View Full Version : What will the offense look like?

02-19-2013, 08:01 AM
I posted this over on Rivals, but it didn't get much traction. I guess the things I am most interested in seeing this spring are:

1) What the offense will look like and whose terminology they will use. If DE is going to call the plays, I have to assume that they will use his terminology, even if the schemes are the same.

2) Whether the OL will be improved. IMO, nothing else much matters offensively if the OL is not improved.

3) The demeanor of the team.

Someone on Utefans posted some references to articles from smartfootball. com that talk about Erickson and his offensive style. Here are the most in-depth.
smartfootball.com/offense/the-original-one-back-spread -offense; http://smartfootball.com/offense/why-every-team-should-apply-the-constraint-theory-of-offense.
I have no idea what he will end up doing at Utah, but I found this quote from a different article
smartfootball.com/.../strategic-trends-for-the-next-decade-start-with-defense interesting:

The spread and pro-style offenses will learn to coexist
College offenses constantly go in and out of vogue, which means the spread-offense craze is bound to plateau (if it hasn't already). [Ed Note: Yes it has (http://smartfootball.blogspot.com/2006/01/has-spread-offense-reached-its-apex.html), if the goal is to give underdogs a better chance (http://smartfootball.blogspot.com/2009/05/david-strategies-and-goliath-strategies.html).] Last season, the spread still thrived for teams like Pac-10 champion Oregon, Big East champion Cincinnati and 13-1 Florida. However, Alabama won the national championship with a more traditional, pro-style offense, Stanford defied the trend of recent upstarts by utilizing an old-school, smash-mouth offense and Nebraska's disruptive defense showed it's possible to shut down a wide-open attack like Texas'.
So will the recent influx of NFL-influenced coaches like Washington's Steve Sarkisian and USC's Kiffin kill the spread? Not exactly. Spread gurus like Notre Dame's Brian Kelly and Mississippi State's Dan Mullen keep importing it at new locations, and Arizona State's Dennis Erickson ? a veteran of both levels ? is one of several coaches implementing a version of former Texas Tech coach Mike Leach's Air Raid attack this season.
Instead, the future is likely a hybrid of both systems.
"The great thing would be the combination of both ? spread it out and throw it, then be able to do it with two tight ends and run the ball with some power," said Erickson. "It's just the evolution of football. I really believe if you can have a combination of all that stuff and confuse [defenses] with different personnel groups, that's what it's all about."

It seems to me that this is what the Utes were trying to accomplish last year. The shortfall, IMO, came from a combination of things that if you look at the first article, make a lot of sense. 1) Poor play calling. I don't think we ever had a good handle on the base plays that would work schematically against the base defenses we were facing and instead tried to rely on constraint plays to trick the defense. I think this is a result of BJ's lack of experience. It is one thing to choose from among 4 or 5 plays hand picked to run against a specific alignment a series or two a game and another to game plan and play select for an entire game. BJ proved that he could do the former as a player. The initial evidence on the latter is not in his favor, but the jury is still out;
2) After Wynn went down we did not have a QB who could make adjustments at the line of scrimmage based on the defensive adjustments. Assume we had a pass called that would be great against a 2 deep cover 2 and instead the defense shows 1 deep. First, I am not sure that either Hays or Wilson had the ability to detect that in the couple seconds they had at the line of scrimmage because it took so long to get the play call in and Second, I don't know they could quickly make the change if they did. Does Wilson have the ability to do that in the future. All indications are yes, but he will need to get the play and get to the line of scrimmage with more then 4 or 5 seconds left on the play clock; 3) our personnel was not good enough to beat the opposition even when the play call gave us the schematic advantage. I think this was a huge issue throughout the year although I think Finn did a great job in getting the OL to improve. Of every position group, I believe OL was the only group that outperformed its talent a year ago. I think there is a strong argument to be made that every other position group underperformed their talent.

