View Full Version : The Cool Tech Thread

Rocker Ute
12-01-2016, 03:47 PM
If we already have this, please feel free to merge, but I couldn't find it. I think we should have a cool tech thread where we can talk about cool tech that we've come across or recommendations.

I've got three items that I've purchased or used in the past year that I think are worth posting about:

1. Amazon Echo or Echo Dot - Someone gave me the Echo, I've since bought two more Echo Dots for other parts of the house. The past little while I've been automating things in our house from lights to our thermostat, etc. This was a good addition. We keep it in our kitchen, it plays music, makes grocery lists, answers questions, works as a timer and is always learning new cool stuff. I'm surprised at both how well it understands and also how good the sound is on the Echo. The Echo Dot really makes more sense financially, just hook it into your stereo system, and truthfully if you had it on your desk the sound is plenty good.

You can also order stuff from Amazon on it and it will ship right to you. They are promoting this heavily and so they do some pretty spectacular deals on it. I just got a 40" LED TV by ordering it through Echo for $100. At that price I don't really care if it isn't that good, will be perfect for the remaining CRT in our home (yeah I know). Anyway highly recommend.

2. Circle Go by Disney - So, like all scared parents, figuring out tech is always a challenge. We came across Circle Go by Disney about 6 months ago. I've used it long enough to tell you the pros and cons.

First, filtering simply doesn't work. It can't keep up and never will. Software that monitors usage and provides accountability is really the only thing that works. So knowing that someone can easily review your history is key. With our kids we believe in accountability anyway, but this makes it easy for anyone to review. You can also limit usage, so if you are wanting a kid to do his homework, you can shut off internet to their phone etc (more on phones in a minute).

The big problem with a lot of these systems is they aren't easy for the average user to set up. This setup couldn't be easier. I had the whole thing set up and filters and rules set up for everyone in my house in 15 minutes. This system basically works like a man-in-the-middle hack on your network. What you do is plug it in, you connect your phone to it like a wireless network. Next you identify your normal wireless network, provide the password and you are almost good to go. After that, set up people on your network and overarching rules and you are done.

Of course, a network is only as good as the people connected to it, and so a kid on his phone can easily drop the wifi and connect through their phone's data plan. Circle Go, for $10/mo for up to 10 devices sets up a VPN on your phone so whether you are on your data plan or on any wifi, it is still enforcing the rules. VPNs are easy enough to turn off, but if someone does you get notification it has been shut off immediately

It has it issues and shortcoming but is improving. But if the criteria is you want to be able to monitor usage, have some basic filtering rules and have it be easy to set up and manage, this it it. $99 on Amazon.

3. VidAngel - Before you ignore this as a moral crusade, it isn't. Sure it is nice to filter a film you are watching with your kids, but really the great thing about VidAngel is how easy it is to use and how cheap it is to get current movies. That is what I use it for mostly. You can load it as an app for AppleTV, Roku and Fire TV. The way it works is you buy a movie for $20 (you actually buy a physical copy of it that they warehouse for you and stream to you). You watch the video and then sell it back for $1 (standard definition) or $2 (high def) less for each day you use it. So watch a HD movie, sell it back within 24 hours and you have an $18 credit. Next movie you buy for an additional $2, etc. It streams great, so it is like having a redbox without having to leave the house. Perfect.

Potential downside, they do require you to filter something, but you can even pick something like closing credits or minimal stuff. With the filtering it is pretty slick, you can go and filter out anything you want or don't want. Never want to hear the f-bomb, filter it out. If you don't want to see Snoopy lick Lucy on the Charlie Brown Halloween movie, filter that out. No bleeping or black screen, it either goes silent or rather seamlessly jumps to the next thing.

But like I said, I mainly like it for the cheap and easy movies.

Right now Hollywood is suing them, I'm hoping they win. They claim that they are complying with the law because you own a physical copy of the movie and can do with it as you please in private use. Hollywood thinks otherwise. Frankly, if I want to mute a swear word or fast forward through some violent scene I can do it now, so why not automate it. Hollywood is stupid. Plus their videos are pretty funny:


Any cool tech you guys have come across that I should check out?

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-01-2016, 04:05 PM
We've have had two Echo dots since they came out and I've been super impressed. One sits in the kitchen and it's perfect for adding things to a shopping list (this is one of my wife's biggest complaints, as I do all of the dinner cooking but am usually so busy during the process that I fail to add things to the list at the moment, and we end up running out of something the next time around. This lets me say it out loud, and it's added!), setting a timers for things cooking or kids in time out, playing music, searching news, getting weather reports...and as my kids are starting to figure out, helping with math homework. :anger:

My biggest disappointment with the dot is that there's no way to feed it through my Sonos stereo system. This complaint is with Sonos itself as there's no ability to run a audio cable to it.

