View Full Version : 2013 Utah Utes football thread

02-19-2013, 05:45 AM
Spring ball is fast approaching. What are some things you'll be looking for?

I'm interested to see who's getting reps on the defensive line; who can win the back-up RB spot behind York; who gets the #2 QB spot behind Wilson; what the offense looks like with Johnson/Erickson; and who wins the CB spots vacated by Lee and Lacy.

02-19-2013, 06:34 AM
Will Tevin Carter be here for spring ball or will he arrive with everyone else for summer/fall camp?

02-19-2013, 06:43 AM
I'm hoping that Wilson is the biggest beneficiary of Ericksons arrival.

Jarid in Cedar
02-19-2013, 07:52 AM
Carter is a fall enrollee

LA Ute
02-19-2013, 08:01 AM
Everything Redbird says. Also, Kyle says LB will be a strength this year. I don't know if spring ball will tell us whether he is right but I'll be watching for clues.

02-19-2013, 08:53 AM
Kyle said LBs were going to be a strength last year, too. He'd better be right this year.

Jarid in Cedar
02-19-2013, 09:03 AM
Kyle said LBs were going to be a strength last year, too. He'd better be right this year.

I think the ones that matter will be a year wiser. Whether that translates into better remained to be seen.

Mormon Red Death
02-19-2013, 09:12 AM
I think the ones that matter will be a year wiser. Whether that translates into better remained to be seen.

The better question is to ask if they will be faster. Utah got killed last year because our LBs were just plain too slow.

02-19-2013, 09:18 AM
I am excited to see just one offense being run this year. That should be a HUGE difference for this team. BJ did a great job having to change from a pro-style offense with Wynn, a dumbed down pee-wee offense with Hays, and then to the spread with Wilson.

Having the one back offense the whole year, with a stable of very talented QB's will help this team tremendously.

02-19-2013, 09:23 AM
The better question is to ask if they will be faster. Utah got killed last year because our LBs were just plain too slow.


Our defensive philosophy of recruiting D-linemen, and then just putting in anyone who will fill the holes to hit a RB at the LB position doesn't work in this day/age of spread offenses. We need speed at the LB position.

02-19-2013, 09:25 AM
So I heard that the Utes will be employing a 3-4 base defense this year, but a couple people have indicated otherwise. I assume the truth is that they will adjust frequently. Any definitive word on this?

02-19-2013, 09:38 AM
The better question is to ask if they will be faster. Utah got killed last year because our LBs were just plain too slow.

It seems to me that LB play is often the weak spot of the Ute defense. Is there a historical reason for this? Bad recruiting? Utah turns out great DLs and secondary players, or at least has done so over the past few years, but LB always seems to be a bit wanting.

This is really odd for a school who has a former LB for a coach. If the LB and QB depth issues could ever get figured out (and the offense generally - although I think DE is a great get there and can hopefully mentor BJ up) the Utes could put seasons like last year well into the rear view mirror for some time.

LA Ute
02-19-2013, 10:24 AM
So I heard that the Utes will be employing a 3-4 base defense this year, but a couple people have indicated otherwise. I assume the truth is that they will adjust frequently. Any definitive word on this?

People claiming to be in the know adamantly deny this. It does seem that the Utes will be more willing to mix up the D to something like a 3-4 depending on the situation.

Hot Lunch
02-19-2013, 10:39 AM
Kyle said LBs were going to be a strength last year, too. He'd better be right this year.

He better be right this year on this. I was so disappointed in the play by our middle backers. Hooker having a full off season in the program is going to help. He has the athleticism. He was a bit on the small side though and needed some girth. Our MLB need major improvement this year.

Hot Lunch
02-19-2013, 10:47 AM
Will Tevin Carter be here for spring ball or will he arrive with everyone else for summer/fall camp?

There are a ton of expectations for Tevin. This comes directly from a member of the Utah coaching staff. The kid is an athletic freak. Let's hope he can learn the system quickly and arrives here in May. His ability to learn the defense is extremely important for the overall success of the defense.

02-19-2013, 10:51 AM
There are a ton of expectations for Tevin. This comes directly from a member of the Utah coaching staff. The kid is an athletic freak. Let's hope he can learn the system quickly and arrives here in May. His ability to learn the defense is extremely important for the overall success of the defense.

What is your opinion on the larger-than-usual volume of JC recruits on signing day?

02-19-2013, 10:53 AM
I'm just hoping for some consistency at QB. Bronco may be the poster child for mismanaged QB situations but we at least merit an "others receiving votes" demarcation. Too much faith put in Wynn's recovery each of the past few years. Not enough backup planning.

02-19-2013, 10:54 AM
What is your opinion on the larger-than-usual volume of JC recruits on signing day?


BTW, I'm appalled at the lack of available smilies. LAUte needs to get his act together.

Hot Lunch
02-19-2013, 11:06 AM
What is your opinion on the larger-than-usual volume of JC recruits on signing day?

It shows a little bit of desperation. The volume wasn't of the amount to be incredibly concerned with but when you combine that with the DE hire, it shows a lot of desperation. Whit knows that he has to win now. 4 or 5 of the JC guys need to step up and play a big role next year. Especially in the secondary.

02-19-2013, 11:21 AM
It shows a little bit of desperation. The volume wasn't of the amount to be incredibly concerned with but when you combine that with the DE hire, it shows a lot of desperation. Whit knows that he has to win now. 4 or 5 of the JC guys need to step up and play a big role next year. Especially in the secondary.

Thanks. I hope that the JC guys prove the "Hot Lunch Theorem" wrong, and that DE adds just what the Utes needs to the offense as well. I really hope so.

02-19-2013, 11:32 AM
JC players come in to fill a need. Utah has some needs to fill. OL, DL, and CB off the top of my head.

Love me some Utefans.net, but dislike the format. Nice to have other options.

LA Ute
02-19-2013, 11:46 AM

BTW, I'm appalled at the lack of available smilies. LAUte needs to get his act together.

Working on that. In the meantmie, anyone need good smilies can find a ton of them here:

Smilie gold mine (http://www.cotep.org/forum/misc.php?do=showsmilies)


LA Ute
02-19-2013, 11:49 AM
It shows a little bit of desperation. The volume wasn't of the amount to be incredibly concerned with but when you combine that with the DE hire, it shows a lot of desperation. Whit knows that he has to win now. 4 or 5 of the JC guys need to step up and play a big role next year. Especially in the secondary.

On a conference call I got to attend the day after LOI signing day, Whit admitted that Utah was "a little on the high side" in the number of JC players they are taking this year. (He was using coach speak, so "a little on the high side" probably means "really pretty doggone high" in reality.) He said they need to do it to close the talent/size gap in the PAC-12. I hope it works.

02-19-2013, 12:21 PM
Spring ball is fast approaching. What are some things you'll be looking for?

I'm interested to see who's getting reps on the defensive line; who can win the back-up RB spot behind York; who gets the #2 QB spot behind Wilson; what the offense looks like with Johnson/Erickson; and who wins the CB spots vacated by Lee and Lacy.

I don't know that York has the position in the bag quite yet. A lot depends on how prepared some guys are for the step up in competition, but it seems like to me that guys like Lucky Radley and Devontae Booker could excel in DE's 1-back offense. Plus, the RB needs to be a threat in the passing game. Look at some of the ASU film from last year and see how many times Osweiler threw to the RB releasing into the flat. I believe RB will be a spot to watch out for some good position battles.

As for what I want to see in 2013, I want an OLine that is set from the beginning of Fall camp on. No more merry-go-round, moving guys along the line to fill spots. I want some of these guys we have heard about for years to have that light click on in their heads and to see them start dominating our DLine in practices. Nothing would make me happier than to see our guys get initial pushes of 3-4 yards off the ball at the beginning of the year.

02-19-2013, 01:09 PM
I don't think the LB'ers will be as bad as we think.

Blechen (I really think he will end up there)

as our outside LB'ers and then one of our big bodies (LT, Fehoko) up the middle.

When Utah goes to a more nickel/dime package then you will see some of the speed guys playing LB (Hooker, Hale, Blechen).

I do think our LB'ers will be a LOT better this year.

Hot Lunch
02-19-2013, 01:22 PM
Thanks. I hope that the JC guys prove the "Hot Lunch Theorem" wrong, and that DE adds just what the Utes needs to the offense as well. I really hope so.

I really hope that this is wrong. Especially this year.

LA Ute
02-19-2013, 01:48 PM
I don't know that York has the position in the bag quite yet. A lot depends on how prepared some guys are for the step up in competition, but it seems like to me that guys like Lucky Radley and Devontae Booker could excel in DE's 1-back offense. Plus, the RB needs to be a threat in the passing game. Look at some of the ASU film from last year and see how many times Osweiler threw to the RB releasing into the flat. I believe RB will be a spot to watch out for some good position battles.

As for what I want to see in 2013, I want an OLine that is set from the beginning of Fall camp on. No more merry-go-round, moving guys along the line to fill spots. I want some of these guys we have heard about for years to have that light click on in their heads and to see them start dominating our DLine in practices. Nothing would make me happier than to see our guys get initial pushes of 3-4 yards off the ball at the beginning of the year.

I heard that one reason York didn't play as much last year as he could have was his blocking. Maybe that has improved, but I think blocking ability will have a lot to do with who starts and who is the 1st backup.

02-19-2013, 02:15 PM
I think the fact that Whit is a former LB coach makes him think he can "coach up" lesser talent. But like you say, compared to all the talent we amass (and send to the NFL), the dearth of quality at LB is surprising.

02-19-2013, 02:19 PM
I think the fact that Whit is a former LB coach makes him think he can "coach up" lesser talent. But like you say, compared to all the talent we amass (and send to the NFL), the dearth of quality at LB is surprising.

I've always wondered if Whitt has always believed he can take a "player" and make him a LBer. He was very successful at in the MWC...the PAC-12 is a different beast though.

02-20-2013, 04:39 PM
Have any of you started making plans for road trips? My brother is stationed in Miramar, and I have family near Portland, but making plans for that late in the season isn't as fun, especially since I attended the most recent trips Utah made to both stadiums. I've attended every Utah-BYU game since 2002, so the Provo trip is easy.

LA Ute
02-20-2013, 04:44 PM
Have any of you started making plans for road trips? My brother is stationed in Miramar, and I have family near Portland, but making plans for that late in the season isn't as fun, especially since I attended the most recent trips Utah made to both stadiums. I've attended every Utah-BYU game since 2002, so the Provo trip is easy.

I hope a lot of you are coming to the USC game. I'd like to put together some kind of UB5 gathering.

02-20-2013, 04:49 PM
As one that went in 2011, I'll say the Coleseum is both awesome and terrible (not good terrible, not intimidating terrible, just terrible), but something you don't want to miss

big z
02-20-2013, 04:57 PM
Have any of you started making plans for road trips? My brother is stationed in Miramar, and I have family near Portland, but making plans for that late in the season isn't as fun, especially since I attended the most recent trips Utah made to both stadiums. I've attended every Utah-BYU game since 2002, so the Provo trip is easy.

Depending on how bad the sequestration hits me, i'm planning on Oregon and USC. I don't consider driving do to Provo a road trip.