So, what needs to happen to improve offensively. I believe DE's experience will help take care of No. 1. Hopefully, Wilson's year under the belt will help with No. 2 and No. 3 will improve due to the addition of some players. I am skeptical of No. 3. Poutasi will be better and he was pretty good last year. Will Albers or Pouvave or whoever ends up at the other tackle be better then Brenner? Brenner was undersized to play tackle, but he was a tough SOB who worked his tail off. Will Jones or Lutui or Aiono be better then Tevita Stevens. Tevita was a 4 year starter. Although his replacement may be better physically, I believe that the lack of experience makes it tough to argue right now that the starter will be better. How about at guard? If it is Salt and Jones or Salt and JT or JT and Jones, are they better. I don't think that there is a lot more upside in either Jones or JT. I think they have reached their potential and in Jones case a little above. Will Salt be better then Mason? Let's hope so. I guess my point is that No's 1 and 2 might not matter too much if No. 3 doesn't improve and don't even get me started on the piss-poor blocking of our receivers.

Jarid in Cedar
02-19-2013, 08:12 AM
About the only constant I think we will see is 1 back sets. Listening to Erickson the day he was announced, he discussed all the formations run out if three one back set: 4 WR, 3 WR 1 TE, 2 WR 2 TE, 3 TE,

The real question I have is how much will we operate out if the shot gun, vs under center.

LA Ute
02-19-2013, 08:17 AM
First, welcome, UTEopia! Go over to the Welcome thread (Emigration Canyon subforum) and introduce yourself to those who (unlike me) don't know you.

I agree about the importance of the OL. IT does seem clear that the coaching staff is devoting a lot of attention and resources to that problem. We'll see if they actually have the horses necessary to be successful.

02-19-2013, 08:27 AM
Great post.

02-19-2013, 12:05 PM
1) What the offense will look like and whose terminology they will use. If DE is going to call the plays, I have to assume that they will use his terminology, even if the schemes are the same.

I would hope that, to reduce the transition pains of the young guys learning the system last year, that DE would provide a little continuity by using the terminology that we employed last year. Its not like his offense and BJ's at the end of last year were so divergent as to be incompatible.

2) Whether the OL will be improved. IMO, nothing else much matters offensively if the OL is not improved.

It is funny, but I think the OL improvement would help the ENTIRE team. I remember last year some of the DLineman getting a little disappointed that the OLine wasn't giving them a good test in spring and fall camp. If we have a solid OL, it can only make both sides of the ball better.

3) The demeanor of the team.

... (Smartfootball.com is a great site, love just reading the breakdown that guy does)

It seems to me that this is what the Utes were trying to accomplish last year. The shortfall, IMO, came from a combination of things that if you look at the first article, make a lot of sense.

1) Poor play calling. I don't think we ever had a good handle on the base plays that would work schematically against the base defenses we were facing and instead tried to rely on constraint plays to trick the defense. I think this is a result of BJ's lack of experience. It is one thing to choose from among 4 or 5 plays hand picked to run against a specific alignment a series or two a game and another to game plan and play select for an entire game. BJ proved that he could do the former as a player. The initial evidence on the latter is not in his favor, but the jury is still out;

I think the bigger issue was that we ran, effectively, 3 different offenses throughout the year: 1 - JWynn 'multiple' pro-set, 2-John Hays 'last-year-minus-Norm' Offense, 3 - Travis Wilson 'pro-power-spread-sort-of-option' offense. You could even argue that Travis ran two separate offenses as we switched to a more dedicated spread offense after USC. I think BJ called some great games, but the problem was execution. I think if we had won at OSU and USU, we wouldn't be so down on the offense as we are currently. Those two games essentially came down to a handful of plays (not all on the offense mind you).

2) After Wynn went down we did not have a QB who could make adjustments at the line of scrimmage based on the defensive adjustments. Assume we had a pass called that would be great against a 2 deep cover 2 and instead the defense shows 1 deep. First, I am not sure that either Hays or Wilson had the ability to detect that in the couple seconds they had at the line of scrimmage because it took so long to get the play call in and Second, I don't know they could quickly make the change if they did. Does Wilson have the ability to do that in the future. All indications are yes, but he will need to get the play and get to the line of scrimmage with more then 4 or 5 seconds left on the play clock;

I think DE will help improve the tempo. I also think that having BJ down on the sideline helped to speed things up a bit as well. As for reading the defenses, that is something that DE can help out with as well. His 1-back spread is designed for quick initial reads that allow for a run or pass to play, and then the receiver and quarterback make appropriate reads off how the defense aligns during the play (WR option routes). This will be more important than reading the defenses going up to the line.

