View Full Version : Let’s make it eight straight: Utah vs. BYU, 2018

LA Ute
11-18-2018, 07:24 AM
The rivalry has definitely lost its pizazz, and we all know that. Yesterday, amid the Utes‘ historic success, it suddenly occurred to me that BYU must be playing someone, but I didn’t know who. It was the second or third week in a row that I had that thought. How the world has changed. Still, I love beating them, although the hatred factor is long gone. Let’s add an 8th straight W to our string. I hope it goes all the way to 10, which would break Utah’s previous record of 9 in a row.

Looking forward to a fun week.

Mormon Red Death
11-18-2018, 08:33 AM
Hopefully we get out to big lead so we can rest people in the second half. I wonder if we're will redshirt brumfield. He ran well yesterday.

11-18-2018, 10:17 AM
Definitely should be a win. I think BYU has a good run defense, which is what you want more than anything else if you're going to play Utah.
DE C Kaufusi out for the year w an ankle injury. Should hopefully make running the ball a bit easier.

11-18-2018, 12:55 PM
I want Armand Shyne to study very hard this week and make all the right reads against our opponent. He needs to have a nearly perfect game in the CCG if we are going to squeak out a win. This week will be a very good challenge for him as this team is solid in run Defense. Also Kalanini is a blitzing fool so he will have ample practice picking up his assignments in delayed blitzes.

He would have put up over 200 yards yesterday had he made the right read and hit the hole. Several times he had a 15 ft-wide Lane with blockers in the Secondary, and he dropped his head to run right into his O lineman's butt.

11-19-2018, 09:03 AM
I hope this doesn’t come across as condescending, but I am having a hard time getting riled up for this game. I see smack talk all over twitter, but it just seems sad. Anything BYU fans try to use to tear us down is simply ineffective. Nothing can bring me down from the high of going to Santa Clara on the 30th. I’m not going to engage I smack talk, why bother?

Putting my feelings about the game into one word; inconsequential. It’s like a bonus game, just have fun with it. Not saying a win is a foregone conclusion, and a loss certainly would sting. But I just don’t see it happening, and I won’t feel jubilant like a win over BYU in the past. The joy if winning the south overshadows it.

11-19-2018, 10:35 AM
I hope this doesn’t come across as condescending, but I am having a hard time getting riled up for this game. I see smack talk all over twitter, but it just seems sad. Anything BYU fans try to use to tear us down is simply ineffective. Nothing can bring me down from the high of going to Santa Clara on the 30th. I’m not going to engage I smack talk, why bother?

Putting my feelings about the game into one word; inconsequential. It’s like a bonus game, just have fun with it. Not saying a win is a foregone conclusion, and a loss certainly would sting. But I just don’t see it happening, and I won’t feel jubilant like a win over BYU in the past. The joy if winning the south overshadows it.

I am a noted fan of the rivalry game (what a weird sentence to have to say out loud), but I am thinking that the game should be played in September. It seems like a distraction this week, after the jubilation of defeating the Buffs and winning the South last week, and the jubilation in destroying the Pacific Northwest's team of choice next week.

But, I guess in year's that we do not win the South, playing them in November would be cool.

11-19-2018, 10:36 AM
I feel much like I used to feel when playing USU. I'm more nervous about the possibility of losing than excited about the possibility of a win.

LA Ute
11-19-2018, 10:40 AM
I feel much like I used to feel when playing USU. I'm more nervous about the possibility of losing than excited about the possibility of a win.

Right. Also, for the first time ever, I am considering the weather. 8:00 PM at the end of November? Really? I’m thinking that if Utes are way ahead at halftime I will walk home and watch the rest of the game there. This would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

11-19-2018, 10:45 AM
I am a noted fan of the rivalry game (what a weird sentence to have to say out loud), but I am thinking that the game should be played in September. It seems like a distraction this week, after the jubilation of defeating the Buffs and winning the South last week, and the jubilation in destroying the Pacific Northwest's team of choice next week.

But, I guess in year's that we do not win the South, playing them in November would be cool.

The rivalry has lost most of its luster. It certainly has a different feel now than a conference game. I'd probably be a little more excited if it weren't a game where we have everything to lose (an injury to a key player or a targeting ejection) and hardly anything to gain, or BYU was a top 25 team.

I can't imagine Utah prepares this week with the same intensity that they did for Oregon or Colorado, but maybe I'm wrong? I hope we never see this game again in November.

11-19-2018, 11:18 AM
I can't imagine Utah prepares this week with the same intensity that they did for Oregon or Colorado, but maybe I'm wrong? I hope we never see this game again in November.

Outside of thanksgiving, I am sure Whitt prepares just the same. I assume that a win helps in the local recruiting.

LA Ute
11-19-2018, 11:36 AM

11-19-2018, 11:39 AM
I hope this doesn’t come across as condescending, but I am having a hard time getting riled up for this game. I see smack talk all over twitter, but it just seems sad. Anything BYU fans try to use to tear us down is simply ineffective. Nothing can bring me down from the high of going to Santa Clara on the 30th. I’m not going to engage I smack talk, why bother?

