View Full Version : Why do college coaches love the C word so much?

Two Utes
02-16-2017, 11:17 AM
Is anybody surprised by this article?


I kind of have a unique experience with college coaches. I can tell you that verbal abuse is simply a part of college basketball. The culture of college basketball is verbal abuse. It pervades the industry.

I am perplexed as to why it is so acceptable and so pervasive.

I'm told even Coach K at Duke loves the c word (but he fires it at the refs instead of his players).

One day, we will look back at this type of culture and be absolutely ashamed.

This article doesn't discuss him using the C word, but the reports are he used those exact words to his players.

02-16-2017, 11:49 AM
Is anybody surprised by this article?


I kind of have a unique experience with college coaches. I can tell you that verbal abuse is simply a part of college basketball. The culture of college basketball is verbal abuse. It pervades the industry.

I am perplexed as to why it is so acceptable and so pervasive.

I'm told even Coach K at Duke loves the c word (but he fires it at the refs instead of his players).

One day, we will look back at this type of culture and be absolutely ashamed.

This article doesn't discuss him using the C word, but the reports are he used those exact words to his players.

Because Fanboys within the base tolerate it instead of insisting upon change within the culture.

Because athletic directors are too weak-kneed to fight a two-front war -- against the Fanboys and the coach.

Because SIDs have closed access to the point where coaches aren't under the scrutiny that they should be by unbiased parties.

An overwhelming percentage of college coaches are ridiculously overpaid AND answer to no one.

That said, the coach that got the most out of me as a basketball player called me just about every name in the book. His day job was teaching second grade. He also kept a bottle of something alcoholic in the desk in his basketball office and reeked of cigarettes constantly. His youngest son was a teammate and a year ahead of me in school, and he's to this day mortified over his dad's coaching methods. He won't facilitate a hello from me or any contact information on my behalf, and he's puzzled as to why I would want to speak with him, much less have any respect for him.

I'm not advocating the verbal abuse that we're familiar with, but I'm not gonna deny a little Stockholm Syndrome in myself when talking about this coach. I'll always respect the hell out of him for what he did to me to improve my game. My biggest regret is he wasn't on the bench when I was a senior.

02-16-2017, 12:14 PM
This article doesn't discuss him using the C word, but the reports are he used those exact words to his players.

I am still shaking my head about the story you related about Majerus and Marc Jackson. I guess challenging a players manhood can be a good motivation tactic but I think I would have told Majerus to F-OFF just like Marc did.

I think there is a point where those tactics are counterproductive for a coach.

Two Utes
02-16-2017, 12:23 PM
I am still shaking my head about the story you related about Majerus and Marc Jackson. I guess challenging a players manhood can be a good motivation tactic but I think I would have told Majerus to F-OFF just like Marc did.

I think there is a point where those tactics are counterproductive for a coach.

Jackson stood up to inappropriate and outrageous abuse and many fans lambasted him for being a quitter.

And in response to SoCal Pat's great comments, watching a college basketball season is a bit like watching sausage get made--sometimes you really don't want to see how it is being made, you just want to enjoy the end result.

Still, many of these guys go way over the line and it's not acceptable.

LA Ute
02-16-2017, 12:52 PM
The Majerus era at Utah ended because he went too far in verbally abusing a player.

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Two Utes
02-16-2017, 12:58 PM
The Majerus era at Utah ended because he went too far in verbally abusing a player.

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I believe what you are referring to is his treatment of Lance Allred (who was deaf) that was reported in the paper (by Monson). According to reports (and later verified) Majerus told Allred he was "a disgrace to cripples everywhere".

Big Rick might have survived those comments, but his relationship with Hill had deteriorated so badly that Hill simply wasn't going to renew his contract and so he quit mid-season citing health problems.

No one lambasted Majerus for quitting, nor did anybody refer to him as a quitter.

02-16-2017, 12:59 PM
I remember watching a UNC game when Matt Daugherty was on his way out and the commentators (Vitale was one of them) were talking about his verbal abuse of players and Vitale essentially said that it was all about winning. If he was doing that and he was winning, they'd call him a great motivator.

There's probably something to that...maybe not so much in this day and age anymore, but winning seems to have had ADs look the other way for quite some time.

02-16-2017, 01:01 PM
I believe what you are referring to is his treatment of Lance Allred (who was deaf) that was reported in the paper (by Monson). According to reports (and later verified) Majerus told Allred he was "a disgrace to cripples everywhere".

Big Rick might have survived those comments, but his relationship with Hill had deteriorated so badly that Hill simply wasn't going to renew his contract and so he quit mid-season citing health problems.

No one lambasted Majerus for quitting, nor did anybody refer to him as a quitter.

Not only did he do all that stuff..but, per the audit, he never turned in his key!

LA Ute
02-16-2017, 01:35 PM
I believe what you are referring to is his treatment of Lance Allred (who was deaf) that was reported in the paper (by Monson). According to reports (and later verified) Majerus told Allred he was "a disgrace to cripples everywhere."

Four words: Americans with Disabilities Act. Two more words: Rehabilitation Act.

02-16-2017, 01:58 PM
Four words: Americans with Disabilities Act. Two more words: Rehabilitation Act.

7 words- why do people count their words so often?

LA Ute
02-16-2017, 02:13 PM
7 words- why do people count their words so often?

I was going for dramatic effect.