3) our personnel was not good enough to beat the opposition even when the play call gave us the schematic advantage. I think this was a huge issue throughout the year although I think Finn did a great job in getting the OL to improve. Of every position group, I believe OL was the only group that outperformed its talent a year ago. I think there is a strong argument to be made that every other position group underperformed their talent.

I'll argue that we are doing just fine 1's vs. 1's in the Pac-12. The problem comes with the week to week preparation and the eventual grind and subsequent backups. These last couple classes have gone a long way towards helping with that issue, and I think this year especially we should see some of those younger guys step up to take on more important roles. Also, as to your OL comment, the offense we were trying to run at the beginning of the year REQUIRES Wisconisn-esque, or Alabama type OLines. You need those future NFLers to be steamrollers to run the traditional pro-set, power-I offense. Unfortunately, our guys just weren't up to the task. Now, with DE, and later in the year last year, because we spread defenses out a bit more it helped to give our guys angles and leverage on opposing DLineman. I look for the schemes and principals that DE will teach to really take hold and allow our OLine to do a good job in both pass protection and run blocking next year.

Great write up, love the discussion.

02-19-2013, 12:30 PM
From Whit's comments on signing day, and also after Dennis Erickson was hired, I think we can absolutely expect more of an up-tempo offense with no huddle and shotgun. Part of the problem with trying to do that last year was Wilson's inexperience. that won't be much of an issue this year. Wilson has spring and all of summer to work on grasping the playbook, gelling with teammates and finding those connections with receivers, Linemen and running backs that help them all play on the same page.

02-19-2013, 12:34 PM
From Whit's comments on signing day, and also after Dennis Erickson was hired, I think we can absolutely expect more of an up-tempo offense with no huddle and shotgun. Part of the problem with trying to do that last year was Wilson's inexperience. that won't be much of an issue this year. Wilson has spring and all of summer to work on grasping the playbook, gelling with teammates and finding those connections with receivers, Linemen and running backs that help them all play on the same page.

Agreed. I think it is going to be an underappreciated aspect of the offense to have a healthy returning QB for the first time in years.

02-19-2013, 01:10 PM
I'm glad Erickson's onboard and I really hope there is good gelling with the existing staff. DE is 66 years old, so one way or the other this is a short term thing, hopefully at least a couple of years, not like the Chow experience. Does DE want to get back to a HC job? Or is he really seeing himself in the twilight of his career and he wants to just coach? Only DE really knows the answer to these questions.

As for 2012, I think BJ deserves an "incomplete" grade. It was a nasty combination of OLine deficiencies, the Wynn debacle, and then the coaches basically threw in the towel and decided to start building for the future, playing Wilson over Hayes.

Even with a "punt" on offense for 2012, Whitt really had no room to let BJ evolve and have a better year building the offense, and I'm glad he brought in DE. We need an immediate infusion of competence and credibility.

It will be very interesting to see if the terminology changes. If DE acquieses on that point, it suggests he's really intent on being an addition, not a replacement. If the terminology changes, then this is really DE's offense and BJ is more of a Co-OC in name only.

No matter what, if I'm BJ, I think this is a prime opportunity, much like when Whitt was turned down for the Utah HC job in favor of Meyer. Fortunately, Brian is by nature an impressive observer. I think this is all upside for him, just be humble and take what opportunities arise within the new regime.

02-19-2013, 01:13 PM
Agreed. I think it is going to be an underappreciated aspect of the offense to have a healthy returning QB for the first time in years.

That is going to be a huge benefit to the team. I'm also cautiously optimistic that we are going to start seeing some depth at the position and some improvement in the talent at the position. I also think that having DE onboard is going to help with recruiting QBs and getting more talent in the system. There has been a definite failure during the Whittingham era at Utah with QB recruiting that needs to be fixed.

02-19-2013, 01:33 PM
I am cautiously optimistically about the DE hire, but I think it is GREAT fit. The added benefit being that he was an HC for several decades so he won't be eager to jump at any opportunity that comes along. (Note: I LOVE Chow, but his leaving did pre-emptively mess up this season).

