View Full Version : Bear-ing down on Cal - Utes at the Cal Bears

01-31-2017, 09:59 AM
Date: Thursday February 2, 7:00 MST
Location: Berkley
Media: PAC-12 Networks, ESPN 700 Sports

The current standings have Utah and Cal in a 3 way tie (with UCLA) for third place. Seeing as that we don't play UCLA again, the Utes really need this game to pick up a road victory to solidify their spot in 4th place (since we already lost to UCLA at home).

How has Rabb been doing this year? He killed us last year.

01-31-2017, 10:10 AM
How has Rabb been doing this year? He killed us last year.

He's averaging a double double.

Okoroh, Rooks, and Bird also rebound well.

Cal has 10 players averaging 10+ minutes per game. That's a lot.

Okoroh is the shot blocker (2.5 per game).

Bird, Moore, and Mullins are the only three players who regularly take 3 pointers.

01-31-2017, 10:30 AM
Date: Thursday February 2, 7:00 MST
Location: Berkley
Media: PAC-12 Networks, ESPN 700 Sports

The current standings have Utah and Cal in a 3 way tie (with UCLA) for third place. Seeing as that we don't play UCLA again, the Utes really need this game to pick up a road victory to solidify their spot in 4th place (since we already lost to UCLA at home).

How has Rabb been doing this year? He killed us last year.

I saw a tweet yesterday that showed Rabb's and Kuzma's stats side by side, and they were very similar.

01-31-2017, 10:42 AM
I am hopeful LK has a scheme against athletic bigs. Our backcourts just become timid and stop driving to the basketball. Of course, scheme can only counter-balance talent so much -- and vice versa. Match-up is certainly a key.

Oh...really don't like the defense from our Bigs. If you are going to block shots, then jump to block; if you are going to stand straight-up and play positioning, then do so. Stop shuffling and side-stepping...they just lead to a lot of and-one.

01-31-2017, 12:55 PM
This is a tough match up for us for two reasons:

1) Cal is one of few teams in the conference that plays two true "bigs". With Rabb at the 4 and Kingsley/Rooks at the 5, those are some big, physical, good rebounding/shot blocking bigs. Collette, while great offensively, isn't exactly a great defender. And Kuzma isn't equipped to bang down low with Rabb. Now, the individual match-ups won't exactly matter since I'm sure we'll play zone 90% of the time, but in that case I think the key factor will be defensive rebounding. It's tough to rebound in a zone, and we saw how that hurt us in Tucson. But, like against Arizona, I think our 2-3 zone will give us our best shot here. But we gotta do our best to limit second chance points.

2) To win against Cal we're going to have to "grind it out". Looking at KenPom, Cal is in a similar boat with Oregon and Arizona when it comes to pace of play (Zona 287, Oregon 241, Cal 299), defensive efficiency (Zona 15, Oregon 13, Cal 16) and rebounding (Rebounding margin among Pac-12 teams: Zona 3, Oregon 4, Cal 2). Where they differ is offensively (Arizona 25, Oregon 41, Cal 163). This is not a great offensive team. Utah has struggled with teams (Butler falls in a similar category) that play at a slower pace, defend and rebound well.

This is definitely a winnable game for the Utes, but they'll have to limit offensive rebounds, make sure their shooters (Mullins, Bird, Moore) don't get hot vs the zone, and stay aggressive offensively. I understand that we don't want to be reckless, but I'd rather we attack the rim (and their shot blockers) and get a few shots blocked than play timid like we did vs Oregon. Gotta do what we do best, and that is attack the rim and try and score in the paint.

Should be a fun game. I would love nothing more than to give Cuonzo and company another heart breaking L like we did in Vegas.

Go Utes.

01-31-2017, 01:49 PM
This is an important weekend for the Utes. I was listening to Joe Lunardi on the radio with Bill Reilly talk about the Utes chances of getting into the Big Dance. Lunardi projects that Utah would be one of the 4 teams outside the tourney. He doesn't see Utah's chances improving dramatically unless they are able to end up 14-4 in the PAC and get to the Semi's in the conference tournament. That means they really need to win these two games because I don't see them beating Oregon at Oregon.

