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Jarid in Cedar
02-23-2013, 09:38 PM
We are off to a good start with in state players. There will be an ongoing debate on who is the best player in the state between Barton and Mone(committed to Michigan). From my POV, if I had to choose between the two, I would choose Barton every day of the week and twice on Saturday. Now that is not a knock on Mone at all as he is an outstanding player in his own right, but I look at it as a "value over replacement" discussion.

Utah has had good luck with DT's, finding hidden gems and developing some existing "Stars" into first round draft picks. So even if they ultimately cannot sway Mone out of his Michigan committment, we are very likely to find a very good DT and have them excel in our system. You could say that we already have proven this with Havili.

Offensive tackle, on the other hand, is as high a premium position as quarterback. It is shown in the NFL as well as college. Teams covet elite OT's at almost the same level that they do quarterbacks. The ability to take a B or B+ tackle and turning them into a high NFL draft pick is nowhere near as easy as it can be at other positions. This is mostly because the physical attributes of an elite OT are very hard to come by. You must be tall, big, but have great flexibilty and the feet of a ballerina. Compare this to say, RB, where you find almost every variance in height, weight, speed, etc imaginable, and can still have a very effective product.

I look at Jackson as the most valuable recruit that Utah has landed since I started following recruiting(2007).

02-23-2013, 09:41 PM
I agree on Barton. Who do we think our next commit will be?

Jarid in Cedar
02-23-2013, 09:46 PM
I agree on Barton. Who do we think our next commit will be?

I don't know. I think we may not see another one until after/during the "Elite" camp this June. I hope that it is Shultz, but I think he will not commit to us(if he does at all) until he can see how the TE is utilized in DE's offense.

02-23-2013, 11:13 PM
this was one of the reasons i was excited when we got zac lindsay to switch his commit to us. while he is more likely a RT he does the bring the intagibles that are required height (6'7"), length (long arms), and size (320lbs).

these two are signs of what we need to look for when going for tackles in the pac12. no more 6'3" guys. we need the length to go against the speed we see at this level week in and week out.

i also hope the uhatafe kid is every bit the 6'5" that he is reported at. unlike brenner who was said to be 6'4" but measured in at 6'2" at the shrine bowl. or tofaeono who was said to be 6'5" when we signed him but is now listed at 6'2". having long arms can combat the lack of height however in a lot of instances.

Jarid in Cedar
02-23-2013, 11:55 PM
A good pass rusher is every bit as valuable and coveted as a good LT. The order is (1) QB, (2) three-way tie between LT, DT, and pass rusher, (3) shutdown corner.

That said, I'm thrilled to have Barton.

True that they are just as valuable, but elite LT are just much more rare than the other two positions that you listed at the #2 slot.

Big Dave
02-24-2013, 12:39 AM
this was one of the reasons i was excited when we got zac lindsay to switch his commit to us. while he is more likely a RT he does the bring the intagibles that are required height (6'7"), length (long arms), and size (320lbs).

these two are signs of what we need to look for when going for tackles in the pac12. no more 6'3" guys. we need the length to go against the speed we see at this level week in and week out.

i also hope the uhatafe kid is every bit the 6'5" that he is reported at. unlike brenner who was said to be 6'4" but measured in at 6'2" at the shrine bowl. or tofaeono who was said to be 6'5" when we signed him but is now listed at 6'2". having long arms can combat the lack of height however in a lot of instances.

How the hell do we get a player's height off by three full inches?

02-24-2013, 09:44 AM
What the recruiting sites list a kid at is usually self-reported by the kid and therefore about as reliable as self-reported 40 times and offers and all the other stuff. The staff certainly knows how tall a kid is and how much he weighs before he signs. Whether or not they list the H/W correctly in the media guide is another deal. Some of you will remember a great kid by the name of Alex Puccinelli who played DE at Utah a few years back. He was about 6'1" and held many records for sacks in SoCal. He was listed at 6'4" by his HS and that is what Oregon believed. When he showed up for an official visit at Oregon the HC reportedly asked, who is this guy and why is he here on an official visit? Recruiting is a funny sport. HS coaches and players are trying to get their guys a free education and sometimes stretch things a bit.

02-24-2013, 10:45 AM
This probably a question I should be embarrassed to ask but I don't mind looking ignorant. What is the best site to follow ute recruiting? I follow a little on the free rivals through Yahoo, but it gives very little information. I've thought about signing up and paying for UteZone to get info but always talk myself out of it. Is that where you all get the majority of your information on the recruiting?

Tacoma Ute
02-24-2013, 10:55 AM
This probably a question I should be embarrassed to ask but I don't mind looking ignorant. What is the best site to follow ute recruiting? I follow a little on the free rivals through Yahoo, but it gives very little information. I've thought about signing up and paying for UteZone to get info but always talk myself out of it. Is that where you all get the majority of your information on the recruiting?

I've been a member of UteZone for about a year and it is quite good. I've never signed up for Scout but most I have talked to say UteZone is much better. These days a lot of stuff gets out their on Twitter right away. If you know a particular recruits name you can search it on Twitter or just search Utes. That's a less expensive option.

Jarid in Cedar
02-24-2013, 11:03 AM
This probably a question I should be embarrassed to ask but I don't mind looking ignorant. What is the best site to follow ute recruiting? I follow a little on the free rivals through Yahoo, but it gives very little information. I've thought about signing up and paying for UteZone to get info but always talk myself out of it. Is that where you all get the majority of your information on the recruiting?

I have a membership to both, and for local info, I think Rivals is better. Scott has some good national/regional analysts, so I keep my membership for their info.

big z
02-24-2013, 11:09 AM
I have both Scout and Rivals, and i don't think i'll be renewing my scout account. The information they are putting out on UZ is days a head of Scout.

The UZ folks seem to have more access into the program than the scout writers do.

02-24-2013, 03:23 PM
I would second Jarids comments, but remember that Scout is relatively new to this market and they have had some growing pains. It remains to be seen if they can continue to improve to the point they can challenge Rivals access to the program.

Jarid in Cedar
02-26-2013, 05:05 PM
Fred Whittingham Jr just tweeted "Great day to be a Ute" Who's the new commit?

I have a name, as soon as it is out on twitter/public sources, i will update the board. Big kid, nephew of a former player.

02-26-2013, 05:19 PM
it was kenyon frison. plays at granger high school is 6'8"

dan sorenson put it on his twitter.

02-26-2013, 09:51 PM
I found it interesting that KSL is doing a feature (I believe it's a podcast) on how badly Utah's 2009 recruiting class has turned out (strangely KSL's website has been down tonight so I can't provide a link). Looking back at the 2009 class there were a whole lot of players that were injured or didn't pan out in that class. http://utah.scout.com/a.z?s=365&p=9&c=4&yr=2009

There was so much hope for that class especially after the Sugar Bowl run, and it just didn't work out. When you look at the 2009 vs. 2010 class, the 2010 class blows it away. Not sure what happened in 2009, perhaps just some bad luck (Jordan Wynn, James Aiono). Many of those 2009 recruits should be juniors and seniors this year and be major contributors. :wallbash:

Jarid in Cedar
02-26-2013, 10:07 PM
I found it interesting that KSL is doing a feature (I believe it's a podcast) on how badly Utah's 2009 recruiting class has turned out (strangely KSL's website has been down tonight so I can't provide a link). Looking back at the 2009 class there were a whole lot of players that were injured or didn't pan out in that class. http://utah.scout.com/a.z?s=365&p=9&c=4&yr=2009

There was so much hope for that class especially after the Sugar Bowl run, and it just didn't work out. When you look at the 2009 vs. 2010 class, the 2010 class blows it away. Not sure what happened in 2009, perhaps just some bad luck (Jordan Wynn, James Aiono). Many of those 2009 recruits should be juniors and seniors this year and be major contributors. :wallbash:

I look at how many of that class did not even make it to campus. Or made it later than recruited(Aiono).

02-27-2013, 07:18 AM
I have a name, as soon as it is out on twitter/public sources, i will update the board. Big kid, nephew of a former player.

Who is the uncle?

02-27-2013, 10:16 AM
Who is the uncle?

I was told Margin Hooks.

Jarid in Cedar
02-27-2013, 10:28 AM
I was told Margin Hooks.


Edit: I was wrong.

Jason Hooks, 49. LB from the late 90's

02-27-2013, 10:41 AM
I was told Margin Hooks.Former BYU Player? http://byucougars.com/athlete/m-football/margin-hooks

Jarid in Cedar
02-27-2013, 11:19 AM
Former BYU Player? http://byucougars.com/athlete/m-football/margin-hooks

My bad. Jason Hooks #49, LB from the late 90's.

Mormon Red Death
02-27-2013, 11:21 AM
My bad. Jason Hooks #49, LB from the late 90's.
that is good... now I can still make my "marginal" hooks jokes.

02-27-2013, 11:38 AM
I have neither Rivals nor scout. I have not found one person who prefers InsideTheUtes to UteZone. That would appear to be the case here as well.

I unfollowed all of the scout guys before signing day was even here. I got tired of the "I was the only one who had something and now other people are copying it! boo hoo hoo!" from the scout guys. Just got old. When I do subscribe, it will be to rivals (utezone)

02-27-2013, 11:43 AM
I have a feeling this thread is going to get unwieldy after a while. What about a recruiting section on the site. Just a thought. This is dead time for everything, but when things heat up in recruiting it would be nice to have a place to post multiple threads imo.

Love the site

02-27-2013, 11:44 AM
My bad. Jason Hooks #49, LB from the late 90's.

Ah, yes. Didn't he back up Kautai Olevao?

02-27-2013, 11:48 AM
I have neither Rivals nor scout. I have not found one person who prefers InsideTheUtes to UteZone. That would appear to be the case here as well.

I unfollowed all of the scout guys before signing day was even here. I got tired of the "I was the only one who had something and now other people are copying it! boo hoo hoo!" from the scout guys. Just got old. When I do subscribe, it will be to rivals (utezone)

This is right. I signed up for Scout for six months for like 7 bucks. I won't be renewing. They are wrong fairly often and don't seem to have the connections needed to do the job effectively. Rivals is infinitely better both for getting news and also for analysis.

Jarid in Cedar
02-27-2013, 11:52 AM
Ah, yes. Didn't he back up Kautai Olevao?

Yes, and eventually started towards the end of his career, IIRC.

Jarid in Cedar
02-27-2013, 11:54 AM
I have a feeling this thread is going to get unwieldy after a while. What about a recruiting section on the site. Just a thought. This is dead time for everything, but when things heat up in recruiting it would be nice to have a place to post multiple threads imo.

Love the site

This is a good suggestion. Mostly football? Given the sheer volume of recruits(and interest), FB could garner its own niche, whereas BBall, Baseball, etc could be done in their respective forums

LA Ute
02-27-2013, 12:02 PM
This is a good suggestion. Mostly football? Given the sheer volume of recruits(and interest), FB could garner its own niche, whereas BBall, Baseball, etc could be done in their respective forums

I agree it is a good idea.

02-27-2013, 12:11 PM
I have neither Rivals nor scout. I have not found one person who prefers InsideTheUtes to UteZone. That would appear to be the case here as well.

I unfollowed all of the scout guys before signing day was even here. I got tired of the "I was the only one who had something and now other people are copying it! boo hoo hoo!" from the scout guys. Just got old. When I do subscribe, it will be to rivals (utezone)

I have been a subscriber with both sites and I think Rivals does have the better overall site, their rankings are usually better and they get guys rated quicker (the mods on Utezone can get film to the national guys and get unknown prospects rated quickly). I will give Scout one advantage though, it's much easier to interact with the national guys there than it is on Rivals, just Today I posted on the board and one of the national guys answered my question.

Jarid in Cedar
02-27-2013, 12:16 PM
I have been a subscriber with both sites and I think Rivals does have the better overall site, their rankings are usually better and they get guys rated quicker (the mods on Utezone can get film to the national guys and get unknown prospects rated quickly). I will give Scout one advantage though, it's much easier to interact with the national guys there than it is on Rivals, just Today I posted on the board and one of the national guys answered my question.

This is probably the only reason I keep my Scout membership. I really like their national evaluators.

02-27-2013, 02:48 PM
I look at how many of that class did not even make it to campus. Or made it later than recruited(Aiono).

okay the article/podcast wasn't from KSL, but from Brian Swinney at Inside the Utes.

http://utah.scout.com/a.z?s=365&p=2&c=1269840&ssf=1&RequestedURL=http%3a%2f%2futah.scout.com%2f2%2f126 9840.html

Hot Lunch
02-28-2013, 10:46 PM
Ah, yes. Didn't he back up Kautai Olevao?

Ahh Kautai....... Every time I see or hear his name, I replay the hit in my mind when he destroyed the soul of Ronny Jenkins in the 98 rivalry game.

03-01-2013, 07:39 AM
Kautai wounded his inner child.