I am also intrigued with the 1-back system. It really opens the schemes (and especially gives a great number of mesh opportunities for the receivers at the LOS for both passing and running plays), but at the same time I am a bit nervous about giving up the fullback.

So do we try to throw in some Pistol with the bigger backs? I think I am OK with that.

Perhaps somebody knows this: Will DE have final say on the Oh-fense? So long as he is happy to be OC in all but title I think we can have some good success.

02-19-2013, 01:37 PM
I am cautiously optimistically about the DE hire, but I think it is GREAT fit. The added benefit being that he was an HC for several decades so he won't be eager to jump at any opportunity that comes along. (Note: I LOVE Chow, but his leaving did pre-emptively mess up this season).

I am also intrigued with the 1-back system. It really opens the schemes (and especially gives a great number of mesh opportunities for the receivers at the LOS for both passing and running plays), but at the same time I am a bit nervous about giving up the fullback.

So do we try to throw in some Pistol with the bigger backs? I think I am OK with that.

Perhaps somebody knows this: Will DE have final say on the Oh-fense? So long as he is happy to be OC in all but title I think we can have some good success.

I don't have the answer to this question, but this is going to be key. I like Kyle Whittingham as a coach, but he needs to learn to step back and let people who are better than him run the offense. The more autonomy that DE gets, the better this will work out.

02-19-2013, 01:43 PM
All indications are that DE has the final say for play calls (less the usual stuff reserved for a headcoach - going for 2, whether to punt or go for it, etc.).

I really think Kyle has been wanting to hand over the offensive reigns to someone, to completely just give that side of the ball over to someone else so he can focus on head coaching duties and the defense. I think the Chow hire shows how he wanted to do that, and especially this hire of Erickson. I tend to think that people overestimate the amount of dabbling Kyle did on the offensive side of the ball.

But yes, short answer is Erickson has the final say. I believe that Coach Whitt said something to the effect of: You don't bring someone in with his [Erickson's] experience and not hand over the reigns.

LA Ute
02-19-2013, 01:44 PM
Perhaps somebody knows this: Will DE have final say on the Oh-fense? So long as he is happy to be OC in all but title I think we can have some good success.

KW said in the press conference that DE will have the final say on play-calling. That's not the same as having the final say on the entire defense, but in my mind it makes DE the true offensive coordinator, or at least the first among equals.

02-19-2013, 01:48 PM
I agree, Funky One. I happen to believe this could be a grand slam hire, but also could spell the end of the Whittingham era at the U if it becomes a huge Charlie Foxtrot due to micromanaging.

02-19-2013, 02:15 PM
I am cautiously optimistically about the DE hire, but I think it is GREAT fit. The added benefit being that he was an HC for several decades so he won't be eager to jump at any opportunity that comes along. (Note: I LOVE Chow, but his leaving did pre-emptively mess up this season).

I am also intrigued with the 1-back system. It really opens the schemes (and especially gives a great number of mesh opportunities for the receivers at the LOS for both passing and running plays), but at the same time I am a bit nervous about giving up the fullback.

I won't miss the FB at all. There is too much speed for a FB anymore. Asiata was great as a FB, but we only needed him because Hays was so terrible.

So do we try to throw in some Pistol with the bigger backs? I think I am OK with that.

I don't think we will use the pistol at all. One, our new backs are smaller, quicker guys, and two, DE and BJ have never used the pistol at all. It is a gimmick offense for a QB that can't make more than one read. Hopefully Wilson will have progressed enough to make a couple of reads this fall.

Perhaps somebody knows this: Will DE have final say on the Oh-fense? So long as he is happy to be OC in all but title I think we can have some good success.

Whitt has said DE has final say in the offense.

Jeromy in SLC
02-19-2013, 02:46 PM
What I hope to see from the offense:

1. TEMPO, versus scrambling to get the plan call in
2. Personnel groupings that don't tip the play.
3. A play the forces a linebacker/DB to make a choice between two bad outcomes (bad for him)
4. The same starting OL for the entire year UNLESS someone steps up in such a way that they cannot be ignored.
5. The same offense and play caller in 2014.

If most of that happens, I will be tickled pink.

