobie Hobbs was pulled from returning the squib punt at the end of the game?

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 05:50 PM
With all the injuries Utah faced it's really a credit to them that they took UW down to the wire. It's amazing when you think that with all the missed tackles, drops, and penalties, we still played them toe to toe.

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What I meant to say also is that one lesson of this game is that if we only execute a little better we'll be even more formidable. I'm excited to see how we'll do after the bye week and chance for some key guys to heal up.

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10-29-2016, 05:52 PM
The drops by our receivers this year at crucial times has bug me more than all the false start penalties

10-29-2016, 05:55 PM
Have they said why boobie Hobbs was pulled from returning the squib punt at the end of the game?

I was wondering that myself. That was strange. We ran a guy on late then he started to run off so I wondered if we had 12 guys on the field.

10-29-2016, 05:58 PM
I was wondering that myself. That was strange. We ran a guy on late then he started to run off so I wondered if we had 12 guys on the field.

That makes sense. I suppose we were worried about the possible first down then we were about the punt

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 06:02 PM
The drops by our receivers this year at crucial times has bug me more than all the false start penalties

They have got to be driving the coaches crazy. So many catchable balls dropped at key moments. I'm sure the players who made the drops are more upset about them than anyone. I don't know if it's talent or coaching but I'm gonna be Mr. Optimism and say it'll get better.

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10-29-2016, 06:15 PM
I think it's important that Troy had a good second half and wound up with a respectable game. Especially against this team. I think early on he was struggling with the stress, and Washington's secondary is so good.

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Irving Washington
10-29-2016, 06:16 PM
LA, were you in the booth? The huddle? It didn't look to me like the primary call. I don't think you know. The play took a long time and Troy was scrambling. You are such a nattering fuss budget of a couch potato Monday morning quarterback.

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Ingvar in post game show Patrick said it was a hail Mary play. If it wasn't, then our receivers really screwed up. All of them were in the end zone and no one came back towards the first down marker. It was clearly a flood the end zone play. Hard to figure.
Simpkins certainly didn't help. Dropped the pass on the next to last drive, and threw the ball instead of running for a first down on the last drive.

Rocker Ute
10-29-2016, 06:17 PM
Hail Mary at the end was incredibly stupid play calling and I am rarely critical of that sort of stuff.

Aside from not needing to, one thing was certain is their guys were stride for stride with our WRs all day. We had no advantage in going deep.

Something to the sidelines and past the sticks would have done just fine or certainly not worse than what was called. We weren't even at the point of desperation.

Oh well, time to move on.

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10-29-2016, 06:21 PM
Hail Mary at the end was incredibly stupid play calling and I am rarely critical of that sort of stuff.

Aside from not needing to, one thing was certain is their guys were stride for stride with our WRs all day. We had no advantage in going deep.

Something to the sidelines and past the sticks would have done just fine or certainly not worse than what was called. We weren't even at the point of desperation.

Oh well, time to move on.

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I agree, it is time to move on. We control our own destiny in the South. Win out and we have the South. We need to finish this year, unlike last year.

Also, we need a QB coach, bad. Really really bad. I'm extremely concerned that Williams isn't going to improve at all at Utah and could possibly regress, like all our other QBs. We should be seeing progression from him and we are not. I put zero of the blame on him.

When this happens with everyone playing the position, you have to look at the one constant over the years.

10-29-2016, 06:27 PM
Hail Mary at the end was incredibly stupid play calling and I am rarely critical of that sort of stuff.

Aside from not needing to, one thing was certain is their guys were stride for stride with our WRs all day. We had no advantage in going deep.

Something to the sidelines and past the sticks would have done just fine or certainly not worse than what was called. We weren't even at the point of desperation.

Oh well, time to move on.

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It wasn't a Hail Mary because there were other options and they weren't that far from the end zone. I think the call was fine. They needed 15 yards anyway. Probably they were also hoping for a pass interference call. I rarely question play calls because they're judgments. It has to be clearly erroneous, like a faked punt from your own 5 with fourth and 19.

