View Full Version : Things you hear in Class

Mormon Red Death
03-01-2013, 07:10 AM
This thread is for those teachers and students and the funny or serious things going on in Education.

I do a little adjunct teaching and last night during a Power Point presentation a team was describing Blue Cross Blue Shields Move to consolidate their offices all into the city of Detroit. One of the ladies referred to how cramped they were/are by saying:

It's like we're a bunch of Mexicans

http://www.cougarstadium.com/images/smilies/blink.gif http://www.cougarstadium.com/images/smilies/blink.gif http://www.cougarstadium.com/images/smilies/blink.gif

Mormon Red Death
03-08-2013, 11:05 AM
Liberty University (http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/virginias-liberty-transforms-into-evangelical-mega-university/2013/03/04/931cb116-7d09-11e2-9a75-dab0201670da_story.html)bucks the trend of higher ed losing money.

Liberty’s expansion has yielded a river of money. The university ended 2012 with more than $1 billion in net assets for the first time, counting cash, property, investments and other holdings. That is 10 times what the school had in 2006, putting Liberty in the same financial league as universities such as Pepperdine, Georgetown and Tulane.

Joe Public
03-08-2013, 11:08 AM
Liberty University (http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/virginias-liberty-transforms-into-evangelical-mega-university/2013/03/04/931cb116-7d09-11e2-9a75-dab0201670da_story.html)bucks the trend of higher ed losing money.

No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing.

03-08-2013, 12:06 PM
Just yesterday, during some exercises on e>ie stem-changers in the present indicative, a young lad flubbed 'pienso" as "peniso." I tried not to laugh. I really did, but then some of the students started snickering.

03-08-2013, 01:39 PM
Just yesterday, during some exercises on e>ie stem-changers in the present indicative, a young lad flubbed 'pienso" as "peniso." I tried not to laugh. I really did, but then some of the students started snickering.

I was at a fundraiser lunch yesterday and I overheard part of a conversation behind me. These two people clearly worked together, and Person A was much younger (and seemed more junior in their office) than Person B.

A: ". . . someone who went to graduate school and has a doctorate."

B (haughtily): "I have a doctorate."

A: "Really? In what?"

B: "I'm a Juris Doctor."

A: "That doesn't count. I mean a real doctorate."

B (humbly): "Oh."


09-11-2013, 11:20 AM
I'm amazed at how often students think American slaves had a better life than they would have had in Africa. It is in no way a majority or anything like that, but still . . . my colleagues confirm that it crops up at least once per semester, per class.

I went to a lecture yesterday on the myth of the "contented slave" in American culture. This lecture traced its prevalence back to Gone with the Wind.

09-11-2013, 12:38 PM
I'm amazed at how often students think American slaves had a better life than they would have had in Africa. It is in no way a majority or anything like that, but still . . . my colleagues confirm that it crops up at least once per semester, per class.

I went to a lecture yesterday on the myth of the "contented slave" in American culture. This lecture traced its prevalence back to Gone with the Wind.

Gone with the Wind is one of the best comedies ever.