View Full Version : NCAA 2019 Football Season

08-06-2019, 01:14 PM
May as well kick off the season thread with this glorious moment.


This year's iteration of McCullough's shirt features himself checking into camp in 2018 wearing a shirt featuring himself checking into camp in 2017 (https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2018/08/95022/liam-mccullough-wears-his-annual-inception-shirt-to-camp-check-in-now-three-years-deep) wearing a shirt featuring himself checking into camp in 2016 (https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2017/08/84004/photo-long-snapper-liam-mccullough-wears-shirt-featuring-himself-arriving-at-camp-check-in-in-2016-which-features) wearing a shirt featuring himself checking into champ in 2015. (https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2016/08/72739/long-snapper-liam-mccullough-won-ohio-states-camp-check-in-day-by-showing-up-in-a-shirt-featuring-a-photo-of)


08-19-2019, 09:27 AM

It's hideous

08-19-2019, 09:32 AM

It's hideous

I agree. Skull and cross bones?! Are we sure it’s not a Halloween prank?

LA Ute
08-20-2019, 06:16 PM
I agree. Skull and cross bones?! Are we sure it’s not a Halloween prank?

I'm having a hard time mixing the Cornhusker name with that image. It's worse than Swoop.

Irving Washington
08-21-2019, 06:26 AM
I'm having a hard time mixing the Cornhusker name with that image. It's worse than Swoop.
Maybe it's "Talk Like a Pirate Week" on campus.

08-26-2019, 10:47 AM
More big QB news out of Indiana.

Freshman Micheal Penix beat out Peyton Ramsey (last years starter) and Jack Tuttle for the IU QB starting job.

:snack: Stay tuned.

LA Ute
08-26-2019, 03:55 PM
More big QB news out of Indiana.

Freshman Micheal Penix beat out Peyton Ramsey (last years starter) and Jack Tuttle for the IU QB starting job.

:snack: Stay tuned.

I hope Jack has chosen a very marketable major. His future in football seems questionable.

08-26-2019, 04:05 PM
I hope Jack has chosen a very marketable major. His future in football seems questionable.

You are a poet.

09-01-2019, 01:54 PM

Does anyone else in college football media "get it" like Klatt does? I've seen 100 clueless takes from college football media over the past two days.

09-03-2019, 11:12 AM

Does anyone else in college football media "get it" like Klatt does? I've seen 100 clueless takes from college football media over the past two days.

I think Herbstreit gets it. It doesn't show because he's surrounded by clowns.

09-23-2019, 03:46 PM
The starting QB and #2WR at Houston are quitting on this season to redshirt and transfer. Our gradual march towards an official NFL farm system continues. In some future day, when college football is dead, the old, ex-college football media who argued continually for looser restrictions and greater player paydays will helplessly wonder "How did we ever get here?" from the unemployment line.

Dwight Schr-Ute
09-23-2019, 05:03 PM
The starting QB and #2WR at Houston are quitting on this season to redshirt and transfer. Our gradual march towards an official NFL farm system continues. In some future day, when college football is dead, the old, ex-college football media who argued continually for looser restrictions and greater player paydays will helplessly wonder "How did we ever get here?" from the unemployment line.

I saw that tweet earlier and decided I wanted to see some of the responses of their fans burning the place down. Nope. Seem like a strangely optimistic group. I don't see how you can read those and tell yourself, "this is good!"


09-23-2019, 05:07 PM
I saw that tweet earlier and decided I wanted to see some of the responses of their fans burning the place down. Nope. Seem like a strangely optimistic group. I don't see how you can read those and tell yourself, "this is good!"

They've calmed everyone down by saying they plan to use this year to graduate and then return next season to play with no school distractions. Basically, Houston had a poor start, so Holgo convinced these guys to wait until next season to play. He's giving up on this year and focusing on the next.

I'm not sure what is really happening, but either way, it's more shenanigans made by the loosened up redshirt rules.

10-08-2019, 09:07 AM
There are 16 teams still undefeated in college football. Here's the ranking based on ESPN computers' probability of finishing unbeaten:

Clemson, 60% chance of winning out
Ohio State, 40%
Oklahoma, 28%
Alabama, 27%
Boise St, 12%
Georgia, 10%
LSU, 4%
SMU, 4%
Penn St, 3%
Wiscy, 2%
Memphis, 2%
App St, 1.5%
Florida, 0.4%
Baylor, 0.3%
Wake, 0.1%
Minnesota, 0%

If the top four do win out (2% chance of that), the playoff is set.

10-16-2019, 12:42 PM
Northwestern reveals goth styled uniforms this week.


10-16-2019, 12:51 PM
I didn't really think about college coaches or NFL coaches teaching tackling. But it makes sense.


10-20-2019, 09:25 PM
There are 16 teams still undefeated in college football. Here's the ranking based on ESPN computers' probability of finishing unbeaten:

Down to 10 teams after Wisconsin loses as 30 point favorites and Boise blows it in Provo:

Clemson, 71% chance of winning out
Ohio State, 49%
Oklahoma, 34%
Alabama, 30%
App St, 10%
LSU, 9%
Penn St, 6%
SMU, 4%
Baylor, 2%
Minnesota, 0.1%

If the top four do win out (4% chance of that), the playoff is set.

Playoff by conference:

SEC: almost surely will get a team in. Bama, Auburn, Georgia, LSU, and Florida are all still alive.
Big10: Ohio State and Penn State are still in. Wisconsin has an outside chance.
Big12: OU and Baylor are in the hunt.
Pac12: Oregon and Utah are the only teams with a shot - obviously behind all the unbeaten teams, but ahead of 1 loss teams from the ACC and maybe the Big12.
ACC: Clemson is likely to be in. One of the most interesting scenarios involves Clemson losing to a bad ACC team and then finishing 12-1. Do they get in ahead of other 1 loss teams in that situation? They would have a worse SOS than any other 1 loss team, but they are the returning champ and a brand name. I'd love to see the committee wrestle with that one.
Notre Dame: with one loss, they're still alive, but their SOS won't help them against other 1-loss teams.

10-30-2019, 01:39 PM
The favorite band/singer of all FBS coaches, and my brother's email reaction:


AC: I'm a little surprised by Holgorsen's pick (Prince), and I love that Niumatalolo went with EWF

ACC: Nothing too surprising here. Taggart picking Tupac seems like a recruiting gambit, and Jack Johnson seems right and wrong at the same time for Bronco. Right because Johnson is so vanilla; wrong because I just can't actually picture Bronco listening to music.

B12: Les Miles is definitely taking Taggart's cue here. Love what the state schools are doing in the B12. Gundy definitely looks like he still wants to party like its 1999.

B10: Nunzio went with Billy Joel! Just when things couldn't get any worse for Rutgers. Franklin just loves Jay Z. Loves him. Sure. Ditto for Harbaugh and Marley. Can he name more than one album? We're getting plenty of boring country artists, but at least that fits.

CUSA: Jay Hopson: Woooooooo-wee. Boy, that was a miiiighty fine a-pickin' and a-singin'. Doc Holliday: Nope.

INDY: Impressed for some reason by the Tool pick. Way embarrassed for New Mexico State.

MID: Well, at least we know that Frank Solich is a sincere man. He may have seen an opportunity to pander to seventeen-year-old recruits (probably not), but took the straight shot with the silver bullet.