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LA Ute
10-29-2016, 07:15 PM
I think it's important that Troy had a good second half and wound up with a respectable game. Especially against this team. I think early on he was struggling with the stress, and Washington's secondary is so good.

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I agree. Doesn't that feel good?

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10-29-2016, 07:35 PM
Going into this game I felt that we were a good team and they we're an elite team. Now I feel like we are a very good team and they're an elite team. We're top 15. They're top 5. On the whole I'm not too broken up about this loss. We will have a legitimate shot next go around too.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 07:38 PM
Going into this game I felt that we were a good team and they we're an elite team. Now I feel like we are a very good team and they're an elite team. We're top 15. They're top 5. On the whole I'm not too broken up about this loss. We will have a legitimate shot next go around too.

I'd love to have that shot with a healthier team.

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10-29-2016, 07:45 PM
My fear was we would get dusted, especially at this point in the year without having had a BYE, so that was a respectable performance.

Joe the Show continues to shine, Troy was even more impressive in his post game interview. He just doesn't get rattled, keeps it in perspective.

My biggest concern after this game is the run D, and how we're just not getting gap control. Powell, Ena and Scalley need to get that addressed.

ASU lost at Eugene, they're playing a true FR at QB who threw 3 picks. They've been devastated by injuries, and they get their BYE next week, as well. We owe those SOBs.

10-29-2016, 08:20 PM
In the post game with Kyle, he was asked about the play calling at the end, and he sounded a little upset, wanted to say more but then said, "and I'll just leave it at that".

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 08:37 PM
In the post game with Kyle, he was asked about the play calling at the end, and he sounded a little upset, wanted to say more but then said, "and I'll just leave it at that".

The Demari Simpkins pass, in the red zone, in the waning seconds, by a guy who's never played QB in his life, seemed just bizarre. Just scratching my head about it. Maybe Kyle was thinking about that one.

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10-29-2016, 08:55 PM
I'm sure it was the hail mary. That was the bad play call. Nothing wrong with a trick play though. If that Simpkins pass works, and it may have, Kyle's a genius.

If memory serves, it was about that play.
He mentioned the Simpkins play. Said they had practiced it all week. Wondered if he might have had room to run it though, but didn't fault Simpkins.

That personal foul earlier in the game majorly bailed out ARod. I have no idea what he was thinking on some of those calls.

I'm over this loss, and very happy with this team. As others have mentioned, that was an elite team with very few weaknesses. Are there any weaknesses??? And this battered group of Utes hung with them like no one else will the rest of the year.

Looking forward to the rematch in San Francisco. Hopefully we have some key players back. Happy for the bye week. These guys deserve it.

10-29-2016, 09:02 PM
If memory serves, it was about that play.
He mentioned the Simpkins play. Said they had practiced it all week. Wondered if he might have had room to run it though, but didn't fault Simpkins.

That personal foul earlier in the game majorly bailed out ARod. I have no idea what he was thinking on some of those calls.

I'm over this loss, and very happy with this team. As others have mentioned, that was an elite team with very few weaknesses. Are there any weaknesses??? And this battered group of Utes hung with them like no one else will the rest of the year.

Looking forward to the rematch in San Francisco. Hopefully we have some key players back. Happy for the bye week. These guys deserve it.
Looked like a lazy route by the receiver. He didn't square his cut and allowed the DB to jump between him and the ball. If he comes back to the ball it is a completion.

10-29-2016, 09:03 PM
I understand that the coaches need to work on gap control but from my perch our 'backers just don't make enough plays in the gap. They either don't get there quick enough or, when they do, they forget technique and just lunge at people. I don't want to bag on them too much - I think inexperience at this level is a big factor and we'll be much better next year at the position. That said, I continue to wish Kyle would stock up on linebackers. I just don't understand how the team down south can have such a full cupboard at the position year and year out and we maybe have two per year who can start at the Pac-12 level.

I'm venting a little but it was frustrating to see Washington's run game work so well today.

LA Ute
10-29-2016, 09:11 PM
I'm sure it was the hail mary. That was the bad play call. Nothing wrong with a trick play though. If that Simpkins pass works, and it may have, Kyle's a genius.