03-02-2013, 07:57 AM
I have a feeling this thread is going to get unwieldy after a while. What about a recruiting section on the site. Just a thought. This is dead time for everything, but when things heat up in recruiting it would be nice to have a place to post multiple threads imo.

Love the site

I agree with everything you said!!

RC Vikings
05-03-2013, 09:23 AM
Utah just invited a local kid, Logan Lee, to a come play under preferred walk on status. He played WR this year gained over 1100 yards and made 5A all state. He's 6'4" 200lbs and it sounds like Utah would like to have him bulk up and move to linebacker. His uncle is Jared Lee who played safety down at the Y. His Dad and uncles are all surgeons. He is planning on a mission first but when he comes back I think he can make an impact down there.

LA Ute
05-03-2013, 09:46 AM
Utah just invited a local kid, Logan Lee, to a come play under preferred walk on status. He played WR this year gained over 1100 yards and made 5A all state. He's 6'4" 200lbs and it sounds like Utah would like to have him bulk up and move to linebacker. His uncle is Jared Lee who played safety down at the Y. His Dad and uncles are all surgeons. He is planning on a mission first but when he comes back I think he can make an impact down there.

Thanks for the tip. Looks like a good kid. Besides, Logan Lee is a pretty good football name. Rolls right off the tongue!

05-07-2013, 07:51 AM
Let's take an early look at some in-state recruiting. 247sports has their composite state rankings up (they combine a bunch of rankings from across the web). Here is their too early Top 12.

1. Brian Mone-DT Highland - Michigan Commit
2. Dalton Schultz-TE Bingham - Undecided. Top 4: Stanford, Notre Dame, Utah, UW. (Also has offers from Nebraska, Oklahoma, Cal).
3. Jackson Barton-OT Brighton - Utah Commit
4. Allan Havili-DT Tooele - Utah Commit
5. Kenyon Frison-OT Granger - Utah Commit
6. Korey Rush-DE East - ASU Commit
7. Zac Dawe- DE Pleasant Grove - BYU Commit
8. Ola Tolutau - RB East - Undecided (Offers from Utah, BYU, USU, Hawaii)
9. Isaiah Kaufusi - LB Brighton - Undecided (Offers from BYU, Hawaii)
10. Amone Finau - ATH Kearns - Utah Commit
11. Sky Manu - S Brighton - Undecided (no offers listed)
12. S.J. Fehoko - S Cottonwood - Undecided (no offers listed)

What is the story on Schultz? We have not had good success keeping local kids away from Notre Dame and Stanford, but it would be nice to get him to replace JakeMurph.

Any other info on the other undecideds would be appreciated. Are we looking at Ola as a running back? What about the others who we haven't offered? Are we still evaluating or have we moved on to other targets?

05-07-2013, 08:01 AM
Let's take an early look at some in-state recruiting. 247sports has their composite state rankings up (they combine a bunch of rankings from across the web). Here is their too early Top 12.

1. Brian Mone-DT Highland - Michigan Commit
2. Dalton Schultz-TE Bingham - Undecided. Top 4: Stanford, Notre Dame, Utah, UW. (Also has offers from Nebraska, Oklahoma, Cal).
3. Jackson Barton-OT Brighton - Utah Commit
4. Allan Havili-DT Tooele - Utah Commit
5. Kenyon Frison-OT Granger - Utah Commit
6. Korey Rush-DE East - ASU Commit
7. Zac Dawe- DE Pleasant Grove - BYU Commit
8. Ola Tolutau - RB East - Undecided (Offers from Utah, BYU, USU, Hawaii)
9. Isaiah Kaufusi - LB Brighton - Undecided (Offers from BYU, Hawaii)
10. Amone Finau - ATH Kearns - Utah Commit
11. Sky Manu - S Brighton - Undecided (no offers listed)
12. S.J. Fehoko - S Cottonwood - Undecided (no offers listed)

What is the story on Schultz? We have not had good success keeping local kids away from Notre Dame and Stanford. It would be nice to get him to replace JakeMurph.

Any other info on the other undecideds would be appreciated. Are we looking at Ola as a running back? What about the others who we haven't offered? Are we still evaluating or have we moved on to other targets?

The articles on Korey Rush indicated that he did not yet have an offer from Utah when he committed to ASU. Anybody know why? B/c we didn't have a shot, didn't like him that much, or hadn't gotten around to it?

05-07-2013, 08:04 AM
The articles on Korey Rush indicated that he did not yet have an offer from Utah when he committed to ASU. Anybody know why? B/c we didn't have a shot, didn't like him that much, or hadn't gotten around to it?

Jarid de Cedar answered that very question: http://www.utahby5.com/showthread.php?37-2013-Utah-Utes-thread&p=14139&viewfull=1#post14139 (summary: we didn't like him)

05-07-2013, 08:13 AM
Read that ASU offered Frison yesterday. Hope he sticks with us.

TE is one of those positions that you like to get, but it's not as essential as other spots. Hope Schultz picks us, but I would rather have a top recruit at pretty much any other position.

I am especially pleased that we have sealed up the two legit Offensive tackle prospects in the state. That's a position that we have missed with local kids in years past. Any reason to suspect that Frison is wavering?

05-07-2013, 08:18 AM

05-07-2013, 08:41 AM
I love the business of evaluating recruits. Dan Sorensen writes an article in the Des News yesterday and says Jackson Barton is the best in-state prospect in over a decade. 247sports has him as the third best prospect this year.......

05-07-2013, 09:16 AM
Why would a DE/DT pick BYU over Utah?

Inadequate mental capabilities is all I can think of.

05-07-2013, 09:18 AM
I love the business of evaluating recruits. Dan Sorensen writes an article in the Des News yesterday and says Jackson Barton is the best in-state prospect in over a decade. 247sports has him as the third best prospect this year.......

I'll answer my own question:

We didn't offer him.

05-07-2013, 09:58 AM
I'll answer my own question:

We didn't offer him.

I assume you are referring to Zac Dawe. I would suppose that even if Utah liked him, they figured that Pleasant Grove is a tough place to recruit (Joe Kruger notwithstanding).

I'm more disappointed that Mone picked Michigan over the U. (1) A guy with surefire NFL potential (2) in our own backyard (3) on the heels of getting two D-lineman drafted and one in the top half of the first round.

05-07-2013, 05:07 PM
Let's take an early look at some in-state recruiting. 247sports has their composite state rankings up (they combine a bunch of rankings from across the web). Here is their too early Top 12.

1. Brian Mone-DT Highland - Michigan Commit
2. Dalton Schultz-TE Bingham - Undecided. Top 4: Stanford, Notre Dame, Utah, UW. (Also has offers from Nebraska, Oklahoma, Cal).
3. Jackson Barton-OT Brighton - Utah Commit
4. Allan Havili-DT Tooele - Utah Commit
5. Kenyon Frison-OT Granger - Utah Commit
6. Korey Rush-DE East - ASU Commit
7. Zac Dawe- DE Pleasant Grove - BYU Commit
8. Ola Tolutau - RB East - Undecided (Offers from Utah, BYU, USU, Hawaii)
9. Isaiah Kaufusi - LB Brighton - Undecided (Offers from BYU, Hawaii)
10. Amone Finau - ATH Kearns - Utah Commit
11. Sky Manu - S Brighton - Undecided (no offers listed)
12. S.J. Fehoko - S Cottonwood - Undecided (no offers listed)

What is the story on Schultz? We have not had good success keeping local kids away from Notre Dame and Stanford, but it would be nice to get him to replace JakeMurph.

Any other info on the other undecideds would be appreciated. Are we looking at Ola as a running back? What about the others who we haven't offered? Are we still evaluating or have we moved on to other targets?

I believe S.J. Fehoko does have a Utah offer, that's according to Scout.com site and an interview he did with them on the UteCast. Landing him could go a long way to landing his younger brother T.J. who will be a highly sought after kid.
I'm a UteZone member also and they have Jackson Barton ranked #62 player nationally and #1 in Utah

05-07-2013, 06:03 PM
I believe S.J. Fehoko does have a Utah offer, that's according to Scout.com site and an interview he did with them on the UteCast. Landing him could go a long way to landing his younger brother T.J. who will be a highly sought after kid.
I'm a UteZone member also and they have Jackson Barton ranked #62 player nationally and #1 in Utah

Thanks for the info on Fehoko. Any relation to V.J.?

I know that Rivals is really high on Barton, much more so than 247. This stuff is all guess work, but I would assume that things will shake out to some sort of consensus over the next year.

05-07-2013, 06:40 PM
Thanks for the info on Fehoko. Any relation to V.J.?

I know that Rivals is really high on Barton, much more so than 247. This stuff is all guess work, but I would assume that things will shake out to some sort of consensus over the next year.

ya they are V.J.' cousins. V.J.' little brother Breiden will be a top kid out Hawaii as well in 2015, hopefully all of the Fehoko' follow V.J. to the U

05-07-2013, 06:48 PM
ya they are V.J.' cousins. V.J.' little brother Breiden will be a top kid out Hawaii as well in 2015, hopefully all of the Fehoko' follow V.J. to the U

Rivals also has SJ as a non-offer thus far. My guess is that no offer has yet been made, but that could be wrong.

05-09-2013, 07:40 AM
What is the story on Schultz? We have not had good success keeping local kids away from Notre Dame and Stanford, but it would be nice to get him to replace JakeMurph.

Any other info on the other undecideds would be appreciated. Are we looking at Ola as a running back? What about the others who we haven't offered? Are we still evaluating or have we moved on to other targets?

The DeezNewz brings it (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865579634/Utes-finding-continued-success-with-in-state-recruiting-focus.html?pg=2)this morning with an update on Schultz and Tolutau:

Schultz, who has also been offered scholarships by national football powers such as Florida, Oklahoma and Stanford, is currently among the top recruiting priorities for Whittingham’s staff. However, it remains to be seen whether the Utah coaches will succeed in convincing him that staying close to home carries more benefits than pursuing out-of-state opportunities.

Also, East running back Ula Tolutau is another local player coveted by the Utes. Tolutau is a bruising back who carried the East offense as a junior. As a senior, he could prove to be the focus of the most high-profile in-state recruiting battle. Both Utah and BYU are actively pursuing the talented back.

Hot Lunch
05-13-2013, 07:10 PM
Let's take an early look at some in-state recruiting. 247sports has their composite state rankings up (they combine a bunch of rankings from across the web). Here is their too early Top 12.

1. Brian Mone-DT Highland - Michigan Commit
2. Dalton Schultz-TE Bingham - Undecided. Top 4: Stanford, Notre Dame, Utah, UW. (Also has offers from Nebraska, Oklahoma, Cal).
3. Jackson Barton-OT Brighton - Utah Commit
4. Allan Havili-DT Tooele - Utah Commit
5. Kenyon Frison-OT Granger - Utah Commit
6. Korey Rush-DE East - ASU Commit
7. Zac Dawe- DE Pleasant Grove - BYU Commit
8. Ola Tolutau - RB East - Undecided (Offers from Utah, BYU, USU, Hawaii)
9. Isaiah Kaufusi - LB Brighton - Undecided (Offers from BYU, Hawaii)
10. Amone Finau - ATH Kearns - Utah Commit
11. Sky Manu - S Brighton - Undecided (no offers listed)
12. S.J. Fehoko - S Cottonwood - Undecided (no offers listed)

What is the story on Schultz? We have not had good success keeping local kids away from Notre Dame and Stanford, but it would be nice to get him to replace JakeMurph.

Any other info on the other undecideds would be appreciated. Are we looking at Ola as a running back? What about the others who we haven't offered? Are we still evaluating or have we moved on to other targets?

Hasn't the Kaufusi kid from Brighton already committed to BYU? I assume that he has committed there. His uncle who is a friend of mine has told me that is where he is going. He also said that he doesn't have a Utah offer and they haven't shown much interest at all.

05-13-2013, 07:12 PM
Hasn't the Kaufusi kid from Brighton already committed to BYU? I assume that he has committed there. His uncle who is a friend of mine has told me that is where he is going. He also said that he doesn't have a Utah offer and they haven't shown much interest at all.

I assume he will end up there (unless Chow works his island magic), but I haven't seen him listed as a BYU commitment anywhere.

05-21-2013, 07:14 AM
New commit - Raelon Singleton, WR from Texas. http://utah.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1505930 (free)

05-21-2013, 08:07 AM
I believe S.J. Fehoko does have a Utah offer, that's according to Scout.com site and an interview he did with them on the UteCast. Landing him could go a long way to landing his younger brother T.J. who will be a highly sought after kid.
I'm a UteZone member also and they have Jackson Barton ranked #62 player nationally and #1 in Utah

A friend of mine played O line for the U in the 70's or 80s; his son plays at East. He said he thinks a lot more polys could head to Wisconsin, like Ola Tolutau. He said Gary A had the great relationship with them both at the u and at USU, and is really mining it. the kids like him a lot.