02-19-2013, 02:56 PM
What I hope to see from the offense:

1. TEMPO, versus scrambling to get the plan call in
2. Personnel groupings that don't tip the play.
3. A play the forces a linebacker/DB to make a choice between two bad outcomes (bad for him)
4. The same starting OL for the entire year UNLESS someone steps up in such a way that they cannot be ignored.
5. The same offense and play caller in 2014.

If most of that happens, I will be tickled pink.

I agree a lot with this.

I think BJ did a fine job installing and running three offenses last year. I think DE will allow the offense to get the play call in quicker, and have a more uptempo game.

I think we will have about 10 plays that the offense runs 80% of the time out of a gajillion sets. That is where DE's experience will be fantastic. We will run the same TE drag out of a 2 TE, 3 TE, 1 TE, TE split wide. Same play, same knowledge needed, different looks.

3 - I agree. I don't think it will be the option play though. I think we will see the RB come out of the backfield on the same side as the slot WR/TE forcing the defense to make a play on one, leaving the other open. This will help the young QB out with less reads needed to make.

4 - a-freaking-men

5 - can I get a hall-le-freakin-lu-YA!

big z
02-19-2013, 04:06 PM
great post

02-19-2013, 04:37 PM
Good Post I think DE invented the one back...and that's the only offense the Utes will run... except for maybe goal line or other special situations

http://smartfootball.com/offense/the...spread-offense (http://smartfootball.com/offense/the-original-one-back-spread-offense)


http://trojanfootballanalysis.com/wp...n-ASU-2008.pdf (http://trojanfootballanalysis.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Erickson-ASU-2008.pdf)


02-19-2013, 04:56 PM
What I hope to see from the offense:

1. TEMPO, versus scrambling to get the plan call in
2. Personnel groupings that don't tip the play.
3. A play the forces a linebacker/DB to make a choice between two bad outcomes (bad for him)
4. The same starting OL for the entire year UNLESS someone steps up in such a way that they cannot be ignored.
5. The same offense and play caller in 2014.

If most of that happens, I will be tickled pink.

Agree on all counts. I'd also like to see a step up in receiver play, more separation and far fewer drops.

02-20-2013, 10:53 AM
Agree on all counts. I'd also like to see a step up in receiver play, more separation and far fewer drops.That DVC fumble at Oregon State still haunts me. I love that play. Johnson and Reed ran that to perfection in 2008.

02-20-2013, 11:47 AM
any chance the utes go the way of Chip and start using signs on the sidelines to get plays called in? or, some kind of elaborate hand signal system? it was pretty brutal last season watching the utes struggle to get plays in and often times after a big gain we lost a little momentum and allowed the defenses to get adjusted.

the USC game, in particular, stands out. we had them on the ropes, up 14-0, and our offense went into full-on huddle mode. we have an elevation advantage, and the only way to really take advantage of that is to push our offense on the opposing defense play us a break neck pace physically and mentally.

Mormon Red Death
02-20-2013, 11:51 AM
any chance the utes go the way of Chip and start using signs on the sidelines to get plays called in? or, some kind of elaborate hand signal system? it was pretty brutal last season watching the utes struggle to get plays in and often times after a big gain we lost a little momentum and allowed the defenses to get adjusted.

the USC game, in particular, stands out. we had them on the ropes, up 14-0, and our offense went into full-on huddle mode. we have an elevation advantage, and the only way to really take advantage of that is to push our offense on the opposing defense play us a break neck pace physically and mentally.

Honestly I would settle for me not having to scream at the tv 30 times a game:

"We are running out of time!!!! Get the play called in!!!"

02-20-2013, 12:00 PM
Honestly I would settle for me not having to scream at the tv 30 times a game:

i hear you. wilson's game experience and having a year in the system and being the "starter" should help. i keep thinking of Alex Smith running a summer camp during the lockout and how it solidified him as the leader and glued the team together offensively (mostly). i hope wilson is that kind of player and that he is getting his offense together in the off-season to work on plays, work on communication both verbal and non-verbal, etc.

02-20-2013, 12:35 PM
Someone on Utefans posted some references to articles from smartfootball. com that talk about Erickson and his offensive style.