Putting my feelings about the game into one word; inconsequential. It’s like a bonus game, just have fun with it. Not saying a win is a foregone conclusion, and a loss certainly would sting. But I just don’t see it happening, and I won’t feel jubilant like a win over BYU in the past. The joy if winning the south overshadows it.

Yeah, it's like having a bonus bowl game: it is meaningless in the big scope, but lots of fun to win.

11-19-2018, 12:06 PM
an amazing stat is that BYU has lead for all of just 10 minutes in each of the last 6 games (led for 4 minutes in 2nd Quarter in 2016, and 6 minutes in the 2nd quarter in 2011) and hasn't held a lead in the 2nd half since the 2010 game. And yet many of the games have been very close at the end.

Diehard Ute
11-19-2018, 12:18 PM
Apparent BYU returned 150 tickets to the U

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LA Ute
11-19-2018, 12:19 PM
Just received this:


Hot Lunch
11-19-2018, 01:02 PM
I feel much like I used to feel when playing USU. I'm more nervous about the possibility of losing than excited about the possibility of a win.

This! Teams aren't even close to being on the same page right now. Anything is possible on a given Saturday and I hate that weather is going to impact the game.

LA Ute
11-19-2018, 01:54 PM
Yeah, I wonder if this is how BYU fans felt in the 80s. I don't know. They were dicks, though.

They were insufferable. It was their moment of glory and they didn’t wear it well.

11-19-2018, 02:10 PM
They were insufferable. It was their moment of glory and they didn’t wear it well.

they are sooooo subdued now (at least the ones I interact with) that the rivalry is barely a discuss-able topic any longer. Their comeuppance has been brutal since the the PAC-12 invite. I genuinely feel bad for most of them and try and avoid the topic.

11-19-2018, 02:11 PM
They were insufferable. It was their moment of glory and they didn’t wear it well.

Yep. And it bugs me this week to see some Ute fans display the same insufferablility (new word?). Don’t be a jerk. I probably just need to avoid twitter.

LA Ute
11-19-2018, 02:20 PM
they are sooooo subdued now (at least the ones I interact with) that the rivalry is barely a discuss-able topic any longer. Their comeuppance has been brutal since the the PAC-12 invite. I genuinely feel bad for most of them and try and avoid the topic.

I do the same thing.

11-19-2018, 08:54 PM


11-19-2018, 08:57 PM
I hope this doesn’t come across as condescending, but I am having a hard time getting riled up for this game. I see smack talk all over twitter, but it just seems sad. Anything BYU fans try to use to tear us down is simply ineffective. Nothing can bring me down from the high of going to Santa Clara on the 30th. I’m not going to engage I smack talk, why bother?

Putting my feelings about the game into one word; inconsequential. It’s like a bonus game, just have fun with it. Not saying a win is a foregone conclusion, and a loss certainly would sting. But I just don’t see it happening, and I won’t feel jubilant like a win over BYU in the past. The joy if winning the south overshadows it.I don't run into any outspoken die-hard byu fans. Most are very subdued, or are fans of local schools or NFL. That is the blessing of living outside Utah I guess.

But I am with you. I would rather spend time with the family after TG and watch the game at home. My kids can barely stand to watch more than a few minutes of football anyhow.

11-20-2018, 07:20 AM
I don't run into any outspoken die-hard byu fans. Most are very subdued, or are fans of local schools or NFL. That is the blessing of living outside Utah I guess.

But I am with you. I would rather spend time with the family after TG and watch the game at home. My kids can barely stand to watch more than a few minutes of football anyhow.

I’m going to feel subdued unless/until Senioritis drops by and gets the laughter flowing.

11-20-2018, 09:05 AM
Outside of thanksgiving, I am sure Whitt prepares just the same. I assume that a win helps in the local recruiting.

The preparation process will be the same. The coaches will do the same things they do each week. What we cannot know is the mindset of the players. Hopefully they come out with the same confidence, determination and intensity they have shown the past couple of weeks.

11-20-2018, 09:35 AM
I’m going to feel subdued unless/until Senioritis drops by and gets the laughter flowing.Hello from the old neighborhood (today, at least). Hoping to see Tucker before I fly home.

11-20-2018, 12:53 PM
It sounds like BYU will be all blue


11-20-2018, 01:35 PM
“The BYU game is meaningless. I’m sure they are sneaking some looks at UW and Wazzu.”- Norm Chow



11-20-2018, 02:15 PM
“The BYU game is meaningless. I’m sure they are sneaking some looks at UW and Wazzu.”- Norm Chow



Norm knows how to twist the knife. The substantive part of his message is that Kyle and the staff is looking at film of our opponent in two weeks. But we also did that for Air Force. Saying the BYU game is meaningless is Norm pouring some salt on the wound that is BYU and being Indy.

11-20-2018, 03:04 PM
In general, the Norm interviews on 1280 have been a trainwreck. Multiple times this year, he has admitted that he didn't watch the games that DJ and PK are asking him about. Its almost comical to listen to them fill him in on what happened, and then listen to him "analyze" what he was just told.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-20-2018, 08:30 PM
It appears that the Deseret News has already thrown in the towel.