I read somewhere that Austin K, the qb from Jordan, is likely headed to Wisconsin too. Sounds like we may have burned a bridge with his dad, ala Scott Cate.

Hot Lunch
05-21-2013, 08:49 AM
A friend of mine played O line for the U in the 70's or 80s; his son plays at East. He said he thinks a lot more polys could head to Wisconsin, like Ola Tolutau. He said Gary A had the great relationship with them both at the u and at USU, and is really mining it. the kids like him a lot.

I read somewhere that Austin K, the qb from Jordan, is likely headed to Wisconsin too. Sounds like we may have burned a bridge with his dad, ala Scott Cate.

I heard that Austin K's dad played ball at Hawaii? I would be interested in how Utah burned a bridge with him. Not sure if you can share what you know or not at this time. As for Scott Cate, if a bridge was burned, the U avoided a train wreck by having his son go to Okie St.

05-21-2013, 08:54 AM
I heard that Austin K's dad played ball at Hawaii? I would be interested in how Utah burned a bridge with him. Not sure if you can share what you know or not at this time. As for Scott Cate, if a bridge was burned, the U avoided a train wreck by having his son go to Okie St.

I have zero inside info on Austin K. Just scuttlebutt I heard third or fourth hand somewhere. No idea if it is accurate or not. Which is why I spread it, of course.

Two Utes
05-21-2013, 09:15 AM
I have zero inside info on Austin K. Just scuttlebutt I heard third or fourth hand somewhere. No idea if it is accurate or not. Which is why I spread it, of course.

Austin K is a 5'10" QB who was fully grown in ninth grade. The kid from Mountain Crest (Kuresa) who went to BYU is as good as Kefentzes or better. Size is the issue there. Not convinced he is a big time college football QB. Most kids would still rather play close to home. Gary A will get a few, but likely no more than Michigan is currently getting.(See Bryan Mone, the best local kids in the class of 2014.)

05-21-2013, 09:24 AM
Austin K is a 5'10" QB who was fully grown in ninth grade. The kid from Mountain Crest (Kuresa) who went to BYU is as good as Kefentzes or better. Size is the issue there. Not convinced he is a big time college football QB. Most kids would still rather play close to home. Gary A will get a few, but likely no more than Michigan is currently getting.(See Bryan Mone, the best local kids in the class of 2014.)

The scuttlebutt among the high school kids is that he is two years older too--that his father held him back so he could compete. No idea if true or not, so of course I spread it.

05-21-2013, 09:39 AM
Austin K is a 5'10" QB who was fully grown in ninth grade. The kid from Mountain Crest (Kuresa) who went to BYU is as good as Kefentzes or better. Size is the issue there. Not convinced he is a big time college football QB. Most kids would still rather play close to home. Gary A will get a few, but likely no more than Michigan is currently getting.(See Bryan Mone, the best local kids in the class of 2014.)

If Bryan Mone is the best local kid in the class of 2014, than I am the queen of England.

Hot Lunch
05-21-2013, 09:43 AM
The scuttlebutt among the high school kids is that he is two years older too--that his father held him back so he could compete. No idea if true or not, so of course I spread it.

This is becoming common. Not the two years but at least one. More and more you are finding kids turning 19 in april, may and June of their senior year. It is becoming more and more common in Utah. It has been happening for a long time in Texas.

I didn't realize the kid was 5'10. For some reason I thought he was 6'0.

Mormon Red Death
05-21-2013, 09:47 AM
This is becoming common. Not the two years but at least one. More and more you are finding kids turning 19 in april, may and June of their senior year. It is becoming more and more common in Utah. It has been happening for a long time in Texas.

I didn't realize the kid was 5'10. For some reason I thought he was 6'0.

My son is doing the Kindergarten Redshirt. He was born in early August and we wanted to be the oldest in his class. So he is doing kindergarten at another school and will do kindergarten at the school he should go to next year. His current kindergarten teacher has been pushing us to send him to 1st grade next year because "he might get bored" next year. Yeah... he will be the first kid who was ever bored in schooll:rofl:

Jarid in Cedar
05-21-2013, 09:54 AM
If Bryan Mone is the best local kid in the class of 2014, than I am the queen of England.

Then you are the queen of England. The top three in Utah(Schultz, Mone, and Barton) are interchangeable, imo. Picking the best out of those three is like saying I like Gala apples more than Pacific Rose apples.

Everyone else is a tier below them.

Hot Lunch
05-21-2013, 09:57 AM
My son is doing the Kindergarten Redshirt. He was born in early August and we wanted to be the oldest in his class. So he is doing kindergarten at another school and will do kindergarten at the school he should go to next year. His current kindergarten teacher has been pushing us to send him to 1st grade next year because "he might get bored" next year. Yeah... he will be the first kid who was ever bored in schooll:rofl:

LOL. Not sure what that Kindergarten teacher is going to do with a bored kid in class. She might be venturing down uncharted territories with that one.

I would have done the same thing as you with an early August birthday. I just get a little surprised with the April and May birthday's when they are held back. My brother was a kindergarten redshirt back in the day. His birthday was towards the end of August and was the actual day of the cutoff for our district. My sports minded father will full on tell everyone that his decision to have my brother being the oldest in his class was 100% driven by sports.

Jarid in Cedar
05-21-2013, 10:00 AM
LOL. Not sure what that Kindergarten teacher is going to do with a bored kid in class. She might be venturing down uncharted territories with that one.

I would have done the same thing as you with an early August birthday. I just get a little surprised with the April and May birthday's when they are held back. My brother was a kindergarten redshirt back in the day. His birthday was towards the end of August and was the actual day of the cutoff for our district. My sports minded father will full on tell everyone that his decision to have my brother being the oldest in his class was 100% driven by sports.

Freakomonics would say that it benefits more than just athletics

05-21-2013, 10:02 AM
My son is doing the Kindergarten Redshirt. He was born in early August and we wanted to be the oldest in his class. So he is doing kindergarten at another school and will do kindergarten at the school he should go to next year. His current kindergarten teacher has been pushing us to send him to 1st grade next year because "he might get bored" next year. Yeah... he will be the first kid who was ever bored in school:rofl:

I have a son who turns 6 this August. We held him back. When we showed up to enroll him in kindergarten about a month ago, we were told that they were going to enroll him in first grade and refused to put him in kindergarten. This is despite the fact that the school and district had allowed August birthdays to be held back forever, and there had never been an announced change in the policy. There was even something deep on the district website that said it was OK. We went toe-to-toe with the district for about a week before they caved. I understand if you're going to have a hard cutoff, and am fine with that, but you better let all of the impacted people know about it at least a year in advance.

05-21-2013, 10:13 AM
A friend of mine played O line for the U in the 70's or 80s; his son plays at East. He said he thinks a lot more polys could head to Wisconsin, like Ola Tolutau. He said Gary A had the great relationship with them both at the u and at USU, and is really mining it. the kids like him a lot.

I read somewhere that Austin K, the qb from Jordan, is likely headed to Wisconsin too. Sounds like we may have burned a bridge with his dad, ala Scott Cate.

This is an area where Coach A needs to be careful. Going into a program like Wisconsin and their traditions, he may ruffle a few feathers if the turns his back on some of the more established "local" recruiting ties. I'm sure he knows this, but adding a kid here or there on top of what you are doing is great. Turning your back on what has been established and forging a new path often gets you fired (see Rich Rod at Michigan).

05-21-2013, 10:13 AM
I have a son who turns 6 this August. We held him back. When we showed up to enroll him in kindergarten about a month ago, we were told that they were going to enroll him in first grade and refused to put him in kindergarten. This is despite the fact that the school and district had allowed August birthdays to be held back forever, and there had never been an announced change in the policy. There was even something deep on the district website that said it was OK. We went toe-to-toe with the district for about a week before they caved. I understand if you're going to have a hard cutoff, and am fine with that, but you better let all of the impacted people know about it at least a year in advance.

We had the reverse problem. Our youngest daughter was born Sept. 3. Because she was the youngest, she always played with older kids, and we wanted to start her in kindergarten the year she turned 5, because we thought she was ready and we were ready to get her out of the house. But the hard cut off was Sept. 1, and we had to wait a year. We could have put her in first grade at that point, but we didn't. Turned out to be the best thing for us. I would even recommend it more so for a boy, and nothing to do with athletics. Loss of confidence and self esteem when you are always the youngest. Need a chance to be a alpha dog once in a while.

Two Utes
05-21-2013, 10:34 AM
We had the reverse problem. Our youngest daughter was born Sept. 3. Because she was the youngest, she always played with older kids, and we wanted to start her in kindergarten the year she turned 5, because we thought she was ready and we were ready to get her out of the house. But the hard cut off was Sept. 1, and we had to wait a year. We could have put her in first grade at that point, but we didn't. Turned out to be the best thing for us. I would even recommend it more so for a boy, and nothing to do with athletics. Loss of confidence and self esteem when you are always the youngest. Need a chance to be a alpha dog once in a while.

It's interesting because I've had some experience with these issues with my oldest who is a March birthday, so he was one of the younger kids in high school. He grew very late. He was never on the radar recruiting wise because he obtained his size when he was a junior in high school. It turned out ok for him, but I still cringe when I watch fully grown 8th graders play sports against kids who have not reached puberty. It is ridiculous to watch, and to be honest, dangerous.
Freakanomics makes some really good points about this.

I have a little one who is a May birthday. I started him early and often wonder if I made a mistake.

05-21-2013, 10:59 AM
Then you are the queen of England. The top three in Utah(Schultz, Mone, and Barton) are interchangeable, imo. Picking the best out of those three is like saying I like Gala apples more than Pacific Rose apples.

Everyone else is a tier below them.

Barton is the best prospect in this state in years. He is on a tier of his own.

Jarid in Cedar
05-21-2013, 11:01 AM
Barton is the best prospect in this state in years. He is on a tier of his own.

So you are saying that you like gala apples. Solid choice

05-21-2013, 12:07 PM
So you are saying that you like gala apples. Solid choice

I am going with what the majority have said, it being the obvious crapshoot that it is.

Jarid in Cedar
05-21-2013, 12:46 PM
I am going with what the majority have said, it being the obvious crapshoot that it is.

Which majority? Rivals favors Barton, Scout favors Mone. I don't know where 24/7 stands. There is plenty of dissenting opinion on this. I think Barton is more valuable because he plays a premium position that Utah typically struggles to get top tier talent at, but that didn't necessarily make him a better prospect. Mone looks and plays like a guy that could anchor the center of Alabama's defensive line. Shultz has offers from the who's who of college football. The three of them are miles ahead of the rest of the state.

05-21-2013, 12:58 PM
Which majority? Rivals favors Barton, Scout favors Mone. I don't know where 24/7 stands. There is plenty of dissenting opinion on this. I think Barton is more valuable because he plays a premium position that Utah typically struggles to get top tier talent at, but that didn't necessarily make him a better prospect. Mone looks and plays like a guy that could anchor the center of Alabama's defensive line. Shultz has offers from the who's who of college football. The three of them are miles ahead of the rest of the state.

247 likes Mone. And they just moved Frison up to number 2 in the state! I hope we can hold on to him.

Jarid in Cedar
05-21-2013, 01:10 PM
247 likes Mone. And they just moved Frison up to number 2 in the state! I hope we can hold on to him.

I don't worry about Frison. His uncle is Jason Hooks(who was the person who announced his commitment on Utezone), and we are soooooo far ahead of everyone else in his recruitment.

05-21-2013, 02:44 PM
My son is doing the Kindergarten Redshirt. He was born in early August and we wanted to be the oldest in his class. So he is doing kindergarten at another school and will do kindergarten at the school he should go to next year. His current kindergarten teacher has been pushing us to send him to 1st grade next year because "he might get bored" next year. Yeah... he will be the first kid who was ever bored in schooll:rofl:

This is my approach too. My son is a late August birthday. He's already 99% in height, he's also only turning 3 in August. Please let his size be an outlier in our genetic pool (I'm 5'11" and his mom is 5'4" and half Japanese). Knowing my luck he'll be 6'4" 230 and interested in school plays and tap dancing (not that there's anything wrong with that).

05-23-2013, 03:22 PM
Sounds like USC is coming after Frison.............

UteBeliever aka Port
05-23-2013, 08:37 PM
Sounds like USC is coming after Frison.............

It would be nice to see another Utah recruit/commit tell USC to FO.

05-27-2013, 12:33 PM
I don't worry about Frison. His uncle is Jason Hooks(who was the person who announced his commitment on Utezone), and we are soooooo far ahead of everyone else in his recruitment.

Sounds like USC is coming after Frison.............

Consider me worried!

05-28-2013, 08:17 AM
It is very nice to have kids committed who are highly regarded by other programs and being pursued by other programs. It is a much better situation then having kids committed who nobody else is interested in. However, it will result in some de-committments as the year progresses. Hopefully we will be able to hang on to the Barton and Frison kids as they appear to be the prototype offensive tackles that could man the line for years to come.

