View Full Version : Soda ban struck down...

03-11-2013, 06:14 PM
Freedom 1
Bloomberg 0 (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/11/ny-judge-halts-bloomberg-ban-on-large-sugary-drinks/)

03-11-2013, 06:42 PM
I can't stand nanny state restrictions.

Individual responsibility (or the lack thereof) is difficult for government. Bloomberg is a typical NY politician. He believes he has the right to dictate to everyone for their own good.

This type of thinking is far more dangerous than large sugary drinks ever could be.

DU Ute
03-11-2013, 06:57 PM
Freedom 1
Bloomberg 0 (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/11/ny-judge-halts-bloomberg-ban-on-large-sugary-drinks/)

Next time I get a combo meal at a NYC McDonald's I'm going to ask them to "Freedom Size" it.

03-12-2013, 12:13 AM
Next time I get a combo meal at a NYC McDonald's I'm going to ask them to "Freedom Size" it.

Good for you! If I ever end up visiting that cesspool, I'll do the same.

03-12-2013, 01:04 PM
I can't stand nanny state restrictions.

Individual responsibility (or the lack thereof) is difficult for government. Bloomberg is a typical NY politician. He believes he has the right to dictate to everyone for their own good.

This type of thinking is far more dangerous than large sugary drinks ever could be.

I will be watching for you at the next marajuana legalization rally.

03-12-2013, 01:14 PM
I will be watching for you at the next marajuana legalization rally.

"Guns, pot, and abortions for all!" Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort!

Jeromy in SLC
03-12-2013, 01:23 PM
Individual responsibility (or the lack thereof) is difficult for government. Bloomberg is a typical NY politician. He believes he has the right to dictate to everyone for their own good.

Are you sure you don't mean "typical Utah politician"? Too bad we can't vote out cranky Aunt Gayle.

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03-12-2013, 03:58 PM

03-12-2013, 04:12 PM
Are you sure you don't mean "typical Utah politician"? Too bad we can't vote out cranky Aunt Gayle.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

No, he's right about New York politicians. Razika is bad, but nowhere near the level of control freaks that those in NY are.

03-12-2013, 04:15 PM

Soda isn't healthy, but this was not about health. This was about controlling others' behavior. But I think you know that and want to play devil's advocate.

03-12-2013, 04:50 PM
Soda isn't healthy, but this was not about health. This was about controlling others' behavior. But I think you know that and want to play devil's advocate.

He needs a better one than Mick Jagger.

03-12-2013, 05:14 PM
This is coming from a place of ignorance but does NY (or Utah, for that matter) limit the size of alcohol drinks you can get at a bar? If so is this that much different?

I can buy a bottle of 200mg ibuprophen and take 4 of them but I cannot get a single 800mg pill without a prescription.

Diehard Ute
03-12-2013, 05:27 PM
This is coming from a place of ignorance but does NY (or Utah, for that matter) limit the size of alcohol drinks you can get at a bar? If so is this that much different?

I can buy a bottle of 200mg ibuprophen and take 4 of them but I cannot get a single 800mg pill without a prescription.

Utah does. No drink can have more than 2.5oz of liquor, and a single type of liquor can only be 1.5oz of that. Beer cannot be served in a glass larger than 32oz

You also can't serve "heavy" beer (over 4%) on draft, it has to be in a bottle or can. (One of the dumbest laws ever)

In Utah you cannot have more than 2 drinks at any time, and if you order a drink where the main ingredient is say vodka, you can't order a shot of vodka at the same time.

But let's be honest, most of Utah's laws regarding alcohol are not health based.

Jeromy in SLC
03-12-2013, 05:50 PM
No, he's right about New York politicians. Razika is bad, but nowhere near the level of control freaks that those in NY are.

That could be true. I've never been to New York, so I can't say. The difference is that Blomberg can be removed by the voting public. Miss Gayle will be with us for as long as she pleases.

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03-12-2013, 06:06 PM
Utah does. No drink can have more than 2.5oz of liquor, and a single type of liquor can only be 1.5oz of that. Beer cannot be served in a glass larger than 32oz

You also can't serve "heavy" beer (over 4%) on draft, it has to be in a bottle or can. (One of the dumbest laws ever)

In Utah you cannot have more than 2 drinks at any time, and if you order a drink where the main ingredient is say vodka, you can't order a shot of vodka at the same time.

But let's be honest, most of Utah's laws regarding alcohol are not health based.

I agree that most of the liquor laws in Utah are not health based. But that doesn't excuse Bloomberg wanting to take away choice in New York City.

03-12-2013, 06:08 PM
That could be true. I've never been to New York, so I can't say. The difference is that Blomberg can be removed by the voting public. Miss Gayle will be with us for as long as she pleases.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Another fair point. The way to deal with Ruzika is to get the voting public to stop electing representatives who give in to her pressure. So in that regard, she can be removed as well.