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LA Ute
11-21-2018, 09:15 AM
It appears that the Deseret News has already thrown in the towel.



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The money quote:

After seven straight Utah wins, reflecting back to BYU’s glory days is just about all the Cougars can do these days. Until BYU does something about it on the field, memory is a pacifier.

I remember the morning after that 70-point game. One of the speakers at our stake priesthood meeting went out of his way to gloat about it. That was what that 10-year stretch was like for so many of us.

LA Ute
11-21-2018, 12:01 PM
Blaine Fowler on Riley’s show today said Zach Wilson reminds him of Jim McMahon. Blaine went into detail in that comparison. I think it’s adorable when BYU fans see the greatness of the (distant) past in every new quarterback that comes along.

11-21-2018, 01:34 PM
The money quote:

I remember the morning after that 70-point game. One of the speakers at our stake priesthood meeting went out of his way to gloat about it. That was what that 10-year stretch was like for so many of us.At that game some fan walked down the bleacher stairs passing out paper bags to cover our heads in shame.
Cougar fans won that battle, but we achieved a total, undisputed, and permanent victory in the war.

11-21-2018, 09:02 PM
I listened to Bill Reilly interview Kalani today and was a bit surprised to hear Kalani say that everything they have done since starting workouts last January was pointing toward the game with Utah. That this is by far the most important game they will play this year and that he wants his guys to enjoy the experience and compete each and every play. Utah is clearly the more talented team but this game has been close in the past when the Utes had a clear talent advantage. I expect a close game through the first half and hope the Utes come out win this without needing to score or stop BYU from scoring in the last five minutes.

LA Ute
11-22-2018, 04:47 AM
Fun read:

The hater's guide to Rivalry Week


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LA Ute
11-23-2018, 12:08 AM
Ute Insiders: The best games in Utah-BYU rivalry ... from Utah's perspective


11-24-2018, 09:05 AM
On November 24, 1973, a favored Utah (7-3) hosted 3-6 BYU in the second year under LaVell Edwards at Ute Stadium in a fierce snowstorm. The Utes were coming off a win against USU and had beaten #8 ASU a great game earlier in the season. The Utes lost 46-22. I was there. Please, lets not have a repeat.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-24-2018, 09:26 AM
So SeattleUte, I’d love to hear how the Wilson’s are approaching this game, if you wouldn’t mind sharing some insider views with us? Do they see that any move Utah failed to make was strictly a business decision or do they see it as a personal slight and have turned their back on the whole program. I know Zach and some of them attended one of the Utah games earlier this year.

Zach seems like a solid kid and I hate it when legacy kids have to find a home some place for their college years (or even when a highly recruited legacy kid goes somewhere else). I just hope that when that happens, both parties recognize it for what it is and treats it with respect and sensitivity.

I don’t think it’s going to be a good day to be a BYU quarterback.

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11-24-2018, 11:20 AM
So SeattleUte, I’d love to hear how the Wilson’s are approaching this game, if you wouldn’t mind sharing some insider views with us? Do they see that any move Utah failed to make was strictly a business decision or do they see it as a personal slight and have turned their back on the whole program. I know Zach and some of them attended one of the Utah games earlier this year.

Zach seems like a solid kid and I hate it when legacy kids have to find a home some place for their college years (or even when a highly recruited legacy kid goes somewhere else). I just hope that when that happens, both parties recognize it for what it is and treats it with respect and sensitivity.

I don’t think it’s going to be a good day to be a BYU quarterback.

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Are we required to spill beer on SeattleUte's sis and bil now?

11-24-2018, 11:51 AM
So SeattleUte, I’d love to hear how the Wilson’s are approaching this game, if you wouldn’t mind sharing some insider views with us? Do they see that any move Utah failed to make was strictly a business decision or do they see it as a personal slight and have turned their back on the whole program. I know Zach and some of them attended one of the Utah games earlier this year.

Zach seems like a solid kid and I hate it when legacy kids have to find a home some place for their college years (or even when a highly recruited legacy kid goes somewhere else). I just hope that when that happens, both parties recognize it for what it is and treats it with respect and sensitivity.

I don’t think it’s going to be a good day to be a BYU quarterback.

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I have a policy against public posting about Zach. But this seems innocuous enough, as it’s not strictly about Zach. They see it as a business decision. They know how it works, and they’re not angry people. They still love the Utes and cheer for them when they’re not playing against Zach. Zach’s dad played for Whit when he was defensive coordinator and he took Zach to all of Whit’s camps. Their next son is one of the best linebackers in the state, and I’m sure he’d entertain an offer from Utah. Besides, this has worked out well for Zach. Remember, he had offers from Syracuse and Cal, so he had strong reasons to go to BYU that admittedly coincided with reasons he wanted Utah most (it wasn’t about religion). BYU wasn’t a last resort or panic pick.

Mormon Red Death
11-24-2018, 12:11 PM
Byu loses 2 more rbs and line goes from -13 to -11

Mormon Red Death
11-24-2018, 01:29 PM
Byu loses 2 more rbs and line goes from -13 to -1110.5 now

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-24-2018, 03:13 PM
Apparently Shyne is out tonight.


