View Full Version : Friday Edition of Hockeybeard's Thoughts

03-01-2013, 11:00 AM
So welcome to the offseason, Friday edition of Hockeybeard's Thoughts, wherein we investigate all the things that Hockeybeard has been thinking about lately! Super happy fun times, come on!

So firstly, I just got done taking the Utah Bar, and yes, it was worse than the stank of an oft visited truckstop outhouse. And so now I get to wait 8-10 weeks to find out whether I passed or not. Yes; in this age of advanced technological development and blindingly fast communication, it takes 8-10 weeks to grade a couple hundred essays and scantron sheets.......*pause for effect*. However, because I am done now, the next milestone is obviously spring football (with the next mid-season premiere of Doctor Who not too long after that!). So we will move onto my thoughts of that.

Spring Football, wherein our heroes find that through adversity, they become bigger, faster, stronger, and better, and gooder, and have good skills, and stuff. The main quest lines through Spring Camp are going to be finding good, big, unusually smart man-mountains that can stop the other teams defenders from hitting our guys. Yes, the OLine. We already have a decent core of guys that have some experience, even starting experience, so the question will be who can fill in and complete the chemistry equation while still playing at a high level. Poutasi, Jones, and most likely Salt (who was the best OG last year prior to his foot injury) will make up the ones with the definite inside tracks to starting spots. Lutui, Bot, and Toefaeono all have a good chance at playing time, while Pouvave, Lozano, and Albers are the unproven talents that have high expectations heaped upon them. And I am not even mentioning Nielsen, Aiono, or the other young guys coming in. Dare I say that our cupboard dost overfloweth? I am excited to be able to see some of these hog-mollies really shine under Coach Finn's second year. I think the success of our offense is going to be highly dependent on our OLine this year, even more so than QB. With that said, lets look at the QB position - come fly with me, FLY!

Freshman sensation and All-World-Talent-To-Ute-Fans-Prior-To-Him-Actually-Playing-Because-He-Was-The-Backup-QB Travis Wilson will have the definite 'starter' tag going into Spring Camp. Others have mentioned that Brandon Cox, an under the radar recruit that may end up being the steal of the class, will push Wilson. I am doubtful of this for 1 big reason. The freshman wall. Wilson experienced it last year, and it was the main reason BJ went with John Hays in the USU and USC games instead of Wilson. Cox is going to have to deal with a lot of things on his plate, including adjusting to the speed of D1 football, absorbing a new playbook and learning ALL the assignments better than Wilson, and developing new habits that he may not have had in highschool, like film study. My money on the QB that will push Wilson is Adam Schulz. This kid has a gun, has had two years in the program, and will most likely be the true #2 QB that makes Wilson earn his spot. Under any scenario however, I know that any QB that emerges from Camp as the goto guy going into Fall is going to be lightyears ahead of our QB situation the last 3 years.

Generally, on Offense, we have a wealth of talent that is going to really show up this year. All the guys we recruited for last years class have had a year to adjust, get bigger, learn the playbook, and really have a true offseason to work hard at getting better. Competition is going to breed progress in the program, and we haven't had the level of competition like we do right now EVER.