MWC: I like it when these old, fat dudes, incapable of interesting thought or comment, even though they are requested to speak a few hundred times a week, offer up 80s hair metal as their go to music. They just keep teasing us. An actual personality lurks herein. Also, what a day for Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes!

P12: Wilcox can keep his job, but all the other California coaches have got to go with these picks. Mike Leach solidifies his position as the most interesting coach in college football. Peterson and CCR is a little surprising.

SEC: I bet Sankey and Mullen regret their choices.

SUN: Shawn Elliott is carrying this conference on his back. Someone help this poor man out!

10-30-2019, 03:29 PM
That is fun list. I have no idea who Eric Church is, I assume a country singer.

10-30-2019, 04:22 PM
CCR is the most Ed Orgeron pick there could ever be.

David Shaw with Sade? No wonder Stanford sucks this year. Either that or his wife submitted his pick.

I may have to revisit the Earth, Wind, and Fire playlist. They showed up a surprising number of times.

11-03-2019, 07:30 AM
With SMU losing, we are down to 7 unbeaten teams. Here they are with ESPN's odds of winning out the regular season:

Clemson, 78%
Ohio State, 57.4%
Alabama, 31.3%
LSU, 11.7%
Penn State, 9.7%
Baylor, 2.0%
Minnesota, 0.2%

They have Utah as strong favorites in each remaining game, but even at around 90% odds per game, our odds of winning all three are just 29.1%.

Playoff picture:

SEC: Down to Alabama, LSU, and Georgia. It's next to impossible for the SEC to get left out, and it's very possible for the SEC to get two teams in. If Bama/LSU is a great game this week, people will want the loser in the playoff. Or, if Georgia wins out, including the SEC title game, a 12-1 title game loser (Bama or LSU) would still have a strong case.
Big10: Down to Ohio State, Penn State, and Minnesota. Any of these would make it at 13-0, and they all can make it at 12-1 if the loss is the right loss. I don't think there's any way that they get two teams in. Maybe if Ohio State loses to Michigan, misses the title game on a tiebreaker, and finishes 11-1.
ACC: Clemson. If they win out, they're in. It would be very interesting to see how they are treated with a loss. It would be a bad loss, but they are Clemson.
Pac-12: Down to Oregon and Utah. Either team at 12-1 would have a strong case, but Oregon's is more sure because they played Auburn. Interestingly, if Oregon had scheduled a cupcake instead of Auburn, they would be a lock. The real questions for the Pac-12 teams are (1) does a 2nd SEC team get in ahead of a Pac-12 champion? and (2) Does a 12-1 Oklahoma get in ahead of a 12-1 Pac-12 team?
Big12: Down to Oklahoma and Baylor. If Baylor wins out, they are in. If Oklahoma finishes 12-1, are they a lock?

Here's the nightmare scenario for the committee:

Bama/LSU finishes 12-1 with a narrow loss to Georgia in the SEC title game and a convincing win over LSU/Bama.
Georgia finishes 12-1 with a win over Bama in the SEC title game.
Oklahoma finishes 12-1 with second win over Baylor in the Big12 title game.
Oregon/Utah finishes 12-1 with a win in the Pac-12 title game.
Clemson finishes 12-1 with a loss to Wake Forest and a win in the ACC title game.
Ohio State finishes 12-1 with a loss to either Penn State or Michigan and a win in the Big10 title game.

11-03-2019, 08:15 AM
Just one more I would change in the nightmare scenario. Georgia loses to Auburn, but then wins the SEC championship.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-03-2019, 02:01 PM
Florida State fires Willie Taggart today.


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11-04-2019, 08:28 AM
They have Utah as strong favorites in each remaining game, but even at around 90% odds per game, our odds of winning all three are just 29.1%.

I think that the 29.1% (now at 28.4%) is winning every game we play from now until the end of the season, not just the final 3 regular season.

11-04-2019, 09:03 AM
I think that the 29.1% (now at 28.4%) is winning every game we play from now until the end of the season, not just the final 3 regular season.

Of course. Sorry. At 90% each, our odds of winning all three are much higher, around 70-75%.

I guess the 28% includes the Pac-12 title game, which means they give us about a 40% chance of beating Oregon.

11-04-2019, 09:08 AM
I think that the 29.1% (now at 28.4%) is winning every game we play from now until the end of the season, not just the final 3 regular season.

Or at least through a conference championship game. ESPN's projections for the last three games mean that ESPN thinks we have a 74.9% chance of winning out through the end of the regular season. Which feels about right.

ESPN thinks Oregon has a 77.5% chance of winning its last 3 games, but also says Oregon's game at ASU is tougher than any game Utah has left.

It also thinks UCLA has a 1.8% chance of winning its last 3 games.

11-04-2019, 01:17 PM
Of course. Sorry. At 90% each, our odds of winning all three are much higher, around 70-75%.

The Maths has always been your worst subject.

11-04-2019, 05:21 PM
The Maths has always been your worst subject.

It's true. Thankfully, no one needs math.

11-10-2019, 04:52 PM
Well, the picture just keeps getting clearer.

SEC: LSU and Georgia are still alive, and Bama is out barring a complete collapse elsewhere. The winner of the SEC title game will get in, and that's probably it. But we should pull for LSU in that game just in case.
Big10: OSU, Minnesota, and Penn State all still have a shot. Basically, it's whoever wins the Big10 title game. Penn State has to beat OSU to get there.
ACC: Clemson is in if they keep winning, and how could they not keep winning against their schedule?
Big12: Oklahoma and Baylor are still in the hunt. Baylor controls its playoff destiny. If OU wins out, it will be pretty tough to leave them out.
Pac12: Oregon and Utah are still in it. The rest of the conference beat themselves up too much. We can't claim any top 25 wins because of the conference parity.

Basically, the first three spots are locked up, and it will come down to Pac12 vs Big12 for the last spot. There's always room for chaos, but that's what it looks like right now. My suspicion is that the committee would take Oklahoma over Utah.

11-10-2019, 09:19 PM
Well, the picture just keeps getting clearer.

SEC: LSU and Georgia are still alive, and Bama is out barring a complete collapse elsewhere. The winner of the SEC title game will get in, and that's probably it. But we should pull for LSU in that game just in case.
Big10: OSU, Minnesota, and Penn State all still have a shot. Basically, it's whoever wins the Big10 title game. Penn State has to beat OSU to get there.
ACC: Clemson is in if they keep winning, and how could they not keep winning against their schedule?
Big12: Oklahoma and Baylor are still in the hunt. Baylor controls its playoff destiny. If OU wins out, it will be pretty tough to leave them out.
Pac12: Oregon and Utah are still in it. The rest of the conference beat themselves up too much. We can't claim any top 25 wins because of the conference parity.

Basically, the first three spots are locked up, and it will come down to Pac12 vs Big12 for the last spot. There's always room for chaos, but that's what it looks like right now. My suspicion is that the committee would take Oklahoma over Utah.

We'll get more clarity on Tuesday but I think you're greatly underestimating the allure of the mighty SEC. I've already seen a lot of justification from talking heads about how Alabama narrowly lost to the best team and Tua wasn't 100%, etc. If Bama finishes strong, including a thumping of Auburn then they may well get in ahead of a 1-loss Big 12 or PAC 12 team.

11-10-2019, 09:28 PM
We'll get more clarity on Tuesday but I think you're greatly underestimating the allure of the mighty SEC. I've already seen a lot of justification from talking heads about how Alabama narrowly lost to the best team and Tua wasn't 100%, etc. If Bama finishes strong, including a thumping of Auburn then they may well get in ahead of a 1-loss Big 12 or PAC 12 team.