Diehard Ute
02-16-2017, 03:23 PM
Society has changed a lot in the last 2-3 decades.

Look at military boot camps now vs the 70's, 80's and even the 90's. They're far different. A lot less of the "abuse" behavior.

Our police academy wasn't abusive in any way when I went through, but it wasn't fun. Today's academy is easier, far less use of physical training as a punishment.

Coaching seems to lag behind in these areas.

Watching "In Football We Trust" I was surprised at the language and behavior at the HS level, with cameras rolling. I can only imagine what it's like when it's college without cameras.

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Two Utes
02-17-2017, 09:22 AM
Society has changed a lot in the last 2-3 decades.

Look at military boot camps now vs the 70's, 80's and even the 90's. They're far different. A lot less of the "abuse" behavior.

Our police academy wasn't abusive in any way when I went through, but it wasn't fun. Today's academy is easier, far less use of physical training as a punishment.

Coaching seems to lag behind in these areas.

Watching "In Football We Trust" I was surprised at the language and behavior at the HS level, with cameras rolling. I can only imagine what it's like when it's college without cameras.

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It really hasn't changed that much. Here's a more complete account of Eustachy also with tape of the Rutgers coach abusing his players.

http://deadspin.com/colorado-state-recommended-firing-larry-eustachy-three-1792428023?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitte r&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow

The response by most coaches has been to close practices and stop videotaping them. LOL.

Listening to DJ and PK discuss this on the radio this morning, coaches justify it as "breaking players down, so they can rebuild them". I agree that some breaking down and building up is necessary. It clearly works to an extent. I also agree that yelling and screaming can be effective so long as the yelling and screaming is instruction or encouragement. But calling kids "fucking cunts" and "fucking fairy's" serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. None. It's abusive, period. Anybody here who tries to justify the behavior is a complete fan boy, jack off.

My son had a coach at a lower level than D1 who would throw garbage cans and anything else he could grab in the locker room after losses. What purpose does that serve? Are you going to scare a player so much that he will start playing better?

Most of these kids come from tough backgrounds. The coaches use them for 4 years and then forget about them. And hopefully, but probably not, a majority of them get a sociology degree. The coaches move on to the next guy that they think can help them win games and line their pockets.

It's a shitty business. People like Eustachy shouldn't be honored. He's scum.

02-17-2017, 09:31 AM
It really hasn't changed that much. Here's a more complete account of Eustachy also with tape of the Rutgers coach abusing his players.

http://deadspin.com/colorado-state-recommended-firing-larry-eustachy-three-1792428023?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitte r&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow

The response by most coaches has been to close practices and stop videotaping them. LOL.

Listening to DJ and PK discuss this on the radio this morning, coaches justify it as "breaking players down, so they can rebuild them". I agree that some breaking down and building up is necessary. It clearly works to an extent. I also agree that yelling and screaming can be effective so long as the yelling and screaming is instruction or encouragement. But calling kids "fucking cunts" and "fucking fairy's" serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. None. It's abusive, period. Anybody here who tries to justify the behavior is a complete fan boy, jack off.

My son had a coach at a lower level than D1 who would throw garbage cans and anything else he could grab in the locker room after losses. What purpose does that serve? Are you going to scare a player so much that he will start playing better?

Most of these kids come from tough backgrounds. The coaches use them for 4 years and then forget about them. And hopefully, but probably not, a majority of them get a sociology degree. The coaches move on to the next guy that they think can help them win games and line their pockets.

It's a shitty business. People like Eustachy shouldn't be honored. He's scum.

twoutes is absolutely correct.
Coaches & Universities talk about being "physical educators" and part of a university culture as they champion the idealism of "amateur athletics".
But if any academic educator (or any administrator, for that matter) used that kind of language in an on-campus environment or towards a student, that person would be fired faster than Parker Van Dyke can go 0-4 from the field.

Diehard Ute
02-17-2017, 03:25 PM
It really hasn't changed that much. Here's a more complete account of Eustachy also with tape of the Rutgers coach abusing his players.

http://deadspin.com/colorado-state-recommended-firing-larry-eustachy-three-1792428023?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitte r&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow

The response by most coaches has been to close practices and stop videotaping them. LOL.

Listening to DJ and PK discuss this on the radio this morning, coaches justify it as "breaking players down, so they can rebuild them". I agree that some breaking down and building up is necessary. It clearly works to an extent. I also agree that yelling and screaming can be effective so long as the yelling and screaming is instruction or encouragement. But calling kids "fucking cunts" and "fucking fairy's" serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. None. It's abusive, period. Anybody here who tries to justify the behavior is a complete fan boy, jack off.

My son had a coach at a lower level than D1 who would throw garbage cans and anything else he could grab in the locker room after losses. What purpose does that serve? Are you going to scare a player so much that he will start playing better?

Most of these kids come from tough backgrounds. The coaches use them for 4 years and then forget about them. And hopefully, but probably not, a majority of them get a sociology degree. The coaches move on to the next guy that they think can help them win games and line their pockets.

It's a shitty business. People like Eustachy shouldn't be honored. He's scum.

Eustachy was always that way. I was at USU when he coached there. His players were being "taken care of" and we all knew it

John L Smith was there at the same time. He let his players do whatever they wanted.

Coaching is far behind the rest of society for some reason it seems.

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