LA Ute
02-20-2013, 07:12 PM
Well, I think Kevin Gemell is maybe smoking something but this is an interesting read:

Utah trending up? (http://espn.go.com/blog/pac12/post/_/id/53861/utah-trending-up)

One New Year's resolution I am keeping in 2013 is not to drink any of the pre-season Kool-Aid that seems to be manufactured between spring football and the first game in the fall.

LA Ute
02-20-2013, 07:19 PM
Nice story here about Kenneth Scott's life:


The photo was taken at the rose Bowl last year. I met Scott's mom there. She is a very impressive woman and Kenneth's family clearly loves him a lot.

As for me, I love the way Scott the receiver fights for the catch. You get the impression that in a jump ball situation he'll come down with it most of the time. I hear that if his blocking improves he'll see a lot of playing time this year.

02-20-2013, 07:30 PM
Well, I think Kevin Gemell is maybe smoking something but this is an interesting read:

Utah trending up? (http://http://espn.go.com/blog/pac12/post/_/id/53861/utah-trending-up)

One New Year's resolution I am keeping in 2013 is not to drink any of the pre-season Kool-Aid that seems to be manufactured between spring football and the first game in the fall.

Maybe it's me but I can't get that link to work.

02-20-2013, 07:41 PM
I've heard a couple of interviews with Kenneth, and he seems like a humble, really down to earth guy.

02-20-2013, 07:43 PM
Maybe it's me but I can't get that link to work.
I fixed the Trending Up link. Try it now.

LA Ute
02-20-2013, 08:12 PM
I fixed the Trending Up link. Try it now.

Thanks. It's good to have friends who are mods to clean up after my mistakes!

02-21-2013, 01:13 AM
Nice story here about Kenneth Scott's life:


The photo was taken at the rose Bowl last year. I met Scott's mom there. She is a very impressive woman and Kenneth's family clearly loves him a lot.

As for me, I love the way Scott the receiver fights for the catch. You get the impression that in a jump ball situation he'll come down with it most of the time. I hear that if his blocking improves he'll see a lot of playing time this year.

Love Scott's behind the scenes youtube videos. Seems like he could be a leader the team would rally around.


02-21-2013, 06:38 AM
Not only that, but he's just a big time play maker, he's a guy that we must get involved more in the offense.

02-21-2013, 07:02 AM
Not only that, but he's just a big time play maker, he's a guy that we must get involved more in the offense.

He looks physically, to me, more like an NFL receiver than anyone I can remember playing for us recently, is strong get s decent YAC and seems to catch everything thrown near him. I think he is a guy we need to force other teams to respect.

02-21-2013, 07:24 AM
He looks physically, to me, more like an NFL receiver than anyone I can remember playing for us recently, is strong get s decent YAC and seems to catch everything thrown near him. I think he is a guy we need to force other teams to respect.

He's a combination of David Reed and Freddie Brown. I want to see more of him this year and hopefully with a no huddle we will have many more opportunities to see him on the field.

I read the article on my phone. Is that Scott's own blog article or did someone else write that? It was entertaining, but scrambled in the header

Hot Lunch
02-21-2013, 10:00 AM
He looks physically, to me, more like an NFL receiver than anyone I can remember playing for us recently, is strong get s decent YAC and seems to catch everything thrown near him. I think he is a guy we need to force other teams to respect.

Scott is a kid that they have to get more involved in the offense. He is a big time player. Great combo of size and speed. He also goes up and competes for the ball. When they went to him last year, he made plays. He did it over and over again when they went to him. The problem was, they didn't go to him enough. I remember yelling either from my seats or at the T.V. during important situations and he wasn't on the field.

02-21-2013, 10:10 AM
Scott is a kid that they have to get more involved in the offense. He is a big time player. Great combo of size and speed. He also goes up and competes for the ball. When they went to him last year, he made plays. He did it over and over again when they went to him. The problem was, they didn't go to him enough. I remember yelling either from my seats or at the T.V. during important situations and he wasn't on the field.

Drum and I did the same. Seems to me like even last year Wilson was throwing him some 50/50 balls. Those may have been bad throws, but I'm not sure.

02-21-2013, 10:18 AM
Drum and I did the same. Seems to me like even last year Wilson was throwing him some 50/50 balls. Those may have been bad throws, but I'm not sure.

Wilson's flea-flicker toss in the USU game was a total "go get this big guy" kind of throw.

It looks like we are all in agreement in hoping our collective TV shouting should pay off.

02-21-2013, 10:22 AM
Wilson's flea-flicker toss in the USU game was a total "go get this big guy" kind of throw.

It looks like we are all in agreement in hoping our collective TV shouting should pay off.

I need to re-watch Silver Linings Playbook to see what the Robert Dinero character did for Eagles games. It obviously didn't work for him...but it just might work for us.

Hot Lunch
02-21-2013, 10:24 AM
Drum and I did the same. Seems to me like even last year Wilson was throwing him some 50/50 balls. Those may have been bad throws, but I'm not sure.

I really like what I saw with Denhim at the end of the year as well. Big physical receiver that wants the ball. The offense has weapons. We just need to be able to put the ball in their hands and let them make plays.

02-21-2013, 10:33 AM
Yeah, the under use (misuse in my mind) of Scott and Denham to me were two of the biggest indictments of BJ as OC or Wilson at QB, not sure who's fault it was. Those two could be all conference if they ever got the ball thrown to them.

02-21-2013, 11:09 AM
Well, one thing we should be excited for is that with the 'no-huddle' or uptempo offense that Erickson is implying, we shouldn't have so many switches of personnel as we have seen the last couple years. A true depth chart for the WR will only help with the chemistry that Travis needs with our talented wide outs.

Jarid in Cedar
02-22-2013, 09:32 PM
Nisi Leota kicked off the team for significant criminal charges. I hope that Dimick and the Texas Freshmen are ready to go this fall, they will definitely be in the rotation.

Ute Dawg
02-22-2013, 09:37 PM
Nisi Leota kicked off the team for significant criminal charges. I hope that Dimick and the Texas Freshmen are ready to go this fall, they will definitely be in the rotation.

Ouch, that sucks both for him and the team. Kalani was pretty high on him

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Ute Dawg
02-22-2013, 09:41 PM
Just read a little bit on it, sounds like he mentally snapped

02-22-2013, 11:07 PM
Yeah, the under use (misuse in my mind) of Scott and Denham to me were two of the biggest indictments of BJ as OC or Wilson at QB, not sure who's fault it was. Those two could be all conference if they ever got the ball thrown to them.

The only problem is you have a freshman QB that can't make more than one read, a OL that doesn't allow you to have a longer throw (give the WR's enough time to get down field), and short quick passes to TE's/RB's...

Once the OL improves and Wilson can make a read, the WR's will immediately look a lot better.

02-23-2013, 01:55 AM
The secondary has the same feeling going into camp as our O-Line did last year. We're counting on guys to qualify, show up in fall, arrive in reasonable physical condition, learn the system, and win spots. That's just not going to happen. This will be our weakest defense to be put on the field in PAC12 play.

Hopefully the offense can compensate. dE's hiring provides some hope. Over and over he makes the point in interviews that the offense must be able to run the entire play book from all formations and position groups. BJ's mis/underuse of Scott/Denham seemed to stem from repeatedly using WR's in very specialized (and unfortunately predictable) ways. Seeing Scot leave the field to be replaced by Dunn pretty much meant we'd be running a bubble screen or end around right into a defense that knew exactly what to expect. That should end under DE.

The Thrill
02-23-2013, 10:57 AM
Leota was kicked off the team and Isaac Asiata is back from his mission the talent of young players will have to show up early next season. Utah had 43 freshmen last season many of which redshirted. Which RS Freshmen will be huge this year? (Dimick, Dielman, Norris, Lutui...)

Jarid in Cedar
02-23-2013, 10:59 AM
Dimick is probably the one. I look for great things from him. He has bloodlines to my hometown.

02-23-2013, 11:38 AM
I'm just hoping for some consistency at QB. Bronco may be the poster child for mismanaged QB situations but we at least merit an "others receiving votes" demarcation. Too much faith put in Wynn's recovery each of the past few years. Not enough backup planning.
I always thought the faith put in Wynn's recovery was hoping for the best case. I think they knew with Hayes / Wilson it would not get it done. They wanted to give Wilson a year to learn!! Hayes was just out of place in the P12

Jarid in Cedar
02-23-2013, 11:40 AM
I always thought the faith put in Wynn's recovery was hoping for the best case. I think they knew with Hayes / Wilson it would not get it done. They wanted to give Wilson a year to learn!! Hayes was just out of place in the P12

My thought as well. Similar to Chow saying after spring 2012, that we would be as good as Wynn's shoulder would allow its to be.

LA Ute
02-23-2013, 11:49 AM
I may have said this already, but supposedly the word from the coaching staff was that Scott would play more as soon as he got better at blocking. I don't know if that is true or not, but if it is, that seems like an easy problem to overcome, especially for someone as athletic as Scott is.

Mormon Red Death
02-25-2013, 06:31 AM
Espn insider teams on the rise:

Utah Utes (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/254/utah-utes)Program FEI rating: No. 46
Weighted recruiting rank: No. 35
2013 ESPN recruiting class rank: 48Like TCU, Utah has found a bit more difficulty with the weekly competition of its new conference than it had in the Mountain West. But also like TCU, Utah's recruiting profile is trending upward, boosted in part by its move to the Pac-12 two years ago. Over the last two seasons in the Pac-12 South Division, the Utes have won only seven of 18 league games. But USC and UCLA are the only other teams in its division that rank higher in terms of total program recruiting over the last five seasons, so the talent is in place to take a step forward this year.
The Utah defense was effective last year, but has room to improve with seven returning starters. Utah allowed only 8 percent of opponent drives to average 10 yards per play or more, 18th-best nationally. It's the offense that needs to step up its game in a big way this year.
Freshman quarterback Travis Wilson (http://espn.go.com/college-football/player/_/id/531051/travis-wilson) was efficient in spots last year, but he'll need to improve consistency after another year of experience. The Utes ranked 100th or worse nationally in most of our offensive drive efficiency measures (three-and-outs, available yards, explosive and methodical drives). Special teams keyed by one of the country's best kickoff-return teams helped keep Utah ahead of most opponents in terms of field position. If Wilson and the rest of the offense can improve by a mere 0.5 points per drive, they'll find themselves in the thick of the Pac-12 South race in 2013.

02-25-2013, 08:57 AM
I may have said this already, but supposedly the word from the coaching staff was that Scott would play more as soon as he got better at blocking. I don't know if that is true or not, but if it is, that seems like an easy problem to overcome, especially for someone as athletic as Scott is.

Even a technique dummy such as myself could see that. Generally, guys that can't block well also get jammed easily at the LOS and have their routes blown up. Scott is athletic and has good hands, but I would not call him a physical receiver.

Ute Dawg
02-25-2013, 09:21 AM
In reading through the whole thread I did want to point out a couple things on the lbs: I believe the coaches basically gave up on Fehoko as a lb and he will be a DE. He was just too slow. There was also a point when our young lbs looked pretty good when Hale, Hooker, and Filiaga were all playing but correct me if I'm wrong all three of them got hurt.