I'm just commenting as a fan, but in that situation, with the game on the line, a trick play? It didn't look like Washington was fooled one bit.

But there is no need to focus on things like that. No game really depends on a single play. There are too many other plays taking place before and after the one in question, all of which had a collective impact on the game greater than that one play. Looking at the entire body of work of this team, both over the season and in this entire game, taking into account the adversity they have faced, I think we have to be pretty content with what they have accomplished.

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Old Standing ute
10-29-2016, 09:57 PM
I understand that the coaches need to work on gap control but from my perch our 'backers just don't make enough plays in the gap. They either don't get there quick enough or, when they do, they forget technique and just lunge at people. I don't want to bag on them too much - I think inexperience at this level is a big factor and we'll be much better next year at the position. That said, I continue to wish Kyle would stock up on linebackers. I just don't understand how the team down south can have such a full cupboard at the position year and year out and we maybe have two per year who can start at the Pac-12 level.

I'm venting a little but it was frustrating to see Washington's run game work so well today.
how did we get here with no experience at LB. Uaea Masina had to retire, but who else did we miss on or lose?/

Our current LBS do not cut it

And forget bringing in Clegg (40) as whatever he played---he did not create a pass rush & did not hold the edge.

Old Standing ute
10-29-2016, 09:58 PM
Troy's TD pass to Moeai was as good a pass as has ever been thrown. It's a shame we lost because that TD would have gone down in history.

Funny, last week it was the pass defense. This week it was the run defense.

Chris Petersen is currently the best coach in the conference. Whitt and Shaw can fight about #2. I don't know who #3 is. Maybe it's Leach, which is scary.

I'm more frustrated by the false starts than the drops, if we are taking a poll. Drops will always happen, but false starts don't have to. We've had recent seasons with far more drops than this one.

Funk, I think you are wrong about Williams. He has already improved here, and I think our coaching has something to do with it. That said, the last two plays of the game were not his best moments. Can't take the sack, and you have to at least get the ball in bounds.

Are the false starts because of the 4th string center?

if not change something?

10-30-2016, 07:39 AM
Who is #10 that got rung on a punt? I couldn't see his name. Did they say anything about him after the game?

That guy had no idea where he was after that play.

Rocker Ute
10-30-2016, 08:05 AM
Taking it one game at a time is clearly not working. I mean, I love coach Whit but it has been year after year of taking it one game at a time and still no championship.

What are the coaches going to do to address this and is it reasonable to expect them to change? Clearly they are people content living each day and preparing for each game as it comes but it isn't netting results like we want. They've taken this one-game-at-a-time approach as far as it can go. Sorry we are just not a Bama or USC where that works for them.

And Whit only hires from within his circle of people who buy into this strategy. Would he ever hire a coach he hasn't ever met and has no idea who he is??? Of course he could but he refuses. Same old Whit cronies talking about taking it a game at a time. Sigh.

I've heard from former players that he is a micromanager and controls everything and if you don't do it his way you are OUT. We've had plenty of great coaches and players run off when Whit has caught them scrolling ahead a couple of weeks in their calendars.

Hill is going to have to make some hard decisions in the off-season if we really want to be a consistent contender in the PAC 12.

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10-30-2016, 08:15 AM
Who is #10 that got rung on a punt? I couldn't see his name. Did they say anything about him after the game?

That guy had no idea where he was after that play.
Jason Thompson.

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LA Ute
10-30-2016, 08:18 AM
I'm having a hard time staying disappointed about this loss. It's what happens in big boy football. Without several of our best players, we played the legitimate #4 team in the USA even. The stats tell that part of the story (UW on the left, Utah on the right):

Total Yards

Pass Yards

Rushing Yards

Penalty Yards

1st Downs

3rd Downs

4th Downs



As Whit said, we now have a 3-game season ahead of us. We can still win out, and we can still play UW in the championship game. We can still go to the Rose Bowl. We have a bye week ahead of us, and our best players, or many of them, will have a chance to heal up. The rest of the season looks pretty exciting to me.