You may be right about the SEC, but I think you are wrong about clarity on Tuesday. Resist the temptation to believe that the early CFP rankings give any insight about what they will do in the end.

I do believe that 12-1 Oregon or 12-1 Oklahoma are in over 11-1 Bama. Utah is a slightly different animal because the committee clearly cares about brand as well as everything else, and Utah doesn't have the brand that Oregon/OU have.

They really do care about being a conference champion, though, and they will reward that 12th win.

11-11-2019, 08:36 AM
We still have a very small sample size but we have enough to start seeing some patterns. Personally, I think the worry that the SEC will get a second team in over a 1 loss conference champion is way overblown. The only time the SEC has put two teams in is when there were two conference champions who had two losses. Lets say Utah wins out, beats Oregon (who is 11-1 at that point). Lets also say Oklahoma wins out, beats Baylor. At that point Oregon is a better quality win than Oklahoma. But maybe they take Oklahoma because of branding (Im still unconvinced that has any sway) or they feel Oklahoma's loss was not as bad as Utah's. I still feel that the final spot will come down to Oklahoma or Utah over an Alabama. Until proven otherwise, I think that is what the limited data would suggest.

11-11-2019, 09:34 AM
(Im still unconvinced that has any sway)

Everything else you said made sense. This does not. At a bare minimum, there is a subconscious effect.

11-11-2019, 10:55 AM
Isn't it pretty clear now what needs to happen (if the Utes win out)? Auburn beats Alabama. LSU beats Georgia in the SEC championship. Ohio State beats Minnesota in the Big 10 championship (Minnesota still has a couple of tough games at Iowa and home against Wisconsin). Then the only possible fly in the ointment would be Oklahoma. I bet Oklahoma kills Baylor. But if Utah were to beat Oregon in a dramatic Pac 12 championship game, or convincingly, my money would be on Utah.

The Big 12 and the ACC are both crappy this year. A lot weaker than the Pac 12.

11-11-2019, 12:53 PM
Everything else you said made sense. This does not. At a bare minimum, there is a subconscious effect.

Agreed. If you don't think there is a bias that Alabama (or Oklahoma or Penn State or Oregon) is more deserving of a CFP bid than Utah you haven't paid attention. Now, we can argue about the extent of that bias, but the existence of it is beyond dispute.

11-11-2019, 12:56 PM
Isn't it pretty clear now what needs to happen (if the Utes win out)? Auburn beats Alabama. LSU beats Georgia in the SEC championship. Ohio State beats Minnesota in the Big 10 championship (Minnesota still has a couple of tough games at Iowa and home against Wisconsin). Then the only possible fly in the ointment would be Oklahoma. I bet Oklahoma kills Baylor. But if Utah were to beat Oregon in a dramatic Pac 12 championship game, or convincingly, my money would be on Utah.

The Big 12 and the ACC are both crappy this year. A lot weaker than the Pac 12.

Yeah, this is correct. Oklahoma not losing on Saturday when they absolutely, positively should have is the big story of the weekend for me. Basically, that loss would have put us on a crash course with destiny (with the caveat that we still have a less than 50% chance of any of this mattering; we still need to win out).

11-11-2019, 01:35 PM
Yeah, this is correct. Oklahoma not losing on Saturday when they absolutely, positively should have is the big story of the weekend for me. Basically, that loss would have put us on a crash course with destiny (with the caveat that we still have a less than 50% chance of any of this mattering; we still need to win out).

Weirder things have happened.

Also, Oklahoma could lose at Oklahoma State.

11-11-2019, 03:07 PM
Agreed. If you don't think there is a bias that Alabama (or Oklahoma or Penn State or Oregon) is more deserving of a CFP bid than Utah you haven't paid attention. Now, we can argue about the extent of that bias, but the existence of it is beyond dispute.

Show me the evidence of a name brand getting in over someone else when it was a close call. Seriously. I just dont see it.

11-11-2019, 05:06 PM
Show me the evidence of a name brand getting in over someone else when it was a close call. Seriously. I just dont see it.

OSU got in over TCU and Baylor when those two teams were at least as deserving as the Buckeyes.

Plus, it's just human nature. You can't erase it. They can pretend that they don't see the name, but of course they do. Who is on the playoff committee? People who have been in college football for their entire lives. You think they can just flip a switch and pretend they don't realize that Alabama is the most storied program in CF history?

11-11-2019, 05:07 PM
Yeah, this is correct. Oklahoma not losing on Saturday when they absolutely, positively should have is the big story of the weekend for me.

I hate the "go for two and the win" attitude, mostly because it never works. We did that against USC a few years ago. I was screaming at Kyle to take overtime.

11-11-2019, 05:11 PM
We also need Oregon to finish the regular season 11-1 and in the top 4 or 5.

11-11-2019, 05:12 PM
Isn't it pretty clear now what needs to happen (if the Utes win out)? Auburn beats Alabama. LSU beats Georgia in the SEC championship. Ohio State beats Minnesota in the Big 10 championship (Minnesota still has a couple of tough games at Iowa and home against Wisconsin). Then the only possible fly in the ointment would be Oklahoma. I bet Oklahoma kills Baylor. But if Utah were to beat Oregon in a dramatic Pac 12 championship game, or convincingly, my money would be on Utah.

The Big 12 and the ACC are both crappy this year. A lot weaker than the Pac 12.

On your list, I don't think Auburn over Alabama is necessary, and I don't think Minnesota over OSU is necessary. If everyone keeps winning, it will come down to Oregon/Utah against Oklahoma.

The SEC, Big10, and ACC are likely getting their champions in. The 4th spot comes down to Pac-12 vs Big-12.

The following teams control their playoff destiny:

LSU, Georgia
OSU, Minnesota, Penn State

11-11-2019, 05:13 PM
We also need Oregon to finish the regular season 11-1 and in the top 4 or 5.

Yes, and they are rooting for us as well.

11-11-2019, 05:27 PM
On your list, I don't think Auburn over Alabama is necessary, and I don't think Minnesota over OSU is necessary. If everyone keeps winning, it will come down to Oregon/Utah against Oklahoma.

The SEC, Big10, and ACC are likely getting their champions in. The 4th spot comes down to Pac-12 vs Big-12.

The following teams control their playoff destiny:

LSU, Georgia
OSU, Minnesota, Penn State

I said Ohio State has to beat Minnesota, not the other way around. This is because if Minnesota beats Ohio State, they may both get in, but not vice versa.

11-11-2019, 05:34 PM
OSU got in over TCU and Baylor when those two teams were at least as deserving as the Buckeyes.

Plus, it's just human nature. You can't erase it. They can pretend that they don't see the name, but of course they do. Who is on the playoff committee? People who have been in college football for their entire lives. You think they can just flip a switch and pretend they don't realize that Alabama is the most storied program in CF history?

Are you talking 2014 when the big 12 didn't have a title game and Ohio state won theirs? Because that only strengthens my argument..

11-11-2019, 05:34 PM
I said Ohio State has to beat Minnesota, not the other way around. This is because if Minnesota beats Ohio State, they may both get in, but not vice versa.

My bad. I do disagree, though. I don't think they will put two Big10 teams in unless things get really crazy.