05-28-2013, 08:40 AM
It is very nice to have kids committed who are highly regarded by other programs and being pursued by other programs. It is a much better situation then having kids committed who nobody else is interested in. However, it will result in some de-committments as the year progresses. Hopefully we will be able to hang on to the Barton and Frison kids as they appear to be the prototype offensive tackles that could man the line for years to come.

Agreed. I don't get hung up on decommits, especially to the likes of USC. But I really want to keep Frison.

I'm not worried about Barton. He's a die-hard Ute and committed early even though he knew he would get better offers. Frison, on the other hand, is a late bloomer who we nabbed early. Those types are easier to lose.

05-28-2013, 10:02 AM
Agreed. I don't get hung up on decommits, especially to the likes of USC. But I really want to keep Frison.

I'm not worried about Barton. He's a die-hard Ute and committed early even though he knew he would get better offers. Frison, on the other hand, is a late bloomer who we nabbed early. Those types are easier to lose.

I just hope there is some sense of loyalty with this kid.

05-31-2013, 09:30 AM
Agreed. I don't get hung up on decommits, especially to the likes of USC. But I really want to keep Frison.

I'm not worried about Barton. He's a die-hard Ute and committed early even though he knew he would get better offers. Frison, on the other hand, is a late bloomer who we nabbed early. Those types are easier to lose.

Apparently Frison just picked up an offer from Oklahoma. Hope we can hold on.

Jarid in Cedar
06-12-2013, 12:28 PM
New commit out of Texas. CB-Bobby Hartzog. He is from the same hs as Hipolito Corporan, CB from the 2013 class.

He was a Houston commit that Scalley was able to flip last night.


06-13-2013, 03:47 PM
New commit out of Texas. CB-Bobby Hartzog. He is from the same hs as Hipolito Corporan, CB from the 2013 class.

He was a Houston commit that Scalley was able to flip last night.


Even though we beat out UH and Lamar for his services, I always give an enthusiastic thumbs up to any defensive recruit from Texas.

06-13-2013, 04:23 PM
Even though we beat out UH and Lamar for his services, I always give an enthusiastic thumbs up to any defensive recruit from Texas.

Agreed. It never hurts to sign kids from Texas and it helps that several of these kids have success at the college level when they sign with Utah. That bodes well for future recruiting, as kids see how their fellow Texans are better players when they leave Utah than when they first entered the program.

06-16-2013, 01:24 PM
1. Brian Mone-DT Highland - Michigan Commit
2. Dalton Schultz-TE Bingham - Undecided. Top 4: Stanford, Notre Dame, Utah, UW. (Also has offers from Nebraska, Oklahoma, Cal).
3. Jackson Barton-OT Brighton - Utah Commit
4. Allan Havili-DT Tooele - Utah Commit
5. Kenyon Frison-OT Granger - Utah Commit
6. Korey Rush-DE East - ASU Commit
7. Zac Dawe- DE Pleasant Grove - BYU Commit
8. Ola Tolutau - RB East - Wisconsin Commit
9. Isaiah Kaufusi - LB Brighton - Undecided (Offers from BYU, Utah, USU, Hawaii)
10. Amone Finau - ATH Kearns - Utah Commit
11. Sky Manu - S Brighton - Undecided (no offers listed)
12. S.J. Fehoko - S Cottonwood - Undecided (no offers listed)

Update on the top 12 Utah kids. Tolutau signed with Wisconsin and Kaufusi received a Utah offer. Kauhauhau and Anderson are hitting Utah hard, but methinks that Wisky fans won't be too excited if the best athletes they get from the beehive state are fullbacks. I thought that Kaufusi was a Cougar for sure, but maybe our coaches think that they can get him and he is worth the effort.

06-16-2013, 02:14 PM
Spending a ton of effort on Utah to only land a couple of 3 star players is not a recipe for success in the Big10.

Nope. I hope that the coaches realize this and leave our damn state alone!

It looks like East is the new Cottonwood - sending kids out of state, even if they aren't very good.

Diehard Ute
06-16-2013, 03:51 PM
Good. Let the other states figure out that they are just getting fancy eastside pretty boys. Go Panthers!

Seems someone hasn't checked the SL School districts boundaries lately :)

06-18-2013, 03:33 PM
Sounds like Austin Kafentzsis is headed to Wisconsin with Gary Anderson. I certainly didn't think we would land him.

06-24-2013, 10:18 PM
Sure is dead on the recruiting front. Any good insights from the All-Poly camp?

Jarid in Cedar
06-25-2013, 08:06 AM
Sure is dead on the recruiting front. Any good insights from the All-Poly camp?

I think we are waiting for the qb domino to fall. Sharp its my guy, but Dawkins may end up being who we get. Hopefully news will hit over the weekend.

Jarid in Cedar
06-28-2013, 08:24 PM
Huge pickup tonight as Aaron Sharp, QB from Houston, picked the Utes over K-State and Miss State. Sharp was the #1 QB on their board.

06-28-2013, 09:43 PM
Huge pickup tonight as Aaron Sharp, QB from Houston, picked the Utes over K-State and Miss State. Sharp was the #1 QB on their board.

Here is the tribune article on the pick up. Sounds like he will be fast. :)


06-29-2013, 08:48 AM
Pretty sweet. He had a lot of offers from a lot of places. Feels good to win this one.

Kind of related - it seems clear that we are going for duel threat QBs. What is Manning thinking right now about being at Utah?

Manning is going to switch to LB. ;)

06-29-2013, 09:08 AM
Huge pickup tonight as Aaron Sharp, QB from Houston, picked the Utes over K-State and Miss State. Sharp was the #1 QB on their board.

Great news. I don't follow our QB recruiting as much as other positions, but I trust your judgment on this one.

06-29-2013, 09:17 AM
Huge pickup tonight as Aaron Sharp, QB from Houston, picked the Utes over K-State and Miss State. Sharp was the #1 QB on their board.

why is he such a huge get, potentially a program changer (as described in the Trib), if his only other qb offers are KSU and Miss State? Why are you and others so high on him?

Jeromy in SLC
06-29-2013, 09:43 AM
why is he such a huge get, potentially a program changer (as described in the Trib), if his only other qb offers are KSU and Miss State? Why are you and others so high on him?

KSU just won the Big 12 with Kline and Miss State has had a lot of success recently (forget their QB's name). They run a similar style, and value a QB that is fast and can throw. This may be an indication of where DE and BJ see the offense going. But, looking at his offer list, I doubt ASU or Baylor offered him as an athlete. He would fit their styles of play extremely well. Texas for certain offered him as an athlete.

I guess what it boils down to is that Utah just pulled a talented, extremely athletic QB from Texas going against some very good teams that are much closer to home. QB has been a problem position to recruit for Utah, but the last three cycles have produced some talented players.

06-29-2013, 09:49 AM
why is he such a huge get, potentially a program changer (as described in the Trib), if his only other qb offers are KSU and Miss State? Why are you and others so high on him?

I'm just excited to see him at safety in 2016!

06-29-2013, 09:57 AM
why is he such a huge get, potentially a program changer (as described in the Trib), if his only other qb offers are KSU and Miss State? Why are you and others so high on him?

I don't know if this kid will pan out, but consider this: Mississippi State is coached by an Urban protege in Mullen, who is probably familiar with Utah and knows enough about where our program has been offensively to effectively recruit against us. Plus, it's the SEC and close(r) to home. Kansas State was one half away from playing for the national championship. I'm not into hyping up kids like apparently the Tribune has, but getting Sharp is at worst a major statement in our recruiting ability.

06-29-2013, 03:07 PM
I don't know much about Sharp. The KSL podcast had me more excited for Dawkins, although I doubt we get him now.

LA Ute
06-29-2013, 03:28 PM
I don't know much about Sharp. The KSL podcast had me more excited for Dawkins, although I doubt we get him now.

Utezone is reporting that Sharp is now wavering. :(

06-29-2013, 03:33 PM
Utezone is reporting that Sharp is now wavering. :(

No need to be sad. If a kid decides he doesn't want to play at Utah, all the best to him. I only care about those who do sign to play here.

Newbomb Turk
06-29-2013, 03:54 PM
Utezone is reporting that Sharp is now wavering. :(

So he committed one day and uncommitted the next? I don't get it. Did they say how they know he is wavering and why? Or is this another one of those "I know something that you don't know" things (that is not aimed at you LA, but the source of this).

LA Ute
06-29-2013, 04:26 PM
No need to be sad. If a kid decides he doesn't want to play at Utah, all the best to him. I only care about those who do sign to play here.

I didn't know the code for the "blink" smiley.

LA Ute
06-29-2013, 04:36 PM
So he committed one day and uncommitted the next? I don't get it. Did they say how they know he is wavering and why? Or is this another one of those "I know something that you don't know" things (that is not aimed at you LA, but the source of this).

The source is pretty vague. I wouldn't get too worried about it yet.

06-29-2013, 04:47 PM
I didn't know the code for the "blink" smiley.

That smiley is in the list of smileys we have here.

LA Ute
06-29-2013, 04:50 PM
That smiley is in the list of smileys we have here.

Not in Tapatalk. Unless I just don't know how to do it in Tapatalk, which is very possible.

06-29-2013, 05:02 PM
Not in Tapatalk. Unless I just don't know how to do it in Tapatalk, which is very possible.

Tapatalk if about phones, right? Can't help you with that. The code, if it helps, is blink between colons. (Please, no anatomical jokes.)

LA Ute
06-29-2013, 05:26 PM
Tapatalk if about phones, right? Can't help you with that. The code, if it helps, is blink between colons. (Please, no anatomical jokes.)


Jarid in Cedar
06-29-2013, 08:53 PM
Huge pickup tonight as Aaron Sharp, QB from Houston, picked the Utes over K-State and Miss State. Sharp was the #1 QB on their board.


06-30-2013, 01:16 AM
These kids go back and forth. These things happen.

06-30-2013, 07:56 AM

LOL at Recruiting.

Diehard Ute
06-30-2013, 08:16 AM
Word is he wants Utah, but mom wants him closer to home and thus chose for him.

Recruiting is an interesting world, especially when parents start to get involved

Jarid in Cedar
06-30-2013, 09:21 AM
LOL at Recruiting.


LA Ute
06-30-2013, 11:18 AM
We didn't want him anyway, he wasn't a Utah kid at heart, and probably had academic issues. Overall, he wouldn't fit into the superior species of human that plays at Utah.


Hot Lunch
07-01-2013, 09:09 AM

Well that sucked. I loved what I saw on Youtube about this kid. He would have been and incredible get. I hope his recruitment isn't over.

07-15-2013, 03:07 PM
Since the owner of this website is derelict in his duties, I feel that I am responsible for posting recruiting updates. Since Aaron Sharp spent 12 hours as a Ute, we have picked up two, unheralded locals.

Joe Tukuafu - TE from East
Kyle Christiansen - DT from Hyrum

I wonder if the Tukuafu signing tells us what we need to know about Schultz coming to the U.

Diehard Ute
07-15-2013, 03:16 PM
Since the owner of this website is derelict in his duties, I feel that I am responsible for posting recruiting updates. Since Aaron Sharp spent 12 hours as a Ute, we have picked up two, unheralded locals.

Joe Tukuafu - TE from East
Kyle Christiansen - DT from Hyrum

I wonder if the Tukuafu signing tells us what we need to know about Schultz coming to the U.

I'd venture Tukuafu is headed for the DL, he's 6'4" 235 and "still growing" according to his HS coaches

LA Ute
07-15-2013, 03:24 PM
Since the owner of this website is derelict in his duties, I feel that I am responsible for posting recruiting updates.

You do realize that you can be fined for making comments like that here, don't you?

Jeromy in SLC
07-15-2013, 03:34 PM
Since the owner of this website is derelict in his duties, I feel that I am responsible for posting recruiting updates.

I can only confirm that the owner of this site is a derelict. I am uncertain what his duties are, aside from being accountable to every family member (extended or otherwise) for answering their medical questions. My wife has similar duties as the appointed family attorney. She understands his sorrow.

Dwight Schr-Ute
07-15-2013, 03:49 PM
I wonder if the Tukuafu signing tells us what we need to know about Schultz coming to the U.

I found out last weekend that Dalton Schultz is the son of my wife's cousin. Unfortunately, I just found that out because that side of the family is pretty disfunctional in that I've never met any of them and my wife has no current relationships, but I'll see what I can do to ensure he becomes a Ute.

07-15-2013, 03:55 PM
MY found out last weekend that Dalton Schultz is the son of my wife's cousin. Unfortunately, I just found that out because that side of the family is pretty disfunctional in that I've never met any of them and my wife has no current relationships, but I'll see what I can do to ensure he becomes a Ute.


Jeromy in SLC
07-15-2013, 03:58 PM
I wonder if the Tukuafu signing tells us what we need to know about Schultz coming to the U.

