View Full Version : Talk me down from the ledge: I'm thinking of moving to Utah County.

DU Ute
02-27-2013, 11:47 AM
I've landed a great job working for a good sized real estate development down south of Provo. Decent money with a chance to build up some equity in the business and it has been very rewarding and challenging. I probably spend about 40% of my time doing legal stuff and the rest is spent helping manage the project and trying to get things rolling to take advantage of the uptick in the housing market. The only problem is the 50 minute commute each way (if traffic is good).

We are looking at buying a house somewhere closer to where I work. My wife works part time in Murray, so we don't want to move too far south. Is there anywhere in the UC that isn't ultra conservative and where it wouldn't feel like a tea party rally every Sunday at church? We lived with my in-laws in their ward in the UC for a couple of months when I finished law school and that is how it felt most of the time. We live in a pretty moderate neighborhood right now that I really enjoy and I really don't want to lose that. I just have very little hope of finding that in the UC or even northern SL County. Any good advice? Is there somewhere down there where there is at least a little tolerance for people who don't fall in line with the Eagle Forum?

Jarid in Cedar
02-27-2013, 11:56 AM
Move to Draper and drive over traverse ridge. Where in the UC is your work?

San Diego Ute Fan
02-27-2013, 11:57 AM
I've landed a great job working for a good sized real estate development down south of Provo. Decent money with a chance to build up some equity in the business and it has been very rewarding and challenging. I probably spend about 40% of my time doing legal stuff and the rest is spent helping manage the project and trying to get things rolling to take advantage of the uptick in the housing market. The only problem is the 50 minute commute each way (if traffic is good).

We are looking at buying a house somewhere closer to where I work. My wife works part time in Murray, so we don't want to move too far south. Is there anywhere in the UC that isn't ultra conservative and where it wouldn't feel like a tea party rally every Sunday at church? We lived with my in-laws in their ward in the UC for a couple of months when I finished law school and that is how it felt most of the time. We live in a pretty moderate neighborhood right now that I really enjoy and I really don't want to lose that. I just have very little hope of finding that in the UC or even northern SL County. Any good advice? Is there somewhere down there where there is at least a little tolerance for people who don't fall in line with the Eagle Forum?

Draper, perhaps?

02-27-2013, 12:21 PM
Goshen...the liberal hub of Utah County...thank me later.

02-27-2013, 12:23 PM
I've landed a great job working for a good sized real estate development down south of Provo. Decent money with a chance to build up some equity in the business and it has been very rewarding and challenging. I probably spend about 40% of my time doing legal stuff and the rest is spent helping manage the project and trying to get things rolling to take advantage of the uptick in the housing market. The only problem is the 50 minute commute each way (if traffic is good).

We are looking at buying a house somewhere closer to where I work. My wife works part time in Murray, so we don't want to move too far south. Is there anywhere in the UC that isn't ultra conservative and where it wouldn't feel like a tea party rally every Sunday at church? We lived with my in-laws in their ward in the UC for a couple of months when I finished law school and that is how it felt most of the time. We live in a pretty moderate neighborhood right now that I really enjoy and I really don't want to lose that. I just have very little hope of finding that in the UC or even northern SL County. Any good advice? Is there somewhere down there where there is at least a little tolerance for people who don't fall in line with the Eagle Forum?


02-27-2013, 12:27 PM
Good advice?


02-27-2013, 12:27 PM
Live in Utah County, but not of Utah County.

02-27-2013, 12:31 PM
Live in Utah County, but not of Utah County.

Like I do. DU I am in Northern UC and I don't feel like my ward is that way. Lots of transplants here

02-27-2013, 12:34 PM
I've landed a great job working for a good sized real estate development down south of Provo. Decent money with a chance to build up some equity in the business and it has been very rewarding and challenging. I probably spend about 40% of my time doing legal stuff and the rest is spent helping manage the project and trying to get things rolling to take advantage of the uptick in the housing market. The only problem is the 50 minute commute each way (if traffic is good).

We are looking at buying a house somewhere closer to where I work. My wife works part time in Murray, so we don't want to move too far south. Is there anywhere in the UC that isn't ultra conservative and where it wouldn't feel like a tea party rally every Sunday at church? We lived with my in-laws in their ward in the UC for a couple of months when I finished law school and that is how it felt most of the time. We live in a pretty moderate neighborhood right now that I really enjoy and I really don't want to lose that. I just have very little hope of finding that in the UC or even northern SL County. Any good advice? Is there somewhere down there where there is at least a little tolerance for people who don't fall in line with the Eagle Forum?