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11-24-2018, 03:37 PM
Apparently Shyne is out tonight.


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Ha. Fake concussion.

Mormon Red Death
11-24-2018, 08:35 PM
Spot them 6 points. Ok let's run the football

11-24-2018, 08:40 PM
Ha. Fake concussion.

To go along with ByU’s Fake announced scratches for injuries. Gamesmanship on both sides?

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-24-2018, 08:48 PM
Well, that’s one way to start the rivalry game that we haven’t tried for awhile.

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Mormon Red Death
11-24-2018, 08:56 PM
Ran the ball 3 times in the first quarter

LA Ute
11-24-2018, 09:01 PM
Pretty embarrassing so far. No other way to describe it.

LA Ute
11-24-2018, 09:04 PM
That’s twice we’ve gone long on 3rd and 4. Why not just get the first down?

11-24-2018, 09:10 PM
I heart Blair!

Mormon Red Death
11-24-2018, 09:22 PM
Boy kaufusi is dumb to play in this game. He could screw up a pro career

LA Ute
11-24-2018, 09:34 PM

Mormon Red Death
11-24-2018, 09:37 PM
Shelly has been short on his deep passes

11-24-2018, 09:43 PM
What on earth is happening? How are we getting knocked around by BYU? Our offense has been pathetic, and our defense looks completely stretched out. Anyone have any bright ideas about adjustments the Utes might make in the second half? This game is starting to remind me of the ASU game, and THAT makes me hot under the collar.

LA Ute
11-24-2018, 09:50 PM
What on earth is happening? How are we getting knocked around by BYU? Our offense has been pathetic, and our defense looks completely stretched out. Anyone have any bright ideas about adjustments the Utes might make in the second half? This game is starting to remind me of the ASU game, and THAT makes me hot under the collar.

The ASU game was supposed to be our ??? game for the season. Looks like we’re going for two this year. This one is shaping up to be a special kind of embarrassing.

11-24-2018, 09:57 PM
We'll see the Utes mettle in this second half. At the very least we need to make this uncomfortable for BYU. Place the seeds of doubt in their mind.

In all reality, we should have had 2 INT's in that first half (that I think would have ended TD drives if I'm remembering right). We need to complete those big plays, and not just break it up. AND that holding play on our first play out of that BYU timeout after we got some momentum was just back-breaking. A TD on that drive would have changed the outlook of that half.

11-24-2018, 10:06 PM
Thank you Blackmon!

11-24-2018, 10:23 PM
Washington is going to destroy us, and we're going to play in the Las Vegas bowl (and get our asses kicked there too)

Mormon Red Death
11-24-2018, 10:24 PM
Kyle should be embarrassed by this. Shyne has no vision shelly has all day to throw but can't find anyone. Now we have to throw because we don't stick with the run. Just a complete shit show. Our d coordinator doesn't blitz a freshman qb. Basic stuff

11-24-2018, 10:33 PM
This is what I expected our offense to look like when Huntley and Moss went out.

Me too honestly. But we've looked MUCH better than this the last few weeks.

11-24-2018, 10:35 PM
What are the chances that the coaching staff is trying to hold things back to confuse Washington (make them overconfident and think that we suck)?

Mormon Red Death
11-24-2018, 10:42 PM
Perfect storm for byu

Utah is looking past them (this is why this game should never.. i mean never played in November again)

Our o coordinator decides to wait till the 3rd quarter to run the football

Our d Coordinator hasnt realized that he should blitz a freshman

We get a stupid turnover to start the game

This is their superbowl and we came out flat

11-24-2018, 10:50 PM
Great job Utes! Keep the momentum on our side.

11-24-2018, 10:53 PM
Come on defense! Impose your will!

11-24-2018, 11:08 PM

11-24-2018, 11:14 PM
Man, the story of two halves. Utah, did a 180 from the first half. Great job on offense and defense.

11-24-2018, 11:30 PM
Oh my.

Forgive me fellow fans, for I have sinned. At 27-7, I did not believe.

I'm shaking.

I'm right there with ya sancho. I had lost faith too. Wow! The Utes won this game by playing a little more than 1 quarter of football. How sad is that for BYU? They had us dead to rights, and we pulled it out. And Shelley's TD run to cap things off? Oh my!!!

11-24-2018, 11:36 PM
I thought it was over.
I love this team.

I can hear KW saying “We do not lose to those guys”.

11-24-2018, 11:36 PM
At 27-7, and it being the East Coast, I was about to call it quits. I said I'd stick around for one more drive. What a game.

But we have no run game. Shyne is fool's gold. He broke off three big runs against Oregon and Colorado which made everyone believe that he is a poor man's Moss. He has absolutely no vision. HE must have run into his own blocker on half of his runs. We need to find a running back or we may not score next week.

11-24-2018, 11:41 PM

Haha. This is LAUTE.


Seriously, if I were ever in a fox hole with this guy, I’d just run away. Get away from him. Even sprint across the battlefield strafed by machine gun fire.