Probably doesn't say much. Tukuafu is mission bound immediately (the artist formerly known as "Sign and Send"), and won't join the team until 2016.

Hot Lunch
07-15-2013, 11:15 PM
Probably doesn't say much. Tukuafu is mission bound immediately (the artist formerly known as "Sign and Send"), and won't join the team until 2016.

Is Tukuafu the brother of the D End that played at Oregon a couple of years back who is currently playing for the 49ers? He played at East as well. I also think that the Tukuafu family is related to the Kaufusi family as well.

07-16-2013, 11:37 AM
Is Tukuafu the brother of the D End that played at Oregon a couple of years back who is currently playing for the 49ers? He played at East as well. I also think that the Tukuafu family is related to the Kaufusi family as well.

I think Will (The Oregon/49ers DE) is probably a cousin or other more distant relation. I thought Will was one of the younger siblings in his family.

Jarid in Cedar
07-17-2013, 11:24 AM
Lets see if this QB commit lasts longer than our last one :D


Donovan Isom ‏@d_isom12
8m I have officially made my solid verbal commitment to the University of Utah!! It's a great day to be a Ute!! ������������������

LA Ute
07-17-2013, 01:35 PM
It's been over 4.5 hours and Donovan is still committed!

07-17-2013, 02:51 PM
Recruiting is one of the most important aspects of college sports, and yet I simply cannot, no matter how hard I try, get into it. I am interested in a high schooler only after they sign. Maybe if my 8 YO ends up playing HS FB I will be more interested in local recruiting.

I hope that y'all enjoy this contribution to the thread!

07-17-2013, 03:04 PM
One aspect of local recruiting that interests me is where, geographically, the dominant programs are. Seems like you can usually track them and predict them based on where residential development is happening and whether it is affluent development:

Skyline/Alta/Brighton/Orem were dominant in the 80's-90's while the East Bench filled out. Now the parents of those kids are empty-nesters and those programs are in apparent senescence.

Presently Bingham/Lone Peak/Timpview/Syracuse etc. are all places with developable land that is slowly filling out.

The Future might include Herriman but geographically, I think that most of the present powerhouses are positioned to continue to siphon players from the developing west corridor.

07-17-2013, 05:31 PM
I found out last weekend that Dalton Schultz is the son of my wife's cousin. Unfortunately, I just found that out because that side of the family is pretty disfunctional in that I've never met any of them and my wife has no current relationships, but I'll see what I can do to ensure he becomes a Ute.

Time for a family BBQ

Damage U
07-27-2013, 09:59 AM
Looks like CB Denzel Fisher has set up an official visit with the Utes in Oct. I'm sure you'll all be on your best behavior then as always.

07-30-2013, 06:54 AM
Sorry if this has been posted, but Schultz lists his top five as: Notre Dame, Oregon St., Stanford, Washington, and Utah.

Damage U
08-25-2013, 03:23 PM
Anyone else check out the 24/7 recuiting site or are members? Is it just me (user error) or have the Utes been dumped by the site. I had the Utah page bookmarked but now it goes to the sites home page. I do a search and get the home page still.

Damage U
09-05-2013, 10:18 AM
Looks like the Utes have 24/7 site now (Ute Review). John Cullen has a few post a la Hans Olsen type stuff.

Damage U
09-05-2013, 10:21 AM
Also, it looks like UCLA offered Denzel Fisher and it looks like it took him all of five seconds to accept.

Jarid in Cedar
09-05-2013, 10:44 AM
Fisher hurt just from a reality standpoint. We really need a big win in conference this year

09-05-2013, 10:46 AM
Fisher hurt just from a reality standpoint. We really need a big win in conference this year\

I have the feeling that our recruiting is not as good as it was this time last year; is that accurate or not? What is the overall prognosis?

Jarid in Cedar
09-05-2013, 11:17 AM

I have the feeling that our recruiting is not as good as it was this time last year; is that accurate or not? What is the overall prognosis?

I really like the guys we have right now. Highly regarded and ranked. I have concern about how we fill out the rest of the class. If we struggle, it may fill with B and C plan recruits. If we can win and show some progress, we should be ok.

Diehard Ute
09-05-2013, 11:18 AM
I really like the guys we have right now. Highly regarded and ranked. I have concern about how we fill out the rest of the class. If we struggle, it may fill with B and C plan recruits. If we can win and show some progress, we should be ok.

I also think we're seeing a shift in that we are recruiting, and are legitimately in the game for better players, thus commits probably won't come as early

09-05-2013, 12:44 PM

I have the feeling that our recruiting is not as good as it was this time last year; is that accurate or not? What is the overall prognosis?

I don't think that is accurate. I think we are about where we were a year ago.

Last year at this time, we had 9 commitments:
Marcus Williams - RB 2*
Sam Tevi - DE 3*
X Shepperd - WR 3* (he did not make it but says he will be here in January and will be part of 2014 class)
Filipo Mokofisi - LB 3*
Uaea Masina- LB 3*
Connor Manning - QB 3*
Andre Lewis - WR 4*
Myron Aiava - DT 3* (Did not qualify)
Brandon Cox - QB 3* - Rivals lists him as committing in late October, but I thought it was in the summer.

This year we have 9
Jsckson Barton OL 4*
Kenyon Frison OL 3*
Allan Havili DT 3*
Amone Finau Ath 3*
Kyle Christianson DT 2* sign and send (don't know when he was evaluated)
Donovan Isom QB 3*
Jeremy McNichols WR 2* (don't know if he has been evaluated recently)
Raelon Singleton WR 3*
Joe Tukuafu TE not evaluated - sign and send

By my unofficial count, with the missionaries returning and the sign and sends, we probably have room for 8-10 additional signees.

09-05-2013, 01:00 PM
I don't think that is accurate. I think we are about where we were a year ago.

Last year at this time, we had 9 commitments:
Marcus Williams - RB 2*
Sam Tevi - DE 3*
X Shepperd - WR 3* (he did not make it but says he will be here in January and will be part of 2014 class)
Filipo Mokofisi - LB 3*
Uaea Masina- LB 3*
Connor Manning - QB 3*
Andre Lewis - WR 4*
Myron Aiava - DT 3* (Did not qualify)
Brandon Cox - QB 3* - Rivals lists him as committing in late October, but I thought it was in the summer.

This year we have 9
Jsckson Barton OL 4*
Kenyon Frison OL 3*
Allan Havili DT 3*
Amone Finau Ath 3*
Kyle Christianson DT 2* sign and send (don't know when he was evaluated)
Donovan Isom QB 3*
Jeremy McNichols WR 2* (don't know if he has been evaluated recently)
Raelon Singleton WR 3*
Joe Tukuafu TE not evaluated - sign and send

By my unofficial count, with the missionaries returning and the sign and sends, we probably have room for 8-10 additional signees.

Thanks, this is interesting. I agree with Jarid that I like the group we have signed, but I am worried that we don't seem to be legitimately in the hunt for many other top guys.

09-05-2013, 01:11 PM
Thanks, this is interesting. I agree with Jarid that I like the group we have signed, but I am worried that we don't seem to be legitimately in the hunt for many other top guys.

That was my concern; you don't hear much about other good, realistic probablilties on the radar.

Diehard Ute
09-05-2013, 05:11 PM
On a small world note I found out Christiansen's uncle is my eye doctor. Nice guy.

09-06-2013, 01:45 PM
That was my concern; you don't hear much about other good, realistic probablilties on the radar.

Is it possibly because, after 3 recruiting seasons in the PAC-12 we may not have so many needs to fill? Two years ago our pitch could have been "come here and you'll play" and now could be more "come here and you can compete".

09-06-2013, 01:49 PM
Is it possibly because, after 3 recruiting seasons in the PAC-12 we may not have so many needs to fill? Two years ago our pitch could have been "come here and you'll play" and now could be more "come here and you can compete".

I can think of some needs...

09-06-2013, 02:00 PM
I can think of some needs...

Oh we have them, but it isn't like 3 years ago when we had needs at nearly every position across the board. Take the QB position as an example: we aren't as desperate to recruit a 3 P12 QBs as we were 3 years ago.

09-06-2013, 02:13 PM
Oh we have them, but it isn't like 3 years ago when we had needs at nearly every position across the board. Take the QB position as an example: we aren't as desperate to recruit a 3 P12 QBs as we were 3 years ago.

Here are the positions in which depth is a problem: RB, WR, TE, OL, DL, LB, DB. I'm in the come-here-and-play camp.

Jarid in Cedar
09-06-2013, 02:28 PM
I think last years record has left too many recruits in "wait and see" mode. We need to win.

Bacana Ute
09-09-2013, 11:00 AM
I think last years record has left too many recruits in "wait and see" mode. We need to win.

I agree completely, we really need to get back to a bowl game this year. Bowl games are huge for recruits.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-11-2013, 03:02 PM
Apparently, Pita Tonga quietly committed over the weekend.

09-11-2013, 05:26 PM
He should bring his buddy Mone along. They could play side-by-side for four years!

09-11-2013, 07:20 PM
He should bring his buddy Mone along. They could play side-by-side for four years!
My oldest, 12 years old, caught a ride with some friends. Mone was in the car as well. When he got home my boy said, "Dad, he is huge. He takes up the whole back seat."

09-11-2013, 08:23 PM
My oldest, 12 years old, caught a ride with some friends. Mone was in the car as well. When he got home my boy said, "Dad, he is huge. He takes up the whole back seat."

Get your son on the job. We need that backseat to be filled!

Damage U
09-12-2013, 01:04 PM
Looks like we have at least 4 recuits coming in this weekend from Florida. All have already committed to other schools but a win Sat. would go along ways in loosening their verbs to the other schools.

09-12-2013, 01:09 PM
Looks like we have at least 4 recuits coming in this weekend from Florida. All have already committed to other schools but a win Sat. would go along ways in loosening their verbs to the other schools.


Damage U
09-12-2013, 01:22 PM
Nigel Bethel 3*(Scout) CB, Booker T. Washington (Miami) Committed to the other "U" Miami.
Lamar Parker 3*(Scout) WR, Booker T. Committed to West Virginia.
Deltron Hopkins 3*(24/7) WR, Booker T. Committed to App. State.
Juwan Dowels 2*(24/7) CB, Western (Ft, Lauderdale) Committed to Northern Illinois.

09-12-2013, 01:41 PM
Nigel Bethel 3*(Scout) CB, Booker T. Washington (Miami) Committed to the other "U" Miami.
Lamar Parker 3*(Scout) WR, Booker T. Committed to West Virginia.
Deltron Hopkins 3*(24/7) WR, Booker T. Committed to App. State.
Juwan Dowels 2*(24/7) CB, Western (Ft, Lauderdale) Committed to Northern Illinois.

So three of them go to the same high school? Hmmm... either they want to play together somewhere, or they just want a paid vacation together.

Jarid in Cedar
09-12-2013, 02:12 PM
So three of them go to the same high school? Hmmm... either they want to play together somewhere, or they just want a paid vacation together.

Booker T. Washington's staff has connections with Erickson.

LA Ute
09-12-2013, 02:44 PM
Booker T. Washington's staff has connections with Erickson.

It's looking like Erickson's bringing much more to the program than just X's and O's.

LA Ute
09-26-2013, 01:35 PM
This news is not a perfect fit for this thread, but it's close enough because when the U. takes steps like this to be LDS-friendly, that has a positive impact on recruiting. No, LDS athletes aren't essential but we want to get the really good ones when we can, and we need to get the very best players in Utah, who are often LDS.

U starts new program for missionaries (http://www.dailyutahchronicle.com/?p=2592198)

The U will be launching a new program to help students returning from serving missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints succeed at the U.

U president David Pershing made the announcement at a fireside for LDS students on Sunday night where he spoke with Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS Church. The program will increase scholarship support, launch more online classes, improve married student housing and provide more affordable childcare....

09-26-2013, 01:47 PM
I think it definitely does well for our recruiting to provide a good environment for LDS athletes. We have seen plenty of really good LDS guys come through that have been a big part of our success (Weddle, all the Krugers).
Not to mention the heavily-LDS Polynesian base of players that is always important to our success. Having a positive-LDS atmosphere is huge in getting those Polynesians on board.

09-26-2013, 01:53 PM
This sounds like it encompasses all students, not just athletes.

This makes me wonder if they are seeing a lot of post-missionary transfers to other schools, and that post-mission enrollment red tape was a hassle.

Either way, this is a "good citizen" type move by the U.

10-07-2013, 05:03 PM
Isom is just unreal this year.

Four plays later, Isom scored his fifth touchdown — a 6-yard run — to make it 42-0 with 8:41 left in the second quarter. Destrehan started to use its backup quarterback with 6:56 left in the first half.

10-15-2013, 01:02 PM
The Utes picked up one verbal over the weekend. Dacorius Law, a RB/Safety from Florida. He is not ranked in rivals, but lists offers from Mich. St, Ohio St., Georgia Southern, and Marshall? Seems like an odd list. Anyone have the lowdown on him? We could certainly use some immediate safety help.