I think with those three Reilly and possibly Blechen we should have a pretty solid core.

02-25-2013, 10:16 AM
In reading through the whole thread I did want to point out a couple things on the lbs: I believe the coaches basically gave up on Fehoko as a lb and he will be a DE. He was just too slow. There was also a point when our young lbs looked pretty good when Hale, Hooker, and Filiaga were all playing but correct me if I'm wrong all three of them got hurt.

I think with those three Reilly and possibly Blechen we should have a pretty solid core.

I agree 100%. Our LB'ers will be a lot better this year, me thinks.

02-25-2013, 10:20 AM
Espn insider teams on the rise:

Utah Utes (http://espn.go.com/college-football/team/_/id/254/utah-utes)

Program FEI rating: No. 46
Weighted recruiting rank: No. 35
2013 ESPN recruiting class rank: 48Like TCU, Utah has found a bit more difficulty with the weekly competition of its new conference than it had in the Mountain West. But also like TCU, Utah's recruiting profile is trending upward, boosted in part by its move to the Pac-12 two years ago. Over the last two seasons in the Pac-12 South Division, the Utes have won only seven of 18 league games. But USC and UCLA are the only other teams in its division that rank higher in terms of total program recruiting over the last five seasons, so the talent is in place to take a step forward this year.
The Utah defense was effective last year, but has room to improve with seven returning starters. Utah allowed only 8 percent of opponent drives to average 10 yards per play or more, 18th-best nationally. It's the offense that needs to step up its game in a big way this year.
Freshman quarterback Travis Wilson (http://espn.go.com/college-football/player/_/id/531051/travis-wilson) was efficient in spots last year, but he'll need to improve consistency after another year of experience. The Utes ranked 100th or worse nationally in most of our offensive drive efficiency measures (three-and-outs, available yards, explosive and methodical drives). Special teams keyed by one of the country's best kickoff-return teams helped keep Utah ahead of most opponents in terms of field position. If Wilson and the rest of the offense can improve by a mere 0.5 points per drive, they'll find themselves in the thick of the Pac-12 South race in 2013.

How many drives a game do we have? 0.5 points per drive doesn't sound like much, but if we have 500 drives a game, then that's a lot of points.

Jarid in Cedar
02-25-2013, 10:23 AM
How many drives a game do we have? 0.5 points per drive doesn't sound like much, but if we have 500 drives a game, then that's a lot of points.

Probably 8-10. I would have taken another 4-5 points a game.

02-25-2013, 10:40 AM
Utah averages 316 yards per game and 68 plays per game. That is 4.6 yards per play. Sellwood had 38 punts. Hackett had 25. That is 63 total punts. That is 5.25 punts per game or 5 possessions. Utah gave up 1.5 TO's per game. 6.5 possesions per game. 20 pts per game. That is 5 more possessions. That gives us a total of 11.5 possessions per game. So, if we estimate high at 12 possessions per game (this is high by estimating and by realizing that a lot of our scores came from ST's and defense and not from offense), that is an additional 6 pts per game.

I fully expect DE to be able to provide us an extra 6 pts per game.

8 wins, HERE WE COME!!!

02-25-2013, 10:45 AM
Probably 8-10. I would have taken another 4-5 points a game.

Ha ha. You make me feel like I looked too much into this. LOL.

02-25-2013, 10:45 AM
How many drives a game do we have? 0.5 points per drive doesn't sound like much, but if we have 500 drives a game, then that's a lot of points.
On the KSL UTEcast, they mentioned that if we had averaged 0.5 more points per drive last season, we would have won four more games.

02-25-2013, 10:56 AM
Now, if DE can get our offense moving quicker and get us up to 15 possessions per game (7.5 pts per game), and get our total point output up to 28 pts per game, that changes our schedule/record from last year completely. Look at our losses:

Utah State 27-20
ASU 37-7
USC 38-28
UCLA 21-14
OSU 21-7
Wash 34-15
Arizona 34-24

If we score 28 pts, we beat Utah State, UCLA, and OSU. That is 8 wins right there. Now, this doesn't even take into account the effect Utah's offense scoring would have on Utah's defense (not as many plays on the field, more time to rest on the sidelines, etc). We might even have been better against Arizona and USC.

I can see how that article is accurate. If we can score 28 pts a game, we will be really, really good and contend for the south division.

02-25-2013, 11:01 AM
Oh, and if our offense is better, that BYU game isn't even close. It's pathetic that they lost to us, with a DII QB, and White injured.

Tacoma Ute
02-25-2013, 11:08 AM
I'll take a shot at wins and losses next year.

Weber State
Utah State
Oregon State

Jarid in Cedar
02-25-2013, 11:26 AM
I look at a couple of games as indicators of the season. OSU is a bellwether game. If we can't win that one, this will be a looooong season. ASU is a swing game. Winning that game is probably the pivot between an above average season and a mediocre one.

Tacoma Ute
02-25-2013, 11:36 AM
Fixed the typo. I had OSU twice and no WSU. OSU would be a great home win. Who knows how much WSU will have improved by that point of the season. I thought they'd be much better than they were last year.

We've played a couple awful games against ASU. I'm thinking/hoping we will be highly motivated and well prepared for some revenge.

I think winning @ Arizona would be huge. If they don't there will very likely be at least a 3 game losing streak in the middle of the season. Maybe longer.

02-25-2013, 12:10 PM
Why can't this year be like 2003? Try and go back into the time machine and see how many wins we were looking at with a non-con of Texas A&M, Cal and Oregon, and road trips to CSU, AFA and BYU?

I thought 7-4 would have been exceptional. Instead we got 10 and our first outright title since the 50s.

This is an easy comparison to make, because 2002 marked our last losing season until last year. Not really dealing with a huge sample size here in modern times. But we're getting some infusion into the coaching staff in DE and the schedule is prohibiting most of us from dreaming big. I'm not predicting a 10-win season, but I'm not flatly dismissing it, either. But to get there, we need some big-boy notches in our belt. Not sure if OSU would qualify, because it's early and we have to win that game no matter what if we're to sniff a bowl. I also believe the Beavers will not be at the level they were for most of last year.

If we're to get to 10 wins, we gotta get at least one win out of Stanford, USC or Oregon. I think we'll get UCLA at home. Getting to 10 wins means taking care of business at home and beating Arizona on the road. I don't think this team has the makeup to start 7-0, which would mean beating Stanford. USC is a complete wildcard -- they'll either be hitting stride or sinking fast. So let me be the first one to suggest that we'll beat Oregon next year at Autzen, finish 10-2 and 2nd in the South, throttle Oklahoma in the Alamo Bowl, finish as the highest 2-loss team in the nation (prolly 6th or 7th) and find ourselves on a darkhorse list of national title contenders for 2014.

Tacoma Ute
02-25-2013, 12:19 PM
Why can't this year be like 2003? Try and go back into the time machine and see how many wins we were looking at with a non-con of Texas A&M, Cal and Oregon, and road trips to CSU, AFA and BYU?

I thought 7-4 would have been exceptional. Instead we got 10 and our first outright title since the 50s.

This is an easy comparison to make, because 2002 marked our last losing season until last year. Not really dealing with a huge sample size here in modern times. But we're getting some infusion into the coaching staff in DE and the schedule is prohibiting most of us from dreaming big. I'm not predicting a 10-win season, but I'm not flatly dismissing it, either. But to get there, we need some big-boy notches in our belt. Not sure if OSU would qualify, because it's early and we have to win that game no matter what if we're to sniff a bowl. I also believe the Beavers will not be at the level they were for most of last year.

If we're to get to 10 wins, we gotta get at least one win out of Stanford, USC or Oregon. I think we'll get UCLA at home. Getting to 10 wins means taking care of business at home and beating Arizona on the road. I don't think this team has the makeup to start 7-0, which would mean beating Stanford. USC is a complete wildcard -- they'll either be hitting stride or sinking fast. So let me be the first one to suggest that we'll beat Oregon next year at Autzen, finish 10-2 and 2nd in the South, throttle Oklahoma in the Alamo Bowl, finish as the highest 2-loss team in the nation (prolly 6th or 7th) and find ourselves on a darkhorse list of national title contenders for 2014.

That would be a great scenario. It would require great improvement on the lines and at the QB. I think Stanford is a more likely win than USC or Oregon simply because it's at home.I could see your scenario if everything is clicking. There's only 2 sure wins IMHO though. If we start dropping some of those others it could go south in a hurry. I'd be happy with 8-4. Thrilled with 10-2. I wouldn't be that shocked if we only managed 5 or 6 though.

Jeromy in SLC
02-25-2013, 12:20 PM
Not sure if OSU would qualify, because it's early and we have to win that game no matter what if we're to sniff a bowl. I also believe the Beavers will not be at the level they were for most of last year.

This is something I can agree with. Marcus Wheaton was a HUGE part of the Beavers offensive success last year (and before that). Cook will probably take his place as their #1 receiver, but aside from his speed, he never impressed me as much as Wheaton. Wheaton was very fast, has great hands, and a knack for getting open. He will be missed and getting OSU early before they will likely have finished the "shake-down cruise" offensively is a big advantage.

02-25-2013, 12:45 PM
I look at a couple of games as indicators of the season. OSU is a bellwether game. If we can't win that one, this will be a looooong season. ASU is a swing game. Winning that game is probably the pivot between an above average season and a mediocre one.

plus, it is a "get that monkey off our back" game. We need to make a statement in the South. We have competed toe to toe with, or beat, every other team in the South, but ASU has our number. I worry about the ARizona game as well - on the road versus Rich Rod... These are the types of games that Dennis Erickson's experience will help us, hopefully, perform better than the last 2 years.

Tacoma Ute
02-25-2013, 01:10 PM
plus, it is a "get that monkey off our back" game. We need to make a statement in the South. We have competed toe to toe with, or beat, every other team in the South, but ASU has our number. I worry about the ARizona game as well - on the road versus Rich Rod... These are the types of games that Dennis Erickson's experience will help us, hopefully, perform better than the last 2 years.

The last 6 quarters of football we played against ASU were very disheartening. It just looked like we were grossly over matched. I want to get them back badly.

02-25-2013, 07:49 PM
The last 6 quarters of football we played against ASU were very disheartening. It just looked like we were grossly over matched. I want to get them back badly.

Isn't ASU pretty young too? Their QB was a Frosh/Sophomore right? He lit us up and I pray he doesn't again.

Jarid in Cedar
02-25-2013, 08:06 PM
Isn't ASU pretty young too? Their QB was a Frosh/Sophomore right? He lit us up and I pray he doesn't again.

He was a soph

Tacoma Ute
02-25-2013, 08:11 PM
Isn't ASU pretty young too? Their QB was a Frosh/Sophomore right? He lit us up and I pray he doesn't again.

The way we played against them last year ASU could have won with Pee Wee Herman at QB.

Hot Lunch
02-26-2013, 09:25 AM
I look at a couple of games as indicators of the season. OSU is a bellwether game. If we can't win that one, this will be a looooong season. ASU is a swing game. Winning that game is probably the pivot between an above average season and a mediocre one.

I have to agree with you on this one. I have pinned the OSU game as an indicator on how the season is going to play out.

