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01-22-2018, 01:06 PM
Daniel Day Lewis is an underrated actor, he was superb.

He has been nominated for five best actor academy awards and won three. He is not underrated.

01-22-2018, 01:27 PM
He has been nominated for five best actor academy awards and won three. He is not underrated.

maybe he should have won all 5 :D

01-22-2018, 02:42 PM
maybe he should have won all 5 :D

I have been doing a DDL resrospective on the treadmill the past couple of weeks. First Lincoln, and now My Left Foot. He is unbelievably good. I really want to go back and watch Unbearable Lightness of Being and In the Name of the Father, but they are not available (for free anyway) on Netflix or Amazon. Neither is There Will be Blood. Dont know if Gangs of NY is worth it.

Rocker Ute
01-22-2018, 03:03 PM
I have been doing a DDL resrospective on the treadmill the past couple of weeks. First Lincoln, and now My Left Foot. He is unbelievably good. I really want to go back and watch Unbearable Lightness of Being and In the Name of the Father, but they are not available (for free anyway) on Netflix or Amazon. Neither is There Will be Blood. Dont know if Gangs of NY is worth it.

There will be blood must have just recently dropped off netflix or amazon prime (can't remember which I watched it on, but I think it was netflix about 2 weeks ago). Amazing performance by him. Gangs of New York is a great, but rough movie too.

"I take your milkshake and drink it up!"


LA Ute
01-22-2018, 03:27 PM
I think he's a pretty good chameleon in terms of look and accent.

No one will ever play Lincoln again without being compared to DDL. That was uncanny.

01-22-2018, 03:40 PM
There will be blood was dropped from netflix.

01-22-2018, 04:13 PM
No one will ever play Lincoln again without being compared to DDL. That was uncanny.

Obviously nobody knows what Lincoln sounded like. In the movies, you get the Henry Fonda, Raymond Massey or even Sam Waterston baritone. But all his contemporaries said Lincoln had a high-pitched, shrill, tinny voice, which was incongruous with his 6'4" frame. I read somewhere that the high-pitch and shrillness was the reason his voice carried at Gettysburg.

Anyway, that was what DDL captured, which really was amazing, as you both say.

01-23-2018, 07:32 AM
My dad heard Frank Abegnale speak about his story at a conferene 25 years ago, and recounted it to me. I immediately went out and found his auto-biography and read it. I was facinated by his story, almost too much to believe. The movie was a bit disappointing of course, with the liberties Hollywood takes to make it even more dramatic. But still very entertaining.

Weird coincidence, this is the Audible deal of the day today. Only $2.95.

01-24-2018, 12:54 PM
We saw “Darkest Hour” tonight. It’s excellent. Don’t go expecting any car chases - 😉 - but you’ll see Gary Oldman in an Oscar-worthy performance, as well as a ton of history about the political story behind the Dunkirk boatlift. I loved it.

Loved this movie, great flick

USS Utah
01-24-2018, 05:00 PM
Obviously nobody knows what Lincoln sounded like. In the movies, you get the Henry Fonda, Raymond Massey or even Sam Waterston baritone. But all his contemporaries said Lincoln had a high-pitched, shrill, tinny voice, which was incongruous with his 6'4" frame. I read somewhere that the high-pitch and shrillness was the reason his voice carried at Gettysburg.

Anyway, that was what DDL captured, which really was amazing, as you both say.

We have Patton on film, he sounded nothing like George C. Scott, having a higher-pitched voice.

01-24-2018, 05:08 PM
We have Patton on film, he sounded nothing like George C. Scott, having a higher-pitched voice.

It is hard to imagine any voice but the gravely GCS baritone saying "Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

USS Utah
01-24-2018, 07:44 PM
It is hard to imagine any voice but the gravely GCS baritone saying "Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."


USS Utah
01-24-2018, 07:45 PM
It is hard to imagine any voice but the gravely GCS baritone saying "Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."


