View Full Version : The purposeful wife.....

04-18-2017, 09:30 AM
If you aren't familiar with 'Ayla', the trib has done a story on her. I find her repulsive and disgusting. But it brings up an interesting question and this has high potential for a volatile discussion but I hope it remains respectful. Should people like Ayla be subject to LDS church discipline?


04-18-2017, 10:51 AM
No. But I also don't think people like dehlin should be kicked out either. At the same time, neither one should be holding a calling with their views.

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Rocker Ute
04-18-2017, 11:33 AM
If you aren't familiar with 'Ayla', the trib has done a story on her. I find her repulsive and disgusting. But it brings up an interesting question and this has high potential for a volatile discussion but I hope it remains respectful. Should people like Ayla be subject to LDS church discipline?


Define church discipline. Perhaps she already is.

04-18-2017, 12:33 PM
She seems nice.

04-18-2017, 12:38 PM
Define church discipline. Perhaps she already is.

Disciplinary council. I think she would let the world know if she had been summoned to one. While she certainly is an enthusiastic supporter and member of the LDS church, she also has been outspoken in her criticism if she sees something wrong.

i am not 100% sure that she is all there. But if she does get a following and they become these militant white supremacist goofballs, i think action would be taken.

Rocker Ute
04-18-2017, 01:57 PM
Disciplinary council. I think she would let the world know if she had been summoned to one. While she certainly is an enthusiastic supporter and member of the LDS church, she also has been outspoken in her criticism if she sees something wrong.

i am not 100% sure that she is all there. But if she does get a following and they become these militant white supremacist goofballs, i think action would be taken.

Okay. Yeah I hate to see anyone espousing these type of beliefs in this day and age let alone gathering an apparent following (but I will also note that following someone on Twitter doesn't mean you agree with them. I know Mr Crimson at least follows her to watch the crazy - I suspect there are many others).

I will also note that when the facts came out on KK and JD their narratives were quite different from what actually happened and would indicate they were working hard for a big final showdown before the grand exit.

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