03-02-2013, 01:00 PM
Looks like this kid Jonathan Solis is going to Walk on. Seems to be a friend of Brandon Cox. https://twitter.com/SoBeastSwagg12

LA Ute
03-12-2013, 08:35 AM
The first of a 6-part series by Brandon Gurney on Utah's spring practice (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865575464/Utah-spring-practice-preview-Offensive-backfield.html). This one's on the offensive backfield.

(http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865575464/Utah-spring-practice-preview-Offensive-backfield.html)SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah football program begins its spring practice session next week with some new faces and intriguing story lines. Most of the intrigue surrounds the changes coming to the Ute offense under new offensive coordinator Dennis Erickson (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865573788/Utah-Utes-football-Another-whistle-stop-for-Dennis-Erickson.html?pg=all) along with the continued development of quarterback Travis Wilson....

UteBeliever aka Port
03-12-2013, 09:31 AM
The first of a 6-part series by Brandon Gurney on Utah's spring practice (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865575464/Utah-spring-practice-preview-Offensive-backfield.html). This one's on the offensive backfield.


It's wonderful that DesNews coverage of the Utes is being done by a "reporter" with a long, long history of being a BYU homer.

03-12-2013, 10:00 AM
It's wonderful that DesNews coverage of the Utes is being done by a "reporter" with a long, long history of being a BYU homer.

More than that, I enjoyed the fact that it was supposedly an article written by Gurney, but all it was was quotes from Dan Sorenson.

LA Ute
03-12-2013, 10:04 AM
It's wonderful that DesNews coverage of the Utes is being done by a "reporter" with a long, long history of being a BYU homer.

I enjoyed that. It does seem that Gurney is trying hard to be a real journalist, in terms of objectivity. I'll give him credit for that.

Hot Lunch
03-12-2013, 01:03 PM
It's wonderful that DesNews coverage of the Utes is being done by a "reporter" with a long, long history of being a BYU homer.

I was just thinking this. I like Gurney. He is a good dude. Why is he covering Utah football? Isn't he the beat writer for all of BYU sports for the DesNews?

03-12-2013, 02:47 PM
I was just thinking this. I like Gurney. He is a good dude. Why is he covering Utah football? Isn't he the beat writer for all of BYU sports for the DesNews?

I don't know GMan hardly at all, but other than constantly looking like he's just swallowed the third bite of a pastrami sandwich, my issue with him is that he was a hater. I don't think you go from hater to objective reporter, ever. Ever, ever.

Anyone remember his "On the Hill" series on CB, where he would post faux random interviews of people he met on campus at the U while he was a student? The big point of this hilariously clever 18 part series was that Utah students didn't care about Utah Football during Ron McBride's tenure. Well, no shiznits, GMan. Some of the PLAYERS didn't care about Utah Football during Ron McBride's tenure. I was in the stadium with 12,000 other fans against UNLV during McBride's last year, and I didn't care about Utah Football.

The worst kind of fan of the BYU is the fan that went to Weber, or UVU, or Stevens Henager, or the Utah Technical College. The uber worst kind is the kind that went to the U, and GMan is the big cheese of the uber worst kind of BYU fan. Anybody who attends one school but is a die hard fan of the arch rival to that school needs to have a permanent big glass of shut the hell up. GMan is certainly in this category, and he used to work for Total Blue Sports, which makes him some kind of ultrazoob comprised of the parts of other, lesser zoobs. All of the self righteousness, without the requisite ACT score, or something.

And finally, GMan once told me the following two things on Utefans:

1. A wide receiver corps of Val Hale's son, Todd Christensen's son, and a person named Cody Fonnesbeck would be better than a corps of Savoy, Warren, and Moa.

2. After the 2002 BYU-Utah game, it would be a very long time before Utah would taste success against BYU again, if ever.

Look, maybe GMan finally got the memo that the 1980s are over and BYU ain't the big dog they were, but I think I'll probably stick with information from a guy like Tony Jones who didn't once have an inappropriate relationship with a Cosmo Cougar plush.

LA Ute
03-12-2013, 03:12 PM
I guess I missed all that since I visit Cougarboard about once a year. I guess the guy now has a job and can't do well making a living out of Ute-bashing?

Rocker Ute
03-12-2013, 04:03 PM
I guess I missed all that since I visit Cougarboard about once a year. I guess the guy now has a job and can't do well making a living out of Ute-bashing?

Ah Cougarboard, the place that called my 17-year-old seminary council niece posing in a picture with Dieter Uchtdorf a slut, all while calling into question the judgment of Pres Uchtdorf for allowing himself to be photographed with such a hussy. There is a special place in hell for these people.

UteBeliever aka Port
03-12-2013, 04:29 PM
I don't know GMan hardly at all, but other than constantly looking like he's just swallowed the third bite of a pastrami sandwich, my issue with him is that he was a hater. I don't think you go from hater to objective reporter, ever. Ever, ever.

Anyone remember his "On the Hill" series on CB, where he would post faux random interviews of people he met on campus at the U while he was a student? The big point of this hilariously clever 18 part series was that Utah students didn't care about Utah Football during Ron McBride's tenure. Well, no shiznits, GMan. Some of the PLAYERS didn't care about Utah Football during Ron McBride's tenure. I was in the stadium with 12,000 other fans against UNLV during McBride's last year, and I didn't care about Utah Football.

The worst kind of fan of the BYU is the fan that went to Weber, or UVU, or Stevens Henager, or the Utah Technical College. The uber worst kind is the kind that went to the U, and GMan is the big cheese of the uber worst kind of BYU fan. Anybody who attends one school but is a die hard fan of the arch rival to that school needs to have a permanent big glass of shut the hell up. GMan is certainly in this category, and he used to work for Total Blue Sports, which makes him some kind of ultrazoob comprised of the parts of other, lesser zoobs. All of the self righteousness, without the requisite ACT score, or something.

And finally, GMan once told me the following two things on Utefans:

1. A wide receiver corps of Val Hale's son, Todd Christensen's son, and a person named Cody Fonnesbeck would be better than a corps of Savoy, Warren, and Moa.

2. After the 2002 BYU-Utah game, it would be a very long time before Utah would taste success against BYU again, if ever.

Look, maybe GMan finally got the memo that the 1980s are over and BYU ain't the big dog they were, but I think I'll probably stick with information from a guy like Tony Jones who didn't once have an inappropriate relationship with a Cosmo Cougar plush.


UteBeliever aka Port
03-12-2013, 04:30 PM
I guess I missed all that since I visit Cougarboard about once a year. I guess the guy now has a job and can't do well making a living out of Ute-bashing?

Maybe, but considering his past and the gutter in which his allegiances lie, it's worthwhile to remind as many Ute fans as much as possible who this guy is so that they have the chance to quit giving this guy food money for pretending to be objective about Utah sports.

Diehard Ute
03-12-2013, 04:40 PM
And part of this is the way the Deseret News and KSL have chosen to do business

They regularly use 'amateur' reporters now who contribute as they have gutted their reporter staff.

Utah gymnastics is now covered at home by Amy Donaldson, who has always been a columnist. For years the Deseret News has just used some local college reporter to cover the team on the road.

There have been several articles in the media regarding the fall of KSL , who now trails KUTV in the ratings by approximately 9 points. Part of that fall is attributed to KSL/DN's lack of professional reporters and their desire to report everything in a religious/faith based way.

Jeromy in SLC
03-12-2013, 06:48 PM
The uber worst kind is the kind that went to the U, and GMan is the big cheese of the uber worst kind of BYU fan. Anybody who attends one school but is a die hard fan of the arch rival to that school needs to have a permanent big glass of shut the hell up.

I'll leave this right here (go to 2:40 unless you enjoy singing)


Hot Lunch
03-12-2013, 10:02 PM
I don't know GMan hardly at all, but other than constantly looking like he's just swallowed the third bite of a pastrami sandwich, my issue with him is that he was a hater. I don't think you go from hater to objective reporter, ever. Ever, ever.

Anyone remember his "On the Hill" series on CB, where he would post faux random interviews of people he met on campus at the U while he was a student? The big point of this hilariously clever 18 part series was that Utah students didn't care about Utah Football during Ron McBride's tenure. Well, no shiznits, GMan. Some of the PLAYERS didn't care about Utah Football during Ron McBride's tenure. I was in the stadium with 12,000 other fans against UNLV during McBride's last year, and I didn't care about Utah Football.

The worst kind of fan of the BYU is the fan that went to Weber, or UVU, or Stevens Henager, or the Utah Technical College. The uber worst kind is the kind that went to the U, and GMan is the big cheese of the uber worst kind of BYU fan. Anybody who attends one school but is a die hard fan of the arch rival to that school needs to have a permanent big glass of shut the hell up. GMan is certainly in this category, and he used to work for Total Blue Sports, which makes him some kind of ultrazoob comprised of the parts of other, lesser zoobs. All of the self righteousness, without the requisite ACT score, or something.

And finally, GMan once told me the following two things on Utefans:

1. A wide receiver corps of Val Hale's son, Todd Christensen's son, and a person named Cody Fonnesbeck would be better than a corps of Savoy, Warren, and Moa.

2. After the 2002 BYU-Utah game, it would be a very long time before Utah would taste success against BYU again, if ever.

Look, maybe GMan finally got the memo that the 1980s are over and BYU ain't the big dog they were, but I think I'll probably stick with information from a guy like Tony Jones who didn't once have an inappropriate relationship with a Cosmo Cougar plush.

Ha! He sure nailed those statements.

I am actually excited about Tony Jones covering the Utes. By far the hardest working and best writer in the state.

03-13-2013, 09:45 AM
Ha! He sure nailed those statements.

I am actually excited about Tony Jones covering the Utes. By far the hardest working and best bear writer in the state.

Definitely, good bear writers are very rare in our neck of the woods!

Hot Lunch
03-13-2013, 09:56 AM
Definitely, good bear writers are very rare in our neck of the woods!

Ha, bear writers are few and far between.

Jarid in Cedar
03-13-2013, 11:15 AM
Definitely, good bear writers are very rare in our neck of the woods!

Exactly, first you have to speak bear. Second, you can't look tasty.

03-13-2013, 11:50 AM
There is a special place in hell for these people.

And football irrelevancy until then.

03-14-2013, 11:57 AM
Looks like the depth chart for spring is out. Your OL (for the first day at least) is (left to right): Poutasi, Tofaeono, Jones, Salt and Aiono with Albers, Bot, Lutui, Tuimauga and Lozano as the 2s (no Pouvave in the depth chart).

No Jarell Oliver listed at RB (York, Radley, Poole).

Nake Fakahafua is now Nate Orchard. Painfully thin at DE (left ends after Reilly who will not play during the spring are Palamo and Folahoula--yikes).

Hale/Fehoko/Whit at LB with Hooker, Masina, Filiaga and Norris all listed on the depth chart.

Blechen still at Safety. Corners are a jumble.

Other than that, it's all according to plan.

Diehard Ute
03-14-2013, 12:17 PM
Looks like the depth chart for spring is out. Your OL (for the first day at least) is (left to right): Poutasi, Tofaeono, Jones, Salt and Aiono with Albers, Bot, Lutui, Tuimauga and Lozano as the 2s (no Pouvave in the depth chart).