01-25-2018, 02:10 PM
One of the best opening scenes/speeches

Rocker Ute
01-26-2018, 08:00 AM
My 10yo daughter asked me to go and see “The Greatest Showman” with her last night and who can turn down a date with someone as beautiful as her? The movie was awful but I had fun watching her enjoy it instead and thinking about how quick she is growing up and won’t want to do things like that with me soon.

Grumpy old man review: Avoid it.

10yo girl review: It was great! Can we buy it?

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01-26-2018, 09:03 AM
Mudbound on Netflix is really good, esp. for you Mike Ehrmantraut fans.

LA Ute
01-27-2018, 05:19 PM
I pretty much agree with this guy.

Three Reasons I Won't Be Talking About The Oscars


USS Utah
01-28-2018, 11:48 AM
I pretty much agree with this guy.

Three Reasons I Won't Be Talking About The Oscars


I stopped watching awards show long before they became controversial. Awards show are too long and I have better things to do.

Rocker Ute
01-28-2018, 04:08 PM
Hostiles - solid B if you like westerns.

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USS Utah
01-30-2018, 06:24 PM
I saw 12 Strong on Saturday, it was excellent. Now I've got to read the book to see how accurate it is.

02-20-2018, 10:37 AM
Went with my wife to see "Black Panther" last night. As an unapologetic Marvel homer, I really enjoyed it. Visually, it was as impressive as it had been hyped up to be. The story was well written, if predictable at parts. The thing that I loved was the casting. This cast was terrific. There are so many marvel movies now that its hard for me to put down an order, but this was certainly up there.

LA Ute
02-20-2018, 11:41 AM
"Hacksaw Ridge" is still great.

Diehard Ute
02-20-2018, 12:36 PM
Black Panther was awesome.

1517 to Paris. AWFUL. A total waste of a couple hours. It’s slow, hardly touches on the actual attack and that’s all made worse by using the actual people involved...this movie needed decent acting to save it. I honestly wouldn’t even rebox it.

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02-20-2018, 01:42 PM
Black Panther was awesome.

I haven't seen it yet, but Marvel is the top story of Hollywood in the past decade. They just keep making movies that almost everyone likes. No other studio/franchise has ever done anything like this. Pixar was close for a while, I guess.

Rocker Ute
02-21-2018, 07:28 AM
Black Panther was awesome.

1517 to Paris. AWFUL. A total waste of a couple hours. It’s slow, hardly touches on the actual attack and that’s all made worse by using the actual people involved...this movie needed decent acting to save it. I honestly wouldn’t even rebox it.

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I read a quote about 1517 to Paris that said something like, “Eastwood used the actual people to play the parts who never had acted before. That record remains clean...”

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02-28-2018, 01:40 PM
watched Annihilation last night Its a mystery sci-fi drama starring Natalie Portman.

it was okay, not great, 6 out 10

Additionally, one of the trailers is for Red Sparrow starring Jennifer Lawrence. I like Jennifer Lawrence but her Russian accent in the previews is so bad I can't imagine I'll be able to watch that show.

02-28-2018, 01:53 PM
I like Jennifer Lawrence

But why? All I've seen is Hunger Games, Joy, and American Hustle, and I just don't get the JLaw hype. Oh, and the X-Men movies, which are so so bad.

02-28-2018, 02:26 PM
But why? All I've seen is Hunger Games, Joy, and American Hustle, and I just don't get the JLaw hype. Oh, and the X-Men movies, which are so so bad.

did you ever see the movie Passengers where she was in a space inducted coma? brilliant acting performance :) she can sleep act like no other

03-01-2018, 12:41 AM
But why? All I've seen is Hunger Games, Joy, and American Hustle, and I just don't get the JLaw hype. Oh, and the X-Men movies, which are so so bad.

Check out Winter’s Bone if your in the mood for a depressing experience but with great acting by Ms Lawrence.