10-30-2016, 08:19 AM
My fear was we would get dusted, especially at this point in the year without having had a BYE, so that was a respectable performance.

Joe the Show continues to shine, Troy was even more impressive in his post game interview. He just doesn't get rattled, keeps it in perspective.

My biggest concern after this game is the run D, and how we're just not getting gap control. Powell, Ena and Scalley need to get that addressed.

ASU lost at Eugene, they're playing a true FR at QB who threw 3 picks. They've been devastated by injuries, and they get their BYE next week, as well. We owe those SOBs.

Washington exploited the structural weakness of the defense and the poor technique of our linebackers. If you watch what Washington did, they would line up with the strong side on one side and then shift to the other side leaving only the guard and the tackle on the weak side and sometimes a WR split way out. Our defense adjusts to this by having a defensive tackle, a defensive end and a LB between the two on the weak side. That's fine, 3 defenders and 2 blockers. At the outset of the play, Washington would pull two blockers from the strong side and all of a sudden you are 3 defenders against 4 blockers and that is not a good ratio. To compound things, none of our linebackers take on blockers and hold their gaps. They try to get around the blocker which make them vulnerable to the cut back, which is what Washington did play after play.

10-30-2016, 08:20 AM
Jason Thompson.

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I saw him in the game on special teams after the injury.

10-30-2016, 08:26 AM
I'm having a hard time staying disappointed about this loss. It's what happens in big boy football. Without several of our best players, we played the legitimate #4 team in the USA even. The stats tell that part of the story (UW on the left, Utah on the right):

Total Yards

Pass Yards

Rushing Yards

Penalty Yards

1st Downs

3rd Downs

4th Downs



As Whit said, we now have a 3-game season ahead of us. We can still win out, and we can still play UW in the championship game. We can still go to the Rose Bowl. We have a bye week ahead of us, and our best players, or many of them, will have a chance to heal up. The rest of the season looks pretty exciting to me.

Quite frankly, I did not expect us to be as competitive as we were against Washington. Despite the breakdowns on defense, the dropped balls, the false starts and the punt return for a TD, I thought the Utes played a very good game. Sure it would be nice to be sitting 9-0 or 8-1, but the reality is that even if we were 9-0 or 8-1, assuming Colorado wins out until we play one another, we would need to win the last three games to play in the championship game. This team has overcome a lot of adversity in the form of injuries to key players. They have played hard each and every game. I hope for the players and the coaches that they can put together a fantastic finish to the season.

10-30-2016, 09:26 AM
The best thing about that game was that we didn't quit when we were down 14. At that point I was expecting a TCU blowout. Our penalties were killers, but their two personal foul penalties kept us in the game.

LA Ute
10-30-2016, 09:41 AM
Washington exploited the structural weakness of the defense and the poor technique of our linebackers. If you watch what Washington did, they would line up with the strong side on one side and then shift to the other side leaving only the guard and the tackle on the weak side and sometimes a WR split way out. Our defense adjusts to this by having a defensive tackle, a defensive end and a LB between the two on the weak side. That's fine, 3 defenders and 2 blockers. At the outset of the play, Washington would pull two blockers from the strong side and all of a sudden you are 3 defenders against 4 blockers and that is not a good ratio. To compound things, none of our linebackers take on blockers and hold their gaps. They try to get around the blocker which make them vulnerable to the cut back, which is what Washington did play after play.

Surely this will be noticed as the coaches review the video. Seems like there is a lot to learn from this game.

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10-30-2016, 09:44 AM
The best thing about that game was that we didn't quit when we were down 14. At that point I was expecting a TCU blowout. Our penalties were killers, but their two personal foul penalties kept us in the game.

It was a similar situation in the Cal game. Cal scored 14 in the first quarter, and we scored 10 in the second quarter to make the halftime score seem manageable. This Utah team is pretty good about not getting down and taking themselves out of games. Lots of fight in this team.

10-30-2016, 09:48 AM
Agreed. Though, if the coaches weren't already aware of this, then they didn't do their job. Who knows. Again, as Whit said, it's always up to the coaches -- either you didn't coach them right or you didn't recruit them right.