Dennis "The Destructor" Erickson. No? How about "The Eradicator"? "The Woodchipper"? "The Enchanter"? Whatever you want to call him, this relatively luke-warm received coach is going to change the way Utah fans perceive their offense. You remember that feeling you got last year, whenever we were in 3rd down and more than 5 yards? Or if we ran the ball for no gain on 1st down and had an incomplete on 2nd down? And we all just collectively said: "Oh well, maybe they will muff the punt return when we kick to them."? The Enchanter is going to make us all forget those times, and make us think "I wonder if [insert WR name here] is going to go all the way to the house this time." Listen, the fact of the matter is that Utah was not that far off of winning 7 games last year. Think back to two games in particular, the USU game and either UCLA or OSU (ok, really three games). Do you think The Enchanter would help us to gain a few more points/possessions/give our defense a little more rest in each of those games? I think so. The one-back spread system is going to utilize the entire width of the field to help minimize the leverage a defense has on the offense. Ok, I can feel everyone just rolling there eyes at that and say "boy that sounds like coach-speak" but for cereal guys, listen for a sec. Under the "Norm-Chow-Hybridized-Spread" system we were running, we made it so a defense could leverage 7-8 guys into the box without giving up anything. What I mean, is that because of the formations we were running, and the playsets that were called, we gave the Defense 1) too many keys to telegraph what we were trying to do, and 2) too many ways for certain defensive players to simply play the ball, not their man. In the new system, we are going to try and make ALL our plays, run out of ALL our sets and personnel groupings. No more switching out players to give keys to the defense, no more formations that tell a defense we are running 1 of 3 plays, and they will be able to tell within the first couple steps of the running back, and most importantly, no more getting the ball snapped with 0:01 on the play clock. Utah has a built in advantage with the altitude that running an up-tempo, no-huddle offense will play havoc with defensive scheming.

Ok, I've avoided enough work for a friday. Talk amongst yourselves.

Tacoma Ute
03-01-2013, 01:31 PM
I see Micah Thomas as a dark horse even though the conventional wisdom says he will switch to safety. I was very impressed with his film and from his interviews it's clear he has confidence and drive. For the next couple years though Wilson will be the man.

03-01-2013, 01:55 PM
I appreciate your optimism, and also, you taking the time to write it down.

Hockeybeard's thoughts was worth the time it took to read. I'll probably tune in next time. Good luck with the results on your exam.

03-01-2013, 10:56 PM
Great write up Hockey Beard. I keep waiting to hear that Thretton Palamo is finally ready for the transition to football star. Anyone know what's going on with him and his development?

03-01-2013, 10:57 PM
And good luck on the bar! It isn't any fun. No - not fun at all.

Mrs. Funk
03-01-2013, 11:02 PM
The bar sucks balls. If I hadn't been pregnant when I took it I think I would have gotten good and properly schnockered without guilt or remorse. Good luck!

Hot Lunch
03-02-2013, 12:51 PM
So welcome to the offseason, Friday edition of Hockeybeard's Thoughts, wherein we investigate all the things that Hockeybeard has been thinking about lately! Super happy fun times, come on!

So firstly, I just got done taking the Utah Bar, and yes, it was worse than the stank of an oft visited truckstop outhouse. And so now I get to wait 8-10 weeks to find out whether I passed or not. Yes; in this age of advanced technological development and blindingly fast communication, it takes 8-10 weeks to grade a couple hundred essays and scantron sheets.......*pause for effect*. However, because I am done now, the next milestone is obviously spring football (with the next mid-season premiere of Doctor Who not too long after that!). So we will move onto my thoughts of that.

Spring Football, wherein our heroes find that through adversity, they become bigger, faster, stronger, and better, and gooder, and have good skills, and stuff. The main quest lines through Spring Camp are going to be finding good, big, unusually smart man-mountains that can stop the other teams defenders from hitting our guys. Yes, the OLine. We already have a decent core of guys that have some experience, even starting experience, so the question will be who can fill in and complete the chemistry equation while still playing at a high level. Poutasi, Jones, and most likely Salt (who was the best OG last year prior to his foot injury) will make up the ones with the definite inside tracks to starting spots. Lutui, Bot, and Toefaeono all have a good chance at playing time, while Pouvave, Lozano, and Albers are the unproven talents that have high expectations heaped upon them. And I am not even mentioning Nielsen, Aiono, or the other young guys coming in. Dare I say that our cupboard dost overfloweth? I am excited to be able to see some of these hog-mollies really shine under Coach Finn's second year. I think the success of our offense is going to be highly dependent on our OLine this year, even more so than QB. With that said, lets look at the QB position - come fly with me, FLY!