Diehard Ute
03-01-2018, 06:14 AM
Check out Winter’s Bone if your in the mood for a depressing experience but with great acting by Ms Lawrence.

I couldn’t get through that whole movie.

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03-01-2018, 09:16 AM
Check out Winter’s Bone if your in the mood for a depressing experience but with great acting by Ms Lawrence.

That and Silver Lining Playbook are great. I didn’t really like her in anything else I have seen her in.

USS Utah
03-01-2018, 06:12 PM
I saw 12 Strong on Saturday, it was excellent. Now I've got to read the book to see how accurate it is.

I finished the book on Sunday. As usual, the movie is full of Hollywood embellishments. However, while there is much compression and compositioning of people and events, nothing is flat out made up like in the second half American Sniper. The final. climactic battle in 12 Strong did happen, just not in the way it was portrayed, necessarily.

USS Utah
03-01-2018, 06:14 PM
Darkest Hour is out on DVD -- bought me a copy today. I can't wait to watch this fantastic movie again.

LA Ute
03-01-2018, 10:23 PM
Darkest Hour is out on DVD -- bought me a copy today. I can't wait to watch this fantastic movie again.

Best movie I’ve seen in the last year, maybe two.

04-07-2018, 07:16 PM
A Quiet Place, very intense, great movie!

Reminded me of M. Night Shamalan Signs or The Village

04-11-2018, 08:08 AM
Chappaquiddick - I give it 3 raspberries, 2 lemons and a squash. Which translated means a giant MEH!

The only premise of this movie was to show what a complete weenie Ted Kennedy was/is, which I already suspected/knew going in. I love historical pieces but this one had no chutzpah whatsoever.

The one bright spot was Jim Gaffigan playing the US District attorney from Massachusetts. He managed to make this serious role somewhat comedic just from his mannerisms.

04-11-2018, 09:30 AM
Not a movie, but the Andre the Giant documentary on HBO that aired last night was excellent. Lots of really cool insights into the early days of professional wrestling and how it became the mega machine it is today. Andre was a major, major part of that. Pretty humble guy, and could out drink everyone. Lots of really good info on his condition and his health right up until the end of his life. Highly recommend.

05-01-2018, 08:26 AM
Saw "Infinity War" on opening day. I think those folks who have faithfully watched every movie over the years will really enjoy the payoffs in this movie, if leaving the theater feeling nearly every emotion, good and bad.

I think those with marvel fatigue will not enjoy it.

05-01-2018, 09:29 AM
Saw "Infinity War" on opening day. I think those folks who have faithfully watched every movie over the years will really enjoy the payoffs in this movie, if leaving the theater feeling nearly every emotion, good and bad.

I think those with marvel fatigue will not enjoy it.

How many post-credit scenes do we get?

05-01-2018, 10:38 AM
You have to wait until after every last credit has scrolled by to get the post credit scene. Its an interesting nod to a) some characters that didn't make it into the regular movie b) how the events of the movie impacted them and c) an upcoming marvel movie.

BTW, there are several scenes that are meant to get the audience excited. Each time they came on, the guy behind me would loudly holler, clap, and cheer. He also yelled out what the nod to the upcoming movie was during the post credits scene (OH!!!!! THATS ***** , YOU GUYS!) . Is this acceptable behavior in a theater? I say no. I think hearty laughter or an "ah!" or two is fine, but this crossed a line IMO. Curious what others thoughts are here.

05-01-2018, 11:15 AM
Marvel Infinity War.


Rocker Ute
05-01-2018, 11:18 AM
You have to wait until after every last credit has scrolled by to get the post credit scene. Its an interesting nod to a) some characters that didn't make it into the regular movie b) how the events of the movie impacted them and c) an upcoming marvel movie.