Cris's nephew and his wife ran into the same issue. Most of his work is in SL County and she got a job offer in Provo that she couldn't turn down. They found a house in Saratoga Springs that was about 2/3 the price of the same size home in SL County, has an amazing view of the lake and is convenient for both of them. And when the weather's nice they sit out on the deck and have a drink or a beer or whatever and no one has said anything to them yet. I think once you're out of the Provo/Orem complex Utah County is a lot less stereotypical of how most people see Utah County.

DU Ute
02-27-2013, 12:37 PM
Move to Draper and drive over traverse ridge. Where in the UC is your work?


Goshen...the liberal hub of Utah County...thank me later.

I was actually surprised by that. I went through and looked at the 2012 Gubernatorial election results by precinct for the UC. Peter Cooke, about as moderate a politician as you can get, got his highest and third highest percentages from the two precincts in Goshen. I have in laws that live over the hill in Santaquin and liberal is the last way I would describe the people there. I checked the results from Draper and it seems to be about 15% higher on average than the precincts just over the mountain in Lehi. I always thought the bubble was a little less defined, but it looks like the point of the mountain is the point of no return.

Also, I am not moving to Goshen.


Don't make this harder for me than it already is.

02-27-2013, 12:39 PM
My PA lives in American Fork and commutes to Murray daily. She doesn't mind the drive and proximity of the freeway to where work is makes the time pretty short.

02-27-2013, 12:50 PM
I've landed a great job working for a good sized real estate development down south of Provo. Decent money with a chance to build up some equity in the business and it has been very rewarding and challenging. I probably spend about 40% of my time doing legal stuff and the rest is spent helping manage the project and trying to get things rolling to take advantage of the uptick in the housing market. The only problem is the 50 minute commute each way (if traffic is good).

We are looking at buying a house somewhere closer to where I work. My wife works part time in Murray, so we don't want to move too far south. Is there anywhere in the UC that isn't ultra conservative and where it wouldn't feel like a tea party rally every Sunday at church? We lived with my in-laws in their ward in the UC for a couple of months when I finished law school and that is how it felt most of the time. We live in a pretty moderate neighborhood right now that I really enjoy and I really don't want to lose that. I just have very little hope of finding that in the UC or even northern SL County. Any good advice? Is there somewhere down there where there is at least a little tolerance for people who don't fall in line with the Eagle Forum?

I am going on the assumption you are being serious. It amazes me how sometimes liberal thinking, open minded Utes have the very same thought process as their closed minded, conservative Cougar advesaries.

Really, you don't think there is an element in Utah County that doesn't attend church regularly and after stating their position don't still get harassed? Well I haven't talked to everyone, but my small sample size of two of my boys is they do perfectly well there not attending church regularly.

Now I did fail as a father as the son in Bountiful also is not a regular attender. He gets harassed more than the boys in Utah County.

Oh and my brother in Alpine has a neighgor he tells me is a real pain in the butt. He is a Ute and flaunts every FB win. He also said he does take grief from numerous Ute fans in his ward when the Utes win. He said he almost skips church whenever the Utes do something well.

Is Utah County more conservative, sure. Would I rather be in a county where the Eagle Forum feels welcome more than a County Rocky Anderson feels comfortable, your damn rights.

All in all though unless you have your head up your butt, which I assume you don't, you can find what is comfortable for you in each County.

02-27-2013, 12:57 PM
Well by damn, better go with what byu71 says.....

02-27-2013, 12:59 PM
Is Utah County more conservative, sure. Would I rather be in a county where the Eagle Forum feels welcome more than a County Rocky Anderson feels comfortable, your damn rights.

I will anxiously await your input on the liquor laws thread.

02-27-2013, 01:12 PM
I will anxiously await your input on the liquor laws thread.

It is a trade off. Do I wish in some area's the dominant religion didn't have so much influence, yes most definitely. Until I hear a good argument for the current liquor laws besides the Word of Wisdom, I am against the current laws.

Like I said though it is a trade off. Would I rather live in a state dominated by the values of the predominant religion, which probably coincide with the other religions or would I rather live in a state dominated by whatever social justice agenda California is run by, hands down Utah.

It is a good thing we don't all want the same thing or we would all be bidding on one house in one country in one state in one city.

02-27-2013, 01:20 PM
And living in Salt Lake County I see an entirely different side of it. I married an Oremite that I am still trying to sway to the opposite side of what she was raised in. I think moderation between UT county and CA is a good place to be.

Rocker Ute
02-27-2013, 01:21 PM
It is a trade off. Do I wish in some area's the dominant religion didn't have so much influence, yes most definitely. Until I hear a good argument for the current liquor laws besides the Word of Wisdom, I am against the current laws.

Like I said though it is a trade off. Would I rather live in a state dominated by the values of the predominant religion, which probably coincide with the other religions or would I rather live in a state dominated by whatever social justice agenda California is run by, hands down Utah.