No Jarell Oliver listed at RB (York, Radley, Poole).

Nake Fakahafua is now Nate Orchard. Painfully thin at DE (left ends after Reilly who will not play during the spring are Palamo and Folahoula--yikes).

Hale/Fehoko/Whit at LB with Hooker, Masina, Filiaga and Norris all listed on the depth chart.

Blechen still at Safety. Corners are a jumble.

Other than that, it's all according to plan.

I didn't expect to see Pouvave, he's only 8 months out, no reason to put him in spring ball IMO.

I'd guess they'll use spring to see what they have at LB rather than play Blechen there, even if that's the plan.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Hot Lunch
03-14-2013, 10:11 PM
I didn't expect to see Pouvave, he's only 8 months out, no reason to put him in spring ball IMO.

I'd guess they'll use spring to see what they have at LB rather than play Blechen there, even if that's the plan.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

I was told by a certain friend of mine that Blechen was indeed moving to LB this spring. This certain friend would also be considered one of the most reliable people you could actually hear this information from. It was about 3 weeks ago when we had this conversation so things might have changed since then.

03-18-2013, 09:59 AM
I was told by a certain friend of mine that Blechen was indeed moving to LB this spring. This certain friend is would also be considered one of the most reliable people you could actually hear this information from. It was about 3 weeks ago when we had this conversation so things might have changed since then.

Blechen is Exhibit A of the kind of player who would (and did) excel in the MWC, but is exposed by the more sophisticated pass offenses in the Pac-12. If we were still in the MWC, he'd easily be on par with Steve Tate, who was hands down our most valuable player on defense in 2007 because we could take a LB off the field and play a lot 4-2-5 and not lose a beat against run-heavy offenses, which is what most of the MWC was. Tate's position was strong safety, but you could put him in the box on first down and have him wreak havoc (his 63 solo stops and 10.5 TFL on a 9-win team backs this up. So does the fact that the offenses we faced in the MWC that year were probably the worst collectively that we have seen in some time). Another side benefit to Tate's versatility is that it allowed us to do some really exotic things on defense, like dropping DEs into pass coverage.

Moving Blechen to LB will only be a success based on how much he improves against the pass. Or he might be a two-down LB who comes out in obvious passing downs in favor of an extra defensive back. That could work as well, but we need some predictability from offenses for it to be optimal.

LA Ute
03-18-2013, 10:04 AM
Kyle said that Brian would become a linebacker if the coaches felt comfortable about the defensive backs coming into the program. So this suggests that they do feel pretty good about those new players.

03-18-2013, 10:37 AM
Kyle said that Brian would become a linebacker if the coaches felt comfortable about the defensive backs coming into the program. So this suggests that they do feel pretty good about those new players.Sitake said last week on the radio that Blechen would likely play both depending on the team they play. He may see some time at Safety and Linebacker.

LA Ute
03-18-2013, 11:09 AM
Sitake said last week on the radio that Blechen would likely play both depending on the team they play. He may see some time at Safety and Linebacker.

Makes sense.

03-31-2013, 09:03 PM
The boards are slow. MOAR FOOTBALL


KSL has some pretty good coverage on each spring practice:

LA Ute
04-26-2013, 11:14 AM
We already were strong at tight end. This makes the situation even better. Our QBs Will not lack for targets.

04-26-2013, 12:18 PM
We already were strong at tight end. This makes the situation even better. Our QBs Will not lack for targets.

He'll play this year and obviously if he's that good he'll be a primary target, but I think his real impact will be in 2014 and 2015 after Tonga graduates and Jake Murphy either graduates or leaves early (he's on NFL radars and if he has a big year he could go skip his senior season).

LA Ute
04-26-2013, 12:24 PM
He'll play this year and obviously if he's that good he'll be a primary target, but I think his real impact will be in 2014 and 2015 after Tonga graduates and Jake Murphy either graduates or leaves early (he's on NFL radars and if he has a big year he could go skip his senior season).

So the new guy has 3 years to play. I didn't realize that. Good.

04-26-2013, 01:01 PM
So the new guy has 3 years to play. I didn't realize that. Good.

Yep, the NCAA had initially ruled that he didn't qualify for D-1 athletics out of high school. They have reversed that decision recently which made him recruitable to play instantly. He has three years to play three.

04-26-2013, 01:10 PM
Yep, the NCAA had initially ruled that he didn't qualify for D-1 athletics out of high school. They have reversed that decision recently which made him recruitable to play instantly. He has three years to play three.

If that is the case, why is he not allowed to use a redshirt year. I am thrilled to get him, but he seems like an ideal redshirt candidate.

04-26-2013, 01:27 PM
If that is the case, why is he not allowed to use a redshirt year. I am thrilled to get him, but he seems like an ideal redshirt candidate.

He redshirted his first year as a JuCo, and then played last year, so he has already used 2 years of eligibility, one of which was his redshirt year.

04-26-2013, 04:16 PM
He redshirted his first year as a JuCo, and then played last year, so he has already used 2 years of eligibility, one of which was his redshirt year.


04-27-2013, 09:24 PM
Yep, the NCAA had initially ruled that he didn't qualify for D-1 athletics out of high school. They have reversed that decision recently which made him recruitable to play instantly. He has three years to play three.

Two years at a JUCO is enough time to earn an associate's, which would make him eligible anyway. It also seems like a long time for the NCAA to make a decision on what should be a pretty open-and-shut case. Is there any more info out there that spells out just exactly how the NCAA reversed itself in this case?

05-01-2013, 10:51 AM
So, running QBs pretty much had their way with our defense last season. The Kaepernick plan - one read then run - is proving to be pretty hard to stop. Here are the 6-7 running QBs we will have to contain this year:

Keaton (USU), Hill (BYU), Hundley (UCLA), Hogan (Stanford), Scroggins (Arizona), Mariota (Oregon), maybe whoever gets the CU job

Let's hope our edge defenders have improved their speed and athleticism this year. Otherwise it could be a very very long year.

05-01-2013, 11:06 AM
Let's hope our edge defenders have improved their speed and athleticism this year. Otherwise it could be a very very long year.

It looks like we're going with the smaller, quicker DEs this year (Reilly, Orchard, Whittingham) so hopefully that gives us more athleticism there. But I'm pretty worried about these guys just getting blown away by bigger OL on every running play.

Diehard Ute
05-01-2013, 11:10 AM
It looks like we're going with the smaller, quicker DEs this year (Reilly, Orchard, Whittingham) so hopefully that gives us more athleticism there. But I'm pretty worried about these guys just getting blown away by bigger OL on every running play.

Orchard was there last year and was the biggest liability. It's not size, speed, athleticism, it is the lack of assignment football.

Orchard constantly got sucked inside, losing contain on his side and allowing big runs. Doesn't matter how much of an athlete you are if you're out of position. Hopefully that gets fixed.

05-01-2013, 01:29 PM
Do you guys think that the freshmen DEs (Tevi, Vaenuku) could potentially have an impact this year?

Jarid in Cedar
05-01-2013, 02:06 PM
Do you guys think that the freshmen DEs (Tevi, Vaenuku) could potentially have an impact this year?

I do. They are both bigger than Nate was as a freshman. And by all reports, they are more athletic than Joe was. I could see both as rotational guys. esp on certain situations.

Jarid in Cedar
05-06-2013, 12:27 PM
Not quite a fit for the 2014 recruiting thread, so I thought I would put it here.

The info is about 2 weeks old, but another addition for the 2013 class will be Evan Moeai. We beat out USC and Colorado for his commitment. He will be a 3 to play 3 player.

Evan Moeai (http://rivals.yahoo.com/utah/football/recruiting/player-Evan-Moeai-145915;_ylt=AvCrf9O7rM.rulsN_MjWFZaYuZB4)

Mormon Red Death
05-06-2013, 12:31 PM
Not quite a fit for the 2014 recruiting thread, so I thought I would put it here.

The info is about 2 weeks old, but another addition for the 2013 class will be Evan Moeai. We beat out USC and Colorado for his commitment. He will be a 3 to play 3 player.

Evan Moeai (http://rivals.yahoo.com/utah/football/recruiting/player-Evan-Moeai-145915;_ylt=AvCrf9O7rM.rulsN_MjWFZaYuZB4)

Kendrick brother right?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

05-06-2013, 12:34 PM
Not quite a fit for the 2014 recruiting thread, so I thought I would put it here.

The info is about 2 weeks old, but another addition for the 2013 class will be Evan Moeai. We beat out USC and Colorado for his commitment. He will be a 3 to play 3 player.

Evan Moeai (http://rivals.yahoo.com/utah/football/recruiting/player-Evan-Moeai-145915;_ylt=AvCrf9O7rM.rulsN_MjWFZaYuZB4)

We discussed him a bit one page earlier.

Jarid in Cedar
05-06-2013, 12:55 PM
We discussed him a bit one page earlier.


05-06-2013, 01:00 PM

Speaking of ashamed, what is the story on losing Korey Rush (an East High DE) to Arizona State? He is listed as having offers from ASU, USU, and Weber. Most sites have him as a top 5 player in the state. What's his story?

Jarid in Cedar
05-06-2013, 01:03 PM
Speaking of ashamed, what is the story on losing Korey Rush (an East High DE) to Arizona State? He is listed as having offers from ASU, USU, and Weber. Most sites have him as a top 5 player in the state. What's his story?

He is a reach by some reports and a big miss by others. He didn't have a Utah offer, despite the fact that they have evaluated him multiple times. Some think he is a "tweener" in our system(too slow for DE, too small(or projects too small) for DT. He may be a good fit for field DE in a 3-4 or 3-3-5(which is what ASU runs).

05-07-2013, 05:00 PM
ASU rumors have WR Josiah Blandin transferring from ASU to Utah.

LA Ute
05-07-2013, 05:10 PM
ASU rumors have WR Josiah Blandin transferring from ASU to Utah.

His tweet this morning saying he's coming to Utah:


His tweet saying he's leaving ASU:


His ASU bio:


05-07-2013, 05:12 PM
His tweet this morning saying he's coming to Utah

According to my ASU co-worker, he never cracked he 2-deep at ASU. Apparently he's following Erickson, who recruited him.

05-07-2013, 05:14 PM
His tweet this morning saying he's coming to Utah:


His tweet saying he's leaving ASU:


His ASU bio:


Does he have to sit out two years because he's transferring within the conference? Or did they get rid of that silly rule? Gotta imagine they did, and that he'll be a 3 to play 3 starting in 2014.

LA Ute
05-07-2013, 05:20 PM
According to my ASU co-worker, he never cracked he 2-deep at ASU. Apparently he's following Erickson, who recruited him.

6'3", 185. He has some decent size and may have gained some weight since the ASU bio was done. He was a 3-star coming out of high school.

05-07-2013, 05:20 PM
Does he have to sit out two years because he's transferring within the conference? Or did they get rid of that silly rule? Gotta imagine they did, and that he'll be a 3 to play 3 starting in 2014.

I thought we are still trying to figure out if the rule applies to the St. George kid who went to UA for a week. Has that been resolved?

Diehard Ute
05-07-2013, 05:23 PM
Does he have to sit out two years because he's transferring within the conference? Or did they get rid of that silly rule? Gotta imagine they did, and that he'll be a 3 to play 3 starting in 2014.