I think that was me. I love that site! Your analysis of last year's offense was excellent. I think if we can get our QB and WR to outperform last year (likely), the step back on O-line is negated. I do realize that good QB hinges on a solid OL; but DE talked several times about getting the ball into space, which to me tells me we will be using quick passes, screens, and draws. This will take lots of pressure off the O-line in not having to pass protect for 5-7 seconds like they did last year on those long play action plays.

02-20-2013, 12:39 PM
There are rumors of an official Dennis Erickson presser today at 3pm today. Maybe we'll know more after that.

Dwight Schr-Ute
02-20-2013, 12:39 PM
I agree a lot with this.

I think we will have about 10 plays that the offense runs 80% of the time out of a gajillion sets. That is where DE's experience will be fantastic. We will run the same TE drag out of a 2 TE, 3 TE, 1 TE, TE split wide. Same play, same knowledge needed, different looks.

I thought that I read somewhere that the TE only had a handful of catches during DE last year at ASU. Has he been someone that doesn't like to throw to TE's? It seems like we've finally had some success recruiting and utilizing TE's and it would be a shame to revert back to where we used to be.

02-20-2013, 12:43 PM
There are rumors of an official Dennis Erickson presser today at 3pm today. Maybe we'll know more after that.

i couldn't find anything to confirm this.

02-20-2013, 12:44 PM
I thought that I read somewhere that the TE only had a handful of catches during DE last year at ASU. Has he been someone that doesn't like to throw to TE's? It seems like we've finally had some success recruiting and utilizing TE's and it would be a shame to revert back to where we used to be.

i hope not. jake murphy should be a go-to guy this year. i can see he and Wilson forming a great connection.

02-20-2013, 12:48 PM
i couldn't find anything to confirm this.

I am still chasing it down myself. My brother just texted me. I believe he heard it on the radio, and we all know those guys never lie. ;)

02-20-2013, 12:53 PM
i couldn't find anything to confirm this.

Looks like it...

Bill Riley ‏@espn700bill (https://twitter.com/espn700bill)#Utes (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Utes&src=hash) fans, we will be carrying the Dennis Erickson introductory press conference live today at 3:00 on @ESPN700 (https://twitter.com/ESPN700)

02-20-2013, 12:54 PM
I am still chasing it down myself. My brother just texted me. I believe he heard it on the radio, and we all know those guys never lie. ;)

I saw it on Brian Swinney's twitter feed this morning.

Jarid in Cedar
02-20-2013, 12:54 PM
I thought that I read somewhere that the TE only had a handful of catches during DE last year at ASU. Has he been someone that doesn't like to throw to TE's? It seems like we've finally had some success recruiting and utilizing TE's and it would be a shame to revert back to where we used to be.

That was more Noel Mazzone's design. The ASU fans lamented his offense for this exact reason.

02-20-2013, 03:02 PM
The real question I have is how much will we operate out if the shot gun, vs under center.

Erickson says he wants to run out of shotgun most of the time.

Diehard Ute
02-20-2013, 03:11 PM
I am trying to listen to the press conference, but ESPN 700 sucks. Their Internet station is screwed up and is playing a Spanish station on my receiver, and their iPhone App no longer works. Awesome!

02-20-2013, 03:13 PM
I am trying to listen to the press conference, but ESPN 700 sucks. Their Internet station is screwed up and is playing a Spanish station on my receiver, and their iPhone App no longer works. Awesome!

It was working for me... then it died... but it just came back.

Wants to go up tempo. 75-80 plays per game...

As for the TE, he says that you can use the TE in the spread offense. Just put your best 11 out there and make it work.

Diehard Ute
02-20-2013, 03:18 PM
It was working for me... then it died... but it just came back.

Wants to go up tempo. 75-80 plays per game...

As for the TE, he says that you can use the TE in the spread offense. Just put your best 11 out there and make it work.

Yeah I got it back too

LA Ute
02-20-2013, 03:21 PM
The Erickson interview is on a podcast right here:


02-20-2013, 04:04 PM
Honestly I would settle for me not having to scream at the tv 30 times a game:

That is where BJ really struggled last year. He didn't get the plays in quick enough.

02-20-2013, 05:45 PM
The Erickson interview is on a podcast right here:



highlights of the interview...