01-31-2017, 02:02 PM
This is an important weekend for the Utes. I was listening to Joe Lunardi on the radio with Bill Reilly talk about the Utes chances of getting into the Big Dance. Lunardi projects that Utah would be one of the 4 teams outside the tourney. He doesn't see Utah's chances improving dramatically unless they are able to end up 14-4 in the PAC and get to the Semi's in the conference tournament. That means they really need to win these two games because I don't see them beating Oregon at Oregon.

Lunardi is far more pessimistic than I am. He think we need 16 league wins to get into the dance. I still maintain 14 will get us there -- as long as we can get a 2nd Top 50 win on our resume. Not sure if beating Cal will count toward that.

01-31-2017, 02:08 PM
If we go 13-5, win one (as the 4 seed vs Cal/USC) in Vegas and DON'T get in, I'll eat my hat.

This is an important weekend for the Utes. I was listening to Joe Lunardi on the radio with Bill Reilly talk about the Utes chances of getting into the Big Dance. Lunardi projects that Utah would be one of the 4 teams outside the tourney. He doesn't see Utah's chances improving dramatically unless they are able to end up 14-4 in the PAC and get to the Semi's in the conference tournament. That means they really need to win these two games because I don't see them beating Oregon at Oregon.

02-02-2017, 02:11 PM
Tonight's game should be real interesting -- going up against one of the better interior defenses.

02-02-2017, 02:41 PM
Tonight's game should be real interesting -- going up against one of the better interior defenses.

Might have to use up all of our bigs just on fouls alone. If Colette has to sit before the 10 minute mark because he's got 2 fouls, we'll be in trouble. If we can protect him and keep him in the game at the end, we should have a decent shot.

All that said, from purely a standings perspective, looking at the remaining schedules, Cal will be desperate to get this one.

02-02-2017, 02:50 PM
If Colette has to sit before the 10 minute mark because he's got 2 fouls, we'll be in trouble. If we can protect him and keep him in the game at the end, we should have a decent shot.

This seems to be the key in all our games, but it's even more important against teams that are strong in the post.

Diehard Ute
02-02-2017, 02:52 PM
Might have to use up all of our bigs just on fouls alone. If Colette has to sit before the 10 minute mark because he's got 2 fouls, we'll be in trouble. If we can protect him and keep him in the game at the end, we should have a decent shot.

All that said, from purely a standings perspective, looking at the remaining schedules, Cal will be desperate to get this one.

Not sure we can control that. Colette seems to get called for at least 2 odd fouls a game.

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02-02-2017, 03:00 PM
Not sure we can control that. Colette seems to get called for at least 2 odd fouls a game.

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Right. Nature of the position I suppose. If he's in foul trouble, I could see Cal pulling away like they did vs. Stanford on Sunday.

The Thrill
02-02-2017, 05:33 PM
This is a huge game tonight. I have Cal favored. I believe most sites have Cal favored. The winner is likely to take 4th place at the end of the season, FYI 1-4 get a day 1 BYE.
This game vs Cal is a must win for the resume, for the standings, for the tournament. Hopefully the shots falls and Rabb has an off night.

Go Utes!

02-02-2017, 05:51 PM
Three real tough road-games left -- Cal, Oregon, and CU. We need to go 2-1.

02-02-2017, 06:47 PM
Four real tough road-games left -- Cal, Oregon, CU and USC (Boatwright is back). We need to go 2-2 at a minimum.

We aren't going to usc, are we?

02-02-2017, 06:58 PM
We aren't going to usc, are we?

You are correct. I had forgotten we play LA schools only once this year.

LA Ute
02-02-2017, 07:16 PM
7 TOs already. One per
minute. Yikes!

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02-02-2017, 07:48 PM
Terrible first half. 10 turnovers, most not forced, just stupid mistakes.

i think if we clean thing up, we could still win this.

02-02-2017, 07:57 PM
Terrible first half. 10 turnovers, most not forced, just stupid mistakes.

i think if we clean thing up, we could still win this.