11-25-2018, 12:07 AM
But we have no run game. Shyne is fool's gold. He broke off three big runs against Oregon and Colorado which made everyone believe that he is a poor man's Moss. He has absolutely no vision. HE must have run into his own blocker on half of his runs. We need to find a running back or we may not score next week.

I don’t agree with this at all. **** you. Have you ever worn Shyne’s shoes? Do you think it was easy getting up for this game when they were going to face the Huskies in six day for the Rose Bowl? You don’t know his burdens. Your challenge is getting enough zap from your Lattte that you can turn around by noon that brief that’s due in ten days. Look at old posts, and you’ll see that before Shyne was injured last season people were putting down Moss the same way. I was involved and I was sticking up for Moss then. Fans! Ugh. Shyne was a but for cause of the win tonigh. Shyne is genuine gold.

11-25-2018, 12:12 AM
I don’t agree with this at all. **** you. Have you ever worn Shyne’s shoes? Do you think it was easy getting up for this game when they were going to face the Huskies in six day for the Rose Bowl? You don’t know his burdens. Your challenge is getting enough zap from your Lattte that you can turn around by noon that brief that’s due in ten days. Look at old posts, and you’ll see that before Shyne was injured last season people were putting down Moss the same way. I was involved and I was sticking up for Moss then. Fans! Ugh. Shyne was a but for cause of the win tonigh. Shyne is genuine gold.

Woah, big fella! I think you are taking the loss hard. But Wilson played a great game; he was the MVP, albeit for the losing team.

LA Ute
11-25-2018, 12:37 AM
Quick observations:

I love this team. I can't think of a Utah team that has combined pluck and talent the way this one has.

In the past there would have been no hope for a Utah team to come back from 3 scores down. Troy Taylor's offense works. Scalley's defense does too. After a stunningly poor performance in the first half I was resigned to a nightmarish, humiliating loss, but these guys turned things around in a spectacular manner.

Early on, after the ASU loss, I said there was no reason to believe Kyleball would ever change. I hoped there would be but I was not optimistic. Now there is plenty or reason to believe things would change, because they have.

It really wasn't that cold in the stadium as long as you had the right clothing on.

Eight straight feels really good.

That was fun.

Good night.

Good night.

LA Ute
11-25-2018, 12:46 AM
Seriously, if I were ever in a fox hole with this guy, I’d just run away. Get away from him. Even sprint across the battlefield strafed by machine gun fire.

Take a deep breath, raise your eyes over the edge of your foxhole, and look at the rest of the posts in this thread. It looked horrible at the end of the first half. No one here was mad about it. The fans in the stadium (including me) just sat there stunned. It was simply the worst half of football these Utes have played, by far, since I don’t know when. It was an unfolding nightmare. I was deliriously happy when the Utes made a turnaround for the ages and the vast talent differential between the two teams manifested itself. I’m really proud of these Utes. As I said, I love this team. They’ve shown themselves to be gamers.

Zach Wilson is amazing and will be a problem for Utah for the next few years. His elusiveness was driving me crazy. Your Zach fanhood is 100% justified. But this isn’t war, it’s just football, and we’re all just fans of the U. No one here is depending on anyone else to save his life. Chill, be happy, and enjoy a great Utah win against our arch rival — who came ready to play, and did play with great heart.

11-25-2018, 01:27 AM
I wish some Ute fans would learn that you can’t give up on this team (not specific to any poster here).

Six times this year, we have started out behind at the end of the first quarter, and come back to win (including 14-0 to USC).

We lost our first two PAC-12 games, and fought back to finish 6-3.

We lost an alomost must-win game at ASU for the South division title, and lost our starting QB and RB, and the. Won our last two games to put ourselves in position to win the south.

So many fans seem to want to throw in the towel, fire someone or everyone,

Observant fans this season should have still had some faith when we were down 20-0 at half, or 27-7 at the end of the 3rd quarter. I admit, my faith was tested in the third when our all-everything punter shanked a punt, and then our defense let BYU score a touchdown. But as long as there is time left, don’t turn off the tv on this team. They have fight in them.

LA Ute
11-25-2018, 05:22 AM
But as long as there is time left, don’t turn off the tv on this team. They have fight in them.

They proved that last night, in a way that far exceeded any prior comeback they’d made. This game became one for the ages.

LA Ute
11-25-2018, 06:09 AM
I’ve watched the replay of Shelley’s game-clinching TD run 10 times now and it’s amazing how well he sold that fake handoff. He’s a gamer, and we’ll be watching that play for years to come in rivalry game classic footage.

Diehard Ute
11-25-2018, 07:16 AM
I’ve watched the replay of Shelley’s game-clinching TD run 10 times now and it’s amazing how well he sold that fake handoff. He’s a gamer, and we’ll be watching that play for years to come in rivalry game classic footage.

It was an awesome fake.

He said on the post game he never planned on keeping it, but Kaufusi crashing so hard forced him to keep it.

(Interesting side note, the D-News article about the game says Kaufusi was injured in the third quarter and never returned, hurting BYU’s chances.....)

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Mormon Red Death
11-25-2018, 07:21 AM
It was an awesome fake.