Surely this will be noticed as the coaches review the video. Seems like there is a lot to learn from this game.

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Mormon Red Death
10-30-2016, 10:10 AM
Who is #10 that got rung on a punt? I couldn't see his name. Did they say anything about him after the game?

That guy had no idea where he was after that play.
Jason Thompson

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Mormon Red Death
10-30-2016, 10:39 AM
Taking it one game at a time is clearly not working. I mean, I love coach Whit but it has been year after year of taking it one game at a time and still no championship.

What are the coaches going to do to address this and is it reasonable to expect them to change? Clearly they are people content living each day and preparing for each game as it comes but it isn't netting results like we want. They've taken this one-game-at-a-time approach as far as it can go. Sorry we are just not a Bama or USC where that works for them.

And Whit only hires from within his circle of people who buy into this strategy. Would he ever hire a coach he hasn't ever met and has no idea who he is??? Of course he could but he refuses. Same old Whit cronies talking about taking it a game at a time. Sigh.

I've heard from former players that he is a micromanager and controls everything and if you don't do it his way you are OUT. We've had plenty of great coaches and players run off when Whit has caught them scrolling ahead a couple of weeks in their calendars.

Hill is going to have to make some hard decisions in the off-season if we really want to be a consistent contender in the PAC 12.

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come back to reality. we have a lot of significant injuries and we are 3 wins from playing in the rose bowl. get some perspective. we had a chance to beat the #4 team in the country

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10-30-2016, 10:43 AM
come back to reality. we have a lot of significant injuries and we are 3 wins from playing in the rose bowl. get some perspective. we had a chance to beat the #4 team in the country

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

I'm not sure whether your sarcasm meter is broken reading Rocker's message, or if mine is reading yours.

USS Utah
10-30-2016, 11:05 AM
Troy Williams is clearly an upgrade at QB. That throw on Utah's last TD was amazing.

Mormon Red Death
10-30-2016, 11:25 AM
I'm not sure whether your sarcasm meter is broken reading Rocker's message, or if mine is reading yours.
it's mine

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

10-30-2016, 11:25 AM
Taking it one game at a time is clearly not working. I mean, I love coach Whit but it has been year after year of taking it one game at a time and still no championship.

What are the coaches going to do to address this and is it reasonable to expect them to change? Clearly they are people content living each day and preparing for each game as it comes but it isn't netting results like we want. They've taken this one-game-at-a-time approach as far as it can go. Sorry we are just not a Bama or USC where that works for them.

And Whit only hires from within his circle of people who buy into this strategy. Would he ever hire a coach he hasn't ever met and has no idea who he is??? Of course he could but he refuses. Same old Whit cronies talking about taking it a game at a time. Sigh.

I've heard from former players that he is a micromanager and controls everything and if you don't do it his way you are OUT. We've had plenty of great coaches and players run off when Whit has caught them scrolling ahead a couple of weeks in their calendars.

Hill is going to have to make some hard decisions in the off-season if we really want to be a consistent contender in the PAC 12.

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Oh brother. Not this idiocy again. This post doesn't even merit a response. If Hill fired Hill he'd be a nationwide object of ridicule and scorn. The school would be a laughingstock.

10-30-2016, 11:29 AM
I'm not sure whether your sarcasm meter is broken reading Rocker's message, or if mine is reading yours.

If Rocker is being sarcastic or his post was a parody I apologize to him. I didn't read it that way.

10-30-2016, 11:54 AM
At first, I thought Rocker was sincere, but as I got to where the end I decided he was trolling everybody who has said these things over the years. The mark of an excellent troll, is that you're not sure.

10-30-2016, 11:56 AM
If Rocker is being sarcastic or his post was a parody I apologize to him. I didn't read it that way.

Which speaks to Rocker's skill at parody. He can emulate those he mocks so thoroughly and subtely that some see his words as genuine.

LA Ute
10-30-2016, 12:16 PM
Rocker is an evil man. But he didn't get me.