It is a good thing we don't all want the same thing or we would all be bidding on one house in one country in one state in one city.

Why is it that every time I do business with someone in Utah County they want to drop their current church calling, church lineage or background with Nuskin? I can't tell you the number of times someone in UC has told me that one of their partners is a stake president or something. I usually take that as a red flag to not do business with them.

02-27-2013, 01:23 PM
My Dad once offered a smoke to a local church leader in my hometown. Does that count for anything?

02-27-2013, 01:28 PM
Now I did fail as a father as the son in Bountiful also is not a regular attender. He gets harassed more than the boys in Utah County.

Davis County is UC north. Probably more conservative. They split up SL County between Utah and Davis Counties for election and fellowshipping purposes.

02-27-2013, 01:30 PM
I've landed a great job working for a good sized real estate development down south of Provo. Decent money with a chance to build up some equity in the business and it has been very rewarding and challenging. I probably spend about 40% of my time doing legal stuff and the rest is spent helping manage the project and trying to get things rolling to take advantage of the uptick in the housing market. The only problem is the 50 minute commute each way (if traffic is good).

We are looking at buying a house somewhere closer to where I work. My wife works part time in Murray, so we don't want to move too far south. Is there anywhere in the UC that isn't ultra conservative and where it wouldn't feel like a tea party rally every Sunday at church? We lived with my in-laws in their ward in the UC for a couple of months when I finished law school and that is how it felt most of the time. We live in a pretty moderate neighborhood right now that I really enjoy and I really don't want to lose that. I just have very little hope of finding that in the UC or even northern SL County. Any good advice? Is there somewhere down there where there is at least a little tolerance for people who don't fall in line with the Eagle Forum?

If you had any courage at all you would target the most conservative hood in the UC and become the resident liberal pariah. Hell, you would be a godsend to break up their homogeneity!

San Diego Ute Fan
02-27-2013, 01:31 PM
Why is it that every time I do business with someone in Utah County they want to drop their current church calling, church lineage or background with Nuskin? I can't tell you the number of times someone in UC has told me that one of their partners is a stake president or something. I usually take that as a red flag to not do business with them.

Simple: They're zoobs.

02-27-2013, 01:33 PM
I will anxiously await your input on the liquor laws thread.

I guess my real question would be...who would your rather have a drink with, Gayle Ruzicka or Rocky Anderson?

02-27-2013, 01:34 PM
I guess my real question would be...who would your rather have a drink with, Gayle Ruzicka or Rocky Anderson?

Oh Gayle. She's got the goods on all the senators. That would be awesome.

02-27-2013, 01:37 PM
Why is it that every time I do business with someone in Utah County they want to drop their current church calling, church lineage or background with Nuskin? I can't tell you the number of times someone in UC has told me that one of their partners is a stake president or something. I usually take that as a red flag to not do business with them.

I call major BS unless either you have only done business in Utah County one time or more than likely, you come across to people as a pompous, self righteous ass and they think you will be impressed with their calling.

02-27-2013, 01:38 PM
I don't know about Rocky but I bet Gayle is an animal in the sack.

02-27-2013, 01:41 PM
I don't know about Rocky but I bet Gayle is an animal in the sack.

I will bet if they crawled in one together she would play the male role and he would be more than happy to play female.

02-27-2013, 01:47 PM
Now that is just kinky, yet very interesting, talk!

DU Ute
02-27-2013, 01:49 PM
I am going on the assumption you are being serious. It amazes me how sometimes liberal thinking, open minded Utes have the very same thought process as their closed minded, conservative Cougar advesaries.

Really, you don't think there is an element in Utah County that doesn't attend church regularly and after stating their position don't still get harassed? Well I haven't talked to everyone, but my small sample size of two of my boys is they do perfectly well there not attending church regularly.

Now I did fail as a father as the son in Bountiful also is not a regular attender. He gets harassed more than the boys in Utah County.

Oh and my brother in Alpine has a neighgor he tells me is a real pain in the butt. He is a Ute and flaunts every FB win. He also said he does take grief from numerous Ute fans in his ward when the Utes win. He said he almost skips church whenever the Utes do something well.

Is Utah County more conservative, sure. Would I rather be in a county where the Eagle Forum feels welcome more than a County Rocky Anderson feels comfortable, your damn rights.

All in all though unless you have your head up your butt, which I assume you don't, you can find what is comfortable for you in each County.

I'm not looking for someplace with a bunch of liberals, I'm looking for someplace where political ideologies aren't viewed as black and white, right and wrong. My only previous experience in the UC was like that. I just don't like politics in church at all.

