View Full Version : Can creativity cure the sick?

03-12-2013, 08:33 AM
The Power of Art: Can creativity cure the sick?


03-12-2013, 06:39 PM

03-12-2013, 08:37 PM

Lol. I was about to post the very same response, and then I saw yours.

Must be genetic.

03-12-2013, 10:00 PM

You're probably correct ... physicians or scientists don't require creativity to come up with new ways of curing sickness ... or disease ... or ... I'm sure creativity plays no part in research of any kind, most of all in medical research.

LA Ute
03-13-2013, 07:47 AM
Aren't art and music therapy pretty widely recognized as effective in treating mental illness?

03-13-2013, 02:13 PM
Aren't art and music therapy pretty widely recognized as effective in treating mental illness?

Yes. Particularly by the US Military. Art therapy is widely used in treating soldiers suffering from PTSD.

Jeromy in SLC
03-13-2013, 02:44 PM
Aren't art and music therapy pretty widely recognized as effective in treating mental illness?

My co-workers oldest daughter plays the cello. She is a music therapy major at USU (who knew the stuff you can major in?). She works mostly with autistic children. She loves it, the kids and parents love it, and it seems pretty cool to me.

LA Ute
03-13-2013, 02:45 PM
My co-workers oldest daughter plays the cello. She is a music therapy major at USU (who knew the stuff you can major in?). She works mostly with autistic children. She loves it, the kids and parents love it, and it seems pretty cool to me.

USU's program in that area has some renown. One of my sons was once interested in it.