11-11-2019, 05:36 PM
Are you talking 2014 when the big 12 didn't have a title game and Ohio state won theirs? Because that only strengthens my argument..

I am talking about 2014 when if TCU or Baylor had been named Texas or Oklahoma, they'd have been in. We all know it. The title game was a convenient explanation for the committee, but that was all about OSU's brand relative to TCU/Baylor.

11-11-2019, 05:58 PM
I am talking about 2014 when if TCU or Baylor had been named Texas or Oklahoma, they'd have been in. We all know it. The title game was a convenient explanation for the committee, but that was all about OSU's brand relative to TCU/Baylor.

That's based on nothing more than your own paranoia.

11-11-2019, 06:25 PM
That's based on nothing more than your own paranoia.

Well, that and the "paranoia" of a million other fans and dozens of sports journalists who wrote about it at the time. Baylor and TCU were ahead of OSU in the last few CFB rankings. All the talk was about how to decide between the frogs and the bears, and then Urban came along and absolutely clobbered Wisconsin in the Big10 title game. I've followed football for long enough to know that if Indiana had been the team clobbering Wiscy in the title game, it wouldn't have been enough to put the Hoosiers in the playoff.

On occasion, I find people like you who believe a committee consisting of guys like Frank Beamer and Ronnie Lott is able to be completely, inhumanly impartial. It's a weird fantasy that I don't understand.

11-11-2019, 06:37 PM
Well, that and the "paranoia" of a million other fans and dozens of sports journalists who wrote about it at the time. Baylor and TCU were ahead of OSU in the last few CFB rankings. All the talk was about how to decide between the frogs and the bears, and then Urban came along and absolutely clobbered Wisconsin in the Big10 title game. I've followed football for long enough to know that if Indiana had been the team clobbering Wiscy in the title game, it wouldn't have been enough to put the Hoosiers in the playoff.

On occasion, I find people like you who believe a committee consisting of guys like Frank Beamer and Ronnie Lott is able to be completely, inhumanly impartial. It's a weird fantasy that I don't understand.

Ha! No, I'm the one here grounded in what has happened and not hypothetical or hyperbole.

So far, the committee has shown that they favor teams who win a p5 conference title over teams who don't. That works in conjunction with their favor of teams who have 1 or fewer losses over teams with two or more. If we stay/get to the positive side of those metrics; we will be in barring a few scenarios.

I hope we get to see who is right; our floor would be the rose Bowl. And that would be one heck of a season.

11-11-2019, 06:59 PM
I hope we get to see who is right; our floor would be the rose Bowl. And that would be one heck of a season.

I'm not sure we can see who is right. But I do agree with you that the SEC will not get two teams in if Oregon, Utah, or Oklahoma is 12-1. I do worry that they will pick Oklahoma over Utah in that scenario, in part due to Oklahoma's brand. I don't think that's a crazy or paranoid concern at all in any system that is not run by computers.

11-11-2019, 07:15 PM
I'm not sure we can see who is right. But I do agree with you that the SEC will not get two teams in if Oregon, Utah, or Oklahoma is 12-1. I do worry that they will pick Oklahoma over Utah in that scenario, in part due to Oklahoma's brand. I don't think that's a crazy or paranoid concern at all in any system that is not run by computers.

Fair enough.

11-16-2019, 04:33 PM
Oregon continues to kick itself over its massive Auburn choke job. Auburn is so bad. They are the only top 10 team that I would not be nervous to play against.

11-16-2019, 05:24 PM
Minnesota loses. I guess they still control their playoff destiny, but no one really thinks it's happening.

Bama loses Tua. Too bad for the kid, but that should put the nail in the coffin of the Bama playoff hopes.

Texas loses, which will cost Oklahoma a top 25 win. KState loses, so Oklahoma's loss is no longer to a top 15 team.

Not chaos, but it's been a decent day for the Pac-12 hopes. Now let's take care of business!

11-20-2019, 07:22 AM
Still at 7 in the playoff. If we win out, the only thing keeping us out is LSU losing to Georgia. Having auburn beat Bama for insurance would be nice too.

11-20-2019, 08:48 AM
Still at 7 in the playoff. If we win out, the only thing keeping us out is LSU losing to Georgia. Having auburn beat Bama for insurance would be nice too.

Hinton agrees with you for the most part. He believes that a 12-1 Ohio State could also get in before us. He also has us right next to Oklahoma in the pecking order, so that could flip if OU beats Baylor by 400 points in the rematch.


11-21-2019, 10:01 AM
It will help if the Utes can win three games in a row now by eye-raising margins. Like Urban did that season he won the NC at Ohio State. He was on the outside looking in with on loss, then pulverized Wisconsin (Gary Anderson) in the Big 10 title game 59-0. Then they just kept rolling over Alabama and Oregon. Gary Anderson never recovered.

11-21-2019, 10:35 AM
It will help if the Utes can win three games in a row now by eye-raising margins. Like Urban did that season he won the NC at Ohio State. He was on the outside looking in with on loss, then pulverized Wisconsin (Gary Anderson) in the Big 10 title game 59-0. Then they just kept rolling over Alabama and Oregon. Gary Anderson never recovered.

Agree, and this works for Oregon, Oklahoma, Baylor, and maybe Alabama as well. It could work for or against OSU/LSU if they don't win their conferences. Say Georgia beats LSU 52-7. Are they really gonna pick a team that gets routed in their conference title game?

11-21-2019, 10:54 AM
Wilner points out that nobody has been able to finish the PAC-12 schedule 9-0, Oregon is on pace to do that, but he thinks the Ducks game at Tempe is dangerous. He has ASU upsetting Oregon.

If that happens, all playoff talk for the Pac-12 is kaput.

11-21-2019, 11:15 AM
Wilner points out that nobody has been able to finish the PAC-12 schedule 9-0, Oregon is on pace to do that, but he thinks the Ducks game at Tempe is dangerous. He has ASU upsetting Oregon.

If that happens, all playoff talk for the Pac-12 is kaput.

Tempe is always a horrible place to play. But I disagree with him. This ASU team seems to have mailed it in.

11-21-2019, 01:26 PM
Tempe is always a horrible place to play. But I disagree with him. This ASU team seems to have mailed it in.

Couldn't agree more. Ducks will crush the Devils.

11-21-2019, 01:27 PM
The thing that calls me over the next few weeks is that we need to root for USC, UW, AND Oregon. Makes me feel icky just thinking about it.

11-21-2019, 02:39 PM
Couldn't agree more. Ducks will crush the Devils.

I want agree. But then I think back to close games Oregon had against WSU and Cal. ASU beat both of those teams, so they could potentially give Oregon some trouble.

I know the transitive property in college football isn't real, and hopefully Oregon is playing better and ASU has given up. But for some reason, I'm a bit nervous for our Duck conference mates.

11-23-2019, 01:12 PM
Playoff selection is a lottery to see who gets to be murdered by Chase Young.

11-23-2019, 01:24 PM
...and Penn State has been eliminated.

The hopeful list is now: LSU, OSU, Clemson, Minnesota, Georgia, Utah, Oregon, Oklahoma, Baylor, and Alabama.

11-23-2019, 01:37 PM
...and Penn State has been eliminated.

The hopeful list is now: LSU, OSU, Clemson, Minnesota, Georgia, Utah, Oregon, Oklahoma, Baylor, and Alabama.

If the U and the Ducks win out, I am convinced the winner of their game will get into the playoff unless Ga beats LSU. Knock on wood.