02-27-2013, 01:51 PM
I call major BS unless either you have only done business in Utah County one time or more than likely, you come across to people as a pompous, self righteous ass and they think you will be impressed with their calling.

BYU71, I'd like to tell you about my church calling. I think you'll be impressed.

Rocker Ute
02-27-2013, 01:52 PM
I call major BS unless either you have only done business in Utah County one time or more than likely, you come across to people as a pompous, self righteous ass and they think you will be impressed with their calling.

Hmmm... if those are my two choices, I must be a self-righteous pompous ass. Thanks for the clarification. Typically though, when it happens, I usually give them a blank stare and ask them what a Stake President is.

My personal favorite was one of my sales people came across this guy in Orem who demanded that he meet with me directly. I went and met with him and he had on display his quad and a picture behind him of Abraham Lincoln praying. He told me that he wanted to meet face to face because he 'wanted to look into my soul.' So he stared at me for a while and then said, "Are you trustworthy?" And I said, "I try to be." He said, "That disturbs me, what do you mean that you 'try to be', either you are or you aren't?" I said, "Well, I've been doing business for a long time, I try to do the right thing, but I imagine that there are some people out there who might not agree with that." He said, "Like who?" And I said, "I have no idea, but I've yet to meet a businessman yet who gets 100% positive reviews."

So he stared at me for a while and then said, "I have perceived that you are a good man, I will do business with you." So I'm on red alert at this point. He then talks to me about one partner who is a former mission president and another who is in the stake presidency and I just smile and nod.

We leave and I tell my salesperson that there is no way we are doing business with a guy like that because someone who wears their religion like that has something to hide. My salesperson begs and begs that we do it because it was a somewhat large ticket item. I relented and we did business with him and it was the biggest mistake of my professional career. Total sleezeball it turned out. Moral of the story, always go with your gut, watch out for the guys who prefer to display their religion vs just live it.

I've got others, including one that happened about 3 months ago with a company that involves a former BYU basketball player and two people I was with that weren't even mormon.

02-27-2013, 01:55 PM
I testify that Rocker is anything but self righteous and pompous....he disappointingly is very plain.

02-27-2013, 02:00 PM
I think this thread has developed nicely, and should be of immense assistance to DU Ute in his decision making.

02-27-2013, 02:04 PM
Hmmm... if those are my two choices, I must be a self-righteous pompous ass. Thanks for the clarification. Typically though, when it happens, I usually give them a blank stare and ask them what a Stake President is.

My personal favorite was one of my sales people came across this guy in Orem who demanded that he meet with me directly. I went and met with him and he had on display his quad and a picture behind him of Abraham Lincoln praying. He told me that he wanted to meet face to face because he 'wanted to look into my soul.' So he stared at me for a while and then said, "Are you trustworthy?" And I said, "I try to be." He said, "That disturbs me, what do you mean that you 'try to be', either you are or you aren't?" I said, "Well, I've been doing business for a long time, I try to do the right thing, but I imagine that there are some people out there who might not agree with that." He said, "Like who?" And I said, "I have no idea, but I've yet to meet a businessman yet who gets 100% positive reviews."

So he stared at me for a while and then said, "I have perceived that you are a good man, I will do business with you." So I'm on red alert at this point. He then talks to me about one partner who is a former mission president and another who is in the stake presidency and I just smile and nod.

We leave and I tell my salesperson that there is no way we are doing business with a guy like that because someone who wears their religion like that has something to hide. My salesperson begs and begs that we do it because it was a somewhat large ticket item. I relented and we did business with him and it was the biggest mistake of my professional career. Total sleezeball it turned out. Moral of the story, always go with your gut, watch out for the guys who prefer to display their religion vs just live it.

I've got others, including one that happened about 3 months ago with a company that involves a former BYU basketball player and two people I was with that weren't even mormon.

I don't doubt you have had such experiences, but c'mon every business man you have dealt with. I am very familiar with Utah County as I lived there about 8 years. I have 4 married children and grandchildren who live there. I have two brothers. Of course with that many relatives in the county I have many other associations with people in the County.

Do more men in that county wear their pants up just below their nipples, sure, but IMHO your statement about every would be like me stating every businessman I have dealt with in Salt Lake has to drink before they can think.

By the way I have been doing business with people all over. I have run into the "let me tell you myjob in the church" guy in every county, one in Idaho and California. I like you am not interested in doing business with them, but they don't all reside in Utah County.

02-27-2013, 02:23 PM
BYU71, I'd like to tell you about my church calling. I think you'll be impressed.

Seriously I have to take off and don't have enough time to express this properly so I will have to be quick.

You go by "Scratch". I don't think anything about you would impress me.