Freshman sensation and All-World-Talent-To-Ute-Fans-Prior-To-Him-Actually-Playing-Because-He-Was-The-Backup-QB Travis Wilson will have the definite 'starter' tag going into Spring Camp. Others have mentioned that Brandon Cox, an under the radar recruit that may end up being the steal of the class, will push Wilson. I am doubtful of this for 1 big reason. The freshman wall. Wilson experienced it last year, and it was the main reason BJ went with John Hays in the USU and USC games instead of Wilson. Cox is going to have to deal with a lot of things on his plate, including adjusting to the speed of D1 football, absorbing a new playbook and learning ALL the assignments better than Wilson, and developing new habits that he may not have had in highschool, like film study. My money on the QB that will push Wilson is Adam Schulz. This kid has a gun, has had two years in the program, and will most likely be the true #2 QB that makes Wilson earn his spot. Under any scenario however, I know that any QB that emerges from Camp as the goto guy going into Fall is going to be lightyears ahead of our QB situation the last 3 years.

Generally, on Offense, we have a wealth of talent that is going to really show up this year. All the guys we recruited for last years class have had a year to adjust, get bigger, learn the playbook, and really have a true offseason to work hard at getting better. Competition is going to breed progress in the program, and we haven't had the level of competition like we do right now EVER.

Dennis "The Destructor" Erickson. No? How about "The Eradicator"? "The Woodchipper"? "The Enchanter"? Whatever you want to call him, this relatively luke-warm received coach is going to change the way Utah fans perceive their offense. You remember that feeling you got last year, whenever we were in 3rd down and more than 5 yards? Or if we ran the ball for no gain on 1st down and had an incomplete on 2nd down? And we all just collectively said: "Oh well, maybe they will muff the punt return when we kick to them."? The Enchanter is going to make us all forget those times, and make us think "I wonder if [insert WR name here] is going to go all the way to the house this time." Listen, the fact of the matter is that Utah was not that far off of winning 7 games last year. Think back to two games in particular, the USU game and either UCLA or OSU (ok, really three games). Do you think The Enchanter would help us to gain a few more points/possessions/give our defense a little more rest in each of those games? I think so. The one-back spread system is going to utilize the entire width of the field to help minimize the leverage a defense has on the offense. Ok, I can feel everyone just rolling there eyes at that and say "boy that sounds like coach-speak" but for cereal guys, listen for a sec. Under the "Norm-Chow-Hybridized-Spread" system we were running, we made it so a defense could leverage 7-8 guys into the box without giving up anything. What I mean, is that because of the formations we were running, and the playsets that were called, we gave the Defense 1) too many keys to telegraph what we were trying to do, and 2) too many ways for certain defensive players to simply play the ball, not their man. In the new system, we are going to try and make ALL our plays, run out of ALL our sets and personnel groupings. No more switching out players to give keys to the defense, no more formations that tell a defense we are running 1 of 3 plays, and they will be able to tell within the first couple steps of the running back, and most importantly, no more getting the ball snapped with 0:01 on the play clock. Utah has a built in advantage with the altitude that running an up-tempo, no-huddle offense will play havoc with defensive scheming.

Ok, I've avoided enough work for a friday. Talk amongst yourselves.

Thanks Hockey.

I am very interested to see how the O line develops and plays out this spring. A thought that I had that I haven't seen discussed much is the possibility of Poutasi moving over to left tackle. It seems like everyone seems to think he stays on the Right side As everyone knows, you want your best O lineman manning that position. I saw a ton of improvement out of him through the season. He continued to get better as the year went on. This off season will be huge for him since this time last year he was sitting in a high school classroom. When fall comes around, Poutasi will be the best lineman on that team. He is a talent and has a ton of potential. He needs to be protecting the blind side.

For some reason I don't see Jones as the starting center. I see him as a career back-up. He is reliable, probably knows the assignments of all 5 spots on the o line but he hasn't ever done anything to really impress me. If someone goes down, he is most likely the first one to come in at any of the 5 positions. I do think we have a real talent in Lutui. I really hope that like Poutasi, Lutui has a great off season and is ready to man that spot.

Is Pouave ready to go? Will he practice this spring? It has been a crazy couple of months and I haven't been able to keep up to speed like I normally do.