He said on the post game he never planned on keeping it, but Kaufusi crashing so hard forced him to keep it.

(Interesting side note, the D-News article about the game says Kaufusi was injured in the third quarter and never returned, hurting BYU’s chances.....)

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LA Ute
11-25-2018, 07:46 AM
Two Kaufusi

#90 Kaufusi went our for a few plays (he walked off the field unassisted) but he came back shortly after.

Diehard Ute
11-25-2018, 08:01 AM
Two Kaufusi

Yes....and they specifically said both never returned.

Corbin(#90) is who Crashed hard on Shyne on the fake on Shelley’s TD run

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11-25-2018, 08:09 AM
#90 Kaufusi went our for a few plays (he walked off the field unassisted) but he came back shortly after.

Crazy game. Kudos to the byu for playing hard. The cougs kicked Utah's butt for most of the game.

I wouldn't have minded a close or respectable loss all that much last night. Sometimes teams lose.
But I was sick to my stomach at watching the Utes get blown out at home.

It's almost like Whittingham et al. sat around saying,

"You know, we've beat the byu in so many different and creative ways. We've won in Las Vegas (2015); we've won by blocking a last-second FG (2010); we've blown them out (2011); we've watched them miss a last-second FG after our fans charged the field (2012); we've bored everyone to death (2017). What can we do this year?

"I know: Let's try the Rope-A-Dope. Let the byu think they have it in the bag and then we turn it on in the 4th quarter!"

11-25-2018, 08:35 AM
The inconsistency in reffing is maddening. After watching a bit of SEC, Big 10, MWC, and Big 12 games, I believe the refs last night were more in line with the general consensus of officiating philosophy.

There were a number of plays where PAC-12 refs would have tossed the player. The obvious led-with-the-head shot that our receiver (Dixon?) took to the head was blatantly missed, but there were a number of plays on both teams where the outcome would have been totally different with our PAC refs. (Anae punching at the ball in Wilson's hands after the play, Jaylon Johnson trash talking the byu-P receiver on that last 3rd-down stop - both would have been flagged)

It seemed to take nearly a half a game for our guys to adapt to what gets called and what doesn't, and I hope we don't get screwed in the game next week because of it.

Mormon Red Death
11-25-2018, 09:16 AM
Sitake tried to use the patented whittingham get a lead, run the ball on 3rd and long and let your defense win. He was 17-1 while leading st the start of the 4th quarter

11-25-2018, 09:50 AM
Take a deep breath, raise your eyes over the edge of your foxhole, and look at the rest of the posts in this thread. It looked horrible at the end of the first half. No one here was mad about it. The fans in the stadium (including me) just sat there stunned. It was simply the worst half of football these Utes have played, by far, since I don’t know when. It was an unfolding nightmare. I was deliriously happy when the Utes made a turnaround for the ages and the vast talent differential between the two teams manifested itself. I’m really proud of these Utes. As I said, I love this team. They’ve shown themselves to be gamers.

Zach Wilson is amazing and will be a problem for Utah for the next few years. His elusiveness was driving me crazy. Your Zach fanhood is 100% justified. But this isn’t war, it’s just football, and we’re all just fans of the U. No one here is depending on anyone else to save his life. Chill, be happy, and enjoy a great Utah win against our arch rival — who came ready to play, and did play with great heart.

I love you, you know that. I love AJ too.

You have been a Ute fan long enough that you should know enough to stick with Kyle through thick and thin. He’s a special coach and a perfect fit for Utah.

Mormon Red Death
11-25-2018, 10:37 AM
BYU was 98-1 in the last 99 games when they left by more than 14 points at the half.

11-25-2018, 11:23 AM
I love Seattle ute, laute, diehard, concerned, socalpat, the whole lot of you. Nothing but love today! Hell, I would love to embrace toolblue; that guy probably had to listen to the game on tape-delayed radio broadcast by Canuck announcers. He needs some love.

And I should have given shyne props for that go-ahead touchdown. That was a man-run.

LA Ute
11-25-2018, 12:12 PM
You have been a Ute fan long enough that you should know enough to stick with Kyle through thick and thin. He’s a special coach and a perfect fit for Utah.

I’ve always thought that about Kyle. I simply began despairing that he’d ever be able to get over the hump. I hoped that he would but I didn’t know. Now my despair is dissipating because of what he’s done this year.

LA Ute
11-25-2018, 12:28 PM
Cool stats:


11-25-2018, 12:48 PM
I was screaming at him to shut up. He just kept going.

I was doing the same thing.

Mormon Red Death
11-25-2018, 02:10 PM
One thing i really liked last night. Mariner caught several big passes

11-25-2018, 05:30 PM

I like Zach Wilson. The kid has moxie. I think part of his success is the lack of film on him. Teams may figure him out next year. Same with Shelly.

This team reminds me of the 2008 team. They don’t give up and just find a way to win. Shelly’s demeanor reminds me of BJ in some ways. He never seems to get too high or low.