Lazy turnovers, lazy shots, and lazy defense. We're lucky to be down 8. We gave up a ton of open threes. Fortunately they missed most of them.

02-02-2017, 07:58 PM
Our team's collective BB IQ leaves much to be desired.

Mormon Red Death
02-02-2017, 08:17 PM
This is Daniels worst game I've seen him play

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02-02-2017, 08:32 PM
We miss the front end of one-on-ones so much!

LA Ute
02-02-2017, 08:50 PM
Going down to the wire now.

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Nice Marmot
02-02-2017, 08:51 PM
Why does Bonham always take the last shot on a desperate drive to the hoop? He never hits it. Daniels is better at that.

02-02-2017, 08:55 PM
Kuzma! Grab that rebound!

02-02-2017, 08:58 PM
Why does Bonham always take the last shot on a desperate drive to the hoop? He never hits it. Daniels is better at that.

Uh, do you remember the game against Cal in the PAC-12 tournament last year?

02-02-2017, 09:00 PM
What in the world was Collette doing on that foul. why didn't collette cut him off to the Baseline stead of going behind his back

LA Ute
02-02-2017, 09:01 PM
Let's see how we do in the last 106 seconds if a tight, must-win game. Maybe this will be the night when the Utes learn they can close out such a game.

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LA Ute
02-02-2017, 09:03 PM
Uh-oh. A Utah timeout.

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Nice Marmot
02-02-2017, 09:05 PM
Uh, do you remember the game against Cal in the PAC-12 tournament last year?

Yes but he's failed at the end of the half and end of the games since then. Daniels seems to score at the hoop better than Bonham.

02-02-2017, 09:08 PM
Yes but he's failed at the end of the half and end of the games since then. Daniels seems to score at the hoop better than Bonham.

Ok, you may just want to check the definition of "never" really quick. And Daniels has has been a turnover machine tonight.

Nice Marmot
02-02-2017, 09:11 PM
Ok, you may just want to check the definition of "never" really quick. And Daniels has has been a turnover machine tonight.

Has Bonham done it since? His last shot was horrible.

LA Ute
02-02-2017, 09:13 PM
I do wonder about our players' presence of mind during crunch time. Lots of bad decisions and butterfingers moments.

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Rocker Ute
02-02-2017, 09:13 PM
The general intelligence of this team has to be questioned. Sheesh.

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02-02-2017, 09:14 PM
Heckuva shot by bird.

02-02-2017, 09:16 PM
Nice pass from Collette.

Rocker Ute
02-02-2017, 09:17 PM
Double overtime. Let's do this Utes.

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LA Ute
02-02-2017, 09:17 PM
I do wonder about our players' presence of mind during crunch time. Lots of bad decisions and butterfingers moments.

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And I love Kuz but I'm not sure he makes smart decisions. That last in-bounds pass in regulation.... 😱

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02-02-2017, 09:27 PM
Ugh, Kyle, when everyone is going to the line, you don't take a 20 foot jump shot.

02-02-2017, 09:30 PM
continuation! Clear as day

02-02-2017, 09:33 PM
When did the two steps and then a hop become legal in college basketball I know it's not traveling in the NBA but I thought it was still traveling in college and bird and Martin did it all night long

Mormon Red Death
02-02-2017, 09:33 PM
What an absolute horrificly called game

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02-02-2017, 09:37 PM
When did the two steps and then a hop become legal in college basketball I know it's not traveling in the NBA but I thought it was still traveling in college and bird and Martin did it all night long
Ugh. This one hurts.
Gotta hand it to that Bird kid. He got it done tonight.

02-02-2017, 09:41 PM
And credit to Cal's freshman PG, the Moore kid. We don't have anyone who can make plays like he can. Crafty kid.

02-02-2017, 09:43 PM
We can't quite seem to get it done against the Pac's best teams. Year after year it seems like we get these huge, breathtaking blowouts against some of the bottom half teams that don't translate into great execution against the better teams.

