View Full Version : Hail to the Redskins

02-25-2013, 07:49 PM
So, the Redskins might sue to prevent the start of free agency: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/02/25/redskins-considering-nuclear-option-to-restore-cap-space/

This would be a real interesting development if they followed through. Basically, the league (lead by NYG owner and NFC East rival John Mara) is banking on the fact that the Redskins don't want to expose the fact that there is in fact collusion in the league...so they'll take their penalty and move on. I'm not so sure. Dan Snyder isn't afraid to go to court, no matter what the consequence. I kind of hope they do it.

Tacoma Ute
02-25-2013, 07:55 PM
So, the Redskins might sue to prevent the start of free agency: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/02/25/redskins-considering-nuclear-option-to-restore-cap-space/

This would be a real interesting development if they followed through. Basically, the league (lead by NYG owner and NFC East rival John Mara) is banking on the fact that the Redskins don't want to expose the fact that there is in fact collusion in the league...so they'll take their penalty and move on. I'm not so sure. Dan Snyder isn't afraid to go to court, no matter what the consequence. I kind of hope they do it.

I think my beloved Redskins (and the hated Cowboys) got utterly screwed by that ruling. They did nothing wrong. It was an uncapped year. Period. Why didn't they go after Tampa who grossly underspent that year? The NFL has so much money and power though. It's an uphill battle.

02-25-2013, 08:18 PM
I think my beloved Redskins (and the hated Cowboys) got utterly screwed by that ruling. They did nothing wrong. It was an uncapped year. Period. Why didn't they go after Tampa who grossly underspent that year? The NFL has so much money and power though. It's an uphill battle.

Well, I think the question becomes how far does each side want to take this/dig their heels in. Let's assume the NFL calls the Skins bluff and tells them to go ahead and sue...and the Skins do...they potentially open up the NFL to antitrust issues, collusion, not to mention it opens a can of worms for the players union to try and expose and go after a larger slice of the TV pie. The question is...what is the Redskins number? How much cap space back could the NFL give them to make them go away?

Tacoma Ute
02-25-2013, 08:22 PM
Well, I think the question becomes how far does each side want to take this/dig their heels in. Let's assume the NFL calls the Skins bluff and tells them to go ahead and sue...and the Skins do...they potentially open up the NFL to antitrust issues, collusion, not to mention it opens a can of worms for the players union to try and expose and go after a larger slice of the TV pie. The question is...what is the Redskins number? How much cap space back could the NFL give them to make them go away?

I'd like to see the NFL make a compromise and maybe give them close to half of that cap space back and drop it. Like you say. This could open up a whole new can of worms. Still, I don't think the Skins did anything wrong.

02-25-2013, 08:49 PM
I'd like to see the NFL make a compromise and maybe give them close to half of that cap space back and drop it. Like you say. This could open up a whole new can of worms. Still, I don't think the Skins did anything wrong.

They clearly didn't do anything wrong. Plus, other teams did the same thing, they just didn't take it to the extremes that the skins and boys did. And I get it, if you're the other teams in the league and the league comes to you and says "hey so we're gonna dock the Skins and Cowboys 46 million and give you each 2.5 more...what do you think? "Uh, sure..."

Tacoma Ute
02-25-2013, 10:32 PM
They clearly didn't do anything wrong. Plus, other teams did the same thing, they just didn't take it to the extremes that the skins and boys did. And I get it, if you're the other teams in the league and the league comes to you and says "hey so we're gonna dock the Skins and Cowboys 46 million and give you each 2.5 more...what do you think? "Uh, sure..."

Yes, clearly they're out numbered. Especially considering they are usually the top moneymaking teams no matter how bad they perform.

05-10-2013, 08:47 AM
This is being posted elsewhere...so why not here: http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9259866/daniel-snyder-says-washington-redskins-never-change-team-name

Snyder vows to NEVER (all caps emphasized by him) change the team's name. Now the real question becomes whether or not the NFL steps in at some point and demands it.

08-26-2013, 11:52 AM
The upcoming Redskins saga.

I was listening to an interesting podcast (Bill Simmons B.S. Report) the other day and they were convinced RGIII will be the catalyst for the end of the Redskins nickname. Their argument was:

- both Art Munk and Darrel Greene (Both Redskins legend) have come out recently against the name, (although Greene has since backed off).

- RGIII has a close associate that is strongly against the Redskins name, and was tweeting such at RGIII's Wedding.

- RGIII’s brand will be hurt by being associated with the nickname.

Thought it was interesting, and they mentioned it probably will happen in the next few years.

08-26-2013, 01:06 PM
The upcoming Redskins saga.

I was listening to an interesting podcast (Bill Simmons B.S. Report) the other day and they were convinced RGIII will be the catalyst for the end of the Redskins nickname. Their argument was:

- both Art Munk and Darrel Greene (Both Redskins legend) have come out recently against the name, (although Greene has since backed off).

- RGIII has a close associate that is strongly against the Redskins name, and was tweeting such at RGIII's Wedding.

- RGIII’s brand will be hurt by being associated with the nickname.

Thought it was interesting, and they mentioned it probably will happen in the next few years.

The media here in DC has also begun to publicly pressure RGIII to come out against the name...IMO, that's a bit silly, it is not his responsibility and his alone to be the catalyst for change. With Monk and Green, they both responded to a direct question about the name, so it's a bit misleading for Simmons to say that they "came out against the name" as though they just decided to do that one day.

The more this drags on, the more the media goes after Dan Snyder, and as such, it becomes less about the name and more about his unwillingness to budge. They are making it more about him, and I think as long as they keep the focus on taking shots at Snyder and less focus purely on the name, the longer it will hang around.

01-09-2014, 09:42 AM
Redskins hire Bengals OC Jay Gruden, with a pretty sound staff underneath him. I like the move.

04-01-2014, 10:14 PM
DeSean Jackson agrees to terms.

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LA Ute
04-03-2014, 01:18 PM
Crips Release DeSean Jackson Over Concern About His Affiliation with Washington Redskins Organization (http://www.sportspickle.com/2014/04/crips-release-desean-jackson-concern-affiliation-washington-redskins-organization)

04-04-2014, 01:56 PM
Will Washington ever make a smart move? DeSean is a talent but a cancer. I don't think Philly will miss him too much. I'm hoping Philly drafts Lee.