Speaking of Shelly, this was fun. You can see
the exact moment he fakes the soul out of the defender.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-25-2018, 07:27 PM
His greatest asset last night was his escapability. He made some very good throws (his first TD was his best throw, I think). He threw one pick but could have easily thrown 3 more. I'm glad he will likely never have great WRs in Provo. I wish he'd gone to Boise. I like Boise.

I thought his best was the throw to the 1 when they went up 20-0. We were about the sack him, he got rid of the ball quickly and stoood in there. Helluva play. Pass on the money.

I also thought the pick-6 and a couple of throws after that into double coverage was the reason they went conservative. Werent going to let a turnover get us back into the game. Never really let him throw downfield after that until the very end. He will be great if he stays healthy.

Shelley underthrew every single downfield throw. If he doesnt get that fixed, we are going to be in trouble.

11-25-2018, 07:53 PM
Oops. Forgot the gif


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LA Ute
11-25-2018, 09:59 PM
Just watched the fourth quarter over again. It’s fun to watch a game on TV video after seeing it in person. I think I may watch the fourth quarter a few more times.

11-26-2018, 07:58 AM
Some comments about the game:

- Agree with everything said about shelley. His deep ball left me underwhelmed, I like his poise, and he is a Brian Johnson clone. I mean, he even has that way of running that seems more like walking that Brian had. He is NOT a dual-threat, at least as that term is typically used (just like BJ). His arm is nothing to write home about. But he has something about the way he carries himself that inspires confidence, even when it's misplaced.
- On the long 33 yard td run. It is an amazing play, mostly for how much the BYU defenders bit on the running back fake handoff. You see the INSIDE DE go after the ball carrier running to the left (that is never his assignment) AS WELL as the left-side linebacker (I think it is number 11) that does the same thing. Basically Shelley had one man to beat and then he had open field forever.
- I like Wilson too and wish that the U had offered him. He dropped some dimes (like the pass to the 1 yard line that Concerned mentions) and absolutely killed us with his legs. That being said, he is a freshman and his decision-making demonstrates that fact. He should have had two INTs in the first half and could have had more. The pass to the BYU TE that was an AMAZING one-handed grab that led to their last touchdown really should have been a pick as well; Barton was stride for stride with him and turned his head a millisecond too late. Now, not all of those will be picks, but at least a few should have been. I'm just hoping that recent history of player development at BYU continues to hold true.
- I'll be interested to see what Troy T plans for Washington. I have to believe that he knows that running into the teeth of that defense is a non-starter; BYU shut us down, and UW has a much better D-line. Also, BYU completely bottled up Covey. Really the key for our offense against the Y was when Isaiah Kafusi got hurt; the substitute LB was not good. The game plan we trotted out against BYU will not work against the Huskies.

11-26-2018, 08:10 AM
how much of the game plan was vanilla-ed down? Limit film on Shelley for this week?
I read somewhere that the bunch formation wasn't used because they played so much zone D.

I think our depth was a big key in the win. Utah could rotate guys and keep everyone fresh.

I guess the sliver lining in this is that the starters still only had to play one half. Just no the half we all thought...

11-26-2018, 08:43 AM
He's done that all season except for a few memorable exceptions.

I think Troy Williams was the best long ball QB we've had in the Pac-12. I don't know who's second place on that list. Hays?

Speaking of Jon Hays, just heard Norm Chow say on the radio that he spoke to Hays. Hays is from Paradise; just got married and lives in Chico. But his parents home was destroyed, his in-laws home destroyed, as was his father's business, which he had just paid off after 25 years. All of them are now living in hays' home in Chico.

that certainly puts the game in perspective.

LA Ute
11-26-2018, 08:50 AM
Some comments about the game:

- Agree with everything said about shelley. His deep ball left me underwhelmed, I like his poise, and he is a Brian Johnson clone. I mean, he even has that way of running that seems more like walking that Brian had. He is NOT a dual-threat, at least as that term is typically used (just like BJ). His arm is nothing to write home about. But he has something about the way he carries himself that inspires confidence, even when it's misplaced.
- On the long 33 yard td run. It is an amazing play, mostly for how much the BYU defenders bit on the running back fake handoff. You see the INSIDE DE go after the ball carrier running to the left (that is never his assignment) AS WELL as the left-side linebacker (I think it is number 11) that does the same thing. Basically Shelley had one man to beat and then he had open field forever.
- I like Wilson too and wish that the U had offered him. He dropped some dimes (like the pass to the 1 yard line that Concerned mentions) and absolutely killed us with his legs. That being said, he is a freshman and his decision-making demonstrates that fact. He should have had two INTs in the first half and could have had more. The pass to the BYU TE that was an AMAZING one-handed grab that led to their last touchdown really should have been a pick as well; Barton was stride for stride with him and turned his head a millisecond too late. Now, not all of those will be picks, but at least a few should have been. I'm just hoping that recent history of player development at BYU continues to hold true.
- I'll be interested to see what Troy T plans for Washington. I have to believe that he knows that running into the teeth of that defense is a non-starter; BYU shut us down, and UW has a much better D-line. Also, BYU completely bottled up Covey. Really the key for our offense against the Y was when Isaiah Kafusi got hurt; the substitute LB was not good. The game plan we trotted out against BYU will not work against the Huskies.