02-02-2017, 09:44 PM
And credit to Cal's freshman PG, the Moore kid. We don't have anyone who can make plays like he can. Crafty kid.

This is one big thing we've lacked. A great playmaker, which is especially crucial in crunch time.

02-02-2017, 09:45 PM
We can't quite seem to get it done against the Pac's best teams. Year after year it seems like we get these huge, breathtaking blowouts against some of the bottom half teams that don't translate into great execution against the better team.

Yep. Daniels disappeared tonight. Played like a true ture freshman. Tentative beyond belief.

LA Ute
02-02-2017, 09:46 PM
Dumb mistakes everywhere tonight. We defend them down to 4 seconds on the shot clock and then a silly foul. They make both shots and then we come down and take a bad shot early in the shot clock. Later, we have a stop but commit a foul just as the shot clock expires. Not sure how a coach stops that.

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02-02-2017, 09:47 PM
We just don't seem to have the horses. Other than WSU, and recently ASU, just about every team seems to have better athletes than we do. We had Delon/Jakob together just one year -- with a decent supporting cast. Always a ton of player turnovers -- again, no real meaningful bench tonight. Just not sure about our recruiting.

02-02-2017, 09:50 PM
We just don't seem to have the horses. Other than WSU, and recently ASU, just about every team seems to have better athletes than we do. We had Delon/Jakob together just one year -- with a decent supporting cast. Always a ton of player turnovers -- again, no real meaningful bench tonight. Just not sure about our recruiting.
Utes also had something like 20 turnovers.
They'll bounce back. They are college kids. Optimism is boundless.
Just one of those nights when the 3s weren't falling and the ball was slippery and Kuzma wa called for a phantom offensive foul.

02-02-2017, 09:53 PM
Utes also had something like 20 turnovers.
They'll bounce back. They are college kids. Optimism is boundless.
Just one of those nights when the 3s weren't falling and the ball was slippery and Kuzma wa called for a phantom offensive foul.

Don't get me wrong -- we are a decent team. That said, it's always a balance of athletes/IQ(execution). We are ok in both, but just not enough against pretty good teams; and, we have a match-up problems against certain type of teams.

LA Ute
02-02-2017, 09:53 PM
We can't quite seem to get it done against the Pac's best teams. Year after year it seems like we get these huge, breathtaking blowouts against some of the bottom half teams that don't translate into great execution against the better teams.

I think you were right when you said this team is probably a year away. Maybe we need a little more talent, little more poise, a little more experience. They are scrappy and have a lot of heart, but they can't close out these tight big games.

02-02-2017, 09:53 PM
Just not sure about our recruiting.

We've climbed out of the gutter to become one of the top five programs in the conference. I can't complain much about recruiting. We've just had three really painful losses recently, and it hurts.

02-02-2017, 09:58 PM
We can't quite seem to get it done against the Pac's best teams. Year after year it seems like we get these huge, breathtaking blowouts against some of the bottom half teams that don't translate into great execution against the better teams.

The gap between the top and bottom of the conference is huge. We're closer to the top, but we're not ucla, zona, or oregon.

02-02-2017, 09:59 PM
If we play this game at the Huntsman or in Vegas, I think we win in regulation. I don't think Bird or Moore play like that at the end of a game away from home (kind of like Daniels tonight).

LA Ute
02-02-2017, 10:00 PM
The gap between the top and bottom of the conference is huge. We're closer to the top, but we're not ucla, zona, or oregon.

I was just reminding myself that we were picked to finish 8th in the PAC-12. So we are over-achieving when you look at it that way.

02-02-2017, 10:23 PM
I heard Larry on the pregame show. One thing stood out. He said Cal is one of the worst teams at forcing turnovers in America so that wouldn't be a problem tonight. I thought to myself - 'it'll be a problem tonight.' The most frustrating element to that was how many of them were unforced. How about Kuzma's wrapping the ball around his back for no reason at all mid-way through the first overtime and the ball bouncing to Cal. Combine the turnovers with some of the strangest foul calls and we were doomed.