BTW, there are several scenes that are meant to get the audience excited. Each time they came on, the guy behind me would loudly holler, clap, and cheer. He also yelled out what the nod to the upcoming movie was during the post credits scene (OH!!!!! THATS ***** , YOU GUYS!) . Is this acceptable behavior in a theater? I say no. I think hearty laughter or an "ah!" or two is fine, but this crossed a line IMO. Curious what others thoughts are here.

Opening night crowds for super hero films are... interesting. I've joked with my friend who chases down child predators that they should just park a van there.

On that note, one of the unintentionally funniest things I've ever seen in a theater happened at the first Avengers movie.

We were there opening night, we sat behind two adult men who were obviously very hardcore fans. Think Comic Book Guy from the Simpson's. They were REALLY into it the whole time.

Near the end of the movie as you'll recall, Loki a demi-god from a distant planet has opened a hole in space and the earth is under attack by aliens. Billionaire super hero Iron Man directs a nuclear bomb up into the hole in space which blows up the mothership and closes the hole killing all the aliens. The Avengers look to the sky in horror as they watch an unconscious Iron Man plummet to the ground. Right before he hits the ground, the Incredible Hulk jumps up and catches him and slows his fall to the ground by dragging down the side of some buildings.

Disgusted by the physics of that act (dragging down a building to stop Iron Man's fall), Comic Book Guy #1 leans over to Comic Book Guy #2 and says, "Pffft, like that could even happen."

They were okay with everything I said up to that point and then it was like, "Yeah Marvel, you've gone too far..."

I was in tears I was laughing so hard.

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05-01-2018, 11:28 AM
How many post-credit scenes do we get?


LA Ute
05-01-2018, 12:44 PM
We watched "I, Tonya" on Netflix Saturday night. It was surprisingly good. I ended up feeling sorry for Tonya Harding. Supremely talented woman, tough life, got few breaks, and was let down by just about everyone she depended on. Also surrounded by a lot of fools.

05-01-2018, 02:01 PM
BTW, there are several scenes that are meant to get the audience excited. Each time they came on, the guy behind me would loudly holler, clap, and cheer. He also yelled out what the nod to the upcoming movie was during the post credits scene (OH!!!!! THATS ***** , YOU GUYS!) . Is this acceptable behavior in a theater? I say no. I think hearty laughter or an "ah!" or two is fine, but this crossed a line IMO. Curious what others thoughts are here.

You are at a Superhero movie on opening night. Anything goes.

LA Ute
05-06-2018, 08:30 AM
We watched the latest Avengers movie Friday night. All I can say is that if you have not watched all the prior Avengers movies, you won’t understand much of this movie. It was clearly very well done, but I was looking at my watch after 30 minutes.

05-06-2018, 07:02 PM
A Quiet Place, very intense, great movie!

Reminded me of M. Night Shamalan Signs or The Village

Yes, outstanding! Don't buy popcorn for this movie -- everyone can hear you eat.

05-27-2018, 07:03 PM
Saw Solo. I had really low expectations based on the last Star Wars movie. I was very pleasantly surprised the whole way through. I enjoyed it a lot.

Rocker Ute
05-28-2018, 11:19 PM
Saw Solo. I had really low expectations based on the last Star Wars movie. I was very pleasantly surprised the whole way through. I enjoyed it a lot.

I liked it too. Certainly better than The Last Jedi.

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Rocker Ute
05-29-2018, 09:30 AM
The Last Jedi was trapped by the sins of The Force Awakens. Two decisions have really hamstrung that series: (1) the decision to completely reboot the story instead of making an original story and (2) the decision to include the aged original characters.

"I know! After the rebels blew up our first and second Death Star, let's make another BIGGER one, with similar vulnerabilities." I could however excuse the Force Awakens because it was a reboot of sorts of the franchise and an attempt to capture the old feel (although I agree with what you said).

Rogue One however I thought was excellent, in fact it might be my favorite Star Wars movie.