The other is in our bedroom where we have Alexa control our Phillips Hue bulbs. :pimp: Speaking of the The Phillips Hue lights that really added to our Halloween porch presentation, they have an App that had a whole collection of scary sounds that match up with the light bulbs. So we had a wireless speaker hidden on our courtyard and three Hue lights that turned out really cool. They've got Christmas stuff as well, but...not nearly as fun.

My oldest is 9, so we'll be entering the internet filtering/moderating world soon enough. Scary.

Rocker Ute
12-01-2016, 04:12 PM
We've have had two Echo dots since they came out and I've been super impressed. One sits in the kitchen and it's perfect for adding things to a shopping list (this is one of my wife's biggest complaints, as I do all of the dinner cooking but am usually so busy during the process that I fail to add things to the list at the moment, and we end up running out of something the next time around. This lets me say it out loud, and it's added!), setting a timers for things cooking or kids in time out, playing music, searching news, getting weather reports...and as my kids are starting to figure out, helping with math homework. :anger:

My biggest disappointment with the dot is that there's no way to feed it through my Sonos stereo system. This complaint is with Sonos itself as there's no ability to run a audio cable to it.

The other is in our bedroom where we have Alexa control our Phillips Hue bulbs. :pimp: Speaking of the The Phillips Hue lights that really added to our Halloween porch presentation, they have an App that had a whole collection of scary sounds that match up with the light bulbs. So we had a wireless speaker hidden on our courtyard and three Hue lights that turned out really cool. They've got Christmas stuff as well, but...not nearly as fun.

My oldest is 9, so we'll be entering the internet filtering/moderating world soon enough. Scary.

With the average age of a child encountering porn being 11, I'd say start now and don't start banking on averages. I think I told the story hear of the daughter of a client of mine who was addicted to the most hardcore awful stuff at age 9. Can't be too careful.

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-01-2016, 04:19 PM
Other cool tech stuff (like Kip, my wife is really into home technology and wishes that I made more money) that we have that we use a lot:

Last summer after managing to leave on vacation with the garage door still open, we picked up one of these smart phone garage door openers (http://www.chamberlain.com/smartphone-control-products/smartphone-connectivity/myq-internet-gateway). Not only does it allow you to open and close the garage from your phone, from anywhere, it will send you a notification if the garage has been open for more than 10 minutes (I think you can customize this) as a reminder that it's still open. I like this because it has allowed us to remove the garage opener from my car that is parked in the driveway all night. Even though we lock the door that goes from the garage into the house, I don't like the idea of someone being able to access my garage just by breaking into my car, or as I occasionally do, fail to lock my car.

We also like our Ring video doorbell (https://ring.com/). Not only is it good for checking out everyone that steps foot on your porch, it's nice to get notification every afternoon when the kids get home from school.

Rocker Ute
12-01-2016, 04:39 PM
Other cool tech stuff (like Kip, my wife is really into home technology and wishes that I made more money) that we have that we use a lot:

Last summer after managing to leave on vacation with the garage door still open, we picked up one of these smart phone garage door openers (http://www.chamberlain.com/smartphone-control-products/smartphone-connectivity/myq-internet-gateway). Not only does it allow you to open and close the garage from your phone, from anywhere, it will send you a notification if the garage has been open for more than 10 minutes (I think you can customize this) as a reminder that it's still open. I like this because it has allowed us to remove the garage opener from my car that is parked in the driveway all night. Even though we lock the door that goes from the garage into the house, I don't like the idea of someone being able to access my garage just by breaking into my car, or as I occasionally do, fail to lock my car.

We also like our Ring video doorbell (https://ring.com/). Not only is it good for checking out everyone that steps foot on your porch, it's nice to get notification every afternoon when the kids get home from school.

I've been interested in Ring, but the downside is my door is kind of recessed back and so is the doorbell, so I think the range of what I could see is pretty limited (basically just whoever is right in front of the door). However, I also can't hear the doorbell when I am in the basement so that seems worth it right there. $199 feels like a lot though.

Oh, a number of years ago we had most of the valuables stolen from our garage when my wife accidentally left the garage door open (we have a detached garage). We bought a lower tech solution for that called the Garage Butler. Basically it senses when the door is open and you can set whatever time interval, but after that it will shut the door automatically.

Diehard Ute
12-01-2016, 05:09 PM
I have two Nest Protect Smoke/CO detectors. Love that they are controllable via an app and interact with the Nest thermostat (I don't have one yet, but it's coming)

For my Christmas lights I have Phillips Illuminate lights. They're controlled by an app, infinite number of colors, patterns etc, all controllable from my phone as long as I'm home.

I have an August Smart Lock on my door. Controlled via app or Apple Home. It merely replaces the rear portion of the deadbolt. My door and lock look the same as they always have from outside, but I can lock or unlock it anywhere, and am notified if anyone opens or closes the lock

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