11-23-2019, 01:40 PM
If the U and the Ducks win out, I am convinced the winner of their game will get into the playoff unless Ga beats LSU. Knock on wood.

Seems very likely. I don't know if they would treat a non-champ OSU as well as a non-champ LSU. OSU's resume would be just as good as LSU's.

I also keep thinking that Oklahoma has a chance based on having more top 25 wins than Utah/Oregon.

11-23-2019, 02:10 PM
Seems very likely. I don't know if they would treat a non-champ OSU as well as a non-champ LSU. OSU's resume would be just as good as LSU's.

I also keep thinking that Oklahoma has a chance based on having more top 25 wins than Utah/Oregon.

I think that if Oklahoma had a chance they would have passed us this week. If they haven't passed us by now I don't think they will.

11-23-2019, 02:21 PM
I think that if Oklahoma had a chance they would have passed us this week. If they haven't passed us by now I don't think they will.

This is probably right, but the committee has flipped rankings before. They regularly cite top 25 wins, and they have flipped rankings based on style points before.

11-23-2019, 08:27 PM
...and Penn State has been eliminated.

The hopeful list is now: LSU, OSU, Clemson, Minnesota, Georgia, Utah, Oregon, Oklahoma, Baylor, and Alabama.

...and Oregon has been eliminated. Down to LSU, OSU, Clemson, Minnesota, Georgia, Utah, Oklahoma, Baylor, and Alabama. Utah's road just got harder with Oregon losing. On the bright side, the conference should be 100% behind us.

11-23-2019, 08:28 PM
Ducks ducking things up. Down 24-7 in the 4th.

11-23-2019, 09:09 PM
Unbelievable! Ducks lay an egg. Why couldn’t it have been Baylor or Georgia screwing up instead?

11-23-2019, 09:14 PM
Unbelievable! Ducks lay an egg. Why couldn’t it have been Baylor or Georgia screwing up instead?

And Oklahoma just dodged a bullet, again.

Makes you wonder about the Pac-12. We are clearly better than most teams in the conference...but maybe the conference just isn't good.

11-23-2019, 09:23 PM

11-23-2019, 09:39 PM
Was that our first poor clock management of the season?

Oregon lost the momentum in their game by failing on 4th and 1. I hope ours don't come back to haunt us tonight.

11-23-2019, 09:44 PM

Oklahoma probably has a tougher SOS, but hasn’t dominated games like we have. Close games at home against ~.500 Iowa St and TCU aren’t that impressive. And our losses are looking pretty similar.

They still have to play OSU and Baylor who are probably top 25 teams. We have Oregon who may be top 15.

11-23-2019, 09:47 PM
Oklahoma probably has a tougher SOS, but hasn’t dominated games like we have. Close games at home against ~.500 Iowa St and TCU aren’t that impressive. And our losses are looking pretty similar.

I think there are a lot of good arguments for a 12-1 Utah over 12-1 Oklahoma, but I also think the committee doesn't do research or subtlety. They could just count up the number of top 25 wins and call it a day. Plus, the computers prefer Oklahoma so far.

11-23-2019, 10:23 PM


11-23-2019, 10:50 PM

https://media1.giphy.com/media/Q8y5lBigYQ7X1wYbqK/giphy.gif?cid=4d1e4f2953bdea006a2d19aea8d985a28dac 241434251d6d&rid=giphy.gif

11-23-2019, 10:56 PM
I think it's an accurate picture of Utah. We really haven't played anyone, but we've won big enough to be convincing. The best team we played - USC - beat us. I know we're very good, but I don't know what happens when we play LSU or Clemson. I hope we find out.

Dwight Schr-Ute
11-24-2019, 06:14 PM

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11-24-2019, 07:30 PM

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Utah and Georgia can't both control their destiny. If Georgia beats LSU, both Georgia and LSU are in regardless of what Utah does.

11-25-2019, 08:51 AM
Final week of the regular season! Here are the results we care most about, ranked in order of likelihood. Most of the results we want are in the "unlikely" category or worse, but the game we care the most about is in the "extremely likely" category:

Extremely likely:

Utah over Colorado (28 point spread)


Wisconsin over Minnesota (Wisc favored by 2.5)


Auburn over Alabama (4 points, I don't gamble but this seems like easy money...Auburn is not good)
Michigan over Ohio State (8.5 points)

Extremely unlikely:

Okie State over Oklahoma (12 points, Oklahoma has flirted with disaster 3 weeks in a row...I think they win this in a blowout)
Kansas over Baylor (I can't find a spread)
Texas A&M over LSU (17 points)


Georgia Tech over Georgia (28 points)
South Carolina over Clemson (24.5 points)

11-25-2019, 11:58 AM
Final week of the regular season! Here are the results we care most about, ranked in order of likelihood. Most of the results we want are in the "unlikely" category or worse, but the game we care the most about is in the "extremely likely" category:

Extremely likely:

Utah over Colorado (28 point spread)


Ohio State over Michigan (8.5 points)


Wisconsin over Minnesota (Wisc favored by 2.5)


Auburn over Alabama (4 points, I don't gamble but this seems like easy money...Auburn is not good)

Extremely unlikely:

Okie State over Oklahoma (12 points, Oklahoma has flirted with disaster 3 weeks in a row...I think they win this in a blowout)
Kansas over Baylor (I can't find a spread)
Texas A&M over LSU (17 points)


Georgia Tech over Georgia (28 points)
South Carolina over Clemson (24.5 points)

C'mon South Carolina!

BTW, I don't think we necessairly want Ohio State, do we? I mean if they lost to Michigan that doesn't put Michigan in the CFP, and then if Ohio State lost to Minnesota (or Wisc) in the Big 10 title we wouldn't have Ohio State in the CFP!!!!!!

11-25-2019, 11:59 AM
Couldn't agree more. Ducks will crush the Devils.


11-25-2019, 01:05 PM
C'mon South Carolina!

BTW, I don't think we necessairly want Ohio State, do we? I mean if they lost to Michigan that doesn't put Michigan in the CFP, and then if Ohio State lost to Minnesota (or Wisc) in the Big 10 title we wouldn't have Ohio State in the CFP!!!!!!

Oh hey, you're right. I was thinking that one of Michigan's losses was to Notre Dame, but I was wrong. They got whooped by Wisconsin and lost to Penn State.

That shifts the Ohio State game down into unlikely territory. Not a lot of hope with this list of games.

11-26-2019, 10:43 AM
I was just making some travel plans to the Bay Area next weekend, and I started thinking about how much fun has this football season been. It has a similar feeling now to 2004. There is not much doubt if we will win, just by how much. And being included in the national discussion about one of he best teams in the country.

Remember in 2004, we had to be in the top 6 to guarantee a BCS bowl, and were battling with Texas and Cal for the last position. Texas lost on the last weekend, and we nudged out an inactive Cal for the #6 spot. Similar to now, only we have to be in the top 4 for the playoffs, and Oklahoma and Alabama are the other players.

We have had 2 home games that fans complained were too hot (85 degrees and sunny, proving fans will complain about anything), then two very wet and rainy games. The last two night games were not too cold, and Saturday will be possibly cold and snowy.

We have a bunch of players that stand out and will be memorable for years to come. Huntley, Moss, Kuithe, Anae, Bernard, Blackmon, Johnson. Many will be playing on Sundays next year. And some great stories behind them, such as the Hallendale Trio, lightly recruited Kuithe and Anae, Bernard's redemption, Blackmon being a local guy, and Johnson working his plan to perfection. And this from a clean program, with a hard working and loyal head coach and staff.