One clear indicator of how the fanboys think about this though is to look at them generationally. If you ask young people which is better of the series, the original or the prequels, they'll say the prequels. If you ask someone in their 40s or older they'll say the originals. The painful fact for most though is that Star Wars has always suffered from poor acting and annoying characters. C3PO = Jar Jar Binks. Luke whining, "You want the impossible!" = Anakin Skywalker, "From my point of view the Jedi are evil."

If you look at the negative reviews on Rotten Tomatoes from the audience (and even the professional critics) it is mostly coming from the fanboys, and people who are upset because their apple cart has been upset. If (the global) you are a passive 'fan' like me, you'll enjoy Solo I think.

05-29-2018, 10:36 AM
I liked it too. Certainly better than The Last Jedi.

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The funny thing is we were trying to see the new Avengers movie but got to the theater too late and had to settle for Solo. The Last Jedi was sooooo bad we didn’t intend to see Solo Glad we did!

07-07-2018, 07:41 PM
Sicario Day of Soldado - excellent. One of my favorite movies this year. Better than the first Sicario imo

Diehard Ute
07-07-2018, 07:56 PM
Ant Man and The Wasp was awesome.

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08-14-2018, 09:32 PM
Mission Impossible Fallout - good movie, not great. They could have cut 45 minutes out of this movie and it would have been better.

08-14-2018, 10:55 PM
Anybody who has kids who have made it thru eighth grade, or made it thru themselves, will love that movie. It is pitch perfect. A wonderful, wonderful movie.

08-15-2018, 12:28 AM
Anybody who has kids who have made it thru eighth grade, or made it thru themselves, will love that movie. It is pitch perfect. A wonderful, wonderful movie.

What movie are referring to?

08-15-2018, 04:38 AM
What movie are referring to?

Eighth Grade.

LA Ute
08-15-2018, 08:33 AM
Eighth Grade.


11-20-2018, 12:14 PM
Widows - sort of a mystery, thriller, heist flick. I think I read where it is based off of a British TV show from the 70's.

If you can get through the first half of this movie setting up the story (which is a little slow), it has a very good second half. Rotten Tomatoes had it at 91%

LA Ute
12-15-2018, 10:20 AM
Just watched “Tiinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy“ last night. Loved it. Gary Oldman is always a pleasure to watch.

Rocker Ute
12-19-2018, 03:30 AM
After some serious super hero movie fatigue I took my son and his friends go see, "Into the Spider-verse" last night. The artwork and visuals are unbelievably great and the movie is just pure fun. I would call it "joyous". Might even be my favorite movie of the year.

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12-21-2018, 09:25 AM
After some serious super hero movie fatigue I took my son and his friends go see, "Into the Spider-verse" last night. The artwork and visuals are unbelievably great and the movie is just pure fun. I would call it "joyous". Might even be my favorite movie of the year.

yea, that was a nice twist on Spiderman, I also liked it. It was odd, my wife and I went into that movie and felt like we were the oldest people in the theater. Conversely, we watched Clint Eastwood's the Mule this past week and felt like we were the youngest people there. The Mule is pretty good, but very slow. Its easily one of those movies you can wait till it comes out on DVD.

01-21-2019, 07:02 PM
The Basis of Sex was an outstanding movie. It was good to see a lawyer do something admirable. Most of my association with lawyers has been a couple of you clowns on this forum.

02-13-2019, 11:01 AM
Cold Pursuit - vigilante Liam Neeson takes revenge on his sons death. I liked it, but this movie couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Couple of times, my wife and I looked at each other puzzled by what we were watching. The final scene was funny, but bizarre. Takes place in Colorado and the Ute Indian tribe plays a prominent role in the films resolution.

02-13-2019, 11:29 AM
Cold Pursuit - vigilante Liam Neeson takes revenge on his sons death. I liked it, but this movie couldn't decide what it wanted to be. Couple of times, my wife and I looked at each other puzzled by what we were watching. The final scene was funny, but bizarre. Takes place in Colorado and the Ute Indian tribe plays a prominent role in the films resolution.