LA Ute
02-27-2013, 02:29 PM
Seriously I have to take off and don't have enough time to express this properly so I will have to be quick.

You go by "Scratch". I don't think anything about you would impress me.

You need to look beneath the surface, '71. There is much good in Scratch. Also, if you give him trouble, you'll have to answer to me. Just sayin.'

02-27-2013, 02:30 PM
Has the compensation package been finalized? Could there still be a chance for them to throw in use of a helicopter for commuting and all the associated costs? Could be worth a shot.

02-27-2013, 02:37 PM
You need to look beneath the surface, '71. There is much good in Scratch. Also, if you give him trouble, you'll have to answer to me. Just sayin.'

Sorry, I probably overreacted. However, if you just met someone and they introduced themselves as "itch", I am not so sure you would have stayed cool calm and collected.

02-27-2013, 02:40 PM
After school my wife and I moved to Orem (right on the Orem/Lindon border. They called it Northridge). We lived there for a couple of years, and really enjoyed it. The ward was very cool, and bunch of Ute fans in the ward (it was probably 60/40 for BYU) and nobody was overly "mormon" or "conservative". Just a bunch of good people trying to be better.

We did end up moving out of UC and back to Weber Co. Not because of the people, but because of the traffic. It was just too busy down there. Drove us crazy.

02-27-2013, 02:41 PM
I don't doubt you have had such experiences, but c'mon every business man you have dealt with. I am very familiar with Utah County as I lived there about 8 years. I have 4 married children and grandchildren who live there. I have two brothers. Of course with that many relatives in the county I have many other associations with people in the County.

Do more men in that county wear their pants up just below their nipples, sure, but IMHO your statement about every would be like me stating every businessman I have dealt with in Salt Lake has to drink before they can think.

By the way I have been doing business with people all over. I have run into the "let me tell you myjob in the church" guy in every county, one in Idaho and California. I like you am not interested in doing business with them, but they don't all reside in Utah County.

This is the best line in the history of UBuy5.

02-27-2013, 02:52 PM
I lived in AF right after I got married; wife worked in Orem and I worked in Salt Lake. I've got to say, it was a great place to live. There is now a Costco where I used to live, though.

Move to Utah Valley. I think that the view of the mountains in Utah County is prettier than the view of the mountains in Salt Lake.

02-27-2013, 02:52 PM
Seriously I have to take off and don't have enough time to express this properly so I will have to be quick.

You go by "Scratch". I don't think anything about you would impress me.

That was adequate. I also hope you know that my post above was in fun, and just messing with you.

LA Ute
02-27-2013, 03:02 PM
Sorry, I probably overreacted. However, if you just met someone and they introduced themselves as "itch", I am not so sure you would have stayed cool calm and collected.

I knew of your tendencies in this regard, which is one reason why I go by LA Ute instead of my first message board moniker "Rash."

Rocker Ute
02-27-2013, 03:15 PM
I don't doubt you have had such experiences, but c'mon every business man you have dealt with. I am very familiar with Utah County as I lived there about 8 years. I have 4 married children and grandchildren who live there. I have two brothers. Of course with that many relatives in the county I have many other associations with people in the County.

Do more men in that county wear their pants up just below their nipples, sure, but IMHO your statement about every would be like me stating every businessman I have dealt with in Salt Lake has to drink before they can think.

By the way I have been doing business with people all over. I have run into the "let me tell you myjob in the church" guy in every county, one in Idaho and California. I like you am not interested in doing business with them, but they don't all reside in Utah County.

Okay, I'll concede that not everyone in Utah County does this, but how can I be inflammatory if I don't deal in absolutes. I will say it has happened a lot for me in UC, and not happened really elsewhere in the country, but maybe that is because they were bragging about being lay ministers and it went over my head. Perhaps there is a pants below your nipples correlation between them and the business types I described.

One thing you were dead on was me being a pompous ass. Everything I learned about the subject came from Scratch and LA Ute.

02-27-2013, 03:18 PM
One thing you were dead on was me being a pompous ass. Everything I learned about the subject came from Scratch and LA Ute.[/COLOR]]

If you're going to be an ass, is pompous ass the best ass?

Rocker Ute
02-27-2013, 03:20 PM
And to address DU Ute's original question I say, think of what happened to Lot when he turned his tent to Sodom and Gomorrah.

My uncle lives in UC, grew up a Ute, went to Utah, moved to UC and became a coug.

Just make sure whatever house you buy down there faces north.

Rocker Ute
02-27-2013, 03:23 PM
If you're going to be an ass, is pompous ass is the best ass?

Hard to quantify, but it certainly makes it more powerful.

I should also note that saying everything I've learned about the subject came from Scratch and LA Ute is like me saying between Tom Brady and I are dating Giselle Bundchen. In other words, I learned it all from Scratch.