10-15-2013, 02:00 PM
The Utes picked up one verbal over the weekend. Dacorius Law, a RB/Safety from Florida. He is not ranked in rivals, but lists offers from Mich. St, Ohio St., Georgia Southern, and Marshall? Seems like an odd list. Anyone have the lowdown on him? We could certainly use some immediate safety help.

ESPN has him listed as a 4 star recruit, which makes rivals not ranking him even a little more odd.

10-15-2013, 02:45 PM
ESPN has him listed as a 4 star recruit, which makes rivals not ranking him even a little more odd.

247 has him as a 3 star, so I think we can all find whatever we want in him!

10-15-2013, 02:53 PM
My brother (The Thrill) sent this to me saturday night after Law committed. The kid has some speed over those he is playing. I don't know what league he was playing in.


10-15-2013, 10:59 PM
It seems strange we're recruiting guys from LA and FL.

LA Ute
10-15-2013, 11:40 PM
It seems strange we're recruiting guys from LA and FL.

Erickson connections?

10-16-2013, 09:17 AM
BJ has been spot recruiting in LA for a couple of years. Charles Henderson is from LA. Kalani had been spot recruiting in Fla a little bit the past couple years, but I think Erickson has the contacts to pull a couple of kids a year. Where we haven't done anything this year and it doesn't look like we will is Hawaii and Vegas. Hawaii used to be prime area and we have three offensive starters from Vegas.

10-16-2013, 10:14 AM
It seems strange we're recruiting guys from LA and FL.

I'm not sure if you're happy or sad about this fact. I assume happy, and by "strange" you mean "unique to our history".


10-16-2013, 10:27 AM
I thought Seattle Ute was out of his mind, and then realized that LA meant the Bayou, not south central.

10-16-2013, 10:48 AM
I thought Seattle Ute was out of his mind, and then realized that LA meant the Bayou, not south central.

Hahaha... you aren't alone in that. It took me a moment to noodle that one out myself.

Although, maybe you shouldn't be happy that your mental faculties seem to be rapidly approaching mine.


10-20-2013, 02:21 PM

Senior Donovan Isom threw four touchdowns and rushed for a fifth in the 49-0 rout over rival Hahnville. Through five games, the 6-foot-5 Utah commitment has already thrown for 1,056 yards and 17 touchdowns on 53-of-78 passing.

He has yet to throw an interception.

LA Ute
11-02-2013, 02:07 PM
If I were a parent with a kid being recruited by Scalley this would make me want to send my son to Utah:


11-02-2013, 03:22 PM
If I were a parent with a kid being recruited by Scalley this would make me want to send my son to Utah:


The entire Scalley family is good people.

Hot Lunch
11-12-2013, 04:29 PM
Kenyon Frison posted his highlight film on Hudl. This kid is still raw. Only his 2nd year playing football. This kid is going to be pretty dang good.


Jarid in Cedar
11-12-2013, 05:41 PM
Kenyon Frison posted his highlight film on Hudl. This kid is still raw. Only his 2nd year playing football. This kid is going to be pretty dang good.


He is nimble for a big guy. Teach him technique and he will be a monster

LA Ute
11-12-2013, 05:42 PM
He is nimble for a big guy. Teach him technique and he will be a monster

Is he a Utah commit?

Jarid in Cedar
11-12-2013, 05:50 PM
Is he a Utah commit?

Yep. He is Jason Hooks nephew, iirc

11-12-2013, 06:18 PM
I'd like to see him and jackson barton both graduate early and get into spring. one of the two could help next year at tackle.

Damage U
11-22-2013, 09:41 AM
Kenyon Frison posted his highlight film on Hudl. This kid is still raw. Only his 2nd year playing football. This kid is going to be pretty dang good.


How solid of a commit is he with Utah? I see Scout now has him as a soft verbal and I think he had a visit with Oklahoma last week.

Jarid in Cedar
11-22-2013, 12:57 PM
How solid of a commit is he with Utah? I see Scout now has him as a soft verbal and I think he had a visit with Oklahoma last week.
He did visit Oklahoma last week. Generally, if they don't flip on the visit, then they are most likely to stay committed.

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-01-2013, 08:22 AM
On our travels for Thanksgiving, we stopped in to visit my father-in-law for a few minutes. His sister was spending Thanksgiving with him, and she just so happens to be "Chase" Dalton Schultz's grandmother. I chatted with her for a few minutes about his recruitment experience and thought I'd pass along a few tidbits. (I don't follow recruiting nearly as close as some, so I apologize if this is redundant information.)

Chase took an official visit to Stanford this weekend and is headed out to South Bend in the next couple of weeks. Maybe the only interesting thing about the conversation was that she mentioned that he really wants to make his decision before Christmas as all of the attention is wearing on him.

He likes the Utah program, the coaches, and has gotten to know a bunch of guys on the team. But it's looking like Utah is likely in a solid second place to Stanford for now. Heard some rumors that Murphy might enter the draft, so the chance of playing right away might be pretty enticing. This season proved how important a good TE is to the program, so I trust we're pressing. Sorry for the lame post, but this is likely as insider as I'll ever be. I told her to tell him that my vote was for Utah, so I'm doing my part.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

Diehard Ute
12-01-2013, 01:59 PM
On our travels for Thanksgiving, we stopped in to visit my father-in-law for a few minutes. His sister was spending Thanksgiving with him, and she just so happens to be "Chase" Dalton Schultz's grandmother. I chatted with her for a few minutes about his recruitment experience and thought I'd pass along a few tidbits. (I don't follow recruiting nearly as close as some, so I apologize if this is redundant information.)

Chase took an official visit to Stanford this weekend and is headed out to South Bend in the next couple of weeks. Maybe the only interesting thing about the conversation was that she mentioned that he really wants to make his decision before Christmas as all of the attention is wearing on him.

He likes the Utah program, the coaches, and has gotten to know a bunch of guys on the team. But it's looking like Utah is likely in a solid second place to Stanford for now. Heard some rumors that Murphy might enter the draft, so the chance of playing right away might be pretty enticing. This season proved how important a good TE is to the program, so I trust we're pressing. Sorry for the lame post, but this is likely as insider as I'll ever be. I told her to tell him that my vote was for Utah, so I'm doing my part.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

As of yesterday Murphy was leaning towards returning. Still wasn't 100%, but definitely not leaning towards going pro.

Dwight Schr-Ute
12-01-2013, 06:46 PM
As of yesterday Murphy was leaning towards returning. Still wasn't 100%, but definitely not leaning towards going pro.

That's certainly encouraging. Thanks for the update.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

Hot Lunch
12-02-2013, 10:00 PM
I see Utah has been cleaning house with commits from recruits that basically have no other offers from decent/BCS football programs. Some don't even have offers from other schools. So far, outside 4 maybe 5 guys, this recruiting class is awful.

I need to get a better attitude. I am kind of in the "sky is falling mode" right now with the program.

UteBeliever aka Port
12-02-2013, 11:11 PM
I see Utah has been cleaning house with commits from recruits that basically have no other offers from decent/BCS football programs. Some don't even have offers from other schools. So far, outside 4 maybe 5 guys, this recruiting class is awful.

I need to get a better attitude. I am kind of in the "sky is falling mode" right now with the program.

This post makes me sad.

12-02-2013, 11:26 PM
I see Utah has been cleaning house with commits from recruits that basically have no other offers from decent/BCS football programs. Some don't even have offers from other schools. So far, outside 4 maybe 5 guys, this recruiting class is awful.

I need to get a better attitude. I am kind of in the "sky is falling mode" right now with the program.

Unfortunately I agree with this post. This class reminds me a lot of the last few classes that BYU has been landing that Utah fans have (rightfully) been making fun of. a couple of elite guys, a few very good guys, and then a lot of apparent filer of guys with no other decent offers. Barton looks great, Frison looks very good, and Havili and Isom look pretty good, but beyond that there's nobody currently committed who really excites me.

12-03-2013, 07:28 AM
Unfortunately I agree with this post. This class reminds me a lot of the last few classes that BYU has been landing that Utah fans have (rightfully) been making fun of. a couple of elite guys, a few very good guys, and then a lot of apparent filer of guys with no other decent offers. Barton looks great, Frison looks very good, and Havili and Isom look pretty good, but beyond that there's nobody currently committed who really excites me.

Is the main difference that we failed on some of the big local kids this year? We have 2-3 local who chose schools in the midwest over us. Or is it that we haven't found the 3 star guys out of Texas that we usually have? Or is it a combination?

We can hope it's just a down year, but in reality, we may be seeing what happens when the pac-12 shine wears off. We had our chance to establish ourselves as an exciting, up-and-coming team in the conference, and we failed. Now we have to claw our way out of the cellar. It would be great to win next season and take advantage of the good classes that we had for a few years.

We really need all the local kids. We can't pull stars out of California like the top Pac12 schools can. We already lost one kid from Texas because we don't play there anymore. I hope Gary Anderson goes 6-6 next year and lands on the hot seat.

LA Ute
12-03-2013, 07:29 AM
Last night Blaine Fowler, who seems to have pretty good insights, was on the Bill and Hans show on 700. He said Kyle should look at all his assistants and keep or fire them based on whether they can recruit. Both he and Hans (especially Hans, who says he has been to a lot of practices and in on numerous meetings) believe the coaches are fundamentally good at coaching, they just lack the players who can execute consistently at the PAC-12 level.

That made sense to me. If they're right, then Finn and Shah (for example) should stay only if they can recruit. But if Hot Lunch is right they are not recruiting well enough, at least not yet.

12-03-2013, 08:46 AM
Last night Blaine Fowler, who seems to have pretty good insights, was on the Bill and Hans show on 700. He said Kyle should look at all his assistants and keep or fire them based on whether they can recruit. Both he and Hans (especially Hans, who says he has been to a lot of practices and in on numerous meetings) believe the coaches are fundamentally good at coaching, they just lack the players who can execute consistently at the PAC-12 level.

That made sense to me. If they're right, then Finn and Shah (for example) should stay only if they can recruit. But if Hot Lunch is right they are not recruiting well enough, at least not yet.

Some teams (SEC) have "recruiting coordinators" or "recruiting specialists" who are not position coaches. If Whitt is happy with his position coaches, he could use some money on a smooth talker.

12-03-2013, 08:49 AM
Last night Blaine Fowler, who seems to have pretty good insights, was on the Bill and Hans show on 700. He said Kyle should look at all his assistants and keep or fire them based on whether they can recruit. Both he and Hans (especially Hans, who says he has been to a lot of practices and in on numerous meetings) believe the coaches are fundamentally good at coaching, they just lack the players who can execute consistently at the PAC-12 level.

That made sense to me. If they're right, then Finn and Shah (for example) should stay only if they can recruit. But if Hot Lunch is right they are not recruiting well enough, at least not yet.

This has been my thinking as well. People are very wrapped up in which position groups are not performing well and who should be fired as a result. My opinion is that the lion's share of those problems are a result of lack of PAC 12 talent and depth. I feel like the team overall is reasonably well-coached, but the talent level is not sufficient. Utah needs to be able to recruit more talent and better talent. Any coaching changes should be directed toward this end as opposed to which positions appear to have weak coaching.

Utah is getting into some doors and getting elite kids to visit (Myles Jack and JoJo Mathis being prominent examples from last year's class) but there needs to be more closing power.

12-03-2013, 09:51 AM
This post makes me sad.


12-03-2013, 07:13 PM
are there rules on how many coaches are allowed? Ditto for staff to handle recruiting?

12-03-2013, 08:11 PM
are there rules on how many coaches are allowed? Ditto for staff to handle recruiting?

Only the full time coaches are allowed to recruit off-campus and I believe that only the full time coaches and grad assistants can call recruits. Non-coaches, such as recruiting coordinators can call hs and juco coaches and perform due diligence. Fred Whittingham is the U's recruiting coordinator and Pablo Cano is his assistant.

12-06-2013, 11:24 AM
Someone on Rivals (LA Ute?) asked how we are doing in recruiting and someone else posted their evaluation of where we stand with PAC 12 talent. I thought the responses were interesting as many posters evaluated the talent level much higher than I do. So I thought it would be interesting to post here. In general, I think that the hope is that guys will come in and either redshirt or play on special teams their first year (it would be nice to have them all redshirt, but kickoff and kickoff return require a lot of non-linemen, so you need to play the most physically ready and athletic freshmen on special teams or risk your starters) and start competing for playing time as sophomores and then firmly in the two deep as juniors and seniors.