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10-30-2016, 12:31 PM
The Demari Simpkins pass, in the red zone, in the waning seconds, by a guy who's never played QB in his life, seemed just bizarre. Just scratching my head about it. Maybe Kyle was thinking about that one.

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The announcers mentioned that Wash didn't take the bait on that trick play. Simpkins had never lined up in the backfield so when he did they figured something was up and the DBs stayed home. I imagine they practiced the play a bunch, fell in love with it, and forgot that it needed to be set up to be effective.

So it goes.

10-30-2016, 12:39 PM
The best thing about that game was that we didn't quit when we were down 14. At that point I was expecting a TCU blowout. Our penalties were killers, but their two personal foul penalties kept us in the game.

You guys can thank me for this. When I was a kid my dad taught me a trick. If things are going badly for the Utes, take a break, turn the game off, and it may turn around. So, when they went down 14-0, I went for a walk, bought a cup of cofee, and a dark chocolate and whole almonds bar, and when I came back, Shazam!, it was 14-7 and the worm had turned.

LA Ute
10-30-2016, 12:49 PM
You guys can thank me for this. When I was a kid my dad taught me a trick. If things are going badly for the Utes, take a break, turn the game off, and it may turn around. So, when they went down 14-0, I went for a walk, bought a cup of cofee, and a dark chocolate and whole almonds bar, and when I came back, Shazam!, it was 14-7 and the worm had turned.

Thanks, SU. We are unworthy.

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10-30-2016, 01:23 PM
The announcers mentioned that Wash didn't take the bait on that trick play. Simpkins had never lined up in the backfield so when he did they figured something was up and the DBs stayed home. I imagine they practiced the play a bunch, fell in love with it, and forgot that it needed to be set up to be effective.

So it goes.

The announcers were wrong. Simpkin's did not line up in the backfield. He lined up in the slot and went in motion and received the handoff. He had done the same thing several times without receiving the handoff. IMO, It would have been better had he taken the handoff at least once previously.

10-30-2016, 01:26 PM
Surely this will be noticed as the coaches review the video. Seems like there is a lot to learn from this game.

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The coaches know this is a structural weakness in the defense. The two things they can do is bring the SS down into the box and bump the linebackers over a spot (this creates other structural issues) or do a better job coaching the linebackers how to fill the gaps. The linebackers from the past couple of years knew how to do it, so I don't think the coaches have forgotten how to coach them up. It is a matter of experience. These linebackers have always been the best guys on their high school or JUCO defenses and could out athletic guys. They can't do that at this level and it is tough to coach it out of them.

10-30-2016, 01:43 PM
The announcers were wrong.

Cheers, I should have known.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-30-2016, 01:49 PM
it's mine

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Mine too. I found myself having to scroll back to the top to double check the author. After weeding through similar posts on UteNation after the game, nothing surprises me these days.

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Dwight Schr-Ute
10-30-2016, 01:53 PM
You guys can thank me for this. When I was a kid my dad taught me a trick. If things are going badly for the Utes, take a break, turn the game off, and it may turn around. So, when they went down 14-0, I went for a walk, bought a cup of cofee, and a dark chocolate and whole almonds bar, and when I came back, Shazam!, it was 14-7 and the worm had turned.

Only successful attorneys could afford to buy whole almonds in this market. I've noticed that even Mars drastically reduced how many they included in their fun size Halloween assorted bag this year.

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10-30-2016, 02:20 PM
Anybody else think it was hysterical that Mike Runge kept calling Julian Blackmon Armand Shine when he went back to receive a kickoff doesn't runge know that Shyne is out for the year doesn't have a spotter

Diehard Ute
10-30-2016, 02:29 PM
Anybody else think it was hysterical that Mike Runge kept calling Julian Blackmon Armand Shine when he went back to receive a kickoff doesn't runge know that Shyne is out for the year doesn't have a spotter

It's sad.

Athletics obviously didn't notice because it never got fixed

Runge and/or his staff often call the wrong player names.