02-27-2013, 03:26 PM
I am going to stop following this thread........my head hurts like my ass does after my wife gets done with it.

02-27-2013, 03:34 PM
Traverse Mountain/ridge. Right by the Adobe building. Yeah, it's a long way to mapleton, but I have family there and I testify that they are all pretty normal and the ward didn't set free my inner heretic any more than anywhere else.

02-27-2013, 04:00 PM
Traverse Mountain/ridge. Right by the Adobe building. Yeah, it's a long way to mapleton, but I have family there and I testify that they are all pretty normal and the ward didn't set free my inner heretic any more than anywhere else.

My ward is also Luke that. I have a theory that the newer areas like Traverse, Cedar Hills, Saratoga Springs, newer parts of Lehi, etc. are more normal because you don't have multiple generations of families, etc. My ward for example has lots if transplants from CA.

Jarid in Cedar
02-27-2013, 06:37 PM
I see that '71 has a new group to troll. Sorry my friend, but we won't care if you want to blame BYu administration for the downfall of BYu sports. You likely won't get as much of a response here as you would from Lebowski.

02-27-2013, 07:54 PM
That was adequate. I also hope you know that my post above was in fun, and just messing with you.

I did and that is why I felt free to act like a weinee in response here on our home turf.

02-27-2013, 08:01 PM
If I had to move to the UC (don't call it that), I'd move as close as possible to Hobble Creek golf course, and not give a damn what my neighborhood or ward politics were.

02-28-2013, 09:10 AM
In June of 2012 Forbes named Provo best for career and business.

I am pretty sure Gail Rudzika doesn't live in Provo though.

01-17-2016, 11:05 PM
Bear with me guys......

It appears after 23 years away, there's a strong possibility will be moving back to Salt Lake. For various reasons, it makes me nervous, even a little scared.

My two older kids are graduated from high school, but, I have a boy who will be entering 9th grade next year. He's a very good athlete. My oldest daughter plays D1 softball, and I think the boy has a shot at D1 baseball, and is also an above average basketball and football player as well. Our high school is a powerhouse in athletics, winning the Maxpreps Cup several times, and always in the mix for top 10. Everything is well attended by the community. Every basketball and football game is packed SRO. Even baseball games are crowded. As you might imagine, it has strongly developed competitive sports programs for 9th graders.

After doing some initial research today, I'm sick to my stomach about the move. Unless I'm wrong, I don't see that there is 9th grade football or baseball, and basketball plays a minuscule schedule -- like 8 games or so.

Can you comment on 9th grade athletics in high school/junior high in Utah. Is there really no freshman football? No baseball? Limited basketball? Do the 9th graders typically play "up" with the Sophomores? What about junior high 9th graders -- can they play with the high school teams?

We would probably be looking at homes primarily in Highland, Olympus or Skyline boundaries. Please advise.....

01-18-2016, 06:34 AM
Bear with me guys......

It appears after 23 years away, there's a strong possibility will be moving back to Salt Lake. For various reasons, it makes me nervous, even a little scared.

My two older kids are graduated from high school, but, I have a boy who will be entering 9th grade next year. He's a very good athlete. My oldest daughter plays D1 softball, and I think the boy has a shot at D1 baseball, and is also an above average basketball and football player as well. Our high school is a powerhouse in athletics, winning the Maxpreps Cup several times, and always in the mix for top 10. Everything is well attended by the community. Every basketball and football game is packed SRO. Even baseball games are crowded. As you might imagine, it has strongly developed competitive sports programs for 9th graders.

After doing some initial research today, I'm sick to my stomach about the move. Unless I'm wrong, I don't see that there is 9th grade football or baseball, and basketball plays a minuscule schedule -- like 8 games or so.

Can you comment on 9th grade athletics in high school/junior high in Utah. Is there really no freshman football? No baseball? Limited basketball? Do the 9th graders typically play "up" with the Sophomores? What about junior high 9th graders -- can they play with the high school teams?

We would probably be looking at homes primarily in Highland, Olympus or Skyline boundaries. Please advise.....

Ninth graders can play with the sophomore high school teams. I have helped coach the sophomore football team at one of the schools you identified for a number of years. Our process is to allow all 9th graders to join in the various off-season activities and then provide the student and his parents with our assessment of where the kid likely stands in terms of position and playing time. Our view is that it makes no sense for a 9th grader to play up unless the kid is going to be a starter or significant contributor. The kid will be happier and enjoy playing if he gets the chance to play in games. We have typically had 2-4 ninth graders play up each year.

Rocker Ute
01-18-2016, 09:49 AM
Bear with me guys......