I guess my point is, enjoy this while it is here. Sometimes it's hard to recognize the good times in the moment. It's been a long time since the Sugar Bowl, these type of seasons don't come along that often.

11-26-2019, 07:00 PM
With a Oregon dropping 8 spots and Baylor moving up 5, I think it’s clear that if Oklahoma wins out, they’ll get the 4 spot (assuming Georgia loses to LSU, and I think either or both 12-1 conference champs jump Alabama).

Oklahoma has a chance to get one more top 20 and top 10 win, while we’ll have an unranked and top 15 win (at the time the games are played).

11-26-2019, 07:16 PM
With a Oregon dropping 8 spots and Baylor moving up 5, I think it’s clear that if Oklahoma wins out, they’ll get the 4 spot (assuming Georgia loses to LSU, and I think either or both 12-1 conference champs jump Alabama).

Oklahoma has a chance to get one more top 20 and top 10 win, while we’ll have an unranked and top 15 win (at the time the games are played).

I agree with you. That was a huge jump for Baylor. Both Baylor and Oklahoma have been so close to losing all season, but they always managed to escape. Bummer.

That said, I still see national pundits who say Utah will be the 4 seed. We don't have the quality wins, but you can't deny the utter dominance.

11-26-2019, 10:46 PM
I agree with you. That was a huge jump for Baylor. Both Baylor and Oklahoma have been so close to losing all season, but they always managed to escape. Bummer.

That said, I still see national pundits who say Utah will be the 4 seed. We don't have the quality wins, but you can't deny the utter dominance.

Yeah, style points are the wildcard. If we blow out CO and OR, and Ok squeaks by OSU and Baylor, it might be enough to get us in.

11-26-2019, 11:16 PM
Bleacher Report article that is listed on CNN's front page right now. Pretty balanced article discussing Utah's merits for the playoff discussion.


11-27-2019, 10:00 AM
Bleacher Report article that is listed on CNN's front page right now. Pretty balanced article discussing Utah's merits for the playoff discussion.


I think that is a pretty fair assessment of things.

11-30-2019, 08:45 PM
I have to get those UTE mittons that Tyler Huntley is rocking tonight!!!

12-01-2019, 07:32 AM
Championship week! It's down to this for Utah's playoff hopes:

1. Utah beats Oregon (style points matter here)
2. LSU beats Georgia (style points don't matter here)
3. Oklahoma/Baylor. We are rooting for Baylor. If Oklahoma wins, we are hoping it's close and ugly and that they lose multiple key starters to injury during the game. Hopefully this game is marred by a major fight or other type of scandal.

The computers still have Utah far behind other playoff hopefuls. Like Clemson, we are relying on the eye test.

12-01-2019, 11:24 AM

12-01-2019, 09:38 PM
The thing to watch for on Tuesday is the number of Big12 teams ranked in the top 25. If it's just OU and Baylor, the committee is setting themselves up to justify Utah in the playoff. If they also have Kansas State, Iowa State, Texas, and/or Oklahoma State, they are prepping their justifications for jumping OU over us.

12-01-2019, 10:10 PM
I'm not ruling out a monster upset of Clemson by Virginia. I regard Bronco Mendenhall kind of a shrewd and pugnacious competitor. His team will be loose and playing with abandon. That was a nice win over Virginia Tech. I'd love the irony.

12-01-2019, 10:21 PM
I'm not ruling out a monster upset of Clemson by Virginia. I regard Bronco Mendenhall kind of a shrewd and pugnacious competitor. His team will be loose and playing with abandon. That was a nice win over Virginia Tech. I'd love the irony.

That would be great...and would be the biggest upset in years. Clemson is favored by 29, almost double the spread of the next most lopsided conference championship game. The UVa team is nice, but it isn't good. They won the worst division in college football because someone had to win it. Still, you never know what will happen in college football.

12-01-2019, 10:28 PM
Just got home from Utah. I'm glad I was able to make the trip for Thanksgiving to see this group on senior day. What a special season.

Y'all know I've been asking for years for a lifetime contract for Whitt. This would be another great season for it. It's a great symbolic gesture to our program's greatest coach. It would be newsworthy because it's not common in college football, and newsworthy is good in a sport where personnel is determined through recruiting.

Sitting there in the cold yesterday, it was hard not to remember the hundreds of times I've seen Utah fans call for Whitt to be fired over the years. This season is the result of sticking with a great head coach. Depending on how long he sticks around, we may get another great season from him.

12-02-2019, 10:23 AM
This is brilliant


12-02-2019, 10:36 AM

12-02-2019, 12:00 PM

This is beyond shocking. Whitt moves into pole position on the "best coach in the Pac-12" power ranking.

12-02-2019, 12:17 PM

This is beyond shocking. Whitt moves into pole position on the "best coach in the Pac-12" power ranking.

How could he do this after losing to Oregon two straight years and after this season? Whit is a better, tougher man. I almost wonder if there's a scandal. Unbelievable, after being a company guy for so long at Boise.

12-02-2019, 01:56 PM
How could he do this after losing to Oregon two straight years and after this season? Whit is a better, tougher man. I almost wonder if there's a scandal. Unbelievable, after being a company guy for so long at Boise.

Sounds like an Urban Meyer situation, only without the shadow of scandal, since he says he is staying in a "leadership advisory role" in the UW athletic department.

I'll be a Husky for life, but now is the right time for me to step away from my head coaching duties, and recharge."

12-02-2019, 03:45 PM
Sounds like an Urban Meyer situation, only without the shadow of scandal, since he says he is staying in a "leadership advisory role" in the UW athletic department.

Whit and Petersen have been alter egos and rivals, like the sheepdog and the coyote (Petersen more the former, Whit more the latter, until this season). I'm glad Whit took his measure before Petersen retired. Would be nice to see Whit win his second national title while Petersen has none.

12-03-2019, 08:41 AM
Whit and Petersen have been alter egos and rivals, like the sheepdog and the coyote (Petersen more the former, Whit more the latter, until this season). I'm glad Whit took his measure before Petersen retired. Would be nice to see Whit win his second national title while Petersen has none.


12-03-2019, 08:59 PM
It's a good sign that Oklahoma didn't jump Utah in the CPF rankings this week. But I have to believe it's more like 5A and 5B instead of 5 and 6.

Assuming Georgia loses, and Utah and Oklahoma win this weekend, I think it is going to come down to the type of victory. If Utah struggles to beat Oregon, and Oklahoma easily handles Baylor, or vice versa, the team with the better looking win will move to #4. If both teams win close or easily, then I think Utah keeps the edge and moves to #4.

12-09-2019, 10:39 AM
The unofficial ub5 Bowl Calendar:

Dec 20. Bahamas Bowl. Buffalo vs Charlotte. I hope we all have enough going on at Christmastime to ignore this game.

Dec 20. Frisco Bowl. Utah State vs Kent State. Since I am bitter about football right now, go Flashers.

Dec 21. New Mexico Bowl. Central Michigan vs SDSU. Aztecs, you beat BYU for us, we will root for you here in return. Also, wear the Aztec shield helmets, but make that shield show up more.

Dec 21. Mortage Cure Bowl. Liberty vs Georgia Southern. I don't always watch the Cure Bowl, but when I do, I root for Georgia Southern.

