View Full Version : Russell Crowe names koala chlamydia clinic after John Oliver

05-08-2018, 07:12 AM
Russell Crowe names koala chlamydia clinic after John Oliver

Actor gets his own back after comedian bought jock strap from Cinderella Man in ‘divorce auction’ and donated it to Alaskan video store:


05-08-2018, 09:06 AM
That's hilarious.

I love it when people interact like this.

Dwight Schr-Ute
05-09-2018, 03:04 PM
I tend to check into some AM radio when I’m working north of town due to radio reception issues. This was the case on Monday and during one of the top of the hour Fox mothership program breaks, they addressed this story. Having seen it the night before, I was rather put back by the fact they were discussing it as a top news item. (I guess if you have no interest in discussing Trumps controversies than you need to find something to report. 😬) They felt it was important to assure the listener that it was a joke and that John Oliver was not walking away from his show and it would be back on next Sunday night.

I’m not used to that kind of subtle humor from Fox. It gave me a genuine LOL moment in my truck.

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