View Full Version : Football game talk: Utah v arizona

09-19-2017, 03:12 PM
Ok, let's get this started.

First off, senioritis had a fabulous Tucson journey a few years back. Recommendations for restaurants, sights, or rock gardens are greatly appreciated.

Second, this is a game of two unknowns. The Utes are 3-0 but the teams they beat do not look good. Arizona beat utep by one thousand points, but this utep squad is putrid.

Third of all, I'll be in Tucson on Friday! I've got this one guys.

09-19-2017, 03:15 PM
ok, let's get this started.

First off, senioritis had a fabulous tucson journey a few years back. Recommendations for restaurants, sights, or rock gardens are greatly appreciated.

Second, this is a game of two unknowns. The utes are 3-0 but the teams they beat do not look good. Arizona beat utep by one thousand points, but this utep squad is putrid.

Third of all, i'll be in tucson on friday! I've got this one guys.


09-19-2017, 03:39 PM
Tucson is home to the oldest Mexican Restaurant in the US and its phenomenal. El Charro Cafe in downtown Tucson.


also the patio at the Star Pass Marriott is very tasty (well not the patio itself but their food)


09-19-2017, 03:56 PM

Any site of a Paulie shore movie is a must.

09-19-2017, 03:58 PM
Tucson is home to the oldest Mexican Restaurant in the US and its phenomenal. El Charro Cafe in downtown Tucson.


also the patio at the Star Pass Marriott is very tasty (well not the patio itself but their food)


Thanks. El charro is definitely on the list. Is the star pass Marriot a Marriot hotel. Tough for me to get excited about that. But when in Tucson...

LA Ute
09-19-2017, 07:06 PM
Ok, let's get this started.

First off, senioritis had a fabulous Tucson journey a few years back. Recommendations for restaurants, sights, or rock gardens are greatly appreciated.

Second, this is a game of two unknowns. The Utes are 3-0 but the teams they beat do not look good. Arizona beat utep by one thousand points, but this utep squad is putrid.

Third of all, I'll be in Tucson on Friday! I've got this one guys.

I'm impressed. That is a long way for you to travel.

09-19-2017, 09:04 PM
I'm impressed. That is a long way for you to travel.

I'm diehard

Diehard Ute
09-20-2017, 01:17 AM
I'm diehard

No, I’m Diehard

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09-20-2017, 06:39 AM
No, I’m Diehard

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Sorry, typo. I'm A diehard

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-20-2017, 09:40 AM
I still love this.


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Dwight Schr-Ute
09-20-2017, 01:31 PM


09-21-2017, 09:18 AM
1. anybody heard anything about Chase Hansen's status?

2. heard McBride say this am that Ariz ought to be able to defend against our new O, even though they are undersized and young, because they see it every day in practice. Not sure that is true, but wouldn't the reverse also be true? Can we defend the qb option better because we've seen it every day?

09-21-2017, 07:30 PM
1. anybody heard anything about Chase Hansen's status?

2. heard McBride say this am that Ariz ought to be able to defend against our new O, even though they are undersized and young, because they see it every day in practice. Not sure that is true, but wouldn't the reverse also be true? Can we defend the qb option better because we've seen it every day?

2. No, we can never defend the qb option.

09-22-2017, 09:02 AM
1. anybody heard anything about Chase Hansen's status?

2. heard McBride say this am that Ariz ought to be able to defend against our new O, even though they are undersized and young, because they see it every day in practice. Not sure that is true, but wouldn't the reverse also be true? Can we defend the qb option better because we've seen it every day?

How often do 1s practice against 1s during the week anyway? It's one thing to practice against Huntley, quite another for our defense to practice against whomever is the scout team QB this week.

09-22-2017, 09:04 AM
I respect the hell out of Rodriguez (and Zona's SID) for releasing injury reports like these. They should be the standard in college football.


09-22-2017, 09:09 AM
How often do 1s practice against 1s during the week anyway? It's one thing to practice against Huntley, quite another for our defense to practice against whomever is the scout team QB this week.

Well, presumably you practice against it all spring and summer

09-22-2017, 09:20 AM
I respect the hell out of Rodriguez (and Zona's SID) for releasing injury reports like these. They should be the standard in college football.


I'm not sure why it matters?

09-22-2017, 09:48 AM
I'm not sure why it matters?

Please. Find me the other major sport in this country where evasiveness about player injuries is not only tolerated but encouraged.

09-22-2017, 09:50 AM
Well, presumably you practice against it all spring and summer

There's a difference between practicing against what our offense runs, and what Arizona runs. Now I know you know that -- I'm just trying to give an explanation as to why Mac might say that.