Dec 21. Boca Raton Bowl. SMU vs FAU. Root, root, root for the home team. Owls, show 'em you can do it without that dirtbag Kiffin.

Dec 21. Camellia Bowl. FIU vs Arkie State. Uhhh, I got nothing.

Dec 21. Vegas Bowl. Boise vs Washington. The first must-see game of the bowl season. Go Broncos! When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5.

Dec 21. New Orleans Bowl. App State vs UAB. Historic season for ASU, and it's a shame they didn't get a better opponent. So many things in college football are broken.

Dec 23. Gasparilla Bowl. UCF vs Marshall. If anyone has a dog in this fight, let me know. I'll root with you.

Dec 24. Hawaii Bowl. Hawaii vs BYU. Again, I hope everyone has something better to do on xmas eve. Warriors!

Dec 26. Independence Bowl. La Tech vs Miami. When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5.

Dec 26. Quick Lane Bowl. Pitt vs Eastern Mich. When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5.

Dec 27. Military Bowl. UNC vs Temple. When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5.

Dec 27. Pinstripe Bowl. Michigan State vs Wake. When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5...oh, wait. Go Deacons anyway, though. Is Dantonio out?

Dec 27. Texas Bowl. Okie State vs Texas A&M. The real P5 vs P5 stuff starts here. Gotta root against the SEC, and it's always easy to root for the mullet.

Dec 27. Holiday Bowl. USC vs Iowa. How delicious if USC lays an egg here after retaining Helton? Gotta go with Iowa to put USC fans in meltdown mode.

Dec 27. Cheez-It Bowl. AFA vs WSU. Air Force finishes 10-2 and is not ranked. When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5.

Dec 28. Cotton Bowl. Penn State vs Memphis. When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5.

Dec 28. Camping Bowl. Notre Dame vs Iowa State. Notre Dame was robbed of an Orange Bowl spot. Go Cyclones.

Dec 28. Peach Bowl. Oklahoma vs LSU. I still think, even after the Oregon game, that Utah matches up well with LSU. If the Sooners win, I will revert to "what could have been" mode for a few days. Go Sooners.

Dec 28. Fiesta Bowl. Clemson vs OSU. Go Tigers, I guess. Who really cares? The playoff has, once again, delivered 4 traditional powers. I'm not sure I can even call the playoff must-see TV at this point.

Dec 30. First Responder Bowl. Western Kentucky vs Western Michigan. Go Western!

Dec 30. Music City Bowl. Mississippi vs Louisville. Again, go against the SEC. Go Cards.

Dec 30. Redbox Bowl. Cal vs Illinois. Have you seen Lovie's beard? Can't root against that. Plus, that Illinois is bowl eligible is the unsung minor miracle of the year. Go Illini.

Dec 30. Orange Bowl. Florida vs UVa. I typically root for the underdog in games like these, but the fact that UVa was gifted an undeserved Orange Bowl is enough to pull for a 50-0 Gators beat down. There is no other thing in the world that has as many easily fixable problems that never get fixed as college football.

Dec 31. Belk Bowl. Kentucky vs Va Tech. Just root against the SEC again.

Dec 31. Sun Bowl. ASU vs FSU. Ugh. Blah. Go Noles. I will hate you forever for stealing our Rose Bowl, Herm.

Dec 31. Liberty Bowl. Navy vs K-State. Do you like option football? Then circle this date. When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5.

Dec 31. Arizona Bowl. Wyoming vs Georgia State. Utah plays at Wyoming next season, right? That's just a two hour drive for me. Go Cowboys.

Dec 31. Alamo Bowl. Utah @ Texas. This is a Tuesday night. There are no other bowl games on. There are no good bowl games all day Monday or Tuesday (just look above). Everyone will be watching this game. It's a big chance for Utah to get some partial redemption on the road against a power program.

Jan 1. Outback Bowl. Minnesota vs Auburn. The Tigers are overrated at 12. Row that boat, Gophers.

Jan 1. Citrus Bowl. Michigan vs Alabama. The Tide are underrated at 13. Plug your nose, and pull for Harbaugh.

Jan 1. Rose Bowl. Oregon vs Wisconsin. No way I'm pulling for the Ducks after they screwed our chances by losing to Herm. Rooting for Sewell to give up his first 8 sacks of the season.

Jan 1. Sugar Bowl. Georgia vs Baylor. Georgia is the most overrated team in the nation at #5. I hope Baylor validates my claim.

Jan 2. Birmingham Bowl. BC vs Cincy. When in doubt, pull for the G5 over P5.

Jan 2. Gator Bowl. Indiana vs Tennessee. Another chance to root against the SEC. Indiana looked good, but not quite good enough, all season long.

Jan 3. Potato Bowl. Ohio vs Nevada. You've been watching a lot of football. Time to take a break.

Jan 4. Armed Forces Bowl. Southern Miss vs Tulane. I was a Tulane season ticket holder for 4 years. Go Wave! Helluva Hullaballoo!

Jan 6. Lendingtree Bowl. Miami (OH) vs ULL. When you have a chance to root for a team called the Ragin' Cajuns, you probably should do it.

12-10-2019, 10:52 AM
Great write!

12-10-2019, 10:55 AM
Jan 1. Citrus Bowl. Michigan vs Alabama. The Sooners are underrated at 13. Plug your nose, and pull for Harbaugh.

Say what?

12-10-2019, 11:27 AM
Jan 1. Citrus Bowl. Michigan vs Alabama. The Sooners are underrated at 13. Plug your nose, and pull for Harbaugh.

Say what?

Oops, fixed it. Should have said the Tide are underrated.

12-13-2019, 01:32 PM
Wilner's diatribe against Utah dominating the post-season awards was hard to read. He blames it on a conspiracy among the coaches against Oregon. There's another interpretation. Utah's championship game performance was the all-time biggest choke.

The further I get from that game the more I feel that the team just wasn't mentally ready. It's the phenomenon of celebrating too soon, I fear. Why so many Super Bowls are blow outs. One team always feels fortunate to be there, the other one sees getting there the penultimate part of the journey. You need to act and think like being there is not enough. Some have mentioned the stories about the team partying all night after the Colorado game with a short week ahead of them. Of course they read the clippings about how great they were. Whit shouting in the locker room that Alabama lost wasn't helpful.

Meanwhile, you had a very talented and very pissed pride-wounded Oregon team with not really much to lose and a lot to gain.

I still love Whit even though he screwed up the Pac 12 title game of maybe a lifetime.

12-13-2019, 01:48 PM
Wilner's diatribe against Utah dominating the post-season awards was hard to read. He blames it on a conspiracy among the coaches against Oregon. There's another interpretation. Utah's championship game performance was the all-time biggest choke.

The further I get from that game the more I feel that the team just wasn't mentally ready. It's the phenomenon of celebrating too soon, I fear. Why so many Super Bowls are blow outs. One team always feels fortunate to be there, the other one sees getting there the penultimate part of the journey. You need to act and think like being there is not enough. Some have mentioned the stories about the team partying all night after the Colorado game with a short week ahead of them. Of course they read the clippings about how great they were. Whit shouting in the locker room that Alabama lost wasn't helpful.

Meanwhile, you had a very talented and very pissed pride-wounded Oregon team with not really much to lose and a lot to gain.

I still love Whit even though he screwed up the Pac 12 title game of maybe a lifetime.