LT Poutasi - Yes
Albers - ?
LG JT - No. He is a MWC lineman
Taumoelau No
C Jones - Yes
Lutui - ?
RG Salt - Yes
Pouvave - ?
Tuimauga - I dont’ think so, too slow
RT Aiono - Yes, but probably as a center
Asiata - Yes, but probably as a guard
QB Wilson - Yes, but still some questions out there
Schulz - MWC
RB York - Yes
Poole - Yes, but still some questions
Lucky - Yes, but still some questions
TE Murphy - Yes
Siale - ? but my guess is yes
WR Dres - Yes
Hatfield - ? but probably yes
WR Denham - No, too slow and not physical enough
Norwood - Not as a starter
WR Fitz - Not as a starter
Lewis - ? but probably no

DE Orchard - Yes
Palamo - Yes as a backup
DT Tenny - Yes
Latu - Yes
Tevi - ? but probably yest
DT LT - Not as a starter
Ianu - Not yet
Seni - No, too short
DE Reilly - Yes
Dimick - Yes
LB Norris - Yes
Filiaga - ? but probably No
LB Whittingham - Yes
Fehoko - ? but probably No
LB Hale - Yes
Chappuis - No
CB McGill - Yes
Porter - ?
CB Thomas - Yes
Orphey - Yes
Nickel Honeycutt - No
Freeman - No
Safety Rowe - Yes, but probably better suited for corner
Taggart - No
Morris-Edwards - No
Safety Walker - Yes, but barely
Henderson - No

So by my evaluation, the offense has 8 starters that are and 3 backups. The defense has 10 and 4 backups. I don’t think we know much about any of the other guys on the roster, although I think that if guys who are sophomores going onto be juniors are not making a push on the two deep that is a good indication that they are not going to be able to provide much help down the road. Guys who fit into that category are: Joseph Bryant, Kala Friel, Daniel Nielson, Jarell Oliver ( I know he has been injured, but I think we have seen enough to make an evaluation), Greg Reese, Joe Smith, Travis Still.

The remaining players are either true freshmen or redshirt freshmen and I just don’t think we know on them. We will have a better idea after spring ball.

Diehard Ute
12-06-2013, 12:11 PM
Someone on Rivals (LA Ute?) asked how we are doing in recruiting and someone else posted their evaluation of where we stand with PAC 12 talent. I thought the responses were interesting as many posters evaluated the talent level much higher than I do. So I thought it would be interesting to post here. In general, I think that the hope is that guys will come in and either redshirt or play on special teams their first year (it would be nice to have them all redshirt, but kickoff and kickoff return require a lot of non-linemen, so you need to play the most physically ready and athletic freshmen on special teams or risk your starters) and start competing for playing time as sophomores and then firmly in the two deep as juniors and seniors.

LT Poutasi - Yes
Albers - ?
LG JT - No. He is a MWC lineman
Taumoelau No
C Jones - Yes
Lutui - ?
RG Salt - Yes
Pouvave - ?
Tuimauga - I dont’ think so, too slow
RT Aiono - Yes, but probably as a center
Asiata - Yes, but probably as a guard
QB Wilson - Yes, but still some questions out there
Schulz - MWC
RB York - Yes
Poole - Yes, but still some questions
Lucky - Yes, but still some questions
TE Murphy - Yes
Siale - ? but my guess is yes
WR Dres - Yes
Hatfield - ? but probably yes
WR Denham - No, too slow and not physical enough
Norwood - Not as a starter
WR Fitz - Not as a starter
Lewis - ? but probably no

DE Orchard - Yes
Palamo - Yes as a backup
DT Tenny - Yes
Latu - Yes
Tevi - ? but probably yest
DT LT - Not as a starter
Ianu - Not yet
Seni - No, too short
DE Reilly - Yes
Dimick - Yes
LB Norris - Yes
Filiaga - ? but probably No
LB Whittingham - Yes
Fehoko - ? but probably No
LB Hale - Yes
Chappuis - No
CB McGill - Yes
Porter - ?
CB Thomas - Yes
Orphey - Yes
Nickel Honeycutt - No
Freeman - No
Safety Rowe - Yes, but probably better suited for corner
Taggart - No
Morris-Edwards - No
Safety Walker - Yes, but barely
Henderson - No

So by my evaluation, the offense has 8 starters that are and 3 backups. The defense has 10 and 4 backups. I don’t think we know much about any of the other guys on the roster, although I think that if guys who are sophomores going onto be juniors are not making a push on the two deep that is a good indication that they are not going to be able to provide much help down the road. Guys who fit into that category are: Joseph Bryant, Kala Friel, Daniel Nielson, Jarell Oliver ( I know he has been injured, but I think we have seen enough to make an evaluation), Greg Reese, Joe Smith, Travis Still.

The remaining players are either true freshmen or redshirt freshmen and I just don’t think we know on them. We will have a better idea after spring ball.

Tonga is coming back, needs to be on the TE list

Trevor Reilly was mentioning a DL moving to OL. I think it's Tevi. (This was on the Colorado post game)

Kyle told Lya that Blechen will move back to safety next year and Rowe will be moved to corner. He also thinks Tevin Carter will be able to join the team.

12-06-2013, 12:21 PM
on the radio post game after Colorado, they asked the seniors who the fans could look forward too picking up the slack next year. One said there is a dynamite wide receiver coming in, I assume that is Snell. Palepoi also mentioned that the interior d line should be in great shape next year; he mentioned two polys who are ripped and did not play much this years, but I cant remember their names.

12-06-2013, 02:12 PM
Someone on Rivals (LA Ute?) asked how we are doing in recruiting and someone else posted their evaluation of where we stand with PAC 12 talent. I thought the responses were interesting as many posters evaluated the talent level much higher than I do. So I thought it would be interesting to post here. In general, I think that the hope is that guys will come in and either redshirt or play on special teams their first year (it would be nice to have them all redshirt, but kickoff and kickoff return require a lot of non-linemen, so you need to play the most physically ready and athletic freshmen on special teams or risk your starters) and start competing for playing time as sophomores and then firmly in the two deep as juniors and seniors.

LT Poutasi - Yes
Albers - ?
LG JT - No. He is a MWC lineman
Taumoelau No
C Jones - Yes
Lutui - ?
RG Salt - Yes
Pouvave - ?
Tuimauga - I dont’ think so, too slow
RT Aiono - Yes, but probably as a center
Asiata - Yes, but probably as a guard
QB Wilson - Yes, but still some questions out there
Schulz - MWC
RB York - Yes
Poole - Yes, but still some questions
Lucky - Yes, but still some questions
TE Murphy - Yes
Siale - ? but my guess is yes
WR Dres - Yes
Hatfield - ? but probably yes
WR Denham - No, too slow and not physical enough
Norwood - Not as a starter
WR Fitz - Not as a starter
Lewis - ? but probably no

DE Orchard - Yes
Palamo - Yes as a backup
DT Tenny - Yes
Latu - Yes
Tevi - ? but probably yest
DT LT - Not as a starter
Ianu - Not yet
Seni - No, too short
DE Reilly - Yes
Dimick - Yes
LB Norris - Yes
Filiaga - ? but probably No
LB Whittingham - Yes
Fehoko - ? but probably No
LB Hale - Yes
Chappuis - No
CB McGill - Yes
Porter - ?
CB Thomas - Yes
Orphey - Yes
Nickel Honeycutt - No
Freeman - No
Safety Rowe - Yes, but probably better suited for corner
Taggart - No
Morris-Edwards - No
Safety Walker - Yes, but barely
Henderson - No

So by my evaluation, the offense has 8 starters that are and 3 backups. The defense has 10 and 4 backups. I don’t think we know much about any of the other guys on the roster, although I think that if guys who are sophomores going onto be juniors are not making a push on the two deep that is a good indication that they are not going to be able to provide much help down the road. Guys who fit into that category are: Joseph Bryant, Kala Friel, Daniel Nielson, Jarell Oliver ( I know he has been injured, but I think we have seen enough to make an evaluation), Greg Reese, Joe Smith, Travis Still.

The remaining players are either true freshmen or redshirt freshmen and I just don’t think we know on them. We will have a better idea after spring ball.

On Poutasi, I would modify it to "Yes, but probably at RT or G".

I think you're a bit more generous on some of our secondary than I would be, but otherwise I pretty much agree.

One other note is that I heard the other night that Travis Still is giving up football to focus on baseball, probably a good decision for both sides.

LA Ute
12-06-2013, 03:18 PM
Who here is excited about Blechen coming back to safety? Not I. The guy cannot be depended on, IMO.

12-06-2013, 03:19 PM
Tonga is coming back, needs to be on the TE list

Trevor Reilly was mentioning a DL moving to OL. I think it's Tevi. (This was on the Colorado post game)

Kyle told Lya that Blechen will move back to safety next year and Rowe will be moved to corner. He also thinks Tevin Carter will be able to join the team.

I think it is a good move for Rowe, Blechen better start dropping weight now. He looked about 235 when I saw him a few weeks ago. I don't think he is a Pac 12 safety at 205 but I hope he proves me wrong.

Diehard Ute
12-06-2013, 03:21 PM
Who here is excited about Blechen coming back to safety? Not I. The guy cannot be depended on, IMO.

It's a 50-50 thing with me.

I like Rowe to corner, and I think with the LB's we have that's a good place...the question is do we have a better player at safety in the system to where we don't have to play Blechen?

Like Utepoia says, he needs to change his body if it has a chance to work

12-06-2013, 03:32 PM
It's a 50-50 thing with me.

I like Rowe to corner, and I think with the LB's we have that's a good place...the question is do we have a better player at safety in the system to where we don't have to play Blechen?

Like Utepoia says, he needs to change his body if it has a chance to work

I'm all for it. Didn't Rowe run that dude down at Oregon this year? If he can keep up with that guy, he's a CB.

Blechen has been good before. Why not see if he can get back to form? Let's not put all our eggs in that basket, though.

LA Ute
12-06-2013, 03:57 PM
Blechen has been good before. Why not see if he can get back to form? Let's not put all our eggs in that basket, though.

That's the thing about Blechen that bugs me: Sometimes he's great, other times he's just maddening -- like when he makes a hard hit and thinks the play is over; doesn't wrap up; and the runner gets away. Things like that are just Blechen. You just never know.

12-06-2013, 04:04 PM
That's the thing about Blechen that bugs me: Sometimes he's great, other times he's just maddening -- like when he makes a hard hit and thinks the play is over; doesn't wrap up; and the runner gets away. Things like that are just Blechen. You just never know.

He's gonna be fine. Just you wait.

...but yeah, we have to have others in mind, just to be "safe"

12-06-2013, 11:54 PM
Who here is excited about Blechen coming back to safety? Not I. The guy cannot be depended on, IMO.
Nor I . blechen was terrible at safety. in the pac12. he needs to stay at LB. too much speed in the pac12 for him in the pac12. when blechen had success at safety we were in the MWC still. bad bad move on whitts part.

I also think that micah thomas moves to FS. and hopefully carter comes back to play SS.

12-07-2013, 06:10 AM
Who here is excited about Blechen coming back to safety? Not I. The guy cannot be depended on, IMO.

Blechen reminds me a little of Marty Johnson - that is, I feel like Utah's staff has given him every opportunity to stay with this team. If he is able to graduate with a four year degree, great. If he actually contributes on the football field, all the better. But like LA, I won't hold my breath. It is my sincere hope that he steps up as a leader on this team this year and puts the offseason work in to make an impact on the field.

12-07-2013, 07:34 AM
bad bad move on whitts part.

Come on. Whitt's not putting him in unless he's the best option.

12-07-2013, 10:44 AM
Come on. Whitt's not putting him in unless he's the best option.You mean like Jordan wynn his year? I think we could all see from the stands that he wasn't right and even hays was the better option. To me this feels like he thinks the LB's are too deep with whittingham, norris, paul, hale, and masina next year. So he wants to move brethren back to safety. When the better idea might be to move whittingham to DE. Let Norris, Paul, Blechen be the LB's. Whittingham can take reilly spot.

12-07-2013, 11:51 AM
When the better idea might be to move whittingham to DE. Let Norris, Paul, Blechen be the LB's. Whittingham can take reilly spot.

I completely agree with this. Paul in the middle with Blechen and Norris on the outside, rotatin in Hale and Masina would be a very good LB group. Also, Whittingham to DE makes the most sense to me.

12-07-2013, 11:57 AM
I completely agree with this. Paul in the middle with Blechen and Norris on the outside, rotatin in Hale and Masina would be a very good LB group. Also, Whittingham to DE makes the most sense to me.

I am as hopeful as anyone with respect to Paul, but none of us have seen him play.

Whittingham was pretty valuable doing what he did for us this year. But whether you call him a DE or OLB, I do think he will be part of the pass rush plan.

12-07-2013, 12:17 PM
It is a long time between now and September. We could hear that Blechen is moving to safety and then to LB 5 or 6 times between now and then. What you hope can happen and what will happen are totally different things.

I do think that Rowe will be much better at corner than at safety.

12-07-2013, 12:43 PM
It is a long time between now and September. We could hear that Blechen is moving to safety and then to LB 5 or 6 times between now and then. What you hope can happen and what will happen are totally different things.