Good thoughts. I saw the BYU DE bite on the fake -- so did Shelley, who said he was just planning to run the clock down, but after he saw the DE "crash" on the decoy Utah RB, Shelley said he saw an opportunity to put the game away and took off. What a moment that was. It showed good presence of mind and instincts on Shelley's part, too. You're right about the Brian Johnson comparison - he became an assassin, but not until he was a senior. Shelley's only a redshirt freshman, which bodes well!

On the run game against Washington, what do you think about Utah's standard strategy of wearing down the opposing defense? Usually that results in good 2nd half success in the run game. Don't we have to pound UW to some extent? Also, BYU clearly keyed on Covey, but didn't that leave valuable opportunities for Utah to throw to Nacua and Simpkins?

LA Ute
11-26-2018, 08:53 AM
Speaking of Jon Hays, just heard Norm Chow say on the radio that he spoke to Hays. Hays is from Paradise; just got married and lives in Chico. But his parents home was destroyed, his in-laws home destroyed, as was his father's business, which he had just paid off after 25 years. All of them are now living in hays' home in Chico.

that certainly puts the game in perspective.

I'll always remember Hays as the guy who was not afraid to stand in the pocket until the last millisecond, get the pass off, and then get blown up by a pass rusher. He'd jump up and move on to the next play. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Hays.

11-26-2018, 10:06 AM
Jason Shelley had two plays that will be forever burned into my mind: the hurdle, and the last TD.

The TD was interesting on review because it was a TD the instant Kaufusi crashed in so hard. Jason kept it and beat two out-of-position players for the TD. But had he pitched the ball, the other RB (Greene?) would also have waltzed into the end zone.

I am grateful today for Kalani Sitake and his defensive philosophy of over-aggression and over-pursuit.

11-26-2018, 10:25 AM
The cameraman also bit hard on the fake.

Fox missed a handful of plays during the game. Came back from commercial too late or missed a play while showing highlights from earlier.

From our seats on the east side, next to the muss, I also thought Shyne had the ball. I guess that was because both lines, esp. Kaufusi, flowed that way. I didn't realize that Shelley had the ball until the roar went up from the north end, when he was about 10 yards downfield.

11-26-2018, 10:38 AM
such a crazy game as it always is, one of the most enduring memories for me will be Dick Harmon tweeting video of Francis Bernard allegedly punching Wilson to Wilson's mom, and then apologizing to Bernard the next day.

That some creepy insight into Dick Harmon

11-26-2018, 11:18 AM
Fox missed a handful of plays during the game. Came back from commercial too late or missed a play while showing highlights from earlier.

Agreed, that was very annoying. I also missed the first few minutes of the game because it got bumped to another station I don’t have to allow for the ending of the Iowa State vs Kansas State game.

11-26-2018, 11:20 AM
such a crazy game as it always is, one of the most enduring memories for me will be Dick Harmon tweeting video of Francis Bernard allegedly punching Wilson to Wilson's mom, and then apologizing to Bernard the next day.

That some creepy insight into Dick Harmon

Class act.

11-26-2018, 01:05 PM
This graph is amazing.


11-26-2018, 01:36 PM
On the run game against Washington, what do you think about Utah's standard strategy of wearing down the opposing defense? Usually that results in good 2nd half success in the run game. Don't we have to pound UW to some extent? Also, BYU clearly keyed on Covey, but didn't that leave valuable opportunities for Utah to throw to Nacua and Simpkins?

I don't think that philopshy of wearing down the other opponent will work against UW. They basically shut down Wazzu last week (albeit in a snow storm). Wazzu recovered two fumbles deep in Washington territory in that game, and only managed to get 7 points out of them. They also blocked an incredibly low extra point and returned it for 2 points, so Wazzu really had one scoring drive during the game. That's Wazzu! UW has a defense that scares the crap out of me. You people that were rooting for UW are crazy; I'd much rather be facing WSU.

On the decision to key on Covey. I don't know because I couldn't see the receivers, but it certainly wasn't the case that our receivers were running free because of the effort to contain Covey. {Simpkins had a handful of 5 yard gains, but nothing big that I remember; Nacua had the one TD catch (against the backup LBer) and that's it irc}. And what happened to our TEs? Our receiving corp (and Shelley) are going to really have to step up their game against UW. But it was nice to see Mariner step up (but for the love of everything holy, can you please block your db on the Covey screen), as well as Enis (Although Shelley missed him on a couple of throws).

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-26-2018, 02:34 PM
This graph is amazing.


A respectful homage from the players to make the visiting team feel more comfortable.


11-26-2018, 05:07 PM
This graph is amazing.


In-game wagering could've gotten you +900 on Utah when the score was 27-7 late third quarter. Wish I would've stayed to watch at work so I could've taken advantage.

LA Ute
11-27-2018, 05:25 PM
I thought this was really interesting analysis by Hans Olson:

http://www.1280thezone.com/hans-film-study-byu-vs-utah/?fbclid=IwAR2pJkv3Nw8B9DpOiYMDHk_ItDsvELvRajC3_xqA VT4g2C6pV5bguK3LL2s