We'll beat these guys by 10+ in the Huntsman Center even if the bad officiating continues.

LA Ute
02-02-2017, 10:27 PM
I heard Larry on the pregame show. One thing stood out. He said Cal is one of the worst teams at forcing turnovers in America so that wouldn't be a problem tonight. I thought to myself - 'it'll be a problem tonight.' The most frustrating element to that was how many of them were unforced. How about Kuzma's wrapping the ball around his back for no reason at all mid-way through the first overtime and the ball bouncing to Cal. Combine the turnovers with some of the strangest foul calls and we were doomed.

We'll beat these guys by 10+ in the Huntsman Center even if the bad officiating continues.

It's depressing to me that Kuzma, a veteran, makes so many mental errors.

02-02-2017, 10:38 PM
It's depressing to me that Kuzma, a veteran, makes so many mental errors.

He's a stat machine though. Karl Malone of the 2017 PAC 12 season.

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02-02-2017, 10:40 PM
It's depressing to me that Kuzma, a veteran, makes so many mental errors.

Yeah, but we're not in these games without him. He had plenty of great plays tonight to go with some not great plays.

02-02-2017, 11:27 PM
You're right Sancho and Seattle. I guess that's why he frustrates me so much. I'd like the stupidity to go away as well as the lack of aggression in key moments. Remember his final play against UCLA - jacking the three instead of driving the ball. I thought his 20-footer late in the second overtime was kind of a gutless move as well given the tenor of the game at the time. I'm venting more than anything. He's a critical piece of our team and showed well against the more widely heralded Rabb.

02-03-2017, 12:05 AM
I went to the game, sat on the right side bleachers, about 10 rows up.

What a crazy, intensely frustrating game, for both me and the Cal fans around me. It took 2 OTs to get into the 70s. I'm surprised Larry didn't get a T. He was *REALLY* riding the refs, and they ignored him. Collette got into a jawing match with a ref who was 30 feet away, I was surprised it went on for awhile, but the ref basically pointed out that he got a call on the other end, and Collette nodded and that was it.

Their fans knew all about Kuzma going into the game, and they were immensely frustrated that he kept scoring, badly outplaying Ivan Rabb.

Collette is our best big, but he doesn't have length. This has to be the biggest physical difference maker in basketball - players / teams with length have an enormous advantage.

I have no idea why Bonam plays most of the game like he's got seriously bad arthritis, and then turns it on. His lack of assertiveness, toughness, drive will keep him out of the NBA. When he's aggressive and has the 3 game going, he's a pretty decent imitation of Andre Miller. For far, far too much of the time, he's MIA.

It wasn't Daniels' night, and Jo Jo was missing, too. Barefield has good potential, he's just a Soph, but I think he's a little immature. I got there early, was watching warmups, and he kept trying to throw down exotic dunks and getting stuffed by the rim. Dude, you're 6-2, you're never going to win any serious dunk contest, focus on the part of your game where you'll be a serious threat. Jo Jo can throw down some exotic dunks... but he was 0-2, and then went MIA.

Credit Jabari Bird for making those massive shots. Bonam almost matched him at the end of the 2OT.

The Cal fans said Mathews graduated and went to Gonzaga. That guy was their best outside threat, IMO.

Crazy, frustrating, weird game that wouldn't end. At least the travel to Stanford is a 1 hour ride in a bus, and we're at sea level. That's about the only silver lining I can think of.

Without Kuzma we get annihilated tonight.

02-03-2017, 12:17 AM
I went to the game, sat on the right side bleachers, about 10 rows up.

What a crazy, intensely frustrating game, for both me and the Cal fans around me. It took 2 OTs to get into the 70s. I'm surprised Larry didn't get a T. He was *REALLY* riding the refs, and they ignored him. Collette got into a jawing match with a ref who was 30 feet away, I was surprised it went on for awhile, but the ref basically pointed out that he got a call on the other end, and Collette nodded and that was it.

Their fans knew all about Kuzma going into the game, and they were immensely frustrated that he kept scoring, badly outplaying Ivan Rabb.