Nope. That rule is still in effect so he'll have 2 years left in 2014.

According the the PAC website he also has to pay his own way for the year he's sitting out.


05-07-2013, 05:34 PM
Nope. That rule is still in effect so he'll have 2 years left in 2014.

According the the PAC website he also has to pay his own way for the year he's sitting out.


So he forfeits a year, but he doesn't have to sit out an additional year?

This kid is obviously all-in with Erickson and Utah, since he could easily have gone JUCO this year, sign in December and join whomever he signs with for spring ball in 2014.

Jarid in Cedar
05-07-2013, 07:07 PM
His tweet this morning saying he's coming to Utah:


His tweet saying he's leaving ASU:


His ASU bio:


I have a membership on ASU's rivals site,and there is not even a single post about this. Odd.

05-09-2013, 10:32 AM
ESPN lists his 40 time as 5.04. He's a WR right? Cause uh, I'm 215 lbs and 30 yrs old and I'm pretty sure that's what I ran it in last week. http://espn.go.com/college-sports/football/recruiting/player/_/id/95879/josiah-blandin

Jarid in Cedar
06-19-2013, 10:04 AM
The receiving corp has been depleted the last few days. Pedroza was kicked off for violating team rules, and Shepard us going to miss the fall due to a class issue.

I don't know what to think about all of this as I have been critical of our" line change" approach to receivers. I think allowing the better receivers to spend more time on the field will be a plus. But you hate to see talent leave the team.

07-26-2013, 05:06 PM
A few post-media day thoughts.

1. I believe I heard that Travis Wilson is now 245 pounds of testosterone fueled fury. Is there any way that's correct? That's beefy! We're getting close to Jiggy territory at 245! Can you imagine him hurtling dudes at 6'7", 245? It will be like witnessing an equestrian event! All that surfer dude hair flinging around, that long stride, those glutes!!! Getting all steamy just thinking about it.

2. Whittingham said that he believes the defensive line will again be one of the best in the conference. Again???!? But anyway, Ianu is evidently on campus, hopefully without the Billy Idol peroxide hairdo. But whatever. So DT is Tenny P, Stevie T, Ianu, LT? I like that group, very very much. DE is Nate Orchard (much better if pronounced like a Frenchman - orSHARD), the Trucker, Dimick, Moses F, the Nephew, and Palamo. And what about Palamo, anyway? He was everybody's favorite, he was hyped like Garner Meads or something, and now he probably won't even get to sign a single autograph at FanFest, including from the hopelessly single dudes in their mid-50s wearing stained 1993 Freedom Bowl T-shirts, and those dudes even get signatures from swimmers. Anyway, I still love Palamo, he's full of piss and vinegar, and even though he played Rugby which means he has a bone in the middle of his brain, he's gonna bring it. I'm slightly more optimistic hearing Whittingham's take on the D line, because when has he ever pumped us up with the high seas of expectations only to be crushed on the harsh reef of reality? Or something.

4. RB is an interesting thing. York reminds me of Adam Tate, in limited minutes, but has there ever been a guy who just keeps getting injured who all of a sudden stops getting injured? If he stays healthy, blah blah blah. I would really like to see Booker make it from his JC, where I'm sure he's frantically studying for his very challenging final in Heterosexual Botany and Cabinetry, or whatever. I think that if Karl Williams receives significant snaps, it doesn't bode well for scoring the types of points that the scorekeeper will put on the scoreboard. Sort of like Tauni Vakapuna, if you will. What about Poole? What about Oliver? And what about Lucky Radley's abs? And how closely is he related to Corbin Bleu?

5. I think Whittingham has that very understated seething hatred of everything in the whole world thing going on, and I think that bodes well. Lots of chatter about how piss poor the Utes have been, how difficult the PAC 12 is, and how Utah Freaking State is clearly better than Utah. I think there's a big glass of shut the hell up waiting for the haters, and it will be served, with ice, at halftime of the Gildan New Mexico Bowl.

6. 245 POUNDS! That's twice what Jordan Wynn weighed.

Jarid in Cedar
07-28-2013, 12:05 PM
Watching Kelvin York's performance against Cal last year has me excited to watch him carry the load this season. He runs with violence, power, and speed.

07-28-2013, 12:50 PM
Running with violence. I want to see York turn into a thousand yard rusher right before our eyes.

Good article on DNews this morning about Jake Murphy and Reilly becoming outspoken leaders. That's a good sign to have leaders who take the season and the team's commitment personally.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

Jarid in Cedar
07-28-2013, 01:04 PM
Running with violence. I want to see York turn into a thousand yard rusher right before our eyes.

Good article on DNews this morning about Jake Murphy and Reilly becoming outspoken leaders. That's a good sign to have leaders who take the season and the team's commitment personally.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

He has the skill to do it. hopefully, he has the health.

07-28-2013, 01:32 PM
He has the skill to do it. hopefully, he has the health.

Senioritis waxes eloquent when he asked whether any oft-injured RB suddenly becomes rarely injured. I fear the answer is no.

07-28-2013, 04:29 PM
Senioritis waxes eloquent when he asked whether any oft-injured RB suddenly becomes rarely injured. I fear the answer is no.

Maybe the oft-injured RB does not become rarely injured, but fantasy footballers know there are oft injured RBs who still have impact games and seasons. AP, SJax, RunDMC, Bush, MJD.

Hot Lunch
07-28-2013, 05:06 PM
Watching Kelvin York's performance against Cal last year has me excited to watch him carry the load this season. He runs with violence, power, and speed.

York's one and only series vs. ASU convinced me that he was legit. He was the only bright spot. I was pissed that we continued to give an injured John White the IV the ball after what I saw Kelvin York do in pretty much his only series that game.

If York can stay healthy, it will be a great year for him.

Jarid in Cedar
07-28-2013, 05:33 PM
York's one and only series vs. ASU convinced me that he was legit. He was the only bright spot. I was pissed that we continued to give an injured John White the IV the ball after what I saw Kelvin York do in pretty much his only series that game.

If York can stay healthy, it will be a great year for him.

Especially after White's 2 or 3 fumbles.

07-29-2013, 08:21 AM
Since it's always a good indicator of actual success during the season, 'Kevin' York ran for ~1100 yards in my first season as Offensive Coordinator in NCAA 14 dysnasty.

LA Ute
07-29-2013, 06:45 PM
I don't even want to go near the comments section on this DesNews article:

Mike Sorensen: Ute schedule surpasses BYU's toughest ever slate (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865583752/Ute-schedule-surpasses-BYUs-toughest-ever-slate.html?pg=1)

SALT LAKE CITY — We’ve heard for the last several months about the strength of BYU’s upcoming football schedule. Just two weeks ago our paper ran a story by Jeff Call asking, “Will BYU’s schedule be toughest in school history?” with quotes by athletic director Tom Holmoe and coach Bronco Mendenhall talking about the tough slate.

Indeed, the schedule may be BYU’s toughest ever and is something to be proud of, particularly with the difficulties of producing an independent schedule. However, it’s not the toughest in the history of the state. That would be the University of Utah’s schedule — this year.

Utah certainly has its toughest schedule in history with nine teams that finished last season ranked in the top 44 in the nation, according to USA Today’s Sagarin final rankings....

Read the whole thing.

07-30-2013, 07:10 PM
I don't even want to go near the comments section on this DesNews article:

Mike Sorensen: Ute schedule surpasses BYU's toughest ever slate (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865583752/Ute-schedule-surpasses-BYUs-toughest-ever-slate.html?pg=1)

Read the whole thing.

Just another example of how pathetic the BYU Hype is.

07-30-2013, 07:59 PM
I don't even want to go near the comments section on this DesNews article:

Mike Sorensen: Ute schedule surpasses BYU's toughest ever slate (http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865583752/Ute-schedule-surpasses-BYUs-toughest-ever-slate.html?pg=1)

Read the whole thing.

Good Article. Definitely some good teams playing the in state teams.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-04-2013, 12:01 PM
Tevin Carter: In or out? Place your bets.

08-04-2013, 12:41 PM

Could be my overly-cynical father talking, but this doesn't smell right to these nostrils.

08-04-2013, 01:55 PM
In. He's listed in the pre-camp roster and mentioned as competing for a starting safety spot. I don't think they would have done this if his status was questionable.


08-04-2013, 02:31 PM
Out. I suspected something was afoot when Chaz Henderson made the flip to Defense.

08-04-2013, 02:35 PM
Out. I suspected something was afoot when Chaz Henderson made the flip to Defense.

Henderson made the switch last year during the season, before any of us ever heard of Carter. So that change has nothing to do with it. Still, I'm going with "out" until I see otherwise.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-04-2013, 02:36 PM
In. He's listed in the pre-camp roster and mentioned as competing for a starting safety spot. I don't think they would have done this if his status was questionable.

This was my sense as well as soon as I saw it on Friday but the Trib this morning was making it sound like not only hasn't it happened but that it wasn't going to happen. Granted, this was from Lya, not Tony. So I'm trying to keep it all in context.

USS Utah
08-04-2013, 02:46 PM
This was my sense as well as soon as I saw it on Friday but the Trib this morning was making it sound like not only hasn't it happened but that it wasn't going to happen. Granted, this was from Lya, not Tony. So I'm trying to keep it all in context.

Bryan Swinny called Lya out on Twitter for presenting speculation as fact.


08-05-2013, 07:31 AM
Bryan Swinny called Lya out on Twitter for presenting speculation as fact.


But then didn't provide any additional info, only hinted at something for those who pay to have "premium access" :rolleyes:

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-05-2013, 09:44 AM
But then didn't provide any additional info, only hinted at something for those who pay to have "premium access" :rolleyes:

Which I'm sure wasn't anything more than just "Carter is still waiting on a grade." Maybe we'll find out more today. Or he'll just be this year's daily camp update tease.

But camp starts today and I'm looking forward to more posts in this category than in the basketball recruiting category! Let's do this right!

08-05-2013, 11:03 AM
Which I'm sure wasn't anything more than just "Carter is still waiting on a grade." Maybe we'll find out more today. Or he'll just be this year's daily camp update tease.

But camp starts today and I'm looking forward to more posts in this category than in the basketball recruiting category! Let's do this right!If Lya says he's not coming then...there's probably a 65% chance he'll be here in a week or so.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-05-2013, 12:55 PM
If Lya says he's not coming then...there's probably a 65% chance he'll be here in a week or so.

Tony Jones tweeted that there's a chance he gets cleared by the weekend (best case scenario), but coaches think not until middle of next week. Fingers crossed.

Dwight Schr-Ute
08-05-2013, 03:43 PM
KSL doing a bang up job on Fall Camp. They've got almost an hour of chit chat (http://www.ksl.com/index.php?sid=26307474&nid=635&title=utes-camp-begins-with-slow-start-whittingham-disappointed) about what they saw today. Check it out.

Hot Lunch
08-05-2013, 04:02 PM
Tony Jones tweeted that there's a chance he gets cleared by the weekend (best case scenario), but coaches think not until middle of next week. Fingers crossed.