Jeromy in SLC
03-12-2013, 06:19 PM
Another fair point. The way to deal with Ruzika is to get the voting public to stop electing representatives who give in to her pressure. So in that regard, she can be removed as well.

Absolutely. I just don't see it happening anytime soon. :onalimb: So, the best I can do is snivel about it :swear:

03-12-2013, 09:45 PM
While Bloomberg will be constitutionally obligated to vacate his post soon (2014?), there are no term limits on being a public busybody so you Utahns are stuck with her for the long haul.

Perhaps a few people can get their heads together and get her husband called to be a mission president somewhere. Barring that event, your best options are to persuade the public that her positions are truly laughable. Her soapbox will always remain but perhaps even the elected John Valentines and Chris Buttarses of the world will see that her voice carries no resonance with the Utah electorate.

Perhaps having the Rockstar Prophet, yea even Dieter Uchtdorf himself, publically applaud Pres. Obama's position on immigration from Mexico will (figuratively) donkey punch some sense into that outspoken, uber right-wing biddy.

03-12-2013, 10:47 PM
While Bloomberg will be constitutionally obligated to vacate his post soon (2014?), there are no term limits on being a public busybody so you Utahns are stuck with her for the long haul.

Perhaps a few people can get their heads together and get her husband called to be a mission president somewhere. Barring that event, your best options are to persuade the public that her positions are truly laughable. Her soapbox will always remain but perhaps even the elected John Valentines and Chris Buttarses of the world will see that her voice carries no resonance with the Utah electorate.

Perhaps having the Rockstar Prophet, yea even Dieter Uchtdorf himself, publically applaud Pres. Obama's position on immigration from Mexico will (figuratively) donkey punch some sense into that outspoken, uber right-wing biddy.

I'm going to guess that Elder Uchtdorf went through the proper legal channels when he immigrated here to the US.

03-12-2013, 11:04 PM
I'm going to guess that Elder Uchtdorf went through the proper legal channels when he immigrated here to the US.

Much of his military service time in the West German Air Force was spent training with the USAF here in the USA.

The biggest reason we have an illegal immigrant 'problem' is we go out of our way to make it difficult for people to immigrate legally.
It is a simple matter to immigrate legally when the process is (relatively) easy.

03-12-2013, 11:11 PM
Much of his military service time in the West German Air Force was spent training with the USAF here in the USA.

The biggest reason we have an illegal immigrant 'problem' is we go out of our way to make it difficult for people to immigrate legally.
It is a simple matter to immigrate legally when the process is (relatively) easy.

I agree that it needs to be simpler. But until Congress decides to actually do something about - which can be hard for both parties because they would actually have to work to earn their paycheck - we have what we have and folks coming to this country need to immigrate legally.

I disagree with any kind of amnesty. It certainly didn't work when Reagan did it and it won't work now.

03-12-2013, 11:54 PM
Go watch the episode of No Reservations where Anthony Bourdain goes to visit his friend Carlos's family in Mexico. It might change your mind. (Mexico 2, I think it is still on Netflix).

Tony's friend Carlos crossed the border illegally at age 17, travelled to NYC to meet up with his cousin, washed dishes for a living, and eventually replaced Tony the Executive Chef at Les Halles, one of the top restaurants in NYC.

It needs to be easier for people like that to get into America so they won't need to sneak in at great risk.

#1 Utefan
07-12-2014, 03:17 PM
So let me get this straight. Because there are examples of illegal immigrants getting to America, working hard, and doing well, we should just suspend all our immigration laws (which are more generous and lax then most other countries already) and open the border? I am happy for this guys success and I am sure there are many others. By the same token, there are a lot of illegals involved in crime, drug trafficking, and other activities detrimental to the country as well.

Regardless, every country in the world has laws against illegal immigration. None of us can go to Australia, England, Germany, Japan, China, or any other country to live and work long term without permission and documentation. Our country is in massive debt and we cannot afford tyhe added strain on the educational system, medical system, and public safety illegal immigration is contributing to all of it.

I support immigration reform for those that may have grown uo here, don't have a criminal history, and are contributing positively to the system. However, along with that, we have to do a lot more to securethe border or the problems we are currently experiencing there will get exponentially and permanently worse.

Immigration laws are in place for a reason in all countries. We are no different. The border must be better secured and the law enforced.

Damage U
07-12-2014, 05:33 PM
I'd like to know how many of the illegal immigrants even bother going through the system. Why do it when you can pretty much walk in free? When a big chunk of the world's population would and are literally giving up their first born to immigrate here, making the system easier is not going to solve the problem until we actually have a border. As of now, our border is just a solid grey line on google maps.