Collette is our best big, but he doesn't have length. This has to be the biggest physical difference maker in basketball - players / teams with length have an enormous advantage.

I have no idea why Bonam plays most of the game like he's got seriously bad arthritis, and then turns it on. His lack of assertiveness, toughness, drive will keep him out of the NBA. When he's aggressive and has the 3 game going, he's a pretty decent imitation of Andre Miller. For far, far too much of the time, he's MIA.

It wasn't Daniels' night, and Jo Jo was missing, too. Barefield has good potential, he's just a Soph, but I think he's a little immature. I got there early, was watching warmups, and he kept trying to throw down exotic dunks and getting stuffed by the rim. Dude, you're 6-2, you're never going to win any serious dunk contest, focus on the part of your game where you'll be a serious threat. Jo Jo can throw down some exotic dunks... but he was 0-2, and then went MIA.

Credit Jabari Bird for making those massive shots. Bonam almost matched him at the end of the 2OT.

The Cal fans said Mathews graduated and went to Gonzaga. That guy was their best outside threat, IMO.

Crazy, frustrating, weird game that wouldn't end. At least the travel to Stanford is a 1 hour ride in a bus, and we're at sea level. That's about the only silver lining I can think of.

Without Kuzma we get annihilated tonight.

Kuzma is really racking up some gaudy stat lines this season. He's the main reason this team is respectable and he'll be all-conference. We shouldn't be so hard on him for mistakes in the chaos at the end of close games.

Your point about Bonham is astute. Had he been more of an assassin at the end of the UCLA game we might have won.

02-03-2017, 06:42 AM
Seems to me that all of the guys on this team that have a true killer instinct are young (Barefield, Daniels). We've got to have guys that want to take the big shots and make the big drive at the end of the game. That said, I found myself yelling at Don McLean last night after he repeatedly said we needed to attack the basket. Normally I would agree, but they were just getting very few calls at the rim, if any at all. That they called the one on Rooks late was a minor miracle.

Ultimately this game will be a wash, as I think we'll beat them in SLC by double digits. We've given ourselves no real margin for error though if we want to try to get back up to that #4 spot. I think they've got 3 losses coming (Oregon, @Arizona, @Utah) and we've got one for sure (@Oregon). But we've also got Colorado surging, or at least playing better, so It'll be interesting to see how they look down the stretch.

LA Ute
02-03-2017, 07:04 AM
Kuzma is really racking up some gaudy stat lines this season. He's the main reason this team is respectable and he'll be all-conference. We shouldn't be so hard on him for mistakes in the chaos at the end of close games.

Your point about Bonham is astute. Had he been more of an assassin at the end of the UCLA game we might have won.

Good points. Still, I understand 'biq's venting. We'd like to see someone -- anyone -- be Superman at the end of close games. Instead we see far too many Clark Kents.

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Rocker Ute
02-03-2017, 07:54 AM
I heard Larry on the pregame show. One thing stood out. He said Cal is one of the worst teams at forcing turnovers in America so that wouldn't be a problem tonight. I thought to myself - 'it'll be a problem tonight.' The most frustrating element to that was how many of them were unforced. How about Kuzma's wrapping the ball around his back for no reason at all mid-way through the first overtime and the ball bouncing to Cal. Combine the turnovers with some of the strangest foul calls and we were doomed.

We'll beat these guys by 10+ in the Huntsman Center even if the bad officiating continues.

I know David Hall is supposed to be a respected ref, but why is it that any game he is in is a dramatic crap show? Every game I watch with him there is always some 5 minute ref conference near the end of the game or some weird thing going on. I believe that refereeing is part of the game so I'm not blaming the loss on them in any way, but I wish he wouldn't insert himself into the game so much.

I said it last night, but it is true, our team just doesn't have a high b-ball IQ and it shows late in games. We've talked about Kuzma's issues, but the reach around foul by Collette at the end was incredibly stupid and unnecessary. Our theme there at the end seemed to be incredible defense for 28 seconds followed by some mental lapse and a bailout for Cal. That's what made it frustrating.

