View Full Version : Well that was a fun weekend

02-25-2013, 01:27 PM
I've been on a project in Bend, OR since the first of the year, flying home for weekends. My oldest daughter's choir is going on tour to NYC this coming weekend and my wife is going as a chaperone so I arranged to work remotely from home for this week and next. I also had a speaking engagement in the Bay Area last Saturday. So I drove from Bend to just north or Redding, CA Thursday night, planning to work from the hotel on Friday, drive the rest of the way to the Bay Area Friday night, do the even on Saturday, and drive home Sunday. A busy weekend for sure but not too extreme.

Friday morning at about 6AM the phone rang. It was my daughter calling from the ER. My wife had gotten in the way of a dog fight (another thread perhaps) and gotten bitten. Ended up with 5 stitches and a broken hand that they think will need to be pinned (consult with the hand surgeon is this afternoon). Also, the 13 year old had a dance competition in downtown SLC that was all day Friday and Saturday. And the 17 yr. old had scholarship auditions in Logan on Saturday. And now my wife can't drive.

So Friday I drove straight through to SLC, arriving at the Marriott at about 3AM. A friend had driven the two daughters' there and gotten them checked in. Slept for a few hours, got the younger one checked into her dance thing, then drove to Logan with the older one. Got back to SLC about 7 but the dance thing went until 10:30pm. So we waited around until then and drove home. Total of about 3 hours sleep ... 21 hours driving. And of course when I got home it was "finally you're here to take care of me / us" :)

And of course the weather on Saturday was awesome too.

02-25-2013, 02:01 PM
I've been on a project in Bend, OR since the first of the year, flying home for weekends. My oldest daughter's choir is going on tour to NYC this coming weekend and my wife is going as a chaperone so I arranged to work remotely from home for this week and next. I also had a speaking engagement in the Bay Area last Saturday. So I drove from Bend to just north or Redding, CA Thursday night, planning to work from the hotel on Friday, drive the rest of the way to the Bay Area Friday night, do the even on Saturday, and drive home Sunday. A busy weekend for sure but not too extreme.

Friday morning at about 6AM the phone rang. It was my daughter calling from the ER. My wife had gotten in the way of a dog fight (another thread perhaps) and gotten bitten. Ended up with 5 stitches and a broken hand that they think will need to be pinned (consult with the hand surgeon is this afternoon). Also, the 13 year old had a dance competition in downtown SLC that was all day Friday and Saturday. And the 17 yr. old had scholarship auditions in Logan on Saturday. And now my wife can't drive.

So Friday I drove straight through to SLC, arriving at the Marriott at about 3AM. A friend had driven the two daughters' there and gotten them checked in. Slept for a few hours, got the younger one checked into her dance thing, then drove to Logan with the older one. Got back to SLC about 7 but the dance thing went until 10:30pm. So we waited around until then and drove home. Total of about 3 hours sleep ... 21 hours driving. And of course when I got home it was "finally you're here to take care of me / us" :)

And of course the weather on Saturday was awesome too.

Way to live deep and suck the marrow out of life, FM. Sounds productive and exciting, though I'm sorry about your wife. Keep us posted. Nice to see you here.

02-25-2013, 02:11 PM
I've driven my wife to Blackfoot, ID and back 8 times over the past 7 weeks, including every weekend, to care for her dying mother. We have driven through dense fog multiple times, last Saturdays snowstorm, and flat-out blizzard conditions one of the previous weekends.

I have driven over 2000 miles on these trips safely, despite the conditions. But because we got caught up in conversation while coming into Pocatello for one mile, I forgot to adjust my cruise control speed, and ended up getting a ticket. The IHP trooper camped out a mile from where the speed limit changed, and omehow his radar picks me out of the pack of 4 cars as we crested a hill.

The funny thing was just a few miles earlier, my wife jokingly said we should stop in Fort Hall and try our luck, and I said the only luck we have lately is bad luck. Karma did not have a sense of humor that day.

02-25-2013, 02:16 PM
Thanks SU. It is good to be here. These boards have always been more about community than specific sports teams anyway so as long as this remains the kind of community I enjoy, I'll be here.

02-25-2013, 02:18 PM
The funny thing was just a few miles earlier, my wife jokingly said we should stop in Fort Hall and try our luck, and I said the only luck we have lately is bad luck. Karma did not have a sense of humor that day.

I did manage to make a few hundred bucks on my way across NV so that part was nice.

Freaky Girl
02-27-2013, 10:48 AM
That same trick has been played on me several times. I even slowed down and watched for him one of the times. :( Sorry to hear about your MIL.

02-27-2013, 11:16 AM
Chris, is your wife from the Blackfoot area?

02-27-2013, 07:22 PM
Yes, Moreland and Shelley. She moved to Utah in the early 80's.

02-27-2013, 08:19 PM
Ha! I grew up in Moreland.