My predictions for the starting 5 this fall if everyone is healthy:
LT - Poutasi
LG - Taofaeono
C - Lutui
RG - Salt
RT - Pouavae

We are going with an all-poly O line this fall. :cheers:

03-02-2013, 01:43 PM
Hot Lunch and others... What types of off season work, besides weights and cardio, can O linemen do to best prepare for the season?

I suppose if the whole offense, on their own, got together and practiced plays and assignments that would help the line with schemes and particular plays. What else? Is it common for the offense and defense to get together during the summer months before camp and run plays and drills? Do they tend to practice seperately?

For skill positions on offense it seems obvious what they do. But for Oline and defensive players, it seems like a game simulation would be most effective as far as preparation for the season. Then again there are probably tons of drills for defending and blocking that are important to deal with hand positioning and use and tackling.

Just curious.

I like the thought of an all Polynesian line with power and quickness. Poutasi can be a beast and the word on Salt is that he is expected to be a natural on the Oline having played there in jc.

Jarid in Cedar
03-02-2013, 01:55 PM
Thanks Hockey.

I am very interested to see how the O line develops and plays out this spring. A thought that I had that I haven't seen discussed much is the possibility of Poutasi moving over to left tackle. It seems like everyone seems to think he stays on the Right side As everyone knows, you want your best O lineman manning that position. I saw a ton of improvement out of him through the season. He continued to get better as the year went on. This off season will be huge for him since this time last year he was sitting in a high school classroom. When fall comes around, Poutasi will be the best lineman on that team. He is a talent and has a ton of potential. He needs to be protecting the blind side.

For some reason I don't see Jones as the starting center. I see him as a career back-up. He is reliable, probably knows the assignments of all 5 spots on the o line but he hasn't ever done anything to really impress me. If someone goes down, he is most likely the first one to come in at any of the 5 positions. I do think we have a real talent in Lutui. I really hope that like Poutasi, Lutui has a great off season and is ready to man that spot.

Is Pouave ready to go? Will he practice this spring? It has been a crazy couple of months and I haven't been able to keep up to speed like I normally do.

My predictions for the starting 5 this fall if everyone is healthy:
LT - Poutasi
LG - Taofaeono
C - Lutui
RG - Salt
RT - Pouavae

We are going with an all-poly O line this fall. :cheers:

Disagree on Jones. I thought he played better than JT last year. Whether he is center or guard, idk, but I bet he cracks the starting 5.

As far as Poutasi is concerned, i have read that he struggled on the left side, but really clicked at RT. May be that a year in the system can fix that, but he may stay on the right side. The Albers kid had a real chance at getting one of the starting ot slid. Big, and was with the team 2 years ago (spring ball).

Hot Lunch
03-02-2013, 02:18 PM
Hot Lunch and others... What types of off season work, besides weights and cardio, can O linemen do to best prepare for the season?

I suppose if the whole offense, on their own, got together and practiced plays and assignments that would help the line with schemes and particular plays. What else? Is it common for the offense and defense to get together during the summer months before camp and run plays and drills? Do they tend to practice seperately?

For skill positions on offense it seems obvious what they do. But for Oline and defensive players, it seems like a game simulation would be most effective as far as preparation for the season. Then again there are probably tons of drills for defending and blocking that are important to deal with hand positioning and use and tackling.

Just curious.

I like the thought of an all Polynesian line with power and quickness. Poutasi can be a beast and the word on Salt is that he is expected to be a natural on the Oline having played there in jc.

All positions do mandatory position specific drills with there coaches. The rule is, they can't have a ball on the field while the coaches are out there.

Hot Lunch
03-02-2013, 02:20 PM
Disagree on Jones. I thought he played better than JT last year. Whether he is center or guard, idk, but I bet he cracks the starting 5.

As far as Poutasi is concerned, i have read that he struggled on the left side, but really clicked at RT. May be that a year in the system can fix that, but he may stay on the right side. The Albers kid had a real chance at getting one of the starting ot slid. Big, and was with the team 2 years ago (spring ball).

I hadn't heard that about Poutasi. I think a year in the system, a year playing college ball and adjusting the strength and speed is going to go a long way with that kid.