So now, basically, our path to the tournament is basically winning the conference tourney? Too bad, as I think this team is actually built to do pretty well in the tournament.

02-03-2017, 08:04 AM
I know David Hall is supposed to be a respected ref, but why is it that any game he is in is a dramatic crap show?

Reffing is like baseball. If you hit above .300 you are elite.

02-03-2017, 08:06 AM
I know David Hall is supposed to be a respected ref, but why is it that any game he is in is a dramatic crap show? Every game I watch with him there is always some 5 minute ref conference near the end of the game or some weird thing going on. I believe that refereeing is part of the game so I'm not blaming the loss on them in any way, but I wish he wouldn't insert himself into the game so much.

I said it last night, but it is true, our team just doesn't have a high b-ball IQ and it shows late in games. We've talked about Kuzma's issues, but the reach around foul by Collette at the end was incredibly stupid and unnecessary. Our theme there at the end seemed to be incredible defense for 28 seconds followed by some mental lapse and a bailout for Cal. That's what made it frustrating.

So now, basically, our path to the tournament is basically winning the conference tourney? Too bad, as I think this team is actually built to do pretty well in the tournament.

I've not watched enough of the other leagues and teams to know how solid the bubble is right now. I would still imagine that a 4th place finish in the Pac 12 with three big heavyweights at the top gets you a look, even if you are going to Dayton as an 11 or 12.

02-03-2017, 08:14 AM
I know David Hall is supposed to be a respected ref, but why is it that any game he is in is a dramatic crap show?

I think David Hall works hard, gets things right most of the time, he's respected as being fair.

Last night they were letting a lot of stuff go, then they clamped down at odd times. Late in the game when Bird(?) was called with a charge on Collette, the Cal fans went nuts. On the replay it was a nice acting job by Collette.

Rawson got some really good clean-up production in the first half. Kuzma's interior passing - his passing overall, actually - is really impressive.

Cal's freshman guard, Charlie Moore #13, is probably 6-0, maybe even 5-11, but that kid is an athlete with impressive wingspan. He picked Bonam.

Mormon Red Death
02-03-2017, 08:24 AM
Ok here is a comparison of 2 Utah players and one current players stats:

FG %

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Any Idea who is who? Ok I'll Tell you. Player 1 is Keith Van Horn's senior season. Player 2 is Andrew Bogut's last year and Player 3 is Kyle Kuzma this year . While Kyle isnt scoring like Bogut and Van Horn he is very comparable. Also remember he is only a JR. We might be undervaluing how good the Kuz is. He is averaging a double double. If he isnt first team all conference then the those teams are horseshit.

02-03-2017, 08:56 AM
So now, basically, our path to the tournament is basically winning the conference tourney? Too bad, as I think this team is actually built to do pretty well in the tournament.

I see three possible paths to the tournament (all unlikely):

1. Win it all in Vegas.
2. Finish 7-1 with a loss @Oregon, finish in 4th place, and make it to the final in Vegas (that would give us wins vs USC/Cal and Zona/UCLA/Oregon in the tournament).
3. Finish 7-1 with a win @Oregon, finish in 4th place, and win one game in Vegas (vs USC/Cal).

02-03-2017, 09:58 AM
Ok here is a comparison of 2 Utah players and one current players stats:

FG %

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Any Idea who is who? Ok I'll Tell you. Player 1 is Keith Van Horn's senior season. Player 2 is Andrew Bogut's last year and Player 3 is Kyle Kuzma this year . While Kyle isnt scoring like Bogut and Van Horn he is very comparable. Also remember he is only a JR. We might be undervaluing how good the Kuz is. He is averaging a double double. If he isnt first team all conference then the those teams are horseshit.

Plus, Kuzma isn't playing in the MWC.
I thought Kuz was a beast on the boards last night.

02-03-2017, 10:07 AM
Plus, Kuzma isn't playing in the MWC.
I thought Kuz was a beast on the boards last night.

YES! He's killing it against terrific competition.