It is my understanding that the team is voted on by the coaches. I also seem to remember that there were some coaches who expressed in a confidential manner that they think Cristobal runs a dirty program.

12-13-2019, 02:07 PM
It is my understanding that the team is voted on by the coaches. I also seem to remember that there were some coaches who expressed in a confidential manner that they think Cristobal runs a dirty program.

Maybe. This was still nut-job conspiracy theory stuff from Wilner.

12-27-2019, 09:31 PM
Fun to see USC go down. If I'm a USC trustee, I'm trying to get the president fired ASAP.

Wazzu just gave up a 12 minute TD drive to Air Force. Go Falcons!

12-28-2019, 08:22 AM
Fun to see USC go down. If I'm a USC trustee, I'm trying to get the president fired ASAP.

The current state of USC highlights the difference between SC and other traditional college football powers. There's no way Bama or Ohio State keep Helton after finishing last in the conference in recruiting. But USC is not like traditional college football powers. They don't have a huge, rabid fan base. They are a private school in a city that doesn't care.

12-29-2019, 08:01 AM
What a stinker of a game with OU and LSU. I wish Utah had finished our business vs Oregon. I think we'd have done better against LSU. I wonder if Joe Burrow will make it in the NFL or if he's another college QB putting up big numbers because he's in the right system. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

The 2nd game was very close to becoming another blowout. A huge targeting call (which was controversial but correct in my opinion) turned it around. Without that call, OSU walks to a 30 point win. The play of the game was the linebacker running down Dobbins on his 2nd 60 yard run. Dude prevented a TD, and Clemson held OSU to a FG. Those 4 points were huge. The 2nd controversial call - the OSU fumble recovery for a TD - was wrong in my opinion. That was a catch and fumble. If that pass occurs in the end zone, it's a TD 100% of the time.

It was a weird game. Not many sustained drives, just big plays. Clemson scored on a 70 yard scramble from Lawrence. Lawrence didn't look sharp at all with the ball until his game winning drive. Clemson doesn't look like they can play with LSU, but the game is 2 weeks away. Anything can happen.

These games should have been on New Year's. You can always count on college football to mess up the easy stuff.

12-30-2019, 03:19 PM
What a stinker of a game with OU and LSU. I wish Utah had finished our business vs Oregon. I think we'd have done better against LSU. I wonder if Joe Burrow will make it in the NFL or if he's another college QB putting up big numbers because he's in the right system. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

The 2nd game was very close to becoming another blowout. A huge targeting call (which was controversial but correct in my opinion) turned it around. Without that call, OSU walks to a 30 point win. The play of the game was the linebacker running down Dobbins on his 2nd 60 yard run. Dude prevented a TD, and Clemson held OSU to a FG. Those 4 points were huge. The 2nd controversial call - the OSU fumble recovery for a TD - was wrong in my opinion. That was a catch and fumble. If that pass occurs in the end zone, it's a TD 100% of the time.

It was a weird game. Not many sustained drives, just big plays. Clemson scored on a 70 yard scramble from Lawrence. Lawrence didn't look sharp at all with the ball until his game winning drive. Clemson doesn't look like they can play with LSU, but the game is 2 weeks away. Anything can happen.

These games should have been on New Year's. You can always count on college football to mess up the easy stuff.

LSU is more talented than the Utes, but the Utes could have given them a game depending on intangible factors. If the Utes were as ill-prepared in every way to play LSU as they were Oregon they would have been blown out to smithereens. The disparity in natural ability when playing these schools is such that the Utes have to be really ready for the game.

12-31-2019, 05:33 PM
Okay, game on! May we play better than we look!

12-31-2019, 07:53 PM
We have fallen far from where we were in November.

12-31-2019, 07:59 PM
We have fallen far from where we were in November.

Yup. Real bummer. I was ready to put this team up with 1994, 2004, and 2008. We'll probably finish around #20 in the polls with no quality wins, which puts us in there with the 2014, 2015, and 2016 teams.

01-01-2020, 09:40 AM
We have fallen far from where we were in November.

Our annual November swoon has become a December swoon.

USS Utah
01-01-2020, 01:04 PM
Washington, Cal and ASU have won their bowl games, Utah beat all of them.

LA Ute
01-01-2020, 01:27 PM
We’re in the record books.


01-01-2020, 07:35 PM
So weird and wrong that the playoffs were on the 28th instead of the 1st. Once again, college football takes what should be easy and makes it hard. If any of us were commissioner for a day, the sport would improve tenfold.

01-02-2020, 04:41 PM
So weird and wrong that the playoffs were on the 28th instead of the 1st. Once again, college football takes what should be easy and makes it hard. If any of us were commissioner for a day, the sport would improve tenfold.

I would like the Rose Bowl to be a semifinal every year. The days of Pac-10 vs Big-10 champion in the Rose were great, but they are gone. The Rose and Sugar should be the annual semifinals and they should be held on Jan 1 every year. I know that the Fiesta, Peach, Orange and Cotton bowls would be unhappy, but nobody owes those bowls anything. They've spent 100 years getting fat off this sport.

01-09-2020, 11:30 AM

See ya, you dirty pirate.

Dwight Schr-Ute
01-09-2020, 11:42 AM

See ya, you dirty pirate.

The Pirate is in the Transfer Portal!


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01-13-2020, 03:26 PM
the last two Utah football games have taken all the wind out of my sails for tonight's championship game. I'll probably just check the score on twitter tonight.


01-13-2020, 04:18 PM
the last two Utah football games have taken all the wind out of my sails for tonight's championship game. I'll probably just check the score on twitter tonight.

Huh? I thought the season ended a week ago? There's more college football?

Seriously, college football really blew it with their schedule this season. Tonight's game is an afterthought to almost everyone. The playoffs need to be Jan 1 every year - that is clear.

01-16-2020, 03:07 PM

Here it is!

01-16-2020, 03:14 PM
Here it is in text:

9/3, Thursday, vs BYU
9/12, Sat, vs Montana St
9/19, Sat, @ Wyoming (I can drive to that one!)
9/26, Sat, @ Cal (Cal coming off a bye)
10/2, Friday, vs USC (short week for both teams)
10/10, Sat, @ Wazzu
10/17, Sat, vs UW
10/24, bye
10/29, Thur, @ UCLA (both teams coming off a bye)
11/7, Sat, vs Zona
11/14, Sat, vs Oregon St
11/21, Sat, @ ASU
11/28, Sat, @ CU (I can drive to this one too)

The Friday night vs USC is probably a blackout game. We have three weeknight games. We have back to back road trips two times @Wyo/@Cal and @ASU/@CU.

01-17-2020, 10:56 AM
Here it is in text:

9/3, Thursday, vs BYU
9/12, Sat, vs Montana St
9/19, Sat, @ Wyoming (I can drive to that one!)
9/26, Sat, @ Cal (Cal coming off a bye)
10/2, Friday, vs USC (short week for both teams)
10/10, Sat, @ Wazzu
10/17, Sat, vs UW
10/24, bye
10/29, Thur, @ UCLA (both teams coming off a bye)
11/7, Sat, vs Zona
11/14, Sat, vs Oregon St
11/21, Sat, @ ASU
11/28, Sat, @ CU (I can drive to this one too)

The Friday night vs USC is probably a blackout game. We have three weeknight games. We have back to back road trips two times @Wyo/@Cal and @ASU/@CU.

Wazzu and Washington back to back should be interesting, with all the changes in those programs this year.