Tons of info coming out of camp today. There always is on the first day. Gioni Paul who is a transfer LB from Miami practiced today. This is a big deal. As true soph, he started 7 games and totaled 61 tackles. There is a chance he plays this year as well. Utah is petitioning the NCAA because of pending sanctions with the University of Miami. This would be an immediate upgrade to what we have at LB right now. I am not going to get my hopes up, the NCAA is one of the most crooked organizations there is.

08-05-2013, 04:28 PM
Tons of info coming out of camp today. There always is on the first day. Gioni Paul who is a transfer LB from Miami practiced today. This is a big deal. As true soph, he started 7 games and totaled 61 tackles. There is a chance he plays this year as well. Utah is petitioning the NCAA because of pending sanctions with the University of Miami. This would be an immediate upgrade to what we have at LB right now. I am not going to get my hopes up, the NCAA is one of the most crooked organizations there is.

Ain't that the truth.

HL, I for one hope that you'll be able to contribute a lot to this thread during the season. You're the man when it comes to college football here and any insight you can provide would be valuable and very educational.

08-05-2013, 04:35 PM
In. He's listed in the pre-camp roster and mentioned as competing for a starting safety spot. I don't think they would have done this if his status was questionable.


Meaningless. So was Aiona Key back in 2008, and he didn't see action until midseason.

I say in, but that he misses some games. The cynic in me says he doesn't travel to BYU, but the optimist in me says he'll make most of them.

08-05-2013, 04:40 PM
Tons of info coming out of camp today. There always is on the first day. Gioni Paul who is a transfer LB from Miami practiced today. This is a big deal. As true soph, he started 7 games and totaled 61 tackles. There is a chance he plays this year as well. Utah is petitioning the NCAA because of pending sanctions with the University of Miami. This would be an immediate upgrade to what we have at LB right now. I am not going to get my hopes up, the NCAA is one of the most crooked organizations there is.

This cannot be understated. It would be an absolutely massive break of good fortune for us if Paul can play immediately. However, I'm taking a more optimistic view of Paul than HL. Since the NCAA is in full-retreat mode with Miami and appears to be on the verge of conceding a ton in how it metes out punishment, I actually think our chances of seeing Paul play this year are pretty good.

Also, you can chalk Paul up to none other than Dennis Erickson, as Paul was an ASU commit before Al Golden got him to change his mind upon taking the Miami job.

08-08-2013, 01:47 PM
“@UtahUtesTickets: Ute fans, season tickets are being mailed out the end of this week, and into early next week. They'll hit mailboxes late next week. #utes”

08-14-2013, 02:34 PM
Just a random football thought about Utah’s struggles in the PAC-12.

Call it spin or whatever, but I’m inclined to believe that there is a psychological aspect of joining the PAC-12 that hasn’t been discussed much. I believe there is an added psychological incentive for PAC-12 schools to beat Utah that teams like an Arizona, Oregon State or Colorado don’t possess. I call it the shame aspect.

I’d argue that the incentive for an Arizona to defeat Utah is stronger than it is for Arizona to defeat Cal, simply based on Utah’s and Cal’s history (throwing out the North vs. South Division importance). I believe that losing to Utah brings more shame than losing to Cal (or even Colorado) does, based on the fact that Utah was deemed a lesser program coming from the MWC. Colorado doesn’t have that same shame being affiliated with the Big XII. I'd also argue that when Arizona prepares for Utah it’s more focused and has better preparation than facing another opponent. Fortunately as Utah becomes more ingrained in the PAC-12 this will fade.

Agree or disagree? And I wouldn't discount the fact that I'm simply looking at a way to explain away Utah's dismal performance over the past 2 seasons. I just want to alleviate some of the pain ;)

08-14-2013, 04:13 PM
Scorcho, I think I see where you are coming from but I don't know if I agree. Sure nobody want to lose to the new guy, but whether or not we got the other teams "best shot" is irrelevant to whether we gave it our best effort and still lost. Coaches try to use anything (rankings, rivalry, media articles, etc) to motivate their team each week so I am sure that teams may have said "let show this MWC team how we play in the PAC12." Either way it is no excuse for the loss to colorado in 2011. :shame:

Big Kahuna
08-14-2013, 07:16 PM
Scorcho, I think I see where you are coming from but I don't know if I agree. Sure nobody want to lose to the new guy, but whether or not we got the other teams "best shot" is irrelevant to whether we gave it our best effort and still lost. Coaches try to use anything (rankings, rivalry, media articles, etc) to motivate their team each week so I am sure that teams may have said "let show this MWC team how we play in the PAC12." Either way it is no excuse for the loss to colorado in 2011. :shame:

Every team we have beat in the PAC, with the exception of Oregon State and Washington State (due to Leach being just hired, Wulf gone) has fired their coach after the season concluded. I do think there is some shame factor involved.

There is a running joke that I tell U$C fans that if they really want Kiffen out just lose to Utah this year. Ask UCLA, UofA, WSU, CU, Cal about how it is done.

08-14-2013, 07:52 PM
Just a random football thought about Utah’s struggles in the PAC-12.

Call it spin or whatever, but I’m inclined to believe that there is a psychological aspect of joining the PAC-12 that hasn’t been discussed much. I believe there is an added psychological incentive for PAC-12 schools to beat Utah that teams like an Arizona, Oregon State or Colorado don’t possess. I call it the shame aspect.

I’d argue that the incentive for an Arizona to defeat Utah is stronger than it is for Arizona to defeat Cal, simply based on Utah’s and Cal’s history (throwing out the North vs. South Division importance). I believe that losing to Utah brings more shame than losing to Cal (or even Colorado) does, based on the fact that Utah was deemed a lesser program coming from the MWC. Colorado doesn’t have that same shame being affiliated with the Big XII. I'd also argue that when Arizona prepares for Utah it’s more focused and has better preparation than facing another opponent. Fortunately as Utah becomes more ingrained in the PAC-12 this will fade.

Agree or disagree? And I wouldn't discount the fact that I'm simply looking at a way to explain away Utah's dismal performance over the past 2 seasons. I just want to alleviate some of the pain ;)Sounds like making excuses. Utah has lost because the other teams have been better, particularly on offense and at the QB position. I never bought the crap about Alabama losing to Utah because they didn't want to be in a bowl against them, and I will not make excuses about Utah losing because teams are extra motivated to play them due to a "shame" factor.

08-15-2013, 09:27 AM
Just a random football thought about Utah’s struggles in the PAC-12.

Call it spin or whatever, but I’m inclined to believe that there is a psychological aspect of joining the PAC-12 that hasn’t been discussed much. I believe there is an added psychological incentive for PAC-12 schools to beat Utah that teams like an Arizona, Oregon State or Colorado don’t possess. I call it the shame aspect.

I don't know how it plays out on the field, but I think I agree with you generally. I think there is a superiority complex that other PAC teams have toward us or an inferiority complex we have toward them that is *somewhere* in the mix in these games. Not ultimately deciding games, but I do think it's affecting the mindset going in.

I think it's strongest (and most ironic) with ASU. Ironic only because they ain't that great and yet they look down upon us with the steepest stare in the conference. Regardless of how confident we are to beat them, the Devils just seem to assume or know they're going to beat us.

But take for instance UCLA. Pound for pound (i.e. compared to what they've earned) they're the snobbiest fans in the conference. Yet they know we've punched them in the mouth a couple times recently so it's cooled off their swagger around us. Sure, they still think they're hot @#$%, but they also know they have to put their dukes up when they line up against us.

We've not put those second thoughts into ASU yet, or Washington either. Until we beat them a couple of times, they'll still look down on us and count us as a "should win" no matter where it's played.

I don't necessarily agree with your thoughts on U of A or Colorado. I don't think there's a mental edge either way with the Wildcats. On the other hand, I got the sense from the Buffs that they do look down on us as inferior; they're Big 8 blood and we're the WAC bastards. I think that mental edge played a HUGE part in the debacle in SLC a couple years ago. Had it been anyone else in the league, the Buffs would have been mentally defeated before the kick. For some reason, as horribly awful as they were, they believed they could push Utah around--and I'll bet it was based on nothing more than where we came from. Mix that with our lackadaisical, pathetic, inexcusable effort that day (which was the lion's share of the loss) and you get one of the most damning and embarrassing losses in Ute history.

LA Ute
08-15-2013, 12:05 PM
I got the sense from the Buffs that they do look down on us as inferior; they're Big 8 blood and we're the WAC bastards. I think that mental edge played a HUGE part in the debacle in SLC a couple years ago. Had it been anyone else in the league, the Buffs would have been mentally defeated before the kick. For some reason, as horribly awful as they were, they believed they could push Utah around--and I'll bet it was based on nothing more than where we came from. Mix that with our lackadaisical, pathetic, inexcusable effort that day (which was the lion's share of the loss) and you get one of the most damning and embarrassing losses in Ute history.

That was the most disgusting Utah loss I've ever seen. And I've seen my share.

08-15-2013, 03:43 PM
Sounds like making excuses. Utah has lost because the other teams have been better, particularly on offense and at the QB position. I never bought the crap about Alabama losing to Utah because they didn't want to be in a bowl against them, and I will not make excuses about Utah losing because teams are extra motivated to play them due to a "shame" factor.

Agreed. Sure, if fans were the ones playing the game it might be valid but I strongly doubt that's the message coming from guys like Rich Rodriguez and Todd Graham, coaches who have been a part of the Pac-12 even less than Utah

Hot Lunch
08-16-2013, 09:49 AM
This cannot be understated. It would be an absolutely massive break of good fortune for us if Paul can play immediately. However, I'm taking a more optimistic view of Paul than HL. Since the NCAA is in full-retreat mode with Miami and appears to be on the verge of conceding a ton in how it metes out punishment, I actually think our chances of seeing Paul play this year are pretty good.

Also, you can chalk Paul up to none other than Dennis Erickson, as Paul was an ASU commit before Al Golden got him to change his mind upon taking the Miami job.

When camp started, the coaches said that we would know by Aug. 16th if Paul will be eligible. Fingers crossed we get some good news.

Jarid in Cedar
08-16-2013, 10:13 AM
When camp started, the coaches said that we would know by Aug. 16th if Paul will be eligible. Fingers crossed we get some good news.

We are due for some good news, but I don't think it will be this.

Hot Lunch
08-16-2013, 10:17 AM
We are due for some good news, but I don't think it will be this.

I don't either. I prayed for it this morning though. :rockon:

08-16-2013, 12:20 PM
I don't either. I prayed for it this morning though. :rockon:Don't think it will happen. If Blechan can't go, then that will be worse news. Paul being eligible would be the best possible news we could get for the LBs.

LA Ute
08-18-2013, 03:22 PM
A site called College Football Universe says Utah's schedule is 5th in the U.S.


Mormon Red Death
08-18-2013, 05:24 PM
When camp started, the coaches said that we would know by Aug. 16th if Paul will be eligible. Fingers crossed we get some good news.

Is he eligible?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

Jarid in Cedar
08-18-2013, 06:42 PM
Is he eligible?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

No word yet.

Diehard Ute
08-18-2013, 07:39 PM
Is he eligible?

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

There really is no timetable.

It's not eligibility that's the issue, it's whether NCAA sanctions will allow Miami players who transferred to skip the sit out year and play immediately.