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10-30-2016, 03:00 PM
Anybody else think it was hysterical that Mike Runge kept calling Julian Blackmon Armand Shine when he went back to receive a kickoff doesn't runge know that Shyne is out for the year doesn't have a spotter

I don't think it was hysterical. It is pathetic. Shyne never returned kicks and kids work too hard to have an announcer and his spotter simply not care enough about the program to know who is doing what.

10-30-2016, 03:06 PM
It's sad.

Athletics obviously didn't notice because it never got fixed

Runge and/or his staff often call the wrong player names.

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They did correct this In the 4th quarter. I know this because I tweeted about that in the third quarter and tagged it with the #UWvsUTAH tag they were promoting, and he announced it correctly on the next kickoff return that happened, so I'm taking credit.

Rocker Ute
10-30-2016, 08:33 PM
Mine too. I found myself having to scroll back to the top to double check the author. After weeding through similar posts on UteNation after the game, nothing surprises me these days.

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He he heh. Sorry everyone. I was mocking the people who irrationally complain about everything about our program around something totally ridiculous that coaches always say... "We've got to take it one game at a time..."

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LA Ute
10-31-2016, 12:02 AM
He he heh. Sorry everyone. I was mocking the people who irrationally complain about everything about our program around something totally ridiculous that coaches always say... "We've got to take it one game at a time..."

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Pure evil.

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10-31-2016, 09:03 AM


#1 Utefan
10-31-2016, 12:06 PM
I'm sure it was the hail mary. That was the bad play call. Nothing wrong with a trick play though. If that Simpkins pass works, and it may have, Kyle's a genius.

I disagree. It was unnecessary and every bit as bad as the call on 4th down. You've got 2nd and 6 with 1:30 left, 3 TO's, and Joe Williams is rattling off 6 yards a carry. Run the ball, get the 1st down, and keep the drive alive. Dumb call given UDub was in a nickel and Williams was running at will.

Dwight Schr-Ute
10-31-2016, 06:28 PM
This was pretty funny.


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LA Ute
10-31-2016, 06:37 PM
This was pretty funny.



10-31-2016, 08:12 PM
Here's a crazy thought:

If we win out, we will be PAC-12 champions with a Rose Bowl Title over Michigan/Ohio St/Nebraska/Wisconsin.

I love this conference. What a great year so far and what a great game.

I want Washington in the title game.

LA Ute
10-31-2016, 09:26 PM
Interesting analysis of the game by Hans Olsen:


11-01-2016, 10:15 AM
OK, you've all been waiting patiently for my analysis of the game. Here goes;

- First of all, the game day experience on SLC has changed since I was a kid. No more getting in for free at half time, no more MAC kids. The stadium was packed 10 minutes before the game; and I mean packed.
- I thought the difference in the game (besides the punt return) was dropped passes. We had three passes dropped (2 by Moeai, 1 by Simpkins) which would have extended drives. That's three drives that end on dropped passes. That is way too many. The WR are better this year, but still have a long way to go.
- We miss Marcus Williams. Fogel is fine on pass defense, but he takes really bad angles on runs. Too many times he turned a 5-6 yard gain into a 15 yard scamper. On one of Washington's scoring drives there were 3 or 4 plays in a row in which they ran at Fogel and picked up 15-20.
- Having said that, I love Chase Hansen. I hope he sticks around for two more years. His INT was so big. It was 14-0, they had the ball and it looked like TCU 2009. He's a gamer. How many tackles did he have in this game? 30?
- It was nice to have Tauteoli back, but the LBs are out of position far too much. They have a lot to learn.
- Joe Williams, what can you say? The guy was worse than nothing at the start of the year. Now? He's an All American-type back. The transformation (of the O-line and Joe) has been amazing.
- The O-line is the best I remember at Utah. Yeah, they have too many stupid false starts, and yeah they sometimes miss blitzes (doesn't everyone?), but they are a mean bunch of blockers. Think what they would be if they had all-pac12 Dielman OR Hiva. Unbelievable.
- Troy had a bad game. As expected, he was too hyped. There were 5 or 6 throws which had so much mustard on them that the receivers just stopped and watched them fly over their heads. He's a gamer, but way, way too much adrenaline this game. Oh, and he's atrocious at touch passes but that hasn't changed. All that being said, I'm glad he's our guy.
- I think we underestimated Devonate's ability to catch the ball out of the backfield. Joe's hands are, um, not good. Catching those relief valves was a great antidote to blitzing last year.
- Great to have Armand Shyne back to return kicks.
- I thought the DBs played a great game. Against Browning and that #1 (Ross??) they more than held their own. Solid game for everyone of the dbs.
- I had issues with our play calling (Simpkins passing? QB sneaks at the goal line? Sweeps at the goal line?), but my main gripe is on the designed runs with Troy at the goal line. HE IS NOT A RUNNER! Even though they put in a d-lineman at RB to block (Vaha), that is a terrible play call. Give the ball to Joe, up the middle. I hate to sound like a broken record, but out goalline play calling has been broken ever since McBride chose to give the ball to a skinny freshman safety (Lusk) instead of handing it to a future all-NFLer in Jamal. Break the curse!
- I thought the coaches had a great game plan (well, Whit did. Pound the ball, milk the clock, etc). Kudos to all the coaches and players for a great game. I think UW had the better team on Saturday, but we had a good chance to steal one.