I do think that Rowe will be much better at corner than at safety.
I don't like rowe to corner either. You should be tilting the field down not up. And this could be bad for Kyle. You don't move daddies to corner. You try to get faster now a days in football. Bigger corners go to safety bigger safeties go to LB. Rowe has bad hips. Not very good covering ground from center field. Why would corner be any better? Rowe should be going to SS. He is a great tackler. And would be great against TE's. Blechen to LB. Whittingham to DE. That is tilting the field and getting faster and more athletic.

12-07-2013, 12:44 PM
I am as hopeful as anyone with respect to Paul, but none of us have seen him play.

Whittingham was pretty valuable doing what he did for us this year. But whether you call him a DE or OLB, I do think he will be part of the pass rush plan.

Well he did get passing time at Miami as a freshman n the ACC. So I think we can have an idea.

12-07-2013, 12:46 PM
I completely agree with this. Paul in the middle with Blechen and Norris on the outside, rotatin in Hale and Masina would be a very good LB group. Also, Whittingham to DE makes the most sense to me.

I like norris in the middle he is a monster and is super physical. Let Blenheim play the stud or strong side. Then Paul and his quicks as the rover.

12-07-2013, 06:34 PM
Watching the championship games today with a few former recruits we got close with, Shaq Powell, and Cameron Artis-Payne.

Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2

12-07-2013, 10:53 PM
I don't like rowe to corner either. You should be tilting the field down not up. And this could be bad for Kyle. You don't move daddies to corner. You try to get faster now a days in football. Bigger corners go to safety bigger safeties go to LB. Rowe has bad hips. Not very good covering ground from center field. Why would corner be any better? Rowe should be going to SS. He is a great tackler. And would be great against TE's. Blechen to LB. Whittingham to DE. That is tilting the field and getting faster and more athletic.

Rowe is probably the fastest DB we have.

12-07-2013, 11:26 PM
Rowe is probably the fastest DB we have.
he is fast no doubt. but he doesn't have the hip movement to play CB. he is too stiff. and would get turned around to easy or not be able to break quick enough for cut off routes.

12-08-2013, 10:09 AM
From what I have seen him do if he does play corner he will be the best corner we have seen for a while. Certainly better than what we saw this year. He is faster, quicker, more physical and a better tackler than McGill.

12-08-2013, 10:25 AM
Listened to the ute fancast yesterday. They said that papepoi let a secret out of the bag. One do the dlineman will be moving to offense. Reilly said to look out for Stevie tuilokovato next year.

12-08-2013, 05:09 PM
Listened to the ute fancast yesterday. They said that papepoi let a secret out of the bag. One do the dlineman will be moving to offense. Reilly said to look out for Stevie tuilokovato next year.
who would he be talking about?

dan neilson back to guard? 6'6" 330
sam tevi to LT? 6'5" 300

Diehard Ute
12-08-2013, 05:57 PM
who would he be talking about?

dan neilson back to guard? 6'6" 330
sam tevi to LT? 6'5" 300

It's Tevi

Bacana Ute
12-08-2013, 08:57 PM
Listened to the ute fancast yesterday. They said that papepoi let a secret out of the bag. One do the dlineman will be moving to offense. Reilly said to look out for Stevie tuilokovato next year.

I look forward to a big year from Stevie, he probably would have started this year if he hadn't hurt his foot.

12-08-2013, 10:02 PM
who would he be talking about?

dan neilson back to guard? 6'6" 330
sam tevi to LT? 6'5" 300

Dan Nielson is a great kid but should probably look to SUU or Dixie if he wants to play more than special teams.

12-16-2013, 09:36 AM
I'm not sure if this fits here, but there isn't a 2014 Ute thread yet and I don't want to start that yet.

From an article on Star Lotulelei in the Charlotte Observer (http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/12/14/4545152/panthers-dt-star-lotulelei-a-man.html#.Uq8qJOKqun8), this quote:

Lotulelei’s younger brother, Lowell, is living with them in Charlotte before enrolling at Utah in the spring. He’ll play defensive tackle for the Utes; he will not babysit for his brother in the interim.

I was under the impression that Lowell was mission bound. Is that not the case?

Jarid in Cedar
12-16-2013, 12:37 PM
I'm not sure if this fits here, but there isn't a 2014 Ute thread yet and I don't want to start that yet.

From an article on Star Lotulelei in the Charlotte Observer (http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/12/14/4545152/panthers-dt-star-lotulelei-a-man.html#.Uq8qJOKqun8), this quote:

I was under the impression that Lowell was mission bound. Is that not the case?

He took a Max Hall mission.

12-16-2013, 12:40 PM
He took a Max Hall mission.

Excellent! That's great news for our d-line.

Hot Lunch
12-16-2013, 04:41 PM
Just saw on Twitter that Utah just lost another recruiting battle. This time to Baylor. Like I said before, this is looking like it is going to be a very disappointing class.

LA Ute
12-16-2013, 04:46 PM
Just saw on Twitter that Utah just lost another recruiting battle. This time to Baylor. Like I said before, this is looking like it is going to be a very disappointing class.

Well...to many, if not most recruits that looks like a choice between the Big 12 champion and a PAC-12 bottom-dweller. Losing does hurt recruiting. (I know you agree with this.)

Hot Lunch
12-16-2013, 04:48 PM
Well...to many, if not most recruits that looks like a choice between the Big 12 champion and a PAC-12 bottom-dweller. Losing does hurt recruiting. (I know you agree with this.)

I don't blame the kid at all for choosing Baylor over Utah. Baylor is peaking right now. It just sucks because Utah isn't winning any recruiting battles vs BCS schools right now. Recruiting is the lifeblood of programs.

12-16-2013, 04:50 PM
I don't blame the kid at all for choosing Baylor over Utah. Baylor is peaking right now. It just sucks because Utah isn't winning any recruiting battles vs BCS schools right now. Recruiting is the lifeblood of programs.

But he does know that Baylor is in Waco, right?

Hot Lunch
12-17-2013, 11:02 AM
Looks like Utah landed a corner from Louisiana last night that claims offers from Mississippi St. Baylor, Arkansas and ASU but is only a 2 star. If those offers really are true, that is a great get. Finally some good news in recruiting.


Irving Washington
12-17-2013, 02:33 PM
Looks like Utah landed a corner from Louisiana last night that claims offers from Mississippi St. Baylor, Arkansas and ASU but is only a 2 star. If those offers really are true, that is a great get. Finally some good news in recruiting.


I thought the consensus is that we need cornerbacks taller than 5' 10"?

Diehard Ute
12-17-2013, 02:52 PM
I thought the consensus is that we need cornerbacks taller than 5' 10"?

I think the consensus is while that would be nice, it's extremely difficult to find taller CB

Hot Lunch
12-17-2013, 03:29 PM
Looks like Utah landed a corner from Louisiana last night that claims offers from Mississippi St. Baylor, Arkansas and ASU but is only a 2 star. If those offers really are true, that is a great get. Finally some good news in recruiting.


It also looks like this recruiting battle is far from over. Sound like he is going to take visits to other schools and the Utah coaches know this. Hopefully we can hold onto him. Looks like a good get.

12-17-2013, 03:29 PM
I think the consensus is while that would be nice, it's extremely difficult to find taller CB

I noticed in the Auburn Missouri gamethat auburn was trying to cover 6-5 receivers with 5-10 corners

12-19-2013, 08:09 AM
It also looks like this recruiting battle is far from over. Sound like he is going to take visits to other schools and the Utah coaches know this. Hopefully we can hold onto him. Looks like a good get.

It looks like our recruiting efforts are almost entirely focused on DBs right now. We received a soft verbal from this guy from Louisiana that HL mentioned, now we steal a DB from San Jose State (Colorado also offered). None of these guys are world-beaters, we are competing with the MWC and the lower tier of the Pac for them. Maybe the idea is to sign a bunch of long-term projects and see who works out? I can't say I'm overjoyed by that strategy.

LA Ute
12-19-2013, 09:43 AM
This guy committed last night. He has some size -- 6'1". Some people this he's been overlooked and Utah may have snagged a good one.

Sidney Jones IV (http://www.hudl.com/athlete/o/1044070/highlights/91104383)

Homer Crimson
12-20-2013, 11:15 AM
It looks like our recruiting efforts are almost entirely focused on DBs right now. We received a soft verbal from this guy from Louisiana that HL mentioned, now we steal a DB from San Jose State (Colorado also offered). None of these guys are world-beaters, we are competing with the MWC and the lower tier of the Pac for them. Maybe the idea is to sign a bunch of long-term projects and see who works out? I can't say I'm overjoyed by that strategy.

I won't rest easy until we have 8 QBs in the cupboard... these last few seasons have scarred me for life.

12-20-2013, 11:21 AM
I won't rest easy until we have 8 QBs in the cupboard... these last few seasons have scarred me for life.

As long as 3-4 of them can switch to DB or LB.

You really can't get enough CBs, OLs, or pass rushers.

12-20-2013, 11:22 AM
This guy committed last night. He has some size -- 6'1". Some people this he's been overlooked and Utah may have snagged a good one.

Sidney Jones IV (http://www.hudl.com/athlete/o/1044070/highlights/91104383)

Same story: beating out Colorado, San Jose St, and Fresno. Most of these types won't pan out - some will, but you can't base your future on a team full of these recruits.

LA Ute
12-20-2013, 11:27 AM
Same story: beating out Colorado, San Jose St, and Fresno. Most of these types won't pan out - some will, but you can't base your future on a team full of these recruits.

I agree. I hope I am not putting lipstick on a pick, and that this guy is a diamond in the rough. (I was thinking of finding a third metaphor to mix here, but I am a little short on time today.)

12-20-2013, 01:53 PM
Time for Dave Christensen to visit Dalton Schultz. Seems like a long shot, but maybe something will click between the two. Selling points:

1) A chance to play with and learn from Jake Murphy for a year. You don't always get a future NFL TE as a tutor.

2) A chance to be a focal point of the offense for multiple years.

3) A chance to play in front of family and friends nearly every week.

4) A chance to avoid becoming a Cardinals snob.

I have no idea if Christensen has used TEs well in the past. If not, he's about to start.

12-20-2013, 02:01 PM
Time for Dave Christensen to visit Dalton Schultz. Seems like a long shot, but maybe something will click between the two. Selling points:

1) A chance to play with and learn from Jake Murphy for a year. You don't always get a future NFL TE as a tutor.

2) A chance to be a focal point of the offense for multiple years.

3) A chance to play in front of family and friends nearly every week.

4) A chance to avoid becoming a Cardinals snob.

I have no idea if Christensen has used TEs well in the past. If not, he's about to start.

I read about (http://espn.go.com/college-sports/recruiting/football/story/_/id/10165891/notre-dame-fighting-irish-sends-477-handwritten-letters-recruits-pots-gold)Notre Dame sending out "Pots of Gold" to special recruits, including Schultz. From what I can gather, those PoGs consist of 477 letters which represents the number of Notre Dame alums that have been drafted in the NFL.

Dalton Schultz (http://espn.go.com/college-sports/football/recruiting/player/_/id/167967/dalton-schultz) (South Jordan, Utah/Bingham), an uncommitted tight end prospect, was one of the latest recipients of the Pots of Gold. The No. 138-ranked prospect posted a video on YouTube showcasing all the mail he received from coaches. Schultz believes this strategy is more than hype and that this type of recruiting can help sway prospects to Notre Dame.
"I think for most kids, getting something like this would have some impact on their decision," he said. "Only 11 kids got that, so that's pretty humbling. It lets recruits know that they're genuinely interested in getting you there. That buzz [it creates] just gives Notre Dame more positive publicity, which is always helpful for recruiting purposes."

Personally, I would rather receive this Pot of Gold than the Notre Dame kind, but that's just me:


12-20-2013, 02:49 PM
Time for Dave Christensen to visit Dalton Schultz. Seems like a long shot, but maybe something will click between the two. Selling points:

I have no idea if Christensen has used TEs well in the past. If not, he's about to start.

Martin Rucker and Chase Coffman were consesus first team All-Americans in back to back years (07&08) while he was at Missouri.

12-20-2013, 02:55 PM
Martin Rucker and Chase Coffman were consesus first team All-Americans in back to back years (07&08) while he was at Missouri.

That should mean something to Dalton. Better than blocking in a 3 TE set at Stanford, right?

12-20-2013, 03:02 PM
That should mean something to Dalton. Better than blocking in a 3 TE set at Stanford, right?

Didn't Luck have two TE's drafted his year, at least one in the first round?

12-20-2013, 03:11 PM
Didn't Luck have two TE's drafted his year, at least one in the first round?

Fleener and Ertz are two Stanford TEs in the NFL now. But they didn't use a TE as a receiver at all this season. Not sure if that was just personnel or if it is Shaw's evolving philosophy.

Their main TE this season was on the Mackey watch list without a single reception. They transitioned him to DE mid season. They have a million TEs listed on their roster, and a few of them were as highly regarded as Dalton is.