It appears after 23 years away, there's a strong possibility will be moving back to Salt Lake. For various reasons, it makes me nervous, even a little scared.

My two older kids are graduated from high school, but, I have a boy who will be entering 9th grade next year. He's a very good athlete. My oldest daughter plays D1 softball, and I think the boy has a shot at D1 baseball, and is also an above average basketball and football player as well. Our high school is a powerhouse in athletics, winning the Maxpreps Cup several times, and always in the mix for top 10. Everything is well attended by the community. Every basketball and football game is packed SRO. Even baseball games are crowded. As you might imagine, it has strongly developed competitive sports programs for 9th graders.

After doing some initial research today, I'm sick to my stomach about the move. Unless I'm wrong, I don't see that there is 9th grade football or baseball, and basketball plays a minuscule schedule -- like 8 games or so.

Can you comment on 9th grade athletics in high school/junior high in Utah. Is there really no freshman football? No baseball? Limited basketball? Do the 9th graders typically play "up" with the Sophomores? What about junior high 9th graders -- can they play with the high school teams?

We would probably be looking at homes primarily in Highland, Olympus or Skyline boundaries. Please advise.....

You probably already know this but Olympus and Skyline (Granite School District) are 10-12, Highland (Salt Lake District) is 9-12, don't know if that affects things with athletics though.

01-18-2016, 10:55 AM
You probably already know this but Olympus and Skyline (Granite School District) are 10-12, Highland (Salt Lake District) is 9-12, don't know if that affects things with athletics though.

All the SL district schools (west, east, highland) are 9-12. My oldest is in 9th grade at highland. They do not have a 9th grade only football team but combine with the sophomores. He started on that team and played varsity on special teams. One of the starting tailbacks on East's championship team was a 9th grader.

In basketball there is a 9th grade league but my son plays sophomore and JV. At Olympus/Skyline there are 9th grade teams for the feeder junior high (Olympus jr, bonneville jr, wasatch, Churchill) but I know several 9th graders who come up to play with the HS teams in that district.

01-18-2016, 11:03 AM
I know lots of 9th graders in both SLC and Granite school district who have played varsity or jv, as hostile says. A word of caution: if your sport really is baseball, my impression is the quality in both SLC and Granite is pretty low. At East and Olympus for example, I think about 80 boys play lacrosse, and 15 or 20 play baseball. It is not very popular. I could be wrong, but Jordan, Canyons, and northern Utah County take baseball a lot more seriously (Taylorsville, Bingham, etc.)

01-18-2016, 11:04 AM
You might not know, however, that West High is the school of scholars and champions.

Scholars yes; champions not so much. (I have a son at East and a daughter at West).

01-18-2016, 11:23 AM
Well, it's on the bumper sticker. I was a student there the last time we took state in football. And West did beat Kyle Collinsworth to take state in basketball. Pretty rough for the past 5 years, though.

West got bumped up from 4A to 5A this year and got mauled in most sports except swimming. My daughter plays on the soccer team and it wasn't pretty.

01-18-2016, 11:25 AM
I know lots of 9th graders in both SLC and Granite school district who have played varsity or jv, as hostile says. A word of caution: if your sport really is baseball, my impression is the quality in both SLC and Granite is pretty low. At East and Olympus for example, I think about 80 boys play lacrosse, and 15 or 20 play baseball. It is not very popular. I could be wrong, but Jordan, Canyons, and northern Utah County take baseball a lot more seriously (Taylorsville, Bingham, etc.)

In reality, if collegiate baseball is the goal, you could skip high school ball altogether and be fine. Just hook up with a solid showcase program, but high school has that "community" and team feel that showcase doesn't. I'd like that for him as well.

01-18-2016, 11:30 AM
In reality, if collegiate baseball is the goal, you could skip high school ball altogether and be fine. Just hook up with a solid showcase program, but high school has that "community" and team feel that showcase doesn't. I'd like that for him as well.

There are lots of supercomp teams/leagues for baseball similar to AAU for basketball. That may be more impt if college is the goal but I dont know much about it. Most hs players also play supercomp.

01-18-2016, 03:19 PM
As a follow-up. Does anyone have any insight into Judge Memorial HS -- specifically as an active LDS student attending Judge?

Rocker Ute
01-18-2016, 06:33 PM
All the guys who go to judge wear Royal Robbin ball caps and had long hair they tucked behind their ears.

Of course I may be operating off of 22 year old information.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-01-2016, 05:18 PM
Ok, a few more thoughts I've had recently......