02-03-2017, 10:12 AM
Kuzma is great. He's a big part of the reason we are good. But KVH and Bogut were All-American, POY candidates. Kuzma is not in that class.

New York Steak and Eggs
02-03-2017, 10:31 AM
Ok here is a comparison of 2 Utah players and one current players stats:

FG %

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Any Idea who is who? Ok I'll Tell you. Player 1 is Keith Van Horn's senior season. Player 2 is Andrew Bogut's last year and Player 3 is Kyle Kuzma this year . While Kyle isnt scoring like Bogut and Van Horn he is very comparable. Also remember he is only a JR. We might be undervaluing how good the Kuz is. He is averaging a double double. If he isnt first team all conference then the those teams are horseshit.

Kuzma's stats aren't anywhere close to the ballpark of VanHorn and Bogut. If you were to ask which stat line is Kuzma's, which was VanHorn's, and which was Bogut's, 100% of knowledgeable fans would guess correctly.

The Thrill
02-03-2017, 10:36 AM
The loss last night was as expected. Cal has a very tough final 8 games (4-4 predicted)
Here's how I predict it.

5 of 8 on the road (2-3)
Cal 73 Colorado 68
Cal 78 @Arizona St 74
@Arizona 73 Cal 63
Cal 69 @Stanford 66
Oregon 71 Cal 67
Cal 76 Oregon State 58
@Utah 72 Cal 68
@Colorado 71 Cal 70

While Utah has a very favorable schedule (7-1 predicted)
Utah 73 @Stanford 70
Utah 82 Washington St 66
Utah 83 Washington 71
@Oregon 77 Utah 68
Utah 78 @Oregon St 64
Utah 75 @Colorado 74
Utah 72 California 68
Utah 76 Stanford 67

If this holds true then Utah has one upset loss or one upset Cal win in the bank.
USC and Cal should finish tied for 5th (Cal holds the tie-breaker win 74-73 vs USC)
Colorado plays a huge part in all of this. They're playing great lately, could beat Cal twice and Utah at home to really shake things up.

Should be a fun month.

Rocker Ute
02-03-2017, 10:47 AM
I've not watched enough of the other leagues and teams to know how solid the bubble is right now. I would still imagine that a 4th place finish in the Pac 12 with three big heavyweights at the top gets you a look, even if you are going to Dayton as an 11 or 12.

I guess the question is what is going to weight more, RPI or conference ranking. I hope you are right. I actually think too that Utah has a name that in contention with other bubble teams would get in.

02-03-2017, 10:54 AM
I guess the question is what is going to weight more, RPI or conference ranking. I hope you are right. I actually think too that Utah has a name that in contention with other bubble teams would get in.

If I were on the committee, I would penalize us for our crappy preseason schedule despite our name. I would think that with our name history reputation, we had no business playing that preseason schedule and I wouldn't reward it

02-03-2017, 10:56 AM
when Koozma went through that 5 minute stretch where he was hoisting up an ill advised 3, an 18 foot jump shot early in the clock, turning the ball over twice and missing free throws about midway through the second half, I was hoping Krstko would sub him out and settle him down. Thinking about it now, Utah has nobody on the bench that can sub for Koozma. That is the clear difference between Utah and Oregozona.

To me that is the clear difference between the top of this league and the middle tier of UCLA, CAL and Utah

Mormon Red Death
02-03-2017, 11:01 AM
Kuzma's stats aren't anywhere close to the ballpark of VanHorn and Bogut. If you were to ask which stat line is Kuzma's, which was VanHorn's, and which was Bogut's, 100% of knowledgeable fans would guess correctly.

Here are some other great players that played a similar position. For Britton and Josh Grant they were Player of year in MWC or WAC. Kuzma's best comparison is Josh Grant's senior season where he was WAC player of the year.


Hanno Mottola

Josh Grant

Britton Johnsen

02-03-2017, 11:12 AM
If I were on the committee, I would penalize us for our crappy preseason schedule despite our name. I would think that with our name history reputation, we had no business playing that preseason schedule and I wouldn't reward it

It's good to see you've brought your rigorous standards to the basketball threads.