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Jarid in Cedar
03-06-2013, 10:11 PM
With a tip o the cap to pelligrino, here we go
How did you pick your Moniker?

My name is Jarid and I live in Cedar. Complicated

How did you discover UB5?

I started the site

How many states/countries have you lived in?

Two. Utah and Idaho

What are your Sports Loyalties?

The Utes, The Seattle Seahawks, The Jazz and Celtics(when I decide I care about the NBA). I am currently a free agent in baseball. I was a Red Sox fan until they decided to not sign Roger Clemens in 1997. They are now the Dead Sox, as in dead to me

What was the moment that cemented your Ute Fanhood?

Josh Grant dunking over Shawn Bradley in 1991. Prior to that, I claimed Utah as my favorite team, but I followed pro sports closer than college.

What do you currently do for a living?

I am a physician. I work mostly in the hospital now and am slowly starting to move into the care management/administrative side of medicinE

Are your religiously affiliated, and if so, what is your current standing?​

Baptized LDS, currently agnostic but believe that the origins of the universe are more likely divine than random.

Feel free to ask any other questions, and please start a new thread to introduce yourself in the same manner.

03-06-2013, 11:09 PM
With a tip o the cap to pelligrino, here we go
How did you pick your Moniker?

I fly fish and I have had this name on sports boards since 2001.

How did you discover UB5?

A super secret Facebook forum and CUF

How many states/countries have you lived in?

6 California, Illinois, Nebraska, Michigan, Utah, Massachusetts

What are your Sports Loyalties?

BYU, Lakers, Dodgers, Blackhawks and Bears.

What was the moment that cemented your Ute Fanhood?
I am not a Ute fan, but my wife was a Ute athlete, and I am a fan of her. Falling in love15 years ago cemented that.

What do you currently do for a living?

I am a director of a professional services firm and specialize in the valuation of businesses, intangible assets, equities, debt instruments, derivatives, etc.

Are your religiously affiliated, and if so, what is your current standing?​

Baptized LDS, and served a mission. I always had my doubts and concerns about the LDS church. Most of my issues revolved around church history and doctrine. I finally called it quits for good during prop 8. I am not bitter and I don't hate the church because it helped make me who I am today. I just don't believe it anymore. Currently I am unaffiliated.

03-07-2013, 07:20 AM
Welcome Flystripper (and Jarid). Your combined intro post will seal you two together in the internet heavens for eternity.

03-07-2013, 10:24 AM
Welcome Flystripper (and Jarid). Your combined intro post will seal you two together in the internet heavens for eternity.

I didn't really think too clearly about that. I was mostly trying to use the template while on my phone and I am not very good at doing a copy and paste on it. Replying was an easier option. I will move it to its own post but will leave original here for JIC to delete or for all to see my mistake.

06-11-2013, 04:46 PM
I don't feel the need to start my own thread, so I will just use this one. After all, This thread is the one thread to rule them all...

How did you pick your Moniker?

The Whisky Priest is one of my favorite literary characters from Graham Greene's The Power and the Glory. I love literature, although I must confess that I have not read as much as I should have recently.

How did you discover UB5?

I read about it on JazzFanz.com. I posted there under the same name for quite awhile, and I am excited to find a Utes message board that is readable.

How many states/countries have you lived in?

Louisiana, Utah, California, Oregon, Germany, and I will be moving to Italy for about five years next month (Graduate Studies).

What are your Sports Loyalties?

Anything and Everything Utah Utes and Notre Dame Fighting Irish. I also bleed purple (Weber State) during basketball season. I was also a Utah Jazz season ticket holder for two years. Also, I have to throw Bayern Munchen on here <---- We are dominating right now.

What was the moment that cemented your Ute Fanhood?

I have always been a Utes fan, however, for a long time I put them on the back burner behind pro sports. It has only been recently (about five years or so) that I have began to appreciate college football and basketball more than their professional counterparts. I am not oblivious to the fact that professional sports has the superior athletes. However, it just seems to me that College athletes are more focused on the front of the jersey rather than the back.

What do you currently do for a living?

I am a Catholic Seminarian for the Diocese of Salt Lake City.

Are your religiously affiliated, and if so, what is your current standing?​

I am a Roman Catholic, and I am currently studying to become a Catholic Priest.

LA Ute
06-11-2013, 05:15 PM
Welcome, WhiskeyPriest!

Jarid in Cedar
06-11-2013, 10:57 PM
Killer into, WhiskyPriest. What is your favorite imbibing liquid?

LA Ute
06-11-2013, 11:06 PM
I love the idea that soon this board will have a member posting from Rome, Italy.

Whiskey Priest, you ought to visit the Believer Thread. We could use a Catholic seminarian over there. It's pretty Mormon right now. (Nothing wrong with that, but this is a U. of U. board, doggonit! We prize diversity!)

06-12-2013, 07:38 AM
Welcome, WhiskeyPriest!

Thank you for the welcome.

Killer into, WhiskyPriest. What is your favorite imbibing liquid?

I'm a German, so I still prefer beer over hard liquor. However, I do enjoy Sailor Jerry's Rum, Asbach (brandy), and of course scotch whisky. I should mention that I always attempt to drink in moderation, and I never drink and drive.

One thing that is funny is that my favorite Utah beer is the "Provo Girl" stuff, just a regular ole pilsner.

I love the idea that soon this board will have a member posting from Rome, Italy.

Whiskey Priest, you ought to visit the Believer Thread. We could use a Catholic seminarian over there. It's pretty Mormon right now. (Nothing wrong with that, but this is a U. of U. board, doggonit! We prize diversity!)

I glanced at it... and I felt like I was looking into the inner workings of the LDS General Conference :). I'm sure I'll make some contribution to that thread, as well as "The Institute of Religion" subforum. However, the primary reason I joined this forum is to attempt to satisfy my Utes fix during my theological studies in Rome.

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. I'm loving this forum so far.

LA Ute
06-12-2013, 09:29 AM
I glanced at it... and I felt like I was looking into the inner workings of the LDS General Conference :). I'm sure I'll make some contribution to that thread, as well as "The Institute of Religion" subforum. However, the primary reason I joined this forum is to attempt to satisfy my Utes fix during my theological studies in Rome.

What? You come to a sports message board to talk about...sports??? ;)

If you get the time and have any interest, I'd love to see you contribute there. It's for believers of any faith. We Mo's have just been too loud in the early going.

06-12-2013, 02:09 PM
I will be moving to Italy for about five years next month (Graduate Studies).

That sounds like a great experience. What part of Italy are you going to?

06-13-2013, 09:32 AM
That sounds like a great experience. What part of Italy are you going to?

Rome. I am excited, but also a little nervoues. I've never been a second language student before.