I've had a standing rule that I won't do business with family, friends, or people I see on a regular basis (i.e. ward/stake members, neighbors). By business, I mean investments, investing, accountant, dentist, doctor, attorney.......basically when there's health or money involved, I try to find professionals that come highly recommended from others, but, have no real attachment to my daily/weekly life. If things go south, I don't want to have to interact with that person with any regularity. In Utah, I've already broken that rule by hiring my wife's close friend as a realtor, and her husband as a CPA/tax guy. They are both close to retirement, so I figure they're just transitional until we find someone permanent.

Anyway, I have a high school friend who is supposed to be an outstanding dentist. Some of my other high school friends have gone to him for years without issue. He's not LDS, doesn't live near me, and I haven't seen him for 15 years. He does, however, live a couple of blocks from my parents, although in 15 years they've not had much interaction with him. Do you think he meets my criteria as an arm-length professional, or should I keep looking around?? -- maybe this should go under a "stupid thoughts" thread or something.

03-06-2016, 08:15 AM
Ok, a few more thoughts I've had recently......

I've had a standing rule that I won't do business with family, friends, or people I see on a regular basis (i.e. ward/stake members, neighbors). By business, I mean investments, investing, accountant, dentist, doctor, attorney.......basically when there's health or money involved, I try to find professionals that come highly recommended from others, but, have no real attachment to my daily/weekly life. If things go south, I don't want to have to interact with that person with any regularity. In Utah, I've already broken that rule by hiring my wife's close friend as a realtor, and her husband as a CPA/tax guy. They are both close to retirement, so I figure they're just transitional until we find someone permanent.

Anyway, I have a high school friend who is supposed to be an outstanding dentist. Some of my other high school friends have gone to him for years without issue. He's not LDS, doesn't live near me, and I haven't seen him for 15 years. He does, however, live a couple of blocks from my parents, although in 15 years they've not had much interaction with him. Do you think he meets my criteria as an arm-length professional, or should I keep looking around?? -- maybe this should go under a "stupid thoughts" thread or something.

Since no one else has posted, I thought I would add some thoughts.

1. If you have not seen him for 15 years, can he still be called a friend. Sounds more like an acquaintance at this point.
2. Even if just an acquaintance, I wouldn't do it. There are a bunch of people I knew in H.S. who are pretty accomplished, but wouldn't go to them for services, would still be weird. I mean, I knew them when they were stupid kids like me and I could never shake that.

07-12-2016, 09:30 AM

I can concur with this. Utah has more than its fair share of incompetent skid marks behind the wheel.

07-12-2016, 12:58 PM

I can concur with this. Utah has more than its fair share of incompetent skid marks behind the wheel.

that looks more like a list of the best cities in America

04-04-2017, 10:30 AM
This past month has really solidified that I was away too long. With HS baseball season in full bloom now, we've played some really funky high schools. East, West, Highland, Skyline, Olympus, Murray, Bountiful, Viewmont, Davis, Orem, Provo, Judge etc..... Those I've got. Don't need directions. But, here's a few of the teams we've played, or have seen play.....

Lone Peak
Salem Hills
Canyon Hills? -- Sandy

I'm pretty sure these are all less than 25 years old. Also, NEWSFLASH - Granite closed.:flush:

04-04-2017, 04:41 PM
This past month has really solidified that I was away too long. With HS baseball season in full bloom now, we've played some really funky high schools. East, West, Highland, Skyline, Olympus, Murray, Bountiful, Viewmont, Davis, Orem, Provo, Judge etc..... Those I've got. Don't need directions. But, here's a few of the teams we've played, or have seen play.....


West Lake? If so, that's in Saratoga Springs on the west side of Utah Lake. Proud home of Mia Love.

Lone Peak
Salem Hills
Canyon Hills? -- Sandy

Corner Canyon? It's in Sandy.


Stansbury is Stansbury Park. The high class end of Tooele.


SW corner of the valley


Never been quite sure where Northridge is located.

I'm pretty sure these are all less than 25 years old. Also, NEWSFLASH - Granite closed.:flush:

No nearly as many kids on the east side. Olympus was in a death spiral for a while too until they picked up all the kids from Granite. Then they rebuilt Olympus. You should check it out.

04-04-2017, 04:56 PM
Never been quite sure where Northridge is located.

Northridge is in Layton, kind of the north east side of the city.

04-04-2017, 08:26 PM
Northridge is in Layton, kind of the north east side of the city.

Proud Northridge alum! It is straight out the main gate from Hill Airforce base.

04-15-2019, 10:31 AM
Wallethub study says 90 percent LDS Church membership makes Provo "least diverse" population in the country.....


04-22-2019, 11:06 AM
Wallethub study says 90 percent LDS Church membership makes Provo "least diverse" population in the country.....


Meanwhile, DesNews decries the destabilization of Utah County by all the outsiders, blames change to two hour sessions on the near-heathen.