The NCAA has made no announcements on those sanctions as of yet, and there's really no timetable for it. The 16th was the earliest date something could be announced.

LA Ute
08-20-2013, 07:16 PM
Utah economy benefiting from Pac-12 membership (http://www.ksl.com/index.php?sid=26515031&nid=635&title=utah-economy-benefiting-from-pac-12-membership&fm=home_page&s_cid=queue-1)

SALT LAKE CITY — The University of Utah last week unveiled their new Spence and Cleone Eccles Football Center — a facility administrators and coaches said would not be possible without being in the Pac-12. However, the school is not the only group to benefit from the Pac-12, according to a new study.

The study, conducted by the U's Center for Public Policy & Administration and the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, found that Utah's involvement in the Pac-12 has brought "substantial" economic growth to the state as has "improved perceptions of the U and the state."

Read the whole thing.

LA Ute
08-20-2013, 09:32 PM
These came today. I have 5 this season and will likely have some available for some games. So be nice to me!!! ;)


08-20-2013, 09:50 PM
These came today. I have 5 this season and will likely have some available for some games. So be nice to me!!! ;)


Wow, those are pretty. Let me know if Stanford comes up for sale. I can't wait to watch those big shots go down.

08-20-2013, 10:04 PM
These came today. I have 5 this season and will likely have some available for some games. So be nice to me!!! ;)


I need two more than I have for weber state. This is not a joke.

UteBeliever aka Port
08-20-2013, 10:10 PM
I need two more than I have for weber state. This is not a joke.

I will very likely have two tickets for the Weber State game. And it won't be hard for you to pick these up from me. I gather you live pretty close to me. Both my sons have football games that day and with the noon start, I'm pretty darned sure I won't be attending that game.

LA Ute
08-20-2013, 10:12 PM
I need two more than I have for weber state. This is not a joke.

As the game nears, let me know. Between Port and me we'll probably be able to take care of you.

08-20-2013, 10:14 PM
I just can't wait for the epic showdown with the Wildcats!

08-20-2013, 11:48 PM
Utah economy benefiting from Pac-12 membership (http://www.ksl.com/index.php?sid=26515031&nid=635&title=utah-economy-benefiting-from-pac-12-membership&fm=home_page&s_cid=queue-1)

Read the whole thing.


08-20-2013, 11:51 PM
These came today. I have 5 this season and will likely have some available for some games. So be nice to me!!! ;)


Hey, LA! Remember that time I saved your dog from a life of crime by convincing him not to run with that pack of street hounds?

Just sayin'.

08-21-2013, 02:11 PM
My brother and I were talking about how much Star played last year and it got me thinking about this year and how our situation could be better.

From what I've heard, Star played over 90% of the defensive snaps last year-that will make anyone exhuasted, especially with how often our D was on the field. I'm not sure how much of that was lack of confidence in the backups or just the coaches wanting Star on the field. But this year, with a good rotation, the production could be better.

Star at 80% is still one of the best DT's in the country. But what happened when Star got down to 70%, 60%, or even lower? When watching the tape, Star didn't take plays off, but it was clear that he had nothing in the tank at times. While he commanded respect, it's hard to produce.

This year, I believe that we have a very solid rotation starting with Palepoi. Regardless of who starts opposite of him, I hope that they both rotate regularly. I'm fully confident in LT Tuipulotu, Seni Fauonuku, and Sese Ianu. I'm hopeful based off of some reports that Latu Heimuli can be on that level as well and I'm excited for Sam Tevi. That gives us 4 solid starters and 2 more that can hopefully be on that level. If the coaches don't have confidence in a couple of them, they can still put them in with Palepoi, as he will command the respect. I think we are deep enough that no DT should have to be in when he is less than 80%. This will keep fresh legs in and should help production (which will also significantly help the LBs)

All in all, Star is undoubtedly one of the best players to come through the U, but the key to a good line in my opinion is depth and rotation. If Orchard can take the next step and we get consistent production from the opposite side whether that be Reilly, Palamo, or whomever, I really believe that this years DL will be better-at least more productive, than last years.

08-28-2013, 08:23 AM
Per Kyle Whittingham on the coachs show last night. (Still trying to track down audio).

I like Brian, but if he has tendinitis, then we are better off with someone else playing. I'll be interested to see if we throw a redshirt on him and try again next year.

BTW, sorry if this was mentioend elsewhere, there are so many threads here that I didn't take time to look them all over. So, I did the only considerate thing, and that is to add another thread and clog up the forum even more! :)

LA Ute
08-28-2013, 09:29 AM
Per Kyle Whittingham on the coachs show last night. (Still trying to track down audio).

I like Brian, but if he has tendinitis, then we are better off with someone else playing. I'll be interested to see if we throw a redshirt on him and try again next year.

BTW, sorry if this was mentioend elsewhere, there are so many threads here that I didn't take time to look them all over. So, I did the only considerate thing, and that is to add another thread and clog up the forum even more! :)

I merged this with the "2013 Utah Utes football thread, just to try keeping general football stuff in one thread.

08-28-2013, 10:10 AM
I merged this with the "2013 Utah Utes football thread, just to try keeping general football stuff in one thread.

Thank you sir!

LA Ute
08-28-2013, 10:35 AM
Thank you sir!

Thank you. Your posts are terrific!

09-01-2013, 09:51 AM
Feeling good about our chances to start 4-0. Oregon State put up a lot if points against an apparently good D2 team. But still should not be taken lightly. I haven't seen the byu Virginia game yet but the highlights I looked at seemed like they are a tough running team w Williams but not a great passing team. That bodes well for us in that game. We should handle weber State.

The. Ucla comes to town. We better get a lot tougher on defense for that game. Glad we don't have a real marquee matchup until 5 weeks in as that will give us time to develop and hopefully gain confidence.

Jarid in Cedar
09-01-2013, 10:22 AM
It is amazing what actually seeing a little football will do for lifting some of the unease that had settled over the off season.

I want to see a commanding performance Saturday. Something in the 49-7 range with the starters out after the first drive of the second half

09-01-2013, 10:32 AM
A Ute offense that can move the chains, sustain drives, and burn possession time off the clock (As well as score points)... will go a long way to help our defensive stats.

If Wilson continues his progression and can stay healthy... we have reason for some optimism. I still haven't lost sight of the brutal reality of this schedule however. This season still looks to be the toughest Ute schedule ever.

09-01-2013, 12:36 PM
Feeling good about our chances to start 4-0.

I would have felt better about a 14-10 OSU win. The fact that they scored 45 points worries me. Mannion was accurate, and that WR obviously knows how to get open. I think we'll need to score some real points to win. Don't forget VaTech in 2010. They lost to James Madison and went on to play in the Orange Bowl.

BYU will be a toss up like usual.

But yeah, 4-0 is a real possibility, and I am excited to see it happen.

09-01-2013, 01:07 PM
I would have felt better about a 14-10 OSU win. The fact that they scored 45 points worries me. Mannion was accurate, and that WR obviously knows how to get open. I think we'll need to score some real points to win. Don't forget VaTech in 2010. They lost to James Madison and went on to play in the Orange Bowl.

BYU will be a toss up like usual.

But yeah, 4-0 is a real possibility, and I am excited to see it happen.

Their offense has weapons for sure. We will know more about them after they play Hawaii this weekend.

09-01-2013, 03:29 PM
I would have felt better about a 14-10 OSU win. The fact that they scored 45 points worries me. Mannion was accurate, and that WR obviously knows how to get open. I think we'll need to score some real points to win. Don't forget VaTech in 2010. They lost to James Madison and went on to play in the Orange Bowl.

BYU will be a toss up like usual.

But yeah, 4-0 is a real possibility, and I am excited to see it happen.

We need to watch this. Brandin Cooks was injured on the play before OSU's missed FG that would've tied the game. Mike Riley didn't know how serious it was, but it stands to reason even something that causes Cooks to miss next week could be an advantage for us.

LA Ute
09-01-2013, 03:40 PM
Two teams on our schedule this year made this weekend's Misery Index (http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2013/09/01/week-1-college-football-misery-index-georgia/2753353/):

5. Southern California: Trojans fans used to sort of defend coach Lane Kiffin, and it was kind of cute. But then last year happened, and OHMYGODWHATWASTHATINHAWAIIONTHURSDAY? Seriously, though, what was that? Quarterback indecision, shaky play on both sides of the line of scrimmage, trailing 5-3 deep into the second quarter against one of the worst teams in the Football Bowl Subdivision? Part of being a miserable fan base is building up ridiculous expectations only to see them wither away into acceptance of mediocrity. With USC, it is happening before our very eyes....

7. BYU: It's one thing to be a fan of a mediocre team, but if that's your lot in life, don't you at least want to be a fan of an unpredictable mediocre team? The Cougars pretty much picked up where they left off last year, losing 19-16 at Virginia, the only difference being that they are running their offense faster. But faster doesn't mean better when it's BYU. Think of it this way. Would you rather watch Taysom Hill complete 13 of 40 passes the way he did against Virginia, or six of 20? I thought so.

UteBeliever aka Port
09-01-2013, 04:19 PM
Their offense has weapons for sure. We will know more about them after they play Hawaii this weekend.

EWU is a better team and better coached. Hawaii won't tell us anything more than their game vs. EWU

09-01-2013, 04:41 PM
EWU is a better team and better coached. Hawaii won't tell us anything more than their game vs. EWU

I don't know whether this is true or not. You must have made some kind of comparison.

What I do know is 2 games from this season to study OSU is better than one. Plus we will know how successfully they mentally deal with the loss to ewu by watching how they play this weekend against UH.

09-02-2013, 12:32 PM
BYU hasn't been a toss up game since the early 90's.

09-02-2013, 12:34 PM
BYU hasn't been a toss up game since the early 90's.

Then call it a tough game. It usually is a game that could still go either way in the 4th quarter.

LA Ute
09-02-2013, 12:35 PM
BYU hasn't been a toss up game since the early 90's.

I wish that were true but if you look at the scores of the games it's not. True, when we win it has been with blowouts, but that's not the case in the majority of games since the early 90s.

09-02-2013, 12:46 PM
Agreed. And, given how frequently our D gives up big plays, anything can happen. My view of our D/coaches has not been sanguine for some time.

I wish that were true but if you look at the scores of the games it's not. True, when we win it has been with blowouts, but that's not the case in the majority of games since the early 90s.

09-04-2013, 09:09 AM
BYU hasn't been a toss up game since the early 90's.

LOL. Yep, it's a series chock-full of blowouts by favorites and huge underdogs rolling over in submission.

09-04-2013, 03:02 PM
BYU hasn't been a toss up game since the early 90's.

You are absolutely right, except for 2012, 2012, 2012, 2010, 2009. 2007, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1994, and 1993.

Otherwise it is not even close (more than one TD).

LA Ute
09-04-2013, 03:07 PM
You are absolutely right, except for 2012, 2010, 2009. 2007, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1994, and 1993.

Otherwise it is not even close (more than one TD).

You should have counted 2012 three times.

"It's men in shorts."

-- Rick Majerus

09-04-2013, 03:13 PM
You should have counted 2012 three times.

"It's men in shorts."

-- Rick Majerus


LA Ute
09-04-2013, 03:41 PM