The original, In Order of Disappearance was great. But then I love anything that Stellan Skarsgard is in, even with subtitles.

04-24-2019, 12:26 PM
Watched “Glass” over the weekend. Was much better than I expected. A superhero movie without all the over-the-top powers and skills.

04-29-2019, 06:37 PM
My wife had me watch "About Time" a movie on Netflix. Great movie, loved it.

LA Ute
04-29-2019, 07:51 PM
My wife had me watch "About Time" a movie on Netflix. Great movie, loved it.

We loved it too. I'm telling all my friends about it too.

LA Ute
04-29-2019, 07:54 PM
Saw "Captain Marvel" Saturday and really enjoyed it, very well done (although as usual in Marvel movies one must overlook the plot holes).

I don't plan to see the latest Avengers movie yet because I've only seen the most recent one and it made little sense to me because I hadn't seen all the earlier ones. That will probably take me a year or so....

Diehard Ute
04-29-2019, 08:01 PM
Saw "Captain Marvel" Saturday and really enjoyed it, very well done (although as usual in Marvel movies one must overlook the plot holes).

I don't plan to see the latest Avengers movie yet because I've only seen the most recent one and it made little sense to me because I hadn't seen all the earlier ones. That will probably take me a year or so....

You could have gone to Megaplex last weekend. They showed every movie in a row over two days. Would have saved you time.

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LA Ute
04-29-2019, 08:06 PM
You could have gone to Megaplex last weekend. They showed every movie in a row over two days. Would have saved you time.

I heard about that but don't think I could stand that much Marvel in a two-day period.

Rocker Ute
05-04-2019, 07:26 AM
I've enjoyed fake spoiling the Avengers Endgame plot with people all week.

On that note I did get a little emotional when it was all said and done when Thor and the Hulk died. Didn't realize I had such a connection to them.

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05-18-2019, 05:18 PM
John Wick 3 - stupid, dumb and incredibly fun. Spoiler - Wick kills a few guys. The knife fight scene about 15 minutes in is incredibly well done.

06-24-2019, 03:08 PM
Dead dont die - Bill Murray Zombie film. Dry, dry humor. Meh. Just ok

07-08-2019, 08:59 AM
"Yesterday" - if you like the Beatles this is a good movie, and its a nice break if you're experiencing Super Hero fatigue.

09-25-2019, 09:25 AM
Ad Astra - if you like a very monotone, uninteresting lead character then this is your movie. Didn't like this very much.

11-03-2019, 08:55 PM
Terminator - Dark Fate.

Really well done, loved it.

11-11-2019, 07:27 PM
Jo Jo Rabbit, great movie, one of the better films of 2019

01-15-2020, 09:21 AM
I've heard the new movie 1917 is incredible. The previews make it look intense. I'm not sure why but I have an aversion to war movies (like some do Horror movies). I haven't seen many of the popular war movies Saving Private Ryan, Dunkirk because they creep/stress me out. Not sure what you would call this phobia, but I definitely have it.

01-15-2020, 04:24 PM
The Two Popes. Amazing. Better than Marriage Story or The Irishman. Still need to watch Joker and 1917.

02-15-2020, 04:30 PM
Have seen Joker and The Parasite since my last post. Really enjoyed The Parasite. I can understand why the academy liked it for BP, but, I still prefer The Two Popes to any of the BP nominees. Still need to see 1917 and JoJo.

05-20-2020, 03:26 PM
+ 1 on spiderverse netflix

meh to angel has fallen netflix

+1 for quiet place hulu

+1 solo blu ray rip

recently watch just married with Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy. Not so good. fx

+ 1 get out i did watch it on fx . some gore was edited i am sure but the movie was pretty good.

06-30-2020, 03:13 PM
Fighting preacher --amazon-- story of a guy called on a lds mission to palmyra to fix up the Smith farm after the church re aquired the land. I liked it.