LA Ute
11-01-2016, 10:26 AM
Chase Hansen had 9 tackles, one for a loss. He had a great game. Of course, when your safety has lots of tackles you do start to wonder how the runners got that far and where the linebackers were, but that's something for the coaches to figure out.

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11-01-2016, 01:39 PM
Chase Hansen had 9 tackles, one for a loss. He had a great game. Of course, when your safety has lots of tackles you do start to wonder how the runners got that far and where the linebackers were, but that's something for the coaches to figure out.

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The linebackers looked to me like they were overpersuing on running plays to the boundary, which allowed the running back to cutback over and over. They seemed to get it figured out by the fourth quarter, but they still need work on being assignment sound.

11-03-2016, 07:18 AM
I cheer for you and this is what you do to me? Let evil win.

11-03-2016, 07:48 AM
I cheer for you and this is what you do to me? Let evil win.
We're setting them up for a colossal flop in the Pac championship game (against the utes, of course).

LA Ute
11-04-2016, 11:51 AM
I know others have said this already but I'm now completely convinced that the Simpkins drop on third down was the key to the loss, not the punt return. I was sure UW would drive methodically down the field, make us use up our timeouts, and kick a FG with little time left. So the punt return was not the worst thing that could have happened to us. The dropped pass effectively flipped the two teams' positions. Instead of Utah driving for a chance to win with no time left, UW was in that position.

11-04-2016, 12:56 PM
I know others have said this already but I'm now completely convinced that the Simpkins drop on third down was the key to the loss, not the punt return. I was sure UW would drive methodically down the field, make us use up our timeouts, and kick a FG with little time left. So the punt return was not the worst thing that could have happened to us. The dropped pass effectively flipped the two teams' positions. Instead of Utah driving for a chance to win with no time left, UW was in that position.

A lot of big plays in the final minutes could have changed things. The drop, the punt and return, Simpkins throwing the pass on the halfback pass instead of tucking the ball and running for a first down when it was clear that the receiver was not open, the sack on the next play, giving the receivers a chance to make a play on 4th down.

11-04-2016, 12:58 PM
A lot of big plays in the final minutes could have changed things. The drop, the punt and return, Simpkins throwing the pass on the halfback pass instead of tucking the ball and running for a first down when it was clear that the receiver was not open, the sack on the next play, giving the receivers a chance to make a play on 4th down.

add to that not fielding the squib punt that was downed at the one. Had to pick our poison on that one. if the punt had not been from the endzone, it would not have been returned for a TD.

LA Ute
11-04-2016, 01:19 PM
A lot of big plays in the final minutes could have changed things. The drop, the punt and return, Simpkins throwing the pass on the halfback pass instead of tucking the ball and running for a first down when it was clear that the receiver was not open, the sack on the next play, giving the receivers a chance to make a play on 4th down.

Exactly. Blaming it on the punt return misses all of that.