09-22-2017, 11:04 AM
Please. Find me the other major sport in this country where evasiveness about player injuries is not only tolerated but encouraged.

Hockey! "Upper Body Injury" "Lower body injury"

09-22-2017, 11:26 AM
Hockey! "Upper Body Injury" "Lower body injury"

Touche. But is hockey a major sport?

09-22-2017, 11:32 AM
inevitably Utah will settle for 4 field goals and a couple of TD's, I say Utah 26 AZ 24


09-22-2017, 02:19 PM
Touche. But is hockey a major sport?

Dammit!!! Yes!!!!

09-22-2017, 02:25 PM
Please. Find me the other major sport in this country where evasiveness about player injuries is not only tolerated but encouraged.

I think HIPAA requires that they be evasive.

09-22-2017, 08:50 PM
Nice start on both sides of the ball.

09-22-2017, 09:39 PM
Nice start on both sides of the ball.

Huntley out. Looks like maybe a collarbone to me.

09-22-2017, 09:51 PM
Only got 3, but a 91 yard drive when Arizona was heading in for the tie is nice.

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09-22-2017, 10:01 PM
Huntley out. Looks like maybe a collarbone to me.

Yeah grabbed right at the clavicle didn't he?

09-22-2017, 10:11 PM
Yeah grabbed right at the clavicle didn't he?

That's what I saw.

With Williams and no pass protect, we're going to have to figure something out. We can't roll out as effectively with Troy.

Pity that Carrington couldn't hold onto that bomb.

09-22-2017, 10:18 PM
Gotta put a drive together here to start the second half. If we do, we can keep them at arms length in the second half. Need to pressure their QB and force him into more bad throws.

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09-22-2017, 10:20 PM
That's what I saw.

With Williams and no pass protect, we're going to have to figure something out. We can't roll out as effectively with Troy.

Pity that Carrington couldn't hold onto that bomb.

Both sides of the ball need to be addressed. Too many sustained drives given up by D, and looks as if the OL didn't practice at all this week.

09-22-2017, 10:41 PM
Tautioli as a fullback!

Diehard Ute
09-22-2017, 11:15 PM
Anyone else notice AZ’s RB is moving towards the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped?

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09-23-2017, 07:14 AM
Got a conference road win vs a team that usually gives us trouble in a game where we lose our QB and a defensive star. Can't be unhappy about that. But, man, we got bailed out by several awful Dawkins throws and an epic Wilson drop.

That was the easiest remaining game on our schedule, right?

LA Ute
09-23-2017, 07:49 AM
Got a conference road win vs a team that usually gives us trouble in a game where we lose our QB and a defensive star. Can't be unhappy about that. But, man, we got bailed out by several awful Dawkins throws and an epic Wilson drop.

That was the easiest remaining game on our schedule, right?

Maybe ASU is the other one?

09-23-2017, 08:30 AM
I don't know why any Utah fan believed that winning games in the PAC 12 was going to be easier than in the past simply by again changing OC's. This conference is tough. Every team has talented players and good coaches. Every team practices, watches film and does things to defend the other and to exploit the others defensive weaknesses. 4-0.

09-23-2017, 09:12 AM
Anyone else notice AZ’s RB is moving towards the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped?

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I was screaming about this all night.

09-23-2017, 11:46 AM
This is the first time since joining the P12 that I didn't think Arizona had better athletes at every position.

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09-23-2017, 02:01 PM
I don't know why any Utah fan believed that winning games in the PAC 12 was going to be easier than in the past simply by again changing OC's. This conference is tough. Every team has talented players and good coaches. Every team practices, watches film and does things to defend the other and to exploit the others defensive weaknesses. 4-0.

As Michael Wilbon likes to say: "They've got guys on their side on scholarship too, and coaches that are paid to try and beat you."

09-23-2017, 02:51 PM
Fans are people. People, collectively speaking, are biased and emotional.

I don't know why any Utah fan believed that winning games in the PAC 12 was going to be easier than in the past simply by again changing OC's. This conference is tough. Every team has talented players and good coaches. Every team practices, watches film and does things to defend the other and to exploit the others defensive weaknesses. 4-0.

09-25-2017, 01:15 PM


09-25-2017, 02:10 PM
That was a really difficult interception too. It wasn't like a tipped pass that he played right. He played the route and made a difficult catch in front of the receiver.

Johnson and Guidry have been really bright spots on D so far this year.

09-25-2017, 02:32 PM
Guidry said it was a film study INT. He saw tendencies in film, jumped the route, and the ball was where he thought it would be.

Amazing coming from a Freshman.